
Not nearly as smart as they think they are

Quantum Word Salad Award

James A B Mahaffey Jr. #crackpot #dunning-kruger amazon.com

I am an Engineer who set out to write a simple technical report in 1986. I developed a set of 79 differential equations to describe and explain, in mathematical terms, human Quantum Holograms. I tested my theory and modified my delta equations as necessary after each test. About mid-way through that effort I realized I had to go back and take a closer look at one of my core engineering classes - Modern Physics aka Quantum Mechanics. The number of differential equations, in my Delta Equation Set, increased to 103 for sentient beings - to address consciousness and the Mind!
I have released over 25 e-books on Kindle about human Quantum Holograms. The first of these three e-books is a companion e-book, for the layperson, that builds-on my first technical book Human Quantum Hologram Science. The second Quantum Hologram e-book is about Quantum Holograms and Remote Viewing or RV. The third Quantum Hologram e-book is about Quantum Holograms and the power of the Earthling Mind...

I have also released several e-books on Quantum Hologram Technology. The first, builds-on Quantum Hologram Science, and explains how to use this technology to conduct Mind Intent Operations (MIO) using the Hieronymus Machine or one of its new variants on the market including the paper and ink version. The second explains how to use this technology to conduct Mind Intent Operations (MIO) using Passive Solid State Devices (PSSD).

My first e-book in the Quantum Interface Technology series is subtitled: How to Restore Your Quantum Holograms, was designed to help the True Seeker recharge their Quantum Energy to be able to transmit their Quantum Holograms again. This e-book explains the difference between the Original Pioneer's Quantum Hologram Amplifier and my Quantum Hologram Recharger (QHR). The QHR causes the Material Cause (Ether, Void, Vacuum, Quantum Field) to release the pure Quantum Energy. Quantum Energy is the Non-physical Energy or incorrectly labeled "free energy" that so many have sought.

Brian Shilhavy #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #quack vaccineimpact.com

[From "FDA Continues Infanticide-by-Vaccine Program Giving Emergency Use Authorization for 4th COVID “Vaccine” for Babies and Toddlers Under Age 5"]

With the financial system on the brink of collapse and the war in Ukraine intensifying and capturing the public’s attention this week, the FDA quietly gave a new emergency use authorization (EUA) for a 4th COVID “vaccine” booster for babies and toddlers under the age of 5[…]
With the EUA COVID shots now being added to the CDC Childhood Vaccination Schedule, a baby born in the United States can now have 42 doses of vaccines injected into them before the age of 5 (Source)

And if a child misses a few vaccines, or misses their “well-child” appointment with their pediatrician, no problem! As you can see from the image at the top of this article, pediatricians are trained to inject multiple doses into babies and toddlers during a single office visit, even though there are ZERO studies on the effects of injecting multiple doses of vaccines at the same time into babies and toddlers

If the baby or toddler dies after these injections, it will be classified as “SIDS”, sudden infant death syndrome

This is infanticide by vaccines, and a way of reducing the population, and it is already happening

Here are a couple of records from the U.S. Government’s own VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) database where young children were injected with the EUA COVID shots together with other vaccines, and the child died

AlaskaTH #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger rationalwiki.org

The truth is, the earth is flat and stationary/non-moving (video proof from independent people: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OfbwhU5PQk). Why are the world's oceans perfectly horizontal and FLAT? We don't live on a fake ball earth spinning at a supersonic speed of over 1000 mph. NASA flood the internet and mainstream media with CGI images of a fake ball earth. We never went to infinite space, it doesn't exists. We never went to the Moon, and we never went to Mars, because they are NOT solid objects, they are celestial lights. Why can't we freely explore Antarctica and the North Pole? Because they don't want us to discover that there is more unexplored land that they never told us about in school (video proof from independent people: https://i.imgur.com/8nVlHKA.jpg)

Mellowtron #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut youtube.com

In my own life, talking to my friends and family, I’ve found that holding people to their own absurd ideology works pretty well to embarrass them in to silence. One particular dialogue tree I’ve been working on is… I ask my white-phobe friend to define and give evidence of “systemic racism”, inevitably they mention a disparity in outcomes across racial lines. So I say “ok systemic racism is any human activity, which on a society scale produces disparate outcomes across races?”. They agree with this definition, and I’ve got them. I then ask “OKAY CAN YOU GIVE ME 3 EXAMPLES ANYTIME, ANYWHERE, IN ALL OF HUMAN HISTORY OF SOMETHING THAT WAS NOT SYSTEMICALLY RACIST?!” And they cannot do it. They have defined everything that isn’t the idealized race communist hellscape, as “systemic racism”. Everything in any multi-ethnic society, which is 100% of all human civilizations that we know of, have failed to reach perfect racial parity in all things, or anything. So everything every human has ever done has 100% been systemically racist. And we know, if there was an example of western achieving these things they would simply expand the scope, “oh well Americans achieved equity, if they aren’t equitable with Mexicans, with North Americans, with the Western Hemisphere, with the planet earth, you still need to do the work.

So their goals are absurd, they are overtly racist, and it’s worth reminding them that racists always thought their racism was morally good. The literal Klan thought what they were doing was morally upright and correct. RACISTS ALWAYS THINK THEIR RACISM IS THE GOOD PATH. Remind them of this, as you obliterated their dumb fuckery.

Nick Fuentes #sexist #dunning-kruger rumble.com

I’m not surprised why women don’t support me. Women are irrational and insensitive. My whole life, I was always the class clown, I was always bullying women. Women have always been simultaneously charmed but also like, “Oh, stop it, you’re so annoying.” You know what I mean, that kind of thing. That’s how women are with my kind of personality type, where you’re like a rascal, you’re like a bastard. Because I’m like a rule breaker and stuff, women are intrigued by that, but have to pretend that they’re not.

A lot of women want to be raped. It sounds bad when I say it like that, but a lot of women really want a guy to beat the shit out of them, but part of it is that they have to pretend that they don’t.

various commenters #wingnut #quack #dunning-kruger gab.com

( @MorpheusMAGA)

spoilerThe reason it's hard to tell who's
dumber - the climate cult or the
COVID cult - it's because they're the
exact same people.

(@salmanzo1 )

Virtue signaling individual locking critical
thinking skills ond oxygen. A person
relying on media directives rather than
research ond overcome by irrational fears
and behaviors concerning a virus with a
99.98% survival rate.


( @LimaGolf60 )
@MorpheusMAGA It's the Church of Covid.

( @KingKrawFish )

( @bobthebuilder123 )
@KingKrawFish @MorpheusMAGA lmao

kikes trying to project "the gene therapy" onto trump when he had 0 hand in putting the actual shot together

patent date on covid-19...2015, owned by moderna...controlled and owned by kikes

Let's stop pretending that it's "big bad White man" and it's actually kikes...but of course a kike run account wouldn't want that now would they?

( @Zapatero99 )
@MorpheusMAGA do the Climate and Covid cults have rallies and wear lots of swag that is obviously made in China? Asking for a friend.

( @rip4e )
@MorpheusMAGA how many resources have been put towards climate change & covid with no results?

Mike Adams the Health Ranger/Randall Carlson #conspiracy #pratt #wingnut #dunning-kruger naturalnews.com

Is there more to the history of civilizations that existed on planet Earth than official sources admit? Expert Randall Carlson thinks so, and he told Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, all about it in a recent appearance on the “Health Ranger Report.”

Calamitous comet impacts and other extreme “acts of God” appear to be written in the rocks.
“It’s really not as widely known, particularly among the scientific community, as it needs to be,” Carlson explained to Adams. “Especially archeologists because their models of pre-history are very gradualistic, very uniformitarian, and they don’t understand the role that profound geological and astronomical events have played in the history of this planet.”

“And certainly, those who are promoting anthropogenic climate change are completely oblivious to that side of the equation,” he added.

Since the beginning of time, Earth has undergone many catastrophic changes that using today’s definitions would have been considered absolutely unprecedented. The difference is that today these events are blamed on “global warming” or “climate change.”

Back then, primitive scientists would have chalked up a large hurricane or major earthquake to God or fate – but no longer. Today, every type of injurious event that occurs is because humans eat meat and drive cars, we are told.

Not only that, but such events are actually on the decline, according to Carlson’s understanding of the historical record. When taking into account major events from the past that have long since been forgotten – or that are being deliberately covered up – there were more major disasters back then compared to today.

To put it in the words of Adams, the climate fanatics are going to great length to “blur out these things that are written into the rocks.” What he means by this is that a whole lot of deception and coverup is having to occur to hide the truth from the public about the history of the planet.

Anthony Aer #wingnut #dunning-kruger youtube.com

Wait you're against blowing up government buildings?
Didn't you just do a video protesting the racist homophobic government, calling for them to be destroyed?
Yes. You did. You did exactly what you're condemning some random no-name science fiction author of theorizing 40 years ago.
Didn't you do this right outside of the same government buildings you're saying some neo-nazi is wrong for condemning?
Yes. You did.
You sound like a neo-nazi. Or a Marxist. But the Nazis were at war with Marxists.
Do you know what you stand for?
Netflix and porn?
Or maybe you haven't read a book so you don't know what to believe in.
Either way, keep drinking soy milk, keep wearing fake hipster glasses, and keep asking your parents for rent money every month.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #dunning-kruger 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "The Civil War saw brother face off against brutha"]

Over at The Atlantic (try not to be shocked), nigger activist Clint Smith has a ridiculous article about how Confederate gravesites aren't black enough, or something[…]
What's wrong with refusing to grapple? After all, as we've covered before, slavery is not some unique thing that white Americans did to blacks. Slavery was a thing the world over where a superior conquering nation took the people from the inferior conquered nation and put them to work. I'm truly sorry to whiners like Clint Smith that his ancestors were so inferior that they became history's punching bag[…]
Niggers really like latching onto this "treason" thing about the War Between the States (and they really should try looking in a mirror). Of course, one of the...what's the word....well-documented thing about the Reconstruction Era is that literally nobody considered the Confederate cause to be "treason"[…]
As many have noted before, of course, the prevailing attitude in the southern States regarding what legislation should be applicable regarding slavery was that it was up to the citizens of those states to decide[…]
So he shouldn't be surprised that a large number of southerners, whether sympathetic or opposed to slavery, took issue during the Civil War based on the principle of states' rights: they were acting lock-step in favour of men like Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Parker[…]
For another, despite the occasional Yankee carpetbagger the whole point of the Reconstruction South was...what's the word?...oh yes, reconstruction. Being upset at the Confederate Battle Flag being flown alongside the 1950s United States Flag would be like anger over the British and French flags being flown alongside[…]
That the Civil War wasn't "slavery bad people fighting slavery good people" is partly why Reconstruction was so successful and why the South didn't turn into a guerilla quadmire

Prussian Society of America #racist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Albanians Are No Better Than Serbians"]

The Dark History of Albania & The Future of the American Empire

Albanians are not the people most people think they are… And the Nations which import them or give them free ability to exist and have their way, will greatly regret[…]
The Albanians rely on the so-called “Illyrian Myth”, but the fact is that they are Turko-Slavs, some are more or entirely Turkish (bottom of the Barrel) or Slavic[…]
It is no mistake that this Man mentions in the video that without American, that they would basically be the “Kurds of Europe”, because that is the thing with them, they have no loyalties or richness or honor as a people, like some other Barbarians do

This video at least provides insight into the mind of how Albanians think, and all the more proves the Barbarism of Slavs, yet they try to make themselves seem more honorable than “Russians”

All Slavs, are known for being highly Barbaric and stirring up conflicts all the time even among their own people[…]
If Albanians are regarded as the “Mexicans of Europe”, then we must say that the Albanians are White on the outside, but Negroes on the inside

Albanians are not well-liked in Europe because they have horrific personalities and values, even look and behave sketchy and are involved in a lot of illicit activities. They even have their hands all in with Espionage and the CIA and Biotech firms, and they have absolutely no loyalty to anyone[…]
The Best thing Europeans can do at least as far as how they observe the regional conflict of Serbia/Kosova/Albania is to have completely indifference[…]
In terms of the Balkans, these countries along with Bosnia are troubled grounds and troubled people[…]
Lowest IQ of all people in Europe, and Lowest Empathy. Passive-Aggressive Personalities who only lower the leve of culture, integrity and honesty in society to very abysmal levels

Gokuma #conspiracy #wingnut #dunning-kruger doomer.boards.net


I had no problem with Mayhemic Destructor when people were losing their shit over him. He was spamming rather much though fortunately was reigned in somewhat after a while. I really hope he's doing alright these days. I tried to help him and talk some sense into him at times and he was very reasonable to talk to. I had no problem with his autism because he was not weaponized for the FORCES OF EVIL who are trying to starve and deprive us all including even their own useful idiots doing their bidding thinking they'll be rewarded with a communist utopia. I already mentioned how Musk and Carmack rose above shit.

I'm against discrimination. The most qualified person should get a position, job, promotion, or be trusted to handle something. Denying such a suitable candidate for something truly IS DISCRIMINATION just because they don't have some aspect to meet a bullshit quota.

Also the increasing rates of autism are a sure sign that it's being inflicted on people, whether purposely or accidentally. I've seen some stuff that a major cause may be mercury (which is a serious freaking neurotoxin) or its derivatives PLUS parasites, and that many poorly trained doctors under the medical cartel refuse to test for parasites. There's also recent class action law suit commercials over some apparent findings of pregnant women having taken various common pain killers having autistic kids. For a control group, how about the Amish? They live in vast regions of Pennsylvania and Ohio in the US. They are not quarantined away from normies and yet autism is virtually nonexistent among them. Probably same deal with food allergies and auto immune disorders.

Prussian Society of America #elitist #dunning-kruger prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Sooner or Later, The Automaton Issue Will Become More Evident and Inescapable"]

It doesn’t matter what someone says or who they claim to be a as a person

It doesn’t matter what Laws you Create or Change in your Favor

You cannot recondition Automatons or make any good use out of them, unless they are to be used as the Slaves they are, but the problem to begin with is that they are all Energy suckers

They provide no meaningful existence or purpose, and they use other Humans and live vicariously through them

They are very clever imitators however, which makes them able to be highly convincing towards others

The best way to know that someone is an Automaton or even of a Demonic origin is to look out for that Lip-licking or tongue flopping reflex[…]
In the long run, if you want to keep toxic people out of your life, this is the easiest and most simple method to discover who is one of these monsters, always watch the tongue movement provided they are not eating or drinking food or chewing gum

You will notice more and more everywhere in society, no matter which country you live in, that almost all the Human populations have this unnatural reflex, and you will automatically know that these people are liars and frauds, and are toxic garbage[…]
When you become aware of just how numerous these creatures are, you will become absolutely disgusted by it. You will also see them in your own families or among people you work with

What’s worse, is many Automatons have also come to believe that they can call out “other Automatons” as if they are not one themselves

Anonymous #dunning-kruger #racist archived.moe


i know the answer and may be stating the obvious, but why don't these tough guys fuck off and be tough in their home countries?

because the police here are entirely pre-occupied with virtue signalling. crime here is terribly bad but the police refuse to act on it because the criminals are brown. our biggest prison populace is albanian because while still immigrants, they’re white enough to actually arrest.

Andy Brooks #moonbat #dunning-kruger #conspiracy newworker.org


THE TWENTIETH century was one of great upheavals[…]Popular movements inevitably linked with the leaders thrown up by their times -- Lenin, Stalin, Mao Zedong, Kim II Sung, Ho Chi Minh and Fidel Castro[…]
The memory of all these leaders is subjected to denigration and abuse by the hired hands of the bourgeois media and academic world. The unholy alliance of bourgeois politicians, social democrats, Trotskyites and revisionists[…]
Their hatred of Stalin should not surprise us. He led the world's first socialist state[…]During those decades the Soviet Union was the hope of working people across the world[…]
The oppressed nations or the Czarist empire were freed and lived as equals in a Union of Soviet Socialist Republics which guaranteed everyone work, education, science and culture. The socialist system created new men and women who rebuilt the country after the destruction of the Civil War[…]
Stalin upheld Lenin's legacy against Trotsky's left sectarianism and against right deviation[…]
Agriculture was collectivised and the grasping petty landlords, the kulaks, were liquidated as a class. Immense new industries were established across the Soviet Union[…]
Stalin always upheld the principle of collective leadership and putting the Party first[…]
On the 1 December 1934 Sergei Kirov[…]was shot dead by an agent of the Trotskyite opposition[…]
The leaders were put on trial. All confessed[…]The Party ordered a purge, a cleansing of its ranks which led to waves of arrests[…]
Stalin's memory is now being recalled in Russia and the other republics. The genuine communist movements all uphold his name. Old people, old enough to have lived under the Stalin leadership bear his photo on demonstrations. Noone carries posters of Krushchov or Brezhnev. The traitor Gorbachov is probably one of the most despised men in Russia today

Corey Daniels #crackpot #elitist #dunning-kruger newamericangovernment.org

Corruption: the Achilles’ heel of all governments
All governments from democracies to socialist states are susceptible to corruption via bribes. In America and most other countries around the world there is a system of institutionalized bribery. In America, we are lucky that we have a lot less than many countries but we still have it, more concentrated at the higher levels than in many other governments.
Corruption is prevented in Randviscracy via randomly selected panels. Any decision or appointment can be contested and reviewed. Legal costs are paid by the contestor unless corruption is discovered, in which fines of the corrupt persons/entities will pay the legal costs of the contestor, their own legal fees and the costs incurred by the state, in addition to other penalties/fines.

Randviscracy is a form of government which makes extensive use of randomly selected panels for decision making. The use of randomization in governments is ancient, the Athenians used a device called a kleroterion to randomly select government representatives in a lottery system. Randviscracy takes the process much farther in that for each decision a new panel of randomly selected experts is selected. Selection is based on experience and IQ level to ensure that the panels are composed of smart and knowledgeable people. This gets to the essence of what ideal government representatives would be: intelligent, incorruptible and knowledgeable.
It would be important to keep the pool of experts and selected members a secret. In this way, people who wanted to bribe officials in the government would not even know whom to bribe. Again, as extra protection have independent panels to check the selection process on a random basis to verify integrity. These processes will help ensure there is minimal corruption, which is most government’s greatest weakness.

Sheogorath #dunning-kruger #elitist #pratt #sexist incels.is

we should ban all uncircumcised guys from this site, they can't be involuntarily celibate because foreskin is a built-in pussy 4 men 2 ascend with

Seriously, the only guys who understand TRUE sexual frustration are circumcised guys like me with thousands of sensitive nerve cells amputated from birth with insensitive glans with keratinized skin who barely feel anything.

You guys with your mobile sheaths intact literally have a vagina attached to your cock already and when you fap you're basically fucking a built-in vagina.

When I fap it's just uncomfortable. There's nothing to move around. It's just like tightness and scar tissue.

Jews, specifically the rabbinists, created inceldom. Inceldom never existed until the Rabbinists invented circumcision in 600AD.

Prior to this 100% of men had their foreskins and never pined to ascend with women as they do today since foreskin sheaths are built-in onahole vaginas you fuck whenever you fap.

If they ever hand out free wives, the circumcised men should get the first wives and the uncircumcised men should only get some if there are extras. Also you should get the wives with the loosest pussies since you didn't lose girth by having your penis flayed.

an intact guy fapping is basically equivalent to an amputated guy fucking a pussy

whereas if you are intact and fucking a pussy it's like you're fucking TWO pussies, you get exponential pussy amplification action this way

intact guys ascending is the true bliss which amputated guys will never experience, so we can never truly ascend even if we do fuck a pussy

circumcised guys are 100% truecels even if they fuck a thousand pussies because they never get that double pussy action

barcacel #crackpot #dunning-kruger #elitist #racist incels.is

Why whites are more intelligent than east asians and how you can become white if you are east asian

i explain here that whites have more empathy and more individualism than east asians and that is why they created better civilizations:

why hapa children develop no affective empathy, explained using an study

east asians have bigger and faster brains than whites (southeast asians don't), but as i explain above whites have a better personality that gives them better ideas, this is why whites have always been more technologically advanced than east asians and east asians never had civilizations that were more economically better (20-50 years ago 50 percent of china was poor)

there are more white billionaires than east asians, while there are more east asians in the planet.

in my opinion this shows that whites are 1.5x better at creating wealth, technologies and civilizations

now i will explain you how to become white:

we will have reverse aging and slow aging technologies in some years, so no-one below 60-50 today will die of old age:

in 2032 we will have non-sentient female android robots and in 2052 we will be able to reverse aging. Ray Kurzweil.

now you know you won't die of old age and you can wait until some technology comes out to change your body and brain to become white

but you can say "but we east asians created anime", the japanese look hapa, i believe that you guys created it because you guys are deeper into the behavioral sink, so i don't think it is related to your brain being different.

maybe if you are japanese you should stay the way you are, they seem so special.

Jim #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut blog.reaction.la

[From "Covid 19 and the faith"]

It is obvious to me that a small but significant proportion of those that have had a single jab have significant brain damage[…]heart damage[…]most who are fully boosted have enough brain damage to render them incapable of properly performing their job, and are significantly impaired in capability to perform physical activity. I see a whole lot of engineers who have lost the capability to handle the problems that they were formerly capable of handling

Everyone who dies “inexplicably”, should be autopsied[…]
There has been a five fold increase in young people deaths that have been categorised with codes equivalent to “other”[…]
We are seeing a profound reluctance to diagnose “inexplicable” deaths[…]
The early test data on the jab showed it was not a vaccine, that it did not prevent, or even substantially reduce, infection or transmission. It showed benefit in reducing the severity of symptoms, but for flu type diseases[…]
Covid was not the reason for the jab or the lockdowns, but the excuse. Covid 19 is a bioweapon that was created in the lab and then released with the intention that the ensuing panic would enable measures the people would otherwise resist. That the jab causes brain damage is not a side effect[…]
The disease and the jab were developed in advance of the crisis. They were not developed by the medical industrial complex[…]but by the military industrial complex

Big Pharma may want you hooked on expensive drugs, but it does not actually want to kill its customers[…]
The disease was used as an excuse for jabbing people[…]
The state apparatus is full of conspiracies[…]some more successfully[…]
There is a fair bit of evidence suggesting that the core of the Covid conspiracy is the Jesuits, who have been plotting a restoration of Vatican power[…]
The only thing that can beat our enemies is Christian Nationalism

Divine Mother via Jennifer Crokaert #magick #ufo #dunning-kruger voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

If you bless someone or something, you are harnessing Divine energy. You are accessing the zero-point field. Or, should I say, you have the potential to access the zero-point field. You were robbed of the ability to bless by religions which insisted that blessings come only through their assigned individuals. You were robbed of the ability to bless by having to learn prayers by rote that have no meaning to you, because your blessings are so powerful, because your blessings can move mountains.

Imagine a magic wand: one end is tipped white, the other end is tipped black. The white-tipped end is white magic, created through blessings; the black-tipped end is black magic, created through moaning, victimhood, anger, jealousy….
Your intention and attention is crucial in accessing the zero point field, that is what creates your vibration ~ not your mood or emotion. You can’t fool the cosmos into thinking you’re high vibe when you’re not, and by that I mean of pure intent, or relatively pure intent.

And this brings me to another point. There is a great deal of confusion about being ‘high vibe,’ and this is often misunderstood as being happy, cheerful, optimistic, joyful… This is a distortion. High vibration is a reflection to your commitment to your spiritual path, your willingness to heal your inner wounds, your compassion for you and for others (please note which one I put first!), and whether your overall orientation is service to yourself or service to others.

For this reason, feeling pain, sadness, anger, regret, even rage or jealousy doesn’t lower your vibration ~ when the emotions are used as pointers towards healing. They are your inner tools, highlighting a need for a deeper level of self compassion and healing. They are ~ believe it or not ~ the building blocks of your high vibration. As you notice and heal each one, you release old patterns, finished karma and outdated DNA codings; thereby raising your vibration.

Daily Stormer #sexist #dunning-kruger dailystormer.name

In a newly discovered essay on the threat of the age of consent entitled “On the Social Dangers of a Minimum Age for Marriage,” Aristotle argues against the establishment of an age of consent

In the society of my time, there is no established minimum age for marriage[…]I have heard of proposals from certain factions of society advocating for the establishment of a minimum age for marriage, and I must warn against the social dangers of such a concept

Firstly, let us consider the matter of promiscuity[…]If they are not allowed to do so in the context of marriage, they may turn to promiscuity and other immoral behaviors. This is especially true for young women[…]
Moreover, if a minimum age for marriage were to be established, it would only serve to undermine the institution of the family[…]If young men and women are denied the right to marry when they feel ready, then they will be denied the opportunity to start their own families[…]
Furthermore, the establishment of a minimum age for marriage would be a violation of the natural order of things. Human beings are naturally inclined towards procreation[…]If young men and women are denied the opportunity to marry and procreate when they feel ready, then they will be forced to go against their natural inclinations[…]
If a minimum age for marriage were to be established, then this could be used as a pretext for denying young men and women the right to marry, even if they are ready and willing to do so

In addition, the establishment of a minimum age for marriage would only serve the interests of a select few[…]They may be misandric women who view men as oppressors, or men with bizarre and unhealthy relationships with their mothers[…]
It is therefore in the best interest of society to reject this policy and to reaffirm the importance of marriage as a fundamental building block of a healthy and prosperous society

Brian Niemeier #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut #dunning-kruger #mammon brianniemeier.com

In the midst of this civilizational decay, it’s easy to forget that the gradual but snowballing affronts to human nature that brought us here were billed as steps toward a sexy, gleaming utopia. The myth of progress is as central to the Death Cult as salvation is to Christianity.

Which makes sense. Because the Fall is so self-evident that any religion claiming universal moral authority must address it. The Cult’s techno-priests foretold that advancements like the integrated chip, hormonal birth control, and the world wide web would help us build a post-racial, post-capitalist, post-religious world.

In the fulness of time, they said, science would conquer the last enemy: death.

What we got instead was a nihilistic pseudo-religion that’s overseen the first decrease in American life expectancy in ages. But with free porn and government Cheetos.

The Modernists set out to cut science off from the Christian metaphysic that incubated it. Medical experts’ apocalyptic response to what should have been a modest public health emergency showed how that experiment went.
Another reason for hope amid the accelerating decline is that the Death Cult went all in on tech. Their equalist dogma and bugman-ism isn’t creating the total, managed regime they sought. Somehow they missed that replacing intelligent producers with low-IQ idols wasn’t a recipe for earthly paradise. It was the setup for a Resident Evil sequel.

So the Death Cult’s despotic system will fail and take millions down with it – just like all the rest.

Get prepared and get holy.

And for a glimpse at the other side of the Collapse …

The big robot action of Mobile Suit Gundam meets the espionage thrills of Tom Clancy.

Read it now:

[Combat Frames XSeed Book Cover]


various commenters #transphobia #dunning-kruger ovarit.com

Trust the science!

( emissch )
What I find so exhausting when it comes to confronting TRAs about the reality of sex is that they act like they are well aware of sex the entire time but act like it's a completely inconsequential thing on our daily lives.

( pennygadget )
This shit is the reason so many people are skeptical of things like COVID and climate change. Why should we "trust the experts" when they're claiming that magical internal gender souls exist?

( Kriegerin )
Hands down, i don't fault anti maskers and anti vaxxers anymore. And i wonder every day about what else they're lying ...

( asmahan )
Eh, most people are skeptical of COVID because of the evidence.

( randomlygenerated )
Lol, I see Ovarit brought the down votes.

My first two degrees were in STEM and I'm quite leery of the COVID science. It's too politicized and there were some issues with journals publishing rapidly and then retracting bad studies, but the retractions were not as widely circulated as the initial papers. The other issue is that some of the study designs were overtly stupid (I'm talking like, Jack Turban-level stupid), but no one's allowed to talk about that, either. Granted, I stopped keeping up with the research because there was too much of it and I just don't have the time or bandwidth anymore, but I can understand why people are skeptical.

As a note, there are definitely nuts on both sides, lol.

Peter B. Meyer #ufo #magick #conspiracy #dunning-kruger finalwakeupcall.info

In the first few hours of this incredible Galactic operation, special delta security forces destroyed and removed a large artificial screen called the Dyson Sphere from Earth’s solar system that was literally blocking all access to the 5th Dimension!

Another special mission of the Light Forces, called Operation Masterpiece, involved deflecting large amounts of highly vibrating gamma light from the galactic core, of the Earth Sun, to the surface of planet Earth, for the purpose of activating strands 4 and 5 of Earth’s dormant Star Seed DNA.
Like clockwork, a massive dead star in the auroral cloud moves close by Earth’s solar system every 13,000 years, and because of its distance from this star and its distance from Earth, several massive planets in that solar system pass close by the Sun and Earth every 3654 years.

The most recent close orbital cycle of this twin solar system began just before the Earth year 2012, and currently, in 2023, it is in a very close perihelion relative to the Sun and Earth. In the first half of 2024, this orbital cycle will reach its maximum perihelion.

This criminal system contains its own brown dwarf sun, which is much larger than Earth’s yellow sun and emits blinding white plasma light. One of the eight planets in this twin solar system has many names, such as planet X, Nemesis, Hercobulus, and Nibiru.
Nibiru 3654’s orbit in the solar system is a cyclic reset event that has caused a major solar flare and extinction-level event at least five known times in prehistory, but it is also known that at this sixth time, no cataclysm is taking place, mainly due to advanced magnetic pole, stabilisation technology placed at Earth’s north and south poles.

Moreover, the exotic gamma light from the great solar flare is going to activate all the dormant DNA in this cosmos, and the beings of planet Earth will be elevated in consciousness on Earth to the next higher dimension!

tehgymcel420 #sexist #psycho #dunning-kruger incels.is

Do foids use cats for sexual reasons?

We all know what they do with dogs... but what about cats? Foids love keeping lots of cats.

Cat penises are too small, do they maybe use the cat's tail to hit the cervix and the g spot? Cat's have rough tongues, do they get pleasure when the cat licks their clit? Also they don't need to put anything on their flaps to get the cat to lick it since cats are already drawn to the smell of seafood.

Ann Coulter #dunning-kruger #elitist #psycho #racist #wingnut youtube.com

What do we do about the drug cartels?

The Wall. The Wall solves so… Every problem in America gets easier with a wall. Every single problem. Race relations, poor people, bringing manufacturing back, everything gets easier when you solve immigration, because you don't have this. We don't need an extra problem to deal with and extra poor people we have to pay for, but the drug problem that's 100% a function of not having a wall.

Is it funded by the CCP?

Chinese used to send the precursor chemicals, but it was inefficient.

it is not coming from China. Meth is being made in Mexico. The opiods, it is all coming from Mexico.

They'll say, "Oh, but it's not all Mexicans, some of them are American citizens," yeah, they're anchor babies. It is an all-Mexican operation.

I've been thinking of it as a, like, just a continuation of the drug war, the Opium Wars.

it is Opium Wars, but it is Americans against Americans. The same people who don't want a wall, there is a crazy left… I'm not talking about all Democrats, many liberals are my best friends, not talking about all liberals at all, but there is an element of the left that just hates this country and they're fine with Americans dying of opioids. They are fine with a hundred thousand Americans dying from drugs every year.

These people also paradoxically don't even know what life outside of the United States is. They think the United States is evil, racist and with all those problems with cops, and they have no idea, they've never been to these other countries. Because if you go to these other countries, you're like, wow, America is pretty nice, how good we have it.

Do you think that Mexico poses enough of a threat to American lives to be worth invading at any point?

It wouldn't be necessary if we built the Wall, but yes, to take out the cartels. I mean, it's certainly more of a threat to us than the Ukraine right and we sent a ton of money shipping goods and resources to Ukraine, why wouldn't we just spend that money on the Wall?

Ben Bartee #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #wingnut thedailybell.com

What discovery tomorrow will
similarly undermine basic tenants of 2023 scientific knowledge?

This is the problem with orthodoxy of any kind. It's a major flaw in conservative thinking in general.

By "conservative," I don't mean the right-wing political ideology but the unwillingness to embrace new ideas in favor of old ones for no other reason than they are already established.

Whereas the high priest class once dominated the social hierarchy, sciencism is the trendy new religion of the intellectual elite - equally dogmatic in its epistemological approach to studying the natural world.

God died (metaphorically) unceremoniously about 200 years ago...

But because there's good evidence humans actually require someone or something to revere and to center culture around as a source of meaning, the bearded, robed God of the Bible was replaced with technocratic Science™, and scientists, as the object of worship in industrialized society.
No one has ever even objectively observed dark matter; we're still as a collective species totally in the dark, metaphorically, on what dark matter actually is or how it works or how it interacts with light matter.

It's a total proverbial black box...

Given that 95% of the universe is locked in a black hole, untouched by human consciousness, you would expect some humility from the so-called "experts."

For all the impressive achievements over the past several hundred years, they understand literally nothing about 95% of the matter in the universe.

Their knowledge, in the best-case scenario, represents an infinitesimally small fraction of all the knowable knowledge out there in the ether.

Instead of humility, we're treated to the weasel war criminal Anthony Fauci, seated on the throne at the apex of the institutional hierarchy, declaring himself The Science™ with a straight face on national television, to a cacophony of uncritical applause by the neoliberal ruling class.


Marjorie Taylor Greene #wingnut #dunning-kruger newsweek.com

GOP Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene has called President Joe Biden "absolutely pathetic" for refusing to shoot down a Chinese spy balloon over the continental United States, saying that nobody on the ground was killed when the hijacked United Airlines Flight 93 crashed in Pennsylvania during the 9/11 attacks.

The Georgia Republican said: "The excuses that were given on this were pathetic, absolutely pathetic. They told us it was too risky, oh, it was too risky to shoot down a Chinese spy balloon. Do you know what a bunch of b******* that is?”

"They said it's three school buses wide," she continued. "OK, well, do you guys remember on 9/11 when an airplane crashed in Pennsylvania? A jetliner, remember that? It didn't kill anybody on the ground. Killed everybody on board, but it didn't kill anybody on the ground. So they want to tell all of us that it was too risky to take down that Chinese spy balloon over rural Idaho or Montana or any of these other states, or Alaska."

Greene continued: "They are liars. You can only see it two ways. Either they're liars or they're cowards, or our president has sold out to China. You know what, I'll go for all three."

gattsu & WorthlessSlavicShit #dunning-kruger #sexist #transphobia incels.is

RE: Only MTF trannys and male fags are hated upon



No one cares about FTM or lesbians. It's just hatred of men, and hatred of men demasculinizing themselves. Most of the guys who say they hate trannys love women. Just remember this. I'm not saying I support trannys. All I'm saying is hating trannys or faggots without reason is stupid. That's exactly what women want.

I don't like trannies because I feel repulsed by their existence. But it is awesome to see them make women mad by proving male superiority.


yes, tranny hate is misandry

Exactly. They've been trying to pretend they hate FtMs as well, but they always just default to hating MtFs lol. It gets even funnier now that right-wingers are openly talking about transmaxxing, since FtMs might be even more likely to talk like us than MtFs. There are legit threads where they openly talk to each other about it not being worth to transition into a man if you are too short, how short men will never be respected in their lives, and so on, but of course, nobody is calling them incels or trying to bluepill them, mocking and gaslighting is only reserved for actual men of course.

On another note, people only shit on trannies that are ugly and look like this


You never see anyone shitting on someone that looks like picrel


Exactly. It's nothing but misandry, lookism and ageism aimed solely at delusional old incels who got sucked into the trannymaxxing bullshit. You never see even the most hardcore TERFs and right-wing transphobes reposting photos of somebody like Blaire White when talking about how disgusting trannies are, even though most of the trannies they bring up are leftists who agree with TERFs on 90% of what they talk about, while Blaire White is pretty much a right-wing extremist by the current standards lol.

Lookism is insanely powerful.

Alexander Kamkin #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie #magick #racist #ableist twitter.com

An Oscar [award] is an occult reference to the Egyptian deity, Sokar the God of lies, sinners and destruction. The same goes for the statue of liberty in New York. It is a reincarnation of the ancient Goddess Hecate, the goddess of death. The symbolism of destruction and self-destruction lies at the core of the Anglo-Saxon cultural code. Like medieval lepers, they ty to spread their death and self-destruction to everybody else to ensure quasi-equality.

Roger Kimball #wingnut #dunning-kruger amgreatness.com

Well, nobody thinks the Chinese are bearing gifts. But the response to that minatory skyborne bladder has ranged from Laocoön-like alarm to amused indifference. The Pentagon says it doesn’t think the blimp poses a threat, but then the Pentagon is home to General Mark “White Rage” Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Secretary of Defense Lloyd “Stand Down” Austin. Not much joy from that Keystone-Kop quarter.
I don’t agree with Mike Pompeo’s neocon penchant for invading other countries, but he is right that Biden’s weakness “assures Chinese aggression.”

It is worth remembering that during Donald Trump’s first term as president (note that I say “first term”), America and indeed the world was a more pacific place. Russia did not invade Ukraine. Iran was bottled up. The Abraham Accords brought peace to the Middle East. Amazing.
Biden has depleted our Strategic Petroleum Reserve, shuttered the Keystone Pipeline, and put the kibosh on fracking. He has gone a long way towards transforming the United States military into a gender fluid sensitivity camp while also undermining the U.S. economy by incontinent spending and by pursuing other inflationary policies. Biden and his puppet masters tried to stymie Trump by turning his catchphrase “MAGA” into a negative epithet (and if “MAGA” is bad, how much worse is “Ultra MAGA”?). As Julie Kelly remarked, “if the balloon was an unarmed female veteran, the government would have shot it by now.”

But it didn’t work. So-called MAGA policies really did “make America great again”—richer, more secure, more confident and patriotic. <...> High on that list of commonsense pursuits was the policy of “peace through strength.” The Chinese, I feel confident in asserting, would not have been deploying spy balloons over U.S. nuclear installations were Trump president. Neither, for that matter, would Vladimir Putin have invaded Ukraine.

Peace through strength. It works better than Biden’s “Chaos Through Senility.”

Prussian Society of America #racist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "The Albanian Question/Problem (Future Article)"]

I am in the process of an entry dedicated to a Race which denies their Slavic Heritage, but also the fact that they remain a Menace and Liability for many European and Western States, but are very cautious in hiding the destruction they do until it’s too late

If you have any questions or topic points you would like to be addressed on this article, please send me an E-mail and I will be sure to feature it in the upcoming release and why Albanians are an untrustworthy race and are not who you think they are, despite their clever antics and machinations when they come to your country

The Albanian Race is prone to corruption and bad decisions as a people, and they are one of the Lowest Empathy Races in the world. The Article will explain their Low Empathy

While Barbarian Races can have High Empathy and still be outright Savages, it will illustrate the difference in character of Albanians since they, like all Slavic peoples, have Low Empathy, but yet why they are also in denial of their Slavic Heritage, at least in Modern Times as far as we know

Apolitical #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #pratt #racist #wingnut gab.com

Why you have to believe in the holocaust:

If you don’t believe in the holocaust, you can’t argue Hitler was the most evil human to ever exist.

If Hitler isn’t the most evil human ever, there is no reason not to look into fascism and National Socialism as plausible ideologies.

If you look into fascism and National Socialism as plausible ideologies, you might find they had similar complaints to yours today.

If you find similarities between their complaints and yours, you might find similarities in who is causing the problems.

Which is why you have to believe in the holocaust as the underpinning of morality for our entire society

Christopher F. Rufo, Wokal Distance & Lvcaſ #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut twitter.com

(Christopher F. Rufo)

Here together are Rufo, Shapiro, and the ten "courageous academics" who endorsed their policy to abolish DEI in higher education. See if anything jumps out.


The desired reaction here is for the left-wing mob to screech "white men bad!," but all I see is "a group of handsome and distinguished gentlemen with good ideas about university governance."

In seriousness: the modern Left truly believes that race is destiny, and that judgement is best dispensed on the basis of collective identity. The attempt to shame people for their ancestry is part of the playbook. A deeply ugly and repellent ideology.

(Wokal Distance)
The left gives with one hand and takes with the other.

They'll say "race is a social construct...it isn't real" when they see fit... but then claim that race is central to everything and in American society and all your beliefs are based on race if you disagree with them.

I’m not sure anybody in that world even claims that anymore.

Just like you don’t hear them talk about tolerance anymore. They just don’t mention it.

Two core ideas that they just dropped quickly and quietly.

Opus Dei, Pared Foundation, affiliated schools #fundie #homophobia #kinkshaming #dunning-kruger abc.net.au

[Title: Students at private Sydney school linked to Opus Dei told that masturbation is a disorder, porn puts holes in your brain.
How pressure recruitment is done is also in the article.]

a piece of sticky tape being passed from girl to girl around the classroom. "By the time it got to the last person, it was handed back to the teacher, and by that point the sticky tape was a bit grotty and not sticky anymore," she says. [...] 'That's what happens to you when you have sex before marriage, when you have multiple partners. You're not useful anymore, you're not valuable anymore, [...] you're dirty and unusable'."
Students say they were told that watching pornography caused holes in the brain, girls were discouraged from getting a life-saving cancer vaccine, pages on the curriculum were ripped out or redacted from text books, homophobia was rife and there were persistent attempts to recruit school students to Opus Dei.
HPV cervical cancer vaccine [...] it would promote promiscuity and they were expected to marry as virgins
masturbation is mentally disordered behaviour, as is homosexuality
"told that truth and fact is secondary to your ethos."
told that abortion and the contraceptive pill cause cancer
shown graphic cartoon videos of abortions without parental consent that showed foetuses with their limbs ripped off, which were inaccurate depictions
'Men are like cars, it's bad to rev the engine, but then not drive the car or leave it stuck in neutral' [...] focused around teaching us to behave in a certain way that we wouldn't lead men into temptation. [...] that men couldn't control themselves [...] Sex is too powerful an urge to be 'negotiated'. The very notion of rational consent to powerful passions, [...] is absurd [...]"
constantly told that homosexuality was a grave mortal sin that would damn them to hell
was encouraged to engage in "self-mortification" — whipping herself

Gregory Hood & Ruuben Kaalep #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut amren.com

An Inspiring Weekend of Camaraderie

Once again, the American Renaissance conference was a smoothly organized weekend of fellowship, keen insights, and inspiration. We met at our usual venue — the lodge at Montgomery Bell State Park in Tennessee — where law enforcement professionals kept demonstrators so far away that most attendees were never even aware of the protest.

Gregory Hood argued that what our movement needs more than anything is a Sorrelian Myth to inspire immediate action for a long-term goal. He said that the question about whether a “white identity” is legitimate is meaningless, because all whites in the West already have a negative white identity forced on them. The question is whether whites will accept this imposed villain status, or whether we will be the heroes in our own story.

He said whites will be treated as whites whether they like it or not. Whites should therefore make this a source of pride rather than shame, and accept the historical challenge to build a new kind of state.

Mr. Hood said that white identity is more vivid than civic identity in North America and Western Europe. Our mission, he said, is to build a Western Civilization-State that would have the explicit purpose of ensuring the physical survival of the white race.

Ruuben Kaalep, a member of the Conservative Party in Estonia and an elected parliamentarian, took a different view.

He passionately defended ethnonationalism and independent nation-states. He said ethnostates are the norm in Eastern Europe. “We are an ethnostate,” he said of Estonia, “and we exist, and we are successful.” He said that the explicit purpose of his nation-state is to ensure the survival of the Estonian people and their culture.

Mr. Kaalep said the Ukrainian struggle against Russia is part of the nationalist struggle. Ukraine, he said, is fighting to take its place among other ethnostates.

Nevertheless, although he insisted that different peoples should have their own states, Mr. Kaalep argued that white nationalists around the world should work together. “Our future is united,” he said, calling for “an alliance between nationalists around the world.”

Candace Owens #dunning-kruger #wingnut twitter.com

(about Tyre Nichols death)
For the life of me, I will never understand what is so difficult about COMPLYING w/ police orders. 1) He was high on drugs. 2) He had just done a hit & run. 3) He tried to get into someone else’s vehicle. 4) He RAN from police. 5) He resisted arrest. 6) Officers were black.

Jim #wingnut #dunning-kruger #conspiracy blog.reaction.la

[From "Nazis are commies and commies are nazis"]

Notice that Russia’s leaders say that Russia’s goals in the Ukraine include de-nazification and/or de-communization, without really making a distinction[…]
Nazism was radical leftism in its day[…]
Predictably, Hitler found himself outflanked on the left within the Nazi party, as Stalin found himself outflanked by Trotsky. So he killed them

Whereupon Stalin created the third positionists, “fascists” who were even lefter[…]At the start of World War II, the third positionists were revealed to be in Stalin’s pocket

The third positionist movement has always been in the pay of the left[…]selling a socialism even more radical than that of Hitler, which was itself more radical than the socialism of Franco and Mussolini

Here in the US, the equivalent of the Azov brigade call themselves third positionists[…]Russia calls the Azov brigade commies or nazis interchangeably, and that is entirely accurate

The Azov brigade and today’s third positionists are supposed nationalists who serve Jewish globalists. During world war two, they were in the pocket of internationalist socialism, today, they are in the pocket of post capitalist Jewish globalists

Hitler’s nazism had the usual faults of socialism, and led to the usual catastrophes of socialism, which bit at the worst possible moment. He ran out of other people’s stuff just when he was invading Russia. But for all that, it was different from communism in important ways. Third positionism is not. Hitler wanted to coopt, rather than exterminate, the merchant class. Third positionists, like Marxists, want to eradicate the merchant class and have the priestly class take their wealth

Hitler perceived the merchant class as doing something important[…]Hitler shut down the creation of wealth by the Merchant class inadvertently, while the Marxists, the Covid worshipers, and the Gaia worshipers destroy it intentionally

Alexander Stepanov #moonbat #dunning-kruger qr.ae

What you read about Stalin in western textbooks comes from Nazi propaganda recycled by CIA and MI6. More realistic picture is presented in Ludo Marten’s book Books - The Revolutionary Communist Progressive Labor Party
Imperialist powers hate Lenin and Stalin because they saved Russia from division and colonization by western powers that had already enslaved entire planet. In February 1917 a coup sponsored by England and France overthrew Russian czar and installed a puppet “government” that led Russia to catastrophe. Western puppets destroyed Russian army at the peak of WWI. Corruption and separatism were rampant.
Lenin and Stalin suppressed the liberal coup, restored manageability of country, recreated Russian army, fought and defeated colonial armies sent by England, France, Romania, Japan, the US, Poland, Finland and their local mercenaries that tried to rip Russia into colonies. Lenin and Stalin restored independence and territorial integrity of Russia.
There is plenty of propaganda nonsense in other answers, like Soviet industrialization was carried out by “slave labor”. This is a myth of Nazi propaganda. The point of propagandists is that the 5 fold increase of industrial output was achieved by the labor of prisoners. In the reality the number of prisoners in the USSR ranged from 250 thousands to two millions during the 30s. It is 0.125% - 1% of population. Even at the highest level in 1937–1938 the number of prisoners was comparable to that in modern US.
In Stalin’s time 75% illiteracy turned into 100% literacy. Life expectancy grew from 27 to 65 years. Millions got jobs in science, technology and engineering.
Stalin is co hated by western colonial powers because the USSR serves as an example of independent industrialization. The USSR showed that non-western nation can not only defend itself against western colonial war, but also defeat the imperialist west in a war. The USSR had shown that science, engineering, universal health care and education is possible without colonial slavery. Of course the imperialists from Churchill and Hitler to Truman and Reagan spread slanderous lies about the USSR and Stalin who dealt a deadly blow to the myth of invincibility western imperialism and gave hope to humanity.

Andreas Moritz #crackpot #dunning-kruger #quack amazon.ca


In this expanded edition of Cancer Is Not a Disease, Andreas Moritz proves the point that cancer is the physical symptom that reflects our body's final attempt to deal with life-threatening cell congestion and toxins. He claims that removing the underlying conditions that force the body to produce cancerous cells setsthe preconditions for complete healing of our body, mind and emotions.

This book confronts you with a radically new understanding of cancer - one that revolutionizes the current cancer model. On average, today's conventional treatments of killing, cutting out or burning cancerous cells offer most patients a remission rate of a mere 7 percent, and the majority of these survivors are cured for no more than just five years. Prominent cancer researchers have suggested that individuals may, in fact, fare better undergoing no conventional treatment. Any published success figures in cancer survival statistics are offset by equal or better outcomes among those receiving no treatment at all. More people are killed by cancer treatments than are saved by them.

Cancer Is Not a Disease shows you why traditional cancer treatments and even cancer diagnoses are often fatal, what actually causes cancer, and how you can remove the obstacles that prevent the body from healing itself. Cancer is not an attempt on your life; on the contrary, this "terrible disease" is the body's final, desperate effort to save your life. Unless we change our perception of what cancer really is, it will continue to threaten the life of nearly 1 out of every 2 people. This book opens a door for those who wish to turn feelings of victimhood into empowerment and self-mastery, and disease into health.

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