
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

wallace321 #fundie #conspiracy #transphobia reddit.com

Parents don't have rights, but children have rights.

And apparently the children's rights involve being supported and "affirmed". "Affirmed" being a word that basically had no meaning 3 - 5 years ago. And now we all know what it means.

But parents don't have any rights. Boy when did that happen?

Gee. I don't know how well i see this going for the government who says parents have no rights except the responsibility to push the government agenda on their offspring. Whom the government has more right to than the parents.

Apparently there is also no plan to codify rights for parents either. Just morons like this rubbing it in your face that, no, actually, you have no rights. And we're all just offspring producers for the state whom you serve unquestioningly.

Don't worry, if you won't have kids, they already have a plan for that too.

Jesus this is getting really creepy up there in canada.

various commenters #transphobia #sexist ovarit.com

First of all, no you haven’t. Second, surely you’d be safer in the men’s room

( SparklingFem )
Until recently, my instinct was always to believe the victim. And if the victim is a woman, I do believe her. When the victim is a man, claiming to be a woman, my instinct now is not to believe him. I kind of hate myself for it, but I've just seen them fetishize rape and CSA so often, that I have to wonder if it's just a fantasy to help affirm them as women. I do not doubt that TIMs in sex work have been raped, but I don't believe the oft-cited statistic that TIMs experience rape at a higher rate than women. I think it's just another way to claim they are the most at-risk population that has ever existed in the entirety of human history. I think this dude claiming to have been raped by not one, not two, but SIX women is pure and utter fantasy.

( Spencer_Shayy )
There's no way in hell this man was raped by 6 women.

( DoomedSibyl )
Thank you. How exactly does a woman rape a man anyway? If it’s one on one the male will have the physical advantage 99% of the time.

Do women rape in groups? To lessen the physical advantages men have? Would rape be defined as penis in vagina sex unwanted by the male? Or anal rape with an object?

The reason these things aren’t really defined? Because they almost never happen and we don’t need law to cover them for the most part. Raped by six women my aunt Fanny.

( Megasaurus )
Men are >95% of sex offenders. TIMS are even more likely than other men to be sex offenders. This is all DARVO.

( MardyMcMare )
Oh love, only in your porniest dreams were you “raped by 6 different cis women”.

Women don't rape. It’s an entirely male thing, which is why we don’t want you in our single-sex spaces.

Men, on the other hand, are always telling me in real life and on the internet: “Oh, I neither notice nor care who else is in the men’s when I’m in there”.

There’s your answer.

( Spencer_Shayy )
How does a woman even rape a man? By forcing his dick into her? I mean, sure, that can be traumatic if it's not consensual, but come on. No way 6 women did this to him. It's got to be a porn fantasy.

( TheChaliceIsMightier )
The difference is that this pervert probably enjoyed whatever happened to him that he’s terming “rape” which it probably was NOT.

Jon Del Arroz #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #racist delarroz.com

When I popularized ComicsGate as a hashtag, it was from my research finding out information about a secret group of facebook professionals conspiring against YouTube reviewer Richard C. Meyer to try to “goad him into throwing a punch” and trigger what they hoped was his PTSD from combat in order to get him branded as dangerous and thrown out of conventions.

These were “professionals” actively colluding and conspiring to try to harm someone to keep them from having influence in the industry — people who work for Marvel, DC, Image, IDW, Dynamite, and others. The cause of it was because of politics — specifically a left wing monopoly trying to harm all right wingers in the business and make sure we don’t get to produce books or have any influence. They want all books to force LGBTQWTF on children, none to have male or white lead characters (unless villains), and to push identity politics so that not only are the primary demographic of readers kicked out of comics, but so that they stir up anger to get white, Christian, Republican, men out of the country.

Center for Combating Extremism (CPE) and unnamed Nizhny Novgorod activists #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut lgbtqnation.com

Reports from Russia indicate a young woman in the city of Nizhny Novgorod, east of Moscow, has been arrested and charged for wearing rainbow-colored earrings in violation of the country’s new law declaring the “international LGBT public movement” an extremist organization

A court found her guilty of wearing “prohibited symbols”

According to Aegis, a human rights organization in Russia, a group of aggressive individuals approached the young woman and her male companion in a local cafe after noticing the young woman’s earrings and a Ukrainian flag pin worn by the young man. The earrings were in the shape of a frog and featured a rainbow of seven colors

A man filming the confrontation asked the couple, “Do you know what the situation is in our country?” and tried to snatch the flag pin from the young man’s clothing[…]
Following the incident, the recording appeared on social media, and the young woman was summoned for questioning by officials with the Center for Combating Extremism (CPE). CPE is a unit within the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, and has harassed activists, journalists, and other opposition groups that criticize the government

A statement from the Sormovsky District Court indicated a case opened against the young woman under Part 1 of Art. 20.3 Code of Administrative Offenses. The code is a group of Kafkaesque laws and punishment guidelines dedicated to “combating extremism” in Russia, often used against mass media and non-governmental groups

The young woman’s lawyer said the court did not say which extremist organization’s symbol she had displayed[…]
The human rights organization noted the woman’s arrest came soon after the leader of a radical online hate group, called the Male State, shared video of the cafe confrontation on the group messaging app Telegram

In November, acting on a request from[…]Ministry of Justice, the[…]Supreme Court declared the international gay rights movement an “extremist organization”

dragonheart, mathlover & Lipsy #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Thoughts on the effects of Tims in wlw spaces

( dragonheart )
It's not just you, there is a specific comfortable energy and atmosphere when you're in a space of all women. Bringing a man into that space changes that atmosphere and you can literally feel the energy of the whole space change because of his presence.

I'm also extra on guard around TIMs in wlw spaces because I'm half-expecting them to cause some kind of problem for the sake of attention/oppression points which can ruin the vibes and make everyone uncomfortable. This has happened IRL a few times where they're sour that they aren't being treated in the same way as actual women and feel entitled to our time and attention.

( mathlover )
Of course all the women will be profoundly relieved when any TIMs, even one, are gone. Every interaction with him, everything anyone says that he might overhear, every effort to avoid being around him, all of it - is the anxiety and anger at being violated. Doesn't matter what he does or doesn't do. He is a predator. A fox in a henhouse is a predator even if it never touches any of the chickens; the fox doesn't belong there.

That man was getting off on the violation of a space he will never - can never - belong. One of the most frustrating things has to be that he would probably leave if every woman there completely ignored him and/or told him to gtfo because no one wanted him there.

( Lipsy )
The over-the-top entitlement complex, the aggressive hunting for somethingANYthing to be offended or even OUTRAGED by, and the neverending victimhood/grievance syndrome are all par for the course with these boyos, and absolutely everybody knows these things all too well by this point—especially Women, who just get used to walking on eggshells in the hope of not detonating the ticking time bomb of overdulged male rage. The chilling effect on good and/or relaxed vibes of all kinds is inevitable as a result; it's been conditioned nonstop for years now.


Too-bad-so-sad to Your friend if he's one of the 0.1% that the other 99.9% are constantly fucking everything up for, but, that's ultimately between him and the 99.9%.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Thoughts on the effects of Tims in wlw spaces

( notsofreshfeeling )
I think men who make an effort to infiltrate WLW spaces are absolutely untrustworthy. Even if he hasn't creeped on anyone physically, he is collecting "intel" and studying the women like insects.

( Laurel )
Even if he's not studying how to do femininity better, he has no right to be there and he knows it. He is untrustworthy for that alone.

( mathlover )
They get off on being there. They are looking at us to see what they can try to (always ultimately unsuccessfully) imitate. But they also bring the male gaze and everything they see is masturbation material for later on.They get off on being there and forcing women to go along with the fantasy.

( dragonheart )
This! I feel like we don't talk about this enough. They come into these spaces to observe and as somebody who has been on the receiving end of it, it was so uncomfortable. The worst part is, if you dare call it out, you risk looking like the unreasonable one?

( woman_be_free )
Yeah 100% can relate to this. They observe. I had a TIM sit next to me sat night in a pub (he joined a meet up my friend ran so it gave him that permission to join our group). I noticed him in my space all night. Never spoke to me just stood there listening to our conversation. If that was a woman or a normal bloke I would have either included them or asked them to leave me alone. The problem is TIMs act like they have a mandate now as so many idiot handmaiden lesbian and bi women fawn over them. You’re entirely right - if you challenged their presence or behaviour (I.e . His staring) you would immediately be labelled transphobic. I’m always alert for them to start touching. TIMs behaviour usually worsens over time so I think their boundaries will too… I think it won’t be long before we start to see frequent episodes of TIMs touching women in bars. Sadly. Hopefully if that does happen, society is willing to accept it is assualt and a line will finally be drawn.

I’m always alert to potential touching, pls take care of yourself when very near a TIM

( shveya )
Yes, they change the entire vibe of the event because nobody can relax with porn-addled men making everyone walk on egg shells for them.

( TisTheSeason )
He was a man invading the space, whether he's friends with many of you or appears "fem" doesn't change that his action is hostile and you definitely register it as such.

Steve Sailer #transphobia #pratt vdare.com

Part of the craze of adolescent girls declaring themselves to be boys is a female version of the Peter Pan syndrome of boys not wanting to grow up into men. Puberty is scary for girls and not a few girls would like to just stay the way they are a little longer and not turn into women right now. Lots of parents kind of feel the same way.

Roughly, age 6 to 11 is kind of a halcyon era of childhood that other Great Apes species move through much quicker. It’s a time to learn lots of little skills without being distracted by sex. Lots of girls can’t wait to get to puberty and womanhood and boys, but lots of other girls don’t want to be in such a rush.

So then these natural feelings get plugged into a crazed ideological fad because crazed ideological fads are how we roll these days.

Saoirse #transphobia ovarit.com

Fury as woke council flushes the word 'mothers' from its guidance on 'new and expectant parents' for staff who have given birth or are breastfeeding... 'including transgender people' | Daily Mail Online

At this point I feel like we are on the way to create a society where females are these subhuman creatures whose bodies are used for baby making and sexual "needs". "Woman" is meaningless, everyone can be a woman. Magazines, fashion shows, advertisments, beauty contests, woman of the year, they all full of TIM, and they are much better women than these inferior females!

"Menstruators", "people with vagina", "cervix havers", "uterus carriers", "non-prostate owners", "birthing people", this has a meaning. They are not women. They are subhuman females. Such inferior creatures can elevate to human, though, if they identify as men or non-binary. Then it's a "pregnant man", not "pregnant person" or "birthing person".

But then how do you distinguish between these inferior females and these superior females who have human status? Well, first, you don't call them females. This is dehumanising. Second, they do not have female parts. They do not have vagina, this is a front hole or a bonus hole. Don't say they have uterus, cervix, volva. That's extremely offensive. Even if they carry a baby, don't say they have uterus. How dare you. And they are not breastfeeding, they are chestfeeding.

I can't forget that TIF Syven who had two babies (one was a surprise) and said the following:

'You're a pregnant man sitting around a whole bunch of females, looking at you like "no, it can't be," or "why?" Or "is it possible you're faking?"' he explained.

(She is talking about waiting in the waiting room for the OB-GYN while being a pregnant TIF who looks like a man, and in this waiting room were other pregnant women, who looked at her in a WTF kind of way because she is visibly pregnant but also looks like a man.)

A whole bunch of females. Bunch of bred female animals. She is a "pregnant man", but these females? They are inferior. They are just females. Bunch of them.


Stew Peters and Mark Collett #racist #conspiracy #fundie #transphobia angrywhitemen.org

On the Jan. 30, 2024 episode of his Rumble show, white nationalist and Holocaust denier Stew Peters went on a vile, racist rant about Somali immigrants. While interviewing British Neo-Nazi Mark Collett, Peters called Somalis “gross,” “low IQ” “parasites” and “filthy cockroaches”[…]

Peters: Now recently the state of Minnesota decided ‘Hey, we’re gonna change that flag[…]’It didn’t cater to the illegally imported by the tyrant[…]
These people are disgusting, they’re filthy, they’re gross, they’re low IQ, they contribute absolutely nothing to society, they’re parasites, they’re a drain on the taxpayer. They’re just a suck and a soak and they’re filthy cockroaches that’ve infested the city of Minneapolis. They wish not to assimilate, by the way. They hate Christians. They hate white people. They’re very, very violent. They burn things, they loot, they rape, they pillage, they rob — all of these things — they steal
So, here is the new flag of the state of Minnesota[…]Now put that up next to the flag for Somalia[…]They’re showing the dumb goyim who’ve laid down ‘[…]We’re replacing your heritage[…]’
Collett:[…]Here in the UK we’re seeing replacement from the bottom-up and also the top-down[…]‘We have a Indian prime minister, we have a Muslim head of state in Scotland, we have a Muslim mayor in London, and now they are talking about a migrant head of state in Wales also. And similar things are happening all over Europe. Just over the water in Ireland[…]
Peters: Yeah
Collett: We are being erased and our quality of our life is falling, because we’re not just becoming a minority, but we’re becoming a hated minority[…]
Peters:[…]They’re replacing us. And the first clue should’ve been Obama. Now they’re propping up the guy that’s pretending to be Michelle Obama — a woman, this tranny[…]They’re propping up Vivek Ramalama-Deep State. I mean this is an Indian — a Hindu — that literally brushes his teeth with cow poop

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: A TRA argument I never really understood

( Lipsy )
Makes about as much sense as their other absolutely brilliant argument, i.e., "Making laws/rules against men entering Women's spaces won't stop anything, because men who want to rape/assault Women will just go in there anws"—which, by logical extension, becomes an argument against criminalizing anything. (Burglars will just break into your house anws, so what's the point in making breaking and entering a crime? Criminalizing murder won't stop people from killing each other, so why bother making murder a crime?)

( RusticTroglodyte )
They block you as soon as you dare to mention the fact that when ZERO men are allowed in the bathroom, when we see one, we instantly know there's a problem.

As it stands now, how do we tell who's a good guy and who isn't? We can talk about changing shit like this the second men stop committing 90% of violent crime and 99% of sexual crime. Call me as soon as that happens, TRAs. Fucking morons lol

( shewolfoffrance )
A very stupid argument because all but the dumbest of sexual predators have a sophisticated enough understanding of safeguarding rules and norms to worm their way into fuzzy, gray boundary areas where they have plausible deniability, if they're ever actually held to account for inappropriate behavior.

( shewolfoffrance )
Men who get mad about safeguarding guidelines are always suspect to me. There's no way they don't secretly want to commit some kind of abuse, or are at least sympathetic to men who do. Think about it: how would people react to a Scout Master who got mad that he could share a tent with the boys? Glinner is right, and TiMs are the new priestly caste.

( m0RT_1 )
This is it. "What about GNC women" is just being loaded onto the catapult as part of an ongoing siege on women's boundaries.

They 1000% don't give a shit about GNC women or lesbians. The ultimate goal is males' unfettered colonization of women's spaces. They hate women who say NO and want to destroy anywhere a woman can be free.

( shewolfoffrance )
One thing I've learned from following this issue is that a certain proportion of men, which is more of them than most people want to admit, don't have a moral framework more sophisticated than "does it make my dick happy? does it make the concept of dick happy?"

And that doesn't differ greatly between left-leaning and right-leaning men.

[Deleted] #transphobia ovarit.com

A TRA argument I never really understood

A common form of TRA propoganda is to insist that wanting to keep intimate public spaces single sex harms masculine/gender-nonconforming women, because it's easy for them to be mistakenly clocked as male. Seems like every time I venture out of Radtwt, there's some viral tweet making the rounds about someone's 'cis woman friend' who was humiliated in a washroom when someone assumed that she was a man and freaked out. The tweet usually concludes with some sanctimonious fingerwagging about how "this is how you know terfs don't reeeaaallly care about safeguarding! Their harmful rhetoric harms cis women, too!"

First of all, if women are becoming hypervigilant about potential men in their spaces, it's because of the self-ID policies YA'LL have been promoting. Not because of GC women's objections to it.

Second of all, while I don't deny the existence of women who are wary of gender-non conforming women, and don't feel comfortable sharing an intimate space together, associating masculinity with maleness and fearing it even in other women, to the point where said fear overrides your capacity for sex recognition seems like a trauma response more than anything else. And if these masculine-phobic women are in fact, as common as the TRAs would have me believe, it might have something to do with the widespread nature of male violence- which female only spaces serve as a refuge for.

And honestly, TRAs, if your first instinct when faced with such a woman ISN'T to feel heartbroken over what she must have endured at the hands of men to the point where (even in the only public spaces where she WOULD be objectively safe from male violence) she STILL doesn't feel feel safe if around other women who remind her of them, - and instead you use her as a pawn to advocate for the elimination of said spaces because 'she's too stupid to know who's really a man anyways'... you're a sociopath. You just are.

So yeah, fear of masculine women is largely irrational in a way that female fear of men is not. And whenever TRAs use it to champion self-ID, it makes me think of their other arguments like 'black women are women therefore natal men are women' or 'you don't have any problem taking your clothes off around lesbians, so you have no reason to deny that right to men'

Roxxy #transphobia ovarit.com

When TRAs tell you to "educate yourself"

I started off being fully in favour of trans people but there's only so many creeps, incidents, absurd beliefs and poorly written articles people can take before trust is simply eroded.

It's so hard to support them because 90% of it is absolute shite. You want to change your name and live like a woman? Ok... But is that even what the conversation is about anymore? Change your name, that's not illegal. Find love, grow old in a body you feel alright in. But fuck off with the twisted, obsessive, perverted and casually abusive to children nonsense that makes up the majority of this movement.

Their arguments are just a band-aid over the gaping wound of the problems they caused for themselves! "Women aren't real, but men are women, which aren't real, cus the men say so." Alright, neat. Going to stop lobbing off girl's breasts now? Nah, just crying that they're not allowed to play as gendercloud Pikachu in Smash Bros. Oh, get bent. Sigh.

jelliknight, NastasyaFillipovna & OwnLyingEyes #interphobia #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Gender Ideology should be questioned in every court case with questions about the 2 types of gametes in reproduction.

( jelliknight )
Exactly. The bottom line is anyone who has ever produced a single sperm IS MALE and anyone who has ever produced a single ovum IS FEMALE. No exceptions.

"Sex its complicated... something about mushrooms ...intersex... etc"

Sex can be complicated, but its also extremely simple and verifiable in 99.9% of humans. Have you ever menstruated out of your vagina? Youre female. Ever ejaculated out of your penis? Youre male. Made it to sexual maturity without doing either? You have some kind of condition and need to see a doctor for further testing (where they will, almost every time, be able to tell you for certain if you are male or female).

There are a few cases where an individual does fall into a grey zone, e.g. Turner Syndrome […] who could technically be said to be of neither sex. But thats absolutely irrelevant to transgenderism. Everyone else, DSD or not, is either on the Y chromosome/teste/sperm side or the X chromosome/ovary/ovum side.

"Oh but hormones... micropenis... something about social category"

Irrelevant. Sex only exists in the context of sexual reproduction, which in humans has exactly two roles; big gamete and small gamete. Thats reality. No amount of negotiation or external factors can change that.

( NastasyaFillipovna )
Till last year or so, they were conceding the point that there is a difference between Sex and Gender, ie, a Woman, and a female. But now, they have gone full unhinged into claiming that they are females.

So whatever rational arguments you present, its not gonna matter. The previous generation had it right in te first place, that these guys have a Mental disorder, like they show in the movie "Silence of the Lambs".

It should be categorized as such again, and provide them the mental care they need, not the "Surgical care". We don't say an alcoholic that they need the better tasting alcohol, we cut out their suppl/y

( OwnLyingEyes )
Agreed. Not only that, gametes are literally the definitive difference in how the sexes are classified, so the constant attempts to side-step that fact and be all 'but chromosomes sometimes have extra Xs!' or fixating on secondary sex characteristics are a pretty glaringly obvious attempt at sleight of hand.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Why do "transbians" tend to keep their penises? The answer from top experts, men who pretend to be women, may shock you!

( OwnLyingEyes )
Maybe because same sex attracted men tend to try to adapt to attempt to be attractive to other men, while opposite-sex attracted men can always fall back on manipulating, coercing, and bullying women into being sexually available to them despite being unattractive/repulsive.

( VestalVirgin )
Because they want to rape lesbians, duh.

Not much point in invading womens' spaces if you cannot rape, is there?

(Plus, AGPs tend to trans older, so they know what castration means and that they won't have much sexual enjoyment afterwards. Only effeminate boys who are transed by their Munchhausen parents or young gay men who are very naive think they will have a fullfilling sex life after having their dick cut off. Which neatly explains which ones keep their penises.)

( Unicorn )
A "trans lesbian" is a man who claims to be a woman, who is attracted to women. Apparently they are known to keep their genitalia more often than "straight trans women," which are men who claim to be women, who are attracted to men.

Why would a man who has sex with women want to keep his male genitalia in-tact even while he pretends to be a woman..? Hmm... Big mysteries. 🤔

Never fear, Tumblr transbians are here to educate us with their facts and male logic.

( IrishTheFrenchie )
Well, it's like this....

When you remove the "natal genitals" how will this TIM continue to stroke off to the idea of being a woman?

( mathlover )
"Transbians" generally keep their penises because they are heterosexual men who want to be with women sexually. And het men get off on sticking their dicks into women.

"Straight transwomen" are gay men who want straight men to have sex with them as though they were actually women.

There. That was easy.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: To those who peaked - do you think you could have been prevented from peaking?

( GenderHeretic )
No, it was a matter of when, not if. Even if all the misogyny and homophobia and predation on kids that I could not ignore didn't happen or wasn't visible, trans ideology in the first place is simply not true. Pity can only take you so far.

( Carrots90 )
What would have kept me from peaking?

NOT listening to trans people would have kept me on the polite lie trans train

When my friends daughter told me she was trans and ‘always knew’ because when she was young she wondered why she couldn’t go into the boys restroom, I tried to be open minded. Seemed to be an odd reason to cut one’s breasts off, but I tried not to let my ‘limitations on understanding’ be a problem

Non-binary unawareness would have helped keep me from peaking

As would Transbian invisibility

‘Gender Non-Conforming, butch TransWomen’ who ‘don’t owe anyone feminity’ should have been kept in purdah

( Unicorn )
I think maybe the only thing that could have kept me from peaking would have been if all TIMs were like old school transsexuals who were not disillusioned about not being actual women, or like Kim Petras.

Or if trans was just "some adults want to look like the opposite sex via surgeries and hormones" and there was no forcing taxpayers to pay for their cosmetic surgeries and aesthetic desires, and biological sex was still acknowledged.

The issue is Kim Petras was transed as a child, and I think that would have still caused questions about "how do we know if a child is trans?" And the concerns over the concept of people not wanting to conform to their birth sex's gender stereotypes = a need to medicalize the body into mimicking the opposite sex.

So... I'm not sure if anything could have fully stopped peaking, but some things might have severely delayed the process.

( Pointer )
Nothing. Once I realized they were actually seriously claiming that wanting to wear dresses and get your nails done had ANYTHING to do with being a woman, it was GAME ON. I was never going to be on board with such a profoundly sexist ideology, and more than that, I was going to have to take a stand against it. I would not be able to sit by while people spouted such stupid claptrap.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Majority the Trans supporting comments on reddit are from either TiMs themselves, or bot accounts

( Calidris )
I realized the grasp the TIMs have on reddit is thin as fuck when super straight became a thing. There has rarely been a subreddit that ballooned that fast, was that active, AND that civil. For the short time it existed I experienced almost no sexism there, while TIMs are basically misogynistic whenever they open their mouths. Most normies on reddit are secretly sick of the transgender movement, several subs discuss the topic with emojis such as 🚂 because they get banned less fast.

Also whenever a trans subject comes into the more mainstream subs, the normies are falling over themselves saying they would never date a trans person, to the chagrin of TIMs and TIFs.


( Alalies )
We should start our own bots! One of the early comments on Reddit that got me thinking was that TIMs maintain male pattern criminality post-transition. I really think data like that should be more well-known.

( RusticTroglodyte )
At the risk of sounding mean,I don't understand how anyone could not know that or be surprised by it. It makes no sense that just saying "I'm a lady hehe" somehow changes male pattern criminality. I know we need studies like that for rabid TRAs but they seem so pointless.

( VestalVirgin )
Well, they're men.

You really need to be extremely brainwashed to think that men who demand access to womens' private spaces might be less dangerous than men who don't do that.

( Sheva )
That’s the thing. Usually you spot a bot straight away when they harp on about only one thing and nothing else. However, with TIMs, being a TIM is literally their whole existence for most of them. This makes it MUCH easier for the bots to hide in plain sight too. It’s literally so easy to mimic a TIM accurately. Ironic because they struggle so hard trying to mimic us.

( drdeeisback )
That's really interesting - I wonder who thinks it's worthwhile to spend money on bots amplifying gender ideology?

Jellyfishes, SecondSkin & VestalVirgin #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Do you think male children who are being raised "as girls" due to pro-trans parents are getting female or male socialization?

( Jellyfishes )
Like the others said, he will receive an even stronger male socialization. Pro-trans parents worship males as much as trad conservatives. They will treat him as the most specialest kid, tell him he's better than the girls, that he can do anything he wants and shit on all kids who don't want to play along. Even if they say they are treating him like a girl, it's an absolute lie, they would never do this for a girl.

( SecondSkin )
Hyper-male socialisation.

Taught their needs come before everyone and that everyone must celebrate them every second or genociding.

They don’t pass. They aren’t treated like girls are. And they are well aware they are more powerful than girl, their aggression and violence is on full display all the time.

TIFs aren’t being socialised as male are they? Their voices aren’t centred and their male vaginas catered to above everything else, are they? Yeah some are obnoxious and entitled, but unless they are being paraded round for male pregnancy they are basically just shoved off to the back.

( VestalVirgin )
IF a boy was raised as girl and the parents pretended to him and others that he IS a girl (not an extra-special transgirl), then he miiiight get a little bit of female socialisation before puberty, assuming he passed.

Being ignored by teachers, being told to be quiet, being told to be nice.

But he would only get that from people other than his parents, so it wouldn't be as strong.

The time when peers start to be more important than parents is puberty, and he would cease passing then.

He would also be taught to worship penis, because that's part of female socialisation, and that would backfire and make him extra chauvinistic once he realizes he's male.

I recall meeting a man on an internet forum ages ago who claimed his mother forced him to wear girl dresses. If he was telling the truth, his mother was one very messed up woman. And he, well ... he was the most misogynist arsehole ever, carrying the delusion that women were oppressing men. (Which might be explained by his childhood, if he wasn't an AGP who was lying, which is entirely possible)

One thing's for sure and that is that nothing good comes from raising boys "as girl". [...]

various commenters #transphobia #enbyphobia ovarit.com

RE: This is petty but wow, do I hate how one actor’s “identity” can derail so many discussions about a show

( woman_be_free )
Lol. If you google her wiki page it just says ‘D'Arcy is non-binary and uses they/them pronouns’ under personal life. Because that’s what happens when you identity with a gender 😂😂 it becomes the whole point of you. Your existence amounts to where you are in the gingerbread man.

Another idiot on the idiot train.

( Arenlaef )
She wore a suit and skirt get up to the Emmys one year and was like "See, I'm very non-binary." Basically implying that the suit was the boy part and the skirt was the girl part. Groundbreaking.

Also, I enjoyed HOTD but them casting that Philosophy Tube guy to play a female character has me rethinking my interest. His fans are excited that he might get to be a noblewoman and it's just too hard for me to picture. I find that Hunter whatever hard to swallow and at least he usually plays transwomen.

I'm not going to be able to sit back while PT prances in with his biological children he gave birth to and everyone gushing about how he's the most beautiful woman at court. I hope they intend to put him in the background.

( vulvapeople )
TIPs being cast as their pretend sex is my limit in tolerance. Anytime I encounter that in a movie or show, I stop watching.

( pennygadget )
Gender-special actors ruin their characters because, once they "come out", then the clock starts ticking on when the character they were playing has to come out as well. Most notable example being Ellen Page in Umbrella Academy. The show initially said her character would continue being female. But, of course, Princess Ellen's dysphoria mandated that the character become a trans-man just like her (and that all the other characters mindlessly applaud her transition and don't question it at all)

( MadSea )
Don’t worry, it gets worse. This season they cast a TIM that’s playing what was a very masculine woman who, if I recall correctly, was in a same sex relationship (I may be wrong about the second bit, been a while since I read it).

( no- )
There’s nothing more frustrating than fictional “lesbian” relationships played by a TIM and a woman.

PluribusDriver #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut #forced-birth memory-alpha.fandom.com

Bolding is submitter’s own

But you have to remember that there are countless groups/minorities/under-privileged/under represented people that are NOT supported by those colors in the pride flag. The current colors are simply the "hot news item of the year", ie a current focus with a lot of support. In a parallel universe there's an Aborted Children flag on Memory Alpha (which, by the way, represents an extreme amount of unheard, under-privileged voices). There could be a parallel where Pedophiles are fighting for rights! As stated above, sure, the pride flag may tie into some Star Trek themes, and many here may love the "representation and support" they get in the Star Trek universe, but I still don't think it should be integrated into the logo for the entire wiki. I agree that removing it may offend some people, but by not removing it you're sort of offending the other half, right?

Political Moonshine #wingnut #transphobia #conspiracy politicalmoonshine.substack.com

In the last article, we reasoned that the trans agenda was a component in the application of cultural Marxism to U.S. society. We reached those findings by relying upon substantial existing analysis and evidence that is discussed below and which is overlaid by evidence of a resurgence from Michelle Obama to become the 2024 Democratic Party nominee.
Transgenderism was hijacked for the Intelligence Community to be used as the contextual component inside of perception management operations.

Those operations, which are more commonly known as “psyops,” are designed to apply cultural Marxism to the population in a broader effort to overthrow and convert the United States to a communist nation under Globalist control.

In other words, Marxist communism is the chosen enforcement mechanism to keep the slaves in line and producing while Globalist elites tyrannically rule by their credence of “rules for thee but not for me”.

Therein, transgenderism is a herding and bullying component of cultural Marxism in the form of a mechanism, tool and weapon.
Our purpose is to therefore identify the moment in time that transgenderism was technically hijacked by U.S. politics as a mechanism, tool and weapon; and where it would become the spine of the public education system.
If the analysis bears-out as accurate, the Intelligence Community political continuum that I’ve branded ‘Dynastic Bush’ is operating to position Michelle Obama as the 2024 Democratic Party nominee for the purpose of continuity in the Executive on down.

Consider the tactical objective of continuity to be the primary objective of Dynastic Bush.
In such a case with Newsom succeeding Michelle for two terms, Dynastic Bush would extend its stranglehold on the U.S. by a 17-year margin.

By that time, our goose will have been cooked, eaten and the rest of it.

By that time, the U.S. will be China’s twin sister and there is no U-turn on that road.

ElectricBlue, BlackCirce & RisingUp #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: DO you believe that female handmaids will change their minds someday and join us?

( ElectricBlue )
Yes, I think they will end up seeing through the TRA fad. However, I think the majority of them will just move on to other fashionable ways to worship men. Being concerned about the "mental health" of violent men seems to be gathering steam.

I believe that eventually TERFS will be seen how the Suffragettes are seen now. They are so universally considered right in our era, that people hardly remember how viciously they were treated at the time. One day, people will memory hole the TRA thing apart from occasional documentaries of people wringing their hands and saying it wasn't their fault, they were just following orders from a few high up doctors. In the annals of history, the TRA era will be very short and very niche, even if living through it has not been.

I predict that in 30 years it will be like Thalidomide or lobotomies. Occasionally you'll hear someone say, "I had an aunt who had all that transgender surgery and she took hormones to grow a beard. Then she died in her 30s from a heart attack caused by the testosterone." And other than that, people will forget it ever existed, and handmaidens will find other ways to worship men in the mistaken belief that this will save them from misogyny.

( BlackCirce )
I don’t know if transactivists will change their minds or not, but what I do know is no matter what happens, we (rfs) will be blamed for it. There won’t be any mass joining of radical feminism, there won’t be a big “wow you were right, I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you.” If people defect from trans they will blame radical feminism for both causing them to trans themselves if they identified as trans and they will also blame us for transgenderism existing.

( RisingUp )
I think genderism is soon going to become a massive widespread object of contempt and scorn. The “pronouns in bio” scorn it already gets from the right is going to spread. So I think people will be rowing back from it as quietly as they can. Especially once today’s teenagers are in the workforce.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Handmaidens are defending Hunter Schafer as Carrie WHY ARE THEY SO GLIB WHEN IT COMES TO FEMALE ERASURE?

( the_empress )

This is similar to trend of remaking shows and movies but with brown people instead of white. It’s so incredibly lazy and stupid.

It doesn’t make anything fair or fix any actual issues- like racism. And in the case of men taking everything pertaining to biological women, it’s just more of the same except we’re expected to call it feminism. 🤬

( vulvapeople )
It’s actually sort of hilarious to imagine the shower scene as the girls getting angry that a penis haver is showering with them. Only a TRA would think that’s sympathetic to the TIM.

I hated the bullies in the original Carrie, but if Carrie’s a TIM violating their boundaries? I’m rooting for them. Way to make the story about girls being punished for standing up for their safety and dignity.

( VestalVirgin )
A male going on a murdering rampage in revenge to girls objecting to him sexually harrassing them is much more realistic than a girl murdering her bullies, tho. I mean, really. One happens way more often than the other.

You might think a girl taking revenge on bullies makes more sense, but girls and women are typically not that violent. Not even with good reason.

( pennygadget )
In the new TIM version of Carrie, Carrie gets doused with blood on stage and immediately starts masturbating because that's his fetish. 🤣

In the shower scene, he cries because there is no blood despite the fact that he's on hormones (and the reddit mod he bought them from told him that titty skittles cause AMABs to get a period)

Carrie's mother is evil because she didn't sign off on him getting hormones and surgeries. And she keeps repeating TERF lies about estrogen being bad for male bodies and continues to refer to him as her son

Feel free to add to the list, ladies! 🤣

( eyeswideopen )
I almost hope he gets cast because the mockery and jokes will be epic.

( VestalVirgin )
Perhaps seeing him in that shower scene would finally convince my parents and other normies that yes TRAs totally intend to put boys in the girls' changing rooms AND showers, no ifs or buts about it.

(Although if they make the girls mock him for his penis instead of ... screaming and running out once they see it, that'd be weird. But perhaps they will try and portray screaming and fleeing as bullying.)

BlackCirce #transphobia ovarit.com

He is a man
He is a man.

But what if he says he’s a woman?
He is a man.

But what if he says he’ll kill himself?
He is a man.

But what if he says his pronouns are she/her? Or she/they? Or they/them? He is a man.

But what if he has a female name?
He is a man.

But what if he had his documents changed?
He is a man.

But what if he liked Barbie and sparkles and mermaids as a child?
He is a man.

But what if he has feminine mannerisms?
He is a man.

But what if he hates his penis?
He is a man.

But what if his circumcision was botched?
He is a man.

But what if he’s in danger in the men’s room?
He is a man.

But what if he takes estrogen?
He is a man.

But what if he has breasts?
He is a man.

But what if he had facial feminization surgery?
He is a man.

But what if he took puberty blockers? He is a man.

But what if he’s taking testosterone blockers and lowered his levels to an “acceptable range”?
He is a man.

But what if he had a false vagina created out of his genital and intestinal tissue?
He is a man.

But what if his testicles are undescended?
He is a man.

But what if he dieted himself down to BMI 19?
He is a man.

But what if he used coke and meth to get that down to BMI 16?
He is a man.

But what if lots and lots of people are fooled by his disguise and call him ma’am?
He is a man.

But what if he’s just too effeminate to attract the kind of men he wants to have sex with?
He is a man.

But what if lots of women accept him as a woman?
He is a man.

But what if he loves thinking of himself as a woman?
He is a man.

But what if the leading sexologists say he is a woman?
He is a man.

But what if he admits he’s male and only identifies as a woman socially? He is a man.

But what if he’s not hurting anyone?
He is a man.

But what if he threatens to punch, stab, shoot, hang or rape you?
He is a man.

He is a man. 💁🏾‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️💁🏼‍♀️💁🏽‍♀️💁🏿‍♀️

BlackCirce & OMalley #transphobia ovarit.com

Interesting post on the concept of "forced teaming" used by TRAs on the LGB community
( BlackCirce )
They also don’t explain how denying sex is real helps women or lesbians in the cause against social conservatism.

The way I think of it is imagine there is an enslaved man and a slaver. A third man comes along. The enslaved man says please help me in the cause of freedom.

And the third man says, “certainly, I’ll help free you. Slavery is a mental condition. All you have to do to be free is know you are free in your heart and the slaver can’t hold you anymore.” The third man walks away leaving the enslaved man to get his foot chopped off or his tongue cut out.

ETA ⬇️:

It’s not only that we have no common cause with T, but T actively works against our causes making the “they’re coming for you next” threat meaningless. Conservatives didn’t take away women’s rights to sex segregated bathrooms and prisons: progressives did in the name of trans. Conservatives didn’t take away gay and lesbian rights to affinity groups and spaces: progressives did in the name of trans. Gutting the concepts of sex and sexual orientation so that women and LGB cannot politically advocate for ourselves means that when the time comes for conservatives to overturn big ticket items like gay marriage and women’s suffrage, it will be that much easier.

( OMalley )

We've known since the beginning that the T community is pulled by male narcissism and manipulation, this just puts it together with a shiny red bow on top,

They KNOW they wouldn't be able to get away with half their bullshit if they didn't use the gays as a shield. We know it too, hence their hellbent fury to claim we're one big happy family.

Their manipulation doesn't end there, they undermine the foundations of homosexuality (alongside other letters contrary to the irony), as gender and sexuality cannot exist side-by-side. Their ideology is in conflict with homosexuality, hence the desperation to redefine stagnant orientations to better validate themselves.

Sorry Jessica, you dating a TiM does not make you a lesbian.

Sorry Matthew, you putting on a floral pattern and rocking a bullring doesn't make you a lesbian.

It's disgusting, and the amount of contempt I hold for them is unfathomable.

The gays need to leave, we are taking too much damage from the latter half of the community, they're a liability.

Fschmidt #god-complex #psycho #racist #transphobia #conspiracy saidit.net

While shooting modern scum (members of modern culture) has an undeniable emotional appeal, I do not recommend it because of the legal repercussions. But what if I told you that there is a legal means to kill modern scum that is far more effective than shooting them?

By far the most effective way to kill modern scum is to support the Democratic Party. Let's give credit where credit is due. No one else has come close to killing as many modern scum as the Democratic Party has. Just with the covid vaccines, they have killed millions of modern scum and this number is sure to rise significantly. By defunding the police and effectively legalizing crime, they have killed many ghetto modern scum. By allowing fentanyl and other drugs freely into this country, they have killed many more modern scum through drug overdoses. By promoting trans ideology in school, they will prevent many modern scum from reproducing. And thanks to sanctions on Russia, we can expect many modern scum to freeze to death in Europe and millions to starve in poor countries all over the world. So God bless the Democratic Party who are likely to kill more modern scum than I dreamed possible.

VestalVirgin #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: I just realized - violent TRAs are basically the Big Bad Wolf

I am beginning to wonder if ALL fairytales with wolves in them from the European culture are actually about AGP TIMs.

There's the wolf and the three little pigs (don't know if that's an old fairy tale or of later origin?), there's Little Red Riding Hood, and there's the one about the wolf and the seven goat kids, in which the wolf pretends to be the mother goat.

I mean, they obviously are all about predatory males (Germans hated wolves, historically, hunted them to extinction, so the comparison to predatory males was one people would have felt fitting) but it does stand out that the wolves pretend to be female so often.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Why do trans "women" think they look convincing as women?

( SummerGrl )
It's a mental illness. They are not connected with reality. Delusional beliefs. I think it's cruel that society is lying to these men because it just pushes them further into their delusions and if anything breaks them from that, they can't handle it. That's why they get so overly aggressive and violent by things as simple as misgendering. Their overblown reactions do not match the perceived slight.

( mathlover )
Because people use the phony pronouns.

At work, people are forced to because otherwise the TIMs get people fired.

Everywhere else people are afraid of these mentally unstable men lashing out verbally; making a scene; yelling; and, especially for women, becoming violent. So they use the phony pronouns.

There should be clear and concise stickers EVERYWHERE - millions of them - stating that nobody actually believes the phony pronouns and that when these men hear "she/her" they should hear he/him because that's what we all really mean. They should have to see, everywhere they look, that no one actually believes they are women.

( no- )
That’s the problem with “true trans”. “Truscum” think men who pass as women are the only ones who should be allowed to colonize female only spaces because they’re properly transitioning, not the “fake transes” who make them look bad. But here’s the thing: every single “true trans” thinks he passes, every single one of them perceives himself as non-threatening and doing the trans thing right. They’re delusional. Blaire White doesn’t pass, he only happens to be easier on the eyes than an AGP crossdresser. Everything is always self-ID with these people, including the dysphoria diagnoses they easily get by lying to their doctors, who are afraid to challenge them regardless. They’re unreliable narrators, so why should they be trusted to decide that reality doesn’t apply to them because they believe their own charade? Nonsense.

( hard_headed_woman )
As long as people contribute to the delusion, TIMs can pretend they pass. Deep down, they know they don't. Just like deep down, they know they will never, ever be women despite some of these idiots thinking that surgery and hormones make them an actual woman.


Gilgamesh de Uruk #transphobia #wingnut #racist memory-alpha.fandom.com

Diversity is a good thing, but it should never be done at the expense of any group of people. In the last 10 years there have been countless examples of a white character being race-swapped into a person of color, but I can't think of a single example of a race-swap in the opposite direction or a race-swap between two non-white races. That clearly shows bias against white people.

Trans people are not an oppressed minority. Yes, they have mental health problems and a much higher suicide rate than the general population. But otherwise, they are some of the most privileged people in Western society. In situations where one transwoman wants to use the women's locker room and a dozen women feel uncomfortable, the desire of the transwoman wins out every time. That's privilege. I'm in favor of equal rights for everyone, but participating in sporting competitions against the opposite sex is not a human right. Making irreversible bodily changes while still a child is not a human right either.

Canondorf108 #transphobia #dunning-kruger #quack memory-alpha.fandom.com

I think that it should be noted that not all gay people support the "intersectional" pride flag ("intersectionality" being a contentious ideology that many people believe is racist), or believe in pride parades, or are convinced that the trans issue really has anything to do with broader homosexuality. Some gays point out that trans surgery may be preventing adult homosexuals from ever discovering their sexuality, by administering treatment to them at a young age, before they can decide their path in life, with the experience of time. I would point out that removing healthy tissue from a person, for a purely psychological reason, could be a violation of the doctor's hippocratic oath, i.e. do no harm. I would also point out that administering drugs that stop a person ever undergoing puberty, likely sterilising them, preventing them from ever passing on their genes, or choosing at some future time, is a moral and ethical issue of considerable controversy.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Flawless logic

( Laurel )
"What [...] if you see a [woman who] has short hair [...] or [...] no make-up?" I would assume that, since you're poisoned by this gender nonsense, you'd immediately assume she's a trans man even though assuming gender is wrong.

Y'all couldn't make sense with the biggest sense manufacturing plant in the universe.

( notsofreshfeeling )
"Dear Jake, Do yourself a big favor and distance yourself from your manipulative and gaslighting 'friend.' He knows just as well as you, that adult human males are men, and if he's sucking a dick, then he is bi or gay. You'll only affirm his internalized homophobia by playing along and agreeing that the men who fuck him are 'straight.' Don't waste your time with these sorts of people and just go live your best life."

( crodish )
Fuck off with this bullshit. How are these people so fucking delusional that they'll be sucking each other's DICKS and still go "no homo bro, I'm STRAIGHT, sucking dicks as another man is STRAIGHT", all just because one man says "I'm not a man, this is girldick"??? I fucking hate how regressive this is. There's so much fucking internalized homophobia here.

Also jesus, that last comment. It confirms everything we already know about what they think makes a "woman" - everything except being an adult human female. And the audacity to say that a man in a fucking wig and a dress is the exact same as a woman with fucking short hair and cargo pants!! Jesus.

I can't believe the state of how brainwashed these people are. How does it get this bad? (Rhetorical.)

( AadirMorgendorfer )

Well, what happens if you see a girl that has short hair instead of long? Or small breasts instead of big ones? Or one that has no makeup at all? Or one in cargo pants?

I would assume that you'd still think that, in fact, she's still a girl.

And what happens if you see a girl with male pattern baldness, and a wig to conceal it? Breast forms instead of actual breasts? 5 o'clock shadow? A body built like a fridge and a pair of size 11 feet? A penis and a hairy ballsack? I'm sure you still assume she's a girl, though, right?? Because this combination of traits is definitely just the same as small breasts and lack of makeup 🙃

PluribusDriver #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut memory-alpha.fandom.com

Can we request to have the pride flag removed from the logo?

Sure, there are many different cultures and viewpoints in the world of Trek, but if someone wants to follow a faith, or exercise their innate differences, they usually do it with modesty, in private, or in sole company of others just like them. Odo is shy about his transformations and was always hesitant to shapeshift in public. Worf and Kira exercise their respective religions in the privacy of their own quarters or sanctuary. Data curbs his desire to quote time to the seconds place, and routinely attempts to fit in my adopting his crewmates' styles and mannerisms. Sisko keeps his African decorations in his own quarters and very rarely wore the garb when in someone else's company. Klingon "pride" celebrations were almost always strictly Klingon-only affairs.
If you had a different viewpoint in Star Trek, you kept it to yourself, unless you were in command and could offer a solution to a problem based on your own outlook. Innate differences in the physical characteristics of the species were hard to hide, but you never saw anybody shoving those differences in people's faces (except when Laas decided to fog the entire promenade). During issues concerning the Prime Directive, which were often catalysts for drawing out the stronger emotions in the crew, it was always the Captain (and the Star Fleet rulebook, technically) who had the last say.
Anyways, here's the TLDR: Pride flag is just that: a symbol of pride that was borne out of the warring communities of present-day Earth. It represents a divided world. United people don't need flags to broadcast their differences. A pride flag doesn't align with the visions of Gene Roddenberry or Starfleet. If you want to affix some sort of flag that embraces the spirit of Star Trek, you should perhaps design a world government flag which might represent a united world? Please remove the rainbow flag.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com


( Sheva )
Hint: None of them are the good type.

( RighteousIndignation )
it doesn't matter, single sex spaces are based on sex, mens and womens separate awards are based on sex.

female ex cons are not barred from using the ladies, laurence fox isn't banned from voting and no matter how much I dislike Nigel Forage he should not have his bank account closed for wrong think.

good or bad is irrelevant in a free society.

( overanddone )
There are good ones?

( OwnLyingEyes )
This. It's matters of degree as to how awful TIMs can be, but men declaring themselves to be women are already invading women's spaces and identity. The act of men 'being trans' itself is not a neutral act; it's inherently appropriative in a way that's actively harmful to and disrespectful of women.

( Unicorn )
That's a good point. I was initially thinking "well I think there are good trans people," as in, trans people are people and people can do good things.

But like, the act of being trans is essentially an act of lying to oneself and expecting all around them to believe in their personal lies. That is not "good," that is dishonest.

I don't think there is any way one can spin people expecting everyone around them believe in their delusions is "good."

Maybe if there is a trans person who is essentially a gender-non-conforming person who accepts their birth sex? But at that point, I don't know if they would even be considered trans?

( OwnLyingEyes )
Yeah, I know of exactly one TIM who to the best of my knowledge meets those criteria, Miranda Yardley. He doesn't use women's spaces and doesn't make people play along and has basically just said 'dressing like this makes me feel better because dysphoria.' Which is fine. He can go right ahead. But for so much of 'good trans,' it reads like when a man says yes, a woman says no, and the man starts in with the 'just the tip' nonsense and tries to act like that's an acceptable "compromise." These are still men who think women's boundaries are up for them to negotiate or override, who think that what they believe is 'fair' should determine where the line falls.

( overanddone )
exactly. There mere declaration of being 'trans" precludes "good". They are liars, and untrustworthy from the start

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

"You know, if you go in there, there's no coming back."
( sineadsiobhan )
Once you really and truly peak, there’s no going back. That’s why I don’t believe any account who says they’re former TERFs,

( Radishe )
If you listen to any of those "former TERFs" screeds, they never know any actual talking points and it sounds like a TRA version of what they think TERFs believe.

( cranberrysalad )
Or they’re “trans exclusionary” but not radical feminists. Typically really far right conservatives who leave the cult, don’t know how to think for themselves, and get sucked into trans ideology the same way they got sucked into religious doctrine.

( TheDirtyYumejo )
I've heard of TRA to TERF, but never the reverse. How often does that happen?

( magicianly7 )
it feels like an amateur psyop attempt bc it’s hard to imagine considering TRAs are the kind of people who will hold having ever been a TERF as bad as like, being a murderer. (come to think of it, they let actual predators slide back into their communities more often than they do anyone who said something against trans ideology.) that sounds exaggerated but they’re always fearmongering like “TERFs are fascists that want you DEAD!!!” and they will like, follow someone’s accounts for years to call them out for one “out of line” remark. hardly anyone could do that even on anon without lots of dogpiling

( Unicorn )
People ultimately want the truth. I believe people want justice, fairness, and honesty.

Trans ideology provides none of that.

( Caerulea )
Those things are what women want.

I'm pretty sure most men actively do not want those things. It would make it impossible to have the hierarchy that they need, and they would also not be able to use women as they please.

Babylon Bee #wingnut #transphobia #sexist babylonbee.com

Trans Pro Golfer Outed As Man After He Flawlessly Parallel-Parks Golf Cart
ORLANDO, FL — After managing to hide his true gender while winning a women's golf tournament, local man Hailey Davidson was outed as a man after flawlessly parallel parking his golf cart as he was leaving the course.

"That's no woman! It's a man!" cried onlookers as the cart whipped into perfect position. "We've been had... no wonder he's six-foot-four and drives the ball three hundred yards!"

According to sources, Davidson had previously competed as a male golfer before one day realizing that golf was easier if you hit from the women's tees. "That's when it clicked," said Davidson in a rich baritone voice. "I shaved several strokes off my golf game instantly. It's an incredible golf hack -- I'm honestly surprised I was the first person to figure it out."

With a skirt thrown over his muscular legs, Davidson had passed himself off as a woman throughout the tournament despite towering over the competition and looking like a dude. "I had my suspicions when Davidson chugged a six-pack of Coors Light on the back nine and then peed in the rough on 17," said fellow competitor Lacy Armstrong. "Then he zipped that cart right into the perfect parallel parking space, and I knew."

At publishing time, Davidson had announced he was now a seventy-year-old woman after realizing playing from the senior's tees could shave another three strokes.

NoLoveDeepWeb #sexist #transphobia kiwifarms.st

(Submitter’s note: This is about a YouTuber who has been exposed as a serial sexual harasser. A deadname has been removed.)

I cannot fathom what Emile must be going through right now as some of his closest friends are turning their backs on him over virtually fucking nothing. No proof from any of the rogue's gallery coming forward to speak up against him and the laughably shit proof from the troon, and yet they're treating him like he went out on a raping spree or something. Fuck Masae, fuck AntDude, fuck Jon and Lucah for being backstabbing cunts, and most of all fuck [Emily]. More than anything, I really hope Emile isn't letting all of this bullshit get to him. These kinds of overblown accusations are what lead to autists like him an heroing.

Kamuroshiryu #homophobia #transphobia deviantart.com

I don't follow much wrestling in general, but American UFC wrestler Sean Strickland got quite the haymaker for the wokiots -- especially those that corrupted the LGB community circle -- and the globalist tyranny that has been throwing us "peasants" down, especially during the era of the Bat Ship Crazy Pandemic.

Political Moonshine #wingnut #transphobia #racist #conspiracy politicalmoonshine.substack.com

For well over a year now, the Intelligence Community has been tediously and incrementally operating to remove both Donald Trump and Joe Biden from the 2024 ballot in what amounts to a complete erasure of the slate. Begrudgingly, the IC seems to have accepted and reconciled the fact that despite a wide array of ongoing and future operations to intercede on The People’s will, Trump will be the 2024 nominee. What the IC cannot accept; however, is Trump becoming president. Those operations are guaranteed to continue.

Meanwhile, the IC can’t afford to re-install Biden for a second term either, because even the most partisan Democrats are distancing themselves from that dumpster fire.
The analysis is clear in indicating that Barack Obama will get what amounts to his fifth and likely sixth terms.

In the picture to replace Biden are two clear favorites: California Governor Gavin Newsom and former First Lady Michelle Obama.

This appears to be the general consensus in identifying a Biden replacement and Michelle becomes the obvious interface for Barack’s fifth and sixth terms.
If the leaked reports presumably from the IC about Barack’s pre-presidency sexuality are accurate; and the wide speculation about Michelle being a male are equally accurate as was once posited by a now dead Joan Rivers, it means that ‘Dynastic Bush’ paved the way for Michelle with the entire trans agenda years in advance.

Otherwise the trans agenda and now pervasive Diversity, Equity & Inclusion policies, which is the umbrella for everything culturally wrecking the nation in the public and private sectors, would not have become compulsory or subject to federal and state funding.

Cultural Marxism is overturning fundamental aspects of humanity.
The Intelligence Community’s perception management operations are shoehorning and bullying the population into ‘trans acceptance’ so it can be shoehorned into accepting the first trans couple to occupy the White House for the third time.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: JK Rowling says she would 'happily do two years in jail' if a future Labour government makes it a hate crime to call someone by wrong pronouns | Daily Mail Online

( RuneOwl )
Imagine the PR disaster that would be for trans activists. There’s no defending literal fascists who would throw a beloved author in jail for simply telling the truth while letting trans rapists run amok.

( WatcherattheGates )
I honestly think the fact she has said this will make it impossible for Labour to enact such legislation.

( Jehane )
Usually, when people start to explain what they would do in certain circumstances, I don't believe them simply because it's easy to say "Oh, I TOTALLY would oppose [insert whatever] and suffer the consequences, yay me", but a completely different thing to stick to that because when push comes to shove, most people tend to step down, and quite understandably so.

I believe JKR is the exception to that and would actually do those two years in jail for "misgendering" some idiot or other. That woman is incredibly badass, never backs down no matter how many threats and insults come her way, and I just love how she gets back at those idiots with witty, snarky comments.

( Only_Women_Are_Women )
They would put her in a cell with a violent male too, just to stick it to her.

I know that the Tories are mostly worthless. I know that. But please do not vote Labour back in ever. It could actually get even worse for women.

Do you know how much "euphoria" and "trans joy" it would give male sex perverts to see women jailed for saying no to male sexual fetish?

Labour will make that happen. They're proud to say they will make that happen.

( xy_equals_guy )
If this law comes into effect, I propose that all UK women publicly misgender every autogynephile they can think of on social media. They can't punish us all!

( itsnotaboutewe )
I am willing to go to jail over this issue. I would worry about the cost of solicitors and such but maybe I could crowdfund for that.

Imagine the sheer number of GC women in prison of that happened. Any man with courtroom onset ladyfeelz would think twice before seeking a transfer to the women's estate if it was full of very angry terfs.

( Only_Women_Are_Women )
I fear violent men in wigs would get transferred in just to beat us to death in our cell.

BehindtheCurtain, BondiBlue & Omina_Sentenziosa #transphobia ovarit.com

The Far Left Only Tolerates Trans Because It is a Force for Destabilization

( BehindtheCurtain )
I think they support both TIM and radical Islam because they are both male supremacy movements

( BondiBlue )
Those TIMs who get off on being “submissive Muslima brides” donning the burqa as fetish gear are among the most grotesque things the male animal has come up with.

And yet even ISIS finds “trans harem girls” to be repulsive. They sure as hell know what a woman is when they’re raping her. But our ostensibly liberal politicians consider this perversity stunning and brave.

( Omina_Sentenziosa )
The far left doesn' t tolerate trans, it fully embraces it. They share the same core values, starting with the position of women and men.

This explains why the radical left, despite claiming to be feminist, has absolutely zero problem with tossing women to the wolves

This is something I have seen often: how is possible that so-called feminists are throwing women under the bus? Simple, because they are not feminists. That word has been twisted like many others and bastardized so much that it means something completely different, even though they worked hard at mantaining a working cover so that the most naive people could still be drawn by its original meaning.

It' s like wondering how TIMs can be so hateful of women despite claiming to be women. They are not women, and them claiming to be is proof number one that they hate women. Far leftists and so-called feminists are doing the same thing.

( BondiBlue )
The Spectator has a very intriguing article which argues that the “Palestine project” as we know it today was a Soviet/KGB creation intended to sow discord in the West.


Same thing with the movement for “queerness,” as James Lindsay and others have explored: it’s a “culturally Marxist” weaponization of dogmatic religiosity, aimed at destruction under the guise of “liberation.”

Except instead of liberating from capital exploitation, these nihilistic projects are just enriching pharma and the war machine, while leaving dead and mutilated women and children in their wake.

Revolutions always devour the young.

BellaBlue, crodish & pennygadget #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: India decides Trans and Queer rights more important than LGB- headed the Iran way.

( BellaBlue )
I read comments over on r/IndiaSpeaks and the commenters there were saying "We saw what America is like with their trans bullshit and we don't want that here. It started with gay marriage, and now look at the state of the U.S."

( crodish )
I hate this so much. That it always, ALWAYS goes back to, "we gave them gay marriage, and look what happened. We warned you this would be a slippery slope."

Except the people fucking up that "slippery slope" are the TQ. They are the ones "turning our kids queer", they are the ones "who want pedophilia and beastiality and necrophilia to be legalized next", they are the ones who are "coming after our children". And as much as I LOVE to pin it 100% on the TQ, I also know there are also genuine LGB people in the LGBTQ who believe and vocally support that shit. So I can't even "the LGB want none of this", because CLEARLY, some do.

I hate this SO much. That sexuality apparently IS "choice" now. That sexuality "can" be changed. That "we just want to live our lives" has been so completely bastardized. That the rainbow flag and its ever changing variants evokes such visceral disgust and anger in me nowadays instead of hope.

( pennygadget )
I blame organizations like GLAAD. They just had to find a way to keep donations flowing after gay marriage was legalized federally and most of the country became tolerant of homosexuality. They had to find a new victim group to raise money for. Enter the trans and the "queers"

It also served to bolster their ranks. You can't just make new gays and lesbians. But any person with a mental illness and/or a fetish (or just a bad haircut) can become trans and/or queer

Babylon Bee #wingnut #transphobia babylonbee.com

Gender Surgeon Gives Patient Appointment Reminder For Reversal Surgery In Five Years
REDWOOD CITY, CA — Local gender surgeon Marcus Rankin made sure to schedule a follow-up appointment with a patient five years out from her sex-change surgery for the inevitable reversal procedure she'll want to have done.

"Yeah, it's pretty much a given that after the initial euphoria of getting your bits hacked to…well…bits, that patients decide they want their bits back," the surgical specialist told reporters. "I try to tell them there's not much we can do at that point, but they at least want us to give it the old college try and build something from the horror show we created down there."

Transgender advocates cite the enormous amount of evidence they created that says no one ever regrets having their sensitive stuff turned into a Frankensteinian nightmare and assert anyone wanting to reverse a sex-change surgery never really had their hearts in the game to start with.

"Yeah, there's no way anyone would ever regret getting surgery like that, and I can't believe a doctor would be so transphobic just to assume someone might want to come back in five years to reverse it," activist Jewel Johnson said. "We have so much data in the field of transgender medicine that shows no one ever regrets getting a sex change -- sorry, I mean a 'gender-affirming surgery.' Of course, the surgeries are 100 percent reversible but no one wants to get them reversed. Nope. Never."

At publishing time, Dr. Rankin went ahead and scheduled the 5-year-out surgery as it's pretty much a given at this point that the majority of his patients will realize TikTok lied to them and that they want their old lives back.

Jean-François Braunstein #wingnut #dunning-kruger #transphobia #conspiracy booknode.com

The problem is that we prefer to endanger the majority for the benefit of a tiny minority of convinced activists, who present themselves as eternal victims. Their rights as trans people come before the safety of imprisoned women. On this subject Rowling did not hesitate to aggravate her case by tweeting, on December 12, 2021, about the police who now register male criminals who have raped women as women, just if they declare that they are: "War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. The guy with a penis who raped you is a woman." The reference to Orwell could not be better chosen, we are indeed living in 1984.

mathlover #transphobia #sexist #ableist ovarit.com

(Re: A trans woman joined a sorority. Then her new sisters turned on her.)

His autism is irrelevant. Autistic males are just as deeply inculcated wih male socialization as all males. They absorb it just as much as all other males. They may even be less likely to ever have any misgivings about the violation and sense of entitlement of male socialization.

So what if he feels "bad" for women rejecting his presence in a sex-specific women's space. If he feels like garbage for being rejected, that is appropriate. Hopefully he will feel so profoundly rejected as a POS that he will leave the sorority, where he will never - can never - belong.

BondiBlue #transphobia ovarit.com

A trans woman joined a sorority. Then her new sisters turned on her.

[he] discovered [his] name on neo-Nazi websites

LOL, it sounds like dude may have found his name on the legendary birdwatching forum, and WaPo is bitter they couldn’t destroy it despite Taylor Lorenz’s best efforts. He made the Internet hall of shame and he’s salty.

The Farms is not a Nazi site; its owner/founder is Jewish, and among its membership are other socially introverted autistics who use those like Artemis and his ilk as an example of what not to become, in their quest to better themselves despite life dealing them a rough go of it.

There’s also a gender-critical subforum that specifically discusses TRAs and the reality-denying, destructive ideology that has completely engulfed the world, and shoved the rights and dignity of women, children, the disabled, LGB people, freedom of thought, association, creed, and expression, and the credibility of institutions, into a woodchipper — with the words “Be Kind” painted on it in big, bold letters (and “or else” in the fine print).

Mostly, they just like to laugh at people like Artemis who make a public spectacle of themselves. And who doesn’t, really. It’s not a neo-Nazi belief or practice to be repulsed by pathological liars and sexual predators, or to find whiny and entitled losers who make a (literal) federal case out of mere disagreements something to be pointed at and mocked.

It’s you, hi, you’re the problem, and (almost) everyone agrees.

Vic Biorseth #wingnut #racist #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

It should not be surprising that so many revolutionary activist movements claiming to be inclusive of diversity are actually exclusive to the point pf being supremacist. Nor should anyone be surprised that all of these revolutionary activist movements claim to be democratic at the same time that they oppose the majority.

They cannot possibly be democratic and revolutionary at the same time. That's an irresolvable dichotomy. The whole purpose of any revolution is to overthrow the current majority; the whole purpose of democracy is to allow the majority to rule.
If they can't out-vote us because we outnumber them, they'll illegally change the whole racial balance in America by importing millions and millions of "people of color", and either way, they will either win by revolution, or by "democracy", corrupted as it will then be.

Cultural Marxism hit a near home-run with their DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) revolutionary activist movement, because it incorporated into itself an almost endless number of almost mutually exclusive individual revolutionary activist movements. The possible permutations and combinations of imaginary transsexual pronouns alone defy human counting without the use of a super-computer.

Try to imagine a transvestite, an Islamist, an ardent Communist, an open sodomite, a real live anarchist, a Palestinian, a real live Nazi, a biologically male women's athlete, a bearded drag queen, a material atheist libertarian and a bomb-toting dedicated Jihadist all getting together for a beer in one big happy DEI love-fest.
If none of that sounds particularly democratic to you, welcome to the club. As long as it's anti-Christian, anti-American, anti-Western, anti-male, anti-white, anti-hetero, anti-majority and anti-normalcy, the Marxocrat Party will support it, and the Republicrat Party will seek common ground and compromise with it.

Do you begin to understand Trump's majority popularity everywhere?

Kibeth, old_but_gold & AriadneOnNaxos #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: What kept you from peaking?

( Kibeth )
Pre-peak, I didn't understand it but figured it's not my business what someone else does with their body. [...]. I thought we were just accepting that some men are more comfortable pretending to be women--not that they actually believed themselves to be the same as women. I didn't know how pernicious the movement had become.

I think the first hint of peaking came when I heard about JK Rowling's comments, looked them up myself and didn't see the issue. It was wild to me that everyone is supposed to pretend TIMs are the same as real women. I started to feel uncomfortable, but it was still just some radicals posting online, right? Except I started to hear the same TWAW bs from relatives and friends and well, literally everywhere else. [...]

I think there are probably a lot of people like I was who don't realize how much this is encroaching on our daily lives and have a live and let live attitude about it and so don't pay too much attention. And if they do have any discomfort or criticism, it's difficult to find impartial information to learn more, let alone talk about all of it without coming under fire.

( old_but_gold )
The sex/gender distinction.

I thought everyone understood that TIMs were mentally ill males and that it was a mere kindness to call them "women." I figured we can make room under that label to accommodate them, after all "gender" is just a social role right? That's why I parroted handmaiden lines.

When it finally dawned on me that, no, TRAs really want you to believe that TIMs are female and that they'll call you a bigot and a TERF for acknowledging that sex is a real thing and that it matters, no matter how kind you are about pointing it out and no matter where you restrict the meaningfulness of sex to (including sports, changing rooms, and prisons) -- that's when I peaked.

( AriadneOnNaxos )
I thought we were only pretending that people could change sex. My political tribe was committed to making a tiny minority of poor sad souls who had so internalised homophobia that they thought it was better to be the opposite sex than same-sex attracted feel better. It would be mean to keep telling them they could never actually be the opposite sex, so we told them they were whatever “on the inside”. Of course everybody understood that this was a polite fiction - everyone!

Wrenn #transphobia #dunning-kruger ovarit.com

RE: Need help with Pie analogy

The “rights aren’t pie” mantra originally was used in the cause for gay marriage rights. And the way your friend was using it isn’t even close to how it is intended.

Basically, it was to say that straight people weren’t losing a piece of their “pie” by the legalization of gay marriage. It was a good analogy for that specifically, because the visual was that “marriage” was supposed to be a whole pie - belonging entirely to heterosexuals - and those who opposed gay marriage believed that they were having to cut a slice off and give it to “the gays”, thereby diminishing their pie. But the whole point was that rights aren’t pie. Straight couples lost nothing by allowing two men or two women to walk into a courthouse and obtain a marriage certificate, and have all the legal protections that go along with heterosexual marriage. There was absolutely no change to the legality, status, or validity of heterosexual marriages.

But in the case of “trans rights” - these people are arguing for special changes to rights they already have. They have the right to use the restroom in public, they have the right to play sports in school, they have the right to marry. They aren’t happy with the terms of those rights, while everyone else is. So unlike in the case of gay marriage - where a person had zero legal access to something that others did, on the sole basis of their sexual orientation - trans people already have the rights they demand changes to. And those changes actually do take something away from other people (women and girls). They take away our right to segregation by sex in areas where not being segregated puts as at a disadvantage, in the sole basis of our sex.

If we really want to go back to pie - everyone has pie, and are regularly served enough to eat forever. Trans people demand a different flavor of pie be served to them every minute, which ends up meaning the baker doesn’t have enough time to bake all the other pies anymore, and a lot of people go hungry as a result.

But if it was my friend, I would remind her that rights are not food, nuance is imperative, and complex ideas cannot be boiled down to a third grade reading level. Oh and that men’s rights end where mine begin.

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