throwaway-owl2343 #sexist

(The whole comment section is crazy)

Even in this very day and age there are many societies. Young girls in remote African villages work and are mature, while their western equivalents still play games.

Islamically a girl can marry once she’s hit puberty and is mature.

She must consent to the marriage, and the father must consent.

In the west a child is allowed to cut off their genitalia because it’s their choice, they can have group sex as teenagers and it’s legal, but God forbid a teenager wants to get married to a mature man and every party consents. That’s immoral!

Tatsuya Ishida #racist #wingnut

[From “March 10, 2025: Bad Place 3”]


Panel 1: two Trump supporters wearing red caps are saying “Based Trump” and “Covfefe”
Panel 2: a bearded topless and well-built man stands behind Miko and the Cartoonist, saying “Trump not based” and “Covfefe weak sauce”
Panel 3: the man says “You want based beverage”
Panel 4: the man says “This” and “is based beverage” while holding a cup. The cup is red, features a swastika and the portrait of Adolf Hitler and reads “Men Kampfee - 100% Pure Nationalism”

Ruang Lovenabil #fundie #wingnut

Q was created long ago in 1860 April 1 when 20 Generals placed Abraham Lincoln into office to Fight the Khazarian mafia who created the slave trade and owned 99% of the U.S. Slaves. Today this battle is coming to an end.
Source: Q The Storm
Christmas Eve 1963 was the day 77 U.S.
Generals came together and The Plan was born to Save The World. Three months later 133 Generals became part of _Op. FREEDOM EAGLE35 You are a witness to 58 Year Military Delta
Coming In >> Hot
+22 Nations_1600 Generals

Marie DiMauro #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #homophobia #transphobia

BUT...the catch in the WOKE MOVEMENT Everyone isn't welcome... The regular white male that identifies as a white straight male is not welcome. This movement teaches white boy children it's a sin to be male and straight and they should be ashamed. WOKE is turning out to be a feminist movement...if you look into what is coming out. Teaching children as young as six where children just want to fit in that "being trans is different" is indoctrination not inclusion. All kids seek to stand out and be different that is where it is wrong. So that sign unfortunately is only up to increase an indoctrination agenda.... again WOKE bringing kids into big people fights like a bad divorce...that is why she is being made to take it down.

(Submitter’s note: The sign in question is a school banner with holding hands of different skin tones and reading “everyone is welcome here”).

Chella #magick #crackpot

Greetings, we are the High Council of Sirius.
Do you feel it, yet? Do you see it, yet? The Earth and Humanity have indeed jumped into a New Timeline, a significant shift that is altering your existence and accelerating the trajectory of your Ascension Process in profound ways. This new phase represents a monumental leap forward, a transformative experience that invites each of you to engage with your higher selves and embrace the light within you.
All Darkness is being exposed, brought to the surface for examination and healing. This process can be intense, as it requires you to confront the shadows within yourselves and within society. It is essential to recognize that this exposure is to catalyze awakening and transformation. As you become aware of the darker aspects of our collective reality, you are also gifted with the opportunity to transmute this energy into light, fostering healing and growth on both personal and communal levels.

Martin Kerr #racist #wingnut

[From “A Brief Note on Tulsi Gabbard”]

WE SEE THAT MANY RACIAL NATIONALISTS on Gab, Stormfront and elsewhere are reacting with great enthusiasm to Tulsi Gabbard's short video announcing that she is leaving the Democratic party because of its embrace of anti-White ideology and extreme leftwing policies. We agree that Gabbard seems to be the best of a bad lot

But before everyone jumps on the Tulsi bandwagon, let me point out four things:
(1) To the degree that she is nationalist, she is a civic nationalist, not a racial nationalist
(2) She is of about 30 percent Samoan and East Asian ancestry. Hence, she is not White or Aryan
(3) Although she has been critical of specific Israeli policies in the past, she is broadly pro-Zionist
(4) She is no great friend of the right to keep and bear arms. Although she supports the Second Amendment in theory, her practical support is limited and includes many exceptions

As desperate as some White Nationalists are for a savior, it is not Tulsi Gabbard. Many a politician can give a good speech to drum up support by telling voters what they want to hear - but it is what they do that really matters

And, as we have said many times in the past, there is no political solution to the ills that beset our race. We cannot vote ourselves out of the mess that we have gotten ourselves into!

Beyond that, we reject out of hand the notion that the cause of White renewal should be led by a non-White, whether it's Tulsi Gabbard, Andrew Yang, Nick Fuentes, or someone else. Really, a basic sense of racial self-respect prohibits such leadership

Lincoln Rockwell said that the White masses will embrace National Socialism only as the last resort, after everything else has failed them. Civic nationalism[…]is merely a waystation that Whites have to pass through on the journey to National Socialism

Do not be misled! Accept no substitute. Stay the course, no matter how difficult it may prove!


Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy

Derinkuyu in Turkey is a massive underground complex of tunnels and cave like rooms
It has vertical staircases and 180 feet ventilation holes

The ridiculous narrative is that it was constructed by the Hittites of Phyrgians around 3000 BC
And was rediscovered in 1963 by an anonymous local who kept losing his chickens

Chickens is a code word for kids being smuggled by pedophilia rings
And underground tunnels are used for this purpose

Humans could not build elaborate tunnels without light
The light bulb was supposed to be discovered in 1879
And torches or candles would not have sufficient oxygen to keep burning

Humans require sunlight
Our bodies have photoreceptors that respond to sunlight and convert it to energy
Survival without sunlight would be limited to weeks or maybe months

The BBC reported there are actually 18 levels at Derinkuyu
Only 4 levels are open to the public
They also divulged that the tunnel system connects to over 200 subterranean cities all over the world
Everywhere you go cities have an underground tunnel system
Sometimes the upper passages are open as a tourist attraction
But we are not allowed to see or know about what is down in the lower levels

Even the Grand Canyon has an extensive tunnel system in which numerous Egyptian style artifacts have been found
But now these are off limits and are not spoken of
Even though much of the Grand Canyon has Egyptian names

In Colorado the native Hopi say that ant people took them underground for refuge and sustenance during 2 different cataclysms
What species thrives underground and can build elaborate tunnel systems
The answer is ants
The upright ones are mantises and the tall ones are referred to as insectoids
Derinkuyu in Turkey is just a massive ant farm
The future is being built on top of a buried past
And what we are being taught as history is complete nonsense

When people have zero idea of where they are or what they are doing here
They are easily controlled
Because a lost group will inevitably follow!

Ethan White #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy

Let’s stop pretending this is anything less than a targeted assault on patriots. It’s March 14, 2025 — and while President Donald J. Trump is back in office, fighting tooth and nail to dismantle the Deep State machine, the remnants of this corrupt beast are retaliating with one of the most dangerous psychological warfare tactics we’ve ever seen: State-enabled Swatting Kill Protocols.

While Trump leads the charge to restore justice, these Deep State operatives — embedded in legacy law enforcement channels, tech infrastructure, and globalist NGO cells — are actively hunting his supporters. And they’re doing it through weaponized swatting attacks disguised as “pranks,” but executed like pre-approved assassination attempts.

Independent journalist Breanna Morello has now confirmed the existence of a disturbing operational signature. Every swatting victim is receiving Cash on Delivery pizza deliveries from Domino’s or Papa John’s, minutes before law enforcement is dispatched with deadly force.

This “pizza protocol” isn’t just tactical — it’s symbolic. The same networks that trafficked children, laundered money through NGOs, and ran intelligence ops using charities and pizza shops — yes, those networks — are now leaving their fingerprints on every swatting incident. And they’re laughing while they do it.

Don’t be naive. These pizza chains aren’t random. These aren’t trolls. This is part of a ritualistic signaling method used by globalist black operations. You are watching military-grade tactics unfold in suburbia.
Trump’s return to power has sent the globalists into panic mode. They know their empire is collapsing. The QFS financial system is rising. The military tribunals are coming. The fake media is disintegrating. The 10 Days of Darkness are on the horizon. And Trump’s America First doctrine is back with a vengeance.
We are not afraid. We will not back down. And Trump’s America will not be silenced by your pizza boxes and SWAT teams.

Tartaria Britannica #crackpot #magick #conspiracy

The Spring Equinox is not just the turning of a season. It is not a quaint festival marking the return of warmth to the northern lands. It is a switching point, designed into the architecture of the realm itself, where the pulse of the field neutralizes and the conditions for transfer open. This is the moment when the system listens. And what is anchored in that silence determines the shape of the cycle that follows.
Everything in this realm runs on current. The sky, the land, the waters, the pulse of the Sun—all of it part of the same system. You are no exception. The water in your blood, the salts in your cells, the electric charge of your nervous system, the frequency of your brainwaves—every part of you is built to harmonize with the breath of the machine.

At the Spring Equinox, when the field drops into balance, your own field follows. Your resistance falls. Your signal clarifies. And what you carry internally—whether intention, emotion, or thought—broadcasts cleanly into the system with almost no distortion.
Those who fill the gate with noise—through distraction, fear, and synthetic events—understand this perfectly. They aren’t playing by accident. They know the stakes.
The Spring Equinox is the chosen window for resetting the global financial system, launching fiscal years, and shifting the flows of wealth. The current moves, and those who control the larger levers of the machine ride that movement to lock in their next arc of control.

Mass rituals unfold in plain sight, disguised as global events and cultural spectacles. The same patterns repeat—high-profile media, synchronized ceremonies, staged distractions—filling the field with artificial resonance designed to overwrite the natural harmonic. And when noise is not enough, chaos is introduced. Historical disruptions, collapses, and shocks cluster around this window for a reason. The system is open. The field is listening. And fear is as much a seed as anything else.

Fiona Barnett #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy

Fiona Barnett, Eyes Wide Open, Satanic Ritual Abuse & Mind Control, Luciferian Cover-up, Pedogate, The Black Network, NXIVM is MK-ULTRA, Operation Mockingbird, Pedophile Information Exchange, Elm Guest House, Spartacus, CIA Child Trafficking, Jimmy Savile, Dutroux, Tavistock, Scallywag, NAMBLA, Trauma-Based Mind Control



The Luciferian Cover-up
1. Watergate was Pedogate
2. Royal Whitewash
3. Victorian Pedophile Network
4. NSW Pedophile Network
5. Bond University Pedophile Network
6. ‘The Greater Good’
7. Conspiracy Fact

The Luciferian Philosophy
8. Justice Denied
9. MK-ULTRA & the Occult
10. MK-ULTRA in Australia
11. MK-ULTRA in Hillsong Church
12. Confessions of a Sydney Satanist

My Witness Testimony
13. Ritual Abuse in Australia
14. Relevance of Intelligence
15. The Programming Matrix
16. Candy Girl Child Prostitute
17. MK-DELTA Child Soldier

How to Heal
18. Psychology 101
19. Trauma-Focussed Integration
20. Dirty Doctors
21. A Life Sentence
22. Source of Hope Within


Consider it more a reference book designed to meet three distinct aims:

1. Provide the relevant historical basis for understanding the existence and coverup of CIA child trafficking, ritual abuse, and mind control.
2. Document my personal experience of this abuse in Australia and the USA.
3. Offer information for combating the techniques which cults, the military and intelligence agencies use to artificially induce dissociation and achieve radical and strategic behaviour modification.
The Bible suggests we may know them by their fruits. That is, we recognise the wolves in sheep skins by the consequences of their words and behaviour. Be they arrogant academic or bottom-feeding troll, anyone who attempts to discredit the above writings is certainly an operative for the trafficking network. Similarly, whoever attacks my book has a vested interest in the lucrative international child trafficking operation coordinated by the CIA.

Donald Trump #conspiracy #crackpot #wingnut

The Globalist Wall Street Journal has no idea what they are doing or saying. They are owned by the polluted thinking of the European Union, which was formed for the primary purpose of “screwing” the United States of America. Their (WSJ!) thinking is antiquated and weak, and very bad for the USA. But have no fear, we will WIN on everything!!! Egg prices are down, oil is down, interest rates are down, and TARIFF RELATED MONEY IS POURING INTO THE UNITED STATES. “The only thing you have to fear, is fear itself!”

Victory Of Christ (AKA “Prayer of Jesus Christ”) #fundie

What if I told you that this very moment hold the very power to shift your entire existence?
A salary three times my previous income.
“Andy”, “You have been chosen. These miracles are not just for you”.
“Go, and let the world know that his promises are real and his blessings are waiting”
[Submitter’s Note: Found this clicking on an AMG News Ad]

Kent Hovid #psycho #fundie

I think there is something in the genetic code that deals with the disposition towards gentleness or meanness, and I think in God's perfect law, if we would continually eliminate, execute people that do these certain crimes, we would gradually get a much better society that... not so many people have this "mean gene" in them.

An anonymous detransitioner #transphobia #fundie

I'm 74 years old, have four children, four stepchildren and eight grandchildren, soon to be nine. Yet I was transgender for 15 years, between the ages of 12 and 26. It was a painful and unforgettable experience during which I was obsessed with not letting my trans-identity show through effeminate behaviour or a spontaneous reaction that would betray my homosexual tendencies. I mention it here because, at my age, you have to ask yourself what you want to do before you die. Well, I want to pass on my story to tell young people suffering from gender dysphoria that there are at least three ways of dealing with the pain of gender dysphoria:

1) Resigning oneself to living with dysphoria.

2) Changing one's body to match their mind via hormone therapy and surgery.

3) Reconciling your psychological identity with the biological identity of your sex with help from a qualified therapist. Today, this third path has become a new taboo called ‘conversion therapy’. It's a mistake to make it a new taboo, even if a famous documentary on the subject has mixed conversion therapy with exorcism, guilt-tripping speeches, group prayers and behaviourist therapies from another age, as well as some legitimate and honest speeches, with a certain amount of bad faith.


My experience seems to prove that there is a third way, which I call ‘reconciliation therapy’ between gender identity and sexual identity (not to be confused with ‘conversion therapy’). Yes, psychological identity is a flexible thing and there are therapies that allow you to change not only your behaviour, but also your self-image in the eyes of yourself and others.

F is for Feminist, Annie J., Alan rose #transphobia

(F is for Feminist)
Why should your daughter, in order to be a girl, have to present herself in the restrictive, out-dated, stereotyped trappings of a girl? That is part of the problem. [...] The trans-mob is one of the most repressive, hetero-normative, stereotyping, misogynist, anti-feminist, anti-lesbian/gay movements to ever exist and be so far reaching. Yes, fight back for your children but not by being trapped by gender stereotyping.

(Annie J.)
I agree with you, and this is what I tell my daughter. She first came out to me as bisexual, and I accepted her as so. I love her no matter what. Then she told me she was "pansexual", then it changed eventually to trans. I supported her in those earlier years by telling her to be herself - dress how she wants, cut her hair how she wants - that's no big deal. She always had a style all her own, and that's part of what makes her special. However, this whole trans thing is insanity. You are so right about the trans-mob's anti-female (anti anything but 100% trans affirming) stance. It's awful, hateful, and unrealistic. I am sickened by what it is doing to our children and cannot understand how it started, nor how to stop it. I grew up a tomboy, had boy friends, did boy things (bb guns, tree climbing, baseball, football) - it drove my mom nuts but she let me be me. I grew up a well adjusted woman. It sickens me to know if I were a kid today, that I'd be groomed and put in the trans category.

(F is for Feminist)
Yes Annie J. I too was called a tomboy. I gravitated toward “boy” things. I feel so lucky that I was able to grow into the woman I am. Today, I would have been told I was “really a boy” and could have spent my youth with a mutilated body and a lifetime on hormones.

(Alan rose)
Genesis 1:27 And God created humankind in the divine image,

creating it in the image of God—

creating them male and female.

Yes Gays Are Bullies #homophobia #wingnut #conspiracy

The foreign LGBT invasion of Kenya
Homosexual behavior is illegal in Kenya according to the country’s constitution. But officials have been caving in to pressure.

In February 2023, the Kenya Supreme Court ruled that the National Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (NGLHRC) must be allowed to officially register as a non-governmental organization (NGO). This ruling gave it legal recognition to openly engage in a range of activities and promotions in Kenya. That ruling shocked the country’s Christian community.

NGLHRC was founded by a group of pro-LGBT Kenyan lawyers to aggressively promote “equality and full inclusion” of LGBT “identities” and behaviors in Kenya. It engages mostly in strategic litigation, but also public advocacy, “training and civic education,” and other civic activism. According to the pastors we spoke with, it is funded by U.S.-based other Western organizations.

The vast foreign money coming into Kenya to implement the LGBTQ agenda and change the country’s culture is astounding, and similar to the situation in neighboring countries.


It’s quite frightening. These pro-LGBT groups in Kenya are strategically organized and funded (with full-time staff) to target the Kenyan people and society from different directions.


It’s particularly alarming, say the pastors, that these groups take advantage of the relative illiteracy in rural areas by pushing homosexual and gender ideology there (often using the infamous “gender unicorn”) to persuade and recruit children to accept those ideas and behaviors.

Kabamur Taygeta #ufo #conspiracy

Trump is still alive is because Galactic Federation wants him alive.

I’ve been here since 2017 saying that he’s a catalyst for the awakening of humanity in preparation for the Shift

Trump will say he was saved by “God” because this is what people can hear. But God isn’t a person choosing sides.

The fact that Trump is still alive, despite all the evil on this planet wanting him dead, proves the dark forces are outmatched.

If Trump were on the ‘dark side’, why are there no other ‘light forces’ around to stop him? If his karma is so bad, why does he keep winning?

To go against Trump is to go against the angels of light. To go against Galactic Federation is a bad idea.

Candace Owens #sexist #conspiracy

On This Past Weekend, a podcast hosted by stand-up comic Theo Von, conspiracy theorist Candace Owens defended convicted rapist Harvey Weinstein. Owens claimed that the disgraced former movie mogul was “wrongfully convicted” and complained that he “took the fall for the Me Too movement”[…]
Owens[…]said she’s planning a new video series to defend Weinstein

Owens boasted of her steadfast opposition to the Me Too movement, which saw people speak up about sexual harassment and sexual assault, often by powerful figures in media like Harvey Weinstein. She said this was the impetus for her to revisit Weinstein’s case

“I believe it is the case,” Owens told Von

When asked if she believed Weinstein was “innocent,” Owens said she believed he was “wrongfully convicted,” and that “there is a difference between being immoral and being a person who abuses their power” and “being a cold blooded rapist”

Owens signaled her intent to go through text messages and emails of Weinstein’s accusers in order to undermine their credibility, telling Von she was “shocked” by “what these women were saying after their rapes.” She added that she would not speak to someone who raped her in that way

Owens also complained that Weinstein “took the fall for the Me Too movement,” and defended another accused rapist: former Today host Matt Lauer

“But I just believe in justice,” she said. “If I hate you, I will still defend you if I think you’re wrongfully convicted. I hated Matt Lauer, and I was like, come on, guys. Calling him a rapist because he had an affair with his intern? I mean, women are just all always so hopeless”

Arthur Schaper #homophobia

Second, homosexuals who want to play pretend will talk about the thousands of so-called rights that they will lose if they are not “married.” However, they had no business being allowed to marry in the first place. They can marry someone of the opposite sex because marriage has always been the union of a man and a woman, for that is the only coupling that can sire and rear children.

Matt Walsh #wingnut

Elon Musk has done more than any single human on Earth to promote and propagate “green” alternatives. He has one of the largest electric vehicle companies on the planet. By the Left’s climate change logic, he has saved millions of lives and prevented untold number of hurricanes, tornadoes, and other catastrophes. If they took their climate change bullshit seriously at all, they would celebrate him as an environmental hero. They would happily overlook the MAGA stuff because he is — again, by their logic — doing more than anyone else to save the globe. But of course they don’t actually believe in any of that climate stuff or care about it at all, which is why they’re in the process of trying to destroy one of the greenest companies in the world.
1:57 PM · Mar 12, 2025 · 641.7K Views

Andrew Tate #racist #conspiracy

From the March 5, 2025, edition of Full Send Podcast streamed on YouTube

ANDREW TATE (INFLUENCER): We have more in common with Russia than we do with England currently. The average Russian man will understand the average American man just fine. You won't understand the average Brit who thinks it's wrong to tweet about the native people getting raped and murdered because there's unchecked migration. The average Brit will sit there and go, "That's racist" --
KYLE FORGEARD (HOST): Well, I guess you can't do too much free speech against Putin as well in Russia probably, right?
TATE: Of course you can. No, you can't.
FORGEARD: You can?
TATE: No, you can't.
FORGEARD: Can't. Yeah.
TATE: No, you can't. But this is actually interesting, so let's analyze this. Free speech. This is a interesting conversation because America believes it has free speech. It doesn't. But every single country in the world has things you cannot talk about. Every single country in the world has off topics -- off-limit topics. In Russia, it's Putin, in the Middle East, it's Islam, in Turkey, it's Erdogan. If you talk against them, you're going to get in a lot trouble. Do you know what the American one is?
FORGEARD: What, speaking out against the Dems?
TATE: Speaking out against the Jews. If you speak out —
FORGEARD: Oh, the Jews.
TATE: — against the Jews in America, you're going to get in a lot of trouble

The Zetas via Nancy Leider #ufo #crackpot #quack #conspiracy

Schumann Resonance spikes have been associated with lightning activity in the upper atmosphere, in the ionosphere. The establishment has tried to blame spikes on solar activity but the Sun refused to cooperate. As Nibiru draws closer and its charged tail wafts the Earth, all electrical frequencies recorded at the Schumann Resonance stations around the world are showing spikes. This scrambling will continue to get worse, as will interference with mankind’s electrical infrastructure.

These spikes are equivalent to the Electro-Magnetic-Pulse (EMP) which has been causing blackouts and bringing down airplanes. Mankind as all living creatures on Earth are also affected with what we have termed Magnetic Sickness – the woosies, ie nausea and dizziness. The Kolbrin reported that women could not get pregnant during such times. That the low frequency Schumann Resonance colors relate to human brain wave activity shows the reason for this sickness.
Light rays form Helix Tubes and Nibiru’s tail forms a Double Helix behind Nibiru via its two Dominant Moons. This is a common particle flow pattern which forms as a result of the tendency of like particles to want to group together but also to push against crowding. We have explained that this is God’s way to keep things in motion and to prepare an interesting environment for young souls who are learning how to interact with each other.

As the tail of Nibiru wafts toward the Earth it brings Petrol and Debris and Red Dust Earthbound, which can form into a cloud of dust or congeal into a blob of Petrol or be Minor Moons that form into any number of String of Pearl arrangements. Earth bound Debris that forms into a Helix Tube arrangement will retain that arrangement until it hits the Earth’s atmosphere or is distracted by a gravity tug from a large object such as the Earth or Earth’s Moon or Nibiru itself. The skies will get increasingly interesting as the hour of the Passage approaches.

CG/Rav Mortichai #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

Donaldberg Trumpstein is a blowhard pathological liar sociopath whiny trust fund baby spoiled brat in an ugly old cheesy orange spray tanned whoremonger’s body.

He is not for all the redneck simps he connived with his sales talk and back room Jewboy Illuminati Cambridge Analytica data mining of the average red state voters social media posts so they all knew exactly what lies to feed the masses to sell their Zionist NWO bs to them.

He only works for the Khazarian Mafia and it’s always been MIGA not MAGA as his sole function is to be ZioDon The ZioPawn. I thought I despised GW Bush and Cheney the most for being old White privileged candy ass mahogany row country club soft pussy’s as men who sent America’s youth to a bogus war that costs trillions and recked countless life’s here and abroad.

But ZioDon The ZioPawn is worse because all he does is lie24/7/365. There’s nothing worse than a pathological liar man, nothing and that POS is just one big ugly lie.
<Rav Mortichai
I’ve lampooned a number of Prince songs here, mainly to poke the jew. Not out of meanness to Prince, whose music I enjoy and something we can all recognize.

I’ll say this about Prince. Despite appearance, he was hetero and a Christian (Jehovah’s Witnesses) brought up in a Christian household. His ex-guitarist (a lesbian jew) implied anti-semitism when he attempted to convert her to Christianity.

After Prince died, it was discovered his doctor (also jewish) had overprescribed pain medicine. To this day, jewish media maintains it was an unintentional overdose when in reality it was medical malpractice at best or a poisoning at worst.

Prince was one of the greatest musicians ever. He could do it all, singing, played guitar, bass, piano, others. Great stage presence. He was a gift and God was with him. Taken out by a jew. RIP Prince.

Nicky Hamid #ufo #magick #conspiracy

The Shadow in Pseudo- Authority

There are so many “games” being played in the so called “spiritual communities”. They are subtle and hidden in what I call “a “shroud” (subtle shadow etheric cloak) of service to others when it is really, consciously or subconsciously, still with strong elements of service to self.

It is ubiquitous and sneaky both for the other and yourself. You get a kind of “clingy uncomfortable feeling” in its presence. It makes you doubt yourself.

For some a flash of a dark being (entity) is seen and or even a feeling like a dagger in your heart. This can be intended in a snap negative thought (judgement) of you or unconscious from the originator (unaware of the shadow hidden in their own Auric field).

It is part of our awakening journey in order to learn to discern what is True in our own Heart and what is masquerading as truth (shadow).

It is rife as we travel through the upper reaches of what is often termed by many as “the 4th dimension. As we become more in tune to subtleties of our own Truth feeling they become more detectable.

BE AWARE (beware) that you do not put anyone else’s authority above your own “gut feeling” (in contrast to little ego mind story generator).

And the discernment comes from listening to your immediate sense of Heart knowing. And you will always get it though it is quick and in a flash at the very moment of impact of the other.

You are learning to heed it.

This is why I say “First thought is right thought”.

It is all about Trusting your own Truth telling.

And mostly you may not know why, at first.

And you don’t need to nor explain yourself to others. Just act on it privately.

You learn why on a need to know basis.

You are being True to your Highest Knowing which transcends stories.

It is so much more about your choice to listen and becoming the Love guided, first responder to your own Knowing.

I So Love You

timjoebob #wingnut #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy

Where is it? C’mon, man, everyone is drowning in power-grid costs and nobody is talking about the supposed new energy technologies that are supposed to be released to the planet for all of humanity. As far as I’m concerned it’s every bit as important as DOGE.

Stop talking about new tech if you can’t bring it into reality. Blah blah blah. We’ve been hearing this for decades. It’s all bs if someone doesn’t prove to the world that people are actualy getting free energy technology ….. for real, to power homes and businesses.

Release it to the world free of charge. We’ll just see if this so-called Golden Age is based in reality.

Release healing technologies like MedBeds, and let’s see if the Golden Age is based in reality.
Remove evil from the planet and let’s just see if the Golden Age is based in reality.

Stop spraying chemtrails for God’s sake. Trump has done zero on this in Commiefornia. Yesterday’s skies started out clear, but by 9:00 am there was a grid plastering the once blue sky ….. literally a grid of stripes covering from horizon to horizon.

Crickets …..

Remove, permanently, MSM.

Remove the IRS. …. you get where I’m going …..
We’ll just have to wait and see ….. however, for those of us that are elderly, 70’s and beyond, waiting and seeing just doesn’t cut it.

Take it for what it is, people. It’s just another regime change. Trump and company will have to prove themselves worthy of our admiration by doing everything I’ve alluded to, or prove themselves powerless against the insurmountable evil that has gripped the planet for hundreds of thousands of years. Just who’s planet is this, anyway, ours, or the evil entity no one is allowed to talk about?

Have you noticed nothing has changed on the Left? It’s 2016 all over again. Block Trump and stifle him every step of the way. They will never stop ….. ever.

Tha Galactics need to intervene. Period. End of discussion.

KKK #racist #fundie

Are you doing a report for school about the KKK?
Many young people come to this site because their teacher has asked them to do a report. Some of you have been assigned this subject. And some of you have picked this topic on your own. Before you do your report – there are a few things that you should know.
You would be lucky if your teacher happened to be a Klansman or Klanswoman, but the chances are they aren’t.
I mentioned the bit about your teacher slanting the history because we believe in Jesus

Ben Shapiro #wingnut #conspiracy #pratt

Ben Shapiro on Tuesday called for President Donald Trump to pardon Derek Chauvin — the former Minneapolis police officer responsible for the death of George Floyd[…]
In a video posted online, he said:

If we are issuing pardons, however, there is one person that President Trump should pardon from federal charges forthwith. It would be incredibly controversial, but I think that it’s absolutely necessary. That person is Derek Chauvin. President Trump should, in fact, pardon Derek Chauvin. He should. He should pardon him his federal charges

If we are talking about reversing the evils of the last several years in American life, obviously Covid and its handling was a massive evil — destroyed the economy, set us on a path to fiscal insanity, destroyed children, led to massive health-related cover-ups. Just horrifying all the way around. And President Trump has taken on a lot of those things; but when it came to BLM, the inciting event for the BLM riots that caused $2 billion in property damage in the United States — and set America’s race relations on their worst footing in my lifetime — was, in fact, the railroading of Derek Chauvin in the death of George Floyd

The evidence demonstrates that Derek Chauvin did not in fact commit murder of George Floyd. George Floyd was high on fentanyl. He had a significant pre-existing heart condition. George Floyd was saying he could not breathe before he was even out of the car. He was in the car saying he could not breathe. Derek Chauvin, for large segments of even the tape that was shown, had his knee on George Floyd’s shoulder or back — not on his neck. The autopsy of George Floyd showed that he had no damage to his trachea, that probably George Floyd died of excited delirium. There were no accusations, even at trial, that Derek Chauvin had committed a hate crime against George Floyd, or that he targeted George Floyd because of his race

KingofInceldia68 #psycho #racist

There was dog that only barked at niggers JFL
A truck driver had his dog as a ride along at a place I was picking up today.

I would get out of my truck to load, secure my stuff, the dog would start going off any of the black folks walking by.

Freaking mean looking dog.

Idk if it saves it from total dog genocide (in Vidya game)

Dogs do not like black skin because they are colour blind.

I thought It was because they were based.

Total dog genocide is back on. (In Vidya game)

Tatsuya Ishida #racist #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #biphobia

[From “March 2, 2025: Black Pill”]


Panel 1: Cletus is walking in front of three distributors, the first one for Q-pill, Trump-pills and Christianity-pills, the second for red pills and the third one for black pills
Panel 2: Cletus buys and then eat a black pill
Panel 3: Cletus is standing in front of a sky with dark clouds
Pänel 4: Cletus is turning his head to a group of Black men beating up a White man
Panel 5: The beating up of Panel 4 is zoomed in
Panel 6: Cletus walks to the group
Panel 7: the group of Black men has noticed Cletus
Panel 8: Cletus is running away
Panel 9: A sheriff star is shown
Panel 10: Cletus open the door of the police station
Panel 11: A Shiba wearing a police uniform. Above him are flying flags for Black Lives Matter, LGBT and antifa
Panel 12: Cletus is pursued by the same group of Black men. The police station has portraits of George Floyd and in front of the station is a street sign banning White men from entering

Bro. Eric Kalinowski #fundie

Matthew 6:16-18 “Moreover when ye fast, be not, as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance: for they disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to fast. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. But thou, when thou fastest, anoint thine head, and wash thy face; That thou appear not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father which is in secret: and thy Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly.”
Fasting can be a spiritually good and enriching experience for true believers in Christ who want to take their devotion to the next level. But all too common it’s become a perverse thing that screams of self righteousness.
We have both “Lent” and “Ramadan” going on right now, neither of which are prescribed or even remotely implied in the Bible. We have papists and Mohammedans trying to look righteous to the world and shun the Lord!!!!!! HOW IS SMOTHERING ASH ON YOUR FOREHEAD AS A SIGN OF SELF RIGHTEOUSNESS AND GORGING ON ENDLESS SHRIMP AT RED LOBSTER A “SACRIFICE?” JUST BECAUSE YOU DIDN’T HAVE THE STEAK OR CHICKEN? HOW IS FASTING DURING THE DAY BUT EATING 4000 CALORIES EVERY NIGHT A FAST? IT ISN’T! THIS IS NOWHERE EVEN REMOTELY IMPLIED TO BE BIBLICAL!!!!!
If you fast, it should be spontaneous and a real fast! Actually abstain from everything but water for a set period of time, but wash your face and don’t look distraught and if you’re a woman put on makeup to hide that you’re fasting! It’s literally in the Bible! Fasting should be spontaneous and not just because it’s a certain day or week or month in the calendar! Following the rites and rules of men isn’t in the Bible! Who gave the Pope or the descendants of Muhammad authority? It sure as heck wasn’t the Lord! All this fake “fasting” is an abomination unto the Lord and these hypocrites truly received their reward in front of men, especially lukewarm papist Marco Rubio going to work with that goofy ash mark on his face! Woe is unto the self righteous and the hypocrites!

2nd Smartest Guy in the World #quack #wingnut #conspiracy

Just like the Intelligence Industrial Complex, their various Federal agencies, “nonprofits,” and corporate partners-in-crime created the PSYOP-19 scamdemic, so too has H5N1 PSYOP-BIRD-FLU been cooked up via gain-of-function (GOF) by yet another criminal government entity in the USDA.

And just like during the last viral crime against humanity, the solution is once again far worse than the disease; in other words, just like the Modified mRNA slow kill bioweapons that were injected into millions of fearful humans, so too does the USDA, CDC, FDA, NIAID, NIH, et al. want to poison all of the livestock with their latest PSYOP-BIRD-FLU “vaccines” that they are also angling at some point in the not so distant future to inject into humans as well.

Thankfully, Kennedy is opposing this bioterror democide of humans and animals alike

There is now compelling evidence that this latest Bird Flu strain, just like COVID, originated in a lab and is yet another manmade “pandemic” which deliberately took a mild wild virus and GOF’ed it into a more virulent variant:

These “biosecurity” protocols are designed to put pressure on the food supply, destroy perfectly healthy animals, decimate livelihoods and further impoverish Americans such that they are even easier to control and scare into taking the next rounds of BigPharma eugenics injections.
A moratorium on GOF is long overdue, as are mass arrests.

An incredibly important aside here is that no vaccine can prevent any respiratory disease, not a one, not in humans, birds, cows, swine or for that matter any other carbon based life form.
Not a single vaccine study shows safety, efficacy or necessity, not a one.

Not a single vaccine is safe, effective or necessary, not for measles, tetanus, PSYOP-19, PSYOP-BIRD-FLU or any other disease whatsoever, and all of the grifting murderous bioterrorist “experts” know it.

Do NOT fall for yet another manmade scamdemic, or the associated slow kill bioweapon “vaccines.”

Do NOT comply.

Laura Sanger Ph.D. #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy

We are at war. The primary battlefield is our mind. The Seed War of Genesis 3 is the longest standing, consecutive war in history. The impact cannot be underestimated but tragically, most people are oblivious because they have fallen prey to the mind control tactics of the Nephilim.

Who are the Nephilim? What is their agenda? And how has the Nephilim Agenda impacted our daily lives? If Jesus won the Seed War, why are we still amid a supernatural battle of epic proportions?

Journey with Dr. Sanger as she traverses time and space to discover how a biblical worldview explains the madness that has descended upon us. It’s time to remove the blindfolds and examine the myriads of ways the Nephilim Agenda has been strangling the lifeblood out of humanity. Together, we will untangle the web of lies, smash the warped philosophies corrupting our culture and establish the truth of God’s Word as our firm foundation.

Generation Hoodwinked is a timely follow-up to The Roots of the Federal Reserve. Dr. Sanger connects the dots between the coup d’etat that took place on Mount Hermon and our current battle to preserve humanity. We are living in days that some have characterized as the “worst of times,” but as followers of Jesus, these are the best of times. We were BORN FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS!! Be equipped to use your weapons of warfare to set the captives free. By the final pages, may you be able to declare with confidence, “I AM NO LONGER ENSLAVED!”

Texastreeman #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy #mammon

Good evening Family,

I hope everyone made it thru the weekend. Pray we didn’t lose anyone.

Ok ! Lot of people need to wake up !!


I know everyone wish this was done last week, last month, last year.

I do too. But it’s not time yet.

Every day you guys get so much throw at you about this or that. It really makes it hard to believe.

Lot of you have had to resell your currency to survive.

Because you keep hearing 100 percent confirm we get pay this week. ( Cry wolf to many times ).

Then you will get your email at 10 a.m. tomorrow.

( Cry wolf to many times ).

Are lot’s believe the code man is fraud.

Allow me to tell you my only opinion.

First Trump has to let DOGE play it’s self out. Trump can’t allow FRAUD into the new REPUBLICAN OR INTO QFS.

Trump can’t allow anyone on these GHOST account’s come over .

So we are looking 6 more weeks for DOGE to wrap up.

Then remember under GESARA/NESARA. We have to be under world peace.

This week they are working on Russian and Ukraine peace deal. That will take 2,3 weeks. There goes MARCH . SO SAD. ANOTHER MONTH GONE.

Remember we still got middle east to deal with. Now they are not doing what Trump has ask them to do.
But remember DOGE had 6 weeks to finish up. So you take 3 weeks off from peace deals. That leaves DOGE till 20th of April.

Now we have BONDS trying to get done. It’s not as easy people think. They are all tie to countries. So once all peace deals, wars over, GESARA is ready. Then you will see BIG BOND MOVEMENT. They want to be payout just as much as us.
Remember we’ve heard for over a year QFS was running parallel with the banks. So just because GESARA and RV been sign off don’t mean we are ready.

Folks this is going to hurt.

You are just going to have a sit back and carry your life on as if you was working.
We have 5 very large deep, deep pockets of funds in these trusts accounts for the world.

So sit back and wait till it’s time.

Medeea Greere #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

The war against Elon Musk has escalated to unprecedented levels.

His businesses are under direct attack. His life is in danger. And the Democratic Party’s silence is as telling as it is damning.

Tesla dealerships are being vandalized. Charging stations torched. Cyberattacks on X have skyrocketed. And now, intelligence reports suggest that deep state operatives are even plotting to assassinate both Musk and President Trump.

Let that sink in.

This is not just about politics.

For years, the left has pushed electric vehicles as the future of America. They claimed that fossil fuels were destroying the planet. They forced automakers into compliance. They demanded the end of gas-powered cars.

Yet now, as Tesla—the world’s most successful EV company—is under attack, they say NOTHING.

Where is AOC? Where is Kamala Harris? Where are the so-called “climate activists” who lecture Americans about sustainability?

Their silence speaks volumes.
Whenever America faces organized chaos, unrest, and political violence, one name always seems to surface:

George Soros.

This man has spent billions to fund radical left-wing activism, destabilize governments, and manipulate elections.

Now, reports suggest that Soros-backed groups may be financing the attacks on Tesla and X.

If true, this would mean:

Deliberate sabotage of the world’s leading EV company
Coordinated cyberattacks against the most powerful free-speech platform in existence
Planned, strategic violence aimed at intimidating Elon Musk into submission
Make no mistake—this is an attack on America itself.

Elon Musk is not just a billionaire.

He is a symbol of innovation, free thought, and rebellion against tyranny.

Trump is not just a president.

He is the last line of defense against total government control.

If we lose them, we lose everything.

The left knows this—that’s why they are pulling every trick in the book to take them down.

Donald Trump #crackpot #dunning-kruger #wingnut

Based on Ontario, Canada, placing a 25% Tariff on “Electricity” coming into the United States, I have instructed my Secretary of Commerce to add an ADDITIONAL 25% Tariff, to 50%, on all STEEL and ALUMINUM COMING INTO THE UNITED STATES FROM CANADA, ONE OF THE HIGHEST TARIFFING NATIONS ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD. This will go into effect TOMORROW MORNING, March 12th. Also, Canada must immediately drop their Anti-American Farmer Tariff of 250% to 390% on various U.S. dairy products, which has long been considered outrageous. I will shortly be declaring a National Emergency on Electricity within the threatened area. This will allow the U.S to quickly do what has to be done to alleviate this abusive threat from Canada. If other egregious, long time Tariffs are not likewise dropped by Canada, I will substantially increase, on April 2nd, the Tariffs on Cars coming into the U.S. which will, essentially, permanently shut down the automobile manufacturing business in Canada. Those cars can easily be made in the USA! Also, Canada pays very little for National Security, relying on the United States for military protection. We are subsidizing Canada to the tune of more than 200 Billion Dollars a year. WHY??? This cannot continue. The only thing that makes sense is for Canada to become our cherished Fifty First State. This would make all Tariffs, and everything else, totally disappear. Canadians’ taxes will be very substantially reduced, they will be more secure, militarily and otherwise, than ever before, there would no longer be a Northern Border problem, and the greatest and most powerful nation in the World will be bigger, better and stronger than ever — And Canada will be a big part of that. The artificial line of separation drawn many years ago will finally disappear, and we will have the safest and most beautiful Nation anywhere in the World — And your brilliant anthem, “O Canada,” will continue to play, but now representing a GREAT and POWERFUL STATE within the greatest Nation that the World has ever seen!

Conrad #wingnut

[Deporting a green card holder who participated in a “Free Palestinian” protest is] a start. I want any foreigner who takes part in a protest on US soil deported. Guests do not get to lecture us about politics. The chutzpah to come here and immediately start advocating to change my home. Get out. My only complaint is that this is narrowly targeting Israel/Palestine stuff and not broadly applied to everything else (climate, immigration, BLM, etc).

LOTHORIANMAGICK™ Old World Witchery Shop©! #magick #mammon

Behold! A Top Quality spell item from LOTHORIANMAGICK™ Old World Witchery Shop©! This item has been Handcrafted with care by our Coven Sisters and our Elite Brethren to bring You the most Powerful and potent Metaphysical items available in the World!
*** 67 ANCIENT DJINN CASTINGS, BINDINGS, AND RITUALS! Spells of Wealth, Money, Riches & More! Unleash Hidden Truths & Centuries-Old Ancient Mystic Power! Good Luck $ 777 **
Behold! This powerful Warlock Talisman is cast of 67 ancient Alchemist spells using the sacred doctrines of the Templar Knights. All spells were performed on the day of the Full Moon by 5 Top Druid Priests during my recent Travels to the Haunted lands of Old England. The powers that lie within this vessel are immeasurable! This item will aid you in all areas of Magick including Voodoo, Divination, Wish Magic, Necromancy, Scrying, Time Travel, Telekinesis and Spirit Invocation. The beaming magnetic energy of this sacred Talisman will take you to new heights of Traditional and Modern Magick and allow you to tap into the Collective Consciousness of the Metaphysical Realm like never before!
This item is inhabited by a Wish-granting Dragon Djinn of the Highest Class and Power. Each Talisman pendant will inhabit a Unique Djinn sent to us by the Dragon Dominion of the Templar Circle using the ancient doctrines of the Alchemist Warlock Knights. This Dominion answers to the name of Exuidus Nafar, he is the son of Nefanon and Ruler of the Golden Gates. The Templar searched day and night in search of his great Power, for they knew only he could send them personal guiding genies that would Protect them at every turn during their Travels. Exuidus is an all knowing Genie that will summon the perfect entity from the Heavens to help and guide you along your way. These are of the same Royal Djinn that guided the Templar Knights to King Solomon's treasure.
*** We have Limited Quantities! Adopt this ancient Djinn/Genie Spirit it's too late! ***

Mike Cernovich, Jack Posobiec, Mark Levin and Rev. Lance Wallnau #sexist #wingnut #fundie

After conservative Justice Amy Coney Barrett joined the Supreme Court’s March 5 majority decision to uphold a lower court order requiring President Donald Trump’s administration to pay USAID contractors for work already completed, right-wing influencers lashed out — calling Barrett a “DEI judge” who was “chosen solely because she checked identity politics boxes” and claiming “the power has gone to her head”[…]
•Right-wing influencer Mike Cernovich wrote that Barrett “is evil, chosen solely because she checked identity politics boxes. Another DEI hire.” In a separate post, he wrote, “Amy Coney Barrett is a psychopathic Covidian. She was our DEI hire and now we pay the price”[…]
•MAGA influencer Jack Posobiec declared that Barrett is a “DEI judge”[…]
•Fox host Mark Levin lamented that “Barrett deceived people into thinking she was a reliable constitutionalist,” adding, “The power has gone to her head.” Levin also wrote that “Roberts and Barrett are political justices[…]
•Pro-Trump “prophet” and streaming host Lance Wallnau asserted that Barrett is “NOT one of us” because she was “glaring at Trump” during his address, and suggested Trump’s next Supreme Court nominee should be “a strong male evangelical.” Wallnau posted: “She’s NOT one of us. Notice her glaring at Trump. No more female University professors! They’re overwhelmingly liberal. I’m serious. I may be jet lagged but I think she’s a democrat. We always go with Catholics but never Evangelicals. Next one - a strong male evangelical”

Clif High #crackpot #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy

i get why people may be offended by my use of the label "Trumpitos". i apply this label to the people that Trump has brought into his administration, not to those people who support Trump, and his actions.

i also support Trump, and his team, and their actions.

i use this label BECAUSE i support them, and am pointing out that their thinking is failing them, and their goals. It is my conclusion that the understanding of our reality that they are demonstrating by their actions is flawed.
In my opinion, the Trump team has a big big big problem that they do not see. Or apparently do not see. It's possible that they are so good at hiding their real intent that i am, along with everyone else, being deceived by their misdirection.
This problem is deep. Far far deeper than most people would ever bother to think. This problem arises from their view of our common shared reality.

As a small hint, we can say that 'modern science', based on the Einstein /Descartes understanding of a grit based Matterium, and all the academics that 'understand modern physics' ALL see 'gravity' as a separate force. They are actually looking for 'particles', or grit, that is/causes 'gravity'.

As long as they hold that view of gravity as a separate 'force', they will never be able to create anti-gravity vehicles.
Further, the grit model can never explain UFOs, and consciousness. The Einstein/ Descartes model is a failure. It is dying now.
As i discount the base for ALL their thinking, i question all their decisions. It is my intent in the criticisms that i present to cooperate, to harmonize, with our unfolding, emerging, common shared reality such that IF the Universe provides, they will be guided towards changing the glasses through which they see.

In my opinion they are missing so many opportunities. They are missing so many solutions because these are obscured by the the grit covering their eyes.

Rabbi Jason Sobel/James Lasher #fundie #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy

In a recent conversation with Charisma Media, Rabbi Jason Sobel laid out a fascinating case connecting the Antichrist spirit, the days of Noah and mysterious archaeological discoveries in Turkey.

Rabbi Sobel makes it clear: “The Antichrist is the man of lawlessness. I believe he tries to create lawlessness, he tries to create chaos in order to take control.” That spirit of lawlessness is not only rising today, but Sobel argues that its roots stretch deep into history, possibly even to Turkey’s ancient sites, some of which are believed to be Nephilim cities.

Turkey is a land rich with biblical history—it holds the Mountains of Ararat, where Noah’s Ark landed. But recent archaeological discoveries are raising new questions. Could some of these sites be linked to the Nephilim, the hybrid giants mentioned in Genesis 6? Sobel sees a compelling connection: “If the ark is in what is modern-day Turkey, and you have these ancient cities that are unexplainable that seem to be connected to the Nephilim… this all seems to be coming full circle.”

He pointed to Jesus’ own words about the end times: “As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the days of the Son of Man.” What happened before the flood—when the Nephilim roamed the earth and wickedness abounded—will be mirrored in the last days.
With the media increasingly promoting extraterrestrial narratives, Sobel warns that a great deception is coming. “One of the things they do is they go through all the civilizations and they show… what people didn’t understand, but what they were really talking about were not gods, but they were aliens.”

Why would this matter prophetically? Because, as Sobel explained, if the world can be convinced that all religions stem from ancient extraterrestrial visitations, it would be the perfect setup for a one-world faith—one led by the Antichrist himself. “You could simultaneously discredit all the world religions at once and move people into a one-world faith.”

Mike Stone #wingnut #racist #transphobia #homophobia #conspiracy #elitist

Over the last six weeks, we've learned that the left's rally crowds and riot mobs are paid for - with taxpayer money - and that 90% of their online supporters are bots, not real people.

We've learned that the media outlets that promote the left's narratives and push their policies are boosted with billions of dollars in taxpayer money via illegal backdoor funding. Without that government money those same media outlets would collapse in a matter of weeks, because nobody outside of the radical left reads, watches, or listens to them.
In short, we've learned that the entire Democrat Party is nothing but smoke and mirrors, with no real support among the populace outside of homosexuals, child molesters, BLM rioters, and liberal White women. No wonder they're so gender confused - everything about them is fake.

The left can't meme, because memes communicate truth and the left is incapable of telling the truth. The same can be said about cuckservatives.
In order to get their points across, cuckservatives have to articulate a carefully constructed denial of reality. That's why instead of a simple, truth-containing meme, they need four-hour-long radio shows.
Even if that weren't the case, why on earth would you want to spend time with mentally ill leftists and cuckservatives? Leftists are salivating at the chance to molest and sexually mutilate your children. If you're White, they want to see you dead.
Does that mean you have to become a recluse? Pretty much. When you consider that roughly 40% of the population are hardcore leftists, and another 40% are cuckservatives, that doesn't leave a whole lot of people that you can safely interact with. But solitude is where God is found.

As you pursue truth yourself and your ability to tell truth from lies improves, you'll be able to hold brief interactions with leftists and cuckservatives without exposing yourself to negative consequences. Better to play it safe and cut those people from your life.

JonFreeman #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

Just so y'all know.

Most news outlets (nbc, cnn, npr, etc) have an office in China.

In order to maintain their broadcast license IN china, they are not allowed to broadcast news that the CCP deems negative OUTSIDE of China.

Granted, that information won't change your mind. By now the lot of you who still believe that newscasters are credible are so mentally inbred nothing (including a lobotomy) could change your mind.

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