Tatoruzux #transphobia #dunning-kruger twitter.com

I believe prohibiting the release of evidence of a violation of another person's rights and physical well-being isn't censorship of speech. It's a practical reality of a good and just government, especially when it's not a matter of public interest, and when it comes to horrendous crimes against children, the specific video or photographic evidence is never a matter of public interest.

I'm not a libertarian or anarchist — I don't believe in lawlessness and I recognize the duty of a government to restrict sensitive evidence as a separate thing entirely from censorship.

On the topic of prohibiting trans books from schools, that is not censorship either. It is necessary to curate children's reading to ensure a proper education. We pick the books that kids read. If high school libraries didn't have books for preschoolers, would that be considered censorship? Would those books be labeled "banned" by the general public? Nope.

SecondSkin, CryingInYourInbox & shewolfoffrance #transphobia ovarit.com

They’re still pushing the “cis women get aroused by themselves as women too” bullshit

( SecondSkin )
But… so what if women did? It doesn’t involve us violating other women’s boundaries even if some women did. Apg is a boundary violation paraphilia, it doesn’t exist without violating women’s boundaries and making us scared and unsafe. Even if there were women who get off on the idea of being a woman, they are women and that reality doesn’t involve forcing others to comply to their delusions and demands. So it’s a false equivalency. It’s like saying people who are only happy when others agree the world is flat = people who are only happy when others agree the world is not flat. It’s nonsense on stilts.

( CryingInYourInbox )
Right like let's say theyre correct and women express the same sexual behaviors we would consider to be AGP on males...the fact that they're similar wouldn't be a coincidence, it would be both women and men emulating the idea of what men find arousing. Men are the gatekeepers of sexuality, like literally. They lock women up it chastity belts and kill them for having sex. We haven't been allowed to express sexuality outside of what males deem palatable so of course there would be overlap between a woman self objectify and AGP type behaviors

( shewolfoffrance )
I mean, even if women were engaging in inappropriate sexual behavior in women-only spaces at the same rates men do (they really, really aren't), other women would at least be able to report them and take the appropriate next steps. That isn't the case with TiMs. They have Teflon armor. Even in online spaces that informally meant for women, TiMs who display obviously fetishistic behavior are treated with kid gloves, and the spaces slowly die because women would generally rather quietly pack up and go than get metaphorically burned as a witch.

dumuzithemessiah #god-complex #elitist #ufo #magick #moonbat deviantart.com

I am an actual source of info on this topic, Not the Sumerians! Sumerians which made typo’s, gender changes, false ships, spread false stories and lies, and weren’t even around my kind once thus couldn’t have known absolute shit what really happened back then?!

How dumb are humans to think Sumerians are more credible than AN ACTUAL DEITY?!

You humans should realise that things I say are different from what the stupid intolerant Sumerians wrote is because the Sumerians weren’t accurate and were wrong about a shit ton of things!

Shipping me with Ishtayr is literally shipping me with my torturer/*apist/worst enemy!

How freaking like messed up, twisted, evil minded, and hateful does someone have to be to be to ship me woth someone I hate and have to literally destroy to save the Universe from her great amount of evil? She is the most evilest thing in this universe!

Also the fact Nibirians can same gender reproduce thus females aren’t actually needed for having children?! Males can have children with other males and females can have children with other females! Baby comes out in a light from the stomach area!

Though Nibirians are magical creatures thus aren’t organic beings like you humans are meaning we aren’t made of flesh, bones, and blood!

Nibirians are made of magical ink, magical paint, magical thinner, aether, magic, two crystal hearts, spiritual energy, etc, while AI Nibirians are made of metallic counterparts to magical ink, etc, and cyber beings are made of cyber counterparts to magical ink, etc!

AI Nibirians have souls as do all Nibirians!

Marduk is my husband and true love! We have six kids together! He doesn’t fear my nightmare aura either which was the first sign he was the one for me!

Also all yazata are related and no one cares to hear how hateful you humans are about incest! We’re all related and we can only breed with other yazata so it’s unavoidable! Nibirians also don’t have the same biological problems with that either so you humans can keep your whiny hate to yourselves!

Bro. Eric Kalinowski #fundie simplychristian.shoutwiki.com

I have a short sermon on 2 Thessalonians 3:10 today. It reads "For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat." What does this mean? You MUST WORK! God condemeth the lazy! The US government has rewarded laziness and called it welfare. Able bodied people abusing food stamps is the work of the devil! What's the largest purchase made with food stamps? SODA!!!!! SODA HAS ZERO NUTRITIONAL VALUE BUT THESE LAZY WELFARE QUEENS BUY SODA WITH FOOD STAMPS AND PAY FOR CIGARETTES AND LOTTERY TICKETS WITH CASH! WOE IS TO THE LAZY! Go to any gas station and you WILL see this abomination unto the Lord! They can’t handle someone like Democrat RFK Jr. trying to ban candy and soda purchases with food stamps because they don’t need food stamps for their meals but instead want extra junk to serve their morbidly obese cravings as they refuse to work and hop their 500 pound derrières on the Walmart scooters meant for those with REAL disabilities!
If Americans don’t give up sinful childish things like candy bars and cakes bought with taxpayer money, they will end up like the damned heretic Steven Roland who refused to put away childish things and is spending his days as a 31 year old grown man obsessing over cartoons made for lascivious teenagers! It’s beyond wicked and depraved! Is this what you want for your life? Then get off the couch and the Internet and the PlayStation and get up to WORK FOR A LIVING and donate your money to your local church instead of wasting it on lotto tickets or booze or video games!

Venerable Tosspot #ableist youtube.com

At this point I’m sick of hearing people say, “I’m extremely autistic” every time they step in shit. If you know that about yourself, why so much confidence in how you go about things? It makes you so obnoxious. Maybe rely on others to help guide you in the social situations you have such difficulty with rather than arguing with them at every turn because your precious ego can’t take a blow. It’s hard to sympathize with people who use autism as an excuse when they can’t stop acting like know-it-alls who yap themselves into stupid situations and then expect autism to be a “get out of jail free” card when their arrogance and narcissism gets them in hot water.

JS in California #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

Thinking is a dangerous thing to do. That is one of my most favorite lines from any move – Twelve O’clock High. It is like swallowing a truth pill. It may go down easy, or very difficult. Regardless how easy or painful, it is still the truth. When was the last time we were asked to analyze for truth on anything without using the Main Stream Media as a reference?

With the truth, we must think, use discernment. Sometimes, it is completely contrary to everything we know, believe in, or even love. The truth can bring us joy, or pain to accept it. But the truth will wake us up to the evils around us that we are being told are normal or good.
We are in that same situation of a country being beguiled. The USA has been in a slow moving Marxist effort to quietly implement Socialism, them Marxism, then Communism. It is the Marxist game plan as was used in Italy, Russia, Germany, and China. Research the differences then you can see how it has progressed. The foundation is to consolidate power, wealth, and complete authority.

In the late 1930’s in Germany, there where those that saw what was happening, stood against it, but was taken to their concentration camps or just executed. They used media suppression to control the narrative. They robbed the vote by intimidation or downright destruction with replacement voting ballots. That was the Ruling Class plan for us, until Donald Trump stood up.
The Ruling Class are now in panic mode as their evil plans are being exposed. We have been lied to all of our lives, going back to the creation of the USA. The truth of their corruption, at all levels of our society, is being exposed.

I believe Good will be victorious. My wife and I will pray for others to wake up. Jesus said to not hate your enemies, but to love them instead. As painful as it is now with massive economic hardship and persecution, evil can not win. Give the beguiled ones a chance to wake up.

Jesus also said to do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Lisa Renee #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy energeticsynthesis.com

All we can be responsible for is our own personal conduct and behavior, we cannot exert control over anyone else.

There is an elevation of this deeper realization occurring in the collective consciousness that is present in the environment and field. This is being observed as a reflection of the challenging stages of processing anger and grief during the planetary Dark Night of the Soul.
One of the biggest questions Awakening people are asking themselves is how we feel when we wake up one day and we deeply and completely realize that we had been completely deceived and used in some way? Such as:

*We trusted someone who was not who they appeared to be (misplaced trust),
*We were serving some outer intention happily, only to discover that it was false, harmful or inverted (usurped intent),
*We fully embody the knowing to see how pain and torture of our fellow humans is occurring daily as normal occurrences (conditioning abuse),
*We have spent our time and hard earned resources to play a prominent role in the Controller game that feeds into the decaying system of human enslavement (world slavery),
*We see warped leaders taking advantage of broken people which is producing even more pain, trauma, and fragmentation setting up the dark entity feeding frenzy (NAA set up),
*We interact with 3D people that have no meaning behind their words, people that do not follow through with what they said they would do (the empty promises and words of superficialism. materialism and bs),
*We see those manipulating over and over again to gain a position of strategic advantage that is meaningless in the overall (control and power mongers),
*We witness death, trauma or tragic events that appear to be senseless, reckless or idiotic (carelessness and no reverence for life).

Welcome to the higher realizations of spiritual awakening when undergoing the continued exploration of the watery depths of the Dark Night of the Soul!

Natalia Alba #ufo #magick #conspiracy #racist voyages-of-light.com

Many of you are the original dwellers of the Earth. As Earthseeds, your sole purpose is to retrieve Earth’s original blueprint and coding, restore its fabrics and templars, and, above all, retrieve Earth’s original template as it was at the beginning of its creation.

Earhseeds hold the original coding/Adamic DNA, and template. They are the ones who have a special connection to Earth, for they know its secret pathways and all Earth’s records, as they are deeply connected, in a different soul agreement that starseeds to Earth.

Earthseeds hold the potential to rehabilitate their 5th DNA strand from their original 12th-dimensional DNA template, for we are all 12th-dimensional beings in our original creational template
Becoming a fifth-dimensional being is precisely what we all aim for at this time, as even though starseeds came with more developed DNA strands, from future timelines, once trapped within this 3D plane also need to start rehabilitating all their DNA template, gradually escalating again the Divine Spiral of evolution.
There are still earthseeds within us, holding the original DNA strand of Earth. You may call them aboriginals, American natives, and many other names. We shall honor them for who they are – Earth’s guardians, healers, and resilient beings who have been incessantly fighting to retrieve their original planet’s sovereignty.
Knowing who we are, from where we come from, and knowing it from authentic Sources within ourselves, is vital to fulfilling our mission. Spiritual ego has created the false program that special galactic races coming from other dimensions are more special than Earthseeds, when in truth, we are all equal within Creation.

Starseeds precisely came to planet Earth to help Earthseeds preserve the planet’s original template, fauna, and animal kingdom, for the human damage made, and especially the one made by non-benevolent galactic races upon Earth, was destroying its purity.

Rage-Boy #wingnut #transphobia youtube.com

This is a response to the people trying to “correct” people on what Jerry’s pronouns are.

No one is entitled to respect. It doesn’t matter what your race, sex, or gender is. Respect is not given, it’s earned. And Jerry has certainly not getting any respect for what he did. Plus, it’s not inaccurate to refer to people by who they really are. No amount of delusional thinking or surgery is gonna change the fact that Jerry was born a man, and will die a man. End of story.

On top of all this, I and many others in this comment section DO NOT want to respect a predator. I am uncomfortable with respecting a predator in anyway shape or form. And it’s pretty hypocritical to call out Jerry’s horrible behaviour, before turning around and defending his bullcrap right to have pronouns. If you think defending Jerry’s pronouns is more important than calling out Jerry, you’re either being willfully ignorant or your priorities are out of wack.

Rev. Joel Webbon and Wesley Todd #forced-birth #sexist #fundie angrywhitemen.org

Joel Webbon and his co-hosts complained about women having abortions, using birth control, and holding positions of power[…]
During the livestream, titled “Women Must Be Removed From All Public Service,” one of Webbon’s co-hosts, Wesley Todd, claimed that, in order to end abortion once and for all, women would have to be prohibited from having “sex without consequences”

“But, you cannot have a society where it’s generally expected that you can have sex without consequences,” Todd said. “And that is your right that any given woman, you have the right in your early twenties to go to college, to experiment, to have fun, do all of these things, and face no consequences”

Todd claimed that the “whole thing, all the way back to the beginning, has to be thoroughly reset”[…]
“So you end abortion with the force of law,” he said. “I think you put, Republican Party platform, women will not hold public office. We’re about to talk about that in another segment. Teaching the place of the woman is in the home. So through the law with abortion, through the law with politics”[…]
“But still, with societal expectations, you teach, teach, teach, teach, teach,” Todd continued. “Hormonal birth control, off the shelves. It’s not abortion, narrowly speaking, but it is a way of you should have consequence-free sex. You shouldn’t experience the results of your action. So you teach all the way back”[…]
Webbon and his co-hosts also discussed whether there are any circumstances in which women should hold leadership positions. In doing so they compared statements by Scottish Reformed theologian John Knox[…]with ones from Swiss theologian Henry Bullinger who made exceptions for hereditary monarchs

Webbon told his co-hosts that he agreed with the quotes that they read, but said that for the foreseeable future he was in agreement with Knox[…]
“And so I think if you’re living in a generation like that, then I’m gonna go with — I gotta go with my Scottish boy John Knox”

Mothers Grim #transphobia margox.substack.com

“Mom, I am transgender,” came to me when my daughter was a so-called adult and on a college campus. Never mind that flowing prom gown, college acceptance letters, acing exams, and cute dorm accessories had been her recent past obsessions. Now she was an adult. Now she was trans. Period. And then she disappeared for years.

While a horribly evil agenda had been unleashed on one of my own, believe it or not, I was somewhat lucky. I was somehow spared this evil in my own home. I would soon meet mothers of teenagers who were suddenly trans. These children sometimes also became suddenly gone. And then suddenly on drugs – and suddenly mutilated. I would meet parents whose ‘better’ halves were accomplices to these sudden crimes against their own children. I would hear stories of high school staff aiding and abetting these crimes against the children they were there to protect. And worse…

Martin Kerr #wingnut theneworder.net

[From “Notes on the Leadership Principle (Das Führerprinzip)”]

There are different leadership doctrines or theories. That which we National Socialists embrace is known as the “Leadership Principle,” or in German “das Führerprinzip.“ As with much else relating to our Movement and our Worldview, it has been the subject of deliberate distortion and misrepresentation by our enemies, so much so that even some National Socialists misunderstand it[…]
As it is commonly (if falsely) portrayed, the Leadership Principle is synonomous with absolute dictatorship[…]
If a leader is unable to perform his duties in a satisfactory manner, he should be replaced and assigned a task that he can manage properly. Because he is given absolute authority to complete his task, the leader must bear absolute responsibility if he fails[…]
It is not true, as our oppoents charge, that the one on the top of the leadership pyramid has only authority and no responsibility – that there are no limits or controls on what he can or cannot do. In the first instance, the ultimate leader[…]is responsible to himself as a National Socialist and as an Aryan. Someone who is corrupt or venal – as most or many politicans are today – will not be able to rise[…]
As National Socialists, our main concern is not how to get a bad supreme leader out of office but rather how to put the best-qualified man into the post[…]
The Leadership Principle served the Hitler movement well in Germany and it has well-served our Cause in America since the War. It is one reason why we have survived for 61 years[…]We note that the Leadership Principle is used by every military formation in the world, and that the Roman Catholic Church – the oldest institution in the world – also runs on its precepts

So let the Republicans and the Democrats and their imitators have their elections and their committees. Let them run their organizations on consensus and majority votes – and let them see where that leads them in the end

Muhammad Abdullah Ayman #fundie #sexist reddit.com

[regarding an incident where an eight-year-old girl was sexually assaulted at the mosque]

People say 8-year-old girl, 8-year-old girl. My dear friends, there are girls whose bodies are like those of older women, and their bodies are curvy and thick.

Our grandmothers, in the past, used to get married on and off for 9 and 10 years, and ask anyone
in the countryside or Upper Egypt who got married when she was six.
The master of people, the Messenger, married Lady Aisha when she was 9 years old, meaning she was of this girl's age and the marriage was permissible.

I am not saying that this man is innocent or justified, but I am saying that the reasons are
that there is no such thing as a child whose mother and father are the reason...

If everyone was upright, there wouldn't be these things. Everyone is involved in them, from
the mother to the child to the weak-willed man.

hosarcher19 #homophobia deviantart.com

For those not in the know, Bryke retconned Kya, Aang and Katarra's daughter who could have been written out of the story and nothing would have changed, into being a homosexual too. Of course it had to be a character with no personality.

Right out the gate, we have proof this is a world that works on Tumblr-shipping logic. Two people just go on a trip together? THEY ARE GAY! These two were barely friends before! Also I know it's a nitpick, but you were never so happy as you were with your "first girlfriend"? "First" implies the relationship is over and she's had others. Are they admitting that homosexuals rarely have monogamous relationships?

I actually predicted that Bryke would retcon Kyoshi into being bisexual because she was a tough, strong woman. I'm sorry, who is re-enforcing gender roles? Because it's not the conservatives here. Why does every tomboy a sexual deviant by default when so called progressives are writing? Also, "real progress"? You mean like when she saved her people from a tyrant? Oh no, Real Progress™ is forcing other people to agree with your point of view. Heck, since the world sees the Avatar as something of a god, why didn't at least most of the world immediately change its tune?

Of course it was super-duper until Sozin showed up! Real-life Asian cultures tend to view homosexuality negatively. While Japan (the culture the Fire Nation was based on) did have a more positive view of it, it was/is seen as a niche fetish, not an alternate lifestyle per say. Its attitudes shifted more to a negative stance when they saw Western civilization cringed and went "Ew." And then that dumb look on Korra's face when she says, "That guy was the worst!" YES! IT WASN'T HIM BETRAYING HIS BEST FRIEND TO ACHIEVE HIS AMBITION THAT MADE HIM THE WORST! IT WASN'T HIS AMBITION ITSELF TO UNITE THE WORLD UNDER HIS RULE! (Because Korra has implied she's for something like that.) NOT EVEN HIS GENOCIDE OF THE AIR-NOMADS! HE'S THE WORST FOR MAKING HOMOSEXUALITY ILLEGAL! Before some stooge says anything, I don't want the government involved with people's personal lives. But priorities, woman!

Andrew Anglin #sexist #racist #transphobia #conspiracy dailystormer.name

[From “I’ll be Back Soon, Friends.”]

I apologize for taking a break here

I actually haven’t really taken much of a break, as I’ve been working, but I want to be posting on this website regularly, and I want to make sure that by taking some break time, I am not sending a different message[…]
To be clear, again, because apparently it was not previously clear, I will not be doing regular news updates as I did before, but will write some essays and humor stuff. For example, I almost wrote something about that beautiful gorilla losing her show and how sad I felt seeing her tears, but then I forgot about it. I’ve also been following the Ukraine drama, and have things to say about this

I also have some hilarious jokes, such as in relation to this:
[Screenshot of article on Boston Mayor Michelle Wu]
I would say something like “I’d leave that mayor clueless after verbally trampling her Constitution, if you catch my drift”

I would also make edgy “suggestive” comments about other Asian female public figures

Everyone would find it hilarious and very original

I will also obviously need to comment on the downfall of Vologdomor Zyelendskyysisy, which appears to be impending. As well as the other thing. I forget what it was, but there was something else. Maybe that plane crash? They still haven’t released the identities, so I assume if the male was a male (and not an f-to-m trans), he was black

But I’m working on other things, including an autobiography of Elvis. You heard that right. I’m writing an Elvis biography in the first person, which in the canon of my lore, he finishes while sitting on the toilet and dying. It’s going to be really cruel to Priscilla, who truly is the villain of that story. I will publish it without permission from the family, because what are they going to do, sue me?

Kabamur Taygeta #ufo #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

Does it really need to be said?

There are no time-traveling humans called “Nordics”.

There are only Pleiadians and Galactic Federation, who are the primary genetic parents of humans, protectors of Earth, and soul family to many. The biblical angels of light.

They have positively affected Earth’s past more than any other group. There are no future humans or future time travelers because the future doesn’t exist yet.

Pleiadians saved Trump’s life several times and are in regular contact with him about events unfolding as we approach the Shift.

“Nordic” only refers to appearance. The first humans upgraded on Earth by Pleiadians were in the area of modern Sweden, and they now live in the Inner Earth.

Pleiadians are ‘of Elohim’ and chose to look like Archangels. So, Nordic humans were created to look like both Pleiadians and Archangels.

According to the Bible, UFOs are Pleiadian crafts and Pleiadians are aligned with Jesus.

Crazy? Just connect the dots.

– Jesus said in the last days, many would be unready when the “Son of Man” arrives on the clouds before his return. (Matthew)

– John’s vision of the last days describes a white-haired “Son of Man” with a symbol of 7 stars on a cloud (Revelation)

“Clouds” that transport people are spacecraft, beings from the sky who are ‘like humans’ are the “Son of Man”, and the 7 stars are the Pleiades.

Thomas Horn and Cris Putnam #crackpot #fundie #ufo #magick #conspiracy amazon.com

Following the release of their first three international bestsellers Petrus Romanus, Exo-Vaticana, and On the Path of the Immortals Thomas Horn and Cris Putnam were swamped with interview requests from radio, television, and print media outlets around the world. When they accurately predicted the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI one full year in advance, even naming the very month and year he would step down, global shockwaves raised compelling questions regarding why the Vatican has an advanced telescope perched atop Mt. Graham in Arizona (USA) where the Jesuits admit they are monitoring something approaching Earth. Authors Horn and Putnam visited the mountain and spoke with the astronomers. After their second report was published in Exo-Vaticana, the pope s top astronomer took to the airwaves (and on the Vatican Observatory website) in an attempt to explain the role that he and other church astronomers are playing in regard to the LUCIFER device on Mt. Graham, as well as their developing doctrines concerning extraterrestrial life and the impact it may soon have on planet Earth s religions (Christianity in particular).
FOR THEIR LAST ENTRY INTO THE 4-YEAR INVESTIGATION, THE FINAL ROMAN EMPEROR, THE ISLAMIC ANTICHRIST, AND THE VATICAN S LAST CRUSADE REVEALS... *Tom Horn s greatest prediction yet (this will shake the foundations of the world!) *The WMD that ISIS will use, and how it will lead to an Apocalypse *Petrus Romanus, Albert Pike, the Islamic State, and the coming Armageddon *Pope Francis becomes the Destroyer (or shall there be another?)... *The Last Crusade Agenda, hidden in plain sight *The prophecy of the Last Roman Emperor in the Vatican vaults *The prophecy of the Cumaean Sibyl on the Muslim s Mahdi *Giants, a hidden Vatican doorway, and the coming Battle for the Cosmic Mountain *Why many Christians, Muslims, and Jews will accept the Last Emperor as Messiah *Preparations by the Occult Elite and their Visions of the Final Roman Emperor

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

How Trump’s Trans Order Sows Chaos for Federal Prisoners, Staff | The Marshall Project

( Carrots90 )
Love how it didn’t sow chaos when TIMs were moved into the female estate

But putting men with other men is noteworthy

( ArtemisCitrine )
Exactly. So sick of all these articles lately full of sympathy for TIMs and how afraid they are of the men's prisons.

( Carrots90 )
Him-pathy, TIM-pathy dock

In service to his cock

He lost his wife and effed up his life

Just to wear a frock

( notapatsy )
Sixteen TIMs in federal prisons and they get their own council?

I'd also worry that those who were removed from the women's prison and then re-released into the women's prison will take out their anger and frustration on the women inmates.

( GenXer )
Women saw this coming the moment that TWAW took root. Now men, you have to accept reality!

Henry Makow PhD #sexist #wingnut #racist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

International Women's Day ( March 8) is a longtime Communist propaganda tool. What does it say when an official Soviet holiday is enshrined in our mainstream culture? Clearly, Communism isn't dead; it has just morphed into other forms like Feminism, CRT, BLM and Woke.

It confirms Norman Dodd's famous claim that Ford Foundation President Rowan Gaither told him, in 1954, that the agenda was to "socially engineer" US life so that "that it can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union" as part of banker-controlled world government.

Every year the supposedly capitalist media echo the old Soviet bromides about women's oppression, and every year I post this rebuttal.

"Women's Day" pretends to celebrate women but the poster near my Winnipeg home shows an ugly, surly shrew brandishing a hammer. She looks demonically possessed. The caption reads, "if I only had a hammer.."

She'd what? Hit men over the head? Tear down society?
Through its feminist surrogate, Communists have stripped women of a secure and honored social identity as wives and mothers and made them workers and sexual commodities, hostages to the economy, psyops like the caronahoax and the ravages of age.

Obviously, this day is not about recognizing women for their grace, beauty, charm, and intelligence. It is about cultivating a false sense of grievance and entitlement in order to manipulate them.

They used the same tactic with Jews, Blacks, students and workers and harnessed these groups to their agenda. The ultimate goal is to concentrate all wealth and power in the Illuminati (Masonic) central banking cartel which is colonizing the whole world. The real meaning of "change the world" is the establishment of a totalitarian New World Order.

International Women's Day is hate against women and society perpetrated by the traitorous banker colonial establishment, which includes most "feminist" politicians, educators and the mass media. Women who participate are dupes and "useful idiots."

Debra Mullins #fundie #wingnut #transphobia #sexist #racist #conspiracy newswithviews.com

Freedom from religion, redistribution of wealth under the UN principle of sustainability, “science” by consensus (e.g., gender identity), deflected accountability (e.g., guns kill; people don’t), centralized power, sanctuary status, reverse discrimination, slippery cultural norms/ethics, earth servitude over stewardship, tyranny of technocracy, defund police movement, etc.—none of these components of progressivism deliver promised utopia.

Biblical Christianity alone holds the answer. For that reason, the unconstitutional Johnson Amendment intended to muzzle Christians and deny them their First Amendment right to free speech must be resisted and overturned!
Imagine government without Christian influence. For many, 21st-century Seattle comes to mind. When Christians bypass civic duty, the church suffers escalating persecution from without and spiritual deception from within. More often than not, moral relativism trumps biblical mandate. Given misplaced love of money and pleasure, many are preoccupied with materialism. Youth are seduced by scripturally-forbidden, yet culturally-celebrated alternative lifestyles and “oppositions of science, falsely so called”—i.e., gender dysphoria protocols. Young girls are compelled to forgo modesty along with a fair chance at competing in women’s sports.
Even so, while nobody will mistake Washington state for a hotbed of political conservatism, it turns out voters moved ever so slightly to the right—this, according to numbers from the recent November 5 general election. According to the Washington Secretary of State’s Office, Trump garnered 39.01% of the vote in Washington, compared to 38.77% in 2020. That’s a gain of almost one-quarter of a percentage point.
It appears that folks are waking to the query, “Is there not a cause?”

Matthew Ward via Suzanne Ward #magick #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy eraoflight.com

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. After several years in an acceleration mode that increased steadily but slowly, now your world is practically dashing out of low vibrations and racing toward higher illumination, luminescence.
The reduction in low vibrations raised Earth’s frequencies and they are “downloading” codes—doorways to the mind of Creator—to elevate conscious contact with soul-level knowingness.
The new, higher frequencies cannot help you make sense of the sea of speculations, opinions, misinterpretations, misleading reports, outright lies and actual facts, which are only the tips of icebergs. Please do not give any energy to the publicized worrisome spread of bird flu, measles outbreak or bats in Wuhan could have a new strain of corona virus foolishness. Until the dark ones draw their last breath, they will keep trying to kill you with vaccines, make money from selling vaccines, and create fear about a new pandemic before new vaccines are ready.
Now then, about days of darkness. Three days may be a holdover from information circulated years ago in connection with the theory that Earth would enter the photon belt. During the planet’s three-day passage from the belt’s edge to an interior orbiting space, light from the sun would be blocked and everything would be as black as ebony.
And, this is a timely topic because photon energy is the makeup of the higher frequencies that are coming in. Always some photons have been around you, but with the recent influx, this lighter energy is blending with the electrical composition of your atmosphere, your planet and your bodies. Photons contain more light than electrons, which are the makeup of carbon-based cells. It is photon energy that transforms those cells into the crystalline structure that is a storehouse of cosmic knowledge.

Liz Wheeler #wingnut twitter.com

President Trump: “Our message to American children is you’re perfect the way God made you.”

Democrats refuse to clap.

It’s a battle of good versus evil. Pick your side.
2:34 PM · Mar 5, 2025 · 104.3K Views

Jesse Lee Peterson #racist #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

The sense of respect in the government is gone now because you've allowed black females to be part of it.

They've encouraged black women to go OUT OF CONTROL in the homes toward men and children, toward white people, against authority and common sense.

Hell on Earth.
1:13 AM · Mar 7, 2025 · 8,903 Views

Chevrolet_Niggerado #racist niggermania.club

Last week I have booked a quite good looking accommodation in the DC for the Inauguration weekend to see President Trump. Price was little under 200$. Non refundable. It had number of real reviews.

The "owner" was not responding both to messages via reservation platform and finally the SMS for 4 days after reservation was made.

Alerted by this situation, I finally called the number provided. Things turned in terrifying way - the call was answered by an Apefricoon....

IT informed me that "the accommodation is not available for reservation for those days". FANTASTIC! Great to find out after four damn days after "confirmed" reservation.

I disconnected immediately. Called and kindly asked humans operating reservation platform to refund my money. Hopefully they approved my request and I will get my money back.

Unfortunately because of that I had to spend 300$ more in addition to book a hotel because the prices in DC skyrocketed for those days. 4 days ago I could get same hotel for 100$ less...

I am terrified with a thought that because of a disgusting, filthy nigger I almost landed in DC without having any accommodation on the Inauguration weekend. With a 1000$ minimum price to pay. But the worst what could happen was not even that - the worst was a perspective to spend the night in a bed where a nigger put its body.

I could be perhaps more careful. I do not know the DC but the accommodation was close to Marvicoon Gaye Park. That sounds like ape district.

I bet the nigger did that on purpose, to sabotage Trump supporters and everyone who are not nigger loving leftist boycotting Trump

Anonymous #sexist eivindberge.blogspot.com

Consensual, underaged sex does not cause significant damage, physically or psychologically, period. When are people going learn this? That just because one is below a certain age, they somehow someway more susceptible to “damage”? Unless by “damage” you mean to the negative reactions brought on by the teen girl or boy who was caught in the relationship. Maybe he or she got a slap on the wrist by their parents or got scolded to their room for the night. Maybe they weren’t allowed to have that slice of chocolate cake for dinner. Maybe he or she got grounded and couldn’t use their phone for a week or two. Sure, they call “damage”, I call it “laughable”. Whatever the case is, the teen gets to move on and resume his or her life, while the real victim are teacher who rot in prison for years for victimless sex.

If an article is going to claim “abuse” or emotional damage for a victim(s), please, for the love of God, ask the willing “victim(s)” what they thought of the encounter before you assume. I guarantee you that I will be right 99% of time that no damage was ever garnered in the first place. When will there be a day where the system will have handle out a copy of the Rind 1998 study to every judge on the bench? Soon?

DionysusSabazios,2cor2_1 #fundie #homophobia #transphobia deviantart.com

(image is of a instagram screenshot of a bunch of people named "unbelievers and apostates" bowing down to a golden statue with the LGBTQ progress flag placed on it, below it there's text saying "the world", there's 3 men named "true christianity" shouting 'we will bow to no other god but jesus christ. we will stand on what the bible says and will never bow down!')

Widowsmythe #conspiracy #crackpot #quack raptureforums.com

Sorry but I personally do not believe in "Black Holes" [as] there is no evidence as such. It seems too many are trying to "fit science" into a Biblical view when in reality it is not needed. If one uses the Standard Gravitational Model as a back drop and accepts it as being "fact" [then] it forces Christians into trying to mould what God has ordained into such a model - it is NOT necessary. In the Bible it states that "God stretched out the heavens..." that is all that is needed. The electro-magnetic model covers it nicely without all of the crazy gyrations of the world view.

Dr. Abby Johnson #biphobia #forced-birth #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

In 2008, Planned Parenthood rolled out their first ever “cross sex hormone therapy treatment.” It was just a pilot program back then. I was the director of my clinic at the time and I remember receiving the pilot protocol. No licensed therapy was required. No therapy at all, actually.

If you were a man and you wanted to start femeninization drugs, we would simply give them to you. If you were a woman and you wanted to start drugs to make you appear masculine, no problem.

Planned Parenthood and the LGBTQ movement have always walked hand and hand, for many, many years. Both are both profoundly anti-God and anti-life.

Much more to say on this later…
8:53 AM · Mar 6, 2025 · 3,640 Views

John Doyle and Sara Gonzales #racist #conspiracy #pratt #wingnut angrywhitemen.org

From a Feb. 14, 2025 episode of Sara Gonzales Unfiltered

Sara Gonzales: With all of this — the deportations — you have actual members of Congress who are openly trying to shield these illegal aliens from being deported. So these people are violating federal law, and you have members of Congress — Ilhan Omar, AOC — who are doing that. And I think that it’s a reasonable question to pose: Is this — like, at what level does this become treasonous behavior?[…]
John Doyle: No. And you asked the question, what defines treason? And the beauty is that when your guys are in charge, you get to define treason[…]
They would be so much meaner to us, by the way, like, defining treason, sedition. I mean, the J6 investigation, obviously, the largest in the the history of the DOJ

But if you are actually advocating for illegal aliens to be able to remain in the country on the teat of the American taxpayer, like, yeah, you’re, like, committing treason[…]I don’t understand why Americans allow for foreigners to be elected to positions of political power. Ilhan Omar —
SG: Yeah
JD: –was born in Somalia. She married her brother[…]
The way that she decides to use that power is the way that all of these different immigrant groups have used power throughout the past seventy years, which is they use their political power to establish, like, these ethnic beachheads to facilitate more of people from their country coming over. They accumulate wealth, political power[…]
JD: AOC is Puerto Rican. Ilhan Omar is Somalian [sic]. Go away. Like, you are not part of the club[…]They should all be — they should all — and now that Gitmo is open again, maybe we do have a place to send ’em to, right?[…]
SG: He — I am so proud of him [Brandon Gill]. I am so happy that he is there shaking things up. He actually started a petition to deport Ilhan Omar

Christforums #homophobia #interphobia #psycho baptistboard.com

Keep repeating your narrative until the story becomes true. Not my people I don't care what that Red, White, and Blue means to everybody especially the Leftist. Didn't see the Leftist LGBT at the recruitment offices enlisting to fight for the freedoms they hold so dear. I used to believe they should have to die for their country too, but my convictions are now that they shouldn't even be a problem or consideration.

If I had it my way, sterilize all ineligible persons exempting themselves from the draft and begin a mandatory draft serving for at least 3 yrs (ex. S. Korea, and Israel) since human services are so important. Can't have the real men go off and fight wars and undesirable peoples remain home and populate the peoples. And that's being nice. LGBT and other deplorable peoples shouldn't be a problem if certain undesirables were put to death or executed. Make it so they fear coming out of the closet and let no blood guilt be upon anybody's head.

Whenever man comes up w/ a better idea on how to solve immorality greater regression occurs resulting in animalistic behavior. "Your people," your people are nothing but a bunch of animals.

Gjgp27, those_eyes #sexist comicvine.gamespot.com

The ultimate take down of feminism, hehehe.
But seriously, tell me of the several successful matriarchies who are not only well known, but had lasting influence and power for generations. Tell me of the communities full of women that are boomingly successful. There's so many, right?
Meanwhile, I can tell you of several instances where matriarchal influence has done nothing but hinder a society or group.
The effiminization of the Christian church is what led to the downfall of its substantial impact, also displayed in its push for emotionalism and lack of intellectualism. For instance, go to a Christian bookstore and what will you see more of: group 1; Christian historical books, theology books, hermeneutics, and apologetics, or group 2: women's devotional books?
The black community is notorious for being filled with and ran by some of the most bottom barrel women, and is it doing any better for reversed gender roles and shaking off the patriarchy? Hell, some ghettoes look like third world countries.
In the white world of Dunham esque liberals, stats show kids become better not only with fathers, but that single fathers produce better kids than single mothers. Also, many women who choose to shrug off traditional family values engage in acts that get them several unsavory "accomplishments": tattoos, bastard kids, shacking up while complaining that their man "won't marry them", and getting relationship advice from women who have no men, can't interact with men, and or hate men.
So, feminists, tell me again how going against the Patriarchy is good for society?

Women act like men should automatically respect them but they don't realize they need to earn respect.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Pentagon Begins to Implement TIP Policy in Military

( VestalVirgin )
I am mildly curious just how much money Trump's new politics will save the state. 🤔

He is doing a lot of shit that will cost money down the line (apparently he's appeasing Covid-deniers by stopping the funding of epidemic tracking), but trans shit is so expensive (and a "gift that keeps giving", but in reverse, from the perspective of those who have to pay for it) that I wonder if he might actually save money, in total.

( Mizuna )
You can't put a price on morale. Transgenders in the military drive down recruitment, and they make our military look like a joke. Social media is full of memes like this dunking on the US military. Do you think China or Russia find this intimidating? They're probably laughing at how far our military has fallen.

( LunarMoose )
the idea that we pay for this and don't get soldiers who are 'combat ready' is insane. That's the whole premise of signing up - to be ready to fight.

But. Please. Let me just read one article in which combat readiness is raised in the msm........

( LilianH )
The actual cost of the medial transition is probably not a huge amount considering the size of the US defence budget, but a TIP can't really fulfil the role of the soldier or be deployed so removing them from the army completely might start to save a few billions a year.

( VestalVirgin )
Yeah, it isn't just the cost of their surgeries and stuff, it is also the fact that they pay a soldier who takes a lot of time off, so isn't even working 100% at desk jobs, and isn't combat ready on top of that.

Donald Trump #transphobia #wingnut #god-complex msn.com

Less than 15 minutes in, he noted that he had signed an executive order declaring that the federal government will only recognize two unchangeable sexes, male and female, and another order banning trans women from participating in women’s sports.

He then introduced Payton McNabb, who played volleyball in high school in North Carolina and, Trump said, planned to play sports in college until “her girls’ volleyball match was invaded by a male.”

Trump said the player “smashed the ball so hard in Payton’s face causing traumatic brain injury, partially paralyzing her right side and ending her athletic career.”

It’s still unclear whether the player who spiked the ball and hit McNabb during the September 2022 match was trans. McNabb has said in interviews that she and her teammates were aware of a trans player on the team, but that player’s name has not been shared and she has not spoken to the press. Since then, McNabb has become a paid national advocate for state laws prohibiting trans students from playing on school sports teams that match their gender identities. She testified in favor of such a measure in North Carolina, which passed and took effect in August 2023.

Donald Trump and Enrique Tarrio #wingnut independent.co.uk

President Donald Trump has suggested that far-right militias such as the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers may have a role to play in public life

Trump was asked during a press conference in the Roosevelt Room on Tuesday if there’s room for the leaders of such groups in the political conversation

“We’ll have to see,” Trump said

“I thought the sentences for them were ridiculous and excessive,” he added. Former Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio was just released from his 22-year sentence for seditious conspiracy following Trump’s pardons and commutations for January 6 rioters

“At least [in] the cases we looked at, these were people that actually love our country,” Trump added

Tarrio appeared on Alex Jones’s InfoWars last night, just hours after leaving prison

“We went through hell — and I’m gonna tell you, it was worth it,” said Tarrio. “Because what we stood for … was what we’ve been fighting for, and what we saw yesterday on the inauguration stage”

He suggested that “people like” Pam Bondi, the nominee for attorney general, and Kash Patel, the nominee to lead the FBI, and the “rest of Trump’s cabinet” should “right all these wrongs … The people who did this, they need to feel the heat. They need to be put behind bars”

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Full Frontal attack on Women's Rights by the NY Times

( Peppermint )

Some say that foster children were being targeted

If this is true I would believe it. Its obvious to me the whole case surrounding Keira Bell is one of racism (removal of her reproductive organs), misogyny and tokenism. Foster children are defenseless, what better group to target for the trans cult?

The article mentions that trans are a "small part of the population" so why do they also mention the fucking miracle that is thousands of trans in the US military? we all know they are there for free cosmetic surgery. They aren't there to serve anybody but themselves.

Big Pharma is definitely mad. Take the free money away and the number of the trans diagnosis will drop like like a stone. None of it was real.


( pennygadget )
I would 100% believe that foster kids are groomed into the gender cult. They don't have stable families to protect them from creeps. Most of them are damaged from trauma and abuse (both physical and sexual). And many of them are desperate to find a place/community where they can belong. They are prime targets for trans groomers

( SarahWilliams_13 )
In regard to the military aspect, my therapist recently asked me how I felt (she’s GC and pretty open) about it and I asked her: well, is gender dysphoria/ dysmorphia a mental illness?

She said good question. She then said that they are currently trying to change the DSM to state that it is not a mental illness. They want all that removed, so there’s no aspect connected to mental health.

I haven’t had a chance to run it down, but she’s no conspiracy theorist and is very concerned about these things.

( OneStarWolf )
Haha wow. So they want to pretend it’s normal for people to threaten suicide if they don’t get to cut off healthy body parts and induce hormonal disorders??

But of course they still want medical insurance to be forced to cover all their cosmetic surgeries and drugs, even though it wouldn’t be considered a mental health condition any longer 🙃

These entitled assholes just want preferential treatment and free rein on surgery and drugs on their say so, no medical diagnosis needed at all! Make it make sense! You can’t, because it’s backwards cult logic.

Red Pill Poet #wingnut #conspiracy redpillpoems.substack.com

Amid a rampant radical madness
insidiously hatched in college campus
incubators of critical-theory-activated
state-of-the-art neo-Marxist hooey;
amid a suddenly-de-rigueur madness
that'd been nurtured in re-purposed unis

strange trains of mind
(having gone off the rails by design)
had left their deftly sabotaged tracks.

In the freshly-sprung rancour factories
that had hijacked higher learning
a hot-off-the-press truly-lunatic version
of a not-so-new crazed way of thinking
had met with success in its scheme
to undermine the spineless system
to the extent
that under cover of maternal virtue
what academia perversely gave birth to
was a vast standing army
of self-righteously intolerant monsters.
As the millions-strong mob
of PC totalitarians spoke
as one
unhinged tunnel-visioned organism
within the echo chamber of woke

few inside noticed the depth and range
to which language had been changed
as a sneaky means to retrain brains
as certain words
were furtively redefined
to discreetly mislead simple minds
As casually sadistic
as they were odiously sanctimonious
the crybully goon squads and mobs
(lost in the throes of collective psychosis)

spared no effort in their quest to quench
their perpetually offended members'
horrifically shrivelled souls
with the blood they spilt
conducting their ever-vigilant
guilty-till-proven-innocent purity patrols.

Their hitherto-hollow mollycoddled lives
having failed to give rise
to anything of notable worth

the flying-off-the-handle
Red-Guard-like vandals
— as if bent on avenging
a learned burning bitterness —
had agreed to scorch the earth

on their manic wasteland-advancing
fealty-demanding mission
to cancel culture rewrite history
and Year Zero the weakened system.

Soul:Ask #crackpot #magick #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy soulask.com

There are wild anxieties swirling around March 13-14, 2025. Why the panic? This isn’t just another day on the calendar—it’s a cosmic collision of the Jewish holiday Purim and a rare blood moon, igniting the imaginations of conspiracy theorists and numerologists worldwide. But the intrigue doesn’t stop there. The buzz extends to March 15, and the internet is buzzing with speculation.
Let’s break it down: March 15, 2020, marked the dawn of global lockdowns. Fast forward to 2025, and March 13-14 will be exactly 12 years since Pope Francis took office. History buffs will also note that March 15, 44 BC, saw Julius Caesar’s infamous assassination, unleashing chaos in Rome.

March 14 isn’t just a date for lunar watchers—it’s also Pi Day, a quirky holiday beloved by math geeks everywhere. Dreamed up in 1987 by San Francisco physicist Larry Shaw, Pi Day celebrates the mathematical constant π (3.1415926…) at precisely 1:59:26 PM—or 13:59 for 24-hour clock fans who party into the night. Why? Because the date (3/14) and time align perfectly with pi’s first digits. It’s a nerdy delight that’s grown into a global phenomenon.

But here’s where it gets dark. Enter the Belphegor number—pi’s twisted counterpart. Written as 1000000000000066600000000000001, this eerie figure boasts 13 zeros on each side of a devilish 666 core. Named after Belphegor, the “Lord of the Abyss” and one of hell’s archdemons, it’s a stark contrast to pi’s wholesome charm. While math nerds raise their calculators to π on March 14, could shadowy groups like the Illuminati be toasting to Belphegor instead?

Then there’s March 15—day 153 of 2025—a number that’s pure catnip for numerologists. Add up 1 + 2 + 3 all the way to 17, and you’ll land on 153, forming a perfect triangular number that Freemasons adore. Even the Bible chimes in: the Gospel of John (21:11) describes Simon Peter hauling in a net of 153 fish, a detail that’s puzzled scholars for centuries. Coincidence?

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

There will be a very powerful planetary etheric leyline grid activation which will be triggered by the Solar eclipse on March 29 th :

During that eclipse, a strong flash of Light will activate planetary Dragon leylines with a quantum leap to the new level, so that the planetary energy grid will be ready for the cascade of events that will follow in quick succession in April and May.

In the next few blog updates I will be able to say more about this very powerful activation process taking place in April and May.

Until then, preparation steps need to be taken and lots of darkness removed so that the Light can finally begin to enter.

First, a clearing process of the deepest part of Lurker subquantum anomaly on the surface of the planet will be taking place between the Lunar eclipse on March 14 th and the Solar eclipse on March 29 th :

On top of that, Saturn rings will be edge-on as seen from Earth on March 23rd :

That configuration usually opens a dark portal between intergalactic subquantum anomaly, Saturn and Earth, and when it happened in February 1996 it was one among the darkest moments in human history:

This time, it will be an opportunity for the Light forces to clear a large portion of subquantum anomaly once and for all.
After March 29th , many key planetary vortexes will experience powerful activations.

The first one is the Jerusalem vortex, which is anchored at the Temple Mount:

During late Atlantean times, this was the main Orion programming and implanting center for the native Natufian population:

King Solomon decided to purify the energy of the area and built his temple there:

One part of his temple was dedicated to the goddess Asherah:

Energy of Asherah needs to be invoked to bring healing and balance to the Jerusalem vortex and the whole region:

Also, to heal the occult reasons for the conflict in Gaza and bring peace to the area, the archetype of the war goddess Anat needs to be purified and healed:

An Armchair Geopolitical Analyst #racist #wingnut #conspiracy stateofthenation.info

Because everyone—as in EVERYONE— is up in arms about the spasmodic Ukraine peace process, it really begs the question: Who and what is behind this epic Khazarian clusterfuck?!
Well, you now know the “Who?” (read: Khazarian Cabal), but how about the “Why?”.

Trust us, it’s complicated. VERY Complicated indeed! So here’s a brief EXECUTIVE SUMMARY for folks to wrap their brains around while we flesh out the skeleton of this epochal Khazarian clusterfuck over the coming week.

First it’s important to properly understand that the Khazarian Cabal set up the original predatory capitalism and kleptocratic communist paradigms during the formative stages of the Northern Italian Black Nobility throughout the late 13th and early 14th centuries.
• For example, the Khazarian oligarchs in Russia have their goals in Ukraine just as the Khazarian oligarchs from the United States and Ukraine do. Then there are the Khazarian oligarchs in Europe who align with Ukraine’s oligarchs, but not with the USA or Russia. Which is exactly why we are now seeing the American Neocon Zionists that dominate the Trump administration make common cause with the conservative Putin administration, which is closely allied with the orthodox Chabad-Lubavitch sect of Hasidic Judaism and their politically appointed Chief Rabbi of Russia Berel Lazar.

• There are different wars and battles currently raging in this global resource war for land and water, power plants and ports, gold and silver, uranium and diamonds, oil and gas, rare earth minerals and metals, etc. For whoever controls the territory, controls the land, water as well as all natural resources and vital infrastructure. Ukraine happens to have a wealth of all of these things and, therefore, is being subjected to extraordinary pressures by the competing groups of Khazarian oligarchs who each want maximum control and/or ownership of that hapless geographic area.

Kabamur Taygeta #ufo #fundie #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

Pay special attention to those warning that “ALIENS ARE DEMONS”.

If angels are real and want to be seen, then those promoting fear of life outside of Earth are the demons.

If your God created a universe of evil except humans, you’re wrong about both God and humans.

How is it any spiritual sources interpret that ascension is for this Earth and everyone will experience it when our greatest teachers say the opposite?

Try to follow the logic of the soul trap narrative:

We’re not awake until we realize we’re prisoners, but there’s actually no escape from the prison.

Those who have imprisoned us feed on our fear, but it’s important to know we’re victims who can’t escape.
“Jesus didn’t teach ascension”

Of course he did. It’s one of his primary teachings. Jesus is as New Age as it gets. He literally promised a New Heaven and a New Earth.
“There is no way to the father but through me”

First of all, what does this have to do with being murdered for God? Nothing. So why do modern Christians disregard his teachings in favor of a pagan blood s*******e?

Jesus spoke Aramaic. No one tries to research what he really said because it reverses much of what the Church taught.

He said ABWOON (Source) not ABBA (Father). His entire message was about God being within us. There is no way to Source but to go within. His message is the only way, not worship of angry gods ordering murder and slavery (anunnaki). Not once did Jesus refer to Yahweh-Jehovah as God.

Jesus didn’t say he would return to rule this world as a king, he said he’d take us where he is. A place where “many mansions” are prepared (5D Earth).

Jesus didn’t practice blood rituals to God so he couldn’t have been a final s*******e to his own God. He didn’t claim he was going to die for our sins. In the story, he didn’t volunteer, he was betrayed.

He taught that God was within and we will do even greater miracles. Modern Christians mindlessly repeats slogans like “Jesus is King”, and are believe more in the power of demons than angels.

Tom Kratman #wingnut #psycho twitter.com

I confess that, after 80 years of mooching, scolding, nagging, and preening themselves in threadbare cloaks of moral superiority, the idea of Europe becoming our official enemy sends chills up my spine. It is a joyful sensation.

Oh, and Canada, in that case, just as if you had tried to join the Warsaw Pact under Trudeau the elder, something I suspect crossed his mind regularly, if you tried to join Europe or adhere to a NATO which has become an enemy of the United States, we would mobilize, invade, and crush you in very short order. No, NATO, which is to say the UK and France, will not risk nuclear annihilation to save you. No, none of them could send over enough in the way of conventional forces to help very much if, indeed, they could get anything over in the face of our overwhelming superiority in the air and at sea. No, 1812 has nothing to say; we were logistic imbeciles at the time and disease infants. Neither of these factors are true anymore and, indeed, haven't since about 1862.

Resistance is futile. Prepare to be assimilated.

variuos commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: By barring trans women from women’s sports, NCAA sides with bigots

( OneStarWolf )
It’s the complete opposite, you gaslighting poor excuse for an article. Biology is a bigot then. But really, the writer of this article is a raging, bigoted misogynist piece of crap that really thinks women’s reality is not worth respecting as long as a man’s feelings aren’t put first. Fuck off, dude.

( worried19 )
I wish MSN had the comments open. No way they would have been favorable to this idiot.

This level of delusion takes some work. I know the author is trans identified. Has he truly convinced himself that there are no physical differences between male and female athletes? Or he knows there are differences and just doesn't care?

( Lillith )
If he didnt think there were differences, he wouldn't insist on accessessing women's spaces. It would be all the same.

As it is, he knows that women are weaker and make an easier target than say, the male twinks that he may (also) be into.

( Terfisnotadirtyword )
It's so funny that comments for every pro trans story are turned off. It's almost like they know that people are massively against it and will say so! But how insecure that they can't even allow a conversation to happen.

( DurableBook )
I mean sure, I bet there are some bigots who happen to agree that transwomen are men. There are also lots of bigots who agree that it's cold out in the Midwest right now. Is the National Weather Service "siding with bigots" if it issues winter weather advisories?

( asmahan )
And vegetarians side with Hitler. I am glad to see that this particular line of "reasoning" is starting to lose its power a bit.

( Arenlaef2 )
We don't care, lol. That word holds no power anymore. Personally, I think it's pretty bigoted to tell women to be quiet and smile when cheating men take their spots on teams and awards, or walk around with their dicks out in their locker rooms but I consider women to be human beings worthy of respect, which TRAs do not.

Anyway 8 out of 10 people are bigots then. And the extra two can scream and stop their feet and tear out their hair but women's sports will continue to be for women. Have all the tantrums you want. No one cares.

( TheSimbul )
Reality is a bigot, then.

( Itzpapalotl )
Reality, nature, biology...All bigots!

Tatsuya Ishida #conspiracy #racist #homophobia #transphobia sinfest.xyz

[From “February 23, 2025: Deploy The Prons 3”]


Panel 1: Slick is in front of a Roman arch of triumph on which is engraved the logo of X
Panel 2: Depicts a statue of Elon Musk doing a Roman salute and clad in a Roman armor on which is engraved X
Panel 3: Slick is walking right behing a croowd of NPC wearing MAGA red hats
Panel 4: a naked woman is under three X
Panel 5: Slick sees Cletus making a speech
Panel 6: Cletus makes a speech attacking the Jews, immigrants and LGBT
Panel 7: right near him, a black truck is appearing
Panel 8: two Shibas dressed as SWAT officers are leaving the truck
Panel 9: one of the Shibas grabs Cletus
Panel 10: the two Shibas are dragging Cletus into the truck
Panel 11: the truck closes its doors on which is written “Z.O.G.E.”
Panel 12: the truck is departing in front of Slick, the MAGA NPC and the Elon Musk statue

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