Ken Ham #fundie
Clothing was invented not because we were cold, as evolutionists suggest, but because of sin and shame. Mankind was originally created naked and unashamed, but after their sin, they tried to cover over that sin and shame with fig leaves. But God himself made them clothes when he killed an animal—the first animal death in God’s “very good” creation. These clothes and the sacrifice and spilled blood of that animal (or animals) covered over their sin and shame.
God taught Adam and Eve that they couldn’t cover their sin. Only God could do that.
When God made clothes from coats of skins, he was setting up the sacrificial system. He killed animals and clothed Adam and Eve. The first blood sacrifice as a covering for their sin, a picture of what was to come in Jesus Christ, the lamb of God who came to take away the sin of the world.
A sinner can’t pay the penalty for sin. So God stepped into human history in the person of his Son, to be born of a virgin, the sinless perfect Son of God. He became a man as God, the God-man. He lived a sinless life and died on a cross. But he rose from the dead. That means he has ultimate power, the power over death. He suffered the penalty for our sin and paid our debt on that cross. He offers a free gift of salvation to those who will repent of the sin and receive this free gift.
Sin distorts nakedness. God has written the law (given us a conscience) on our hearts. Humans, whether they acknowledge it or not, (of course there are many who let their sin natures master over them in this matter), instinctively know they were clothes because of sin an shame.
9:20 PM · Aug 25, 2024 · 3,573 Views
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