
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Subhuman Niceguy et al. #sexist #racist #psycho incels.is

(Original Post by Subhuman Niceguy)
[Venting] Imagine being stuck inside the International Space Station - with a foid.

I feel so sorry for that man, putting a bullet in the foid’s head may be his only option - in order to conserve supplies.

Imagine being stuck with this bitch in the ISS until February:

[video oomitted]

[first comment by Subhuman Niceguy himself]
The foid looks Jewish to me.

Are the cameras always on in the ISS

That foid would have semen in zero Gravity in all her holes, in GTA V

(WacoGoesDown, in response to Sloth.Belgrade)
probably not but the government monitors it & you have to maintain communications 24/7 & the foid could report you

(Sloth.Belgrade, replying in turn)
Fair point

Rev. Jackson Lahmeyer #fundie #racist #conspiracy mediamatters.org

Pastors for Trump leader Jackson Lahmeyer, a key Trump ally who has been visited by members of Trump’s inner circle, recently warned followers that a Jewish politician will be the Antichrist[…]
Lahmeyer is a right-wing commentator and the pastor of Sheridan Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He is the founder and leader of Pastors For Trump, which, as its name indicates, seeks “to continue to build the relationship between Christian leaders and President Trump during his bid for the Presidency”

Lahmeyer has a history of making toxic remarks, including calling Vice President Kamala Harris a “lying whore”; claiming Democrats are “demonic”; and lobbing bigoted attacks at LGBTQ people, Jewish people, and Muslims

He continued that pattern during a sermon that was posted online on October 8, which carries the headline “Revelation 13 | Verse-By-Verse | Antichrist + False Prophet | Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer.” During the sermon, Lahmeyer portrayed Jewish and Muslim people as a future threat to Christians:

JACKSON LAHMEYER: This is the opinion of Jackson Lahmeyer. The Antichrist will be a political leader. This is just Jackson's opinion. The Antichrist will be a political leader of Jewish descent. That is how the Jews will worship him

The false prophet, I believe, will be an Islamic imam. I believe that the false prophet will be an Islamic religious leader who will lead the people to worship the beast. That's just Jackson's opinion. And he will implement some form of one world religion, an Islamic caliphate. And if you do not take the mark, you will have your head chopped off

There's only one group of people today that still chop off the heads of people, and that's radical Islamic extremists. And I believe they will implement that form of religion when the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ is gone. So it's my opinion that the future Antichrist will have some form of a Jewish descent, that the false prophet will be an Islamic religious leader

Erik Carlson #wingnut #racist #conspiracy badlands.substack.com

As I write this, rumors are flying about Tim Walz. While these are unproven claims and should be treated as such, even the narrative of a Vice Presidential candidate being involved in any sort of abuse is damaging to the story of any campaign.

Additionally, as alleged victims come forward, the Deep State seems to be creating fake victims, who will be proven fraudulent. In so doing, every CNN, MSNBC viewing brainwashed cult member will believe ALL the accusers that come forward are frauds.

But if the allegations are true, why did the Democrats pick Walz to run as Kamala’s VP?
Q mentioned that Trump was now working with Putin and Xi to take down the Deep State Cabal. According to this logic, Trump hasn’t always been working with Putin and Xi.
It is obvious to most that Biden has been a CCP puppet for quite some time. It seems that Trump handpicked Biden to run against him in the 2020 Election, and again, according to Q, Trump and Xi are working together. Did Xi give Trump the receipts on the dirt he had on Biden, allowing Biden to be more easily controlled during his pretend presidency? If we fast forward to a few months ago, Biden was forced out as the Democrat nominee for 2024. As Kamala took Biden’s place, Walz became the VP candidate.

It appears Walz has been a CCP puppet for decades as well. He first went to China in 1989, and has made countless trips there since. There is strong evidence that the CCP controlled and funded the BLM and ANTIFA riots of 2020 that started in the state Walz was and is the governor.
What if Xi, who I and many Q followers believe is working with Trump, forced the Deep State to add Walz to the Democrat ticket, knowing Walz had the alleged history that is now being exposed? What if Walz was added to the ticket knowing his past would be exposed right before the election, too late to make any changes.

If this is true, it is brilliant. Would you expect anything less from a Trump-led plan?

Mike Stone #wingnut #racist #sexist #quack #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Vince Lombardi famously said, "Fatigue makes cowards of us all," and it's true. Look at what happened during the fake pandemic. People hid behind face diapers, locked their doors, and cowered in fear over a non-existent virus. They were so physically and emotionally depleted, they had no energy to resist.

That level of fatigue isn't natural. It's been planned by our enemies for decades.
Protocol X states: ". . . So as to utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases, by want, so the the 'goyim' see no other issue than to take the refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else."

The fatigue that Americans are feeling was planned over a hundred years ago. Today American men are overworked like never before. Many are working two or three jobs just to survive. And almost everyone has a side hustle. On top of that, their bodies are depleted from drugs, processed food, and alcohol, and from constant exposure to electromagnetic frequencies. Remember the chemicals that Alex Jones said were turning frogs gay? American men are consuming those chemicals on a daily basis and it's leading to their fatigue.
Brainwashing has caused American men to abandon their children by refusing to homeschool them. It's caused them to abandon their women in favor of pornography. It's caused them to abandon their country by refusing to fight the very people who want to see them dead.
As I've said many times, nothing is going to change when Trump wins the election in November and resumes the presidency. That's because American men are going to act even more cowardly, if such a thing were possible, with Trump back in the White House, falsely believing that he is going to solve all of their problems. American men are exhausted, selfish, and brainwashed to the point where they are never coming back to reality. God help us all.

Vox Day #racist #conspiracy voxday.net

[From “He Never Did Nothing to Nobody”]

If only Scotland Yard had been able to conclusively confirm the identity of Jack the Ripper at the time, we might have had an English Anti-Defamation League decades sooner than we did in the USA

Kosminski was born on September 11, 1865, making him 22 and 23 at the time of the murders. He grew up in Klodawa, near Warsaw, the youngest of seven children, with his father dying when he was aged just eight

During the murders investigation, Dr Robert Anderson, head of the London Criminal Investigation Department, had designated Kosminski as key suspect as the killer. Previously confidential police reports, that were published in 1894 as the Macnaghten Memorandum, recorded that detectives believed he had a “great hatred of women, specially of the prostitute class, and had strong homicidal tendencies”

But even then political correctness made them reluctant to accuse a Jew, due to the potential fallout of antiSemitism

Every single time isn’t just a meme. “The Juwes are the men that will not be blamed for nothing.” Most people don’t understand the significance of that very literal statement. The religion is much older, and much more terrible, than many of its practitioners themselves realize. It’s absolutely not a coincidence that from the Irish Potato Famine to the Holodomor to the Great Leap Forward, there is always a man that will not be blamed for nothing to be found in the background

This doesn’t bode well for either Argentina or Mexico. We’ve already seen what it’s done to Ukraine


spoilerPanel 1: Neo asks Morpheus: “What are you trying to tell me? That I can check the 'Early Life' section on their Wikipedia page?
Panel 2: Morpheus answers that “No, Neo. I'm trying to tell you that when you're ready, you won't have to”

"A Veteran Intelligence Analyst" #wingnut #racist #crackpot #conspiracy stateofthenation.co

However, with a weapon weapon the size and magnitude of Hurricane Milton, there are almost always very serious hidden agendas behind these geoterrorist attacks, some of which may seem counterintuitive.

Now many will say that targeting U.S Central Command (CENTCOM) headquarters at MacDill Air Force Base (which is located eight miles south of Tampa, Florida) because it is closely coordinating with Israel to launch a major multi-pronged attack on Iran is not realistic.

A US-Israeli joint invasion of Iran would involve such an overwhelming series of attacks that would be met with a staggering counter-attack by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, which would not only see the massive launch of hypersonic ICBMs and highly weaponized drones at key military targets all over Israel, it would also likely push the world into a full-scale WW3 scenario (especially in light of the various mutual defense treaties that have been secretly signed by Iran, Russia, China, Syria, Iraq, Turkey and others.

The communist side of the NWO cabal knows that both Biden and Harris are completely ill-equipped to deal with such a devastating regional hot war just before this highly consequential election. The world community of nations would see, in glowing color, that both of these chief idiots of the American Idiocracy could not even handle the never-ending invasion of waves of criminal illegal aliens across the open borders much less a kinetic World War III.

Bottom Line: It also appears that the left-wingers in the Pentagon helped send Milton to its CENTCOM headquarters in Tampa because those liberal flag officers do not want to fight a war for Israel, especially given how thinly spread the U.S. Armed Forces are across the planet at this moment (what better excuse for the CENTCOM brass to present to their IDF and MOSSAD counterparts to suspend the collaboration). Such a misguided Zionist attack plan would certainly embroil the US in yet another forever war as well.

pepelivesmatter #wingnut #fundie #racist #conspiracy pepelivesmatter.substack.com

It was around 2017 that I first had an experience with God where I witnessed something spectacular, an extraordinary happening in my life. I saw that Babylon was falling/would fall. I did not yet understand exactly what that meant in its entirety and likely do not even to this day but the more I began to peer into the political world, the greater the scope of my understanding began to enlarge. I realized that America and almost every nation in the world had been captured and put under subjection by what can be described as a shadow cabal of leaders, and priests of Babylon, in a very real sense. <...>The shadow cabal’s power derived from Satanic forces, yes, but they always thrived off the people’s ignorance. This is why I have said for years that Apocalypse actually derives from the word ‘Unveiling.’ A revelation of reality. A truth has been exposed to millions and millions for those with eyes to see. The veil has continually been lifted over our time together. When people tell me that it’s only going to get worse, I challenge that. Because the world was truly horrific for thousands of years. The rich elite, the Rothschilds, the ‘families’ all lived off the backs of the peasants and laughed at our ignorance. The trafficking of children, the secret occult ruling class, and crimes against humanity were always the norm. We just didn’t know it was happening. They called us sheep because we were clueless.
I believe that Babylon is falling.

I believe that the humble in heart will inherit the earth, just as Christ said.

I believe Trump is a wrecking ball, a modern-day Cyrus who is playing a major part in paving the way for something even more incredible that God is planning to do.

I cannot say exactly what will happen during this election season. <...>It has made us all stronger. We have grown drastically in both knowledge and character. Whatever may come, I know and I can truly say without hesitation that I believe the best is yet to come.

Phithx #racist #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy jameshfetzer.org

The Ashkenazi Khazarians are a brutal warlike nation who lived in Khazaria, and between the 8th and 9th centuries AD the entire nation converted to Talmudic Judaism, under orders from their king Bulan.

They were so troublesome to the surrounding nations, and particularly to the Christian Russian people, that the Russians finally had enough of them, and drove them out of their homeland Khazaria, which included the territory now called Ukraine.

Thus began the Ashkenazi hatred of the Russians and their determination to destroy the Russians, using the Ashkenazi Bolshevik revolution, the satanic/atheist communist Red Peril, starting in October 1917, during which tens of millions of Russian Christians were tortured and slaughtered, financed by the Ashkenazi banksters in the USA, Britain and Germany.
They backed Napoleon Bonaparte’s invasion, using their usual deceptive tactics*: that of using Christians to fight and kill other Christians, that the Russians defeated, followed by the German invasion that was also defeated. During the fighting between the Christian Germans and the Christian Russians many millions of Christians were slaughtered, whilst enriching the Ashkenazi banksters and their Military Industrial Oil Complex.
So now they are trying again using the Ashkenazi Ukrainian regime; led by AshkeNAZI Volodomir Zelensky, backed by the AshkeNAZI Azov battalion; that is trying to do the same thing, sacrificing all of the Ukrainian Christians as canon-fodder, being force-fed into the Russian meat-grinder, backed and financed by the Ashkenazi leaders installed in the NATO countries by the Ashkenazi banksters, and again they are being defeated.

As Ukraine is losing the war against Russia, the Ashkenazis are trying to get the USA and UK to fight the Russians for them. Again using gullible Christian Zionists to kill other Christians, ALL of whom they despise.

Andrew Anglin and Rich Lowry #racist dailystormer.name

[From “BASED National Review Editor-in-Chief Calls Haitians “Niggers” on Megyn [sic] Kelly Show”]

The hardcore editor of the cuckold conservative outlet National Review, Rich Lowry, was on Megyn [sic] Kelly’s podcast this week and referred to goose-eating Haitian migrants as “niggers.” He quickly corrected himself, but everyone heard it

This happens when you talk differently in your personal life[…]This guy is going around calling Haitians “niggers” in his personal life, so when he’s in a semi-causal conversation on a podcast, he made a slip-up

To be clear: National Review promotes immigration. They probably say “we just want it to be legal,” but they support turning America brown. Lowry isn’t Jewish, but the publication is largely run by Jews

Infamously, David French worked at the publication as a top editor, and he had bought children from Africa as symbols of his devotion to racially displacing white Americans[…]
That’s emblematic of the kind of publication that National Review is. It is not an anti-nigger publication[…]adamantly pro-nigger and constantly calls for more and more niggers to bury Americans in their violence and stench

This is one of many reasons why I’ve always argued that if you’re going to be some kind of public figure, you need to line up your personal identity with your public presentation[…]
It shows that Lowry doesn’t believe his own stupid anti-racist gibberish and in fact hates niggers. That is much worse than if he was actually a spineless cuck who loved seeing America turn brown

Lowry, if he is a serious person, will not apologize for this because no one is ever going to accept an apology. He should instead just say “I said what I meant, faggots.” He will get fired from NR, but he can become a racist commentator and go on Tucker Carlson and explain why he started to hate blacks

Actually, that might be too hardcore for Tucker Carlson, who is himself sort of a pussy

But he can at least work at Daily Stormer

Jim #racist #conspiracy #wingnut #transphobia blog.reaction.la

[From “Relief Fund for Hurricane Helene Victims”]

This an ad for a worthy cause


This relief fund is being organised by Carson Ford Brooks, who, unlike most people involved in Hurricane Helene relief solicitations has no history of grifting, so when he says

“We are internally fundraising for our own travel, lodging, and food expenses. We are bringing our own equipment. Absolutely ALL of the funds received will go directly toward supplies for the victims and fuel to operate equipment”

It is probably true

Fema has pissed away all its money on illegal immigrants, which is probably a good thing because its previous responses to disasters have been hostile to the victims of disaster, and even more hostile to anyone who was prepared for disaster, or providing more useful assistance than Fema. Their primary objective appears to be to move people from areas that vote Republican, to areas that vote Democrat by overwhelming margins, and to reduce everyone to dependency upon the government. In the floods of Hurricane Helene, seem to be more interested in land seizures than providing food and clean drinking water

Fema is however vitally concerned that faith based shelters might misgender transwomen

Tatsuya Ishida #conspiracy #racist #kinkshaming #dunning-kruger sinfest.xyz


Panel 1: Bill Maher: “Why do people hate the Jews?”
Panel 2: The Twin Towers burning down, with images of Jewish caricatures, the Soviet flag, and John F. Kennedy superimposed on.
Panel 3: A building, with logos of Mossad, AIPAC, Mossad, the Federal Reserve, the ADL, the Rothschilds, HIAS, PornHub, and OnlyFans superimposed on.
Panel 4: Bill Maher, with a smug look on his face: “Because we’re successful.”

Donald Trump Jr. #racist #dunning-kruger #pratt nytimes.com

Amid fallout from Donald J. Trump’s debunked claim about immigrants from Haiti stealing and eating people’s pets in a small Ohio city, the former president’s oldest son weighed in with his own aspersions on Haitians

Donald Trump Jr. suggested on Thursday that Haitian immigrants were less intelligent than people from other countries, and claimed that there was demographic evidence to back this up. He provided none

“You look at Haiti, you look at the demographic makeup, you look at the average I.Q. — if you import the third world into your country, you’re going to become the third world,” Mr. Trump said in an interview with Charlie Kirk on Real America’s Voice, a conservative broadcasting network. “That’s just basic. It’s not racist. It’s just fact”

Mark Murillo and Lance Wallnau #fundie #racist #sexist #wingnut peoplefor.org

"We were attacked, folks. We really were," [Mark] Murillo complained during last week's "Fire Power" program. "We're all over the place. You can look on Google and see that 'Fire Power' was attacked by the Huffington Post, by the New York Times, by CNN, and by the Washington Post."

"All of them, and it's totally ridiculous," Murillo asserted. "It's a foolish attack, folks."

"What happened was we had Lance Wallnau on the show—who's going to be with us in a moment—and we were talking about witchcraft and Kamala Harris," Murillo explained. "She was called a witch and they lost their minds. Now, I want you to consider this: How many Pentecostal preachers do you think there are in the United States and then ask them how many of them believe that witchcraft is involved with this woman. There are tens of thousands of us that really question the role of demonic power and the supernatural in this woman's campaign."

"It's not a crazy idea," Murillo insisted. "And for you to wonder if we've lost our mind is totally unacceptable."

Paul Dragu #wingnut #conspiracy #forced-birth #racist thenewamerican.com

[From “Comparing Communist Party USA & Democratic Party Platforms”]

The New American compared the platforms of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) with the positions of the Democratic Party

The first issue mentioned on communist’s 2024 platform is one near and near to Democrats, one of the few that Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris hasn’t publicly backtracked on. The communists declare: “We oppose the Supreme Court decision and support having Congress and the President codify Roe v. Wade into law to restore a national right to choose”

This is the exact position of the Democratic Party[…]
Communists also advocate for government takeover of healthcare. “We believe that healthcare is a right,” CPUSA says[…]
During her failed 2020 presidential bid, Harris endorsed a Medicare for All bill introduced by admitted socialist Bernie Sanders[…]
“Climate crisis” is a topic communists and Democrats screech equally loudly about[…]
The only difference is one is calling for action, the other is bragging about what it’s already done. Democrats are ahead of the communists[…]
The Washington Post asked all the Democratic presidential primary candidates if they supported eliminating the Electoral College and replacing it with a national popular vote. A majority of them, 15 out of 26, said yes, with an additional three, Kamala Harris included, answering they were open to the idea

Democrats and communists advocate “democracy,” or majority rule, especially when it comes to elections[…]
Both also support statehood for Washington, D.C., mail-in voting, and ending the filibuster completely

When it comes to mass migration, there is no difference between the two[…]
There appears to be very little difference between the Democratic Party and the Communist Party USA. Those who’ve been saying the former has been taken over by the latter have a strong case[…]Before their blatant alignment on policy, the two parties were already strongly ideologically aligned

Devvy Kidd #wingnut #fundie #racist #elitist #conspiracy newswithviews.com

Slowly and with great sacrifice of time and energy – especially after Al Gore(bechev) gifted us with the Internet, we, the truth tellers have been able to dig deep and expose the vile corruption and plans to destroy these united States of America. The created decided they are more powerful than the Creator for great wealth and influence. Personally, I believe most of them do not believe in the one, true God of the Universe.

Many of the puppets who sold their soul to Satan are familiar to the American people. Hussein Obama is not and can never be constitutionally eligible to be president as clearly written in the U.S. Constitution. Comrade Obama got away with it because of cowards in the Republican Party, judges and foolish herds of Caucasians suffering from “white guilt”. Those dullards forgot Obama is half white and half black.

Marxist Comrade Obama said once elected he would begin the complete “transformation of America”. He sure did by deliberately encouraging race baiting; number one on his list. Racism, the good old stand-by. Divide Americans based on propaganda and lies.

However, things didn’t go the way the Destroyers thought their grand schemes would could be shoved down our throats using the Internet. At least as far as timing is concerned. Americans were waking up, getting informed and educated and began to fight back. And still today, there are millions and millions of Americans I call the Unreachables. Fools.
Those who doubt the awesome but evil power of secret societies are in denial because denial is a much more comfortable place to exist. It’s much easier to accept all the lies, all the time. To acknowledge the level of deceit and betrayal by almost every president for more than a century, as well as ‘revered’ business magnates and members of the Outlaw Congress is simply too much for trusting Americans. So many millions who truly do not understand how brutal and ugly “the game” is and how it’s been affecting their lives.

Vic Biorseth #wingnut #racist #fundie #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

So Kamala "Commula" Harris is the Marxist Machine's pick to run instead of "Criminal" Joe Biden. The Machine has spoken. And her chosen running mate is "Tampon" Timmy Walz, who worships at the altar of homo-transsexualism weirdness and who, as a total surprise and without notice, bugged-out of his military unit just before deployment.

If you wonder why these life-long communist American politicians are so anti-life, anti-property, anti-liberty, anti-speech, anti-press, anti-gun, anti-bourgeois middle-class, anti-Christian, anti-male, anti-family, antisemitic, anti-capitalism, anti-American borders, anti-law and order, anti-normalcy and anti-American constitution, look no farther than the Communist manifesto:
That's why they oppose everything that is; every established thing, every "normal" thing, every ordered and orderly thing, every human institution, from corporations to religions to governments, from sexual relationships to families, from schools, to even any sense of individual property ownership, independence or liberty.

At its core, that's what communism is.
Just look at who they associate the closest with. It's a veritable freak-show of perverts, misfits and malcontents, from BLM and Antifa to Drag Queens, prancing faggots, transvestites and freshly released criminal illegal aliens giving the finger to the news cameras.
It doesn't get any more Islamo-Commie-Homo than the Commula and Timmy show. They stand with Islam because Islam stands against America, and all religions other than Islam. Of course they stand with Communism against constitutional America, because they are communist. And they stand with homosexual and all other forms of sexual impropriety because they are hedonist to the bone.
As long as Iran chants "death to America" the Machine, including Traitor John Kerry, Comrade Obama peace be upon him, the Soros family, the WEF, the UN, the EU and COMINTERN will be supporting Iran and opposing Israel, and all Jews everywhere.

Laura Wood #racist thinkinghousewife.com

The Remarkable Happiness of American Slaves

“WE frequently hear it said, referring to the duty of removing slavery, that we must break every yoke. Many who say this reckon that in the United States there are three million two hundred and four thousand three hundred and thirteen ‘yokes,’ this being the number of slaves.

“Now, you can not pass through the south and not see that a very large number may at once be struck from this reckoning of yokes; that there are very many slaves who, if you should propose to break a ‘yoke’ for them, would not understand you. The question is not as to enslaving a new people; nor does it relate to the Antilles, nor to Guiana, nor to Mexico; it relates to these people who are here; and the proper question is not an abstract one with regard to slavery, but what is best for this people in their circumstances. The troubles which we impute to their condition are many of them like the most of our own, viz., ‘borrowed troubles;’ we make them in our thoughts bear the burdens of all the possible evils which theoretically belong to the system of slavery. Even if we take all these into view, the amount of happiness among them compares favorably with that among the same number of people elsewhere. If there are some evils to which they are exposed, there are others from which they are exempt. The feeling involuntarily arose within me at the south, and especially in the religious meetings of the slaves, Would that all Africa were here! Could villages and tribes of Africans be by any means induced to emigrate to this land, and be placed under the influences which the slaves enjoy, Ethiopia would stretch out her hands to God sooner than the most sanguine interpreters of prophecy now dare to hope. It is deeply affecting to hear the slaves give thanks in their prayers that they have not been left like the heathen who know not God, but are raised, as it were, to heaven in their Christian privileges.’

Laura Wood #racist thinkinghousewife.com

[From “Desegregation Is Child Abuse”]

ANOTHER white child is beaten up in a government school, this time in Mississippi. Will this boy ever be the same again?

Parents who live in all-white or mostly white neighborhoods generally don’t care about this kind of thing (that usually occurs in poorer areas.) When it comes to the victims of black cruelty, they have hearts of stone. The plight of white children who face aggression on a routine basis never moves them. One is tempted to believe they want young white children to be mauled to assuage their own un-Christian racial guilt

Ironically, many blacks actually want whites to lead and defend their own societies — and to protect blacks from themselves

Dan Foreman #racist #wingnut #forced-birth apnews.com

About an hour into the event, someone asked a question about a state bill addressing discrimination. The candidates were each given two minutes to answer, and when it was Carter-Goodheart’s turn, she pushed back on earlier comments that suggested discrimination is not a major issue in Idaho.

She said state hate crime laws are weak, and noted that the neo-nazi group Aryan Nations made northern Idaho its home base for many years. She also talked about being the only candidate there who was a person of color.

“I pointed out that just because someone hasn’t personally experienced discrimination doesn’t mean it’s not happening,” she said. “I was making my statement, and then he shot up out of his seat and said, ‘I’m so sick of your liberal (expletive). Why don’t you go back to where you came from?’”

The Nez Perce Tribe has lived on the Columbia River Plateau in the Pacific Northwest for more than 11,500 years, including the area where Kendrick is located. The northern edge of its reservation, while only a small fraction of the tribe’s historical territory, is less than 10 miles (16 kilometers) from the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall where the forum was held.

“It was like slow motion,” Carter-Goodheart said. “I just remember thinking, ‘Go back to where you came from’? That’s within miles of where this forum is taking place. We have literal plots of land that are being leased out to family farms nearby.”

In his Facebook post, Foreman called the incident a “quintessential display of race-baiting” and said the Democratic attendees made personal attacks and “proclaimed Idaho to be a racist state.”

“Well, here is a news flash for the lefties out there. There is no systemic racism in America or Idaho,” Foreman said. “Idaho is a great state — the best in the Union!”

He then added an attack on supporters of abortion rights, saying: “And furthermore, it is immoral and against the law of God to kill unborn babies in the womb. You do not have any right to murder the unborn. There is no such thing as your self-proclaimed ‘Women’s Reproductive Rights.’ There is no such body of rights in the state or federal constitutions. And we don’t do designer rights in Idaho.”

Woke Content Detector #ableist #biphobia #conspiracy #elitist #enbyphobia #homophobia #racist #sexist #transphobia #wingnut docs.google.com

These are some examples from the Steam group Woke Content Detector

Starfield: Contains overtly pro-LGBTQ+ and overtly pro-DEI messaging. Pronoun selection including the option for they/them. Uses body type 1 and 2 instead of male/female. Improbably diverse NPCs in all areas.

Shovel Knight: Contains overtly pro-LGBTQ+ messaging. Now includes a body swap mode that allows you to independently change whether each character is male or female for his/her body and text.

Hogwarts Legacy: Contains overtly pro-LGBTQ+ messaging. Contains overtly pro-DEI messaging. 1800s Scotland somehow has diverse, LGBTQ+ characters. uses body type instead of biological sex.

Call of Duty: Contains overtly pro-LGBTQ+ images. Multiple pride flag calling cards and emblems.

Red Dead Redemption: Contains subtly pro-DEI messaging. Several minor characters espouse modern day political sentiments. As an example: the nps Sadie Adler behaves the same way a modern day feminist would.

Skyrim: Contains subtly pro-LGBTQ+ messaging. Contains subtly pro-DEI messaging. Homosexual marriage options. An NPC in Whiterun asks you whether the sight of a strong Nord woman offends you.

Fallout New Vegas: Contains subtly pro-LGBTQ+ messaging. Many minor LGBTQ+ npcs, including 2 possible companions. The Confirmed Bachelor and Cherchex La Femme perks unlock homosexual dialogue options with certain npcs.

Dark Souls: Contains subtly pro-LGBTQ+ messaging. The boss character Gwyndolin was born a male but raised as a female and given clothes and a magic ring to help him act like a female.

Final Fantasy 7: Contains subtly pro-LGBTQ+ messaging. Contains subtly pro-climate action messaging. Forced cross-dressing. You start the game working for an ecoterrorism group.

Super Lesbian Animal RPG: Contains overtly pro-LGBTQ+ messaging. Features a lesbian romance involving the player character. Multiple non-binary npcs that use they/them pronouns.

Den66kj #racist incels.is

[RageFuel] My parents are disgusting race traitors

My mom is nordic and my dad is a sandnigger (fortunately not that dark skinned atleast)

But why the fuck would someone do this shit? The result was me. Someone looking like a genetic experiment that went wrong.
Both communities and cultures reject me

I can't even look in the mirror anymore without being ashamed of what my parents did and seeing my deformed body.

I constantly have problems with my skin, it's sensitive as shit and my immune system is almost non existent too :feelsree:

Whenever you hate yourself for genetics think about me :feelsrope:

Atavistic Autist #quack #sexist #racist incels.is

Many incels and autists display "personality disordered" traits of BPD and narcissism, which is often used by our detractors to say we're bad people. But it is obvious to anyone with cursory knowledge into Cluster B personality disorders that they are post-traumatic conditions, which derive from severe social problems during childhood and adolescence.

If you're an autist with no capacity to successfully socially bond, for example, it is only natural that your psychology will be affected by this as you try to shield your psyche from intense pain and shame spurring from social/romantic rejection and ostracism. Hence compensatory grandiosity, rejection sensitivity, violent revenge fantasies, and all the rest.

But it turns out, as I have found and spoken of previously, there is a DIRECT solution to all this that can stabilize you, remove your depression and heartache, and restore your hedonic tone (enable you to truly ENJOY life unlike psychiatric jewpills which simply numb you and make you a permanently impotent vegetable).

That solution is OPIOIDS. For they treat not only physical pain, but acute mental pain too! And it's more profound that even that...
[rest omitted]

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia #racist pittparents.com

I’m a straight white suburban woman in my fifties. And Pride month can fuck right off. You can call me Karen but my tattoos would disagree. You can call me a bigot too. You already have. And a Terf—that pathetic made-up term. I’m not radical. And only feminist as far as equal pay. The right to vote. To have a bank account and a credit card. You know, basic civil rights. The same things gay and lesbian people wanted—and received. But now… Pride is… Pride is corporations and children and paraphilias and corruption…

And in the basement of my once harmonious home, my seventeen year old daughter is decorating her jean jacket with patches and little paintings, so she can wear it to the parade in our city tomorrow. It has rainbows and that awful pedophilic trans flag. It showcases her pronouns: “HE/THEY” and basically screams: I am a straight white girl who bought the bullshit that straight white girls are evil devil oppressors and I refuse to be that in the name of KINDNESS, y’all. So allow me into your glittery sanctum, your elite hole of horrors, tunnel of anti-love. Call me a gay man PLEASE.

Tatsuya Ishida #racist #conspiracy sinfest.xyz

“Meanwhile in Appalachia…”, a man is drowning in a flooded timberframe village, calling for help. He is spotted by a superhero, a donkey in blue with a bag of Jew money over the shoulder, who exclaims to his partner, a dwarf elephant in red carrying another Jew money bag: “Look chum. White people in peril.” He puts flies down to the man, tells him “Here you go” and hands him “$750 bucks” (sic). Then both heroes fly off with a triumphant “AWAAAYYY” as the man drowns.

Brother Nathanael #racist #wingnut #quack #conspiracy realjewnews.com

We got a Bird Flu kicking in.

Why now?

Elections 2024.

Why this now?

And WHY the Jew Robert Redfield, former CDC head, give the “Plandemic” a “not if” BUT when. [Clip]
Oy vey!

This will turn the goys heads every which way.

It starts with birds, on to chickens, then ducks, and geese, then to “mammals”—I mean cows—then SCREAM–onto the goyeem. [Clip SAME]
Of course he’s all for “GAIN OF FUNCTION.”

He quotes it to prove that once mammals have that infectuous “Bird Flu..”

…then it’s on to humans to humans…and then on to…HUMANS!

Ohh, those lockdowns are coming again.

Take Notice Mister Trump!

Listen to the noise.

Mail In Votes, I mean, a rigged election on steroids.

Oh, those poor birds!

They’re destined to die.

But Kamala may be sitting pretty come November 5!

Jim #wingnut #homophobia #sexist #racist blog.reaction.la

[From “Communist Lesbian Space Witches”]

Video and game producers have been going woke and going broke

Step one: Purchase a deeply loved Intellectual Property with a huge die hard loyal fan base

Step two: Update it for “modern audiences” — which is to say, stick a chick in it and make it gay

Step three: Prior to release, tell the die hard loyal fan base they are vile hateful scum[…]
Step four: No one watches the show or plays the game, because the “modern audience” loves the product so much that they forget to play it or watch it

Step five: Blame the fans for steps one to four

“Suicide Squad killed the justice league” is a transsexual spitting on the Justice League IP and Batman

And finally they have reluctantly noticed. The failure of Buzz Lightyear was blamed by executives on the gay kiss (how terribly homophobic of them??)

That they are allowed to notice is Thermidor in video and games. That they are allowed to notice foreshadows Trump being allowed to be elected

The share market crashed Ubisoft’s shares because of the poor sales of Star Wars Outlaws and the angry fan reaction to it[…]
Critical Drinker and Nerdrotic are 2016 leftism, Trump is 1980s leftism, Putin 1990s leftism[…]
Fox is the outer wing of uniparty, and in this sense is current year leftism[…]Abolishing whiteness is like “liquidating the Kulaks as a class”. Liquidating kulaks as a class turned out to be liquidating kulaks, what else could it be?[…]
As the representation went up, the game content went down. Outlaws was just Assassins Creed minus most of the gameplay and story plus diversity, equity and inclusion[…]
Activists are being purged across the entertainment industry. Deadpool and Wolverine came out with white male heroes being allowed to be heroes[…]
Women killed “The Acolyte”[…]If you let women in male sphere activity, they will break stuff[…]
It is the nature of faggots that they just cannot help rubbing their sexuality in everyone’s face

2nd Smartest Guy in the World #wingnut #racist #homophobia #quack #conspiracy 2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com

The destruction of America from within is now in its final phase, with the Cloward-Piven 2.0 Strategy accelerating straight into the United Nation’s dystopian transhumanist 2030 Agenda and the World Economic Forum’s technocratic horror show Great Reset.
And to put into sharper focus the democide program currently underway, we must factor in the PSYOP-19 scamdemic as the gateway operation that paved the way for the quickening that is currently being foisted: the intensifying destruction of Americans that commenced with the economic and social harms of the fraudulent mandates, the ongoing military grade MSM mass formation fear programs, and the “free” payload slow kill bioweapon “vaccines” that are increasingly wreaking utter havoc on mortality and overall health — because the Southern border was further opened up just as the world was deliberately distracted by the release of the gain of function virus…
As this Substack has been writing for years, the illegitimate Federal government is waging a full spectrum war on behalf of the NWO globohomo against We the People from the foreign nation of Washington, D.C., and illegal immigration is but one of their more destructive weapons:

Could geoengineering be another vital prong in this war against America and its people?
Instilling equity, “vaccinations,” and climate change is what FEMA is all about, en route to taking over all American cities on behalf of their coconspirators like the UN, which also happens to be in the business of “instilling” global “equity;” more at instilling global post-human neo-feudalism, or genetically modified human slavery.
We stay tuned for the politrix Kabuki theater shitshow denouement as the Banana Republic of America continues to simultaneously go up in flames and drown in hurricane floods and the ceaseless waves of illegal invaders.

They want you dead.

Do NOT comply.

Decentralise Party #racist #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut #magick #conspiracy decentralisep.substack.com

The rainbow flag or pride flag is a symbol of the LGBT subversion movement that has a significant and obvious meaning to the Jews.

The Seven-color version was discontinued due to unavailability of pink fabric in 1978–1979, which is why the modern LGTBQ flag retains only six colors. The number of colors of the original design is meant to symbolize the seven-branched Jewish Menorah. The Menorah speaks of the creation of the world in seven days, and the number of bands of the rainbow is also the connection with ancient Kabbalah.

In Kabbalah, specifically in the Zohar, the appearance of the rainbow with its seven colors represents the prism of the pure light of the one (Ein Sof), which separates into the spectrum of the rainbow. Each color represents different aspects or attributes (Sefirot) through which the divine interacts with the universe.

The rainbow in Kabbalah symbolizes this process of emanation. Diversity is found in the spectrum of colors, while there's an underlying unity in the unrefracted white light of the Ein Sof. Therefore, the flag serves as a symbol of unity within diversity; this is why they chose it specifically for the LGBTQ subversion movement.

In addition, the seven colors of the rainbow symbolizes the Seven Noahide laws. The Noahide Laws, also known as the Seven Laws of Noah, are a set of universal moral principles Jews will impose on gentiles in the world to come (Olam Ha-ba).

These laws are considered the bare minimum of what God expects of humanity, and transgressions are punishable by death, specifically beheading. This concept is related to the story of Noah and the rainbow. The covenant with Noah means a new beginning, & is found in Genesis 9:8-17.
This is why the Noahide flag, which features the seven colors of the rainbow, is seen everywhere. The Jews proliferate this symbol to send a message that the world is nearing its rebirth.

For us Gentiles, the LGTBQ flag symbolizes the coming of a mass extinction event & The End Times.

Coach Dave Daubenmire #fundie #racist #wingnut #conspiracy newswithviews.com

The War on White Christian Men
The war in our nation is not political. It is not Republican/Democrat, black/white, old/young. rich/poor, or any other phony “war” they have mustered up.

No, my friends, the war is as old as time itself. It is a battle of the “seed of the serpent” and the “seed of the woman” …between “his” seed and “her” seed. Read Psalm 2. It is no more complicated than that.

The battle in America, and the world, is between two seeds. The term “Seed” represents offspring. Despite what you may have been taught in your church not all people are children of God. In fact, Jesus pointed that out “You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do.”

Did you know that? Has your Pastor taught you that the Devil has ACTUAL children? Perhaps that is why Christianity is in such a mess in America. We can’t even recognize who the real enemy is.

“The children of the Devil” hate Christianity. They hate those who were created in HIS image. They hate those who wish to “do the will of the They hate the “children of God” who have been called to expand the Kingdom of God.

There is no neutral ground in this battle. You either serve Jesus or you serve the Devil. There is no de-militarized zone.

Christians have been hood-winked. Because of the misunderstood statement that the Church and the State are to be “separate” the Body of Christ has been taught that the Body of Christ is subservient to the government of men. Christianity isn’t a CHURCH; it is a BODY. Jesus is the HEAD of all things, in all things, and through all things. That is what the Bible teaches.

What happens to a BODY if you separate it from the head? It is called decapitation. America has been decapitated. Christ is the head of all things…except the government. The head has been removed from the body. The results of the willful decapitation is playing out in the lives of innocent Christian men all across this nation.

Astaro #wingnut #racist #pratt fanverse.org

Ah your a sad little leftard. That explains everything about your pathetic existence

And yeah, I don’t feel a thing for a cowardly thug that mugged pregnant women and died ODing on fentanyl that the media treat like he’s Jesus as their rallying cry to defund our police.

Get fucked, loser.

Don’t worry, if Kamala gets elected, it’s the losers on welfare like you that get fucked the most once the shit hits in the fan in this country

Funniest shit by them is assuming my race and repeatedly calling me white and a redneck even though I’m Caribbean on both sides of my family.

I thought the Left was all about avoiding stereotypes and generalizing people

Oh wait, it’s the same racists that will call an African American Trump supporter an Uncle Tom or even the hard N word

WhiningCoil #racist themotte.org

[submitter note: on the topic of the death penalty]

Yes, but not unlike the problem of schools (nobody cared when dumb kids were dumb when everyone was white, but thanks to Multiculturalism if too many dumb kids are non-white you need to stop teaching algebra or calculus to anyone, and abolish standardized testing, and remove all discipline) we now have a problem with the death penalty, or even imprisoning anyone. When the country was majority white, I'm not sure anyone really cared if people who obviously murdered someone were put to death. I'm not sure anyone cared if a bunch of poor whites from the same zipcode were always getting thrown in jail. Add a dash of Multiculturalism however, and suddenly we aren't allowed to have a functional civilization anymore. To many non-whites end up in jail or get the death penalty? Time to start depolicing and just letting people go. Sure they might murder someone you love a week later, but at least we won't be racist.

Wayne leigh #conspiracy #racist #dunning-kruger #wingnut quora.com

I find it infuriating that researchers routinely reject or try to explain away with ridiculous assertions that R1b in Basques were introduced from male Indo-Europeans. If that is so, why do the Basques have the highest level of R1b and why do its surrounding regions such as Spain and Aquitaine have more R1b than those furter away, and inversely less R1a? The only logical explanation is that rhe R1b folks were speaking languages related to Vasconic rather than Indo-European. R1b would have been responsible for the Bell Beaker culture, and its wxpansion. Celtic would have been a hybridization of Vasconic and Indo-European in central Europe, resulting from an IE elite ruling over a mixed population. The hybridization produced a superior culture which took over former Vasconic lands, resulting in a first language shift. There remained many places which still spoke Vasconic even after the Celtic take over. The subsequent Latinization of these lands further eroded the position of Vasconic. The Aquitanian language thus disappeared completely. Yet these former Vasconic/Bell Beaker places exhibit the highest level of R1b, regardless of whether this was a local cultural expansion from Spain or a invasion.

Christine Gavin #fundie #racist #wingnut #conspiracy stormypatriotjoe.substack.com

If only the USA would repent of its idolatry of Israel/Palestine & remember who Jesus was referring to when he said he did not come to those who were about to kill him, but to the 10 lost tribes of Israel. Then they would see that the USA is Zion & Israel, the country brought back from war & now a place of ‘unwalled villages’ is the believing remnant as numberless as the stars of heaven. God asks the question ‘are you he’ because as in all rhetorical questions, the answer is no! The Fake Ashkenazi/Khar Zarian Jewish mafia Cabal have been using those scriptures, fulfilling them themselves to justify every atrocity they have ever committed! And USA like King David has so much blood guilt they are disqualified from building the Temple, because they still interpret the scriptures through these liars!

So while it is commendable that you are finally recognising Russia cannot be Gog or Magog, not until you interpret Rev 9 & 20 for yourselves & correctly will you see these same liars have convinced you the return of Christ/God’s avenging Angel—Abaddon/Apollyon is the Anti-Christ, when he is obviously Trump, & like Putin/Russia & Isaiah 18;7 predicts them as saviours of the world. ( Yet Solomon was able to build the temple & as shown on page’264 of ‘Apollyon Rising, where 2 ‘messiahs’ are predicted, Jesus & Apollo, both represented by the number 888, which added together number 1776. The year of the ‘great work’ & also the establishment of the Illuminati. he has done it through your Founding Father’s the faithful Masons who rightly interpreted the scriptures which wolves like Horne have corrupted, inverting the ‘truth in plain sight’ to accommodate & establish the Babylon Whore Church which has fed them all so well for so long.

Jeremy MacKenzie #racist #psycho antihate.ca

As the popularity of podcasts has grown substantially over the past five years, how to manage and moderate the massive collections of material has long been a concern[…]
White all the platforms have rules against hate speech, how and when they are enforced can be selective. Take Canadian live streamer and Diagolon concept creator Jeremy MacKenzie. In episode 483 of his “RageCast,” MacKenzie targets South Asian people, stating “I wish Winston Churchill had genocided your entire race of people”

“Did you go outside today, did you do anything today? Indians,” he adds

Later on the same stream he added, “Fuck the Jews, fuck you. Fuck your holocaust…I wish the fucking Palestinians just overrun and wipe out your entire civilization”

The Raging Dissident podcast is made up of audio-only uploads of his live stream which is also broadcast over a variety of video platforms

The episode was either removed or never posted to Spotify. A quick review of MacKenzie’s podcast feed reveals several missing episodes, all of which are still on Apple Podcasts, the native podcast application for the iPhone and iPad[…]
One of the most interesting entries is the Canadian podcast, Blood Satellite, which appears on both Spotify and Apple’s Podcast app. A blend of ironic and deeply baked references to online culture, technological accelerationism, and far-right politics, the podcast includes interviews with influential figures in the radical right-wing and discussions of esoteric themes related to the ideology

This includes interviews with Dr. Ricardo Duchesne, a University of New Brunswick professor who retired early after using his classroom to spout ideas that were “racist and without academic merit,” according to an open letter signed by over 100 of his colleagues

Significantly more well-known is Andrew Tate, whose “The Real World” podcast is still publishing occasional episodes on Apple’s Podcasts and Spotify

Think Before You Sleep #racist #wingnut #pratt twitter.com

Seeing that you aren't white, please stop doing the things white people invented.

Stop using English. It's racist and I am offended that you would appropriate the language of my race.

Stop using cell phones and the internet. That's white people technology.

Please go back to shitting in a hole the ground instead of a toilet because white people invented modern plumbing.

Cultural appropriation is no laughing matter and people like you fail to understand the deep offense and psychological trauma you can cause a person of a different race by using the things their race created.

Ben Bartree #racist pjmedia.com

The Intercept explains: her “earned pathway to citizenship” for illegal aliens who entered the country illegally might include a fine for violating the law!

The absolute horror.

The racism.

The genocide.

The literal violence.

Sanctions for violating American law are obviously reserved for Americans.

I got tossed in jail once for missing a probation payment for a misdemeanor traffic violation — but illegal aliens who knowingly break federal immigration law deserve a passport on the spot and an apology for making them wait.

Francis M #racist #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Please, please give me a break with JF Kennedy and Lincoln in particular and with America more generally.

America NEVER was conquered or taken over by Jews who might have betrayed her destiny.

America was founded, like USSR would be later in history, as a rootless artificial state draped in ideology (like the pretence to usher in new virtues or principles of liberty, equality... : this is blasphemy, it is not given to mere mortals to incarnate cardinal or theology virtues in the political realm) to be used in the purpose of destroying Christian civilization by replacing it with pure utilitarianism, and both the money and the brains at the very start of the enterprise were Jewish. Jewish authority over Christians so as to enslave and gradually end with the latter manifested through free Masonry as for the higher elite, and through rabid anti-Catholic pro-Jewish Calvinist fundamentalism as for the lower ranks of the middle class. America's soul was sick and pervert right from the start.

Right from Day One, America was Satanic and Jewish, like USSR later. Actually, USSR would have not existed without America, without America's Jewry, and without America's interest to prevent Russia by all means to supersede her as the main grain-exporting power it threatened to become.

America was not freer from Jewish intrusion at some earlier and happier time of her history. It just still was favoured and cajoled as their best and dumbest client by Jewish lenders, the only thing new is that now the time has come to pay back more and more interests for all the previous prosperity that was borrowed, not earned.

There was NO good American president at any point in her history, they have all been selected to play roles that were foreseen right from the beginning.

Jacob Engle, Jericho Hayden Hauck and the Nightfall Group #wingnut #racist #psycho antihate.ca

19-year-old Jacob Engle stands next to his most recent creation. A crude logo of a shield shape with a downward pointing arrow and flanked by the barely legible words “Nightfall Group”[…]
Self-described as “ultranationalist, far right, anti-communist,” the organization first emerged as part of the militant neo-Nazi group Kernatium Division[…]
Engle managed to attract the attention of a member of the Canadian Armed Forces and at least two underage boys

When Kernatium Division’s founder left the various Telegram groups he created after members questioned his claims of belonging to the disbanded Terrorist organization Atomwaffen Division, Engle’s account became the administrator[…]
NFG was focused on building several chapters across the country. Like Kernatium, members were asked to purchase weapons and engage in training. Engle also said he hoped each chapter would start fundraising for the group[…]
“Ninety-nine per cent of them blacks deserve to be in the ground,” he said on Telegram[…]
“My dad is full German which is why I have a German last name, but he decided to go fuck that up our gene line [sic] and fucked a native”[…]
“No way ima let my girl be with a n****r boy or my son be a with [sic] n****r bitch, or a native”[…]
Jericho (Jerry) Hayden Hauck, claims to be an oil field worker in Alberta[…]
He insisted to CAHN that he is not a neo-Nazi, maintaining instead that he was a “National Socialist”[…]
He denied much of the antisemitism inherent in the movement and claimed that National Socialists “advocate for freedom of speech and the freedom of the people from tyranny”

“Traitors in a National Socialist government can be punished or worse if the crime is high enough,” he wrote. “National Socialists advocate that the people read and educate themselves and rely less on the state/government. A National Socialist government would be hard on crime, and crime would go down while jobs would go up. Jobs that provide for the people and the nation”

New Communist Party of Italy #moonbat #conspiracy #racist israelhayom.com

The New Communist Party of Italy has published a list of more than 150 Italian Jews, including well-known figures in politics, media, and business, labeling them as "Zionist agents" to be "condemned and fought" for supporting Israel, reports Jewish News Syndicate

Titled "Zionist Organizations and Agents in Italy," the list categorizes individuals and companies across various sectors, including finance, industry, technology, and military. It names prominent figures such as Senator Ester Mieli, former Italian Ambassador to Israel Luigi Mattiolo, and journalists Maurizio Molinari and Emanuela Dviri

Although the New Communist Party is considered a marginal political force, the publication of this list has garnered widespread attention and condemnation from across the Italian political spectrum

Mike Johnson #fundie #wingnut #racist rightwingwatch.org

Speaker of the House of Representatives Mike Johnson joined Donald Trump adviser Paula White on a call last night hosted by the National Faith Advisory Board, an operation White set up after Trump left office to continue the work she did as a White House aide to keep religious-right leaders solidly in the MAGA camp. The call was streamed by Intercessors for America, a group of pro-Trump prayer warriors whose leader Dave Kubal is closely associate with White and helped her set up her One Voice Prayer Movement during Trump’s first term.

Johnson called himself an “ambassador of hope,” telling the MAGA faithful, “I am absolutely convinced that we are going to keep and grow the House majority, we’re going to win a Republican majority in the Senate, and President Donald J. Trump is going to go back to the White House.”

“This is a real inflection point, a civilizational moment, a turning point for our country,” he said, calling this “the most important election of our lifetimes, arguably one of the most important in the history of our nation.”

Johnson said he spent almost three hours with Trump at Mar-a-Lago just after the Secret Service disrupted a second assassination attempt. Johnson said he told Trump that “it seems apparent to us that God has chosen him to do this, to lead the greatest nation in the history of the world for a second time.”

White prayed for Johnson, and asked God to “raise up this army of millions that you’ve called to bombard Heaven [with prayers]” and secure Johnson’s anointing.

Johnson was followed on the call by Rabbi Yaakov Menken of the Trump-inspired right-wing Coalition for Jewish Values. “This is a fight for biblical values,” Menken said. He claimed that “Intersectionality is a union of people who hate values.”

Next up was Father Calvin Robinson, a right-wing Anglo-Catholic priest who recently moved to Grand Rapids, Michigan, from the United Kingdom. He said what is happening in England is evidence that “nanny statism is demonic” because “there is no liberty without Christ.”

“I believe that America will become the last stand for Christendom, which we now call the West,” he said, calling the upcoming election “kind of the make or break for the West, really, where we get to say, ‘Do we believe in Christ or not, collectively.’”

Donald Trump #racist #wingnut news.yahoo.com

Immigrants are no longer welcome in Donald Trump’s America. Instead, the Republican presidential nominee posited that under his potential second administration, he would round up and mass-deport noncitizens based on their “serial numbers.”

Speaking with Full Measure’s Sharyl Attkisson, Trump argued that the United States—which was founded by and has historically been a nation of immigrants—shouldn’t be a “dumping ground” for newcomers.

“But we’re getting the criminals out, and we’re going to do that fast, and we know who they are, and the local police know their names, and they know their serial numbers,” Trump said. “They know everything about them.”

Trump has regularly mimicked Adolf Hitler during his campaign. But the mention of serial numbers—a terrifying echo of the identification numbers forcibly tattooed on concentration camp prisoners—is one of his most chilling references yet.

Wayne Leigh #conspiracy #racist #wingnut quora.com

Most answers assume that R1b and IE are the same. The assumption probably stems from the unthinkable, horrifying alternative that R1b folks could have adopted the IE language from the inferior, R1a Slavic people. R1b and IE⁸ are of course not the same. It predates IE by millennia. It is found in Tarim basin (the ancient mummies did not speak Tocharian. Tocharians were R1a), Africa, and in Europe itself as early as 14000 years ago. The fact that the highest concentration of R1b is to be found in Aquitaine, Navarra and the northern Spanish coast speaks volumes. It is absolutely illogical to speak of dna replacement by violence or otherwise when the more “Indo-European” regions in fact have lower concentrations of R1b but higher levels of R1a. The data speaks for itself. The concentration of R1b coincides with the expansion of the Bell Beaker culture. These R1b people spoke Vasconic, Etruscan and other ancient languages. These R1b folks would have come, not from the Steppe, but from the Caucasus and Anatolia, via the Balkans and the sea, as neolithic farmers. They displaced earlier hunter-gathers. The innovations of the Bell Beaker enabled them to expand to all of Western Europe. But their expansion pitted them against the R1a IE folks pushing westwards as evidenced by the Corded Ware and other IE groups

Mike Stone #wingnut #racist #sexist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

"They're eating the dogs. They're eating the cats. They're eating the pets of the people that live there."

Are fat, dumb Americans finally waking up? At least some of them?

Hundreds of reports of Haitians in Ohio killing and eating cats, dogs, ducks, geese, and family pets appears to have galvanized many Americans. The average American has no interest in, nor any ability to understand, the details of fiat currency, Continuity of Government, military occupancy, fake school shootings, World War II truth, 9/11 truth, fake vaccines designed to murder millions of people, or a whole host of other issues.

But they do care about their pets. That's why this story has riled up millions of people and why the Fake News media is in full meltdown mode trying to suppress it. Despite their best efforts, have you noticed how the story isn't going away? It's sweeping the nation, and rightly so.
The common denominator between these awakenings is intrinsically evil people murdering innocent lives, either human or animal. For whatever reason, the average American refuses to listen to facts, evidence, or anything that runs counter to what they've been brainwashed to believe until innocent lives are killed. The one loss-of-life issue that doesn't wake people up is abortion. Men don't care, and women remain fanatically devoted to their "right" to murder their own children.
Granted, this latest mass awakening has sent some people over the deep end. When a person has undergone extensive programming their entire life suddenly realizes that everything they've been brainwashed to believe is a lie, it can cause serious cognitive dissonance. In some cases, it can cause people to double or triple down on denying reality.
Look at White Dudes for Harris. What kind of a faggot would call themselves a White dude for Harris? You would have to be the most guilt-ridden and self-hating person in the world. There are some people who are so far gone, they are never coming back to reality.

Richard Peterson Kuthumi (Indian in the Machine) #crackpot #wingnut #transphobia #ufo #racist #conspiracy indianinthemachine.com

Guys… everything you are seeing regarding Donald Trump and the 2024 election, supports the theory that the original Donald Trump is DEAD, and that the imposter will hand over the election to Harris on a silver platter!

1. He’s just not the same dude, in the last few years. His behaviour is different, and YOU KNOW IT! I know it’s hard to believe the original is DEAD but there’s nothing wrong with considering it.

2. So why is Donald Trump letting rubber-faced Jewish “Israel First” tranny touch him with ‘her’ boob in public? Could it be we’re looking at an actor? YES… SOMEONE WHO IS ISRAEL FIRST he says he can’t tell her what to do, as she is on his CAMPAIGN PLANE. Yup… leader of the free world, can’t tell ‘her’ what to do.
7. Then when there was that assassination attempt… he was clearly seeing showing his hand to the camera, that should have been covered in blood!!

Guys… all of this for me at least, supports the idea that the original Trump is DEAD! There’s no way, this is all a WHITE HAT MOVIE… unless the movie is a horror movie of betrayal of a nation.

8. Does it make sense, that humanity needs GALACTIC MILITARY INTERVENTION?
13. Folks, I know this is all very confusing, but the only thing that makes sense, is that the original Trump is dead… for me, at least. <...> LET’S FACE IT, THIS WHOLE TIME, HE COULD HAVE PINCHED JOE BIDEN’S MASK IN PUBLIC, AND SHOWN THE WORLD, THERE ARE IMPOSTERS AMONG US. As if all this isn’t bad enough, there’s the CLONE ISSUE.

The US election campaign REAL ISSUES ARE;

a. depopulation

b. transhuman agenda

c. new fake plandemic

d. millions of spaceships in our solar system

e. the end of the Piscean age and the beginning of the golden age

f. the fake sun that even the sunflowers are turning away from

g. the cellphone towers, and how they work with graphene oxide and other technology to create fully controllable and mutatable programmable humans who have no more free thought.

E. Michael Jones #wingnut #fundie #racist #sexist #conspiracy fidelitypress.org

The story of the Israelis broadcasting pornography over Palestinian TV stations is not in the first edition of Libido Dominandi because it occurred four years after its publication, proving after the fact that my thesis was correct. Sexual liberation, by which I mean everything from pornography to abortion to gay marriage to transgenderism, is the most sophisticated form of social control in human history, and the march of events since the publication of the first edition continues to substantiate my thesis.
The second edition of Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation and Political Control, containing 300 pages of new material, is now available at fidelitypress.org. Why is the second edition necessary? Because it deals with the Internet in a way that I could not have done in the 1990s or in the first years of this century. If you ever wondered why you or someone you know doesn’t have a life, pornography may be the answer. Pornography is the social disease that has turned a whole generation into sex addicted recluses who can’t get married and can’t form the families that would make them productive members of society. That’s the bad news. The good news is that Libido Dominandi is the cure for that disease.

“You’re E. Michael Jones, aren’t you?” said one young man as I pulled up to the local supermarket on my bicycle. After I pleaded guilty as charged, he said, “I stopped watching porn because of you.”

For more than 20 years now, I have received unsolicited testimonies from people who have been liberated from pornography simply by understanding that its purpose is to turn you into a docile sex robot who can be controlled by the manipulation of your passions. No matter how crazy and counter-intuitive the claim that sexual liberation was a form of control sounded when I first made it, it has been proven true by the course of events, which showed, as St. Augustine said, “A man has as many masters as he has vices.”

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #wingnut #racist #conspiracy stillnessinthestorm.com

The Khazarian mafia is desperately trying to start an all-out nuclear war and nearly succeeded over the past weekend. This prompted MI6 to send the following warning to the Chinese, the Russians and the US space force:

"Please refrain from all engagements until such time as we can establish meaningful diplomatic engagement. We have actionable intelligence of fifth columns. Stand down all nuclear capability worldwide. Thank you. xxxxx for Elizabeth II R, CC: Sir Richard Moore, Director General, SIS (MI6)."

This close brush with nuclear war has led to a backchannel call among intelligence agencies to host a summit that will join the Western military intelligence white hats with the BRICS coalition. Together they will negotiate a replacement of the KM-led “rules-based world order.” Formal announcements of this are likely in the near future.
MI6 says Prince William is suspected of being the person who ordered the likes of Castrudeau to try to provoke nuclear war. That is because if nuclear war does not start, it is only a matter of time before he and his family are publicly outed for staging human sacrifices, including that of Kate Middleton, MI6 and British royal family sources say.

The ultimate source of the Nazi problem can be traced to the KM’s main front organization: the Satanic Chabad cult.

Chabad and the KM have spent hundreds of years infiltrating the top levels of governments around the world in their plan to kill 90% of humanity and enslave the rest. According to them, each Jew (Satanist) will be granted 2800 slaves from among the survivors once this plan is accomplished. This is something this writer has been warning about for over two decades after being personally invited to join this plot. What has changed is that now most Jews have finally figured this out and denounced it as Satanic heresy.

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