
They're out to get you, to cover up the truth, to poison the world, etc

Elizabeth Nickson #sexist #wingnut #racist #conspiracy elizabethnickson.substack.com

There is no peace in the streets, EVER, your people have started three wars in the last two years. You kill millions of babies and agitate to kill more babies. You’ve demanded so much money for social justice, we are broke ten times over, and risk a Weimar Germany hellscape. Your repulsive politicians have enabled criminal cartels to loot the public purse. We are being invaded by millions of military-aged men on the border, and at the border, hundreds of thousands of women and children are raped and being sold into sex slavery. <...> But they want the border open because COMPASSION.


The fires last summer were caused by climate change.

Deplorables are awful.

Abortion is sacred.

J6 was not an FBI psy-op, it was a genuine rebellion of nazi rednecks, who are awful.

Socialism is necessary and I want a job telling everyone what to do.

Everything is the fault of white men.
Here’s a fun little fact for my sisters-in-Borg. All those desperate immigrants at the border are economic migrants (the ones who aren’t gangs, terrorists or Chinese military coming to ruin us) and they are coming here for our system which was built by men and women who were not shrieking babies like you. The system that made you the richest most spoiled women in creation ever. That means those countries are being gutted of their most entrepreneurial talent, families broken, children ruined, villages stripped of life. Your compassionate migration policies are the most cruel thing on this cruel cruel planet, and that, my sisters in Borg, is saying something. Being a brainwashed puppet is not without cost, it will kill your soul.

I am grateful for each and every one of my new sensible female friends, and it’s how I know this isn’t universal. But I’d say 30% are hard-core brutal haters who don’t even know they are Marxist mind slaves, and 30% pander to them like idiots because the blow-back is scorched earth.

Kerry Cassidy #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy projectcamelotportal.com

OVERVIEW: re Israel, Hamas and Iran…totally planned and allowed attack. This was done on purpose to allow Israel to claim “victim” status to allow their military to conduct genocide and clear out Gaza from point of view of world opinion. Israel uses this tactic multiple times to camouflage their aggressive stance on the world stage…purpose was 2-fold: 1. Ben Gurion canal planned and agreed upon by surrounding Arab countries who will benefit financially from it. 2. To carry out a genocide and relocate once and for all Palestine. (race war)

At this point (May 2024) governments around the world have to be using AI to target, track and strategize attacks on each other. In particular the so-called super powers but smaller countries may also be accessing AI in order to gain ground. As we watch the game board shift it is worth taking into consideration that decisions are being made not necessarily by humans. The game is now being handled by AIs and even competing AI to tilt the world stage. And behind that are the invading alien AI in concert with various on and off planet ET groups.

Humans are behind on the learning curve with respect to how far along the infiltration of AI is in our world and that includes the fact that the singularity was reached underground in the secret space program years ago. Back in the early days of Project Camelot we were told by whistleblowers who worked most of their lives in the secret space program that surface Earth was 10,000 years behind our secret government/secret space program. With colonies on Moon, Mars and the moons of Saturn, interstellar travel and relations with multiple on and off planet (and underground/undersea inner Earth species) the game has changed in striking ways.

Stew Peters and Sean Hibbeler #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie angrywhitemen.org

Stew Peters recently unveiled the trailer for his network’s latest propaganda film. Titled Old World Order, it promotes the so-called “Tartarian Empire”[…]
And any evidence for this race of giants was — of course — either destroyed or covered up by wealthy elites, such as the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds

The trailer shows photos of ornate buildings, including the Milan Cathedral, the Chicago Federal Building, the U.S. Capitol, and the Palace of Justice of Brussels. It then cuts to various people who claim that these buildings appear too large to have been built by “people of our height”[…]
After the trailer, Peters interviewed the film’s director Sean Hibbeler — a flat earther and 9/11 truther[…]Hibbeler claimed that the film serves as an “introduction to this psyop,” because while people may have heard of “Tartaria,” it was only “one of many empires that were hidden from us”

He explained that “we didn’t build” the buildings highlighted in the film, but rather “found” them

“If you look at some of these older buildings in your community, will actually say — will actually admit some stuff, Stew. It’ll say ‘founded in 1898,'” Hibbeler said. “Okay. Alright, I’ll take that. But then when you go on their website it says it was constructed in a year. The timelines don’t make any sense, Stew”

As applied to buildings, the word “founding” refers to when the foundation was constructed[…]
Hibbeler claimed that elite figures want to prevent us from knowing about the existence of giants and their technological achievements — particularly being able to harness energy from the “ether”[…]
The second reason for the cover-up[…]was to keep people from believing in creationism

“But real quick on the giants, you can’t have Darwinism, you can’t have evil-ution, you can’t have Big Bang with giants,” Hibbeler said[…]
But what about photos of buildings from the 20th century while they were clearly under construction? Hibbeler told Peters that those were all faked too

Soul:Ask #magick #crackpot #conspiracy soulask.com

It would not be an overstatement to say that in terms of predictions at the onset of the Third World War, we are top-ranked. For years, we have been amassing a variety of prophetic insights, vigilant reports from sensitives, conspiracy theorists, and more. This method has proven fruitful.

The next significant date is June 2, the day of the great planetary opposition. Aside from the prediction of a renowned Indian astrologer, there are no other indications that the world will end on June 18.

From June 2-4, 2024, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus will align in the sky, forming what is known as a planetary alignment. Although not physically in a straight line, they will appear aligned to observers on Earth.
Nicknamed the “New Nostradamus,” Kushal Kumar has disclosed his prediction for the exact date when the Third World War will begin. Kumar employs a Vedic astrological chart that relies on the positions of planets and stars to forecast future events.
According to the individual referred to as the “new Nostradamus,” when will the Third World War start? The Daily Star reports that Kushal believes there is a significant chance that World War III could commence as soon as next month, on June 18.

He also mentioned that this date represents “the strongest planetary influence to trigger World War III, although June 10 and 29 could also be pivotal.”

First, the current global situation is so precarious that a crisis could erupt at any moment, a sentiment echoed by numerous prophets.

Second, the Chinese leadership has been acting with unusual seriousness, circulating animations about how President Xi plans to approach Taiwan.
In essence, there are ample indications that something significant could happen at any time, and if a certain enlightened guru predicts that it will occur on June 18, it could indeed happen, so we should keep an eye on how events unfold.

Frosty Wooldridge #racist #wingnut #conspiracy newswithviews.com

Race relations in America in the 21st century continue along a rocky, painful, disturbing, angry, separated and disparate road. Virtually every weekly newscast across America announces racial violence, especially in our big cities. Too many different “tribes” in too close proximity equals different cultures, different world views, different languages, and different ways of doing things.
What must disturb most Americans in 2024 stems from this reality: we have become the greatest nation on Earth because our system worked on individual effort, individual excellence, and proven merit. Individuals rise to their highest levels of excellence based on their education, dogged determination and personal choices.

With the introduction of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, the quotas are back into the workplace. Employers must choose minorities for the color of their skin rather than the “content of their character.” That means, how well did they perform in school? Did they pass mandated tests to become a plumber, electrician, teacher, doctor, dentist, truck driver and hundreds of other jobs that demand excellence?

If we remain on our current D.E.I. course, companies like United Air Lines want to have a “person of color” inside the cockpit of every flight. Hospitals want to staff “doctors of color” to represent the community.

Except there would be few “people of color” who would want a “brother” flying a 747 airliner if he/she hasn’t passed flight school. No one in his or her right mind would want a D.E.I. doctor operating on his/her heart or broken leg. Who would like a D.E.I. truck driver coming down a mountain pass behind you with his brakes burned out because he didn’t downshift?
Reality check: even intelligent minority American citizens cannot afford D.E.I. It’s destroying our police forces. It’s destroying our military. It’s destroying our schools. It’s destroying the very concept of excellence, personal accountability and personal responsibility.

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut facebook.com

One more piece of valuable intel from my CIA sources. Biden (& his boss Obama) aren’t just letting millions of low-lifes, criminals, murderers, terrorists & military age Chinese males into USA…moron Biden left behind equipment in Afghanistan that is being used inside USA to set up “RED DAWN” terror attacks on our homeland. This is direct arrow from Biden administration to terrorism that our govt knows is on the way any day. This is TREASON.

Alexandra Bruce/Sabrina Wallace #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #quack forbiddenknowledgetv.net

I’ve seen some of Sabrina Wallace’s intriguing videos, scattered around the video-sharing sites but I haven’t found a website or anything written down that ties it all together so I’m attempting to write a coherent piece about Sabrina and her claims and this 2022 video appears to be an approximation of that and a good place to start.

She introduces herself and her family background, along with her central thesis that 6G wireless communications uses the human biofield to both transmit and to power wireless communications – and that this is how we will be droned into the New World Order – unless we can stop it, somehow.

She says the human biofield, which she calls a “body part”, is one of the best-kept secrets in the world, saying, “Why didn’t anybody tell you you were wireless? Because they don’t want to give you the remote control to your own body.” She says the heart of surveillance is the human biofield. She says our DNA emits this biofield and that MQ-9 Reaper Drones can hone in on the frequency of their target’s DNA to kill them.
Sabrina begins this video by saying that she is a multi-generational member of a family involved in Black Projects since the end of World War II. Both her parents have been at the Space Force since 1969, working on Project Salus, which apparently started out as the creation of the Unix Operating System but which she says is now the main Artificial Intelligence platform used by NORTHCOM.
The upshot of what she’s saying is that the new internet protocols use the 6G Lower-Power Wireless Personal Area Network (6G LoWPAN) uses your physical
body to route the data that drives all of the autononous, trains, planes and automobiles.

Moreover, she says, “The DoD is selling curated database access to you, using your name, Census and Doppler and heat and light and where you live and who you talk to, which is why the whole reason that led me here."

An Integrative Health Consultant/State of the Nation #wingnut #crackpot #quack #conspiracy stateofthenation.co

The Aluminum Conspiracy is an entirely manmade and ongoing event. It is also a complex conspiratorial plot being fastidiously carried out by the New World Order globalist cabal to further sicken and neutralize, incapacitate and debilitate billions of people around the world.
This depopulation scheme not only concerns the atmosphere wherever chemical engineering is implemented via chemtrail operations, but also the ambient indoor air of homes and apartments, office buildings and shopping malls.
Aluminum is now is being systematically introduced into the atmosphere via the ubiquitous chemical engineering programs which now operate around the clock. Also known as chemtrail spraying operations, these aerosol formulations contain coal fly ash, the main component of which is alumina.
Chemtrail residues that fall to the Earth have been analyzed for several years. Three of the major chemical constituents are aluminum oxide, barium salts and strontium. Each of these chemical compounds is being used for specific reasons.

The aluminum oxide is derived from the coal fly ash, which is mandatorily removed from the smoke of coal-fired power plants. Which begs the question: Why does the EPA enforce the removal of coal fly ash in the smokestacks, but then permit the spraying of vast quantities throughout the skies of the USA?

This is where the conspiracy begins.
MEMORY LOSS: The True Purpose Behind the Conspiracy
When an individual begins to suffer from memory loss, their life begins to crumble in ways that do not compare with any other debilitation, either physical or psychological. After all, when a person loses their memory they have lost their most important faculty.
But that still does make the severely aluminum poisoned ‘useless eaters’… … …who can be used in all sorts of diabolical experiments concerning the main goal of the power elite—the attainment of human immortality, the very opposite of spiritual immortality.

John Pfeifer, johny smith, Dana Postil, and Ed- Ster #conspiracy #wingnut msn.com

(John Pfeifer)
Biden will go where the money is. He doesn't care about people. The Big Banks pull Bidens strings and they are tired of the war they started. The big banks started this war and found out they bit off more than they can chew. The big banks needed a war to make money off of the war machines they are invested in. The big banks under estimated the World. They made a big mistake.
(johny smith)
Zelensky issues direct waning are you kidding me. He shows up every other week with his hand out like a teenager and then he lays out a demand just like a teenager. Ground him and send him to his room. Time, he gets done with this endless war he so much wants. As long as it goes on, hi pockets get lined more and more each month with our money. Might just want to hand the keys to your country and we will take care of the problem.
(Dana Postil)
The dictator is warning our president. so now do you mo-rons who wanted to give money to the Ukraine still think we should?
(Ed- Ster)
um yea biden, um yea, we need more money to line my pockets. yea more money needed, um like now. in order for me to be successful, um yea, i need more money. and comrade biden, thank you, um yea thanks a lot, for, um putting out your own tax payers, um yea, to, um, line my pockets.

Terrence Howard #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger happyscribe.com

Gravity was caused by electric force. Electricity is always seeking a higher pressure condition.


Electricity. Einstein left that out of his equation because he coupled electricity and magnetism together and didn't realize that electricity was the equal and opposite of magnetism.


You know what's going on. They do not want you. We're about to kill gravity. We're about to kill their God, gravity, and they don't want that.


[To the question of how a planet is formed under his theory, how the sun gives birth to planets.] The same way we defecate and have gas.


Take a balloon. Another thing that kills gravity. Gravity is supposed to be the greater the mass is, the greater the attractor. You take a balloon, you rub it on your leg, you put it over the ground, watch the dust particles jump off the ground, off this big mass called the Earth, and jump onto that balloon. Because why? Electricity is 137 times stronger than the pull of gravity or the effects of the so called gravity. It's the electric force that's the attractive force. It's the electric force that tightens everything together as the masculine. [...] The planet isn't a dead thing. It didn't just happen to come together. That's just the process by which it was given life. It's alive and it's screaming.


There aren't black holes. There's no spot where energy goes in and never comes back out. There's no place in the universe where the information paradox occurs. Where there isn't a balance, something gets contracted and never comes out. [...] It comes in and it goes out. When Newton said that gravity pulls down with that apple, yes, the apple was attracted to, like, conditions on the earth. It was attracted to like conditions. If he had spent another week or two weeks watching that apple, he would have watched the gasses go right back up to where they were equalized. Everything. If it comes this way, it has to go this way. You breathe in, you breathe out. It's filling in or pouring out.


... Remember, they have a thing called zero. They go from one to zero to negative one. There is no zero to even think zero.

molliestanton2869, TheKareem87, and amgguy4319 #conspiracy #moonbat youtube.com


Another fact: 200 of the burned bodies Oct. 7 were Hamas, as they didn't have the capability of that firepower, which was from idf Apache helicopters with hellfire missiles. Ergo, all burned bodies that day were from idf missiles. The kibbutzes were attacked by idf tanks, as the idf has the Hannibal directive- to attack civilians if you tjink a terrorist is around them.
Hamas had 2 intentions: 1. attack military posts which had been targeting Palestinians and killing them for years, and 2. To kidnap around 200 Israeli civilians to use as bargaining chips to get their thousands of Palestinian prisoners back, most held without charge, tortured, some murdered, including children the idf kidnapped.
As you mentioned some of the debunked myths of that day, it's important to delve deeper, as there was more mythology generated by Israel about Oct. 7.


@changuito10 Hamas attacked in response to the ongoing illegal occupation of Palestine and the illegal, collective punishment blockade and siege of Gaza (not to mention such a blockade is itself an act of war, so another way that Israel started this).



Hannabol Protocol
Then Israel blames Hamas that Israel incinerated its own.

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut facebook.com

Died suddenly. Young. Happening like never before in history times 100. Need to ask, “WAS HE VAXXED?” I’m betting yes. Always possible it was drugs, or alcohol. Never know with any 1 person, BUT…young & athlete deaths have skyrocketed-only since vaxx.

DAILYMAIL.CO.UK PGA Tour golfer Grayson Murray dies aged 30 - just 24 hours after withdrawing from this week's event in Texas due to 'illness'

Tatsuya Ishida #conspiracy #wingnut #psycho sinfest.xyz


Panel 1: Old-school film projector.

Panel 2: Kids watching. Miko is in front.

Panel 3: [in movie] The rail line leading into Auschwitz.

Panel 4: Three prisoners in white-and-gray striped prison outfits. Devil-Person in a Nazi outfit, with a rifle.

Panel 5: The prisoners are being kicked into a flaming pit by Nazi Devil-Person. This is most likely meant to be a crematorium, despite that it looks exactly like how he draws people being sent to Hell. Also the real crematoriums were for disposing of corpses after they’ve been shot or gassed, and were not a method of execution.

Panel 6: The kids who are watching look shocked.

Panel 7: Uncle Sam running alongside US soldiers, who are oddly wearing modern combat gear.

Panel 8: Devil-Person Hitler… presumably. The mustache looks a bit wrong, though.

Panel 9: Devil-Person Hitler gets punched in the face.

Panel 10: Uncle Sam stands atop unconscious Devil-Person Hitler, holding a US flag.

Panel 11: Miko puts on the truth glasses. Originally the glasses were a “They Live” reference, but Tats seems to have forgotten some time ago exactly how they’re supposed to work.

Panel 12: Through the glasses, Uncle Sam is revealed to be a Fat Cat businessman with a cigar and top hat (Possibly meant to be Nathaniel Mayer Rothschild? Though he died before WW2), Devil-Person Hitler is revealed to be Germania (a pre-WW2 symbol of Germany, similar to Lady Liberty for the US), and the flag is an earlier version of the Rothschild Family Coat of Arms, minus the Lion.

Kaisar #conspiracy identitydixie.com

[From “Dead Internet Theory”]

Nearly everywhere you go on the internet, if you see “users” or “comments” engaging with one another, a significant chunk of it is 100% fake

It is all being placed there to program you into believing a false narrative[…]
Here is one such example from Reddit (two different posts, two different time periods, two entirely similar comments sections)[…]
All of those accounts are bots posting using Artificial Intelligence and programmed scripts[…]
The same thing happens in most comment fields of mainstream news (even right-leaning ones like ZeroHedge or Epoch Times)

It even happens with Twitter[…]
It’s all fake and gay to manufacture consent from the masses

I bet there are about nine fake accounts for every one real account online nowadays. Those nine accounts manufacture the likes/favorites and ratios of what goes to the top[…]
This has been true for at least five years, likely about eight

This isn’t news to some of you who have heard of Dead Internet Theory[…]
A good place to start learning is Wikipedia. They claim it is a conspiracy theory, which means you already know it is actually a conspiracy fact[…]
Don’t believe a single narrative you read online[…]The internet is fully compromised territory at this point. It’s only going to get worse with hardline, workable public AI now

But hey, for us older folks, at least you got to enjoy a time when it wasn’t like this. When they were still training the bots. We saw all of this coming with the stupid Twitter “i hate texting” bot failures, but now the bots don’t have those public failures anymore. Not because they are gone, but because they are too advanced to catch most of the time now. They blend in too easily

And at least you still have my website[…]
It is sad but true: The golden era of the internet is over

Steve Kirsch #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

(He’s blaming the Covid vaccine.)
11 athletes down due to blood clot issues in just the first 5 months of 2024.

Does ANYONE think this is NORMAL????

I've never seen this before in my life.

How many of these sorts of incidents were there in 2019?
STANLEY CLOT - NHL Player Brock Boeser out of Game 7 with DVT blood clot and NHL's most vaxxed team, Vancouver Canucks, are out of Stanley Cup Playoffs - 10 more Athletes clotting suddenly
From makismd.substack.com
8:50 PM · May 26, 2024 · 7,801 Views
59 Reposts 3 Quotes 170 Likes 16 Bookmarks

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut creators.com

But here are the details the deep state doesn't want you to know.

I started my speech by reporting that I debated at a huge libertarian conference called FreedomFest a couple of years ago about the topic, "Was the 2020 Election Stolen From Trump?" FreedomFest brought in a liberal New York journalist to debate me.

He had what he thought were all the facts to destroy my arguments about the fraud of mail-in ballots, no voter ID, ballot drop boxes, ballot harvesting, no signature match, counting votes for days on end until only Democrats win, and of course, 3 a.m. deliveries of hundreds of thousands of fake ballots (which turned out to be almost 100% for Joe Biden).

While we debated about all of those voting scams perpetrated by Democrats, I destroyed him with a surprise attack he never saw coming. My main argument was that illegal alien votes made the difference in the 2020 election, specifically in battleground states. He had no answers for that argument.

Danielle Smith and other anti-vaxxers #crackpot #dunning-kruger #quack #conspiracy globalnews.ca

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith says she supports an upcoming United Conservative Party event that casts doubt on COVID-19 vaccine safety.

The event, called “An Injection of Truth”, is a town hall that organizers claim will provide scientific data regarding the negative impact of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine on children.

William Makis is one of the speakers scheduled to be at the June 17 event in Calgary. Although he claims he was wrongfully terminated, his practice permit was suspended by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta.

Another scheduled panellist, Chris Shoemaker, had his licensce suspended in 2023.

Other speakers include David Speicher, Calgary pediatric neurologist Eric Payne, Jessica Rose and Byram Bridle.

On a radio show on Saturday, Smith said she supported the town hall.

“As people know, I believe that sometimes you need to hear the contrarian voices. … Unfortunately, all through (the COVID-19 pandemic), the contrarian voices were deplatformed and not listened to,” she said on Your Province, Your Premier on QR Calgary and 630 CHED on Saturday.

“I think we have to look at the international evidence. … That’s what MLA Bouchard is doing in hosting a variety of doctors to give their perspective, so I’m quite happy to let him continue on with that.”

Wall Rider #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #psycho #quack twitter.com

Wall Rider: Lol they can cure it[rabies] holistically don't let them lie to you and do some research instead of being a tattle tail bitch

Slappy Longballs: I wasn't aware rabies denialism was a thing, but honestly, why wouldn't it be?

Wall Rider: Because why would known fraudulent companies keep lying to make more money. Lol you can cure it holistically without any vaccines. But go ahead and increase the chances of getting cancer by all means go ahead

(link to second quote) https://x.com/LucioMainOW/status/1794445701294039287

Henry Makow PhD #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #homophobia henrymakow.com

The "ugly secret" of WW2 was that FDR, Churchill, Hitler and Stalin
were all Freemasons (Satanists) who plotted war to destroy and demoralize humanity, part of a Master Plan to establish Satan as Lord of the world. An insider, Josslyn Hay, a senior British colonial official in Kenya knew. This is why the British secret service launched "Operation Highland Clearance" in 1941 to murder him.
Essentially, Hitler was not interested in a world war. He wanted to conquer the USSR in a "Nordic" alliance with England. Erroll belonged to the "Cliveden Set" a powerful section of the British elite that supported this alliance.

Churchill's backers, the Masonic Jewish Bank of England used Hitler to control Stalin, have a world war and destroy Germany once and for all. War enables them to concentrate power and wealth in their own hands and slaughter natural patriot elites who interfere with world government.

The bankers used the Cliveden types to fool Hitler into thinking England approved of his plans. Like proud proteges, the Nazis entertained the English and gave them information on their military build-up. Hitler probably saw himself as a British ally or even an agent. The Nazis were set up. This is the real meaning of the "Policy of Appeasement."

Errol was aware of how Hitler, Stalin, FDR and Churchill belonged to the same homosexual occult Masonic secret society. He may have said this within the hearing of MI-5 assets. Stalin was a member of the same Illuminati and helped fund Hitler's rise. They colluded in Barbarosa. Like WW1 nd 3, WW2 was a ruse designed to kill goyim.
Hitler was created by a homosexual occult secret society spanning both British and Nazi elites. This was called the Thule Society in Germany and the Order of the Golden Dawn in England.
Winston Churchill, a Druid, was part of this occult scene. Erroll was silenced because he knew Hitler was a Judas goat empowered to lead Germany to destruction. He could give away the hidden agenda.

LorsCarbonferrite #conspiracy reddit.com

Yeah, basically. I think there are two broad categories of people that push for this type of "diversity": The true Believers, and the Eroders.

The true Believers are the ones that actually believe the shit that they push. They actually think that they're helping making a more equitable society and are making the world a better place. This is probably the larger chunk of the people involved, and they are basically just useful idiots for the second category. They don't care about any issues that straight hwhite men might face (or gay white men at this point), because the Eroders have told them they shouldn't.

The Eroders are only concerned with eroding the current social order and/or disrupting the current power structure so they can claim more power for themselves and their allies. These are commonly the leaders and organizers of these movements. They don't actually care about others, but know that other people do, so they pretend to be these virtuous paragons fighting oppression, meanwhile they quietly (or sometimes not so quietly) sequester more and more power for themselves. This is why there seems to be a treadmill of oppressed groups (and why you get shit like a trans suicide hotline that is never staffed/staffed by people that had almost no training while its organizers use the donations intended to support it to fund a lavish lifestyle); it's because the Eroders use various groups as an excuse to get more power, and just kick them to the curb whenever their utility has failed. This is why gay white men and white women are currently shifting to being in the oppressor group, rather than the oppressed group as they were not too long ago. My guess is that the next designated oppressor will be white trans people, but it could also be a non-white group if society as a whole considers white people to have lost enough power. Whites are currently being gone after because the Eroders have successfully convinced society that western society is strongly white supremacist. If this idea stops being tenable to society and the Eroders haven't yet amassed enough power to just ignore whatever society says, then I think they'll move on to some other group. I don't think they truly hate white people, I think they just want the power to be gained by designating them as some grand enemy.

Tatsuya Ishida #conspiracy #racist sinfest.xyz

[From “May 21, 2024: Illuminati Starter Kit”]


Panel 1: Slick is reading a letter he received: “Congratulations! You have been accepted into the Illuminati”
Panel 2: A female green devil is showing a book whose cover features the Eye of Providence. She says “Enjoy your Illuminati starter kit”
Panel 3: The kit includes a “vial of adrenochrome”, a “Masonic pin”, a “sex orgy mask” and a “personal Jewish handler”
Panel 4: Slick is in a villa, wearing an aristocratic dressing gown, drinking a glass of adrenochrome, with dollar notes raining down from the ceiling as his Jewish handler stands behind him, clutching his hands and grinning like a hag. He says “I can afford groceries now”

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack #conspiracy bennettleeross.com

There are not many around anymore who are fully human

The further up the corporate ladder you go
The further up the military brass you go
The further up the government you go
The less human the people are

Now we are being bitch slapped
Through the manipulation of the air molecules around us
Called neural modulation

We are being forcibly linked to the blockchain
With its hypergraph networks and digital technology

Because they have nothing better to do
They are using our proteins for an interactive hypergraph
With molecular digitized protocols

And have created genospheres
Which are self assembling nucleic acid lipid nano particles
For targeted gene delivery

That forces receivers to follow commands
Using transcranial magnetic stimulation

Everyone is getting screwed up super bad
And no one is talking about it

They are sticking tiny computers into your body
Which disconnects you from your true essence

These implanted bio sensors should need our informed consent
But they do not care if you care

Your smart watch electronically collects your data
Which is then encrypted and anonymized via the blockchain

They are experimenting with cognitive bio technology
On replacements of former higher humans that were defeated
Which are us

Our great great great grandparents
Were popped out of some underground incubation station somewhere
Then put on orphan trains
And sold for 5 cents to someone for cheap labor

Places like Derinkuyu in Cappadocia Turkey
Are subterranean refuge sites from above ground attacks

The attacks were not from guys on horses with spears
But from advanced energy weaponry

Derinkuyu has 8 levels open to the public
But it goes down much further

Kaymakli also in Turkey has at least 4 kilometers of tunnels
Only 2 percent is open to the public

Even though our bodies are not our former ones
Our souls carry the legacy of our former incarnations

And we can direct our energy in positive ways
That uplift humanity and enhance our freedom

For starters
Do not worship some fictionalized dead guy on a cross!

Anna Von Reitz #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy paulstramer.net

We shall attempt to put this as plainly as possible for Americans and for everyone else.

In 1860, Abraham Lincoln was deceitfully put forward for election as "a" President, not The President of this country.

People were deceived by the substitution and elected a "President" of the United States of America, Incorporated, a British Territorial Municipal Corporation, instead of electing The President of The United States of America, our unincorporated Federation of States, nor even as President of our American Subcontractor, the States of America, also known as the Federal Republic.

Thus, Lincoln was elected under False Pretenses and under conditions of purposeful non-disclosure and semantic deceit--- and fraud.
1862 prepared the ground for The Great Fraud and the rampant personage and barratry crimes that would be inflicted by Rome and London for a century and a half afterward.

Thanks to these illegal, immoral, and unlawful acts undertaken under conditions of deliberate deceit, treason, and usurpation, millions of acres of our land were used as payola and to pay British debts and to wrongfully bring American land under the British Title and Trust System.

And just as the Brits were required to live their lives as either Indentured Servants or as Slaves in the British-Roman Caste System --- that is, as legally "dead" people, the groundwork was laid to do the same thing to millions upon millions of Americans.

It comes as a shock to living people when we forthrightly tell them that all the "persons" inhabiting the International Jurisdictions of the Land and the Sea and the Global Jurisdiction of the Air, are dead legal entities, yet no more crucial understanding is needed than this.
So even as we were being set up as the Fall Guys for Britain and Rome, even as we have endured the heavy bootheels of the British Raj in American drag, we haven't failed humanity.

Montalk(Thomas S. Minderle) #magick #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy amazon.com

Reality is Myth. Myth is Reality.
Has history been altered by time-bending alien artifacts? Are we caught in a timewar between hyperdimensional forces? How does this fit into the greater spiritual battle between darkness and light? And what does this mean for our life mission and planetary destiny?

Explore the answers in this revolutionary synthesis of Gnosticism, Alchemy, Hermeticism, Rosicrucianism, Indo-European Mythology, Biblical Eschatology, UFOlogy, and Quantum Mechanics.

The Way of the Fool and the true meaning of Gnosis.
How we came to exist in a Fallen realm controlled by Archons.
The nature of the Demiurge and how it shapes our reality.
The occult science behind making the Philosopher‘s Stone.
How Nordic aliens factor into Grail lore and human history.
The Great Pyramid as a glowing, rumbling, plasma resonator.
How abusing the Ark of the Covenant let in the demon Yahweh.
What Christ is, from a Neoplatonic & Rosicrucian perspective.
Mythology that encodes ET technology and hyper-history.
Cyclical cataclysms and the coming dissolution of linear time.
What these epic puzzle pieces reveal about our greater purpose.

This profound exegesis of forbidden knowledge will completely blow your mind!

A Deplorable Neanderthal [Moderator] #conspiracy #quack godlikeproductions.com

New Excuse Has Just Dropped - Fish Oil Can Cause Heart Attacks and Strokes
Fish Oil Supplements Linked to First-Time Heart Problems

May 22, 2024 – One of the most widely used dietary supplements may pose heart health risks to otherwise healthy people.

A large new study has linked fish oil supplements to getting heart problems like an irregular heartbeat or having a stroke.


[gif of a clown in a tutu doing rudimentary dance]

Steve Kirsch #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

This doctor in India had 2 family members with serious side effects from the COVID shots. If such effects are rare, say 1 per 100K people, and there are 10 people in her family, we expect to see 1e-4 events, but observed 2. This can happen by chance with probability 5e-9.

Someone is lying to you, I don't think it is Dr. Katoch:
image3:03 PM · May 22, 2024 · 13K Views
87 Reposts 6 Quotes 305 Likes 12 Bookmarks

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut thegatewaypundit.com

Do you think colleges should be allowed to determine admissions by discriminating against white students? Do you think that’s fair? Democrats do.

Do you think your children should be taught in college that white people are bad and the history of America is evil? Democrats do.

Do you think American corporations should discriminate in hiring against white employees? Democrats do.

Do you believe the US Constitution and the First Amendment protecting your right to free speech is a bad thing? Democrats think free speech should be limited, banned, or censored.

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #mammon brighteon.com

Brighteon Broadcast News, May 23, 2024 – A new Golden Age era of WEALTH and ABUNDANCE is about to commence for non-western nations

- The challenges of verifying reality in a world of virtual and artificial information. (4:57)

- Ivan Raiklin's deep state target list and legal action. (10:33)

- Promises of mass arrests of deep state officials. (19:07)

- US Empire's criminality and coming collapse. (25:33)

- The impending collapse of the US #dollar and the rise of the #BRICS currency system. (49:26)

- Economic collapse and how to prepare for it by transitioning assets to #gold, #silver, and #crypto (55:27)

- EPA dictates and emissions regulations in agriculture. (1:07:12)

- US-Ukraine conflict escalation and potential WW3. (1:18:14)

- Potential global conflict and historical narratives. (1:23:43)

- Using organic soil products to grow food. (1:29:30)

- Hitler's alleged Zionist and communist ties. (1:37:29)

- Neoconservatism, Zionism, and plans for global conflict. (2:01:13)

- Jewish and Christian beliefs, with a focus on prophecy and end times. (2:13:39)

- Zionism, Christian Zionism, and the Rapture. (2:20:45)

Vrillon via Erena Velazquez #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyages-of-light.com

I am Vrillon from the Ashtar Galactic Command,

Your planet has been under attack and control from Outworlders for a long time. After Annunaki left Mother Earth humankind got enslaved by different groups from Cosmos. You are waiting for your turn to ascend into higher realms. This planet is not the first one that got into the crosswords, where the civilization will either move into higher dimensions or can get eliminated by Darkness.
Right now, all of the negative and deceptive behaviors by humankind are getting exposed into the Light. Nobody can’t hide anything anymore, it will be flush out to the daylight. This is a necessary process of cleansing Gaia from negative frequencies and entities. There are no Reptilians, Dracos, Archons and etc. are left on the surface or underground of the planet.

You have only clones left with constant malfunction issues, AI, minions and Dark controllers, who are constantly exposing their mistakes they make. Warning, your Artificial Intelligence is getting stronger, as more and more humans are trying to implement it in their daily lives. The Corrupted Souls are not capable to handle the truth, when they get exposed.

The old Earth doesn’t serve anymore awaken souls. This 3D Holographic reality is like a web that doesn’t let anyone move forward, and it tries to keep everyone stuck in the same place. The Galactic Advanced Souls agreed to go through these experiences and to help humanity to move into a peaceful and a happy existence. Divine continues to remove the Dark Entities without giving them the possibility ever to reincarnate again.
Be aware of your actions and always remember to follow your soul not the ego. A whole system on Earth will be dissolved and replaced by a small groups of council, who will represent the human civilization and follow the Universal Laws by treasuring every soul. These are the final days for the Evil Masters, and it’s time to move to a new chapter in the human history.

Jim #wingnut #conspiracy #racist blog.reaction.la

[From “Left internal quarrel”]

As you know, our college campuses are being rocked by massively astroturfed protests funded and organised by anti Zionist Jews who hate you and want you dead, against Zionist Jews who hate you and want you dead

At which protests the same astroturf who looted and burned with absolute impunity to protest the holy martyrdom of Saint George Fentanyl Floyd are getting a bit of the police violence that they strangely failed to get while looting and burning

I conjecture that the anti Zionist Jews who hate you and want you dead are feeling aggrieved because explosives that were supposed to be sent to Eastern Europe to kill white people are instead being sent to Israel to kill brown people

The interesting thing about this is that the people organising and funding these protests obviously do not care about ensuring that the next election gets rigged sufficiently to allow Biden to be appointed again[…]These protests make Biden look bad, and reveal that the horde of browns brought in to live on crime, government employment, welfare, and voting Democrat are no more keen on voting Democrat than they are on working for a living

I am pretty sure that the real vote for Biden, real in the sense of physical people physically showing up at the polling booth on election day, is somewhere down around ten or fifteen percent[…]
If the left is at each other’s throats during the election, their ballot box stuffing is likely to get messed up

Peter B. Meyer #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy finalwakeupcall.info

When the great flood was over, millions upon millions of humans and many of the Nephilim giants who roamed Mu had died.
From the Bible is learnt, and even more from other ancient texts from which the Bible was developed. The Flood wiped out most of the world’s population. The conflicts that went on behind the scenes between the Sirians and the Pleiadians, which eventually led to the great Flood, are here not mentioned, as this article focuses on the Lemurian civilisation, while in a future article we’ll tell what happened in the rest of the world, and in particular on another huge landmass in the Atlantic Ocean, which was also wiped out by the Flood. This, of course, was Atlantis.

The misuse of energy, the misuse of technology and elitism eventually became dominant in Atlantis, which was the main reason why the Flood happened.
What exactly is meant by the misuse of energy? Well, in Atlantis, just like today, it’s done in many different ways, but mostly through advanced technology and the misuse of sexual energies.

Where Sirians are present, there is always a tendency for this to happen. It’s up to us humans to see through their manipulation, or we’ll end up in a much worse situation than the Atlanteans. At least they were stopped by the Flood, otherwise we probably wouldn’t be here today.

ENLIL manipulated events to create the Flood, which will not be forgiven here; be aware that the Sirians also had a finger in things that really got out of hand after a while. It always seems inevitable. This is why Sirians are not to be trusted, despite what others may say.

In Atlantis; technology was a little different from what we use today, but there are similarities. As already mentioned, computers, but they also had space technology, of course, and a wealth of knowledge about the stars and the universe in general, and they flew to the Moon and to Mars, and probably to other planets within the Solar System as well.

Femonade #sexist #moonbat #conspiracy factcheckme.wordpress.com

To call intercourse “sex” or conflate it with women’s or even men’s sexual pleasure is not simply misguided, but rather, a deliberate and effective means of normalizing female submission and suffering and increasing men’s individual and collective power.


Because PIV and its attendant harms affect all women, across time and place, and is central to our suffering and our political and interpersonal standing, and because men’s political and interpersonal standing increase as ours decrease, intercourse should rightly be seen as the foundation of patriarchy itself...intercourse continues to be very much a political act and a political institution that is supportive of male power, and obviously so: the “Big 3″ of the patriarchal institutions, namely, medicine, religion and law, all attach to women’s bodies and women’s lives at the moment of conception.

Tomi Lahren #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

Boy, do you think it could be possible that Fauci and his pals could have worked to help create coronavirus in order to destroy Trump’s economy and influence the election??
8:12 AM · May 23, 2024 · 150.6K Views
777 Reposts 186 Quotes 5,698 Likes 42 Bookmarks

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut facebook.com

VERY telling. When I post about another almost-certain Covid vaccine death…and how excess deaths in USA have exploded only since 2021 (when vaccine came out)…and we need to investigate and ask questions…I’m even MORE shadow-banned than all my other shadow-banned posts.

jamesradcylffe #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #biphobia identitydixie.com

[From “The Simple Truth Behind Cultural Marxism”]

The idea of Cultural Marxism as a byzantine 12-step method for converting the West to economic Marxism is bogus. Marxism, at least in praxis, was an ethnic power-grab. It was primarily foisted upon the unwitting masses of Eastern and Western Europe by a supermajority-Jewish international cabal[…]
The Marxists won. Not just in Europe, but virtually everywhere that had wealth. Jews waltzed into power and affluence. Now, Marxism was a problem. Take from the who and give to the whom?[…]Hence, Cultural Marxism. Within every poor West Virginian coal miner and White guy spinning the roulette wheel, there was a raging White corpo-fascist just begging to become wealthy and suppress the masses

They actually pulled this stunt in Russia, classifying the peasants who didn’t like the idea of communism as kulaks[…]Great minds think alike. Or, maybe they just went to the same synagogue in Krakow

Paleoconservative conventional wisdom holds that Adorno, and the rest of the Frankfurt School decided the masses in the West were just too damn happy[…]and needed to be culturally broken down until they revolted and established Marxism[…]I’ve got a simpler thesis. Marxism already won. They had to change the rules to protect their power[…]
Jews knew they needed some camouflage, so they enlisted women, ethnic minorities, degenerates, and even White men with a taste for bureaucratic or managerial power[…]
As a result of this senior/junior partnership, we have a system where non-Whites, particularly Jews, are free to maintain power and wealth, as they are oppressed, and various Whites, having little power or wealth, are oppressors. We’ve squared the circle (kikel, perhaps)[…]
Cultural Marxism was just the Jews’ way of slamming the door to the command center closed behind them and avoiding getting hauled out and sent to the gulag themselves. If we know anything about history, it’s that Jews really don’t like manual labor

Kerry Cassidy #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy projectcamelotportal.com

But according to Juan/John and his generals and AI, TRUMP cannot “function” as President and CIC because the “people” would erupt into “civil war”. But being bombed and EMP’d is perfectly all right….because it would “teach the people a lesson” because they have to “show” the people rather than “tell them the truth”.

What if Q the AI is wrong? What if bombing and EMPing us doesn’t work? What if the AI is in on the steal? What if our future belongs to us and not to those who would try to steal it from us… regardless of the color of their hats. What if civil war is what we have amidst an invasion and that we can fight on the ground. But what we cannot do anything about is if “they” decide to bomb us. For that we are sitting ducks. Watching an orchestrated light show of solar flares which are usually aimed away from Earth but this time will be aimed directly at us. Because both sides have decided that we deserve it. They want a new world at any cost. And we are the price THEY are wiling to pay.
Q is not a person it is an AI. And why do people think the predictions that Q has made so accurately are such genius. All Juan and the generals are doing apparently is taking notes, and then releasing into the public bits of intel from Q.

All the White Hats do is wrap the musings of Q the AI into clever little posts containing our future that they know and we don’t. Not very honorable really. Just taking orders, following a script. Just like the Illuminati do using the false Bible as their guide and all the minions that go around dutifully mimicking “scripture” and calling themselves “holy” and lovers of Christ because they say what they are taught to say on a daily basis. They are just the same. Little robots repeating what they have been told word for word. While the world burns and goes down a dark hole… while those following Q dutifully believe in a happy ending.

Romana Didulo #wingnut #god-complex #conspiracy #psycho operationdisclosureofficial.com

Romana Didulo: Hello Canada. I’m Romana Didulo. I’m the Founder and Leader of Canada First.

As of this year, February 2021, I am the Head of State and Commander in Chief of Canada The Republic.

0:20 In case you’re wondering who appointed me as the Head of State and Commander in Chief of the Republic of Canada. The people who appointed me are the White Hats and the U.S. Military together with the Global Allied Troops and their Governments.

0:44 The same people who have helped President Trump.

0:50 The same group of people who have seized the assets of the Vatican Church.

0:58 The same group of people that have seized the assets of the fake Royal family of the U.K. installed by the Central Bankers 200+ years ago.

1:07 The same group of people who have seized the assets of the 13 family bloodlines.

1:18 The same group of people who have seized the assets of most, if not all, Royal families of Europe.

1:29 The same group of people who have removed the criminal governments across the world.
3:12 Romana Didulo cont.: Now I would like to address the vaccinations and injections happening across the Republic.

3:24 As far back as late February, early March of this year, right immediately I took my oath as the Head of State and Commander in Chief, I DECLARED CANADA A VACCINE FREE NATION.

3:42 Which means all of the vaccines and injections happening across the Republic is UNLAWFUL, CRIMINAL and a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY.

4:00 And for those individuals and groups who many not know, know this: Inside the Republic the penalty for Crimes Against Humanity, Treason, Economic sabotage and Bio Terrorism is death.

4:35 Romana Didulo cont.: You will be tried for Crimes Against Humanity under The Nuremberg Code.
7:27 I urge you to consider very very carefully your options because should the time come when the Head of State and Commander in Chief of the Republic of Canada, and that is I, must sign your execution papers for these crimes against the Republic—I will do so.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

When I am looking for subject matter for a new Podcast, many times I will go with what the main or top story in the news happens to be if it has some relation on Bible prophecy. This morning, while looking for material, I at first was a tad flummoxed when, despite all the headlines, I was finding no singular compelling story to talk about. It was then the Lord showed me it was staring me in the face the whole time. Deception, the first sign of the end times, and it is coming at us from every angle on every front.

“And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.” Matthew 24:3,4 (KJB)

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, we find ourselves in a time where everyone seems to be lying to us all the time, it is truly a ‘marvellous thing’ as your King James Bible says. We were lied to about the COVID virus, about the lockdown, about the mRNA vaccine, about the death count, and are now being lied to about the state of our nation, about the lies being force-fed to our kids in school, it is all lies all the time with no end in sight. A spirit of anger and hostility pervades our land, and upon further inspection through the Bible, we see that it is the spirit of Antichrist that is now present amongst us. Jesus says the Devil is the ‘father of lies’ in John 8:44, and since Antichrist is about to come on the scene, we are awash in lies, deception and deceit. On this episode, you will hear in their own words just how bad things really are, and just how close we are to Flight #777 taking off.

Cindy Pokezwinski #conspiracy deseret.com

By Deseret News, Cindy Pokezwinski, For the Deseret News

As the mother of a teenage boy with autism, I wish to comment on the recent letters about a link between autism and childhood vaccinations.

It is true the Centers for Disease Control, American Medical Association, Augmentative and Alternative Communication and many scientists and doctors have stated that: 1) There is no link between autism and vaccinations (specifically the mumps, measles, rubella vaccine), 2) the mercury preservative has been removed and it is not the cause and 3) the author of the first study done to reach this conclusion has been sanctioned in the United Kingdom — and yet the incidence of autism continues to increase.

Perhaps it is time to listen to those of us that are in the trenches and living with autism every day.

My son was a typically developing toddler. He met his milestones (walking, talking, etc.) early or on time. He received his first MMR at 19 months of age. The change in him was almost immediate. He did not regress in development, but his social skills became extremely compromised. Noises became unbearable.

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut facebook.com

Vaxxed. Of course. Show me the unvaxxed “dying suddenly.” I dare you. Show me unvaxxed young bankers dying. I dare you. They don’t exist. This is a crisis of the vaxxed. Period. Media blackout. Bribed by Big Pharma. Biggest scandal in world history.

THEGATEWAYPUNDIT.COM Former GOP Advisor and CNN Commentator Alice Stewart Found Dead in Virginia — Suspected Medical Emergency Likely Cause of Death

Steve Kirsch #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

U.S. Government ‘Cartel’ Paid CVS, Walgreens Billions to Reject Ivermectin Prescriptions, Push COVID Shots • Children's Health Defense.

this is what we want public funds being spent on? To push a vaccine that kills people?
From childrenshealthdefense.org
2:03 PM · May 22, 2024 · 9,974 Views
292 Reposts 11 Quotes 554 Likes 51 Bookmarks

Steve Kirsch #conspiracy twitter.com

Do you know how many people (any age) in the US died from measles in the last 6 years? ZERO according to the CDC.
So why are we force vaccinating our kids for a threat that does NOT exist? If the vaccines are safe, why do the makers still need liability protection?image3:56 AM · May 22, 2024 · 38.6K Views
725 Reposts 22 Quotes 1,933 Likes 114 Bookmarks

Robin Ortiz #fundie #conspiracy msn.com

What's happening in the world today is NOT "climate change." These are the end-time signs that are increasing. Climate can neither affect all of those asteroids getting closer and with greater frequency or the earthquakes in places that rarely have them, or the Sun's untimely behavior or what is happening miles under our feet deep within the earth, as well as in the furthest reaches in space. The media lies to us. "Climate change" doesn't explain half of what is actually occurring everywhere all around us. After their supposed "climate apocalypse" that collapses the planet near 2030 finally takes place, one man will arise seemingly having all the answers to a hurting world in need of such a leader. Remember this. You know who he is and what he will do.

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