
v9Yb7lO1 #mammon #psycho #racist #wingnut

why hasn't america produced any med or slav white nationalists? why is it always nordicists?

Because America is a White country in the truest sense. It's a fucking meatgrinder, dude, where the poor get poorer and the rich feed off them. It's cutthroat - Euro sensibilities don't work here. That's how the Jew is able to operate. The world is in for a big surprise when we reach our final form.

yes speaking as a med i don't think we really belong in america but we can't all just go back to europe that easily so what's to be done? either ally ourselves with whiteness and be considered second class citizens or be antiwhite? the meds aren't really white meme is not going to satisfy rabid BLM antifa types. italians created fascism after all.

Bleach. Find a blonde-haired blue-eyed woman and make babies... even if she's fat. Whatever you do, don't fall for Amerindian exceptions. Pussy and the means to properly chase it has been the bane of nearly every society. Adapt or die. Spics aren't going to lead the world - ever.

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #conspiracy #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia

The western world is breaking down with stunning speed as all the lies, delusions, corruption and fake fiat money printing has reached a tipping point of collapse. Nothing works anymore. The governments of the world are criminal cartels that are deliberately dismantling food and energy resources necessary to keep half the human population alive. This coming winter, Europeans are going to starve and freeze to death in record numbers that hearken back to the Dark Ages, pre-electricity and pre-fossil fuels.
The British Royal Navy just launched an aircraft carrier (the HMS Prince of Wales) that broke down just one day into a four-month mission. Apparently, one of the propellers (the “screws”) won’t work, and the multi-billion dollar vessel can only sail around in circles. Somehow, this is entirely fitting, given the insanity, corruption and incompetence of the not just the British Empire but the entire swath of Western European nations that now demonstrate pure incompetence and suicidal tendencies. No doubt there are plenty of transgenders, gays and lesbians on board the HMS Prince of Wales, but none of them can figure out how to make the propellers work. This is the perfect showcase of what western civilization has become: An incompetent, groomified Idiocracy of gender delusions and bureaucratic stupidity, pretending to still be a world power while their own people ready to be frozen and starved to death in a few months’ time
The total takedown of America has been the goal all along, of course, among Democrats who despise families, children and the rule of law. We now live in a nation where armed Antifa lunatics stand guard to protect trannies and child groomers — in the state of Texas, no less — while police are ordered to stand down and watch. If armed conservatives guarded a conservative speaker, that would be deemed an “insurrection” or an act of “extremism.”

Paul Craig Roberts #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #homophobia

The awake part of the population, the Americans with sufficient intelligence to be able to think independently of what CNN, NPR, NBC, the NYTimes and the rest of the presstitutes stick in their heads, are furious with Biden’s rampart anti-Americanisms. To name just a few: open borders flooding the country with immigrant-invaders and the associated welfare burdens, crime, and illegal voting; political prosecution of opponents; gratuitous conflict with Russia, China, and Iran; demonization of white Americans as racists; illegal lockdowns and vaccination mandates; the green light given to sexual perversion; the imposition of sensitivity training and Critical Race Theory on white kids in public schools and white members of the military and civil service and the imposition of quotas on their promotion. The corrupt Biden regime has done all it can to destroy equal treatment. In place of an opportunity society America now has a society of special privileges for “oppressed minorities.”
If the Democrats can be prevented from again stealing the November election, perhaps more Republicans with backbone can get into office, people like Devin Nunes, Jim Jordan, Marjorie Taylor Greene, South Dakota governor Kristi Noem, and Florida governor Ron DeSantis. Governor DeSantis has said outright that he will not permit woke prosecutors to defend criminals from justice as is the practice in many Democrat jurisdictions. DeSantis understands that the Democrats’ policy of normalizing crime, sexual perversion, and open borders means the death of America.

Although it took forever, finally many Americans have also come to this realization. If the sentient Americans who remain can reject being put in a defensive position by the Democrat and media enemies of America, people far more dangerous than Russians, Chinese, and Iranians, and turn aggressive like Antifa and BLM, the republic has a chance of being restored.

Otherwise, it is good-bye America.

James Howard Kunstler #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia #homophobia

In keeping with the principles of mass formation psychosis, the maliciously insane people in charge of our nation’s affairs will expect you to swallow ever-greater absurdities to maintain their control. But we’re way beyond the “women-with-penises” stage of the mind-fuckery program. Nobody with a functioning brain believes that bullshit anymore — except the people who run the California prison system. Next up, apparently, is a hot little war with Russia or China, a useful distraction from the systematic self-dismantling of Western Civ.
Of course, we have no real strategic national interest in Ukraine. We had no quarrel all the years that the Russian Soviets owned and operated it. We set in motion the current conflict by cooking up the 2014 color revolution. I doubt that a plurality of Americans will fall for another such stupid Hate Russia ploy. We’ve had enough pointless and costly foreign misadventures. This would be a war exceeding the unpopularity of Vietnam and could easily unleash widespread street protests. Only this time the Left will be pro-war and the Party of Chaos will send out its ragtag army of Antifa trannies to make the street protests bloodier. It will be seen for what it is: the ruling regime’s war on its own people. And it will be overcome.
Vying in the absurdity Olympics, the World Health Organization (WHO) just declared Monkeypox a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) — but only after the outfit’s chief, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, overruled a WHO committee that voted against such a move. Monkeypox, you understand, is a disease spread almost exclusively among the gay population, that is, men having sex with men, exchanging bodily fluids. Outbreaks have been keyed to gay orgies, especially during the recent June “Pride Month” festivities. Do you think it might be more appropriate for the WHO to issue an advisory against gay orgies?

Conservapedia #conspiracy #wingnut

An Independence Day parade in Highland Park, Illinois was attacked by a rooftop sniper who killed seven people and wounded at least 30 before fleeing the scene; the sniper was described as between 18 and 20 years old with long black hair and a thin build.[215] Robert Crimo III, who fits the description of the shooter and also sports neck tattoos and was identified as having fantasies of committing a school shooting in YouTube videos posted by Crimo that have since been taken down by YouTube to cover for him, was later identified as a person of interest by Highland Park police in the shooting.[216] Crimo was subsequently arrested and taken into custody after a brief police chase.[217] In addition to YouTube, other liberal social media platforms such as Twitter, Discord and Instagram covered for Crimo by scrubbing all of the content he uploaded and deleting his accounts, but they could not prevent users of Twitter and other platforms from downloading and saving Crimo's videos and photos to post to their own accounts to use as evidence against him. Crimo, who was discovered to have connections to Antifa, the Democratic Socialists of America and the occult,[218] was also captured on video surveillance footage attempting to evade police by dressing in drag,[219] and had also been dressed in drag at the time of the attack on the parade.[220] True to form, the liberal media downplayed his crossdressing habits and tried to smear Donald Trump supporters by falsely claiming him to be one of them based on dubious evidence claiming him to be a "Trump supporter",[221] but when the video and photographic evidence of Crimo's true anarchist and socialist political allegiances emerged and that Crimo was actually making fun of Trump and his supporters, the liberal media unsurprisingly went silent.

Andrew Anglin #sexist #racist #conspiracy

[From "The Slutpocalypse is Already Happening"]

The slutpocalypse occurred pretty much as we expected. Too many hoes, not enough hot chips or phone charges to go around[…]The reason, as always, is pure sluttery[…]
That’s just a taste. There are thousands of these videos from all across the country, and many of them are getting violent[…]
It looks like this could turn into George Floyd Riots 2. That’s difficult, because blacks don’t really care about this. Blacks do have more abortions than whites, but black men don’t care if women have abortions or not because they don’t really stick around either way. If anything, black men are probably vaguely opposed to abortion, though not in any serious way, just “she be out der fukin, she been gon deal wif what is.” Obviously, black men were the main driver of the George Floyd riots, whereas this is primarily about white women. They’ll be backed by Antifa of course, who also backed the BLM riots

It’s possible that black men will come out if they think they can loot. But even then, I doubt they want to be associated with women – “dem bitches wants to keel dey keeds, dats on dem”[…]
I support repealing Roe regardless, simply because it is the right thing to do. However, that doesn’t mean that this is not a gift to a struggling Democrat Party[…]What the Democrats could do is promise that they will pass such a law if they are reelected in the midterms[…]Given that all of these fraud techniques from 2020 have now been normalized[…]it might be enough[…]
That said, the more riots there are, and the longer they go on, the less of a help this is to the Democrats[…]
We might just have to bring back Blue Lives Matter flags too[…]
No, I wouldn’t go that far. But a super-cut of cops beating up abortion people with that Baked Alaska song about how we love cops is probably in order

Kajm #dunning-kruger #pratt #fundie

You want Congress to codify Roe?

You realize, if the Democrats managed to do this, what the final consequences would be? The party of Malthusians? The party of 'man-made' global warming? The Party of the KKK, slavery, and ANTIFA?

Imagine a world where the GOVERNMENT now determines IF and WHEN you can have a child. Especially *IF*. You think the Democrats aren't Salivating at the idea?

Talk about 'my body, the GOVERNMENT'S choice!'

Charlie Kirk & Various Commenters #wingnut

(Charlie Kirk)
They are trying to stop a constitutional decision to overturn Roe v Wade by leaking DRAFTS of Supreme Court opinions.

Arrest the leakers.

Leakers —> DC Jail; this is more an insurrection than anything that happened on J6

Leaker(s) won't be arrested, the person(s) work for the democrats and we all know they are above the law

Will this be the reason they’ll unleash their ANTIFA goons to burn our cities this summer?

As the Socialist Democrats sink in the polls they always resort back to playing up female fears. Breakout the ol’ hysteria about how women are going to loose their bodily rights, which is hype. No matter the circumstances, no one has the right to end the life of an innocent human because it’s an inconvenience to your lifestyle. Preventive measures are readily available, for couples to not conceive, there is no excuse not to use them.

The whole illegitimate Biden regime should be removed.


spoilerIt’s no longer Democrat vs. Republican
It’s Communism vs. Freedom
Or Maybe something worse
Moloch Luciferians vs. God

Occidental Dissent #conspiracy #racist #wingnut

How many times were we told that Donald Trump was a “fascist”?

What did Donald Trump ever do compared to these people? The corporate media spent years spreading misinformation based on dubious intelligence about Trump in the Russia hoax. The Democratic Congress impeached him twice. Black Lives Matter and Antifa rioted for years and torched entire cities and got away with serial violence while openly being supported by Corporate America. Big Tech deplatformed Trump and millions of his supporters from the internet. “Journalists” hunt people down who express politically incorrect opinions online like old school commissars, dox them and get them fired from their jobs. Democrats built a razor wire fence around the U.S. Capitol and sent in the military to occupy Washington, DC. They weaponized the intelligence agencies against Trump and his supporters.

Has it occurred to anyone how far across the line the Left has traveled over the past few years? They’ve resorted to mob violence, censorship, illegal surveillance, doxxing, economic blackmail and intimidation, impeachment, demonizing White people as a racial group, labeling virtually the entire Populist Right as “domestic extremism” and a national security threat, imposing a political litmus test on the U.S. military and law enforcement agencies, etc. Merrick Garland’s Department of Social Justice was even poised to arrest Derek Chauvin on the spot in court on federal charges if a jury had found that he was innocent. The corporate media now holds communist show trials and convicts police officers of systematic racism in the court of public opinion for the purpose of fomenting racial division for political gain.

Jake Lang/Amir George #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy

After being in prison for nearly a year and half—much of it in solitary confinement in the Washington, D. C. jail—for simply trying to save the life of Roseanne Boylan who was beaten to death along with three other patriots killed by police on Jan. 6, 2020, Jake Lang blesses God for considering him worthy of suffering.

"We battle this spiritual warfare by the love of God, staying grateful and praising God," says Lang, speaking from the detention facility and referencing the dramatic new documentary, The Truth About January 6th.

Lang narrates the documentary from the Washington, D.C., jail. With newly released video from individuals at the rally as well Capitol cameras, the story is finally told of how the nearly 1 million godly men and women gathered on the Ellipse on Jan. 6 to pray and seek the face of God to save the stolen election, then walked down to the Capitol to provide moral courage and strength for the disputed counting of electoral votes. This routine process occurs in every election, resulting in certification, and when both a senator and congressman support a challenge, the votes are returned to the states for a 10-day pause.
Over 800 godly men and women have been charged in a completely fraudulent series of arrests. The movie reveals the Capitol Police inviting people into the Capitol grounds as well as the Capitol itself, in addition to showing people leaving when instructed to by the same Capitol Police. This stands in contrast to the 537 riots during the summer of 2020 by Black Lives Matter and antifa, which resulted in over $2 billion in damage; 2,000 injuries to police officers and others; and 30 deaths. The only deaths on Jan. 6 were those of Benjamin Phillips, Ashli Babbit, Rosanne Boyland and Kevin Greeson—all killed by the Capitol Hill police.

"It's like being in the desert where Christ staved off the devil and where angels ministered to him," Lang continues.

Dink Dinklemann #racist #conspiracy #ableist

Vaush: If nothing else we can treat this as a reminder that the political compass test is absolutely worthless, though that's probably not new information if your IQ can be expressed in two or more digits

Dink Dinklemann: Mainly we can say communism sucks, and this mentally ill kid doesn't represent anyone.

Meanwhile, your antifa loonies are sharpening sticks all over the country seeing nazis around every tree.

Ultimately, it's too bad people can't talk to each other in the information age.

Nemo: Do you denounce the belief that a cabal of "Cultural Bolsheviks" are trying to destroy "Western" civilization? The belief that motivated the shooter?

Dink Dinklemann: No. That's happening. I wouldn't denounce the shooter's opinion that the Sun rises in the East and set in the West either. His murdering doesn't make all of his points invalid. It is his decision to kill people that is to be denounced. You know, mental illness is complicated.

Antoons #ableist #homophobia #kinkshaming #sexist #racist #transphobia #psycho


First panel: “Happy birthday Billy” says Mom, giving her kid a smartphone as a 12th birthday present. “Wow! Internet on the go!!” says the kid.

Second panel: It’s the kids 13th birthday and she says “UGUU- ^_^ I’m a gay, trans, autistic, Muslim, disabled, antifa, feminist, furry. I make art and my commissions are open.” as her crying mother has her euthanized by lethal injection.

David Chase Taylor #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut

EARTH, Undisclosed Location — Based on breaking news and events, it appears that CIA Headquarters located beneath CERN at Lake Geneva in Switzerland is plotting a wave of reactor meltdowns by March 31, 2022, as Nuclear Fallout cover for the activation of Area 51’s terminator drone program which is designed to exterminate humanity via a never-ending cloud of VX nerve gas.

In short, the CIA is plotting a global version of Fukushima Nuclear Disaster in Japan Back on March 11, 2011, and the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster in Ukraine Back on April 26, 1986. Only this time around, the CIA plans to blow up to 49 nuclear reactors as foreshadowed in the new nuclear reactor terror propaganda film entitled ‘Fukushima 50’ which premiered in theaters back on March 6, 2020.

Exactly how the CIA plans to trigger the impeding wave of nuclear reactor meltdowns is obviously not known, but it will most likely be executed under the guise of one or more cyber-attacks, earthquakes and/or tsunamis. Said cyber-attack will likely be Anonymous, Chinese, Iranian, North Korean and/or Russian in nature.
Based on breaking news and events, it appears that CIA Headquarters located beneath CERN at Lake Geneva in Switzerland is plotting 9/11-style attacks targeting one or more nuclear reactors, possibly biological, chemical, nuclear and/or radiological in nature. The CIA will predictably frame the one or more of the following countries and/or terror groups for the impending 9/11-style attacks targeting nuclear reactors, including but not limited to: a) eco-terrorists (e.g., ANTIFA, ELF, etc.); b) an Islamic State (e.g., Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Yemen, etc.); c) an Islamic Terror Group (e.g., Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, ISIS-K, Khost Protection Force (KPF), etc.); d) Russia and/or d) Terrorists and/or Soldiers from Predominantly Islamic-Russian State (e.g., Azerbaijan, Bosnia, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Serbia, South Ossetia, Tajikistan Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, etc.)

GRUG #racist #wingnut

Acknowledgement that blacks murder whites at a disproportionate rate compared to whites murdering blacks.

Acknowledgement that news media purposely stokes the flames of racial tensions between blacks and whites.

Acknowledgment of blood libels against whites. Particularly the biggest lie that Asian hate is from "white supremacy" when in reality the overwhelming majority of it being perpetrated by blacks.

Acknowledgement that Public schools and Universities slander whites as oppressive and privileged through CRT. Not to mention, white people often don't have the ability to voice our concerns without being mocked by leftists or censored by big tech monopolies.

Basically telling BLM & Antifa movements to fuck off because whites have the right to live the same way other ethnicities / races of people deserve to have the right to life.

I'm sure there is plenty more, but those are just a few things that pop up in peoples minds.

卐 ангел смерти 卐 #wingnut #psycho #sexist

National-Rodgerist manifesto


National-Rodgerism is the ideology of the Incel. It is a tool for the incel to take what he is owed, through political means. In this book, I will not only cover the ideology of National-Rodgerism, but I will present my theory on how to achieve a National-Rodgerist revolution. This is the political ideology of Moonman, so it may also be referred to as “Moonman thought”.

Part 1: revolution

National-Rodgerism does not seek to thrive through democratic means. No, National-Rodgerism is completely revolutionary. By this, I mean that if we vote for a president or prime minister, it’s not because we actually support his or her’s policies, but because we want to elect a president or prime minister that will accelerate the collapse of the nation as soon as possible so that a National-Rodgerist uprising is possible, and eventually a National-Rodgerist revolution. It is not possible to elect a National-Rodgerist president or prime minister through democratic means, mostly because the females and cuckolds will show total resistance, even Men’s Rights Activists will oppose our “radical” party. We must strive for societal collapse, and systematic collapse.

We, as National-Rodgerists, must strive to accelerate a nuclear war. When a nuclear war happens, when the ZOG capitalist nations destroy each other, we as National-Rodgerists intend to Survive the nuclear war. We are not retarded like normies, we shall not stay in big cities or other valuable targets for nuclear strikes, we must hide out in small villages, far away as possible from big cities, government infrastructure, and other valuable targets for nuclear warheads. We, as National-Rodgerists, must arm ourselves at all times, and resist any attempt to take away our firearms. We need the firearms for a revolution, after the nuclear war, when the system is weak from being nuked, we shall strike at the system and finish it off! The system will be weaker from the nuclear war, so then we might have a better chance at overthrowing them and starting a revolution. Ideally, we will conquer the United States after being nuked, and then start a new country. However, this might not be the case, because there might be other revolutionaries, such as communists and antifa who wish to take the throne and start the revolution instead. […]

Ghostse #homophobia #pratt

"Yaoi Huntress Earth said:

I was talking about Thirsty Sword Lesbians on a FB page and someone shared this list of SJW-infected companies."

I haven't kept up with NG themselves, but Necrotic Gnome is a Euro so a degree of cuckism is expected.

However, NG's US distributor is Exalted Funeral who publish & advertise to their email list shit like this:

its not even an woke RPG, its just a bunch of sobbing about being a faggot (and I think tranny) and Antifa. Not even sobbing about how hard it is to be a faggot in games getting gatekept by these evil white males, just general sobbing about how you can't be a completely disgusting faggot or society rejects you, and how cruel it is you are expected to get a job that isn't just "being a faggot".

Also, damn, didn't realize Evil Hat was behind Fate and Blades in the Dark. Fate is no loss, but sort of sad to hear about BitD as I've heard some goods about that.

James Howard Kunstler #wingnut #conspiracy

It is fair to say that the “Joe Biden” government dearly wanted a Russian invasion of Ukraine in order to divert attention from the “Joe Biden” government’s war on its own people in the United States. The table was nicely laid for it over many years, including, by the way, Mr. Trump’s vaunted gift of weaponry to Ukraine, which enabled and emboldened the Kiev regime to harass the Russian-speaking population of Donbas without relent. And the situation was aggravated by the deliberate negotiation-unworthiness (Russian term) of “Joe Biden” and Company, who refused to discuss the chief issue between the US and Russia, namely, the dishonest effort, in violation of written agreements dating from 1990, to enlist Ukraine in NATO, and thereby to place missiles on Russia’s border.
The Party of Chaos, “Joe Biden’s” Party, doesn’t want you to pay attention to any of that, or to a thousand other political insults they have inflicted on the country from BLM / Antifa riots to their dirty deals with social media, to their perversion of law enforcement, to their surveillance and persecution of loyal citizens as “domestic terrorists,” to the gender disorders in schools and sports… and on and on. And so, they invited with open arms the Russian operation against Ukraine to put an end to reckless provocations emanating from there. “Joe Biden” didn’t have to do anything, really, except pretend in bad faith to take part in a diplomatic solution, and then he stopped doing even that.

And now here is what I think is happening and will happen in Ukraine. The Russian aim is to neutralize Ukraine’s military capability — the means for harassing the eastern provinces known as the Donbas. That has been accomplished. Ukraine no longer has an air force, a navy, or a whole lot of weapons and munitions. It is surely in Russia’s interest to complete this operation in as few days as possible to minimize harm to civilian lives and property.

Patrick J. Buchanan #crackpot

What happened to the dream?

First, President Joe Biden's withdrawal from Afghanistan, after 20 years of war, had about it the aspect of Saigon '75.

The rout of our Afghan allies and humiliation of our departure delivered an irretrievable blow to Biden's reputation for competence.

There followed the visible failure of the administration to defend and secure America's southern border as 2 million migrants from all over the world poured across in Biden's first year.

Then came a surge in crimes of violence, shootings and murders in major cities. And people recalled that our media and political elites who had cheered on the Black Lives Matter protests and excused the riots after George Floyd's death had echoed the BLM-Antifa calls to "defund the police!"

Also, suddenly, an inflation rate not seen in 40 years was back, driving up the price of gasoline and groceries and everything else at a rate of 7.5%.

Then came news that the U.S. trade deficit, which helped to propel former President Donald Trump into the White House, was at an all-time record of over $1 trillion, and the national debt had crossed the $30 trillion mark, exceeding the entire U.S. GDP.

Late in Biden's first year, COVID-19 reached its omicron stage with infections, hospitalizations and deaths suddenly exploding again to record numbers in a pandemic deep into its second year.

Then, there were the manifestations of cognitive decline in the president, seemingly with each new televised appearance.

Victor Davis Hansen #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #homophobia

What ultimately destroyed the evil empires of Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia were bankrupt dogmas. Crackpot ideology destroyed free expression. It ruined meritocracy and ensured unequal application of the laws—and so paved the way for far worse.

The Nazi idea of a superior Aryan race adjudicated everything from physics to tank design. Soviet commissars did the same, subordinating rational thought to communist agendas.

Zealots in both systems infiltrated the universities and schools to institutionalize indoctrination.

Wokeism, while not yet as lethal, is similar.
Why were most Antifa and Black Lives Matter criminals who looted, destroyed, and assaulted during the 120 days of summer 2020 not charged, much less tried? Why, in contrast, were the January 6 rioters or the current Canadian truckers treated disproportionately harshly by the media?

Had the same rioters on January 6 been waving pride flags and BLM banners, would some of them have been sitting for a year in solitary confinement and still uncharged?

Had the criminal protestors and looters of summer 2020 been wearing red MAGA hats, would they also have mostly gotten off without charges?

What would have happened had conservative demonstrators cut out a police-free “MAGA Zone” in Seattle rather than the exempted Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone? Would the media similarly romanticized such illegality?
When ideology in places like Castroite Cuba, the old Soviet Union, and Venezuela warped the application of the law, destroyed the role of merit in assessing qualifications, silenced speech, and unequally applied the law, then society unwound.

In such ideological dystopias, eventually even the shelves empty, the currency becomes worthless, and the nation regresses into poverty and chaos. Is that the future we await?

Scarier still, ideology ensures that such chaos is heralded as success. Critics are demonized and hounded. And the obsequious state media assures the public that things are going just great.

Operation Q/Humorous Mathematics #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #racist

Let's be very clear before we dive into this highly debated topic, the real Joseph R. Biden is dead and was executed via Human Rights International military tribunal in 2019 for crimes against children/humanity. Since then the individual we have seen campaign, debate, commit election fraud/treason, and get falsely inaugurated to a dissolved USA Inc. in the mainstream media has not been Joseph R. Biden. Rather, it has been a combination of CGI deep fake technology (for televised purposes), a deep state clone/double (which has already been phased out of the movie), and since the arrest demonstrated by the ankle boot (aka ankle monitor) an actor wearing a skinmask (rumored to possibly be Jim Carrey, his double, James Woods, Steve Martin, even JFK Jr. or General Michael Flynn, or any combination of the aforementioned). Simply put, Joe Biden or the actor playing his role rather known as "Bidan", is an illegitimate President. This has all been part of the plan and nothing can stop what is coming; God won already.

The actor or double is playing out the white hat military controlled shadow presidency to awaken the normies and libtards to the consequences of a president controlled by CCP, deep state, Khazarian, Zionist, Freemasonic, Illuminati, Jesuit, globalists trying to usher in the Fascist communist transhumanist pedophiliac Luciferian Nazi one world order. It had to be done this way not only to awaken the world, prevent another American civil war, but also to prevent the weakening of American borders thus making them susceptible to invasion from foreign deep state militias like CCP, ISIS, ANTIFA, Nazis, cartels, mafias, and gangs. The white hat military alliance is awaiting Bidan's approval rating to tank to 20% or below before going public with the operation (possibly the EBS) as they want to ensure the overwhelming majority of American's are onboard with removing the puppet publicly and legally.

Harmonica #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

[From "Putting the Genie Back in the Bottle"]

It appears as if the Establishment has been turning against antifa, BLM, and the crazed cat ladies. The Right has long noted just how easily many antifa members were getting off[…]especially when compared to Dissident Right activists[…]There has been an uptick in antifa rioters not just being arrested, but also surprisingly convicted
Why the sudden change from the Establishment?
Scenario 1: They Fear the Gulag
There is an old Jewish legend called The Golem of Prague[…]fear that they will create something to punish the antisemites that will eventually turn on them[…]It allows us to understand the Jewish hand in leftwing movements, while not portraying Jews as the puppet masters of everything we dislike
Stalin is a very good example of this phenomenon[…]He took on a Jewish ideology[…]In the mind of Stalin, the Jews were capitalist devils and, when in power, he acted accordingly
Scenario 2: Heritage America is Broken
In this scenario, the reason why they are reigning in their troops is because they now think Heritage America is totally broken and antifa/BLM are no longer needed. This scenario is frightening because it means what happened in the summer of 2020 worked[…]Interestingly, the last state flag to incorporate the Confederate Battle Flag was removed in 2020
They are being eliminated more as a precaution to make ruling easier in post-Heritage America
Scenario 3: Heritage America is About to Rise
This scenario is the flipside to the first one. Rather than fearing what antifa and BLM may do, if they ever get real power, the Establishment now fears Heritage America and are suppressing their troops in hopes of appeasing Heritage America just enough for the elites to get some heat off themselves
I am unsure which of the three scenarios is closest to the truth

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #crackpot

[From "Will you still fight, even if you are destined to lose?"]

Very Few Men in this world, except for Germans have ever had the guts to Fight Wars, even with the knowledge or reality that the likelihood to lose is
There are very few people left in this world who fight with Honor, because essentially brotherhood between Men has become largely a thing of the past after World War II
Due to the influence of Christianity and especially the vast influence of New Age philosophies, the majority of Humans are subject to Magical Thinking and being paid Lip Service in order to get them willing to fight
The US National Guard has been on standby for many months ready to quell any serious form of National Unrest that may suddenly show up, but told to “stand down” when the real enemies like Antifa Activists and other Communist Trash does what they do
However the real event the USNG is waiting for[…]is when the real Hyperinflation arises
In Europe[…]the forces there view it as fun and entertainment to get to have their way in these countries, whether it be Germany, Italy, France, Spain or elsewhere
People have been properly primed for 2 years to understand “staying in their home” and “isolating from others” and expecting to have permission for “who they can see and who they cannot see”
For those who comply in this new system, they will be told even if and when they can go to work when they leave house for the day. This is the future, at any rate, that the NWO Agents have in store for how daily conditions are run
Almost all Western people in some form or another will become subjected to Military Dictatorship in an even more extreme form that ever took place under any typical Dictatorship of other Examples
The likelihood of World War III taking place in the hot form, is also coming close to a reality as the tensions build up

Ann Coulter #transphobia #homophobia #pratt

As I was taking pictures with the Proud Boys at the restaurant, a freakish transgender in combat boots, fishnet stockings and a man-bun snuck into our private room via a back staircase. It seems that a rainbow-haired waitress had spotted me during the 30 seconds I was passing through the public part of the restaurant, and had called in my location to her antifa pals.

Poor Fishnet Boy surely had expected to burst in on 99-pound me having a nice dinner with a group of sweet College Republicans. Instead, he (she?) walked into what must have looked like a Hell’s Angels convention.

Not so brave, now, eh, Fishnet Boy? He/She bowed his head, pretended to use the cash register, and quickly made his exit.

Henry Makow PhD #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #quack

Connect the dots.

All the talk of "systemic racism" disguises a diabolical Cabalist Jewish race war against people of European origin.

1) In a sensational interview, Dr. Lee Merritt claims the "vaccines" are racial bio weapons. She says they do not harm Ashkenazi Jews. Are all these Israelis crisis actors? Is this site a Mossad psy op? Or more likely, are assimilated Israeli Jews also the target? Israel seems to engaging in the covid charade with the best.

2. CRT- Critical Race Theory is based on the assumption that people of European heritage have no right to be a majority anywhere. This is called "white supremacism." In fact, CRT is organized and funded by Organized Jewry. Jews have a homeland in Israel but whites are considered Jewish rivals, and are being displaced and dispossessed.

3 Diversity. Multiculturalism. Organized Jewry is replacing whites with racial minorities who will owe allegiance to them. Message: It's not OK to be white. This is real racism.

4. Black Lives Matter. The George Floyd psyop. Stoking Black - White racial conflict. "Bail reform." Making looting legal. Not enforcing the rule of law. Hiring Antifa thugs to intimidate patriots.

5. Illegal migration. It's possible that males will be drafted into the military and used against patriots.

6. Miscegenation is encouraged and normalized in commercials and entertainment. These ads do not appear in Israel.

7. Cancel culture. Whether it's statues or curriculum, European heritage is being erased. "Whites" are blamed for Western imperialism and the slave trade which are essentially Cabalist in nature.

8. Art, education and culture have been replaced by Jewish (Communist) agitprop. "Wokeness" is Communist Jewish political correctness and mind control. Academic freedom has been destroyed.

9. The "vaccines" interfere with menstruation and may render women sterile.

When you connect the dots, the picture that emerges is that of a vicious ongoing one-sided race war.

Ann Coulter #sexist

8) And why are antifa boys scrawny beta males?

White men who go around denouncing other white men as “fascists” are wimpy losers who think they’ll attract women with suck-up speeches about racism. But even stupid left-wing girls prefer alpha males. Sissy boys should drop the left-wing politics and try lifting weights and making money. Freud was a fool and reductionist, but sexual strategizing by losers is the source of nearly all left-wing ideology.

Otnesse #racist #fundie #magick #psycho

Context: this person is rationalizing why judge Claude Frollo isn’t the most evil Disney villain. The excerpt from them is in quotation marks. My replies to him are not.

“And to be honest, considering what Drag Me to Hell showed about Romani, not to mention Gypsy Curses being common enough that there’s an entire trope based on them, not to mention how genuinely nasty those can be, I can’t exactly say I blame Frollo for wanting those gypsies gone. They’re no better than pagans with some of those curses. And I really wish Disney didn’t try to whitewash Gypsies like that.”

Me: So you are saying that persecution and genocide of the Romani is just and right?

“Provided it’s targeted towards those who reject God, yeah. The Old Testament had God himself ordering for, if not conducting genocides. Ironically, Saul fell out of favor precisely BECAUSE he “acted merciful” to the Malenkites.

And as far as justifying a so-called “hate crime”, God wasn’t much different. He engaged quite a few of what technically could be classified as hate crimes today, and he’s deemed omnibenevolent. Heck, with Sodom and Gomorrah, he even technically lied to Abraham regarding whether there were even any innocents in the city (and when I say “technically lied”, I mean that because God is omniscient, he knew since before he even created existence that Sodom and Gomorrah lacked ANY innocents at all save for Lot and his family. Put another way, God would have been much closer to being honest with Abraham if he did to the latter what Bahamut did to Ardyn Izunia in the defy fate ending of Episode Ardyn). Besides, until you stop justifying BLM’s hate crimes or ANTIFA’s hate crimes, I suggest you don’t bother calling this hate crimes either.”

Moonman1488 #racist #sexist #wingnut

These are the only countries that are not accepting 6 million immigrants a day, aren’t falling for progressive liberal feminist bullshit, and are overall healthy white nations with decent border security and national identity.
I understand some Slavs are still Antifa because of Commie/Soviet influence, but it seems that Orthodox Christianity is doing a really good job at maintaining traditionalism in the Slavic world and combating neo-Sovietism.

In my ideal world, we could all bread young fertile healthy white 13-16 yo lolis and make them mothers of healthy white children. Sadly, even other white nationalists will hate me for suggesting this.

MUSE DEV #transphobia #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon #racist

(Submitter’s note: This is a comment on a Green Day music video.)

Its 2021.. Joe Biden is a Pedo/Nazi/DeepState Puppet… inflation is at an all time HISTORICAL HIGH… men are identifying as women… Women are getting beat up in MMA cage fights with Trans Men …. Women who identify as men are sewing their vaginas up filling with marbles and getting skin grafts from their ass cheeks to fold a poor excuse of a “penis” connected to their clit…and BLM is a joke Antifa is a Deepstate project.. Bill Gates wants to Jab everyone to death… yeah… Simpler times… we should all GO BACK to how it was in this video…. To be truly punk rock you go against the Gov not for it… also.. invest in crypto.. especially XRP, XLM

Scott Lively #transphobia #dunning-kruger #conspiracy

As has always been true for Cultural Marxists the LGBT agenda has the highest priority because race-wars and radical feminism can only take you so far in destabilizing societies. But sexual anarchy leads ultimately to “transhumanism:” the literal abandonment of male/female human identity in God’s image which is the deepest foundation-stone of civilization. That’s where an increasing number of young people are today spiritually and ideologically. Pushing them into that “voluntary” rejection of Judeo-Christian civilization is the real goal – the Satanic goal.

These final-stage LGBT anarchist “non-binaries” with their 666 counterfeit genders and matching pronouns have the “reprobate minds” Paul’s prophesied in Romans 1:18-32. And, being unable or unwilling to grasp the reality of the natural world and its implications, they are slaves to the Matrix-like architects who craft their delusions.

They are Zombies lusting to destroy the old order and those who populate it, incapable of understanding or even caring about the ramifications of their actions.
We all understand the concept of predictive programming in Hollywood movies, so consider the relatively recent spate of Zombie movies. They all start with a disease pandemic and end with mindless world-wide anti-human carnage at the hands of disease-created post-human mutants.

In 2020, the Zombie disease escaped Hollywood (or more likely was intentionally released) and went viral in the real world. It was taken live on the streets of America’s cities by the Marxist lesbian founders of Black Lives Matter and their White Antifa co-religionists whose ranks are peppered with sexual deviants of all stripes. It was taken live in the public schools and colleges by the armies of “Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network” (GLSEN) activist teachers and administrators. It was taken live in the corporate boardrooms and newsrooms and Big Tech war-rooms by legions of Woke Social Justice Warriors who have infiltrated all our key institutions like malignant spike proteins swarming through the organs of a “vaccinated” host.

Federale #crackpot

This is quite unlike what happened on January 6th, 2021 when a mostly peaceful group of protestors entered the Capitol Building to protest the fraudulent election of Joe Biden. Most protestors were allowed into the building and behaved with decorum. However, since then the protest was likened to an insurrection, though no one has been charged with that, most of those arrested have been charged with minor misdemeanors, with many pleading guilty and receiving little or no time, as any first offense of most Federal crimes carry little or no time in prison. However, there was some minor violence and some broken windows.

However, as the left likes to say, there is no death sentence for trespassing. One must recall though that there has been only one death of a rioter, looter, or protestor at the hands of police resisting riots since the George Floyd riots kicked off, that was Babbitt. And note that even when terrorists from Antifa were using firebombs, rocks, spears, pepper spray, and other deadly weapons against Federal, State, and local law enforcement, notably in Portland, Washington, DC, Seattle, Oakland, and other cities, not one has been shot. Why, because current riot control policy used throughout the nation does not allow for shooting looters and rioters, including policy from the DOJ!

Trayvon Martin was a deadly threat to George Zimmerman as he bashed Zimmerman’s head on a concrete slab. Ashli Babbitt was climbing through a window.

Unnamed Zemmour supporters #wingnut #psycho

The videos, revealed on Twitter by the Young Guard – an anti-fascist group – and by Mediapart, show a man wearing a "Ben voyons" cap, a turn of phrase used by Eric Zemmour meaning "let's see" that has become a slogan by his fans, who were filmed practicing with a sniper rifle

"Who are we going to beat up now? The young leftists, the young communists, the young mental black people?", the young man laughs, before firing a large calibre gun.

The man, feigning surprise, looks into the rifle's sight and exclaims – "Ah, Emmanuel Macron" – and fires a second shot
Zemmour responded to the videos in a statement: "You are not part of my supporters, nor my militants, and even less of my friends. I condemn in advance anything you do in my name during my campaign. I don't want your support or your help"

In another video shot at the same location, another young man targets former France Insoumise spokesperson Raquel Garrido

He explains that he is "practising hunting wild Garrido" before firing and then firing a second time, referring to her husband, LFI MP Alexis Corbière

In the same sequence, the man openly imagines himself shooting at "antifas and leftists", as well as people of North African origin. "There are Algerian and Moroccan flags, I saw them there, so we'll rush to shoot," he says

According to the newspaper Libération, which had access to his private Instagram account, until recently he presented himself as "military" and "Catholic"

Pbuckley #wingnut #racist

I am trying not to get too political over here, but I feel the need to share this statement on all of my social media.

Proof of widespread Racism in America, BLM and ANTIFA murder over 30 Blacks in the Summer of 2020, no one is charged. One biracial good Samaritan defends himself against 3 white assailants, the assailants are hailed as hero's while the biracial Samaritan is defamed as a murderer & a "White Supremacist" (despite being half Hispanic). A Pedophile, & Wife Beater are both more valuable than 5 children, and a retired police officer who was considered a pillar of his community. just 6 deaths among many. Why? Because the former where white leftists and the latter, where just a statistic. This is the true story of Kyle Rittenhouse, this is the story the legacy media wont tell you & mainstream Tech has memory holed as hard as it can. The verdict today was Justice, there was a time in our history where a Biracial youth would have been lynched for doing what Kyle did, but today his and every American's right to self defense was upheld in a court of law. That means everyone's regardless of Race, Creed, Sex, or Sexuality.

For those who read this, understand that this was justice, and anyone who tells you otherwise is just trying to keep us running scared from Vandals, Thieves, Murderers, & Rapists.

As for Kyle, let the young man alone, he has been thru enough. This trial was a sham that never should have taken place, as the case was open and shut self defense from the word go. It was only pushed because his assailants where leftist shock troopers. He deserves to live his life, hopefully significantly richer from the defamation law suits he has every right to press against almost every legacy media outlet and personality in the states. Hopefully he can even live out his dream of working as a firefighter (which is where he got his First Aid Training from).

Hunter Wallace #wingnut

[From "Charlottesville’s Statue of Robert E. Lee Will Be Melted Down"]

I don’t have much to say about this

This is a fitting end to “Charlottesville” though

This reflects the mindset of the woke progressives who live in Charlottesville

Back in 2017, I went there with the League of the South because I loved the statue and opposed the people who wanted to tear it down. I’ve been to Southern heritage rallies all over the South
New York Times

The City Council of Charlottesville, Va., voted on Tuesday to donate a statue of Robert E. Lee to an African American heritage center that plans to melt the bronze monument[…]

But this is the sort of people we are dealing with

If for nothing but the sake of fostering social cohesion, they could have easily moved the statue to some other town or city in Virginia, but to these leftist radicals “The Cruelty Is The Point”

Do you remember when the mainstream Right made it out like we were the villains in Charlottesville? Marco Rubio and Mitt Romney said that Antifa were like the heroes who stormed the beaches of Normandy. We’ve since seen what these people have done to Richmond

As Robert Barnwell Rhett himself would have said, history will remember this as an act of abject hatred and bigotry. These people hate us far more than we do them. They hate White people. They hate Southerners. They hate American heritage in general, not merely Confederate monuments. They’ve demonstrated through their actions that everything we were saying about them in 2017 was true

Dissident Mama #wingnut #fundie #racist #conspiracy

“Southerners adhere to the basic tenets of orthodox Christian belief more than other Americans, even the general run of Catholics. Indeed, the South is the only Protestant society remaining in the world that is not post-Christian.”

Historian Dr. Clyde Wilson wrote these words more than a decade ago. Much has changed since then and much for the worse. In fact, it was Protestantism’s thrust toward “social justice” and away from biblical justice, toward virtue-signaling and away from real Christian virtue, toward the temporal and away from the eternal that eventually led me toward to the Holy Orthodox Church.
Dixians are what I have coined the archetype: the perpetual scapegoat in the oppressor/oppressed paradigm. Whatever the aggrievement and whether real or perceived, just plug him in and, voilà, corporate-media-fueled problem solved at least until another sacrifice is needed to the altar of secular-humanism.
This formula is key to the cultural-Marxist narrative, a poisonous ideology that Dr. Paul Gottfried aptly describes as “the total eradication of white Christian male society as it has existed up until now in the Western world.” This is why the postmodern “concept of socialism seems largely aimed at punishing the white Christian majorities in countries in which Antifa and other ‘antifascists’ have become significant forces.”
But let’s get real: the fellowship is the target of this calumny because the disunifiers see us as a threat to their encroaching fiefdom, where they have a growing and quite lucrative racket in keeping people scared and driving them apart. Good. They understand fully well that Orthodoxy is the last resistance against the Evil One. This is why the lies being pedaled in some quarters of the Orthosphere are not just an assault on Southern culture, family, and home — that’s the low-hanging fruit — but it’s an all-out war against the Church itself.

Padraig Martin #racist #crackpot #dunning-kruger #wingnut #sexist

[From "Liberators of the Occupied South"]

I am constantly annoyed by a painfully ignorant comment I stumble upon frequently – in some form or another – which generally states, “The Democrats started the Klan,” or “The AntiFa and the Klan – both Democrats in masks”
The original Ku Klux Klan were heroes – full stop. The Klan of 1865-1877 formed the first resistance against an aggressively antagonistic, radical Yankee occupying force. Organized at a local level, with almost no centralized support, the original Klan was initiated by elite Southern gentlemen[…]Someone needed to defend the Southern people, especially Southern women, and the Ku Klux Klan was born from that need
Reconstruction was brutal[…]It was exploitative and overwhelmingly cruel

Third, the Federal Government of the post-war era was heavily influenced by Marxists, especially 48er descendants from the Midwest and radical egalitarians from the Northeast. Their ideology played a key role in the barbarity that would be enacted upon the South[…]Picture degenerate AntiFa members with battalions of armed blacks now in charge of Southern towns with no governmental oversite and a disarmed and decimated local population
The second KKK was a pro-American entity versus a pro-Southern entity[…]More focused on the increasing influence of immigrants, especially criminal Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe[…]Deleterious impact of organized Northern Catholics – namely the Irish – who were undermining the United States with pro-labor union and progressive policies
The original Klan began as a lighthearted attempt to entertain townspeople in Pulaski, Tennessee, beginning around Christmas 1865. It would soon become a Southern resistance army
The original Klan was a fraternity of men, dedicated to the South and their Scots-Irish heritage

Various Commenters #conspiracy #elitist #quack #racist #wingnut

Africa is only 6% vaccinated, and covid has practically disappeared... scientists "baffled"

Almost nobody in Africa is getting "vaccinated" for the Wuhan coronavirus, and as a result there is almost no covid anywhere to be found on the continent. In Zimbabwe, nobody wears a mask, nobody is vaccinated, and life goes on as normal. "Covid-19 is gone," stated a man named Nyasha Ndou, who joked with reporters about how he keeps a mask in his pants "to protect my pocket."

For all intents and purposes, the Fauci Flu is gone from Zimbabwe, even without the injections. The only areas of the world seeing mass disease and death are those pushing the "vaccines"

Continued at

(tow man)
Our IQ's are too high.

Africans are like, "I dont see it, where is it?"

We are like, "Its there, but we cant see it!!! We have no real evidence it exists!!! But its there because science says its there!!!"

Im starting to think Africans are smarter than Whites.


Not the people that (((they))) are targeting for extermination.

Not yet. I expect a massive Ebola outbreak

In other words, stupid is as stupid does.

Who wins this intelligence contest: Africans, or white pro vaccine Antifa leftists. I say Africans.
(I am not impressed with certain members of my own race, nor with the communist Semites, who might also claim to be white.)

Neither am I. We have to remember that most African countries don't do any tests.
SA is in the front because whites want to travel.

Traveling or not blacks don't want it.

Two groups refuse the vaccine at the highest levels.
Very high and very low iq people.
The very high iq people use their brains and the low iq people use their gut instincts.


Justice for Yellow Van! #wingnut #dunning-kruger

I actually pictured the exact same thing, just not how the Histrionic, tantruming left is picturing it. Alucard is Trumpeters mocking the psychotic paranoid leftists. He could also be said leftists who don't care about SJW shit, but just wants to fuck shit up, are bored, and have a disturbing lack of empathy. Examples being Antifa and BLM, both being contradictory and hypocritical titles (show, don't tell). Integra is the majority of the world replying to said psychotics. And Millennium is the Alt-right, just taking the piss out of anyone who clutch their pearls, get their jimmies rustled, and are obsessed with thinking that Trump voters are Nazis and Klan members, regardless of no longer meaningful labels such as Republican or progressive Democrat.

Ed Martin #wingnut

Kyle Rittenhouse is a hero.

And what this country needs to understand, what people should care about is that Kyle Rittenhouse was one of the few people that ran towards the bullets in that summer of hell that was engineered. At this point, I think we can say engineered by the leftists who wanted to take down President Trump. Because is there a reason why this whole summer in the last four months, there was no rioting?

Did Black Lives Matter and antifa get all of their problems solved? I don’t think so. In fact, what we can say now is they used the summer of [2020]—they, meaning the left—to ‘fortify’ the election.

And my point here in setting that up is Kyle Rittenhouse was a completely—his conduct was completely consistent with what Americans should do. Stand up for the property, stand up for their towns, stand up for what’s happening. He is a hero—that’s true. Kyle Rittenhouse is a hero. Kyle Rittenhouse should be regarded as someone who did the right things.

He stepped up in a way that was, frankly, it was much more, it was much more worthy of praise than the tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of Americans that sat home and watched cities burn. By the way, I’m not at all inviting people to go get their guns and go out and shoot up the place. That’s not what happened to Kyle Rittenhouse. Kyle Rittenhouse was threatened. Kyle Rittenhouse’s life was in danger. Kyle Rittenhouse wasn’t a newbie to guns. He knew what he was doing, he knew how to handle it.

What happens a lot, a lot, in this country is that the left does crazy, terrible things, and then they get away with it. They rioted and burned cars on Inauguration Day 2017. None of them were charged. All those charges were dropped. And when Republicans—well, not Republican—when conservatives do something, they get charged, they get hung out to dry. Jan. 6 is an example. … This is another example.

Kyle Rittenhouse was trying to save his community. Kyle Rittenhouse was trying to protect property. Kyle Rittenhouse was in the great tradition of this country. But certainly, it was within his rights to do what he did. And the people that were burning down Kenosha and rioting and looting—they should be on trial.

What you need to know now is we—you and me, people that care—have to stand up for Kyle Rittenhouse. We have to be on his side.

Daniel Baranowski #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

Imagine if the Federal government, the Teacher’s Unions, the National School Boards Association, National Council on Family Relations, Democrat Party, Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, the National Media, including all social media platforms, and Radical Progressives in Congress focused their time and efforts on scolding Black Americans that “Blackness” is at the core of American “Racism?”

What if they insisted a person can be “Black” without giving in to “Blackness?” What if they demanded Blacks give up their misplaced Black Supremacy, including their Black Privilege & Black Fragility. After all, they dominate most amateur and professional sports in America and much of the entertainment industry.

So you ask, why would the so-called Progressive Left do such a thing! Wouldn’t this be completely opposite of what they believe and preach? Well, yes it would be. But for the Left, political ideologies are like clothes; when the weather changes, so do their dressing habits. If they thought a 180-degree change in ideology is what they needed to win and stay in power, they’d turn so fast you’d likely suffer a severe whiplash by just watching.

So, in ten years, who’s to say that the Left won’t change their minds on Whiteness versus Blackness?” But for now, The Democrats have moved so far Left that if the political world were indeed flat, they’re as far Left as they can go before falling into a dark and endlessly deep abyss.
Because Whites are the majority race in America, the Democrats are doing everything in their power to topple their numerical position. They attack White people, who, through no fault of their own, are White, not Black, Brown, or any other racial skin color.

President Biden’s efforts to conquer Whiteness is second only to insisting every American must be vaccinated against COVID-19. If Dr. Anthony Fauci could develop a vaccine against Whiteness, this preposterous drug would also be a top-listed mandatory injection.

speculareffect #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

Way back, I wrote this article explaining the very fact that police brutality (which is very real) isn’t race-based at all. They will fuck your white ass up, too, without hesitation.

I later wrote this article indicating that I was torn when it came to backing the blue.

Today, I no longer subscribe to the COPAGANDA and I see police officers for the violent, ZogBot, idiotic morons that they truly are.
Now, there is a marked difference between ACAB (All Cops are Bastards) and ACAR (All Cops are Racist). The latter is patently false and is a myth conjured up and perpetuated by Jews and the Jewish lamestream media. As iterated earlier, ACAB, because police brutality doesn’t give a shit about your race and they have a license to kill you.
Were we as citizens, allowed to exercise our rights under the constitution; to form or own security firms and private militia, absent the interference of the state, there would be no need for cops. Instead, we are criminalized for adhering to the constitution and are essentially told that only cops have the right to use deadly force, under any circumstances.
Abolishing the police is necessary and I do not mean this in the way BLM does, which is, niggers should be left to commit violent crimes, agress and violate others, without consequences.

Many an idiot will have the nerve to posit the argument that cops are necessary to maintain law and order. Give me a fucking break. The cops are here now and there’s still chaos.

These fucks were ordered to spitefully stand down and allow roving bands of niggers and Antifa members to destroy cities. Just as how they can and were ordered to stand down, these road pirates can and will be ordered to put their knees in your necks, if and when you refuse the death jab.

What causes these cops to act like power-tripping faggots? They usually are low IQ, emotionally unstable, mangina men, with inferiority complexes, who were unpopular in high school.

Steven Beckow #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #quack

They have imposed fake solutions like the COVID injections of poison elements, which is most dangerous, altering the Human DNA with RNA and thus eliminating the human body from its own natural immune function of battling illness. This alone can cause the loss of life in the future of up to 70% of all those persons who have taken the fake vaccines promoted by all means of media under the control of the same cabal illuminati oligopolists.
They at this Time, transporting large Armies of foreign UN and Chinese Military to complete the Works of Death, Desolation, and Tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty and Perfidy, scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous Ages, and totally unworthy to Head of a civilized Nations. Their tools of choice include leadership of Federal Government Agencies such as the CDC, FDA, UN, CCP, and agencies CIA, FBI, MI6, with Government authorities in Central Banks robbing all sovereignty of nations and its people.
They have excited domestic Insurrections amongst us with Black Lives Matter and Antifa movements of violence, and have endeavoured to bring on the Inhabitants of our communities, cities and government, the merciless Rule of Warfare, is an undistinguished Destruction, of all Ages, Sexes and Conditions.
We, therefore, the Representatives of the UNITED “STATES” OF AMERICA, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of this great nation, solemnly Publish and Declare, That these United “States” are, and of Right ought to be, Free and Independent States; that they are absolved from all Allegiance to the oligopolists, cabal illuminati secret societies, and that all political Connection between them in the United States and Abroad, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent United States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent countries may of right do.

Linda Harvey #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #racist #sexist

Meanwhile, authentic risks stalk our children daily at school, in the media and elsewhere. How about a little perspective here? Can I get an Amen?
We are living in times of strong delusion. It’s probably not The Strong Delusion of 2 Thessalonians, but a veil of deception has apparently descended on much of America, and its name is “safety.”

Government warning labels on everyday life or low-risk activities are becoming tiresome. One young girl in Northern Kentucky spoke against masks at a school board meeting, invoking “my body - my choice,” and was backed by overwhelming audience applause.

But Scripture is unfolding before our eyes, where evil is good, and good is evil.
If they had been totally masked Antifa or Black Lives Matter activists setting fires and smashing windows, Kamala Harris would already be raising money for their defense. Destructive progressive protests are indulged because as we know (or are supposed to believe), white, heterosexual privilege is horribly damaging, it’s omnipresent along with the horrors of capitalism, probably even at this library. And it deserves random violence.

In this same library in recent weeks, prominently displayed books entice children into sexual behavior in all directions. They can and often should change genders (which usually brings lifelong medical disability and disfigurement). And our youth should consider being “gay” or “queer,” behaviors associated with high medical risks.
Incorrect pronouns are an existential threat, along with abstinence-until-marriage sex education. And questioning a confused student’s opposite sex identity is “gender violence,” according to the latest edition of the National Sex Education Standards.

Administering puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to gender confused children constitutes no harm but “saves lives,” according to the latest “best-practices” in medicine. Hippocrates is rolling over in his grave.

shewolfoffrance #conspiracy #crackpot #moonbat #sexist #transphobia

RE: Message from Central California Women’s Facility (via WoLF) — Male neo-Nazi gang members are now encouraging each other to transfer into women’s prisons by identifying as trans.

Can't wait to see what Antifa is going to do to protect women, many of whom are victims of racial prejudice in the justice system, from Nazis (literal Nazis, not moms who don't want men wagging their penises in front of children).

They are not going to do anything. They "defend" categories only if it' s trendy, it' s not trendy to defend women, but it is trendy to defend men who call themselves women, regardless of the reason why they do it.

Nazis "identifying" as women will be the poor victims of bigotry, even when they rape, kill and torture biological women in prisons.

I think it would go down much the same way as Chris Chan. Mainstream media outlets will ignore the story, TRAs will be up in arms about pronouns and ignore the female victim, and a few TRAs will try to claim the Nazi rapists "were never really trans."

They will call it a hoax and say it never happens and when confronted with evidence they will say “oh but it hasn’t happened a lot” and so forth and so on

They'll go full rape apologist too. They'll claim the sex was consensual and the woman was lying.

About 60% of the women's prison population in California are women of color. Black women in particular are severely overrepresented. You'd think there'd be some concern from the people who claim they believe black lives matter about subjecting black women who have likely already experienced a lot of injustice and abuse in their lives to violent white supremacist males. But you know there won't be.

It seems like a lot of Antifa kids are young, white, middle-class men larping as radicals. Young men picking fights and destroying property for fun is the oldest story in the book. The veneer of social consciousness is new, but I don't think it reflects any deeply held beliefs.

Linda Harvey #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia #homophobia #racist #sexist

Where is authentic justice? Authentic science? A trustworthy election? Why do even the courts frequently fail to enforce the law?

Our new rulers seem to be an alliance of fellow travelers representing radical sexual politics, hard-core feminism and race hucksterism, with Democrats at their back, Big Tech/media as their watchdogs and Antifa as their muscle.

What could possibly go wrong with a marriage like this?

When you strip away all the rhetoric, there’s one essential driver in the hearts of these subversives.

They hate God. They hate the followers of Jesus Christ, they hate Judeo -Christian Western civilization, and they will distort us, silence us and even come after us-- whatever it takes to eliminate our voice and influence.

And these mutineers are a clear and present threat to the safety and well-being of children, based on their own words and actions, even as they endlessly virtue signal.
But where these child corrupters are successful, impressionable youth will absorb the most destructive messages justifying racist, anti-business, anti-police, anti-Christian, anti-heterosexual street action.
If they were to be totally honest, here’s the real motive: “I hate heterosexuality, and male/female biology, because I hate my own parents, especially my father. I hate the innocence and purity of children and have an intense desire to sully them. I hate white people because I link them to Christianity. And I hate God the Father and His son, Jesus Christ, and I don’t want my sins saved. I love my sin and I will lie, cheat, distort and even commit violence to try to eliminate this voice from my world.”

This is what unchecked sin does to humans. We are all vulnerable. Our problem now is that we are, by government fiat, honoring proud sin and punishing virtue. This spells doom for America, unless we turn it around. But that must be done carefully, avoiding innocent casualties.

VenandiArt #wingnut #dunning-kruger

Anybody who's caught the satire that appears from time to time in Syndicate Wars stuff, can probably guess that I am not the biggest fan of government or police. Violent enforcement against nonviolent, non-contractual behavior (the overwhelming majority of police action) is aggression—it is assault and kidnapping—and I oppose it outright.

But how can anyone go into public with the stated and/or executed intent to...

- destroy property;

- steal property;

- prevent people from moving freely;

- attack people for wrongthink;

- murder people (usually black people, and in far greater numbers than American police have ever committed);

- set fires (sometimes to buildings with people inside);

- topple historical landmarks;

- trash neighborhoods in ways that disproportionately affect minorities and the poor;

- and overthrow a constitutional republic...

...and then act surprised and indignant when they get their infantile asses thrown in jail?

Clown World.

This isn't #fascism, and #BlackLivesMatter (the organization) and #Antifa aren't fighting fascism. They are in fact, and ironically, fascistic themselves.

What this is, is cause and effect, the consequences of bad behavior.

Conservapedia #conspiracy #crackpot #wingnut

[Entry for “Black Lives Matter”]


While most innocent protesters have unwittingly marched under the banner of an anti-American subversive organization, the truth is the organization has been infiltrated by the violent Antifa terror organization. Antifa has acted as provocateurs at BLM demonstrations, turning them into riots. The group's leadership is working in close consultation with Antifa and other Marxist groups dedicated to the violent overthrow of the United States system of government.

It was the Summer of Love until Black Lives Matter protesters started murdering Black Lives Matter protesters. BLM protesters murdered two African Americans in Seattle's Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, including a child, and Black policemen in St. Louis and Oakland. BLM protesters murdered an 8-year-old Black girl in Atlanta, and a Black man. A one-year-old Black toddler was murdered while sitting in a stroller in the BLM violence. A journalist was murdered by a Black Live Matter protester in St. Louis. In Davenport, Iowa BLM protesters murdered another protester. In Madison, Wisconsin BLM homophobes beat up and left for dead a homosexual state senator. Churches were set on fire. Most, and virtually all in some areas, BLM terrorists are privileged white liberal, progressive, socialists and Communists. Many if not most Blacks soon tired of white liberal Communists explaining to them why their lives mattered. Democrat mayors and governors did nothing and stood by and watched while white liberal socialists burnt down Black communities and business districts in the name of "Black Lives Matter."

Andy Ngo #wingnut

[Note: Andy neglected to mention the various Proud Boys who were brandishing firearms and pepper spray at this “protest” with the quiet blessing of the police, documented here: ]

At the violent antifa protest outside the Wi Spa in Los Angeles on Saturday, antifa surrounded & hit a woman with a skateboard. A small group had gathered to protest the spa over an incident where a person allegedly exposed their penis to women & girls.

SlavicPrideaccount97 #conspiracy #racist

RE: "A protest for the Roma person who died after a police intervention was supposed to happen in Prague. Nobody came"

They often fly in antifas from Germany or Sweden to go to protests in countries like Czechia and Poland. I guess the flights were cancelled because of COVID lol

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