useful idiots

Mick Williams #fundie

They call him Orange Man, a president whose every word triggers them into paroxysms of hysterical rage. Yet these enemies of freedom are no bigots. They label him a sexist akin to the religious death cult they champion; a baby-killer who would deny women their "reproductive right" to infanticide; he's all the evils unknown on their side. Doubters have merely to check with their pet media.

Who are these modern masters of hypocrisy? They're the legacy of the old Soviet Bloc, who, failing to defeat us on the battlefield, planted the seeds of internal rot. So brilliant has been its success that the Cultivators are now turning on each other; so complete has been their descent into lunacy that some of their own are being scared straight. A worried Russian president, in fact, insists that liberalism is harmful to the host, hoping to forestall the complete collapse of the disease.

The Dregs, known to Russia as "useful idiots", are those the state has divorced from the Good Book. Lacking absolute truth, their moral compass is a weather vane duck with spinning wings, blown about by the hot breath of that old serpent they'll never see. After all, no heaven equals no hell in the algebra of the left.

A certain "wealthy financier" laments that the president is dismantling the New World Order. Sensing his re-election, certain Middle East actors are making overtures of peace. Nor is an EMP attack likely, since the Illuminati need the internet. Time to relax? Not according to those who like to quote "at a time ye think not", when all seems normal and prosperous. The sudden absence of millions will likely crash a house-of-cards economy propped up by a rapidly withdrawing Restrainer. It's a crisis tailor-made for a man waiting in the wings, stage left, in The Twilight Zone.

(Accompanied by a photo of Rod Serling, not included here)

Erik Rush #fundie

Erik Rush: Gays Aligned With ISIS

WorldNetDaily pundit Erik Rush writes today that gay rights activists and ISIS are both persecuting Christians, just with “a different methodology.” While ISIS is attempting to carry out an anti-Christian genocide, Rush claims that gay people in America are using the “gratuitous proliferation of homoerotica” to push “the disenfranchisement of Christians.”

“Progressive power players hate Christians because we threaten their power, and the true-believing useful idiots hate Christians because they’ve been taught that we wish to place impediments upon their freedom to be self-destructive, unregenerate hedonists,” he writes.

“It says a lot that so many liberal Americans have decided to stand with abject animals, men who are capable of the most heinous, disgusting, depraved war crimes imaginable, and against their own countrymen and women who happen to be Christians.”

“Obama has more than a nodding acquaintance with all things gay,” Rush says while linking to a WND article about Obama’s secret “gay life” and also claiming Obama is a Muslim: “Finally, addressing the Islamist horde that has promised to raise its flag over the White House: In a sense, it has already been done.”

But Rush has a solution: “Now more than ever, I believe it is apparent that progressivism cloaks with its innocuousness and faux egalitarianism a doctrine that should be stigmatized and disenfranchised, employing the same commitment with which we addressed segregationism.”

Gina Miller #homophobia #fundie

It may be too little, too late for freedom and marriage in the United States. For many years now, the foot soldiers of the militant homosexual movement have labored tirelessly to infiltrate all the institutions of our nation and spread their vile campaign to "mainstream" perverse sexual behavior in our nation. They have taken one Christian business after another to court to force the violation of conscience on these people who resist their evil efforts. They have injected their lying, pro-homosexual propaganda into public school curriculums all across the nation. They have portrayed in schools and media and entertainment products a false, positive picture of homosexual relationships. They have managed to get their men on court benches across the land in positions of power in our federal, state and local governments. And because there has been very little push-back from anyone, they are succeeding.

I have repeatedly warned that the goal of this radical sexual anarchy movement is not what its members purport. It is not for "equality," "anti-bullying" or legitimate "civil rights." It is to abolish all public opposition to the in-your-face expression of homosexuality and related behaviors (like "transgenderism") and the destruction of the meaning of marriage. This is a back door way to crush our God-given, constitutionally protected rights to freedom of religion, speech, conscience and association. The Godless Marxists who have infiltrated our nation's power structure have long wanted to subdue the American people under the tyranny that is so common throughout the world and human history, yet the system our Founders put in place has been a strong bulwark against such oppression. In the militant homosexual movement, these budding tyrants have found the tool they need to destroy our freedoms through increments of judicial malfeasance, leading to bad law and regulation, such as non-discrimination dictates that protect sexual deviants at the expense of the real rights of the American people.

In danger are the freedoms of all Americans who oppose being forced to accommodate or participate in any aspect of homosexual expression and counterfeit marriage; however, it is mainly Christians who take a bold stand against this movement and the rest of the sin-laden rot that has infested our culture. That's why I say it is chiefly the rights of Christians that are the target of this satanic movement, although anyone who opposes it stands to lose their God-given rights as well.

We are set to watch the Supreme Court possibly issue the "unquestionable" imposition of same-sex "marriage" on the United States. If that happens, we will be on the fast-track to tyranny. It will become illegal to oppose homosexual expression and counterfeit marriage in any way. If the Court does this, it will effectively abolish the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. Do not imagine for a minute that churches will be exempt. They won't. These tenacious sodomite tools of the devil will not rest until even churches are forced to accommodate the slaves of the infamous crime against nature and nature's God. Even then, they won't stop their hellish crusade to establish a dominant Sodom West in these terrible last days.

So, what's the answer? What do we do? Just bend to the evil will of our degenerate culture and lawless courts? No. We are entering a time of trial and fire unlike any seen in the history of the United States, and its power goes well beyond the schemes of the "useful idiots" of the radical homosexual movement. The persecution of Christians in the U.S. has only just begun, as Satan's global, last-days regime falls horribly into place.

Deep Doo #racist

The deep state defined as a state within a state is a good way to look at it. Collective Israel, Jews in positions of power, are the deep state. Of course Wikipedia or USA Today won’t say that.

Department heads, CEOs, chiefs of staff, billionaires, and similar Jews in high places run the world’s governments and influential institutions, especially secret agencies like the FBI, CIA, NSA. Prophecy as far back as Genesis made predictions about Levi, the father of Judaism, and his secrets -

Gen 49:5-6 GNT - Simeon and Levi are brothers. They use their weapons to commit violence. 6 I will not join in their SECRET talks, nor will I take part in their meetings, for they killed people in anger and they crippled bulls for sport.

The JWO spies, lieutenants, and underlings have a tight grip on the secret agencies. They prefer darkness to light, deceit to truth, secrecy to transparency. They hide their dark deeds or blame them on their enemies - Christians typically.

Richard Nixon probably didn’t realize the government, media, and institutions of power were so infected with Jews until he found out the hard way. Long after Nixon was dead, it came out that FBI Deputy Director Mark Felt was betraying Nixon to the Jews Media.

After keeping secret for 30 years his involvement with reporters Carl BernSTEIN and Bob Woodward, Felt admitted on May 31, 2005, to being the Watergate scandal’s whistleblower, “Deep Throat.”

Doing devilish deeds for the Jews is how folks like Felt get to the top of the heap. Felt’s deep state stuff is how he got to be Deputy Director of the FBI. Felt understood that deep state Jews were more powerful than Nixon.

As MA Rothschild infamously stated - Let me issue a nation’s currency and it won’t matter who the leaders are. Clever people with unlimited amounts of money can pull off nearly anything they set their mind to do.

Is Trump a useful idiot, a puppet who doesn’t know he is a puppet? Is Trump a Jew himself, a crypto Jew? Is Trump Jew-wise? Has Trump sold out to the Rothschild banksters who run the world? Is Trump in bed with Zionist Jews?

You can get a clue about what the Jews do by what they DON’T say. Take JFK for example. There have been lots of Jews media documentaries, movies, shows on the Discovery channel, TLC, History channel, PBS, etc, blaming Castro, Italian Mafiosos, Lee Oswald, Russians, and others for the murder of JFK.

But the media never blames the Jews for killing JFK. Never! The Jews media blames it on everybody but Jews. That’s just one more clue about who was behind the JFK assassination.

Somehow, Mystery Babylon - the Zionist Jews - will be overthrown as foretold in prophecy. But for Trump to be part of that overthrow seems unlikely because Trump was put in office by such Zionist Jews as Adelson and those identified in the RJN link above.

Arcy #conspiracy #wingnut #fundie #ufo

The Seven Degrees of Being Red Pilled

Zero-degree: Blind-trust in the mainstream media, government and the so-called "experts". Sheeple are at this degree.

1st-degree: Vaccines are NOT safe and effective.

2nd-degree: Big Pharma controls the Mainstream Media, politicians, academia and public health officials. Public Health officials LIE about the safety of vaccines and drugs.

3rd-degree: COVID is a depopulation agenda via the clot shots.

4th-degree: COVID is a hoax and one of the motives for the fake pandemic was to cover up imminent global financial collapse due to massive global debts and a derivatives Ponzi scheme.

5th-degree: Globalists (Illuminati/cabal/Satanists/Freemasons) control the modern world via the central banks. (Those who control the money supply control the world. The Illuminati create fiat currency out of "thin air" as debt, which is owed to them instead of allowing governments to issue debt-free currency on their own!) The Illuminati is comprised of a small group of elite "bloodline" families and their minions who number in the millions, which includes the WEF. The system is organized as a pyramid and the vast majority at the bottom are "useful idiots".
6th-degree: Many "conspiracy theories" (e.g. 911, JFK, PizzaGate, Franklin Cover-up, NASA/Fake Moon Landings, AIDS, chemtrails, etc.) are valid after all. Lots of official history and science (e.g. CO2 hysteria) are fraudulent.

7th-degree: Who is really at the top of the cabal? There are 3 options:

Lucifer leads the cabal. The Bible is real and we are in the End Times per Revelations. In this scenario, deaths via the clot shots are akin to satanic human sacrifice.
Non-human lifeforms (aliens, other-dimensional beings) influenced human history and perhaps even created us. They still control the cabal to this day.
Higher degrees may exist as well. But I'll never know unless I obtain the 7th degree.

Bill Muelenberg #wingnut #conspiracy

One of the most frightening and characteristic features of a police state is the terrible occurrence of being woken in the middle of the night by state security forces. Whether it was Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, or Mao’s China, this was an ever-present reality and fear for many millions of ordinary citizens.

No one was safe. At any time the police forces could be at your door, and the next thing you know you are dragged off by the authorities, often never to be seen again. And usually absolutely no crime was committed – it is just that the state saw you as a threat to their existence.

Of course millions of people were rounded up in such totalitarian societies, and millions were killed. Individual dignity, humanity and freedom meant nothing to these ugly statists. Only the good of the Fatherland or the New Man or the utopian state or whatever mattered.

We soon will celebrate the 70th anniversary of D-Day, in which brave lads from the free world sacrificed their lives to put an end to such tyranny and injustice. The horrible reality of Nazi Germany had to be resisted, and countless lives were lost to keep the world free of such evil.

But the almost unthinkable is now happening: the once free world is well on its way to becoming another police state. Even though so many lives were lost and so much blood was shed seven decades ago, it seems that we have not learned the lessons of history.

Instead, we are simply repeating its mistakes. I have been warning for decades now – to mostly deaf ears unfortunately – that we in the West are headed in a very precarious direction. But the loss of freedoms and the restriction of our liberties are not happening overtly, but covertly.

And the means by which democracy is slowly but surely disappearing are very sneaky, incremental, and piece-meal. We don’t even know it is happening. Indeed, it is often occurring through what seems to be all rather sensible and necessary legislation.

Thus we have things like anti-discrimination laws; equal opportunity legislation; racial and religious vilification acts; and so-called hate speech laws springing up everywhere in the West. Again, they sound like they might be useful things to have, but they are mostly nefarious laws which are mainly aimed at silencing unpopular people with unpopular opinions.

The forces of political correctness – most notably the radical homosexual lobby and the Islamic lobby – have used these laws to silence all opposition to their causes. My new book will document hundreds of examples of this happening at the hands of the radical homosexualists.

Indeed, my recent time in Europe and England greatly alarmed me. The iron fist of the homosexual juggernaut is utterly frightening to behold. The ordinary citizen seems to be quite powerless to resist it in any way. Any faulty (non-PC) thought or speech is quickly and mercilessly pounced upon by the militant homosexual activists and their stooges in the state apparatus.


We are all at risk now. Of course some people will not suffer in the least. Those cowardly and compromised Christians who urge us to just get along with, and accommodate ourselves to, the homosexual agenda, or the creeping sharia agenda, will not be in any trouble.

Their craven appeasement and capitulation will put them in good standing with the activists – at least temporarily. But when these militants really get into power, especially the Islamists, the first ones to lose their heads will be these “useful idiots,” as Lenin referred to them.

Friends, we are in a war. Every day the other side is getting further emboldened to carry out their fascist agendas. And all the while, most Christians are snoozing right through all this. They don’t seem to know and they don’t seem to care. And they have blood on their hands as a result.

#1920357 #fundie

"The average Muslim =/= an ISIS extremist. Why is that too hard to understand?"

Oh good argument, let me try:

"The average Nazi =/= soldier/killer of Jews. Why is that too hard to understand?"

"The average communist =/= Khmer Rouge or FARC fighter. Why is that too hard to understand?"

Won't somebody think of the "moderate" Nazis and communists?

I mean, I thought sane people judged an ideology by two things: its leaders, its doctrines, not by the masses of followers some of which may or may not be devout, may or may not be just naive useful idiots who don't realize what they're actually supporting.

Moderate Muslims are NOT in any way shape or form proof that Islam is a peaceful religion any more than moderate communists (many of which you can probably find on any college campus) or "peaceful" Nazis (not even neonazi actually goes out to kill black people, many are just superficial nazis who think it's "cool" to be one) are proof that these two ideologies are benign.

Beau Toxx #racist

The African-American community (97% and 95%), including Hank Aaron, voted twice for an un-vetted, inexperienced, unqualified, incompetent President with a hidden past, corrupt colleagues, and indiscrete personal indulgences. The African-American community's overwhelming vote and support was and is based solely on the color of Barack Obama's skin and nothing else. I would like Mr. Aaron to explain who didn't get the memo; "judge an man on the content of his character (and qualifications), not the color of his skin." Republicans? Whites? Really?! I would also like to remind Mr. Aaron that the founders of the KKK were Dixie Democrats, the governor who stood in the doorway of the University of Alabama to prevent segregation was George Wallace, a Democrat. Democrats overwhelmingly voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act, including Al Gore's father! The South had historically been Blue states!Finally, Mr. Aaron please don't taint you reputation in your old age by being a "useful idiot" of the Progressive/Marxists.

various commenters #transphobia

RE: Let's be clear
( Hex )
Transsexual and transvestite become dirty words because no one would abide for "transing" kids if that's what it meant. SJWs would not ever say out loud "I helped my kid become transvestite!" They would get 0 social justice points, CPS would be called.

And they need to recruit young people because they are easier to groom, and also without young people in this "movement" they would be seen as the dirty old limp d1cks they are.

( FeminismIs4Women )
Thats why the words need to be brought back.

Transsexual and transvestite are not slurs they are accurate discriptions. The bad associations come from the association with paraphilas so they needed a rebrand.

Young people also make their movement look both more wholesome and more valid. The photogenic face of body mutilation. A boy who has been put on puberty blockers and hormone since childhood is a much more acceptable face of trans women than hulking guy with a lantern jaw and a beard.

Although over time maybe that will change slightly as there seem to be so many young women on testosterone who need to use zimmer frames because their bodies are being slowly destroyed.

If you are going to put your kid on the path to sterility then yeah, you should have to defend why you think your child is a transexual. They should be honest because that is what they are saying.

( DurableBook )
I've harped on this before, but seriously I wish everyone would stop talking about "inclusive restrooms" and instead call them what they are: unisex.

Some people want single sex facilities to be available. It is definitionally impossible to have a single-sex facility that is open to both sexes. It's not that I "want to exclude transwomen," it's that if a transwoman is using the same restroom as me then by definition that restroom is not single-sex.

Turns out if you refer to single-sex versus unisex facilities, pretty much everyone comes to the same conclusion: unisex is fine in many cases, but there are also times when single-sex should be available. Golly whoda thunk.

( Thelnebriati )
People who want to queer society come from a position of privilege, and are either dangerous or useful idiots. Remove the barriers and the most dangerous types are the ones to benefit. The rest of us are left to fend for ourselves as best we can.

agenda21 #conspiracy

The criminal cartel (Council for Foreign Relations, NeoCons) that has taken control of the United States, supported by their gangster pals in Israel, London, Berlin, etc. etc., have decided to end all viable Nation-States in the Middle-East.
Any Nation that opposes Israel or refuses to follow US dictates is to be reduced to 'failed state status'. Like Iraq and Libya, Syria is earmarked for perpetual poverty, squalour, violence, mayhem and abject misery, under the boot of the Western controlled warlords in ISIL and the like.
The Syrian people, with the support of Russia, have, so far, managed to withstand the onslaught of the Western trained, armed and funded 'terrorist' thugs. Should al-Assad be toppled, Iran is next in line for the 'treatment'.

Despite the disgusting propaganda of the vast bulk of the MSM, and the frantic efforts of the 'useful idiots' and idiotic trolls. Most of the people in Britain and America do not support the criminal actions, and intentions, of the cretins in power.

talknic #conspiracy

Simple. Alan Dershowitz is probably compromised.

The Zionist Federation have had over a century to practice the art of of grooming their people, money, favor. Encouraging debt and indebtedness and getting the dirt on those they might need at some time in the future. Carefully making sure their influence and people are moving in the right circles to suit their cause.

Circles where there’s plenty of opportunity for Marcs and Jareds to meet Chelseas and Ivancas and for the Dershowitz’s to advance their careers as long as they toe the Zionist line. One step out of place and they’re dead in the water, discarded, ruined or, as with Rabin and I dare say even Sharon, murdered

By comparison to the Zionist Federation, we’re all newbies, way behind the eight ball. All state governments change. Their policies change. Their priorities change. Their alliances change. US Presidents have an eight year tenure max. A mere blip. Dershowitz is just another useful idiot

Various Commenters & Unnamed Shopkeepers #conspiracy #racist #wingnut

RE: "We do not serve Czechs" signs in shops in the vicinity of the Polish Turów mine after Czechia sued Poland due to negative effects of mining activities

Officially EU is acting on behalf of the Czechs. But aren’t the Czechs just useful idiots in Eu’s eco terrorism? Turów has been operating for decades. And it didn’t bother Czechs until EU started pushing it’s anti fossil fuels policies.

German mines are operating fine. It’s the East European countries that are constantly bullied about their emissions. A clever way to sabotage the energetic independence of smaller countries, sell more German wind and solar technology, and in general undermine the economies of countries like Poland rich in fossil fuel sources.

Im almost convicted this is the case. EU pressured us into 'agreement' to close our nuclear power plant. Except in the end we just didnt.

Now we are net exporter and also like 2nd most 'green' country on the planet, right after Korea.

This was initiated by some clerk in czech ministry. Probably over some bribe or side-profit.

Some random clerk can sue countries like that? What about the negotiations, where Poland was not cooperating at all? What about the people who have been protesting for years? 30 000 people are losing access to water sources and have to endure noise, dust and pollution. People should be angry at your authoritarian government, not the Czechs.

I would agree but why MY authoritarian goverment?

Instead of getting angry with random Czech people they should resist against the EU which did this and so many other bad things to them. The EU is not going to play fair because they are run by our enemies who want to destroy our people.

antitox #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #wingnut

Here's how moronic the whole climate change thing is. They are demonizing carbon with no thought that this is a carbon-based existence. So if all life is carbon-based and we go and wage war on carbon, then aren't we shooting ourselves in the foot? Everything recycles down here. The pressure underneath the ocean floor spews out oil into the ocean and the ocean recycles it daily. That is a natural function of the earth. If the earth did not recycle, we would be toast.

For example, they worry about air pollution (as well as many other things because they are just a miserable lot of people). Polluted air is heavier than pure air. If you shut down all factories and automobiles, then the polluted air will settle to the ground and it will recycle. In cities where pollution is a problem is because they keep pumping it into the air every day. The problems these crybabies whine about are not real.

Let's look at what God says:

Gen 8:22 "While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease."

So He's promising us that while we're here that He will ensure things continue so we can live. Notice He first said "seedtime and harvest?" This is a firm statement that He will keep the climate working normally so that we can grow crops - that we can farm and have food. If the climate ever got out of whack all life would perish eventually.

I mentioned very little here. There's a lot more that debunks this nonsense. The point is, they don't think anything through. They are just a bunch of parrots (useful idiots) that only follow the narratives they are given because they won't think for themselves.

So . . .I'm pro-carbon

Eric the Red #fundie

[Women entered the workforce the same time men did. It started back in the earliest days of humanity.]

That's cute, but we're talking about real jobs here.

Why do feminists (and their useful idiot manginas) hate math? Do you really think that you can flood the workforce with women and have a corresponding number of job openings magically appear? Reduce demand further by having less children and the problem exacerbates itself. "But the laws of supply and demand are unfaaaaaaaaaaair!" you whine. "The answer is MOAR GUBMIT! Look, I've got an MLK quote and everything!"

Rudd-o #wingnut #homophobia #psycho

Twitter has sent me a notification explaining why my account has been suspended. No strikes, no "delete this".

As you can see from the photo, the suspension is supposedly justified by a tweet of mine, pointing out that snitches often got executed in Communist regimes.

Twitter's assumption is easy to deduce: according to Twitter, I presumably support or desire people getting shot. This is the worst possible (and obviously false) interpretation of my message.

My tweet is a mere historical reminder that in Communism, the useful idiots are the first to be executed. The Twitter computer system, I assume, takes it to mean that I — merely the messenger here — am the hateful one.

Maybe we are living in fully-automated luxury gay schizophrenia.

Paul Helinski #conspiracy

Remington has been a primary and constant target of the fake media. And why? Because they are one of only a handful of names in American firearms that have mattered over the past two centuries. They matter today because the Remington 700 rifle and the Remington 870 shotgun are still pillars of shooting sports and self defense, and Remington is a name that people naturally associate with positive feelings about guns and shooting. Those Remingtons are made in Illion, NY by Americans, about 3,000 of them. There is little reason to attack Remington for anything, so they had to invent one.

A portion of the Walking Dead, and there are a heck of a lot more than 12 million of them, are what many have come to refer to as “Snowflakes.” They chose the left side of the fake news paradigm, and they are far easier to manipulate than the Walking Dead on the right (the ones who think arabs took down the twin towers and that the snooping security state makes them safe, and that global warming is a hoax, but that’s for another day). Snowflakes, who are generally the most intolerant of individuals, have bought hook line and sinker that if we just learn to be tolerant of each other, the world can become a utopia of peace and love. If you are not tolerant, you need reeducation, because something inside of you is broken. We don’t need guns. They are the source of the problem.

Lockstep for the Snowflakes is all that matters. Once they are told that guns are bad, that gun companies are bad and that people who support gun rights are bad, for them it is game over. Mark Twain once said “It is easier to fool someone than it is to convince them that they have been fooled.” There is no group of people in the history of civilization that have been more fooled than the Walking Dead, and the Snowflake variety has a natural inclination, it seems, to question nothing.

CBS is one of the news outlets that have filled their ranks with a hit team of agents specifically instructed to exploit the useful idiot Snowflakes on the left, and this past Sunday, they ran a piece on 60 Minutes yet again attacking Remington. As you will see in the link to Remington’s response, and my overview, with the support docs, the attack is unfounded, and fraudulent.


Remington’s response is extremely comprehensive if you regard the list of links. As a company, they cannot speak in the frank terms that you see here, (and I included the Sandy Hook stuff so they wouldn’t link to this or ask to hire me as a consultant), but I think they really should have taken the gloves off for this one. It is time for American’s to stand up and bang on the table and say no more fake news. No more false flags. No more hoax events to promote an anti-gun or any other agenda. The news is supposed to be objective. If you want to run a story that accidental discharges happen due to human error a lot, or that there are people who show up deer hunting with a rack of beer, have at it. But there is nothing wrong with the Remington 700, and there never was.

Sarah Vaughter #conspiracy

Multiple sclerosis is Lyme disease: Anatomy of a cover-up

Perhaps the biggest ongoing medical scandal of the past hundred years is the fact that it has been known since 1911 that Multiple Sclerosis is caused by a bacterium, and that the Big-Pharma-controlled medical-industrial complex covered this up in order to make money selling symptom relievers to MS patients. At the lower levels there is no cover-up at all, but simply human nature at work, as we wrote about here, to dispel the notion that we are “conspiracy theorists”. Since 1911, overwhelmingly much medical research has been conducted where living Borrelia bacteria were found in the brains of people who were diagnosed with MS.

Time and time again. By at least a dozen medical researchers. In at least ten countries. Since 1911 – the past one hundred years. Several older but also recent autopsy findings linked to in this article found that all deceased MS patients’ brains harbored living Lyme spirochetes. Even when tests, notorious for their large percentage of false negatives were used on living MS patients, staggeringly many tested positive for active Lyme borreliosis.

Then why isn’t this common knowledge? Surely, those thousands of MS experts and MS researchers can’t be all wrong?

Let’s examine the reality on the ground.

1. Multiple Sclerosis Societies.

Every Western country has at least one MS Society. Each of those tax-exempt societies typically receives tens of millions of dollars in funding from various sources, year after year. The people running those societies usually award themselves CEO-level salaries and run them as one would run a highly commercial corporation. Advertising is used to solicit funds but if you don’t read ads then you’ll bump into them, one day, begging you for money on the street. For all those billions that have been pumped over the decades in those hundreds of MS societies worldwide, not a single one has ever done anything really useful for MS patients. The worst that could possibly happen for the bosses of those setups is that the cause of MS would become known. A known cause would either mean the development of either a cure or at least better symptom relievers, and that would rapidly result in the obsoleteness of their money making machine – the chicken that lays the golden eggs if you will. Such MS societies are working in concert with MS “researchers” employed by Big Pharma.

2. Big Pharma.

Multinational pharmaceutical corporations are the only ones doing MS research nowadays, mainly using donations to MS societies. Those multinationals decide which researchers get the cash. Researchers wanting to test the postulation of bacterial etiology of MS are shunned as if they were crackpots. Big Pharma makes billions a year on MS symptom relievers and they trickle millions down to their footsoldiers, the “MS experts”. A cure would be a severe financial blow. Even more so, because there is strong evidence that many other neurological illnesses are caused by germs as well. Because due to the phenomenon of immune privilege there is an inadequate immune response in the brain and spinal cord, making these organs the ideal place for certain slow-dividing spirochetal bacteria to entrench, multiply and cause lesions. The entire concept of antibiotic-resistant, hard-to-test-for chronic CNS infections leading to a plethora of neurological syndromes has to be suppressed and what can’t be suppressed will be craftily discredited. Better to give every expression of a neurological infection its own name such as “MS”, “Alzheimers”, “Parkinsons,” “ALS” and “Fibromyalgia”. And fund armies of ignorant “experts” to obfuscate the issue, whilst boycotting, firing, censoring, smearing and suing those few real experts that refuse to stay in line. Big Pharma is in business to make money, and money is made when people are ill, not when they’re healthy. Anyone standing in their way is relegated to the sidelines. Patents are being bought and shelved so that cures will never see the light of day.

3. Patient advocacy groups.

MS patient groups are, without exception, populated with clueless individuals for the simple reason that those who did their homework and read the relevant research have been ostracized by the group. They always were and they always will, because that’s how group dynamics works. As soon as you insist on voicing an opinion outside of the mainstream, no matter how well argued – you’ll be an outcast, a pariah. They don’t want rogue activists, “lone nutters”, giving them a bad name. Also the advocacy groups are raking in the dough and are run by folks whose main concern is that membership dues are paid in time. No MS, no advocacy group. Of course if there ever will emerge a lobby group insisting on more microbiological research pertaining Multiple sclerosis, they’ll be branded “lunatic fringe” and their efforts will be in vain.

4. MS “experts”.

Those “experts” get away with calling themselves thus, because Big Pharma gives them their seal of approval in the form of research grants and medical media exposure. However they are only experts in doing exactly what Big Pharma wants them to do: Obscuring the cause of Multiple Sclerosis! In return, the “experts” get regular cash injections for their “promising research” and other goodies such as all-in holidays to exotic destinations. There never will be a cure for MS until the scandal breaks and new antibiotics are developed that work better than the few currently available antibiotics that cross the blood-brain barrier. As it stands, it has been more than twenty years ago since any new antibiotic was developed. As soon as it was found that Minocycline helped with MS, its manufacturer, Lederle, tripled its price.

After long consideration I came to the conclusion that at least a crucial part of this debâcle was due to a real conspiracy – mainly a conspiracy of silence of those few MS researchers bright enough to realize that the cause for MS has been known for at least a hundred years. As is always the case with medical cover-ups, it continues to exist due to a mix of ignorance, indifference, cowardice and corruption. The saying goes: “Do not attribute to malice that what can be adequately blamed on ignorance”. All the “experts” really are interested in is being “experts”, not curing Multiple sclerosis. However it still is a conspiracy. It is completely normal for conspiracies to succeed because the lion share of the people who could point it out don’t care, are too lazy to get educated or feel too intimidated to stick out their necks. Microbiologist Tom Grier calls them cowards. The fact that most conspiracies are silently facilitated by an army of “useful idiots” with a stake in it being kept under the rug does not make it any less a conspiracy.

Socrates #fundie

And not that the Beserk One cares, since he doesn't believe in any God anyway. But like a lot of misotheists, he's happy to use the likes of Bubba, QED and JJRamsey [Christians who accept evolution] as 'useful idiots' (Lenin's phrase) to help undermine Christianity by white-anting the very first book of the Bible.

Multan #fundie

The public thinks Trump will piss off the powers that be more than anything ever, and it looks like they're right. Sure, the immigration issue, not advocating WW III, and pledging to really put America's interests first were highly attractive, but the biggest attraction of Trump is that he is the F.U. candidate, and this was the F.U. election. He actually isn't worse so far, he's doing masterfully, and 90% in the right direction, with the rest being plausibly tactical moves. Continuous repetition of insults eventually starts to sink in no matter how contrary to truth. Trump has a much clearer picture of what is going on and what needs to be done about it than his critics, who are useful idiots for America's enemies and parasites, or are active enemies themselves. He also has far greater ability to execute his plans than his opponents.

His opponents in media and academia don't even realize that they were / are the powers that be, let alone that their salad days are over. They're going to get absolutely creamed by all the people they vilified, blacklisted, bankrupted, student-loan enslaved, discriminated against and sneered at. They don't have any inkling of the lasting strength of righteous wrath against them, that it isn't at all out of the question that they will be not only dispossessed as they have acquiesced in the dispossession of the American people, but executed: advocates of mass immigration, affirmative action, and of the many measures that suppressed the absolute and relative fertility of Whites (so causing exponential population decline , a.k.a. genocide) are all prosecutable today if you squint at the law a bit, and they won't have the judges on their sides much longer.

Actually Trump is just about their last chance to avoid the rope, once there starts to be violence from the right, once a large fraction of them think that there is no longer order to be preserved, that order has to be reimposed, you will see violence on a scale and with a level of coordination that the left cannot begin to match. If Trump is assassinated or removed from power, that will be the starting gun for a no-kidding, all-out genocidal civil war in which most of the current academic and media elites will likely die early on. Last chance. Trump is their only real friend in all the world. Spinners in the hands of an angry mob holding them forth over the fiery pit, will they repent?

Michael Hoffman #wingnut #homophobia #racist #conspiracy

have been asked to comment on the tempest in a teapot here in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho concerning the preemptive detention of thirty-one “white nationalist” so-called “Patriot Front” members on June 11, which has been reported across America and throughout the western world.

The players arrested fall into the category of (mostly) unconscious servants of the Leftist-Soviet imperium which is rapidly developing in the U.S. These "extras" from Central Casting help to Sovietize America by acting parts in the Cryptocracy’s script, like the patsies in Michigan ("Wolverine Watchmen") who were lured into the FBI’s plot to kidnap the Democratic governor of that state.

Apparently there is an endless supply of useful idiots and patsies willing to act out the Federal government's entrapment theatre, thereby further empowering the Far Left change agents who conspire to paint Idaho as a white racist redoubt (only one of those arrested was an Idaho resident), and further empower the LGBTQ ideology. They succeeded on both counts.
However, the nature of these government-infiltrated patsy groups is such that they operate at a level that is one magnitude above mental retardation. The Patriot Front is not anitfa. I suspect the members of the "Front" have zero legal resources.
Why does the Cryptocracy target north Idaho with these charades? Because we are a Christian Constitutionalist demographic and overwhelmingly so.

Ours is not a racist region. It is a place where Americans of all races are welcome to come and enjoy freedom to home school or enroll their children in multiple charter and private Christians academies. We are a state highly resistant to mask and vaccination mandates. We do not appreciate interdiction by Soviet-style bureaucrats who have made life miserable for freedom-seeking Christian families in places such as New York, Chicago, Seattle and Los Angeles.

GRUG #wingnut #conspiracy

Whatever Nazi’s Ukraine has (military / political) are useful idiots for Liberal Globalist Democracy. Ukrainian “Nazis” are fanatical about being Anti-Russian based on racial / ancestral animosity. Liberal Globalism takes advantage of retards to obtain control of governments. That’s pretty much it. The Neo-Nazi military force Azov Battalion is the shining example of Ukrainian Neo-Nazi’s retards. Tattooed up with swastikas.

JMcCarthy #fundie

[CEO Howard Schultz requests that customers no longer bring weapons into Starbucks stores.]

Howard Schultz is not the victim here. Schultz takes the profits from Starbucks and donates to Marxist democrats like obama and supports them any way he can which just makes him one of obamas 'Marxist community organizers' (destroyers). What others have said is true of those that patronize Starbucks: they are Marxists, Communists, Anarchists, America Haters, the Clueless Invincibly ignorant, Useful Idiots and 'rebels', with a cause (destroy America), who go there just to be with their "Own Kind" and plot against our Freedoms! The best reason for 'Open Carry' is to just Pi$$ off Progressives!

savagesusie #fundie

The schools are Marxist indoctrination centers and the Media is their reinforcement. These [Occupy Wall Street] mobs are products of books that deconstruct everything good about America and teach them that lies are “truth”: heather has two mommies;homosexual acts are “good”; capitalism is “evil”; feel good, do it; the idea of God is stupid and irrational; Che is a hero; all white men are rapists and oppressors; “colored” people are saints and good.

After years of lies, they can’t think. The ex-KGB in the 70’s said that they have inserted “cognitive dissonance” into the textbooks and after years of listening to the nonsense, it is virtually impossible for them to reason and use logic. That is why Michael Savage has said that leftists are mentally ill....he is right—these people are ignorant and have no foundation of logic and truth—they are irrational. Not only that, their immaturity level is that of a 5 year old.

They have been plied with “self esteem” and overprotectiveness for decades and removed from reality, and, therefore, made into useless crybabies. The men are de-masculinated and the women are taught to hate men and their own nature, bodies and children—so they can kill them. Lenin devised this plan for “useful idiots” and to destroy the natural family. He put in “daycares” and destroyed marriage contracts so the kids would be his alone.....just like mothers now have been conditioned to give up their children for indoctrination centers—forced into “work” that never includes raising and nurturing their own offspring who become easily emotionally manipulated and controlled and led into Marxist ideology. The US adopted Marxist-Leninism in the 50’s. Even established Stalin’s ‘Separation of Church and State’ then.

Mother and Fathers transmit knowledge and morality—and if they are not around 24/7 the institutions do it. They do not even raise their “children” anymore—they have allow the state to do it.

John Stuart Mill stated well over a hundred years ago....if you allow government schools to educate your will make slaves of them. They have no care except for power.

We need government OUT of education and to burn all textbooks...otherwise, we will get more stupid fools like those on wall street and at this museum.

Robert Heimdal/Total Pancake Guy #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

Yes, I know. At least one of these videos has already been posted here on Renegade at some point in the past. This is just a “reminder”, a sort of “back to the basics” thing if you will, to those who might have stumbled across this information recently while looking for “answers”. Such people were meant to end up at this juncture. All roads lead to the jew anyway… don’t they?

This clearly explains why there is an ongoing destruction of the demographic fibre of America (and Europe) in progress right now, some call it The Kalergi Plan. Make no mistake, one way or another the objective is White Genocide.

Just to make sure that some people understand who the real enemy is. It is not the “Paperclip Nazis” (as some gate-keeping operatives on the payroll would have us believe), it is not the reptilians, it is not the Greys from Zeta-Reticuli, etc-etc.

Still in doubt? just let these jews speak for themselves. From the same wonderful people who brought us the ‘Protocols of The Elders of Zion’
I think it is almost useless at this point to emphasize what scourge this “religion” (actually Saturnian death cult) known as “Judaism” has meant to humanity in the last 2,000 plus. Of course I have to include all its Abrahamic derivations, including Christianity. If in need of a deep dive I would definitively recommend Charles Giuliani’s Odysee channel to be found HERE.

Do I need to point out that such supremacist “religion” needs to be terminated if we are to survive on this planet?

That goes especially for those who call themselves “jews”. If you want to be “part of the solution” you have to get rid of this death cult and move on, or you will be terminated at some point eventually… just like the rest of us you so vehemently wish to destroy.

But why should I even bother saying all this? As the most brainwashed people on this Earth you are the biggest useful idiots.

Humanity will not be able to survive until this atavistic filth gets out of the way for ever.

There is no other way.

Socrates #conspiracy #racist #wingnut

Hitlerphobia: a Disease That You Catch from Jews and Their Useful Idiots

Hitlerism is making a comeback in Europe? If only! Maybe then we could save the West from the collapse that is coming. Newbies, the truth is, during WWII, the Western allies should have sided with the fascists, not the communists. Fascism is a Western ideology which actually works, despite its warts. Fascism’s opposing ideology, communism, is not a Western ideology, it’s a murderous, Jewish ideology, and of course it doesn’t work. Even Cuba couldn’t make communism work after the Soviet Union collapsed. It was forced to introduce some small measures of capitalism in order to survive. Don’t believe the Jewish/leftist lies about Hitler. Fascism isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, but at least it works, and more importantly, White nationalism is the only thing that will save the West.

Andre Vltchek #conspiracy

The excesses of the Great October Socialist Revolution and the pre-WWII era were systematically fabricated, exaggerated, and then engraved into the Western history textbooks and mass media narrative. In those tales, there was nothing about the vicious invasions and attacks coming from the West, aimed at destroying young Bolshevik state. Naturally, there was no space for mentioning the British, French, U.S., Czech, Polish, Japanese, German and other’s monstrous cruelties.

Soviet and Russian views were hardly ever allowed to penetrate the monolithic and one-sided Western propaganda narrative.

Like obedient sheep, the Western public accepted the disinformation it was fed with. Eventually, many people living in the Western colonies and ‘client states’, did the same. A great number of colonized people were taught how to blame themselves for their misery.

The most absurd but somehow logical occurrence then took place: many men, women and even children living in the USSR, succumbed to Western propaganda. Instead of trying to reform their imperfect but still greatly progressive country, they gave up, became cynical, aggressively ‘disillusioned’, corrupt and naively but staunchly pro-Western.

It was the first and most likely the last time in the history, Russia got defeated by the West. It happened through deceit, through shameless lies, through Western propaganda.

What followed could be easily described as genocide.

The Soviet Union was first lulled into Afghanistan, then it was mortally injured by the war there, by an arms race with the United States, and by the final stage of propaganda that was literally flowing like lava from various hostile Western state-sponsored radio stations. Of course, local ‘dissidents’ also played an important role.

Under Gorbachev, a ‘useful idiot’ of the West, things got extremely bizarre. I don’t believe that he was paid to ruin his own country, but he did almost everything to run it into the ground; precisely what Washington wanted him to do. Then, in front of the entire world, a mighty and proud Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics suddenly shook in agony, then uttered a loud cry, and collapsed; died painfully but swiftly.

A new turbo-capitalist, bandit, pro-oligarch and confusedly pro-Western Russia was born. Russia which was governed by an alcoholic Boris Yeltsin; a man loved and supported by Washington, London and other Western centers of power.

It was a totally unnatural, sick Russia – cynical and compassionless, built with someone else’s ideas – Russia of Radio Liberty and Voice of America, of the BBC, of black marketers, of oligarchs and multi-national corporations.

Is the West now daring to say that Russians are ‘interfering’ in something in Washington? Are they out of their minds?

Washington and other Western capitals did not only ‘interfere’, they openly broke the Soviet Union into pieces and then they began kicking Russia which was at that point half-alive. Is it all forgotten, or is Western public again fully ‘unaware’ of what took place during those dark days?

Bernhard Guenther #magick #ufo #quack #conspiracy

The COVID vaxx has been the Trojan Horse to lay the groundwork for the Transhumanism occult trap, body-snatching, and soul-harvesting via this mass inoculation by hyper-dimensional occult forces and soratic spirits working through their puppet big pharma scientists and useful idiots in media and government.
In this article, we'll go deeper into the adverse spiritual/metaphysical consequences of the COVID jab and how it ties into Transhumanism as we enter Pluto in Aquarius, as everything will intensify.

We'll look at it from an occult level in light of the hyperdimensional manipulation of humanity, how it relates to the end-days of Atlantis, ancient Egypt, collective Karma, the splitting of humanity, the danger of a "New Fall of Humanity" resulting in disintegration, destruction, and the necessity to repeat the cycle, and more.
Regarding the "solution," I've said it many times before, and it becomes ever more apparent, even as a reminder to myself:

The Great Work of soul embodiment and deep psycho/spiritual work to find the truth of your Being to anchor the Divine Force within as a transducer for Divine Will is the most important work and task over the next 20 years before the window closes during this Time of Transition, not just for you but for humanity.

Soul Embodiment IS the antidote to the Soul Harvesting Agenda...

Many are called.

Few choose to answer the call.

Too many are still distracted by the shadows on the wall via externalizing everything and not seeing the deeper and larger lessons in light of the evolution of consciousness.
But don't underestimate what is at stake, either. We have work to do, for this is a battle over our souls, literally, but rejoice as the spiritual warrior you came here for in service to the Divine. You signed up for this a long time ago. See it as a magnificent opportunity for a real Awakening.

Remember your mission and, most importantly, remember yourSelf.

Chris Menahan #wingnut #racist

'The Squad' Gets Squashed

(submitter note: I have no idea how to embed the imagines in a quote and this contains a lot of them, admins, could you help me out here)

Any threat "The Squad" may have posed to our ruling oligarchs is now over.

Ali Abunimah

My latest: Congresswoman @Ilhan Omar was the target of vicious smears for criticizing @AIPAC's influence, but she is now backing the Israel lobby group's campaign against Iran

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10:33 AM - May 5, 2020
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From The Electronic Intifada, "Ilhan Omar backs Israel lobby campaign against Iran":
In an unexpected move, Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar has reportedly signed on to a letter circulated by AIPAC, the powerful Israel lobby group on Capitol Hill.

According to the publication Al-Monitor, the AIPAC-backed letter is aimed at "bolstering the Donald Trump administration's efforts to extend the United Nations arms embargo on Iran."

That embargo is set to expire in October as part of the 2015 multinational deal in which Iran placed limits on its civilian nuclear energy program in exchange for sanctions relief.

[...] Omar's signature is all the more baffling, given her forceful criticisms of US sanctions policy against various countries.
The Squad went from opposing usury, criticizing AIPAC and telling former Goldman Sachs CEOs to get f***ked to voting with Pelosi and pushing pie in the sky programs (which will only further alienate them) for social media "likes."

Rep. Ilhan Omar

*taps mic*

Cancel rent

9:44 AM - Apr 28, 2020
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Ilhan Omar

Here’s what we need to make universal, as a start:
🏥 Healthcare
🍏 School meals
📬 Vote-by-mail
🏠 Housing
💵 Basic income

7:24 PM - May 4, 2020
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Trump was taken down through a relentless deep state pressure campaign but The Squad was conquered by their own blind hatred. Though they're swimming in "likes" from the Twitterati, they alienated the majority of the country by embracing the establishment's hate-filled anti-white politics.


Ilhan Omar contends that Americans "should be more fearful of white men."

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9:43 AM - Jul 24, 2019
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Rashida Tlaib Deletes Tweet Blaming Alleged Black Israelite Shooting on 'White Supremacy'

Rashida Tlaib Deletes Post Blaming Shooting on 'White Supremacy&#
Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) deleted a Twitter post on Thursday that blamed the Jersey City kosher deli shooting on "white supremacy," after users pointed out it was allegedly perpetrated by tw
11:30 AM - Dec 12, 2019
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Rashida Tlaib

Black people get executed by police for just existing, while white people dressed like militia members carrying assault weapons are allowed to threaten State Legislators and staff.

📣Our gun laws are so broken.

Rod Meloni
Protest moves inside Michigan Capitol. Crowd attempts to get onto Hoise floor. Lots of Michigan State Police and House sergeants at arms blocking door.

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2:09 PM - Apr 30, 2020
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Jon Levine

AOC and boyfriend Riley Roberts discuss tips for "combating racism as a white person"

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10:48 AM - Feb 8, 2020
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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Replying to @AOC
But it is incredibly important that we recognize that perfectly normal, good people are capable of aiding racism & white supremacy.

Recognizing that is not about pillorying people. It’s about learning to recognize *the virus* & end an oppressive system designed to hurt us *all.*

7:06 PM - Aug 7, 2019
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Nat Turner
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has a 22% approval rating

Ilhan Omar has 9% approval rating


Yahoo News ‎@YahooNews

11:01 AM - Jul 17, 2019
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See Nat Turner's other Tweets

Bernie Sanders made the same mistake and it torpedoed his candidacy even though this could have been his moment.

If The Squad want to understand how the game is run, they should read the leaked documents from Amazon-owned Whole Foods which show how they rate their stores using a "diversity index" because they determined the threat of unionization is "higher" at stores with "lower diversity."

E. Michael Jones
We know why the oligarchs promote "diversity." It prevents unionization and keeps wages low.

Diversity is the opposite of solidarity, and Jeff Bezos knows that.

Solidarity forever. The union makes us strong.

Leaked Amazon Whole Foods Docs: Workforce Diversity Helps Prevent Unions
Leaked internal documents from Amazon-owned Whole Foods reveal the company rates their stores using a 'diversity index' and determined the threat of unionization is 'higher
7:50 AM - Apr 24, 2020
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"Woke" politics is the politics of our ruling oligarchs and the leftists who subscribe to it are nothing more than useful idiots.

DoctorDoom #racist

The monomaniacal obsession of the Obots with defending their indefensible, Kenyan-born traitor is becoming palpable since the 1/16th negroid asshole has been publicly self-immolating.

If one ever finds himself in need of a recognized authority on the taste of Obastard's pubic paraphernalia, he need only enlist the services of a pathetic useful idiot like this "I won't register at WLD because I'd be sliced, diced, shredded and pureed in the forum!" liberaloser.

Has he played the race card yet?

BTW, kid, BOTH of the BCs that the son of a bitch produced are documented frauds. And why does the commie wannabe have a SocSec nuimber for the state of Connecticut, where he has never lived or even visited? Shouldn't it be a Hawaiian number, O Enlightened One? Oh, BTW kid, why have he and his lawyers spent millions of dollars to bury every trace of his past if he has nothing to hide?

Admit it. kid, you worship him only because his skin is melanin-surfeited.


A 37% approval rating for the Magic Lawn Jockey, for Mr. Yes We Can, for the Neo-Messiah? Golly gee willikers all gosharootie, how can that BE? Is it possible that even the braindead jackoffs whose votes were bought with Obamaphooones and promises of more handouts have begun to see through the lying sack of dog shit's phoniness?

Disciple AJ #fundie

Great content as always Chris! 👍🏻

Everyone reading this, you need to wake up to how the world REALLY works. The fact is that humanity has always been spiritual for a reason and it's because the spiritual world is just as real as our flesh and blood. The western world still understood this until the 1960's when secularism started to take over and atheism began to catch on - that was only after millions and millions of people here in the UK (of the old world....) were culled in not one but two world wars. The occult always practice an 'order out of chaos' mentality and the two world wars served their purpose to kill off millions of Judeo-Christian's throughout Europe, America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand - the nations of which are the primary Gospel sharing nations. That had to be severely interrupted by the people who worship the devil to get the world turning in their direction.

People need to wake up and stop pretending (or being wilfully ignorant) that this stuff isn't real and that there is no God or the devil - they are both very real and you have been lied to for generations by useful idiots to dumb down the population.

Think about it - if the majority of those with all he power and wealth in the world worship the devil in one form or another - why would that be? Why is that theme always so consistent? It's because they KNOW it's real and they have made their choices in the world.

Anyone who sides with the devil is already on the losing side. Those who do not have the Lord Jesus Christ will perish as He is going to bring this to an end...we are already seeing the start of the new world order in our time and this new world order will give all its authority over to the antichrist and everyone who has not sealed themselves with Jesus Christ will take the mark of the beast.

All of this stuff is real and it's going on. Everyone has to chose their side: God (eternal life) or satan (perish with him with eternal death and separation from God), there is no middle ground on this at all. Choose wisely, repent as the Kingdom of God is at hand. I know where I'm going and I plead with people to take Jesus whilst there is still time.

Maranatha ✝️📜. Amen.

Brian Wiggins #racist

But let's be clear. Whether the first colonizers in North America were Solutreans (most probably) from Spain and France, 20,000 years ago OR across the land bridge from the Bering Straits, 14,500 years ago, most native tribes were nomadic. They did not occupy Canada or the continent in a conventional sense. There were precious few permanent structures. There were no iron implements and no wheel. Natives mainly lived in tents or igloos. They were themselves "immigrants."

There was no civilization in North America. What the Europeans found in what is now Canada, or the United States for that matter, was not, in any other sense, competitive with that of Western Europe. Europe had Shakespeare, Descartes, Galileo, Michelangelo and Leonardo, agriculture, written languages, metallurgy and knitted fabrics and materials all of which were absent in North America when Columbus showed up.

It is also a lie that Europeans invaded an Indigenous "nation" or group of nations. The country was very sparsely populated and no native group or authority purported to govern anything larger than small itinerant bands, or to have borders or any concept of national space and jurisdiction. The claim of cultural genocide, or the concept of physical extermination, as in the labour camps of Eastern Europe from 1941-1944, is flat out fraudulent. Native bands and tribes were First No-Nations.

All that being said, Canada needs a genocide narrative as a founding legend in order to promote the dispossession of European Canadians. Natives, I would argue, have become useful idiots for the progressive, open borders/mass immigration lobby. Open immigration will not help Natives, Inuit or Metis and, in fact, native communities will be negatively impacted more than the majority population. "New" Canadians have no sense of obligation to native communities.

Nevertheless, the continued narrative of aboriginal victimhood enables the left to present the acceptance of multiculturalism as an act of atonement. We are required to open our borders as part of our sacred obligations as a Nation. A whole reparations industry has emerged in the past decades to provide financial restitution to the victims of federally-operated boarding schools for aboriginal children. Canadian "First No-Nations" people are more valuable to the left as abstractions than as individuals or a people. Feminists point to the Iroquois as an example of a functioning matriarchy; environmentalists, as a model of harmony with nature; and Marxists as an egalitarian utopia. These idealized visions seek to confuse us and disguise the truth. It’s all fraudulent.

The bands were not beacons of fraternity and equality. There were aristocracies and hierarchical social structures and some Pacific Coast tribes bound infants’ heads to develop elongated skulls and thereby set them apart from lower orders. In addition, there were head hunters and warfare was often for resources, territory and worse still, by the 19th Century, 15% of the population of the Pacific North West were slaves, mainly women and children (Jones, 2017). The tribes of the North West also liked to collect the body parts of their defeated foes as trophies, including heads and hands. It was a merciless, brutal and violent existence where lifespans rarely exceeded 35 years.

"Playing the Indian Card" refers to the reflexive habit of pro-"immigrationists" to remind us that "we are all immigrants — except our native peoples." It is intended to shut us up and smother dissent. Since our forefathers came as 'invaders,' we have no moral authority to oppose our own displacement. It tears away our moral authority to control our own borders. The end game is clear and it is simply to de-legitimize Europeans as founding peoples. But why are European settlers' displacement of natives perceived differently than their displacement of each other?

Indigenous groups suffer with significant problems including violence, spousal abuse, child abuse, missing women, alcoholism, drug addiction, diabetes, unemployment and suicide. We need to help them. We could start by providing their communities with safe, reliable drinking water. Before we let another single illegal or legal immigrant, for that matter, cross our border, let’s solve our problems at home. I would even consider an indigenous homeland; a new "Abronord."

Nevertheless, please remember, the next time someone challenges you, charging that Canada is not "your" homeland and that only native Canadians have a legitimate claim, thank them for playing the Indian card. The Solutreans were European. It is our homeland. Regardless, those itinerant bands we found in North America were savage and primitive by even our own standards at the time. When Europeans arrived in North America there existed No-Nations. Let’s give credit where credit is due, however. Many stood and fought, which is more than I can say for the paleface, today.

Various commenters #sexist #wingnut


In case anyone was wondering what they teach in our schools today. Taught that men don’t experience sexism today.


A photo of a paper entitled “Web of unequal power relations”, defining various types of prejudice and who they target

In my sociology class, the professor (who was a woman of color) taught us that not only are women the only victims of sexism, but also that people of color are the only victims of racism. She got in front of the class and said that "black people cannot be racist, only white people can be racist because they have all the power".

I was the only white person in the class and I felt so attacked.

Honestly what is wrong with education these days

My school is around 65-70% Asian. I’ve seen white classmates be harassed because of their race, and there’s nothing they can do about it. If an Asian student calls a white student “the next school shooter”, everyone laughs, and if the white kid were to reply “shut up dog eater” or some other racial stereotype, they’d be sent to the principal’s office. White students also weren’t allowed to make any European cultural groups, because apparently that would be racist. So while there’s a Black Student Union, Latinos Unidos, and 3 separate Asian clubs, the Italian and German clubs were not allowed to be made. People also act like white people still hold the power at the school, despite the student union being 100% Asian, and the school staff being majority ‘people of color’.

I am Hispanic and I hate the fact that people says that "white" people can't suffer from racism, just because you are the majority doesn't means that people can't attack you just because you are white, I have seen how being white has become in a meme of offensive "jokes" and how easy it is to say "fuck white people" and "white people be like" (follows by something humiliating).

Hispanic isn’t a race, but I agree.


Imagine the influence of feminism in Canada which has rached to the extent that they have been given enough power to brainwash children from young to make men live inferior life than women. More boys will turn to white knights, resort to alcohol and drugs to supress their emotions because they are made to think how masculinity is a problem.

Then people say feminism represents minority group when in reality most of the people are not against their practises.

I think you have hit the nail on the head when you say it brainwashes men throughout their lives.

Historically beautiful women could enchant men and live a very privileged existence- she receives beneficial treatment from every interaction she has with men. (my ex girlfriend would always get a discount when her car was serviced etc)

This is why we see the very ugly women fighting so hard for feminism - they always wanted the benefits of being beautiful. This is why stealing men's work comes naturally to her. Due to western governments : Now even the ugly women can get beneficial treatment.

It clearly sucks to be a poor Canadian guy. But what I have also noticed - Beautiful women are losing out due to feminism! (rarely) some of them will complain about it. E.g. we see guys who won't stop when a woman's car has broken down since they have been shown to make false allegations.

Of course, the ugly women are ecstatic about feminism.... They are the only beneficiaries


Wow straight white men are just the fucking worst aren't they?

They never have anyone discriminate against them for their gender, skin color, or sexual orientation LOL fucking losers.

arrested development theme plays

Ironic isn't it, this document is an example of discrimination against men but due to the magical patriarchy it somehow doesn't count because they are so advantaged in today's society. It's not like there's large swaths of boys being left behind in school or a whole host of male victims being ignored. No, that's just completely ridiculous...

No, every male is either holding the reigns of power in a patriarchal system who has only been gifted their power by the grace of society's gendered norms (not through their own merit), how dare they hold women and minorities back! Or... They're an incel, neck beard, and their suffering is somehow their fault. Why aren't they good enough for women?! Even though Patriarchy hurts men too but you better not talk about it because you're taking away from the actual oppressed groups. Who cares about a whole generation of disillusioned and demoralised children. Nah! What's important is people's personal values and who we decide is worthy of empathy based on...

My own morally righteous assumption and a belief structure (where like everyone else, I'm making it up as I go along) that I demand you take as fact. Otherwise you are sexist/racist. If you point out my contradictions, it also means you are sexist/racist. If you talk out of turn, you disgusting white male oppressor, you are a sexist/racist. What's that? No, of course, you can't fucking win. You are a disgusting sub human filth who isn't allowed to have their oppressive opinion.


Yeah... I posted once about how I was a straight white catholic married guy and that I'm proud of all those things.

Holy shit.

The amount of pure hate thrown my way... Some from people who call me a 'friend'

But it doesn't matter because, well, I'm a straight married white catholic. So therefore I've never once experienced any kind of discrimination.

Oh. And despite the fact thay all my ansectors were peasants. I'm clearly directly responsible for all slavery and religious intolerance in the history of the world.


I'm not even a Bernie fan , but that guy got played hard because so many people wanted a woman president. Women were much more interested in the war monging , rape defending, drunken cunt Hilary than him. They openly bragged their gender preference as their basis for choosing her.


This seems to have come from the shift from discussing 'disadvantage' to 'privilege'.

Some research shows that if you have strong beliefs about privilege than you are less empathic to the privileged people. There was a study where they tested peoples change in attitudes after a class on white privilege and they found that rather than being more empathic to poor black people they students became less empathic to poor white people. Another study found that people who believed strongly in male privilege much more sceptical of research that showed sex differences which benefit men (ie a study that showed men were better at X). Also, a study of the trolley dilemma found that feminists were more likely to sacrifice men than the general population. It's reasonable to assume feminists believe in male privilege.

All this leads me to believe that the result of the change in the language you mentioned will be the dehumanisation of privileged groups. It possible that something like this was the intention behind the change in language based on the misguided belief that it will help the oppressed.


How is this not blatant propaganda to literally ANYONE?! It's literally racist, sexist, (not sure if this is a real word but it's the closest I can get) religiophobic, and all around terrible.


I'm Asian and I've been told that only white people can be racist which just feels patronising imo. First off what is the definition of racism? I always assumed it's the ignorant assumption that your race is superior than others?

So for them to say only white people can be racist, is ironically them admitting how they see white people compared to everyone else, they're basically saying only white people can realistically see themselves as superior compared to black people and it be offensive. If a white person thought they were genetically superior to a black person, I'm sure these people would see it as racist, but if a black person thought they were genetically superior, being taller/bigger, stronger, faster, well endowed, nice ass instead of a flat chicken butt etc, that's not racist? Ironically these people sound like the racists they are condemning e.g:

"only white people can be racist, because only white people can realistically think they're better than everyone, no one could possibly think a black person is superior, come on look at them they're black. Every single white person loves being white where as no one could possibly feel superior being black, what can black people be proud of? Nothing"


Yeah that's like saying there's no such thing as reverse discrimination. It happens all the time. I have worked at a hospital that was mostly women and they were always mean to the man and said oh you're a man you can do that you're a man you can do this. I always thought you can do the worst jobs. I started to go to nursing school and experienced excessive bias. This was even in California. The women teachers did not like men. I also had a problem with one lesbian nurse in college that was an instructor. She said men should not be doing this kind of work this is Woman's Work and men are taking good jobs from women. I complain to the dean but it did no good because she had a high pass rate on the exam. Finally I just had to drop out. Is really caused me to have a great hatred towards women. And a lack of respect towards most of them.


That is applied Marxism. Omg I got to live long enough to see disguised marxism taught in schools in United States.

You can find a word for anything you don;t like and say is oppression.

Precisely this. The west was warned multiple times during the cold war and long before that foreign subversion especially in relation to social justice matters would be used to install far leftist governments. This nonsense coupled with the growing influence of China on businesses is the result of ignoring the warnings or being a useful idiot.


Yeah :/ I majored in Creative Writing and English Lit. You'd think there wouldn't be a TON of SJW talk, maybe some in works that deal with gender and race. Nah, I feel like I got a freaking gender theory degree. Every class delves into colonialism, intersectionality and such.

Higher ed also sends white women a lot of mixed messages about where they fit into this whole web of oppression. In one class, I learn that I'm so damn privileged I've got nothing to complain about. In other, I'm told that women are the 'subalterns of white people' and that, white women are also colonized, but by their husbands and fathers.

Eck. I'm sick of it all. I just wanted to talk about books! :(


"I won't date you if you're not tall enough"

"I can hit you, cut you, scratch you and spit on you and you can't hit back. The second you do, I'll cry enact my double standard pussy pass power and have you arrested"

"If you're not making upwards of 70-90k a year don't talk to me. Money, money, me, me, me, money"

"Guys don't get insecure, just shut up you'll like it, you're a guy right you should feel honored to get with me"

"Your clothes aren't brand name and you don't have this whole list of qualities I want so goodbye"

"You have to pay for every meal, bill, expense and anything that comes up and I MIGHT look at your dick for 4 minutes on the weekend and I said MIGHT and that's if you clean the kitchen and give me 2 footrubs after your 12 hour shift"

You're right, we don't experience strife or sexism, silly me.

graphicconception #conspiracy

The Military Industrial Complex (MIC) is not making enough money. The $250 million per day fighting terrorism is not enough to pay the bills. What they need is a big war somewhere. Russia would be ideal. So they have put the word out to their minions (e.g. Soros et al) and they have forwarded the message to the useful idiots in Congress etc.

The current tactic is to make Americans, and others, hate the Russians so much that some kind of (expensive) military intervention is required. Then the MIC can sit back and reap the benefit.


godisdog NIGELTEAPOT • 2 days ago
What a fatuous remark. You're most likely a tubby lib who would call the cops if someone insulted you, but still find the time to criticize their response time.

NIGELTEAPOT godisdog • 2 days ago
you are a devil worshipper and a rather typical communist "useful
idiot" (as you push towards communism via "secularism"). I understand why you love m*rder and tyranny. but why are the other people here hypocrites?

godisdog NIGELTEAPOT • 2 days ago
Devil worshipper? Can you spell? In any event, I cannot worship something I do not believe in, such as your silly jesus or any of the other gods you imbeciles yammer about. And I am certainly no communist, not that you have the IQ to grasp economics anyway

NIGELTEAPOT godisdog • 2 days ago
Yes, demon, I can.

you are a pretty textbook devil worshipper. of course you hunger for death.

Why are many here on your side?

godisdog NIGELTEAPOT • 2 days ago
We are legion .............

DoctorDoom #fundie

[About the 1970 Kent State massacre.]

The "massacxre" was itself a leftist bad joke, with outside pinko agitators stirring the shite on campus (the same loathsome vermin who spat on returning Nam vets and called them baby-killers). The infamous photo of the wailing bitch kneeling over the body of a vicftim was a photo op, with the non-student slut running over to exploit the moment for the press cameras.

Far from abhoring the violence on the campus, the useful idiots were hoping for it. Thet were instigating it. They were constantly provoking the National Guard members, including, by some rerports, offering them iced drinks with glass shards in the ice.

If Kent State had anything to regret, it was allowing the hateful, treasonous neo-commie assholes to invade the campus and turn the demonstrations into a "massacre".

billiefan2000 #fundie

Name me one Liberty that has been taken away by Conservatives. Name me one and show me documented evidence of it and not the rAmblings of the AMERICAN COMMUNIST LOVERS UNION or ACLU as the Useful Idiots to the ACLU call it.

brendan1903 #conspiracy #wingnut

Seriously? You really believe the 'Russia is a defender of Western civilization' bull? Please. Putin plays a good game and talks a good talk, but he does NOTHING to actually oppose the EU.

He's a lightning rod of controversy and a distraction to keep people away from noticing the rebirth of the Soviet Union and the jihadi mob money that is really behind the militant Islam and SJW crisis. Which is just as fake as the joke known as the alt right cooked up by Robert Mercer and Putin's handler, Alexander Dugin.

I did not say the Yellow Vests have anything to do with Russia. I said they were infiltrated by Anglo-Russian intelligence. The MI6/KGB has a long history of such operations, the most famous of them is Operation Snow aka Adolf Hitler, Roosevelt and Mussolini. This was a resounding success as the 'Atlanticist' plans of Josef Stalin and the Empire of Japan were soundly defeated and the way was prepared for 'Eurasianism' aka China dominating the old world.

China and Putin may pretend to oppose each other but that rivalry is as fake as a cheap B movie.

Saying that Putin is a conservative is just as stupid as stating Hitler was a German patriot. The former Soviet Union and British Empire tops the list of most dangerous countries in the world.

Whining about a bunch of SJW sociopaths and useful idiot NazBols accomplishes nothing and distracts from the real point: Likud is stealing American technology and giving it to China. Under the guise of being America's friend when in reality the so called Jewish state has never been a ally of America.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

The liberals Climate Change agenda has nothing to do with the changing climate !!!

They actually don't care at all whether the climate is getting warmer or cooler or staying the same or whether man has any contribution to it.

Their agenda is about power, control, taxes, and wealth redistribution.

They want to stay in power, control you, tax you, and redistribute your wealth to themselves and third world countries.

As always, liberals are not honest about their agenda because if they told the truth no one would vote for them and let them stay in power.

They've purposely hijacked the Global Warming/Climate Change movement and manipulated the useful idiots ( [link to (secure)] who are believers to promote and carry out their agenda.

Don't be fooled by what they say, watch what they do.

The Paris agreement's purpose is to redistribute trillions of dollars in wealth from to U.S. to others. The people complaining the most about the U.S. withdrawing from the agreement are those that would receive their fair share of the redistributed wealth.

For instance, Tesla's CEO, Elon Musk, who very publicly quit as an advisor to the President would be on the receiving end by Tesla getting more BILLIONS in grants and loans from the U.S.

Don't be fooled by what they say, watch what they do.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

Are Descendants of German Nazis Running Mexico, the Drug Cartels and the Invasion of Illegals into the US?

So here is my conspiracy theory for you all. I just finished watching the series called "Hunting Hitler." It was on for 3 seasons. I highly recommend it. Anyway, I always knew in my gut that Hitler did not kill himself in the bunker in Berlin. I mean, why would he? They have even proven using DNA that the skull the Russians have that they claimed was Hitler's is a female's skull. Anyway, it just seemed highly unlikely that he would off himself. I also felt it was a cover and that he at least attempted to escape from Germany.

For those of you who have not seen the show, it is basically an ex CIA guy, some former US military SF guys, a former US marshal and people of that nature investigating the rumors that Hitler got out of Germany. The CIA guy and some female who was former Army that tracked ISIS at in LA reviewing formerly classified documents from the US gov and other govs around the world that pertained to German Nazi activity after WWII. Then the other people on the show were broken into teams. One team was in Europe going to the places listed in the formerly classified documents and another team is in South America (Chili, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Argentina.) They interview eye witness etc that review documents in archives, some that haven't been declassified too long. There is a marriage record for Josef Mengele for example in Uruguay where he uses his own name and is living in the open. He signed his name to the license and it's all there in black and white.

It was already a well documented fact that several high ranking Nazis that were very close to Hitler escaped to South America and lived out their natural lives there though. Countless numbers of lower ranking less important Nazis also got out of Germany and went to South America and also lived out their natural lives there too. There were already Germany communities in places like Chili, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Argentina before WWII for some reason and they were very supportive of Nazis as were some of the governments of these South American countries.

Also, the grandson of a German Nazi (who was in Hitler's Army and escaped to South America) had a microfilm copy of Hitler's last will and testament. Until that show there were only 3 known copies of it but now this 4th one has surfaced. Hitler made the will the day before he allegedly committed suicide in the bunker in Berlin. When I first saw it I was like well, I guess I was wrong. I guess Hitler offed himself in the bunker. Why else would he make a will at that time? If you read the will though it sounds like a manifesto and not a will. This man was not suicidal. The reason this is significant is because if this will got out of the bunker then someone who was in the bunker got out. That means that Hitler could have gotten out too. Regardless, with all the escape routes the Nazis had put in place (these were all investigated on the show) there was no reason for Hitler to off himself.

It looks like the German Nazis went to South America to regroup and build the 4th reich. They built a power plant in Uruguay where they were manufacturing heavy water so they could build a hydrogen bomb. The plan, per the show, was to bomb Manhattan. They also had over 600 prison camps in the region of Chili, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Argentina (which I did not know about before the show) that were in operation until at least the 1970s. I say "at least" since that is when the show stops tracking anything.

The former CIA director said that going into this investigation 3 years ago he did not think these rumors held any water but now he absolutely thinks that Hitler got out of Germany. They presented their evidence to the FBI and the FBI agent (now retired) said that if someone had presented this info to him regarding a person who could still be alive he would have sent a task force down there to get the person who the evidence had tracked.

Now I know all your conspiracy tards are going to say why would the gov ever allow any truth like this on the cable. Well, that's because it no longer really matters if Hitler escaped to South America and lived out the rest his natural life there. WWII ended 73 years ago. Anyone in the US who let Hitler go, or did not pursue him or gave him immunity if he surrendered Germany is long dead now.

The bigger question, that the show does not answer is what the fuck happened to all the Nazis that were in South America??? The show documented that they were actively building a 4th reich into the 1970s. They had power and lots of money and lots of infrastructure that they had spent money to build. They didn't just wake up one morning and say fuck it, they were done. Granted all the German Nazis from WWII are long dead now but their descendants along with anyone they recruited/the recruits' descendants are not long dead.

Here is my conspiracy theory. Everything after this is just a THEORY. I think that the Nazis realized that building a hydrogen bomb in the late 40s/50s and dropping it on the US would not do much for their cause. Yeah it would have been shocking to Americans and some Americans would have died but it would not have brought the US to its knees. The US would have just dropped a bigger bomb on the German Nazis in South America or we would have invaded and crushed them.

What if instead the Nazis chose to more covertly try and destroy America? Instead of duking it out with the US like they did in WWII what if instead they instead decided to infiltrate places like Mexico and Central America and weaponize the low IQ indigenous people that live there and orchestrate the illegal brown invasion of the US? t is a well known fact that there are "Mexicans" in Mexico that have blonde hair and blue eyes. They are the upper crust of Mexican society and they do not mix with the brown low IQ indigenous people there. I'll bet those upper crust blonde people are ethnic German.

Also, what if these German Nazis decided to get into the Mexican and Central American drug trade since it's a great way to make money? I mean, the low IQ brown trash from Mexico and Central America are not bright enough to run a drug empire like we currently see. What if the folks at the top of that bullshit are descendants of the German Nazis? Hell, what if even La Raza and other racist hispanic organizations might really be run by ethic Germans who are descended from Nazis? Not because they think indigenous Mexicans and Central Americans are great or superior, they are just useful idiots that are easy to weaponize because of their low IQs. It's really the only thing that make any sense.

The inflow of drugs from Mexico and Central America and the invasion of all the illegals from those shit hole countries are certainly destroying this country. Also, what if Nazis infiltrated the US gov and that is how we got all the bullshit laws of the 1960s passed? Wasn't old man Kennedy a Nazi supporter? If so then perhaps he brainwashed his spawn too? Welfare and open borders have certainly contributed to the destruction of the US.

YB Logical & Diamond Heart #conspiracy

The Left woks for the Federal Reserve which is behind the push for New World Order.

What you have to understand is the Fed is a mafia of multi-Trillionaires who believe Satan

will grant them dominion over the Earth, once its destroyed.


Bill Ayers said that if we create a clandestine subversive government within the government and confront the US Constitution at every turn and destroy credibility of all government institutions, including the electoral process, we can create the crisis necessary for a Progressive takeover of the Nation.
At the moment, with help from the Progressive Dark News Media Conglomerate and the "useful idiots" among the masses, it appears to be working pretty well.

Fschmidt #racist #wingnut

To any sane person, Black Lives Matter (BLM) must seem bizarre. It is a racist Marxist movement pretending to help blacks but actually hurts blacks and everyone else. Where would such a crazy idea come from?

I know the answer because I attended orthodox synagogue and I understand Judaism. Judaism is the source of the ideas behind BLM. Judaism is a racist religion that pretends to be anti-racist. So now let's compare BLM with Judaism.

BLM accuses anyone who disagrees with it of being racist against blacks. Judaism accuses anyone who disagrees with it of being antisemites.

BLM takes advantage of useful idiot whites and Muslims to support BLM to their own detriment. Judaism does the same with stupid Protestants.

Both BLM and Judaism are working to destroy western civilization. BLM is just a Jewish tool for this purpose. It is supported by Globalist and Leftist Jews. Hopefully this explains what BLM is all about.

Sickofobama #conspiracy

I've KNOWN [Obama] is a Muslim since he outed himself when he said "57 states" and "my Muslim heritage."

You don't need a weather vane to know how the wind blows.

Obama is a fraud put into the White House. He not only has his useful idiots backing him up but Islamic Radical Terrorists who are being allowed into this country non-stop.

I don't think Obama cares one bit about the Mexican illegals coming through our borders - it's the Muslims he cares about.

I seriously think there is good reason to worry about the upcoming elections.

Obama will either declare Martial Law or ACORN will steal all the elections for the Commiecrats.

It's going to get ugly folks and we like others before us may have to sacrifice our lives to save this country.

Brendan1903 #wingnut

(Image contains the logo for Rational Wiki with the words “When you claim to be “Rational” but instead use lies, deception and logical fallacies just like those you claim to be against.”)

The site is literally what happens when useful idiots and trendfollowers get their own wiki.

Joe Btfsplk #fundie

[Joe, you are mistaken in your apparent belief that if someone disagrees with you, they are necessarily (or even likely) to be stupid or ignorant, or to have not thought through their beliefs.]

OK John, let's take one educated liberal idiot and use her as an example. Does she know how much the national debt is? Does she have any idea how much it will cost the taxpayers to provide health insurance for the over 40 million people who don't have it that she is crusading for? Does she have a plan to cut other government services or expenses to pay for it? HELL NO!!! I'm talking about Hillary Clinton, of course, and she, like the vast majority of liberals, doesn't give a damn how much it is going to cost the taxpayers to fund their little crusades for what they view as the greater good. She is a short sighted idiot who has no idea how to finance all of the "It takes a Village" crusades that she wants to load on the taxpayers backs. Their damned do gooder crusades are the major reason that we have an unbearable debt. It is time to get rid of the liberals and start electing fiscal conservatives so that, maybe, in thirty or forty years we can get the debt under control. The real trouble with "Liberals" is that they have been taught the do gooder philosophy from the time they first started being brainwashed in kinder garten. That is why liberals outnumber fiscal conservatives by a wide margin in this country and that is why in the near future, maybe as little as five years, this country is doomed to economic chaos. When I went to school they didn't brainwash children into the do gooder philosophy. If you do find a younger person who is a fiscal conservative, he/she either didn't attend the public schools or is an extremely intelligent person who saw through the brain washing.

Lurker #fundie

free of charge modification kits to remove the Scripture citations from the telescoping sights already in use.

Absolutely none of which will be used. The idiots who complained about this should be brought up on charges of Treason, convicted, and then summarily shot.

And the rifles they're shot with should have Trijicon sites on them.

Anna Diehl #fundie

Now about timing: this site has only been around since June 2013. In those two years, we’ve noticed that the Holy Spirit is getting more aggressive in calling out the things He doesn’t like. You may have noticed how frequently we use the word “idiot” and other condescending titles as of late. Speaking for God means accurately conveying His message using His tone, His words, and His emphasis. Right now He wants to hold certain lines on vulgar language, but to be honest, “idiot” isn’t nearly a strong enough word to describe how angry and disgusted God is about some of these issues. God doesn’t have a problem being vulgar, as He demonstrates in the Bible (see this post). We expect that when the end times start, His language will get a lot more acrid. Meanwhile, He makes this site increasingly divisive by the kinds of topics He chooses to cover.

We do feel there is a strong connection between the end times being at the door and God suddenly making this information available in a public forum. The end times are going to be a major theological test for Christians. God is doing us all a huge favor by suddenly opening our eyes to understand so many of these issues. Consider what the end result is: we’re now able to swiftly get aligned with Him in many areas that we’ve been totally backwards about until now. Serious Christians sincerely care about honoring God–but there’s only so good of a job we can do without education. You’ll notice how many posts we put out about prayer–who ever saw any of that coming? Where do you ever hear it being taught that God finds it insulting when we keep asking Him for the same things over and over? Who knew He found the whole “prayer warrior” package so irreverent and irksome? Today Christians are intentionally imitating the prayer style of folks in the Bible, with no regard for what rebellious twerps so many of those folks were. Who ever points out how guys like Moses and Jeremiah were being inappropriate with some of the snarky prayers they put out? Unless God opens our eyes and shares His heart with us, we’re going to keep right on treating Him dishonorably. With the Church egging us on in all the wrong directions, what will happen when the end times start? We’ll all become that much more snarky.

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