
They're out to get you, to cover up the truth, to poison the world, etc

Bro. JD #fundie #conspiracy simplychristian.shoutwiki.com

The King James Version of the Bible is the true inerrant Word of God in English, in all 66 books of the proper canon. This is the only true English Textus Receptus based version of the Bible in English, and is pure and uncorrupted from modern "scholarship" which plagues the New "King James Version" which is a trojan horse to get Bible believing Baptists to accept modern innovations and heresies.

Laura Hollis #wingnut #fundie #racist #conspiracy wnd.com

Newly elected British Prime Minister Keir Starmer called the protests "far-right thuggery," and virtually every single media outlet has smeared all protesters as "far-right" bigots and racists. This ignores legitimate concerns of the native British population. Ever-larger percentages of Great Britain's residents are not native-born. Forty percent of London's population was not born in Great Britain, and 54% have parents who were born elsewhere. Sixty-three percent of immigrants to Great Britain now come from non-EU countries, and many arrive from countries with religious beliefs and cultural practices that are not only different from those of Great Britain but actively hostile to them. <...> It should not shock anyone that Western civilization is under attack. Christianity – one of the pillars of Western civilization – has been attacked for decades, its role in contemporary Western society continually eroded. This is societal suicide. There is no Western civilization without Christianity. <...> Too many of those who read the Bible do not distinguish between punishment and consequence. God advises us to do X and to avoid Y, and we ignore His admonitions at our peril; not because He will "punish" us if we disregard His precepts, but because He is warning us that we will destroy ourselves or leave ourselves vulnerable to being destroyed. The laws of human behavior and societal flourishing are as immutable as gravity. You can tell yourself you're God and throw yourself off a building, but you will still go splat when you hit the ground. <...> Those pushing to further reduce Christianity's influence on Western civilization – or eliminate Western civilization itself – will soon find that what takes its place is not a secular utopia of multicultural respect and scientific rationality but a bloody morass of sectarian conflict, widespread ignorance, routine violence and subjugation of the weak by those in power. In other words, the status quo before Christianity.

Michael Knowles #racist #conspiracy mediamatters.org

Citation From the August 12, 2024, edition of The Daily Wire's The Michael Knowles Show

There was a gal who won. She won the bronze medal, this Romanian gal. And her name is, Voinea, Sabrina Voinea. And so her score was up there, you know, and she won the bronze and she did a good job in gymnastics. And then they just changed her score. She's already so excited that she won. They changed her score, and they gave it to – and this is important for the context, she's an extremely white girl – and they gave it to a Black girl, Chiles – something Chiles. And so – Jordan Chiles. So Jordan Chiles, Black, ends up keeping her same score. Sabrina Voinea loses a tenth of a point or something like that, for allegedly stepping out[…]
I'm not saying it didn't come close, but it was fine. They took that point away for no reason whatsoever. But the reason that the races matter here is this was the podium that was hailed by all the Olympics, you know, PR flacks as the all-Black podium. It was so historic. So, of course, they had to take it away from the white girl and they had to give it to the Black girl[…]
Now affirmative action is not just in schools, it's not just in places of employment, affirmative action is now in sports, affirmative action is now in the Olympics. That's amazing. You get however many extra points on your SAT if you check the right racial box. And now I guess you get an extra tenth of a point, quarter of a point, half a point, who knows, in Olympics gymnastics

Sherry T #crackpot #wingnut #racist #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

Confirmed DROPS<

On June 26 i gave CABLES>] : That the U S. Military was training Mexicans and sending them back to Mexico through Maglev trains under ground tunnels systems from Cheyenne mountain with weapons
(U.S citizens in Colorado near Cheyenne mountain have been in Panic over seeing so much Mexicans in the area and word spread that the cartels had taken over Cheyenne mountains<<< this is far from the truth)///

>WHAT’S HAPPENING BEHIND THE SCENES]; With USSF and military contract agency STARLINK ( MUSK is a military contractor placed by Ezra, Patel Trump White HATS)/// > have all been helping operations against the Cartels along the border and the Mexican army> operations that have silently started TRUMPS MILITARY OPERATIONS AGAINST THE CARTELS ( inside CIA operations/who created the drug and trade and facilitated world wide drug cartel ops.). With the help of the U.S. military training Mexican nationals the past 3 years and now have been sent back ( continuing ) to fight the Mexican corruption

NOW MAJOR ARRESTS are happening in Mexico and a long the border.
Trumps Military operations have already gone after the cartels ( operation increasing)
. In 2025_26 it’s being PLANned that cartel leaders WILL give full deposition on Mexican cartels controlling parts of the DNC and blackmailing DNC & RINOS in several states as Arizona. New Mexico. Texas. California . NYC. Chicago. Florida and much more.
The soldiers being trained in the U.S. near Cheyenne mnt. Are going to move the Mexican nationality to a massive MASSIVE REVOLUTION…. And the people of Mexico WILL Unite to take down the FULL MEXICAN CARTEL OPERATIONS AND RID THEIR COUNTRY OF CIA CONTROL AND CCP CORRUPTION

Trump will leave no choice for Mexico, but to clean their country of all corruption… And they must do this in order to join the United States new financial system

Various commenters #wingnut #conspiracy deviantart.com


it isn’t odd if you know the end game they have behind it people get mad cause I’m voting TRUMP but don’t want to see the ugly side of what the so called progressive Tolerant left wants to do.we are the carbon they want to reduce(when I say that I mean depopulation ) if you look at what globalists are plotting destroying America is just the first step in they’re evil bid to control the planet)


I SWEAR DeviantArt brings out the ugly in people. Just look at this guy over here!

I know I’m just awful to want to keep what I work for and be left alone

Pepe Lives Matter #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy substack.com

Social media operates off of fear in many ways. Politics uses fear as a weapon against the opposing side. For those seasoned in the great meme wars of 2016-2024, you know this all too well.

Peace and tranquility are not monikers you’d give to political gamesmanship or 5G narrative warfare. It’s quite the opposite actually. Waking up the populace is more akin to guerilla warfare.
The enemy knows no peace. This is their weak point.

This is what hurts them the most.

The fact that we have made it this far despite all situations that could have caused our faith to waver is outstanding. We lifted each other when things got as rough as they did. When morale needed boosting, we found a way. And think about how close this next election is at this point. We are staring down the barrel of a potentially combustible situation in nearly every facet of this country but guess what? I personally have zero fear.

I know that mystery Babylon is falling.

I know that God is guiding us through this peril. This needs to be our anchor.


We need to be elevating our faith. We don't have time to wallow in self-pity or always focus on the pathetic schemes of the enemy. We need to meet this flood of resistance and tower above it like never before with a vision coming from God. The enemy is attempting to scare us when we all know that chaos is always part of the plan. Chaos ensues when Babylon falls. The very system itself quakes before God because it knows its time is short. This is nothing to be afraid of.
If you haven’t become more spiritual, closer to God, and hungry to see revival in this world after witnessing the COVID pandemic, the stolen election, Satanists and pedophiles embedded within our government, globalists scheming to create a new world order, the looming threat of war, and the reality of evil in this world being exposed at unprecedented levels then you are truly blind.

God is shaking people awake.

We're on the winning team.

Nothing can stop it.

Devvy Kidd #wingnut #conspiracy newswithviews.com

Progressives are full blown Marxists. Oh, they might huff and puff and say that’s not true but well-crafted Soviet style brain washing indoctrination methods were slowly inculcated using America’s schools even before I was born. By the time impressionable (and sometimes rebellious) young Americans got out of high school or colleges, they believe America is a democracy which it is not. That capitalism is evil and stomps on the down trodden. Socialism is heaven for everyone!

Over the past three decades I’ve educated myself on what I either wasn’t taught in civics classes or have simply forgotten being I’m now 75. One thing that has never wavered in my mind is the miracle of the birthing of this constitutional republic, capitalism and while I didn’t know all the finer intricacies of brain washing, I’ve always known socialism and communism are a deadly poison.
The birthing of the massive hoax, Global Warming now known as Climate Change” began after the 1928 convention in Moscow. It’s now a cult-religion and key tool of the Communist International Party as they believed it to be one of the biggest sledgehammers to destroy capitalism – especially in the U.S.

Communism is EVIL and it must be crushed in this country. Jeri explains exactly how the Communist International intend to take over the world. How to create the “new Soviet Man” and when the push started: “In 1928 Communists formally adopted “The Program” for building a new global communitarian social order composed of the ruling elite (the masters) and subjugated masses (the slaves).’
It’s us up to us to call these traitors out (non-violently, of course) and parents around this country to continue fighting back against the lies and propaganda being pounded into their child’s head every day. Their innocence is being stolen and they’re being deliberately dumbed down to be little better than oxen under the yoke.

Ramona Lappin #magick #ufo #conspiracy eraoflight.com

rected and reborn fully anew, and with it, all of reality shifts for the quantum leap of The One Consciousness completes our hero’s journey all as One!


Now we delete the old version of us and reality at large, and how all was, and start anew with a New Beginner’s Mind. As if seeing everything anew through all-new crystalline clear vision and lenses of perception to return all of reality to its original Innocence and state of consciousness, which is pure Love.

This is how we are now fully quantum merging with our true authentic future God-Self already living on New Ascension Earth, already fully healed and ascended, which is how all is shape-shifting in our realities from the inside out!
We came to HOLD THE LINE!


HOLD THE VISION OF NEW ASCENSION EARTH & ALL ASCENDED out of the false prison Matrix simulation





As we see Source animating all and everything, it’s what we return and what heals all back to it’s original Divine Organic Blueprints!
Imagine Heaven on Earth fully ignited and all new free worlds and limitless quantum realities and possibilities available to us now!

For its all about to become fully manifest and blend into view for real!



SfcMac #racist #crackpot #conspiracy sfcmac.com

The outrage happened after the latest attack carried out by a 17 year old muzzie ‘immigrant’ who stabbed three innocent children to death and severely injured several more at a concert.

British citizens are sick of the muzzie invaders who murder, rape, and destroy their neighborhoods. They’re fighting back.

The Dhimmification of Europe started years ago when their governments began a policy of pandering to a violent theocracy.

Britain allows violent terrorist muzzie pigs onto its soil and the ensuing carnage is condoned by gutless law enforcement. They murder, rape, and commit acts of terrorism with impunity while citizens who speak out against it are censored, harassed, and prosecuted.

Paul Craig Roberts #wingnut #racist #conspiracy paulcraigroberts.org

Does anyone remember the 2020 presidential campaign? Trump campaigned widely and had massive audiences. Enthusiasm was everywhere. Biden ventured out of the basement a few times and no one attended his campaign rallies. Trump got more votes in the 2020 election than he got in the 2016 election, but Biden got more votes than any president in history. Somehow the people elected an invisible candidate.

In the swing states vote counting was stopped in the middle of the night while truck loads of boxes arrived, some from out of state, in Democrat controlled vote counting centers. The votes were almost entirely for Biden, and when counting resumed, Trump’s lead disappeared.
Just as Republicans and the American people accepted the thefts of the 2020 and 2022 elections, they will accept the theft of the 2024 election. There will be no civil war or anything of the kind. The American people will have been taught that there is nothing they can do to regain their control over government.

Neither will they resist when Kamala ignores the Supreme Court, which has no army, and takes away their guns. If Americans won’t resist stolen elections, they will no more resist the cancellation of the Second Amendment than they resisted the destruction of the First Amendment.
My advice to young white heterosexual males is to get out of America while you still can. A holocaust is coming your way. You are demonized and reduced to second class citizenship. You can be discriminated against in university admissions, employment and promotion. You are not allowed to defend your self from racist charges, because white self-defense is considered racist, as proof of racism. The position of a white gentile heterosexual male American today is the same as that of a Jew in Nazi Germany and a Palestinian in Gaza.

There is always hope, but hope requires warriors. Does America have warriors, or only submissive wimps?

DanlBoon #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon operationdisclosureofficial.com

Can 11 Sept. 2024 be the Anniversary that the real NESARA Announcement is to be made ‘public’ as it was to be in 2001, now 23 years later?

The days can be figured out with it coming with the EBS to begin on 1 Sept. and ending ten days later. In 2001 the 11th was on a Tuesday and now the 11th will be on a Wednesday.

If we do not see the RV, NESARA, QFS and EBS coming by the end of August then maybe it is set to be on the Anniversary and the EBS comes first.

There was not to be an EBS while Bush Jr. was in office, as why would they reveal the wrongdoings of the cabal when it was Bush Sr. that was the head of the CIA in 1963 when JFK was assassinated, and there is a photo of Oswald and Bush Sr. on the outside of the warehouse possibly within a minute of JFK being shot.

The supposed plan is few banks open on Sat. 31 Aug. and the EBS begins on Sun. 1 Sept., then 10 days later the EBS ends on Wed. 11 Sept. and NESARA is officially announced at 10 AM EDT while people are still assumed waiting for the EBS to end.

We have been waiting for the truth to come out, yet they end up being more delays or just more lies.

Maybe this will not happen at all as Trump really wants to go through with this USA, INC. election on 5 Nov. and get more people taken down and more Americans against Trump when we are to be Sovereign and a true Republic.

Will Trump go so far as to take down every Sovereign people involved in the ‘Republic for the united States of America’ and claim they are dissidents or terrorists as Trump’s Republic is the only true Republic? These Sovereign people never voted Trump in as their 19th Republic President. He is the Commander-in-Chief and has control of the US Military, but following Unconstitutional Orders is treasonous no matter who you are.

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #quack #fundie #conspiracy #mammon brighteon.com

Brighteon Broadcast News, Aug 14, 2024 – Luciferian hospital protocols TARGETED the unvaxxed for MURDER by medicine

- Evil, demonic forces are seeking to destroy humanity, and they work through Democrats. (0:00)

- Big Tech #censorship leading to mass death of tech employees from #vaccines and #cancer. (8:03)

- Evil forces, spiritual war, and political corruption. (17:50)

- Valentina Gomez dares to speak the truth on X. (30:00)

- Asset protection: Various forms of gold and silver, including coins, bars, and jewelry. (35:52)

- VAXXED 3 INTERVIEW: Hospitals financially incentivized to produce COVID-related deaths. (52:52)

- Hospital homicide, emergency use authorization, and censorship of vaccine skeptics. (1:02:33)

- COVID-19 vaccine's harmful effects and religious perspectives on the issue. (1:25:23)

- SERMON: Spiritual cause and effect. (1:36:58)

- How to create the Armor of God around yourself through moral integrity. (1:40:48)

- Personal choices and actions determine the depth of your protection from evil. (1:51:09)

various commenters #racist #conspiracy #pratt msn.com

J*******: The biggest concern with black America to me as a black American, is Unity. If we can do commerce with one another at many levels whether its a connivence store, beauty supply business, or any other type we would be fine. Unity and mutual respect will defeat what ever the racism effect does in 2024. This is harsh but true we are brainwashed to not trust each other. The church plays a big role in that. Along with the Democratic party.

David Garret: For starters, white males are 4th on the economic list behind Asian men, Indian men and Asian females. Are white people being subjected to systemic racism? How does the systemic racism know to skip black families that have two parents in the household? That demographic is on par with the rest of America. Perhaps we should focus on inner city culture. They celebrate criminality, the frown upon academic excellence, there is little presence by the fathers and crime is going so unchecked, we are loosing major cities. Stop externalizing the problem

Denise Gaarder: my co-worker and I earn exactly the same amount. Her sone got free tuition for college because he is black but I am paying parent plus loans for what was not covered by scholarships for my daughters education. So who is benefiting? it has been over 150 years since slavery ended. When are people going to have to be responsible for their own success or lack of it?

j sam: Its funny how half of the country believes that only minority populations deal with racial discrimination. In fact its become ok for minorities to spew hateful racist garbage to the world because its about white people. If we stop looking for racism it becomes a lot harder to find. By labeling everything as racist, not only are we cheapening the effect of true racism but we also are breeding what was once referred to as reverse racism. Teaching children that everything is racist will only continue the hate.

Elon Musk #racist #conspiracy #psycho edition.cnn.com

Social media has played a big role in fueling the anti-immigration riots engulfing towns and cities in the United Kingdom

And agitator-in-chief Elon Musk is not sitting on the sidelines

The Tesla chief executive and owner of X posted to the platform Sunday that “civil war is inevitable” in response to a post blaming the violent demonstrations on the effects of “mass migration and open borders”[…]
On Tuesday, he labeled Starmer #TwoTierKier in an apparent reference to a debunked claim spread by conspiracy theorists and populist politicians such as Nigel Farage that “two-tier policing” means right-wing protests are dealt with more forcefully than those organized by the left

Lisa Renee #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy energeticsynthesis.com

During annual August alignments of Leo, the planet undergoes what is called its Magnetic Peak cycle which generally transpires during the week of August 8th to August 15th, with August 12th being the pinnacle wave of magnetic force field transmission. This year’s Magnetic Peak cycle reaches another zenith for extreme levels of planetary electromagnetic amplification that radically shift what mainstream science would define as gravity and gravitational pull, because generally this is described as the resulting interaction between two masses. Generally, science thinks of gravity as the force which is generated by curving of spacetime by all the objects in it, combined with the geodesic or straight motions of those objects through the spacetime. <...>
We are living within the emotional powder keg of the NAA’s backed ruling class archontic strategies and the controlling tyrant’s desperation to divide and conquer the population in order to maintain their global authoritarian control, along with the trickle-down impact of extremely destructive actions, two-tiered lawlessness, viciously insane rhetoric, the use of exaggerated force within disputes that are being felt throughout the microcosm of our personal lives and social interactions. We live during a time where there is an intentional weaponization of words and narratives used for enforcing aggressive censorship and the compelling of free speech that has rendered total confusion and a major bifurcation of reality between many people, as no one is immune to this confusing type of full spectrum disinformation, spin doctoring and gaslighting tactics.
During Leo Solar Alchemy, the purity of the sacred crystal heart’s connection to the eternal flame of solar light ignites the Inner Christos holy spirit to clear and remove all previous karmic agreements and quantum entanglements, miasmatic connections, feed lines, and their parasitic relationships that give power to the false white light and false ascension matrix (FAM).

Rhoda Wilson #racist #wingnut #conspiracy expose-news.com

Who are the “far right” – the people being blamed for the unrest throughout Britain?

You are.

Unless you are a raging commie, fascist member of Starmer’s predictably Net Zero loving far left Government (which is determined to destroy everyone and everything of value) you are a member of the Far Right. In America you are a member of the Far Right if you aren’t a fervent supporter of the Clinton/Obama/Biden/Harris Democrats.

If you have any savings, you aren’t a “working person.” The British Government despises everyone with £1 in the bank or building society. And plans to destroy you – using the myth of global warming and the weapon of Net Zero to do so.

The politicians and the mainstream (corporate) journalists live in a cocoon. They have no idea of the fear being created by mass immigration. They don’t see the effect the nation’s overcrowding is having.
And yet the riots currently tearing Britain apart have been deliberately manufactured. Crazy policies (unapproved by the population) are tearing the country apart and giving the Government an excuse to bring in more laws and more police. Protesting will be classified as terrorism.

(Remember, by the way, that only 1 in 5 people in Britain voted for Sir Keir “Free Suits” Starmer. Four out of five electors did NOT want Starmer’s bunch of dangerous idiots in charge.)

The riots are being used to launch peasant shooting season.

And we are the peasants.

Brutal, authoritarian and pitiless politicians want to destroy everything we value.

Two-tier policing has clearly been introduced.

This autumn Starmer and Co will push up the minimum wage and increase public sector wages. The inevitable result will be a jump in inflation and a rise in interest rates (as I long ago predicted). Mortgage rates may fall for a few weeks. But they’ll soon be rising again. Tax rises will destroy anyone with small savings, with a small business or with hope or ambition.

The weapon which is being used to destroy you and your world is Net Zero.

Nicolás Maduro #conspiracy #racist jta.org

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has blamed “international Zionism” for the protests sweeping his country since he was accused of stealing its presidential election[…]
This week, he pinned the turmoil on his opposition, which he said was “supported” and “financed” by “international Zionism”

“All the communication power of Zionism, which controls all the social networks, the satellites and all the power is behind this coup d’état,” Maduro said in a televised address

The Reveal #wingnut #ufo #magick #conspiracy beforeitsnews.com

We, the organic human, lost control of Creation due to religion’s worthless concepts of spirituality that the demonic hybrid human serpent seed bloodlines created for us. We are Love and are genetically encoded with Righteousness.

In the beginning, we created this beautiful and perfect earth but we have been dumbed down to the point that we’ve forgotten who we really are.

Trump is a construct of what mankind has been hopping for thousands of years. Trump is the perfect deception. Trump is the savior of manking, that through religion, we’ve been programmed to believe. Trump is the antichrist.

Trump has been groomed to facilitate their next step of evolution known as the New World Order. For thousand of years we’ve been given the illusion that good has defeated evil while pedophiles get their fill with our children underground. In this realm, no one is saving our kids.

We go to church every week to temples built by hands thinking that “god” will save our children but that’s a lie. We are the guardians of creation but we sold out to the worthless consepts of religion. We created this realm but we’ve been dumbed down to the point that we don’t remenber. The demonic human has been able to manipulate mankind to do its biddiding. Unless we understand how we surrendered our discernment to the doctrines of vipers, we will never be able to take back what’s ours…..CREATION

Jack Straw #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

The military prevented the steal in 2016.
Q told us that.
Why didn’t the military under Trump prevent the steal in 2020?

Trump/military wanted Biden to steal the election and take the blame for the collapse of what’s coming.
Also to expose all the corruption in all the corrupt systems to the American people.

Mission accomplished.


Lots more evidence. I wrote about how Trump actually helped Biden get the nomination.

The problem people have is that they are stuck focused on an election when it’s actually a war.

The election is not everything. It’s just one battlefield.

There is far more happening and the plan goes forward regardless of what happens.

This is the greatest military operation in world history and they have gamed out every single possibility and have planned for it.

It’s a real war.

It is not dependent on any one person, including Trump.

Trump was chosen to play his part and he’s done it perfectly but the plan will not stop until the war is won.


The problem I run into with a lot of Christians, and please don’t take this personal, is that they think God isn’t in this fight or that God can’t use a “sinful” man like Trump to defeat the enemy.

We are all sinners.

The Bible is full of stories where God used one man to defeat the enemy.

It happened over and over again.

Why is this any different?

The problem I see is that every single generation of Christians think they are living in the actual “last days.”

Here’s my opinion and it’s just my opinion. I’m okay with you disagreeing my friend.
So much has come to light.

That’s God who is doing that.

Dark to light.

So in my opinion, when someone says they trust God but not men, they are forgetting about the many times God used men to accomplish His will.

I think God has seen how bad the evil has gotten in this world and is now moving to stop it.


He’s done it many times since the beginning of mankind.

All just my opinion though friend.

Michele Morrow #wingnut #psycho #conspiracy rawstory.com

A new report revealed Thursday that the North Carolina Republican nominee for state superintendent had repeatedly called for former President Barack Obama to be publicly executed for treason — and she's responding by doubling down on her demands.

"According to @KFILE and @CNN@CNNPolitics, Obama's drone attacks on hundreds of innocent Muslims in Yemen are not treasonous," wrote Michele Morrow on X. "The insanity of the media demonstrates the need to teach K-12 students real history and critical thinking skills. #ncpol"

A previous message had demanded "death to all traitors," and was followed by one saying she wanted to see Obama's execution broadcast on a pay-per-view channel.

Morrow, a registered nurse and a homeschooling advocate who would oversee schools if elected, has made a number of other inflammatory claims on social media, including that President Joe Biden should be executed for telling people to wear masks during the COVID-19 pandemic, and that China stationed thousands of troops in Canada to rig the 2020 election. She has also pushed QAnon conspiracy theories, including the idea that celebrities are consuming the blood of children to stay eternally youthful.

Ironically, given her reference to "innocent Muslims" in her call for Obama to be executed, Morrow has also promoted Islamophobic hate, demanding that Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) "head back to Somalia" and suggesting Muslims should be banned from holding elected office in the United States.

various commenters #interphobia #conspiracy #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Will Imane Khelif throw his last match?

( PatitaGris )
He will fight, if he were a decent or logical person he wouldn't be punching women in international live tv

( Arenlaef )
Honestly, I'm pretty sure Algeria boxing planned this entire thing, so I doubt it. Maybe that's conspiracy level shit, but they're not the first conservative country to pull something like this (I can't remember where it was, but an Islamic country once had a fully male "female" soccer team) so I think they're expecting that Gold.

( TheKnitta )
If he loses it won’t be because it was a fair fight. I’ve fought many men, and guys my height with any form of training would flatten me easily, no matter how much training I did. There’s just no comparison. At this level, with the amount of training and weight classes, no woman can beat a man unless the man is either injured, sick, or not trying. No, it’s not fair, yes, it’s frustrating and annoying as hell to be a woman in that situation, but physical reality exists. It’s pointless to pretend otherwise.

It remains to be seen as to whether he’ll do a Liar Thomas and not try in the final, just so TRAs apparently ‘win’ the ideological argument.

( OwnLyingEyes )
Think if he didn't throw his second one after the outcry around the first 46 second bout, there's no way he'll forfeit gold while it's in reach. The IOC made Carini apologize to him and have been working overtime to cover for him (and cover their own asses in the process), the media's been overwhelmingly painting him as the victim with few exceptions, I just don't see why he would at this point. Maybe in the aftermath there will be enough controversy to reinstate sex tests, but right now doubling down is a clear path to victory, just one more woman to beat up in his way.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy bennettleeross.com

When portals are opened from the Antiverse
It swaps versions of people

The Sargasso Sea off the southeast United States is full of seaweed
Which is of high nutritional value

We are told to spray poison on wild medicinal plants
And brainwashed people obey

The Sargasso Sea is home to the Bermuda Triangle
Which is where the Plantagenet Bank is located

The Bermuda Triangle is famous for its distorted magnetic field
Project Magnet installed hydrophones to pick up on any abnormal energies

In London the ruling family is the Royal House of Plantagenets
Entities slipping through portals are pretending to be good humans

Incoming plasma otherwise known as the Holy Spirit
Is out of the control of negative life forms

Its crystal spiral dissolves artificial structures
That are enmeshed in our lightbody

The cosmic crystal spiral was Venus
Which reflected the Flower of Life

It was germinated by the continual phase pulsing of Saturn
And we retain a strong connection to it in our cellular memory

The flowering of Venus caused our nucleotides to expand
And our bioelectrical field came alive

The moon gets big and bright
Because it is trying to stop this process of union
Between the spiritual and the physical realms

If you are feeling low
It could be because an ungodly convoluted current got sent to you
And is manipulating you

The brain will mimic frequency patterns by adjusting its output
It can be hidden technological mind control

Or the sound of weed eaters and leaf blowers
Which are made to be incredibly annoying to trigger feelings of distress
Plummeting the persons neural oscillation and consciousness into lower states

This is to not only to feed off our lower energy
But a lower resonance is for the cultivation of genetic hybrids

Sculpt your life with the creative energy
According to your highest intention
Cultivate a higher level of spiritual awareness

Genetic suppression has been aggressive since Atlantean times
Well thought out plans of ongoing deception strategies
Orchestrate the mind control of humanity!

The Zetas via Nancy Lieder #ufo #wingnut #racist #crackpot #conspiracy zetatalk.com

When we described the stages that would occur as the globe approached the pending passage of Nibiru, we described Plate Movements for the 7 of 10 phase, sociological changes for the 8 of 10 phase, and the Last Weeks for the 9 of 10 phase. We are now fully into the sociological changes we predicted for the 8 of 10, which includes weather changes to the extent that there would be a blending of the seasons with increasing drought and deluge, crop and resulting food shortages, and the press to migrate.
As the revelation that Nibiru is a real and present danger approaches, the Nibiru coverup is going into panic. Putin and his associates are prepared to announce this to the world with evidence from their astronomers along with images from their probes. The Prongs are expected to confirm all this, as will numerous private sources who have been tracking and imaging the Nibiru Complex for years. This connects the dots for the public who have watched the Daily Earth Wobble create havoc on Earth.

At the helm of the Nibiru coverup is the WEF/Rothschild banking network and the wealthy elite who live on interest from the debt slavery they have demanded. BRICS offers an alternative with reasonable interest rates, and is thus a secondary threat to the Rothschild banks. Knowledge of Nibiru’s presence and pending passage will incite those living along coastlines to want to head inland to the hills, abandoning their mortgages.

In all of this, ZetaTalk has been the bearer of the unwanted message. Remove ZetaTalk and there is no Nibiru, essentially. Coming with proven accuracy and precise predictions, the public has been encouraged to go look, and there is the interloper. Takeover attempts fail due to the Mirror Sites and international fame that Nancy has garnered. ZetaTalk is free and widely available. Thus in anticipation of the Nibiru announcement, the Nibiru Coverup is focusing on preventing the legitimate spokespersons from access to the mic. They will be silenced.

Stewart A. Swerdlow #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy goodreads.com

History is written by the victors to control the billions of people on Planet Earth. Guns, weapons, and armies are not enough. The victors intend to control your MIND. FREE YOUR SELF. It is TIME YOU know the TRUE HISTORY of such hotly debated topics as: Atlantis & Lemuria, Nibiru, Sumer, Egypt, Lost Tribes of Israel, Ark of the Covenant, Mary Magdalene, Jesus;/Jmmanuel, Maya, Inca, Kuiper Belt, Templars, Papacy, Antarctica, 4th Reich, Book of Revelation, Extraterrestrials & Aliens, Interdimensional Existences, & MUCH, MUCH MORE... STEWART HOLDS NOTHING BACK! Stewart is a profound "Walking Encyclopedia" on a mission to give you TRUTH and PERSONAL EMPOWERMENT through KNOWLEDGE because KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. Be prepared to change you view, not only of history, but of your self; who you are, where you came from, why you are here...at long last KNOW the TRUTH for YOUR SELF.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #wingnut #racist #conspiracy stillnessinthestorm.com

The Obama presidency from January 20th 2009 to January 20th 2016 was supposed to an interlude or truce in the secret war. However, the March 11, 2011 attack on Fukushima, Japan started the war again. The Japanese government, scared by the attack and by threats to blow up Mount Fuji, ended a brief rebellion against the Khazarian Mafia. They handed over the $7 trillion Japan had earned since World War II to Israeli Crime Minister Benyamin Satanyahu. Satanyahu then handed it over to the Swiss based Octagon group.

They also installed a slave regime in Japan led by Shinzo Abe. After being installed, Abe was summoned over to Davos to read a keynote speech in January, 2014 in which be compared China to Germany before World War I. In other words, everyone was going to gang up on China and it would be defeated and split up. This speech was the modern Roman Empire’s (The US dominated G7) declaration of war against China.

What we now know in retrospect is that Barack Obama is a grandson of Adolf Hitler. As such he is part of the George Bush Sr. Nazi faction of the KM. His faction installed Abe as Prime Minister because he was a card carrying Nazi. To be more exact he was affiliated with the Unification Church or Moonies who had a ranch in Paraguay next to the Bush ranch. In other words they were part of the group of Japanese who never surrendered at the end of World War II.
The plan was to install Hillary Clinton Rockefeller, another Hitler relative, in 2016 to release these bioweapons around the world to soften up Russia, China and the resto of the world with a pandemic aimed at reducing their population. This was to be followed by an invasion first of Russia and then China.

What happened on November 8th 2016 was a gnostic illuminati coup against the Khazarian Mafia. On this day, at an emergency meeting at the Norwegian base in Antarctica, a decision was made to make Donald Trump president of the United States, according to two individuals who were at this meeting.

Tatsuya Ishida #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie sinfest.xyz

Submitter’s note: This is part 60 in the “Through the Rabbi Hole” series, which was originally a riff on the Disney Version of Alice in Wonderland, but now… let’s just say that we’re well past “off the rails”.


Panel 1: Tour bus in graveyard full of greco-roman statuary. “And here, the graveyard of the White Gods”
Panel 2: Tourists in bus. “Once proud and mighty lords of Europe, now extinct”
Panel 3: Tour guide is revealed to be both a Brainlet Wojack and Woke Zombie, wearing a Jewish Kippah/Yarmaluke. “All Conquered by God”. Tourist: “No way”
Panel 4: Tour Guide: “Yah, Weh”

Alfred Lambremont Webre #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy amazon.com

A tour through the new science of the Omniverse, its spiritual and physical dimensions, and its incalculable intelligent civilizations

• Reveals the key travel and communication technologies of the Omniverse: time travel, teleportation, and telepathy

• Unveils newly disclosed state secrets about these technologies, about the findings of the NASA Mars rover missions, and about a secret colony and life on Mars

• Explains through science how souls are holographic fragments of God and how they help create planets, solar systems, galaxies, and universes in the multiverse

We are all citizens of the Omniverse, the overarching matrix of energy, spirit, and intelligence that encompasses all that exists: all universes within the multiverse as well as the spiritual dimensions centered on the divine Source that many call God.

In this scientific guide to the Omniverse, Alfred Lambremont Webre reveals startling replicable evidence about extraterrestrial and extra-universal life, the intelligent civilizations created by souls in the afterlife, top-secret alien technology, and the existence of a secret base as well as life on Mars. The author explains how our souls are holographic fragments of God/Source and how souls and Source are co-creating planets and galaxies as virtual realities for soul development. He addresses Grey alien control over soul reincarnation and also sheds light on the presence of invisible hyperdimensional controllers known as the Archons, who feed off negative energy.

Revealing the key technologies of the Omniverse, the author explains how hyperdimensional civilizations communicate telepathically, teleport interdimensionally, and travel through time. He unveils newly disclosed state secrets about government possession of these technologies, the findings of the NASA Mars rover missions, and the secret Mars colony whose permanent security personnel is age-reversed and shot back through time to their specific space-time origin points--with their memories blocked.

Jonathan Cahn #fundie #magick #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon amazon.com

Just when you thought Jonathan Cahn’s books couldn’t get more explosive, comes …
THE DRAGON’S PROPHECY: Israel, the Dark Resurrection, and the End of Days.

Is there more to the world than meets our eyes – another realm that’s transforming our world at this very moment?
Is there an ancient vision that unlocks what is really happening to our world and what is yet to come?
A dangerous force from ancient times that is now operating in the world and determining the course of world events?
Did a three-thousand-year old mystery actually foretell the invasion of Israel by Hamas down to the year – and even the exact date?
Is there a secret to the Book of Revelation that actually reveals what is taking place right now?
After eight New York Times bestsellers, Jonathan Cahn NOW releases his newest stunning blockbuster….

THE DRAGON’S PROPHECY: Israel, the Dark Resurrection, and the End of Days.
For the first time ever, Jonathan Cahn will open up End-Time Prophecy to reveal the mysteries behind the End of the Age and what is now happening before our eyes - even the hidden keys to victory in the light of what’s coming – and how to overcome your Dragon!

The long-hidden secret of the Last Days
The Dark Resurrection
The Colors of the Apocalypse
The Return of the Sea People
The Day of the Dragon
The Black Sabbath
The Inverted Angel
The Revenge of the Three Thousand
The 2,315th Day
The Secret on the Mount
The Invaders
The Beast
And much, much, more!
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What do you need to know and do?
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White Hat Intel/Judy Byington #wingnut #racist #conspiracy amg-news.com

Not everything is as it seems in Israel and Iran. …Q We are saving Israel for last for a very specific reason not mentioned a single time. Why did Q write this?
The Deep State Cabal in DC are funding both operations in Israel and Iran (Obama, CIA, Carnigie Endowment, Globalist Elites).
IRAN is full of massive corruption that is STILL controlled by Deep State and GLOBALIST/CIA operations.
The only way to clean Iran is through the fall of their Deep State regime. And this includes a REVOLUTION and military intervention currently Russia, Saudi (MBS) are in talks with military leaders in Iran who want to over through the government and clean the house of Iran.
Military intelligence know that Mossad and Iran Deep State operations killed their own President Ebrahim Raisi and the deep state installed the new Iranian president Masoud Pezeshkian who is behind the scenes working with Carnegie Endowment.
The Deep State wants Israel to be attacked to bring in sorrow for the ISRAELI and start world military programs to protect Israel. More funding from European countries to Israel and more laws created in world courts. But the real reason (money laundering, creating race wars through the world and blaming Patriots and conservatives thru the U.S., UK, CANADA, EU for racism and anti-semitic hate for talking against the Israeli conflict, deaths and operations. It’s already began in the UK riots as race wars begin and putting nationalist ( those who support their country and people) against the Muslims or against Jews.
We are saving Israel for last because the massive DC corruption, European corruption is inbeded in the Israel Zimost Operation and the fake Kazariran Ashke NAZI Jews of Europe that stole the identity of the real Jewish people. That’s why and how the Rockefellers, Rothchilds came from the same area and region in southern Germany where in 1776 the illuminati was created. The Illuminati Rothschilds, Rockefellers, JP Morgan and Bush family funded Hitler.

Vox Day and @AllBiteNoBark88 #racist #fundie #conspiracy voxday.net

[From “The Judgment of Paris”]

To the surprise of absolutely no one who has been there in the last ten years, Paris has completely flopped as a host of the Olympic Games. The news that immigrants, filth, and crime are not tourist attractions appears to have somehow been missed by the organizers, who were too occupied with figuring out how to alienate Christians with their satanic little rituals and ushering in the Mark of the Beast with a cashless payment system to bother with catering to potential attendees.


spoilerTweet from The White Rabbit Podcast (@AllBiteNoBark88): "Friends in Paris tell me that Paris is empty.
The Olympics is an expensive flop.
Restaurants are making no money. Tourists have not arrived. I guess they ensured that would happen with their imported migrant crime & pornographic opening ceremony. What has also driven people away is the Olympics is 100% cashless & all products & services are via QR Code,
People literally checked out of hotels because of it. Cashless is FAILING"

Paris is an easy trip, even easier than going from Minneapolis to Chicago. And literally no one I know even considered going there, not even athletes and coaches who are involved in some of the relevant sports at an international level. In fact, no one ever discussed the Olympics at all, very much unlike the recent Euros.

But one good thing did come out of the Olympics. This meme.


spoilerMeme contrasting Kim Ye-ji aka Windows/MacOS with Yusuf Dikec aka Linux

Engineering Mental Sanity - Jerry Marzinsky featuring Owen Benjamin #fundie #conspiracy #quack #magick youtube.com

Despite the fact that the Bible tells us that Jesus cast demons out of people some 23 times most Christians and even some preachers seem to think that these references in the Bible are unreal fairy tales that were made up thousands of years ago and have nothing to do with today's modern society. This is one of the most dangerous mistakes that man has ever made. The greatest victory the devil has ever made was convincing the people of this planet that he does not exist. Look at the state of the world today and the wars that are constantly ravaging the planet. Outside of the war and corruption today, No where are the presence of demons as clear as when one studies the content of the voices schizophrenics hear. A study of these voices matches exactly the description of demons given by the Christian Mystic Emanuel Swedenborg. They are nasty, vulgar and negative. They hate the church, the Bible and go nuts at the recitation of the 23rd Psalm. Without as much as a single study into the nature of these voices, the psychiatric mafia backed by big pharma puppet masters have declared these voices to be hallucinations. There is only one problem with this. A close study of these voices shows they run repeatable, consistent negative patterns and if they run patterns they cannot be hallucinations. The psychiatric mafia and their big pharma puppeteers are gaslighting the entire planet into believing that these voices are nonsensical hallucinations and are doing a grave disservice to the occupants of this planet.

Jerry Marzinsky BA M.Ed.— Jerry is a retired licensed psychotherapist with over 35 years of experience working with and studying the thought processes of psychotic and criminally insane patients in some of the most volatile psychiatric institutions in the nation. He has held the positions of 2nd Lt. Arizona Civil Air Patrol and Assistant Scout Master. His formal academic training comprises a B.A. in Psychology from Temple University, a Master’s Degree in Counseling from the University of Georgia, and two years of study in a Ph.D. Psychology program. He is the co-author of An Amazing Journey Into The Psychotic Mind - Breaking The Spell Of the Ivory Tower.

Bml7864 , glimmer & LunarWolf #interphobia #conspiracy ovarit.com

RE: Khelif & Lin could easily prove they're female - if they were.

( Bml7864 )
Today I was out a overheard a group of middle aged (50s) people discussing Khelif. The man said it was a similar genetic condition as Michael Phelps, which gives people long arms and now they are saying it's an "advantage." Then he tried to say it was misogyny that they were giving a hard time to khelif because she's female but Phelps didn't get a hard time.

I don't claim to understand everything about this situation or DSDs in general, but it's crazy how wrong these people are. There was no mention of XY, dude literally thought this was about Khelif being tall or having "long arms."

These people vote.

The funniest part was their mom (late 70s) was like "oh well she shouldn't compete. I didn't know Phelps had a condition that gave him an advantage. I wouldn't have rooted for him if I'd known."

( glimmer )
The confusion is no accident. The narrative is being distorted on purpose. This person is a "cis" female athlete who was "born and raised" a girl, therefore if you oppose them in the sport you are just being transphobic??? It makes no sense.

Anyone with eyes knows that Khelif is male. Standing next to a woman it is obvious. I'm sorry he was born in a country that thinks no dick = female, but a female body is much more than just an absence of a dongle.

( LunarWolf )

Anyone with eyes knows that Khelif is male.

This is exceedingly relevant. Part of the tactic and possibly goal of this movement is to convince us we cannot trust our own senses, instincts, knowing and perception of the world. If you can’t trust your own senses and perceptions, where do you look for truth? Always and only outside yourself.

This tactic, in many forms, is how cults gain mind control of their victims. It sets the stage for a population to accept authoritarian control as inevitable and maybe even a relief.

Linda Harvey #homophobia #fundie #transphobia #wingnut #conspiracy missionamerica.com

It’s curious that, as parents around the country unite against the wicked “trans” agenda directed toward our kids, quite a few are willing to accommodate homosexual identities.

“I have no problem with someone who’s gay,” I heard one mom say “It’s the gender mutilation that we need to fight.”

Agreed, that needs to stop, but doesn’t she understand that the fight to normalize “LG” and “B” is where the push for “T” began? They are intimately connected and that’s why they stand in unity: “LGBTQ.”
For both the mental and spiritual health of our children, I would like to offer 4 reasons that we need to keep objecting to the normalization of homosexuality, even as we work to halt the “trans” train:

1. We look confused and muddled when we fail to stand against all the sexual anarchy labels. They are connected and one flows out of the other.
We will get nowhere unless we accept a few basic realities: the “LGBTQ” movement is pushing for child emancipation and full empowerment on medical/counseling issues as well as age of sexual consent. That’s because the powers leading that movement have no problem with children being sexual. Many of them were and that’s how they got to their present identities.
3. Homosexuality is a sin and faithful Christians must stand on this truth. And we must continue to do so because these identities are a dire threat to our children. And it’s not hate to do this-- exactly the opposite. The “LGBTQ” agenda is, at its core, anti-Christian.
4. No one is born homosexual (or in the wrong sex body) and school policies and programs that imply this are based on a huge deception.

Rather than attempt to cover the stunning lack of science, let’s just think about one point. Knowing the profit-motive of Big Pharma, don’t we all know that if any “gay gene” (or similar) research had turned out to be reliable, this industry would be developing testing?

Such testing is not being developed because their science has fallen flat. This emperor has no clothes.

Kelleigh Nelson #racist #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy newswithviews.com

Despite the fact that both Obama and Oprah fawned over Nelson Mandela, he was not a savior for South African blacks. He deplored both white and black farmers who planted fields and raised cattle that fed all South Africans. By communist hands, many black and white families and even their babies were macheted to death. The seeds of Mandela’s “anti-apartheid” have been planted in America and are now being thrust to fruition on our soil.

Millions of third world country illegal aliens have come through Biden’s wide open southern border. Never for a minute believe they are simply seeking refuge. Amongst them are countless criminal elements, MS13 gang members, Islamic terrorists, Chicom soldiers with tats of elite Chinese units, human traffickers and loosed Venezuelan prisoners.

Unreported in American press, there is a brutal white genocide still occurring. This massacre is being instigated by the African National Congress (ANC), South African Communist Party (SACP), and like-minded organizations. The stories of white farmers being murdered, women and babies being raped, and property being destroyed or stolen are legion. Not only is the South African regime doing nothing to prevent it, they are deliberately adding fuel to the fire.
In 1962 Bible reading and prayer were eliminated from government schools. The 10 commandments were removed in 1980, but they’re back in Louisiana.

Racism is being used by Congressional democrats to divide and conquer our country for Marxism. Jew hatred is again proliferating and spewing its vile invectives on America’s college campuses, and anti-Semitic prejudice and crime is mushrooming in our major cities.

An estimated 11 to 22 million illegal aliens have entered our country since Joe Biden took office. Our nation’s wide-open borders threaten to demographically replace America’s white Europeans with third world illegal aliens.

Mandela’s communist white hatred is winning, thanks to former President Obama and his Marxist minions.

The Blue Avians via Octavia Vasile #ufo #magick #conspiracy eraoflight.com

We are the Blue Avians, delighted to establish a new connection with you, beyond space and time.

Dear humans, as you shift from the 3D vibration upwards, you might experience significant changes. These changes are meant to show you something. For example, many of you have started to notice glitches in the Matrix, and it might seem like this is happening for the first time. These glitches have always existed, but now your brain can perceive them. You are beginning to discover that you have been experiencing something akin to a game, virtual reality, or simulation. While none of these terms capture the truth, they help you form an image of what is happening.

Your supraconscious mind generates the reality you experience. The 3D mind was meant to perceive this reality as very real and take it seriously. In contrast, the 5D mind acknowledges that it is a spontaneous creation and seeks to master it. Currently, you are positioned somewhere between these two states. Sometimes you observe synchronicities, noting the correlation between mind and matter. At other times, you perceive a reality that seems disconnected from your inner experience. This fluctuation occurs because you are shifting from one vibration to another.
On a 5D timeline, you will experience the Mandela effect and other glitches as you awaken completely, integrating the information slowly. What if you start playing with your reality by programming it? Before going out, tell yourself what you would like to see. For example, “I want to meet a cat on my way!” Start programming, be playful, and enjoy it, for this is when you turn yourself into a Prime Creator.

There is no need to create out of necessity; do so because you enjoy it! Observe the glitches and take them as reminders not to take life so seriously. Each time you see a glitch, remind yourself, “It is all a game,” and relax. We are here to support and guide you into the 5D dimension. Now it is time to let go of all seriousness and start being playful.

Kerry Cassidy #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy kerrycassidy.substack.com

According to my source US debt is “O” and was paid off… So everything the early part of the above SGanon broadcast is wrong. The trouble is he is believing the “news” which is full of lies…. Regardless of my source info I can say that I have other sources talking about the illusion of debt being used to try to change the system but that what is called “the right to issue” is not changing hands and so the families in Basel Switzerland are still being backed by off world beings specifically the Anunnaki in collusion with the Reptilians. While there may be battle going on to change this the evidence so far is that it is not being successful. Time will tell….

Of course I like you try to connect the dots in info I receive and what is out there. One thing I was told a few years ago is that there was an incoming alien race that was aligned with the Chinese who decided they wanted China to become the world super power.
I believe the white hats are aware of this but their ability to influence things is low at present although that could change.

Since humans in large part refuse to admit to the presence of the ET/inner Earth/intra and extra dimensionals they are like goldfish in a bowl refusing to acknowledge that someone outside the bowl has ultimate control.
Another case in point is Israel, Iran, China and other countries and the real reason war is breaking out has everything to do with the various races attempting to control the humans from behind the scene. These are off-planet races that have been at war for eons… and this has everything to do with current events.

All of life throughout the mega verse is consciousness and all consciousness could be thought as the play within the ‘mind’ of God. Therefore all life has sanctity and in order to for humans to have self-determination and sovereignty they must become aware of and acknowledge the reality of the existence and interplay of all life forms.

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

Disentanglement testing phase is proceeding well and it is expected to be completed in about a week. After that, the process of disentanglement of humanity from the Lurker will begin with full force.

In preparation for this process, the planetary etheric network of Light had to be prepared and properly activated. For this reason, a special Dragon leyline activation was taking place between July 11th and 22nd.
After the successful activation of Dragon leylines, various factions of Agartha network, especially in Asia, are becoming more active, beginning their preparations for the Compression Breakthrough.

Blue Dragon Agartha (青龙洞天) network was created during Tang dynasty. First, emperor Xuanzong connected grotto heavens with Taoist temples:
They went underground through the freshly created network of entrances, and then created an underground civilization of Light based on advanced Taoist principles. There they discovered an ancient Atlantean network with advanced technology. They now exist below central China and are cooperating with the Aldebarans, Antarians and Andromedans.
In Tibet, the main Agartha stronghold is in the western end of the Kunlun mountains. This network has the main base under the nexus of main planetary Dragon leylines:

It is 26,000 years old, and has a strong connection to the Galactic Central Race. It also connects to the western underground Atlantean network and indirectly to the Resistance Movement.
Unfortunately, there is also a negative Agartha network with main stronghold on Tibetan high plateau just south of Kunlun mountains, and a small network of underground bases around the planet.

The core of this network are negative Andromedans that came to this planet 26,000 years ago and now exist in a huge underground base under a small insignificant Buddhist monastery in northern Tibet. They were additionally reinforced by a small number of extremely negative beings from another Universe during the Archon invasion in 1996.

Allan MacRae and Steve Kirsch #conspiracy #quack #wingnut #psycho twitter.com

From Allan MacRae in Canada:

Hi Steve K

The COVID-19 vaccines were far more dangerous than most people realize. I correctly advised our Alberta and Canadian governments on January 8, 2021 do not deploy these vaccines, based on the high risk / low reward equation.

I did not know at that time that these Injections were highly toxic; that became clear later in 2021.

Denis Rancourt and I independently calculated the death to from the vaccines at 13 million to the end of 2022, and that was only in the developed countries where we had good data. That death toll has increased to 20 million to mid 2024 and the carnage is far from Uber. We can probably double that 20 million to include India, China and Russia.

Total deaths from the toxic COVID-19 vaccines now exceed the total number of deaths that the USA and Canada have lost in all our wars, going back to the 1500s. Somehow, our corrupt governments and health agencies are still pretending that this did not happen and some are even recommending these vaccines in the standard schedule for children six months and older.

I maintain that no individual or group could be Innocently this wrong for this long. I say they know that they are committing mass murder, and they are comfortable with that.

Another tragic anomaly is the increased death in hospital in the USA of 560,000 Americans in 2020, due to late treatment, Remdesivir and ventilators. Hospitals were compensated ~$30,000 for each such death. We had no such excess deaths in Alberta well through mid 2020, because our doctors practised competent early treatment of COVID-19 patients. This and other data proves that there was no real pandemic of the virus; there was a false pandemic created by government hysterical propaganda and late treatment.

The banning of ivermectin, which effectively cures Covid in a few days is another proof of their criminal intent.

We need to bring these mass murderers to Justice. We need Nuremberg 2.0 - military tribunals, hangings and firing squads. We need that now.

Regards, Allan MacRae, Calgary

See my books that prove all these points on Amazon.
3:39 PM · Aug 5, 2024 · 43.6K Views
778 Reposts 37 Quotes 1,948 Likes 337 Bookmarks

Dave Blount #wingnut #conspiracy moonbattery.com

[From “Communists Are Winning the Cold War”]

The Cold War did not end with the collapse of the USSR. Rather, the enemy moved its main base of operations from Russia to America, having taken effective control of our universities and media. It is implementing a strategy devised by the KGB that consists of four stages: Demoralization, Destabilization, Crisis, and Normalization

Demoralization is how we got to where we are now. If Democrats prevail in November, we will move from Destabilization to Crisis

This 1984 video of former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov explaining what is being done to our country is worth another look in light of radical leftists like Kamala Harris taking control:

A disturbing interview given by a KGB defector Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov in 1984 describes modern America and outlines four stages of mass brainwashing used by the KGB. The first stage is called “demoralisation”. His words are more prophetic than ever.pic.twitter.com/ze4Fc29Jyl
— James Melville (@JamesMelville) July 27, 2024

The only silver lining to Democrats consolidating power is that many of them will meet a fitting end when the revolution starts eating its own

Donald Trump #racist #conspiracy #wingnut theguardian.com

[Title: Trump repeats lies and attacks Kamala Harris’s racial identity at panel of Black journalists. (31 Jul 2024)]

Donald Trump parroted disinformation about immigration and abortion, questioned Kamala Harris’s race and accused a panel moderator, Rachel Scott – the senior congressional correspondent for ABC News – of being “rude” and presenting a “nasty question” when she asked him: “Why should Black voters trust you?”
Trump arrived more than an hour late to the panel[...]
The conversation opened with Scott asking why Black voters should trust Trump given his repeated inflammatory comments about Black people.

“Well, first of all, I don’t think I’ve ever been asked a question in such a horrible manner,” Trump said, before asking whether Scott was with “fake news network” ABC News.
Trump added: “I think it’s disgraceful that I came here in good spirit. I love the Black population of this country. I’ve done so much for the Black population of this country … I think it’s a very rude introduction.”

He continued, “I have been the best president for the Black population since Abraham Lincoln,”
He repeated the unsubstantiated claim that undocumented immigrants were planning on taking “Black jobs”,[...]“Anybody that has a job – that’s what it is. They’re taking the employment away from Black people.”
Trump claimed that Harris suddenly “became a Black woman” and had previously only been identifying with her Indian heritage. “Is she Indian or is she Black?”[...]“I respect either one but she obviously doesn’t because she was Indian all the way and then all of sudden she became a Black woman.”
At least two Black attendees sporting Trump hats frequently cheered for the former president, especially as he reiterated that he faced “political persecution” after being convicted of 34 felonies.

Henry Makow PhD #wingnut #racist #fundie #transphobia #homophobia #conspiracy #ableist henrymakow.com

The "woke" promotion of migration, vaccines, Ukraine, homosexuality, transvestism, CRT, "climate change" has nothing to do with human rights, or it would not trample on the human rights of healthy people.

It is a flimsy pretext for the destruction of Christian Western civilization, depopulation and the imposition of a Communist New World Order dedicated to serving Satan.

Satanism is war against God, i.e. the Moral and Natural Order. It inverts and unravels both, shreding the social fabric. It destroys its adherents.

Satanism is not a religion. Religion discerns & obeys God's Will.

Satanism is an anti-religion. It is a denial of the Creator's Plan. Its god is Death. It is the religion of Death, Destruction, and suffering.

Creation is a Miracle. If you deny the Creator's Design and Purpose, you are a Satanist. The only way mankind will make our rendezvous with God is for us all to serve Him by doing His work, as we see it. Raising healthy children is an example. Atheists and agnostics are Satanists.

Revelation 12:9 "....that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world."

(Protocols of Zion, 6)---"When we introduced into the State organism the poison of liberalism its whole political complexion underwent a change. States have been seized with a mortal illness--blood poisoning. All that remains is to await the end of their death agony." (Protocols of Zion, 9)

"In order that the true meaning of things may not strike the goyim before the proper time, we shall mask it under the alleged ardent desire to serve the working classes..."

A millennia-old satanic conspiracy is reaching a climax. If it is not arrested, mankind will enter a new Dark Age.

"But he that sinneth against Me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate Me love death." Proverbs 8:36

Concerned Residents of Florida #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy stateofthenation.co


How is it that ever since Ron DeSantis became governor, Florida has been targeted with more geoengineered hurricanes than any other period in recorded history?

We are sending this letter to every member of the Florida State Legislature in advance of Tropical Storm Debby making landfall in the Panhandle.
What follows are just a couple of exposés about similar superstorms that hit Florida hard during the last 5 years. Both of them had all the classic signatures of perfectly controlled hurricanes.

An Urgent Open Letter to Gov. Ron DeSantis
HURRICANE MICHAEL: A Geoengineered Superstorm Aimed at
the Florida Panhandle to Swing the 2018 Election to Andrew Gillum

By the way, if any of you members of the
state government are not aware of the massive and non-stop chemical geoengineering operations conducted in plain sight throughout the skies across Florida, why don’t you know?

Much more importantly, why have the many state reps, who have received these letters over the years, chosen to be oblivious to the greatest threat to the state of Florida—weather warfare.

So, if you any of you folks still claim ignorance of the regular geoterrorist attacks perpetrated against the Sunshine State at this late date, you have no right representing the people of Florida.

Now we have Tropical Storm Debby barreling right towards Tallahassee just as the last few have done. Do you not see the new hurricane pattern being purposefully fabricated by the NWO geoengineers?

Especially that many of these frankestorms are aimed right at highly strategic Florida locations during the months before Election Day? What better way to create chaos, confusion and conflict in those voting precincts where elections are won and lost in Florida.

Well, are you aware of these electoral machinations and criminal conspiracies?

If so, what are you all going to do about it?

Concerned Residents of Florida

Alice M. Byrd #wingnut #transphobia #enbyphobia #conspiracy newswithviews.com

The Unified Political Class shouts from the rooftops that “THEY” are going to be the most transparent party and leaders in the history of the USA. It’s like a church choir that is in perfect tune, even though different singers are singing different aspects of the melody…they sing ONE SONG in harmony. Henceforth, I will only refer to them as the “Imperial They”. The Corporate Cathedral of Conquest.

I woke up to find out the nightmare had become reality. The Progressives, Socialists and Marxists that have purposefully infected and now permeate throughout The US guv’mint, and I include the highly mischievous RINO’s who collaborate seamlessly with them. They have preached and PREACHED about how “They” are going to make their behaviors and policies transparent! It is my firm conviction that “They” have finally achieved their lofty goal.
People are whatever “They” want them to be! I wanted the world to be REAL…Apparently, I lose that wish. Men are not men; women are not women; they are gender fluid non-binary entities who can choose to be anything they want to be, whenever they want to be it!! Human Chameleons! Or should I say Chimeras? Oh, and men CAN become pregnant! Soon, they will not even be 100% human beings. They will be transhuman, implanted with AI and live forever! The world has lost it moral docking and our ship of humanity is finally lost at sea.
THIS is how the Global Corporate Command sees the average person. We are something to destroy through gullibility and temptation. Humans, beyond “Their” proscribed numerical limit, are a blight upon the earth who demand being fed and clothed and sheltered…and there are simply too many humans (cue the Covid Shot advertisement)!!
Those minions spiritually indwelt by the Forces of Evil have taken over the planet. Get ready to enjoy your breakfast of mealworms and your hovel of mud and straw; You’ll have nothing and be happy!………….or else.

Alexandra Bruce #crackpot #wingnut #quack #conspiracy forbiddenknowledgetv.net

Ron Johnson of Stranger than Fiction News (@STFNREPORT on Telegram) is one of the most balls-out independent news guys out there. He’s as de-platformed from social media as I am and he just released a new book, ‘Transhuman Genocide’, to not only inform you about the 5G “Death Towers”, as he calls them but about how to protect yourself from this toxic electrosmog – and to get ready the new next thing: energy weapons.

Sabrina Wallace has warned us about the upcoming “electromagnetic drone warfare” and “plasma charges” and how we need to secure and protect our biofields in order to survive this.

Back in the summer of 2016, watching former Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman, Tom Wheeler announcing the roll-out of the new 5G cellular phone platform was like watching Hitler sans the apoplexy. He was a smooth operator, selling us our own genocide at that press conference.
In hindsight, that press conference foreshadowed the juggernaut of psychopathic gaslighting by our bureaucrats and the media that became normalized during the 2020 Plandemic.

Catherine Austin Fitts hilariously called it the “Shriekometer”, when it was still something that they would only turn on, once in a while, for “emergencies”.
If we keep looking back, these Animatronic zombie psychos have been there, all along. Remember 9/11, the Dubya Presidency and the Invasion of Iraq? Do Larry and Joy Reid understand that they’re playing on the same team as the despised Dubya? (Mika, most certainly does!)

Over the past month, the Clown Show has catapulted into hyperspace, between that non-Googleable “glass shrapnel” to-do in Butler, PA and the whole Kameltoe for President jazz.

Make no mistake. They are soft-killing us, every which way, with their endless hectoring and their insanity-inducing ‘Alice in Wonderland’ torture technique, while psychologically rounding us up for their Final Solution Remix.

Climate Change, you know.

Patricia Cota-Robles #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyages-of-light.com


August 8, 2024 = 888
The Opening of the Triple-Infinity of the 888 Lion’s Gate will take place August 8th, 2024. This is the final Celestial event the Company of Heaven will escort us through prior to the 38th World Congress on Illumination which will take place August 10t-15, 2024.
Mary Magdalene’s service to the Light also prepares Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her for the pinnacle of the Opening of the Lion’s Gate which occurs on August 8th, 8/8, every year. The year 2024 also pulsates with the number eight, so we will experience a Triple-Infinity 888 Lion’s Gate Portal.

During the opening of the Lion’s Gate the Earth aligns with Sirius and Leo and a new cycle of Time and Space begins. During this auspicious time, the Company of Heaven is reminding us of what they revealed when we Birthed this New Decade. They said that during the next ten years Humanity will change the course of history for Mother Earth and ALL her Life.
In 2020, due to the monumental shifts that had taken place since the Birth of the New Decade and the forced Global Planetary Pause we were experiencing due to Covid-19, on August 8th, as the Opening of the Lion’s Gate reached its pinnacle, our Father-Mother God Breathed Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her through the original Lion’s Gate that pulsates above the Pyramid in Giza Egypt into the much higher frequencies of the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Lion’s Gate that pulsates in the atmosphere above the 5D New Earth.
As we pass through the Portal of the 5th-Dimensional Lion’s Gate, every person’s fully integrated I AM Presence has been given permission by our Father-Mother God to liberate the Heart-based patterns encoded within the Divine Wisdom and Sacred Knowledge in our Twelve Solar Strands of 5th-Dimensional DNA. This will pave the way for the I AM Presence of every person to liberate us into the Harmony of a Higher Order of Being.

Tatsuya Ishida #transphobia #conspiracy #racist #kinkshaming sinfest.xyz

[From “July 29, 2024: Paris Olympics”]


spoilerPanel 1: Cartouche reading “Meanwhile, in, Paris…”, while “Liberté” and “Égalité” are written in golden letters above Barbara Butch
Panel 2: “Perversité” (“Perversion”) is written in golden letters above Philippe Katerine standing as Dyonisos, while eggplants and mushrooms are raining around him
Panel 3: A man wearing a beret and carrying baguettes is saying “Qui écrit ces conneries?” (“Who’s writing this shit?”)
Panel 4: A man is seated in his office, wearing a kippah. On his office is a mug on which an Israeli flag has been painted; a rainbow flag is flying from his office. From his windows, the Eiffel Tower can be seen

Kaisar #fundie #racist #transphobia #conspiracy hiddendominion.com

[From “America Is Babylon”]

The United States has taken the mantle from the prior torchbearers of Babylon. We are now the legacy of Babylon[…]
The Tower of Babel tells the story of God’s desire for separate nations[…]
This desire for “unification” (dominance) continued in the same region (Babylon) and continues to today[…]
Babylon fell. But just like its relation to the Tower of Babel, it had a spiritual successor. The next would be the empires declared by Daniel, ending with the Roman Empire[…]
This then progressed to further spiritual successors of Babylon. There have been a lot of Babylons throughout history, with Rome to The Mohammedans to Mongolia to England, to us[…]
Just like how Babylon and Muhammed wanted to conquer the world, unite it under one faith and government, so too does the modern United States[…]
God states that Babylon will fall, so there must be a Babylon that exists to fall. Which means Babylon must have not just endured, but strengthened over time to reach its necessary position of influence in the End Times[…]
Babylon is simply the continuation of the empire trying to unite and control the whole world[…]
Babylon is, by its nature, globalist[…]
We are degenerate, decadent, evil, and immoral. We are trying to create a unipolar world order where everyone is “united” under our boot. We sacrifice our own children, have lived practically our entire existence at war, and are now even mutilating our children because of “transgender tolerance”. We are importing millions of culturally non-similar peoples and exporting our cultural subversion to every nation that is under our influence. We actively encourage one world government organizations[…]
This includes the open borders and “everything revolves around the merchant economy” libertarians. This also includes the “tolerate all evil” and race-integrationalism leftists. Without a doubt, it also includes the pro-war and pro-hegemony neocons. The true uniparty is the Babylonian party

various commenters #transphobia #conspiracy #wingnut msn.com

Submitter’s note: Pretty much every single comment on the article reads like this

Bob bob: Hilarious that Dan Wolken doesn't understand biology or the clown form the IOC. Saying an explanation does not exists is just hard left wind idiocy. Maybe the IBA shouldn't be in the business of running boxing but I doubt the genetic test which is incorrect. Why doesn't the IOC have a genetic test performed and release the results? Because they know its going to confirm its a male no matter what the fake paper birth certificate says.

L*******: What an incredibly disingenuous analysis that dances around basic truth and very simple science. Another Russian collusion story? Please. What would satisfy the author, would a death in the ring satisfy him?

Curdweasel2: No one in the video addresses the XY question. What is the boxer's karyotype?

Bob bob: I love how they skate around it. Like there's no test that could reveal one's biological gender. We just have to believe the paper birth certificate and what a very male looking athlete says.

B G: When Khelif failed the qualification test, Khelif should have had enough integrity to step down rather than compete despite having already broken the rules.

Aaron Ray: Last year he was a dude

Michael B: Agreed. Someone like him should never be allowed to compete against actual women ever again.

Mismack Girma: He is a man period. He got man natural genetics from birth.

Caleb Nichols: XY chromosomes and high testosterone level? Hmmmm...

Corey Vette: I thought genitals didn't matter to the left. Now they do ???

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