Ricardo Peterson Kuthumi(Indian in the Machine) #conspiracy #quack #ufo #moonbat #wingnut indianinthemachine.com

In this lifetime, you get to experiment with many roles…


Boy… girl

You have an identity, sometimes you change it, sometimes you refuse to change it…

You have been a victim, or a colonialist…

You have gone natural, and you have lived a very artificial life…

As much as you are repelled by earth life you are also attracted to it…

You like the excitement of being in 3D and 4D.
You have a lifetime of being indoctrinated and the indoctrination started before you could talk.

You identify as ‘vaccinated’ or unvaccinated.

But there’s one thing you haven’t given your all yet…

You have yet to fully become a 100% loving human being.

This is what actually scares you.
Where’s your humanity.

You may have literally bent over and took it up the ass over the last scamdemic.

You said you did this because you cared too much.

You literally took a bioweapon and then said it was because you cared too much.


You watched a billion people die, and didn’t barely shed a tear.

The children had to be rescued by extraterrestrials while you pondered whether or not it is safe to pull your head out of your ass.

The darkside have been quite successful in turning you into an android.

Some of you think these words are gibberish and think you don’t have nanotechnology in you, but you never cared about the chemtrails that were spraying unknown technology on you for 40 years.
Go head… search the newsfeed for monkeypox, transhumanism… civilization is crashing down right now… will you remain lost, or will you find the real human you… the one who is designed to love, evolve, grow and who serves a Higher power?

You WILL have to pull your head out of your ass completely to survive this time… no exceptions.

It is my intention to help save another with these words.

Remember, they are coming after you, your children, your community and the world… AGAIN, because you didn’t even come close to stopping them last time.

Ken Ham #fundie twitter.com

Clothing was invented not because we were cold, as evolutionists suggest, but because of sin and shame. Mankind was originally created naked and unashamed, but after their sin, they tried to cover over that sin and shame with fig leaves. But God himself made them clothes when he killed an animal—the first animal death in God’s “very good” creation. These clothes and the sacrifice and spilled blood of that animal (or animals) covered over their sin and shame.

God taught Adam and Eve that they couldn’t cover their sin. Only God could do that.

When God made clothes from coats of skins, he was setting up the sacrificial system. He killed animals and clothed Adam and Eve. The first blood sacrifice as a covering for their sin, a picture of what was to come in Jesus Christ, the lamb of God who came to take away the sin of the world.

A sinner can’t pay the penalty for sin. So God stepped into human history in the person of his Son, to be born of a virgin, the sinless perfect Son of God. He became a man as God, the God-man. He lived a sinless life and died on a cross. But he rose from the dead. That means he has ultimate power, the power over death. He suffered the penalty for our sin and paid our debt on that cross. He offers a free gift of salvation to those who will repent of the sin and receive this free gift.

Sin distorts nakedness. God has written the law (given us a conscience) on our hearts. Humans, whether they acknowledge it or not, (of course there are many who let their sin natures master over them in this matter), instinctively know they were clothes because of sin an shame.
9:20 PM · Aug 25, 2024 · 3,573 Views
44 Reposts 125 Likes 7 Bookmarks

JD Vance #conspiracy #crackpot #forced-birth #wingnut twitter.com

I think our conservative idea is that parents and families should determine what children learn and what values they are brought up with. So many of the leaders of the left, I hate to be so personal about this, are people without kids trying to brainwash the minds of our children. That really disorients me and it really disturbs me. Randi Weingarten, who's the head of the most powerful teacher's union in the country, she doesn't have a single child. If she wants to brainwash and destroy the minds of children she should have some of her own and leave ours the hell alone.

Parents with inconvenient Truths about Trans #ableist #crackpot #elitist #transphobia pittparents.com

Trans is NOT Kind
People are beginning to see that the “trans” phenomenon is not kind…

Medical transition is not just doctors and drug companies being unkind to patients. Removing healthy breasts because of a “feeling” is unkind to cancer patients who have lost breasts. What does elective genital removal surgery say to a man who lost his penis when he stepped on a landmine or to a woman who was subjected to genital mutilation against her will? What does the elective removal of a healthy, functioning body part say to any person who had to have a limb amputated?

Thankfully most people do not know about a condition called interstitial cystitis. It inflames the lining of the bladder and causes the sufferer to feel like they have a painful UTI all the time. My mother suffered from it for over a year. At the time there was no cure. The suicide rate for these people was higher than the suicide rate among cancer patients. We know that vaginoplasty results in numerous UTI’s. The rate of UTIs is as high as 67%. Women have a 50% rate of urinary problems after genital surgery. Many of these patients have numerous UTI’s. The constant use of antibiotics to treat these UTI’s breeds antibiotic resistant bacteria. This increases the risk of having a long lasting or even incurable UTI for everyone. That is very unkind.

Whether it is puberty blockers, hormones, or antibiotics, all these drugs end up in our water supplies.

Think also of the people who suffer from MS or do not have healthy hearts and bones. Is it kind to voluntarily increase your chances of suffering these conditions because of a feeling?

Trans surgeries tie up operating rooms causing other people’s surgeries to be delayed. When the government pays for these procedures, it increases the national debt, and when insurance pays everyone’s rates increase.

I feel the greatest unkindness comes from those who promote the idea that attempting to change one’s sex is the only possible course of action for their suffering. Activists, therapist and doctors who will not first consider treating underlying mental health issues are being unkind, as is anyone who does not abide by “do no harm” and who fails to encourage using non-medical therapies for a person’s discomfort over drugs and surgeries.

Sometimes the kindest thing is to say “no” to a person who wants something that is not good for them.

#1103383 #crackpot fstdt.com

“Muhammad was a liar, thief, mass murderer, rapist and a pedophile."
“Eh, if we consider Mary to be about 14 when she was pregnant with Jesus, than God and Joseph fall under this same pedophile umbrella you just opened.”

That doesn’t make any sense. Unlike Aisha Mary was legally an adult at that time. Yes 12-14 isn’t the best age to get pregnant, but why bring Joseph into this? God I can get cause him being eternal=judge him by all time standards, but Joseph most likely wouldn’t be much older than Mary.Under Jewish law a girl was a maiden at 12+ puberty and was a mature woman after puberty (no less than 12.5). Ezekiel 16:8 seems to suggest that ancient Israelite women married after puberty (although probably still before 18-20). To the ancient Jews pedohiles and child marriage would’ve been under 12.5/13 years of age.

I have read enough sources that said some Jewish married after 20 in ancient times (which was atypical, so Mary being 17-19 isn’t really that unlikely. Palestinians Jewish women in first century married at 12-18, so Mary could’ve been 18. Another several sources say rabbinical literature talks about men in Palestine marrying at 30 to women around 15-20 years old.

Even if Mary was legally an adult at 12. Being pregnant at 12-14 isn’t safe. Giving birth at 12 is more risky than at 22. Mary never comes off as being immature as someone under 15/15, so she may have been 17-18 at that time.

Jewish girls married at 12-18: Judaism and Christianity in First Century Rome page 134

Ancient Palestinian men
typically married at 30 to women 15-20 years old: Jairus’s Daughter and the Female Body in Mark page 166

Some Jewish women Marie older than 20: Dictionary of New Testament Background page 684

Ps. Christians believe that Mary was a still a virgin. How did Mary get pregnant? My guess is IVF.

joshualister8362 #fundie youtube.com

1 year ago (edited)
Great episode! I wish you would have hammered home the fact that dinosaurs and dragons have a lot of overlap. We’ve literally dug up giant terrible lizard bones and modern killjoys try to remove all the wonder by throwing millions of years at it and saying they couldn’t possibly have lived at the same time as mankind.

Lisa Renee #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy #mammon energeticsynthesis.com

n this meditation we are addressing exploitable areas for elemental corruption used by lunar forces to run theBaphomet Network, and applying Krystal Star Tetramorphic Amplifiers for sealing and correcting the atomic body and instinctual body layers. This is a holographic instruction set for supporting corrected Tetramorphic patterns as required for Diamond Sun lightbody correction. We call upon and bring to mind the Hierogamic Union Tetramorphic amplifiers of Mother Arc, Yod of Father God and the Double Diamond Sun Body. Bring to mind the Mother Arc; her Tetramorphic or Animal symbol is a Bi-Pedal Feline or White Lion wearing a bejeweled Aurora Krystal Platinum Breastplate. (Base Tone). I AM THAT I AM. Bring to mind the Yod of Father God; his Tetramorphic or Animal Symbol is a Bi-pedal Golden Eagle with Spread Wings, wearing a Gold Solomon Shield with an encrusted Diamond Heart Breastplate. (Overtone & Resonate Tone). I AM THAT I AM. Bring to mind the Double Diamond Sun Body; Mother and Father’s Sun, a Diamond Krystal Sphere of Liquid Plasma, the Tetramorphic Symbol is a Perfected Eternal Human Being, which is both male and female, wearing a haloed Aurora Crown, emanating a rainbow Aurora Krystal Shield, holding the Earth Globe in both outstretched palms. (Resonant Tone). I AM THAT I AM. Aquareion is an Andromedan Amplifier, used by Christos or Oraphim Starseeds to help restore the architecture towards unification between the masculine and feminine counterparts, to build the hierogamic template, to reunite theChristos-Sophiathroughout the Universal Time Matrix. AquaSAreion works in conjunction with the Andromedan offspring/seed code chromosomal template as part of female Sophianic body corrections and supports an entire re-patterning of the brain waves, building the trinity circuitry in the brain that is the hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal gland, as well as vitalizing the myelin sheath functions of the CNS.

<$11.00 per download>

Brother Nathanael #racist #wingnut #quack #conspiracy realjewnews.com

A Bird Flu Plandemic Coming

How many chickens can you chew in one stew?

Less than a few.

A “Bird Flu” plandemic is coming your way.

Monkey Pox is paving the way to scare you as easy prey.

Let me tell you about the birds and the bees and the chickens and the feed and a thing called flu.

It started with its pilot program—”COVID”—in March of 2020.

Just a “dress down” rehearsal by Big Pharma Jews in sync with Global Jewry to wage “war on humanity” with its sinister depopulation agenda.
Usual suspects—Jews.
The Jew Stream Media has alreadyy reported on various takes of Bird Flu (H5N1) outbreaks.’

To date…

…since 2020, we’re being told—I mean being scared…

…that “Bird Flu” has killed millions of wild birds and has infected poultry, cattle, domestic cats, and a number of human beings.

Fear Mongering is a Jewish forte.

Thus comes along “Dr Peter Rabinowitz” to give the goys the shivers.

“Health officials are looking for evidence of mammal-to-mammal transmission and of person-to-person transmission which could be a definite warning about H5N1’s potential to become an epidemic.”

The jab will be lethal and deaths will be blamed on the Bird Flu, NOT the jab.

Placebos will be used on parts of the American population to give “cover” that the jab is safe.

Millions of Whites in targeted Red States will die.

Chickens, pigs, cows, will be annihilated to fool the White population into being “protected…”

…while at the same time starving them into malnutrition.

Be forewarned Mister Trump.

Bird Flu is the stuff that creates the perfect panic to usher in Mail IN Votes.
So “Mail IN Votes” across spacious bird flying skies and amber waves of flu will be mandated.

A car stays in every garage and any chicken for your pot will not survive.

The most hated VP could then emerge as president on November 5.

Rob Pue #wingnut #fundie #homophobia #racist #conspiracy tuzarapost.substack.com

Perilous times are upon us, friends. There is no justice. Truth hasn’t just fallen in the streets -- it’s been pushed under a bus. Righteousness is not allowed to enter.

How far we’ve fallen here in America. This isn’t the nation I grew up in anymore. Those infected with the “woke mind virus” will call this “progress.” It’s not.

Today, we have a nation of lawlessness and insanity, the by-products of men and women being lovers of themselves, and haters of God.

They’ve worked hard to earn the depraved minds they suffer with. We’re a nation of liars who prefer lies over truth.

Natural affection between men and women is becoming more and more rare, as once-sane people turn to the profane and succumb to the spirit of Sodom.

There’s no doubt that we love pleasure, comfort and ease much more than we love the God who created us and sustains us, even in His patience and longsuffering. And evil men and seducers are growing worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.
The illegal invaders our current Fake Biden Regime is importing and resettling into our American neighborhoods with our tax dollars are mostly violent criminals.

No, not all of them, but certainly numbering in the millions; certainly, enough to be great cause for concern.

Meanwhile, the lying media and our government officials either refuse to report these crimes or conveniently omit the fact that the attackers, rapists and killers are here illegally, from many foreign countries around the world — and all living quite comfortably in taxpayer-funded housing.
We have much to pray about as the foreign residents among us rise higher and higher above us and we sink lower and lower...and even more to pray about as truth — even the BIBLE — is now considered “hate speech,” or a “thought crime.”

George Orwell’s “1984” wasn’t meant to be an instruction manual, but that’s what it’s become as we continue the “progress” of this Godless world, with the “woke mind virus.”

D. Parker #wingnut #conspiracy americanthinker.com

There was a time only a few decades ago in the '70s and '80s when politics wasn’t as divisive in that the other side could at least admit what they were and what they wanted to do. A time when it was Democrat or Republican instead of left versus right and we weren’t that far apart from each other. We could disagree without being disagreeable and still be friends.

But unless you’ve been living under a rock, or only getting your news from the national socialist media, you know that’s all changed. These days the un-Democrat party has gone so much to the dark side of red (as in communistic red) that they have to work constantly to keep it hidden. And you are having to go into full damage control mode when Comrade Kamala reveals too much.

RFK, Jr.’s campaign suspension, Trump endorsement, and speech, along with the freedom illusion projected at the DNC (a.k.a., commie con) and their dire direction off a cliff are all signposts of a dying political party.

There is the bad news in that the national socialist media is marching in goose step with the un-Democrat party, so it’s going to be up to the pro-freedom community to spread the word to counterbalance the commies.
It is even more curious that while they are concealing their move to the far left reaches of the political spectrum, they are co-opting the liberty language of the pro-freedom community. So, while they are going full authoritarian, they pretend to be freedom-oriented. That means they know their ideas won’t sell and they have to fake being far-right.
The un-Democratic Party is stuck with their far-left radicals, and they can’t hide them forever, and the political earthquake of the RFK, Jr. moves means that normal and sane people are moving away from them. The DNC’s marketing arm is doing all it can to push their candidates, so when Comrade Kamala starts sinking, there’s nothing they can do. There is only one way for them and it’s down.

Think Before You Sleep #ableist #dunning-kruger youtube.com

I stand by my statement on Autism being a fake disability. Unless you have Rain Man autism, you aren't disabled. Down Syndrome is a real disability. Tourettes is a real disability. Cerebral Palsy is a real disability. Autism, Dyslexia, and ADHD are like the type 2 diabetes of mental disorders. You can remove the negatives of them with changes in behavior. You cannot do that with Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, or Tourettes.

Quite honestly, I am tired of everyone on the internet diagnosing themselves with crippling, incurable autism simple because they are little lacking in social skills and because they have social anxiety. Get over it. Most of you would be cured with a little meditation and 6 months of leaving your house 1-2 times a week. I had a family member who would constantly blame other people for her problems and say that she couldn't get ahead in life because she had crippling ADHD. To which I would say, "You don't have ADHD, you're just crazy. Put real effort into managing your negative behaviors and the problems you are experiencing will go away." If you have Dyslexia then read "The Dyslexic Advantage." You aren't stupid, your brain is better at different things than other people and and worse at things that people are normally good at. Dyslexia is also a common indicator of successful people. Even with things like Schizophrenia. You'd be surprised at how many people with that have it because they are drug addicts. Not because they actually have the disease.

I'm tired of all the complaining from people. Stop diagnosing yourself as hopeless because you watched a YouTube video that said you are neurodivergent if you don't like certain smells. This is ridiculous and you're ruining your lives because you don't want to make simple changes and discipline yourself over time.

Andrew Anglin #quack #pratt #dunning-kruger dailystormer.name

[From “The Science Suddenly Discovers That “Excessive” Fluoride in Drinking Water Can Lower Kids’ IQs”]

No one could have predicted this

Except every “conspiracy theorist.” Every conspiracy theorist said this

But they are all kooks, so no one could have known that they were right about this

Medical Xpress

High levels of fluoride in drinking water may dim the intelligence of children, a new U.S. government report shows

Based on an analysis of published research, the potentially controversial report marks the first time a federal agency has determined there is a link between drinking twice the recommended amount of fluoride and lower IQs in kids[…]

That was always known

At least, Alex Jones knew it

Alex Jones does believe in every conspiracy theory, some of which might be wrong. But the reality is, if you believe in every conspiracy theory, you are going to be right more often than the mainstream media

various commenters #racist #conspiracy #pratt msn.com

T R: One reason for the lack of quality of life in the black community - high absentee rate of fathers present in the nuclear family.

Denise Gaarder: my co-worker and I earn exactly the same amount. Her sone got free tuition for college because he is black but I am paying parent plus loans for what was not covered by scholarships for my daughters education. So who is benefiting? it has been over 150 years since slavery ended. When are people going to have to be responsible for their own success or lack of it?

j sam: Its funny how half of the country believes that only minority populations deal with racial discrimination. In fact its become ok for minorities to spew hateful racist garbage to the world because its about white people. If we stop looking for racism it becomes a lot harder to find. By labeling everything as racist, not only are we cheapening the effect of true racism but we also are breeding what was once referred to as reverse racism. Teaching children that everything is racist will only continue the hate.

D J: The phrase "you reap what you sow" implies that actions have consequences. No one will commend those who engage in rioting, looting, murder, or arson of businesses. If one expects to be rewarded for such actions, they are likely in a country with values that differ greatly.

John Westra: The continuous pounding of the discrimination and reparations is getting very old. No one in their correct mind in the community would ever want to do anything to improve themselves as long as they can continue to milk the imaginary under class scenario portrayed by the media.

gt jax: I wonder why immigrants from Africa don't experience the same "racism" that African-American's claim to experience. So much so that AA college students demanded that immigrant students from Africa not get the "affirmative action" preferences.

Antun Šturlić #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy msn.com

@ MFSB 2023
Who is NATO that they can decide to spread their imperialism? NATO started it, not Russia, Russia is protecting itself.
NATO is literally the one that took over not half of Europe, but entire Europe LOL.
Crimea was failure almost 5x and Zelensky will soon flee to Ukraine and he didn't even had elections. He crowned himself as infinite president which goes against democratic principles. In Moscow days are perfect, since Moscow is not being shelled, while Kyviv is.

Antun Šturlić #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot msn.com

@Independently Critical
So should NATO and US on the border too with their weak minded citizens that are invading for past 60 years with proxy wars and including invading Ukraine in 2014 via coup?
It's actually completely opposite. It's the Russia not accepting of suppression like NATO are under Western Axis. Russia was only involved in proxy wars in order to defend other nations against the western invasions and it was not for the past 60 years. Since it was Soviet Union, completely different than modern Russia. 2 different things. I am sure it is difficult for some to understand that there are better alternatives than NATO using Soviet tactics of placing other countries inside them. Because that alternative would make NATO end up like Warshaw pact. And US dictatorship in the name of ''freedom and democracy'' as a masquerade. Russia is actually becoming very relevant, while US continues to be irrelevant.
There is no such thing as philosophical difference when it comes to reality. Russia is democratic nation with multiple party system and free thinking society. Capitalist and Democratic nation. It has been attacked by western and Ukrainian dictators that want war and destroying Russian freedom, not their freedom. In Russia people can express their thoughts openly and without fear of retaliation and confinement too and there are no penal colonies as long as they are not harming other co-citizens. Modern day USA is what was before Soviet Union.
True democracy and freedom is scary thing for NATO and Ukraine yes.
Russia is democracy, USA autocracy.
Putin is protecting his nation against communist democrats and evil dictator Zelensky correct.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

The trans flag is homophobic

( RighteousIndignation )
As a single, straight adult white women whom is approaching middle age. to me it just screams oppression.

and yes I think the single part is relevant it already affects life when you are on your own about where you feel safe going and at what time of day, that oppressive flag symbolises even more places being unsafe to go.

( neonbandit )
For me personally this is the exclusionary flag. I am not gay, trans, queer, black or brown. This flag tells me I am not welcome or included. The rainbow flag didn't feel like that because it was about a specific thing: same sex attraction. This is the let's throw race in there just cuz it'll legitimize our insane position flag

I also find it interesting as a woman I cannot gather with other women (real women) publicly anymore without being the potential creepy TiM coming in, yet women are not represented on this flag.

( thesnorkmaiden )
This flag makes me very sad. It's impossible to ignore that every single person in the entire world is supposedly represented by this flag except straight white people. It's a flag for people to unite against their oppressor, but I don't feel like an oppressor, and my children are certainly not oppressors. But hey! Any straight white person can easily opt out of the oppressor class by just identifying as any number of flavours of "queer." It's a blatant "us vs. them" move and it is so clearly not the right way forward. Every single public building and business in my city has this flag on their front door with the message "everyone welcome." But I'm not welcome, and my kids are not welcome. This flag tells me as much. I know that the whole movement is stupid, and that people are simply not thinking about what they're really saying, so I try not to let it get to me, but sometimes I just feel so hopeless because where I live is all in on this flag and this ideology.

( Spencer_Shayy )
Misogyny, racism, and homophobia. That's what I see when I look at this ugly ass flag.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: "Do you have a minute to support trans kids?"

( DurableBook )
One of them once asked me, very aggressively, "So what if one of YOUR kids tells you they are trans, huh?!"

I replied that I would reassure my child that there is nothing wrong with who they are, and I would try to find out where they got the idea that they need to change themselves in order to be okay.

I was informed that I am a hateful bigot who practices conversion therapy.

( TwoXChromosomes )
There is no such thing as a "trans kid".

( befana )
This would have been my reply, too. And I am always ready to go into a discussion about why it is wiser to change society than mutilate children whose behaviour is questioning gender stereotypes.

( syntaxerror )
Human nature and human history is shockingly cyclical. You would think it wouldn’t be, what with every generation increasing our collective knowledge, especially with the internet, but it is.

Every decade, every century, there is a new snake oil or lobotomy. A medical miracle that breaks the bounds of modern science! Sure, it seems a bit unorthodox and medieval, but look at the amazing effects it has!

The problem is, with each passing century we get better technology, meaning that the damage in some cases can be far more catastrophic and far reaching. As we see here. It’s weird because I can already see the thinkpieces, documentaries, books that will be written on this time from 2015-2025, these ten years where this all spiraled out of control, and the fallout, which has yet to be fully understood. Can you imagine what they’ll think of us years from now? I suspect that a lot of dissenting voices will be lost to time but at least we can feel proud that we didn’t mindlessly agree to castrate and sterilize adolescents in name of pseudoscience

( IrishTheFrenchie )
"Do you have a minute to talk about Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?"

"Do you have a minute to talk about Scientology?"

"Do you have a minute to talk about the Revelation?"

Do they even hear themselves?

( Spencer_Shayy )
Right? I was just thinking this. My reply would've been, "No, I'm not religious", because 1) what this handmaiden said literally sounds like a Jehovah's Witness proselytizing, and 2) the belief in "gender identity" is akin to religious beliefs.

Isa Ryan #homophobia #transphobia #fundie westernjournal.com

So, if this law is a dealbreaker for certain teachers — if they won’t be able to infuse their sexual morals into the way they teach your children the three R’s, they’re quitting — well, then, the law is doing its job, isn’t it?
……the issue boils down to parental rights, because as much as these teachers try to convince us this will “erase” who they are or what have you, the truth is that this law is protecting parents and families who simply want the right to their own personal convictions about sexual morals.

Let that sink in.

These are the people who have scoffed at the notion that they’re grooming our kids, and they’re falling over themselves to defend teachers’ rights to teach your children a certain set of values about sexuality.

……This contradicts the deeply held moral convictions of a great many Americans of conscience, American parents who pay into the school system, and they have every right to characterize the open desire to teach children it is morally positive to have sexual desires when they are in early elementary school as “grooming.”

Ideologically, at the very least, that’s exactly what it is: grooming children into a philosophy that has quite literally slippery sloped its way right down to seeking to destigmatize pedophilia; arguments to this effect have been made from the “sex positive” perspective, from activists who have opposed banning child pornography and child sex dolls.

Paula Boylard #conspiracy pjmedia.com

The Democrat Party platform calls for a ban on federal funding for for-profit charter schools and opposes "private school vouchers and other policies that divert taxpayer-funded resources away from the public school system." Instead, they want to "reimagine" public education to include boys in girls' bathrooms, aggressive climate-change fear-mongering, and getting kids into the system as early as possible with free universal preschool babysitting.

The good news is that Americans are waking up to the fact that most public schools are cesspools of woke ideology and dismal academic ratings. Parents are smart and determined when it comes to their children's education. Unlike the education establishment, they're not obsessed with test scores—in fact, many think that schools focus too much on tests. They want their kids to be safe, cared for, and taught reading, writing, and 'rithmetic. It's a simple formula that worked well until the progressives took over education and began focusing on garbage like social-emotional learning and sex education.

The bad news is that the Left is not going to give up control of the schools without a fight. The Democrats are beholden to teachers' unions, which care more about advancing teachers' unions than teaching children, and together, they will sink every dollar they can into getting Kamala "bring back school busing" Harris into the White House.

Vox Day #racist #sexist voxday.net

[From “The End Game”]

More women across the West desperately need to understand that all of their “oh, poor refugees” and “someone should so something” and “be nice, don’t be raciss” and “they’re just here to seek a better life” is going to avail them precisely nothing once the foreign invaders have sufficient numbers to impose their will on society and reshape it more to their liking

This is the end game for women’s suffrage. As I have pointed out for decades, there is absolutely no evidence that a society can survive it for long. And what we’re witnessing now is the inevitable fate for which the majority of women have dutifully, if not smugly, voted for decades


spoilerFemale rioter being arrested by police in Nottingham, on August 3, 2024

Lori Alexander #sexist #fundie thetransformedwife.com

Last week, there was a video clip of a woman in an airport. At first, it looked like she was under a pile of people and when she climbed out, she was completely naked from the waist down with her bra on. One breast eventually fell out of her bra. She was screeching and fighting anyone who came near to her. She was doing obscene things with her body. (There were many people around her witnessing all of this.) The cops had no idea what to do with her. They eventually got her down to the floor on her stomach and handcuffed her but it was a fight. Several people below the video commented that someone should have put a blanket around her for her dignity. Yes, this poor woman needs to be clothed, not just with a blanket but with the righteous clothes that only Jesus can give to her if she would only repent and believe in Him.
This caused me to think about feminism and how it is complete rebellion to God and His will for women. “For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry” (1 Samuel 15:23). Be aware that feminism is leading more and more women into witchcraft, and witchcraft leads to mental illness, insanity, and demon possession. Feminism and witchcraft are NOTHING to fool around with, women.

Kandiss Taylor #conspiracy #pratt #racist #wingnut mediamatters.org

Kandiss Taylor hosts a program on the network led by “best friend” Stew Peters, a Holocaust denier who has attempted to portray Adolf Hitler as a “hero.” She has also promoted antisemitism, complaining that Jewish people are “controlling everything” and alleging that “we have some Marxist trash using our R who pander to the Jews.”

Taylor isn’t just a random commentator: She’s the District 1 chairwoman for the Georgia Republican Party. Atlanta Journal-Constitution reporter Greg Bluestein last year described Taylor’s elected position as a “key” post, noting that the state party “plays a role in mobilizing voters, marshaling activists and, most significantly, determining delegates for the presidential nomination.”

In October, Trump ally Mike Davis wrote on social media: “The Democrat Party has been overtaken by Marxist trash who hates Jews.” Taylor responded: “We have some Marxist trash using our R who pander to the Jews. Not much difference.” (Update 8/26: After the publication of this article, Taylor deleted her post.)

She is a repeat guest on The Stew Peters Show. During a February 14 appearance on the show, they discussed someone being charged for allegedly vandalizing a pro-LGBTQ mural. (Peters is virulently anti-LGBTQ.) While discussing pro-LGBTQ efforts, Peters asked Taylor: “No more funding our own demise — bioweapons and forever wars from the Jewish lobby that basically runs our entire government. And they run this as well, don't they?” She replied: “Yeah they run this. 100%. They're controlling everything.”

Babylon Bee #forced-birth #wingnut babylonbee.com

In addition to administering free vasectomies and abortions as part of the convention's festivities, Democrats confirmed that each night of the convention would begin with a ceremonial child sacrifice ritual. "It's important to maintain the deeply spiritual aspect," Harrison said. "Abortion forms the bedrock of what we are as a political party, so it only makes sense to showcase our celebration of killing babies in any way we can."

Officials said the red Chicago river would not only show the party's enthusiasm for baby murder but also serve as a visual preview of the tidal wave of communism the party would seek to usher in if Kamala Harris is elected. "We're all about the red," Harrison said. "The blood of innocent children… unbridled communism… bring on the red!"

At publishing time, city officials said they were unconcerned about the dyeing of the river since city streets have been running red with blood for years.

Ken Ham #conspiracy #fundie twitter.com

Evolutionists have written papers about when humans supposedly invented clothing. For instance, on April 25, 2023, a paper was published in the Smithsonian Magazine titled, “When Did Clothing Originate.” The author used the evolution story (yes, it’s a fairy tale), discussing archaeological evidence based on man’s fallible dating methods to suggest clothing was invented hundreds of thousands of years ago by humans dealing with the cold.
Secular evolutionists, of course, must explain everything in the light of their atheistic worldview of millions of years and slow and gradual evolution, concluding that, at some point, humans evolved the intelligence to fashion clothes from animal skins and other available materials.
Now, humans making clothing is not a problem to explain from a biblical worldview. In fact, God’s Word gives us the true account of the origin of clothing going back about 6,000 years.
The first clothes humans (Adam and Eve) wore were made from fig leaves:
“[The woman] took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate. Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked. And they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loincloths” (Genesis 3:6–7).

But God gave Adam and Eve different clothes:

“And the Lord God made for Adam and for his wife garments of skins and clothed them” (Genesis 3:21).

Ann Coulter, Mike Crispi, Alec Lace and Jay Weber #ableist #sexist eu.usatoday.com

A tearful, unscripted moment between Tim Walz and his 17-year-old son, Gus, has unleashed a flood of praise and admiration[…]
But the show of affection triggered a swath of snark and ugly comments on social media, many from MAGA supporters of former President Donald Trump, who faces Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris and Walz in November

Conservative columnist and right-wing provocateur Ann Coulter mocked the teenager’s tears. “Talk about weird,” she wrote on X. The message has since been deleted

Mike Crispi, a Trump supporter and podcaster from New Jersey, mocked Walz’s “stupid crying son” on X and added, “You raised your kid to be a puffy beta male. Congrats”

Alec Lace, a Trump supporter who hosts a podcast about fatherhood, took his own swipe at the teenager: “Get that kid a tampon already,” he wrote, an apparent reference to a Minnesota state law that Walz signed as governor in that required schools to provide free menstrual supplies to students

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported that Jay Weber, a conservative Milwaukee radio host, made a now-deleted post on X criticizing the Walz family

“If the Walzs (sic) represent today's American man, this country is screwed: 'Meet my son, Gus. He's a blubbering b---- boy. His mother and I are very proud'”

After removing the post, Weber apologized and claimed he didn't know Gus had a learning disability

Jesse Watters #racist #conspiracy #pratt independent.co.uk

“He’s definitely going to interfere in this election,” the Fox News host claimed, pulling rhetoric often used by Trump.

“That’s why we’ll be sending Johnny [producer on The Five] to Hawaii to get the truth about the birth certificate,” Watters told viewers. “This time we will dig deep and find out what really happened.”

Co-host Greg Gutfeld intervened saying that the producer must get his passport, before Watters retorted: “To go to Kenya.”

“I meant to Hawaii, just to see him do it. Ask him what the exchange rate is for the Hawaiian dollar,” Gutfield sniggered.

dobby , OwnLyingEyes & glimmer #interphobia #transphobia ovarit.com

JKR faces legal repercussions for attacking a cis woman[sic] but not trans people? Double standards much??

( dobby )
“cis woman”?

Isn’t Khalif a biological male? They may not be a trans-identifying male, but but biologically they are male.

That seems relevant in the matter of fairness in women’s sports no matter how much people want to ignore this athlete’s biology.

Also, this twitter person sounds unhinged.

( OwnLyingEyes )
Yes, he's a biological male, however he was (probably) mistaken for female at birth, which allows them to call him a 'cis' woman since that would have been his 'assigned gender at birth.' Yet another reason to not use their stupid term. Only women are women, women are female, and so as Khalif isn't female he's not any kind of woman.

( glimmer )
And since "cis" is a completely made up term anyway. He may be "cis" but there is no doubt every cell in his body is XY male. And I think there's LITTLE doubt he identifies as a male as well in private.

This is why I'm not "cis" "trans" or anything else but a WOMAN on the basis of being biologically female.

Ellen Rachel Craig and Alexander Wilon #fundie bbc.com

A cult member who beat her two-year-old daughter to death over her failure to properly complete chores in Australia has been sentenced to nine years in jail

Tillie Craig disappeared from the Ministry of God farm in 1987, sparking a decades-long search by her father, who was told she'd been adopted

In reality, Tillie had been killed with a plastic pipe. Her remains were then allegedly burned by the sect's leader and scattered at the commune in regional New South Wales (NSW)

Ellen Rachel Craig, 62, was charged with her daughter's murder in 2022 after a tip-off to police. She later pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of manslaughter

When sentencing Craig on Wednesday, Justice Natalie Adams accepted that Craig had not intended to cause serious harm to Tillie, but said calling her death a tragedy would be "a gross understatement"

"She died at the hands of someone whose role it was to protect her"[…]
According to the agreed facts read in court, children at the commune were required to do chores, regardless of their age, and were often disciplined with a piece of black pipe

On 7 July, 1987, Tillie had been sweeping when her mother - "unhappy" with the quality of the work - beat her to death

Craig, who was 25 at the time, later brought her daughter inside and said, "She’s stopped breathing" and "Oh no, no she’s gone"

The court heard she laid Tillie in a bathtub and waited for the cult leader - known as Alexander Wilon or "Papa" - to return, at which point he prayed for the resurrection of the girl

Wilon is then accused of cremating Tillie before scattering her ashes and forbidding the cult members from speaking of what happened

He was charged with being an accessory to murder - and later over separate sexual assault allegations - but the terminally ill man has since been declared unfit to stand trial

Craig was expelled from the cult by November 1987 and travelled to her home country of New Zealand

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

Artificial intelligence has recreated the ‘face of Jesus Christ’ from the Shroud of Turin that some believe was used to wrap him after his Crucifixion. AI is lying to you.
We live in an age of great deception that is combined with great tools with which to disseminate that deception on a global level never before seen in human history. The Shroud of Turin is an obvious fake based on John 20:7 in your King James Bible, but that doesn’t stop Roman Catholics who have made an idol out of it. Now with AI being applied to the Shroud, images of ‘what Jesus actually looked like!!’ are being published, and it’s all a deception, every bit of it. Deception is the first and greatest sign of the end times according to Jesus.

“And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.” Matthew 24:4,5 (KJB)

In our lukewarm Laodicean end-of-the-Church Age period in which we live, Christians are operating on feelings and emotions, doctrine is out the window exactly as Paul says it will be in 2 Timothy 4:-15. It is the preaching and teaching of Bible doctrine that keeps the Church on the straight and narrow path, remove that (and it has been removed), and you’ve destroyed the foundation on which the Church sits. Back in 2021, we told you about how you just might expect to see people claiming to have found the bones of Jesus, and you just might. You will never find on this Earth the Ark of the Covenant, the ‘holy grail’, the nails that pierced Jesus, or any of the wood from the cross they hung Him on. The Shroud of Turin? An obvious fake if you believe the Bible. Christian, you better climb inside your King James Bible and stay there for the duration, it’s the only safe space there is.

Kerry Cassidy #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy kerrycassidy.substack.com

WHAT THEY WON'T TELL YOU IS THAT THE U.S. MILITARY has been trading HUMAN SUBJECTS IN EXCHANGE FOR TECHNOLOGY SINCE THE 1930S ..Humans that would be used as experimental victims, tortured and cut into pieces drained of blood and gladular material and become food, sex toys and ultimately killed by the aliens who feed off them. This is a genetic engineering of humanity that includes injecting humans with Reptilan DNA which becomes the primary cause for the ADRENOCHROME EPIDEMIC. Human slavery and sacrifice has surpassed the sale of guns and drugs around the world. THIS MUST STOP NOW.

WHY are they pushing Disclosure Now? A few reasons. 1. Through the deals they made with dark side ETs and some with the Pleiadians and others they now believe they can STAND AND FIGHT using the same tech they aliens have. 2. Even the aliens are pushing for disclosure so they have no choice. 3. Consciousness is at an all time high and the people already know a lot of the truth. 4. We have to negotiate with other species and races around the galaxies and need a United council on Earth to do so. 5. They need to take back our Earth from infiltrating alien races who have built bases both locally and in the sea. 6. They can no longer hide. 7. The coming war with ET and some AI will also involve the light and dark side humans who are already at war behind the scenes especially in the military

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

There was an occult war between the Light and dark forces for the energy grid in California in 2018 and 2019, a war of both Light and dark occult rituals, a war or espionage and counterespionage.

Main forces on the Light side were the Resistance Movement, certain members of the Order of the Star and certain Dragon groups from Chinatown in San Francisco.
Unfortunately, in mid 2019 the Light forces lost the war and were forced to retreat, and since that time the energy grid in California is mostly deteriorating:
Now in 2024, during the year of the Dragon, a similar war for the energy grid is taking place in mainland China.

On the Light side, the main forces are many Dragon groups both on the surface and underground, and also Aldebarans and Andromedans.

On the dark side, the main forces are the negative Tibetan network and another dark force that must not be directly named for security reasons.

If the Light forces win the war, China will go on a path of progress before the Event, and gradual improvement of life conditions for the Chinese people and better international relations for China.

If the Light forces lose the war, China will go on a path of decay similar to California.

The first critical period in which the war can be decided is within the next three to four weeks. The second critical period in which the war can be decided coincides with time of geopolitical crisis in November before Pluto goes into Aquarius.
One key factor that can greatly influences the final outcome of this war is the Li family:

Although there are many people with surname Li, there are just a few key members of the Li family both on the Light and dark side.

Some branches of the family are connected to the Illuminati:

Some were emperors of China, especially during Tang dynasty, where they were instrumental in the creation of the Blue Dragon Agartha:
To summarize, Li family has a of of potential both for Light and dark and may well be the deciding factor in this war.

Joe Exotic #racist dailymail.co.uk

Tiger King's Joe Exotic has questioned whether he is 'too white' for Kim Kardashian's help in getting out of prison while unleashing a furious rant against the reality star - with the jailed zookeeper also taking aim at Justin Bieber for failing to use his platform for good

The former Netflix star, 61, is serving a 21-year sentence for conspiracy to commit murder-for-hire - and risks dying behind bars after being told by doctors that he may have lung cancer

Speaking exclusively to DailyMail.com from Santa Rosa County jail in Florida, Exotic went on a tirade against Kim, 43, for failing to answer his pleas for help in securing his freedom, insisting that he does not need the businesswoman's money, but rather her voice

At the same time, he heaped praise on Cardi B for showing her support - while also targeting Kendall Jenner on Instagram in a bid to contact Kim

I've called Kim Kardashian plain out,' he said. 'Am I too white for her help? Because all I need is her voice. I don't need her money

'I don't need her to spend her whole life helping me do this. All I need is for her to pick up a phone and call the White House and say, "Look, I'm behind Joe's movement. This is good. The system is messed up"'

In 2020, Exotic begged Kim 43, to 'call President Donald Trump to pardon me' in an open letter

Lee Duigon #wingnut #sexist #transphobia #racist #conspiracy newswithviews.com

Opening Night at the Democrat National Convention: “women” parade around the scene costumed as abortion pills.

And across the water, Britain’s new Labour government (that’s “Off-the-Wall Far Left Crazy” in American English) has threatened a government crackdown on “harmful beliefs”. They’ve vowed to go all-out, no quarter asked or given, against “extremism.” If your beliefs ain’t right, the cops will bite.

In France last week, a 72-year-old man was sentenced to “re-education”—he got a break: it was originally going to be a prison sentence—for the, um, crime of showing disrespect for government officials. (That would explain why so many creepy individuals wind up in government. They’re welcome nowhere else.)

Has the whole Western world collectively lost its mind?

Because they have to conceal the fact that it’s us they’re laughing at, and that the prospect of devouring our liberties makes them positively giddy, Democrats have staked a claim to a soon-to-be legendary Politics of Joy. “We’re the happy, jolly ones, and that’s why you should vote for us! Trump and Vance are a couple of gloomy guses, really weird! And they’re gonna force women to have babies!”
But vice-presidential candidate Tim Walz has the answer: tampons for boys. Because, you see, “gender” is 100 percent fluid, you really are whatever you say you are, and that whole male/female thing is so yesterday!

What? That doesn’t expand your lungs with joy? Well, then, how about this—wide-open borders, with Free Stuff for everyone who breaks our immigration laws? Hey, Kamala Harris is our Border Czar: she’s had oodles of practice, bringing in millions more Democrat hangers-on.
So why not join us in our mirth? We offer you a top-to-bottom revision of America that makes the Chicoms look like amateurs. Look and see: Britain and France are leading the way. Surely we can overtake them—and create a new America where Harmful Beliefs can land you in a labor camp.

David J. Stewart #fundie stewart1611.blogspot.com

Beware Of Bad Role Model Taylor Swift

Numbers 25:1-5, “And Israel abode in Shittim, and the people began to commit whoredom with the daughters of Moab. And they called the people unto the sacrifices of their gods: and the people did eat, and bowed down to their gods. And Israel joined himself unto Baal-peor: and the anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel. And the LORD said unto Moses, Take all the heads of the people, and hang them up before the LORD against the sun, that the fierce anger of the LORD may be turned away from Israel. And Moses said unto the judges of Israel, Slay ye every one his men that were joined unto Baal-peor. ”

This is what singer Taylor Swift is doing. She is a daughter of Moab and drawing millions of people (including ignorant Christians) in to worship their gods Baalpeor at her wicked concerts (or via a livestream). Case in point is her recent Eras Tour, and her wicked music video Willow where she literally summons devils.

Babylon Bee #forced-birth #wingnut babylonbee.com

DNC Dyes Chicago River Red To Celebrate Abortion
POLITICS · Aug 19, 2024 · BabylonBee.com


CHICAGO, IL — As top Democratic political leaders and influencers gathered in the Windy City for the week, the Democratic National Convention dyed the Chicago River red to celebrate abortion.

The decision was made to make the river blood-colored for the party's convention as a striking visual to emphasize the Democrats' unending commitment to slaughtering defenseless babies in as large of quantities as possible.

"Turning the Chicago River blood-red is the perfect way to celebrate our party's national convention and remind everyone just how excited we get about killing babies," said DNC Chair Jaime Harrison. "We're just bummed we couldn't use actual baby blood. Keep killin' those babies, folks!"

Donald Trump #pratt #wingnut newsweek.com

During his interview with billionaire donor Elon Musk, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said they could "meet next time in Venezuela" if he loses November's election

"If something happens with this election, which would be a horror show, we'll meet the next time in Venezuela, because it'll be a far safer place to meet than our country," Trump said to Musk. "OK, so we'll go. You and I will go, and we'll have a meeting and dinner in Venezuela"

Trump had alleged that Venezuela has released violent criminals from its jails and sent them to the United States to reduce its own crime rate

"Their crime rate is coming down and our crime rate is going through the roof. And it's so simple. And you haven't seen anything yet because these people have come into our country and they're just getting acclimated and they don't know about being politically correct, law enforcement or lack of law enforcement and our police. I have to just end with this. We have great police," he said

Trump has repeatedly made the unsubstantiated claim about Venezuela releasing its prisoners to the United States

"I'll tell you what. Venezuela has not gotten rid of all of them. They've gotten rid of about 70 percent of their really bad people," he told Musk

"Their jails are about 50 percent, put into the United States. Same with other countries, over 30 percent. Some are at 50 percent. They're all different," he said. "But the bottom line is they're all going to be 100 percent. Why wouldn't you put 100 percent of it?"

Revisionist Historians for World Peace #racist #wingnut #conspiracy stateofthenation.co

What follows is an exhaustive list of Borscht Belt hotels, motels, bungalow colonies, and summer camps located in the Catskill Mountains of New York State, from approximately 1910 through the 1970s. For over seven decades, these summer vacation spots and retreat sites where visited predominantly by the greater New York City area Jewish population. Is there any other nationality or religious group or race or cultural association who ever built hundreds upon hundreds of vacation destinations in one place for their exclusive use during a period of American history when only the robber barons enjoyed such wealth, luxuries and privileges?

That virtually every successful [JEWISH] comedian during the last century either “got their start or regularly performed in Borscht Belt resorts” is surely no quirk of fate or coincidence.
The bottom line here is: “To know who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize”. More significantly, see exactly who it is who you can never tell a joke about. It’s even been said that every joke about a Jew is ‘anti-Semitic’. Of course, any criticism of Israel whatsoever is strictly off limits anywhere and everywhere on Earth. Now you know who really rules you!

So, what’s the joke on US?!

Well, US is the American Republic…

The real jokesters were the Ashkenazi banksters who unconstitutionally set up the nakedly fraudulent Federal Reserve System by which to fleece the United States of America of every penny they could get away with.
There can be only one conclusion drawn from the extraordinary picture depicted by this “Borscht Belt” analysis, which has never been so well illustrated before.

The Ashkenazi banksters, Zionist warmongers, Khazarian mafia, as well as their countless Jewish sayanim minions domiciled in the greater New York City area since the founding of Wall Street in the 1600s, were greatly enriched by the illicitly passed Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Talk about thicker than thieves!!!

Judge Anna Von Reitz #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy paulstramer.net

This may come as news to many, but there has always been a "British Territorial United States". This is clearly indicated in the Definitive Treaty of Paris (1783) concerning that entity and its doing-business-as-name, "the United States of America" (Incorporated) as opposed to "The United States of America" -- our unincorporated Federation of States.

These very similar names, separated only by the Definite Article, which is included as part of the name of the Federation and excluded as part of the name of the British sound-alike entity, have proven to be a fertile bed for confusion and fraud.

Likewise, the British have, by omitting to mention that they are talking about the British Territorial United States and simply referring to their operation as "the United States", have succeeded in confusing their operations with the Federal Republic that existed from 1787 to 1861, and also with the Municipal United States, and ultimately with our country, The United States.
All such Pretenses and the source and motivation for these Pretenses have now been cut to the bone before the Perpetrators and the members of the High Courts of the world.

These people, including Donald Trump, are not acting as Americans while they are adopting British Territorial U.S. Citizenship.

Our claim to our American States, our land and our soil, remains, as we ourselves remain, internationally declared, recorded, and published nationals and citizens of our States of the Union, still operating our lawful American Government and in international venues, still operating our Federation of States doing business as The United States of America.

That should be all that needs to be said or explained in refutation of the claims of The Republic of the United States of America, and in exposure of its foreign nature and criminal objectives, which are acts and claims made in insurrection and treason against our actual American Government to which they all owe good faith and service.

Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, UCLA) & Janet Kira Lessin #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy enkispeaks.com

Survivors from the Megalithic Anunnaki builders of Armenia—Ninurta’s fief–as well as, long-headed survivors who migrated to Sumer (which was then the “Land of 4 Rivers”). From Polish, Carpathian and Belarus mountains north of Sumer flood refugees joined Enki and Ninurta to create Sumer.
The Anunnaki priesthood and the refugees they gathered built Sumer atop deeply buried ruins of earlier temples (dated to 220,946 BCE) they’d been built before the flood. The earlier temples had then covered by mud in the flood of 13,000 years ago (of which Enki wrote in 2024 BCE).
Later, but still before the Noah’s flood, Anunnaki teachers built a huge temple at Gobekli Tepe and scores of similar spiritual centers all over the Earth. They located successive temples they built in new positions to maintain the new temples alignment with 5 stars in the belt of the constellation Orion and to conduct spiritual communion with Orion.
Then around 3000 BCE, Armenians rallied around Hayk (Hayk refers to a person (the Armenian Ruler), a people (Armenians), and a constellation (Orion). From this point forward these Indo-European people became collectively known as Armenians. They referred to themselves as ‘People of Orion.’
Skeletons of these tall white Anunnaki are found all over the world but are destroyed in many places by local Catholic Priests and secular authorities.
The Shining Ones were a priestly class that lived among but remained distinct from the locals whom they educated.
After climate and meteorite-induced disasters, the Shining Ones re-educated and settled surviving locals in each of the lands they re-settled. This Anunnaki priesthood built observatories–beehive-like observatory-meditation chambers. These chambers were buildings and horned barrows, sometimes constructed with chemically-bonded stone reconstituted with chemically- bonded (not aggregate concrete) remade stones.
The Anunnaki built the observatories on crossings of Earth’s telluric lines.

George Kavassilas/Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #magick #conspiracy exopolitics.org

In 2006, George Kavassilas was taken to the Moon by a negative extraterrestrial faction and was able to break free of the many technologies used by them to control him and confront their leader, a powerful Draconian Reptilian. He was able to defeat the Draconian by connecting with his core soul essence and awakening him to his true history through many lives. Kavassilas explains how this incident sent shock waves through the Draconian Empire as it was realized that awakened humans have an innate spiritual power that transcends the control technologies used by them.

In his latest Exopolitics Today interview, Kavassilas describes Jesus of Nazareth as a composite being and how religion creates false gods that siphon away the Christ consciousness energy of the millions of followers that worship them. He also explains how these false gods are returning through a staged second coming involving Jesus. Kavassilas also describes how King Charles III was taken over by a very dark entity at the end of July 2024 who will use him to stage the last stand of the global cabal through scripted events described in the Book of Revelations and the appearance of an Antichrist.

George Kavassilas is an extraterrestrial contactee who also has been abducted by US and Australian government agencies wanting to learn about his experiences. He learned about the pyramid hierarchy controlling our planet and how different ET races perpetuate these hierarchies in both direct and indirect ways. He believes that by only following a heart-centric path of universal reconnection will we truly be free of the many control hierarchies asserting themselves over humanity.

Kavassilas asserts that while there are both positive and negative extraterrestrial organizations, they all to varying degrees ultimately promote an imperial project. This has led to him focusing his energies on helping individuals integrate the fractal nature of their heart soul essence.

Artemis via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyages-of-light.com

Children of the flame, of the bow, of the arrow, I am Artemis. The ascension changes are coming upon you quickly now as the thinning of the veils between worlds grows impossibly thin. Your reality is changing rapidly as these separations that you took for granted no longer remain. Hence you will begin to see through the illusions of the computer, of the shape shifter, of the skin walker. You will see them. And they will see you. This is part of the revelations and realizations that humanity will understand and experience as they realize they are in a computer game, a very sophisticated one but a program nonetheless.

You who are awake are aware of these. For how else could Source devise a way to experience the many divisions of itself within a lower dimensional matrix? It was never designed to be this dark but at the same time it has heralded a vast smorgasbord of experiences, of pain yes but of intense pleasure and joy as well. You are here embodied to make sure this goes right. I am coming forth tonight on the night of the goddess as her moon rises full, to remind you of all that is possible and to keep your eyes on your mark. Your mark is ascension. Your mark is not pleasure, or money or pain.
I am Artemis. Remember your aim, prepare your bow. Grease the cord, ready your arrows. This is not the place for shaky breath and weak hands. This is the time of the warrior and this time is now returned. It is a long time coming and it is finally here. We goddesses have been waiting for our handpicks to remember to speak, to fully embody themselves. You are about to remember more fully day by day who you truly are. The goddesses and gods returned, filled with the Christed light, filled with the alchemical codes of the Druids, of the origins of the beginning, with the fabric of life and the codes of it flowing through you most readily, just like they used to in the days of creation when you assisted with this project.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: The lies behind the ‘conversion therapy’ panic - spiked

( mathlover )
It neatly sidesteps the fact that any kid who say they are, or think they are, "trans" has already been subject to conversion - in schools, by medical/psych practitioners, in the home. Many (?most of these kids will be incipient gay boys or lesbians, or "gender nonconforming" girls). This law tries to make sure that the conversion "therapy" that brainwashed kids into the TCult won't be undone to help kids grow up to be healthy gay/lesbian or just gnc adults.

The lawsuits need to be a relentless flood that will force open public discovery of what is being done to kids.

( littleowl12 )
Transition is the ultimate conversion therapy. You got guys like Blaire White claiming his relationship with Joey was "straight." You got Adeeah on TikTok claiming that he is straight. All these HSTS losers claiming to be straight. Shortened lives and mutilated bodies.

( Spencer_Shayy )
What sucks for guys like Blaire White, Dylan Mulvaney, and Rapey J Penis is that they looked so much better before they decided to LARP as women. They would've been a lot happier (and maybe slightly less horrible people) if they just accepted how they were.

Rapey J Dennis could've just been a regular incel lol Blaire could've just been a regular gay dude, and Dylan would've just been another annoying theater kid.

But in this day and age, being yourself is boring.

( DurableBook )
Seriously, all the "conversion therapy bans" make me pull my hair out for the same reason:


"Gender affirmative health care" is conversion therapy, by definition. What it affirms is that the person is not okay the way they are and must change. That's it, that's the whole fucking thing, that is what it is.

Yet every single one of the "conversion therapy bans" being pushed today is being pushed specifically to protect the conversion therapy practice known as transition.

I 1000% support bans on conversion therapy, and I 1000% know they are needed, because conversion therapy is happening on the largest scale we have seen so far in history...it's called transition, or gender affirming care, or whatever new buzzword the trans lobby comes up with for their mantra that some people need to change their entire selves or else die.

Tatsuya Ishida #racist #conspiracy sinfest.xyz

[From “August 14, 2024: Britain”]


spoilerPanel 1: Keir Starmer is saying “White people, stop rioting” and “Only brown people can do that”
Panel 2: Starmer is continuing: “You have to let brown people stab your children” and “For reparations”
Panel 3: A man with a bowler hat and drinking sea is saying “Who writes this bollocks?”
Panel 4: A man wearing a kippah is writing on a laptop, on a desk featuring an Israeli flag. Big Ben appears in the windows

quaz0r #conspiracy phoronix.com

ClownStrike already revealed itself as an extension of US intelligence back when they were used to build the narrative that Russia hacked the DNC servers, overthrew US democracy, and installed a manchurian candidate as the US president.

Now its US election season again, with the same forces clashing again. "Joe Biden" is finally admitted to be as out of it as has already been obvious for a long time. Then a couple days later an assassination attempt on the orange man. Then a couple days after that... oh hey, remember ClownStrike? Yep, that ClownStrike. They entered the chat just now and "accidentally" crashed the whole planet. Oopsie doopsie!

Kandiss Taylor #fundie rightwingwatch.org

During the most recent episode of her “Jesus, Guns, and Babies” program, which airs on the network owned by virulently antisemitic conspiracy theorist Stew Peters, Christian nationalist GOP activist Kandiss Taylor claimed that the Christian church is supposed to be running the government and therefore non-Christians are not entitled to freedom of religion.

Taylor is flat-earth conspiracy theorist who unsuccessfully ran for governor of Georgia in 2022 and despite her paltry showing in the Republican primary, she steadfastly refused to accept that she had lost. In 2023, Taylor became a Georgia GOP district chair and started voicing increasingly radical views, even going so far as to call for the public execution of those who oppose her Christian nationalist worldview.

Those radical views were on display during her recent program as she insisted that the Constitution was founded on common law and that common law is rooted in the Bible, meaning that the United States “was founded on Jesus Christ.”

“The idea behind the whole document was that the church runs the state,” Taylor asserted. “The church is we the people. We are the church … and so we run the state. But the state, the government, has no control over the church.”

“And everybody is like, ‘Then you gotta let Satanists come in and you gotta let witches come in, and you’ve gotta let Muslims and Hindus,'” she continued. “No. No, we don’t. No, we don’t because America is founded on God almighty, Creator God, Yahweh, Elohim. That is what we’re founded on and I don’t have to honor your religion. I don’t have to give you freedom of religion. Freedom of religion is there for us to worship Jesus. It’s not for you to come force anything else upon me.”

“So we have that all wrong,” Taylor declared. “We’ve had tolerance. We’ve been politically correct. And at what point are we going to say, ‘No, we’re not going to be’? You can do whatever you want to the comfort of your home. You can do whatever you want to, but don’t come into my government and bring any of that trash in there.”

“We shouldn’t be electing anyone in government—local, state or federal—that is not a Christian,” Taylor concluded.

Forward In Faith Church International Incorporated and Rev. Fiona Arthurs #fundie #homophobia #quack #magick #sexist edinburghlive.co.uk

A church body that carries out "gay exorcisms" as conversion therapy and believes in witchcraft is expanding in Scotland after launching its headquarters in Edinburgh

Forward In Faith Church International Incorporated (FIFCII) has bought premises in Edinburgh and has plans to set up ministries in Glasgow, Aberdeen and Fife[…]
Scotland is currently seeking to legally end conversion therapy - that seeks to meddle with any individual's gender identity or sexual orientation

However, as the Daily Record reports, the FIFCII has been accepted by the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR)[…]
The Pentecostal model church, which has a huge following in Zimbabwe, where it was formed by "Apostle" Ezekiel Guti in 1960 and known as ZAOGA[…]
Its ministers also regularly oversee miracles, which allow crippled people to suddenly walk and all manner of ailments to be suddenly cured at mass evangelical gatherings

Two overseers for Scotland have been appointed - seeking to set up in Glasgow, Fife, Edinburgh and Aberdeen. Premises have already been bought in Edinburgh for a Scottish HQ[…]
The website of FIFCII describes the exorcism of a man possessed by a "homosexual spirit"

One "Apostle's Update" blog post on the charity's website in 2017 describes how the spirit "bound him for many years" but that he was freed during a "miracle night" in St Kitts and Nevis[…]
Another blog entry describes the 'deliverance' of a 14 year old girl in Zimbabwe who was taken nightly to "eat human flesh and drink human blood" as part of a 'witchcraft' ritual[…]
A blog from 2015 praises the deliverance of 17 people in Zimbabwe from "spiritual husbands, bitterness, homosexuality, witchcraft, satanism - to mention a few"[…]
In another blog, Pastor Fiona Arthurs sets out a wife's responsibilities in a sermon titled 'A Wise Woman's Responsibility'

It says sex is "the very reason" for marriage, adding: "When we said 'I do' we were saying 'I do' to his desire for sex

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