tyeluxe #racist twitter.com

(white savior gets egg on their face)

SolitaryWendigo: The mob only won because a youtuber told people to vote for it.

tyeluxe: your username is extremely offensive to Algonquian people as that word is to refer to an evil spirit of insatiable greed. change it or stay the fuck out of my notifs. that spirit is highly appropriated in pop culture. native peoples' beliefs are not for you to "nerd out" on. gtfo

SolitaryWendigo: I’m native, maybe you shouldn’t assume and mind your fucking business.
Also you’re fucking white lmao, I don’t think you get to tell ME what to do.

*This Tweet is from an account that no longer exists. Learn more*

SolitaryWendigo: Yes, there are heavy differences, often times the folklore between the 2 gets mixed up, which causes people to think that the name wendigo is offensive or not to be said, this is not true, and is in fact the shape shifting witch’s name that you shouldn’t say.

cautiousculpeo #magick twitter.com

(No True Scotsman, the Indigenous edition)

NaysPinClub: What cryptid do you want made into a plushie the MOST?

Pat_the_Flareon: Windego

cautiousculpeo: The w*ndigo is an indigenous monster it’s not a cryptid… please don’t use the name if you don’t know the intentions behind it.

Pat the Flareon: No you do your research it is an indigenous cryptid from their folklore look it up, and I will tell you this rethink in how you phrase things because if you read it you wrote it like you were attacking someone and not advising them to knowledge they didn't know.

cautiousculpeo: Did you just tell me to research my own culture what. Yeah no. I offered warning. Don’t use that name if you don’t know what that name means. All you do is put your own life on the line even THINKING the name. Whatever if you don’t want to listen not my funeral.

Pat_the_Flareon: I'm native American too I know the folklore and the legends because I've done research since I had no one to teach me and like I said rethink phrasing because the way you are phrasing things is coming out hostile

cautiousculpeo: If you are indigenous you should know why you don’t mention or think his name. Whatever man. You are the hostile one and you are fighting with fire in a dangerous way. Not my funeral

BondiBlue , OneOddBird & OneStarWolf #transphobia #moonbat ovarit.com

( BondiBlue )
Blue states becoming "sanctuaries" for genderwoo.

Connecticut has just announced it will be the first state to ignore court orders from red states prohibiting trans nonsense. Washington D.C. is reportedly soon to follow.


The upside is that they're also intending to be sanctuaries for abortion. But the downside is that they're lumping the two together as a broader "civil rights" battle. Even though the genderwoo cult are the ones erasing women's civil rights, and leaving us with no sanctuaries away from them.

This makes me angry, because the genderwoo cult now has a narrative framing of being on the Union side against slavery. It's just more forced teaming, now with trans bullsh!t effectively positioned as a "race." Just because I don't want anything to do with these militant colonizers doesn't make me a daughter of the Confederacy, FFS.

( OneOddBird )
A lot of this blue state trans thing refuge thing raises a lot of questions. Whenever a bill like the Texas one is passed, you see hordes of trans kids or their parents saying they are going to move out to a blue state. The thing is, blue states usually have higher costs of living. What person can actually afford to uproot their entire life, buy a home in a new place, pay for all the travel and expenses etc. it really shows that trans kids and trans healthcare in general is a problem of the bourgeoisie. What’s going to happen to that “trans kid” in Texas whose parents work as grocery store clerks? They can’t just uproot their lives and move. But oddly enough all the focus and sympathy is leveled at these upper class trans kids and their families who can afford to basically upgrade their quality of life

( OneStarWolf )

So Connecticut is also all about forcing women into prisons with men to inevitably be raped and become pregnant against their will. But at least they’ll allow the women abortions, eh! The idiots.

Gender ideology is a scourge on women and children, and it’s despicable how they now try to force ally it with abortion.

Women don’t want or need your gender cult bullshit as a condition for having autonomy over our bodies. Fuck off, Connecticut and all other TRAs and blue states trying this sleight of hand with our rights. We see you.

Commander Ashtar via Erena Velasquez #ufo #magick #conspiracy #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am Ashtar, the commander of the Galactic Federation of Light,

My fleet always patrols the orbit of Mother Earth to prevent any unexpected events. Your planet has been controlled actually by outworlders called Clarions, who created 3D Matrix and brainwashed everyone to keep them asleep by using their technologies. They use their minions from the Mongolian Empire to perform the tasks and crimes against humanity. Clarions came from faraway Galaxy, where they destroyed whole civilizations. They love to take over and control every aspect of advancement. We send them a warning to leave Mother Earth or we stripe them from their souls and dispose to Universal Consciousness.

My fleet helped to relocate friendly beings who stayed on Mother Gaia for millions of years, to more suitable planets, where they don’t need to hide. This Matrix is going to be dissolved in the near future, and the ones, who are ready ascend, will move to 5D, where they will built New Earth with our assistance.
My crew continuously is doing cleanups after your governments mistakes, who are absolutely clueless about, how unpredictable and dangerous can be open Cosmos. The experiments there can have catastrophic consequences. Commander Vrillon did some clean up after their experiment with one of asteroids.

Your recent weather’s issues were manmade and directed to destroy the specific areas on your planet. These lands are important for future events. I will tell more about it in future.

For several months, I have been preoccupied with operation Venus 2. It’s very important action that needs our full attention right this moment, as it could complicate the outcome for humankind. Your society never disclosed about existence of other civilizations, so you have been living without knowing about complexity and turbulences of Cosmos. I mentioned in the past, that the Stars Wars are real and Mother Earth experienced one a few billions years ago. I am trying to prevent such event to happen again on your planet.

Odalys Heredia #ableist #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie #homophobia #transphobia lgbtqnation.com

When a 20-year-old man with autism went missing, a Florida woman and her sister told police that he had been kidnapped by a transgender gang who wanted to harvest and sell his organs.

It turned out that he voluntarily got on a bus to Chicago to escape his controlling mother. [A note was found where her son Alejandro Suarez said he was leaving. She called the police.]

When Suarez’s aunt, Yadira Saleh, contacted police, she wrote, “Alejandro’s mother’s greatest fear is he may be in danger of organ trafficking or any other trafficking,” adding that he “was worked and groomed for weeks or months” by “predatory gender non-conformists” who encouraged him to “cut all ties with family members,” Heredia also told police that her son “has the mentality of a 10-year-old and is unable to function on his own,” adding that he couldn’t have left town on his own because he “had no friends, and was unable to socialize with anyone other than family.” [Evidence suggests she greatly exaggerated her son’s disablities.]

Suarez said his mother controlled what classes he took and what sports he played in school. She also required him to keep his hair short, and urged him never to sit with his legs crossed because it could cause gay men to hit on him, he said. Suarez also had transgender friends. On July 11, Heredia and Saleh asked a probate court to sign an order granting full guardianship over him which would have allowed them to control where he lived, his purchases, and his right to marry, vote, or make medical decisions for himself. A legal hearing declined the women their request for full guardianship. “I really do feel like I have room to breathe now,” Suarez told the aforementioned publication.

Padraig Martin #wingnut #sexist #racist #transphobia identitydixie.com

[From "Is The Constitution Good?"]

The United States Constitution[…]is one of the greatest political documents of all time[…]Often viewed as sacrosanct by the American political Right[…]I did not state the Dissident Right[…]
When I refer to the term “great,” I mean something of enormity and importance[…]The definition of “good,” is one that refers to the Constitution’s ability to achieve the objects of its intended purpose[…]
The Constitution was not a document drafted to endure modernity. It was designed to be destroyed by it[…]
When James Madison likely conceived of the amendment idea[…]never likely considered the fact that blacks or women would have an equal say in the electoral process[…]
Non-White minorities and to a lesser extent, women, tend to vote in a manner that dismantles the very protections enshrined in the Constitution[…]
Women are made to seek assurances of safety by their feminine construct[…]For the majority of human existence, women relied on male and/or tribal protection[…]Women tend to gravitate toward popular political positions that provide safety in numbers[…]Beta males have women who vote leftist and alpha males generally do not[…]
Non-White[…]are engrained to seek immediate comforts to the exclusion of long-term possible gains. This is evident in their choices[…]
The invitation to participate in some aloof concept like “freedom of speech” or “protection from unlawful search and seizure” is foreign to people who derive from more primitive societies[…]
Neither Roger Sherman nor Richard Lee could have considered a leftist voting bloc of black Marxists, transgender psychopaths, and single twenty-something-year-old females voting to limit free speech or eliminating the right to bear arms[…]
I believe the Constitution is a great document[…]It is also deeply flawed. The Constitution will collapse

just date a troon bro #sexist blackpill.club

A roastie offended me. Then I offended her.

I am merely walking around my apartment complex late at night, smoking a cigarette and in la-la land in my mind, thinking my thoughts, ruminating on various things. Then I reach on the sidewalk a roastie (she had just entered it from the parking lot) who, a few steps ahead of me, keeps glancing back at me nervously. I was not thinking about her (though I did notice she was in my "erotic view" so to speak.) In any case, the fear she evinced about me offended me greatly. It wounded me. It hurt me. Now I'm ruminating about this insult as I continue to walk behind her...as I increasingly take pleasure in causing the very discomfort of hers which offended me so greatly. I realize that I must soon get off the sidewalk and head towards my entrance. Before I do, I pretend to run real REALLY FAST right behind the roastie and then make a sharp left turn near her. Her frightened and alarmed surprise -- and my belly laughter as I walked away from her -- have made my week. Perhaps my month. Perhaps the year in sheer "wininng-ness."


To be clear, I didn't physically alarm her like I made it sound-- as I knew she was apprehensive about me behind right behind her, all I had to do was make the sound of someone speeding up. I remained in place and shuffled my feet to make the sound of someone sprinting suddenly. It was so slight and it scared her. I hope my belly laugh made her feel insulted like I was by her fear.

@terfforever #transphobia twitter.com

This is Dr. Deanna Adkins. She is a pediatric endocrinologist and the director of Duke’s pediatric gender clinic. She claims that “from a medical perspective, the only appropriate determinant of sex is gender identity.” She readily admits To treating kids as young as 2 yo.

She peddles other falsehoods, such as her claim that “gender identity” is hormonally influenced and influenced by “exposures during pregnancy.” This is not established and more aptly described as a hypothesis (and a likely erroneous one), not fact. She is a clown who harms kids.

maybe after you tackle Vanderbilt, you can turn your attention to the deviant, child mutilating doctors at Duke. Let’s ferret out all these barbaric so-called doctors who claim children can make decisions permanently altering their bodies.

Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

Have you ever heard someone say, "It used to be a good neighborhood until all those damn White people moved in"? ....... Neither have I.

@ElfReich no one ever rolls up their windows when driving through a white neighborhood..

@ElfReich Because wherever Whites move to, they always leave people alone, they keep the town clean, stick to themselves and respect the culture in that area. When nonwhites move in, they don't leave people alone, they complain that they are the only nonwhites, they cause crime and they think their culture and race is superior than the one in the neighborhood they moved to.

Multiethnic communities always breed conflict because every ethnic group has racial bias, in-group preferences, different ways of living, different cultures, different traditions, different religions and different ideologies. Also, it breeds conflict because no one wants to feel like a strange foreigner in their own nation or community. No one deserves to be replaced. No one deserves to live in a society where no one has anything in common and no one trusts each other.

@ElfReich its usually when the niggers and muslims move in

@ElfReich Come to think of it, I've never heard anyone say, "Wow, this neighborhood is SO MUCH BETTER ever since all the Mexicans moved in!" Not even the Mexicans.

@ElfReich Obama moved to Martha's Vineyard because he didn't want to live next door to colored folks.

Various commenters #wingnut #quack gab.com



@White__Rabbit ALL vaccines are poison! Pharmaceutical = pharmakeia = sorcery

@White__Rabbit Excellent point. However, they know what the cause of a sudden death is but it has to be kept a secret so they can continue to promote the clot shots and not lose their medical licenses.

@White__Rabbit Maybe we were fools to believe they could determine the cause of death 10,000 years later (unless it was a broken skull.)
They have near-zero credibility IMO.
To be clear, they're lying now about Vax deaths, so it's likely they lied about the mummies, too.

@White__Rabbit Because science is stupid, I do not trust science.

@White__Rabbit yes but the mummy is still just a guess and who cares no money involved, but a new born baby now that's a cash cow for the satanic democraps and body parts.

Matt Walsh fans #transphobia #wingnut #dunning-kruger #pratt #sexist #homophobia #enbyphobia #interphobia youtube.com

[Context: the following is an excerpt from the description of a video by Professor Dave Explains, where he tries to debunk Matt Walsh’s nonsense]

Since the moment I published this video, it has been targeted by the most disgusting and malicious mob of trolls I have ever seen, far beyond what I ever conceived possible. These are trolls who comment from dozens of sock accounts at once, calling me "groomer", "pedophile", "soy boy", telling me that they bet I watch my wife fuck other guys and then clean up afterwards, the most subhuman things imaginable. They then harvest any reaction they get to call me "triggered", pasting these responses in new comments without context to slander me, and then follow up with abject lies about things I've said or other people have said. The rest of the trolls employ a strategy of outright denying everything in the video and claiming victory, or spamming nonsensical rebuttals in an attempt to change the narrative. There is something heinous behind this concerted attack on reason, simply for exposing Matt Walsh for precisely what he is. It has become an enormous stress, and for this reason comments will be turned off on this video until this otherworldly wave of toxicity has found another target. My outlook on the state of this country has been permanently affected.

Jamie Gooch #fundie variety.com

Texas mother Jamie Gooch has gone viral after warning parents about the danger of letting their children watch “Hocus Pocus 2,” which started streaming Sept. 30 on Disney+. The film finds Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker and Kathy Najimy reprising their roles as the Sanderson sisters, a trio of child-hungry witches. Gooch first warned parents about the film on social and then joined CBS’ local Texas affiliate KWTX for a now-viral interview.

“A worst case scenario is: you unleash hell on your kids and in your home,” Gooch said. “The whole movie is based on witches harvesting children for blood sacrifices.”

“Do not watch this film,” she continued. “Everybody thinks it’s fake and innocent, but they could be casting any type of spell that they want to, anything could be coming through that TV screen into your home.”

Gooch explained that her family has “not participated in Halloween in about four or five years” because “the thought of exposing [her] kids to darkness” pains her. Gooch’s warning goes beyond just “Hocus Pocus 2,” as she thinks all parents need to be mindful of what media their children are consuming.

“I think it goes further than just a movie, it goes further than Halloween, it’s a year-round thing, we constantly need to be cautious of what we’re consuming, what we’re bringing in and what we’re sending out,” Gooch said. “I believe whatever comes in our TV screens: there are things attached to that, I’ve seen for myself the things that I’ve watched with my eyes or heard over a TV screen, they’ve become manifested in real life, and then I think ‘oh my gosh, what did I consume?’”

Disney announced earlier this week that “Hocus Pocus 2” set a new record at Disney+ as the most watched original film during its first three days of release. Gooch’s viral interview has spawned many spoofs across social media, including one from comedian Blaire Erskine that earned 2.7 million views and counting on Twitter.

zakaria_shalih aka Masonicon #crackpot instagram.com

[Meme of the “Change My Mind” guy]
"Petrols are must formed
from dinosaur remains”
thing are little rmre tham mere
excuses to make Precursors'
civilizations impossible fantasies

Another shitpost about #silurianhypothesis

The myth is: petroleum(which's can be lifeblood for modern civilizations) must be formed from dinosaur remains so this make tens to hundreds million-years old ancient civilizations impossible IRL

The fact is: Even during age of Dinosaurs, there enough fossil fuel deposits(albeit predominantly petroleum) for Precursors themselves to start their industrial revolution during mesozoic era. They just punished from burning petrols by Jurassic-Cretaceous extinction event(which prompts their use of #ormus based technologies)

Heretic #sexist #kinkshaming incels.is

[Toxic Femininity] Kissing women is cucked.

The modern woman, by the age of 20 years, has experienced at least 5 sexual relationships with men if varying qualities. This does not even account the amount of casual sex that women seek out and endorse.

Imagine all of the nuts that have been blasted on the common foid's face. Imagine the sheer volume of semen that has coated the lips of the average foid.

Would you want to kiss an anus covered in feces? I certainly wouldn't. The lips of the modern female have been in very perverse and salacious places, they are not to be adored and desired.

Not only is kissing cucked because of the emasculating position that their "enthusiasts" are placed within, but the act of kissing insinuates the presence of a superficial values in a woman, values typically affiliated with maternal figures and good wives.

A woman who loves one man is corrupted further with all proceeding men she comes to love. (I am referring to acts of sexual love)

Remember comrades, never kiss a female.

Prostitutes especially.

No semen flavored kisses for you inkwells!


Various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: TiM objects to us being called TERFs as we're not feminists, then suggests using a misogynistic slur instead

( Medusa91 )
Can we please stop using the word transwomen?

It implies that these people are indeed women and they simply arnt. I prefer the actual more accurate term of “scrotum haver” since that’s more accurate but what are some “okay for society” alternatives?

( cousinanger )

( RawSienna )
I think the term sex offender is most accurate.

( hmimperialtortie )
I like “A man who demands we pretend he’s a woman” from this thread.

Or transvestites. Or AGPs (has the bonus of giving you the opportunity to explain just what that is.)

( bunyip )
Trans identified male is OK for society. Maybe throw a "biological" in there to soften it if you feel like being nice. If a TRA throws a tantrum, it doesn't matter.

If you think you're in a situation where you might have something to lose by offending TRAs, I do like the idea of playing along with their own rules. "Scrotum haver" is excellent. I think I prefer "penis haver" because it's more of a reminder of their maleness, their ability to commit rape or cause pregnancy.

I think TIMs would also find "penis haver" a little more uncomfortable as it reminds regular people that very few of these people actually get surgery to remove it, the penis is still here. Some people think Lia Thomas must be fully transitioned to have been allowed to compete, and "Penis-haver Lia Thomas" might enlighten a few people.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #sexist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@CerebroDeQueso_ This is why we can wear blackface without feeling bad"]


i saw a couple of gringxs criticizing Lizzo's rolling stone cover bc apparently she's appropriating our lady of guadalupe?

ok? our lady of guadalupe was/is a tool of colonialism. catholicism is shit. is its iconography becoming meaningless bc of "appropriation"? good
5:13PM·Jan 23, 2020

Last week the massive tub of human-shaped lard known as "Lizzo" (real name Melissa Jefferson, though if she legally changed it to that from "Pure Whipped Butter" I wouldn't be surprised), who spends 90% of her time claiming she's oppressed, spent the 10% of her time playing music in a one in a lifetime history opportunity: a classic flute created for President Madison's inauguration[…]
Many were disgusted by the performance, of an unslightly woman's ass begging men to please please fuck her or at least buy her lunch, and more than a few noticed the internal contradiction: the whole event certainly seemed like a lot of, oh, what's that word? Privilege. White male nobodies interested in playing the flute would be shot in the neck for trying to retrieve it, but the United States Government gives yet another negress special permission[…]
Incident that Cerebro references from 2020: Lizzo in hot water for cultural appropriation[…]
Cerebro performs a much-needed public service. He gives us a free excuse for when "cultural appropriation" is a bad thing: whenever the overarching culture is[…]
So go ahead and wear that blackface, then talk like the most stereotypical coon you can possibly imagine

@AGPawarenessDay , @RoseLilyDaisy & @FairIsleCat #transphobia gettr.com

The problem with AGP allies (like David “Debbie” Hayton) : They make women uncomfortable by their very presence, and they don’t seem to care. They act like caricatures of women, and they wear what’s essentially their fetish gear in public. An AGP ally who tells you he’s for women’s rights is jarring, because by wearing his fetish gear and acting like a caricature, he’s telling the world how he really sees women and womanhood

One of the safest & most wise demographics is middle aged to elderly women. These are the mothers, aunts, seasoned teachers, rabbis, social workers, grandmas & more who we all love & turn to. It’s these women’s homes we visit during the holidays w our family & friends. A middle aged AGP dressed up in modest mid live woman gear is a violation of all people. It is a laugh at these women.

David Hayton likes using women's toilets on the sly, so I read on a Twitter thread, he fessed up to a woman he was at a conference with and told her not to tell anyone. He's a creep and I wish he would stop speaking for women, we have our own voice thanks. I actually hate him and don't trust him one bit.

@terfforever #transphobia twitter.com

I suspect one day we’ll realize that gender dysphoria is a symptom of complex, deeper, unrelated issues. Those who rushed to put kids on a path of lifelong medicalization just to slap a bandaid on merely the symptoms should rightly be remembered as the monsters they are.

Marjorie Taylor Greene & Various commenters #wingnut gab.com

(Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene)
“There are only two genders: male and female.”

Watch my full interview with @RSBNetwork: https://rumble.com/v1hhm9m-swatted-exclusive-interview-and-never-before-seen-footage-with-marjorie-tay.html

@repmtg @RSBNetwork So fucking weak. The left are antiwhites, that hate you because you're white. This is low hanging fruit, we know there are 2 genders.

@repmtg @RSBNetwork Still can't believe that's even debatable.

@repmtg @RSBNetwork (@LaurenBoebert @DrPaulGosar @RepMattGaetz @AnthonySabatini @Mark4Ohio @RealJackLombardi
There are two SEXES; gender is for languages. Stop using their euphemisms.
birthing parent = mother
chest feeding = breastfeeding
vaccine passport = movement license
covid vaccine = mRNA gene therapy experimental injection
social credit score/cashless society = slavery
digital biometric ID = #MarkOfTheBeast
#FuckGlobalism #AbolishUsury

You are correct!! Keep talking, keep fighting! Keep up the good work.

@PaulaC3 I'm sure her fellow Zionist Jews are pleased with her fight

@Trump_Supporter1776 LOL nice try Fed but I don’t deal in racism.


I ain't no fucking Fed! If me valuing my White Race makes me a Fed then so be it! All these jews do like MTG is bring in third world niggers into our White Nations and people like the Republicans and Democrats expect us White to coexist with these filthy nigger and jew fuckers. I'm sick of it!

Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com


spoilerDismissing reality is never the way to
solve a problem.
Everyone knows that the racial
problem in Western nations is
because the races are simply
It's not a matter of inferior vs
superior. It's simply a matter of
Multi-racial nations will never work.

@Nature_and_Race Very true. If multiracial nations worked, continents connected by land would have become nearly homogeneous long ago.

@Nature_and_Race I respectfully disagree. The Negroid is inferior to all other races on planet earth.


spoilerThe belief that all people are equal is
essentially the belief that you could
replace the black people in the Congo
with white people from Switzerland, and
the White people in Switzerland with
blacks from the Congo and Switzerland
would still be a beautiful first world
nation and the Congo would still be a
third world shithole. No one thinks this.
Equality is an absolute lie and almost
everyone realizes it is.

@Nature_and_Race. Look at the Asian countries as an example. They're not participating in stupid. They know diversity never works. Look at the animal kingdom. Animals stay with their own.

If the races are simply different, how do you explain all the one-way border-jumping?

@Nature_and_Race We are not the same

FormerReformer #sexist mcommini2.blogspot.com

[on Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori]

Those who dissented from the Episcopal hierarchy were speaking of the actions of the PB as being against both the canons and constitutions of the [Episcopal Church] and thus illegal.

(on this blog we never refer to a woman as a "bishop" nor "priest"- this is a rule henceforth and forever more- but I will leave the "B" in place as the Episcopal church has yet to put the "b" in a kennel)

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick #quack bennettleeross.com

Most people on TV are not real
They are entities masquerading as that person

Or sometimes the celebrity has never been human
And are just invented persons

Michael Jackson is on the Deep Web
He frequently gives the cross arm symbol of rebirth

The elite have been replaced
Many have went unknowingly

They have become vampires with no reflection
Because they have no soul

If you join the Illuminati
Hollywood will swing wide open their doors to you

Eminem DMX ZPAC Aerosmith Bob Dylan and many others
All have songs about selling their soul

They now are idolized and can go to the coolest parties
But now realize it was not worth it

Elizabeth Short known as the Black Dahlia was an upcoming actress
In 1947 she was brutally murdered for breaking her oath of silence

Freemasons and all secret societies
Have to take Masonic oaths
They become complicit with deception
In exchange for an earthy reward and a lofty title

Most all pastors and priests are Freemasons
They take part in the propaganda of the system
Making the masses believe that if you follow them you will be happy

The reality is that if you live in self delusion
You will be bound by your beliefs
And will never reach the higher realms

Vaccines do not prevent anything
But have a sinister purpose

One third of all health care workers have quit
Rather than take the jab
They have seen first hand the effects

The bioluminescent enzyme luciferase is being put in the vaccines
The injection site will glow a neon green

When a soul repeatedly makes choices
That have destructive patterns
Their light becomes diminished

Now is the time to repattern your thoughts
Be inner sustained
And do not parasitize any other living being

Command your space as a sovereign person
And accept responsibility for your conscious energy!

Lotus Protection #crackpot #magick #ufo #quack #mammon lotus-protection.com

We souled human beings are far from being just a physical body, we are infinite spiritual beings. As holographic parts of our Creator, we were created equal to creation itself. We are omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent beings. Our body is the electrical record of our thoughts.

We humans become conscious when we take physical bodies that we mentally project and electrically record in 3D form.

Human conscious intention is a very powerful power in the universe. We can use the power of our verbally expressed conscious intention to alter our DNA and bring about the desired changes in our body. We can also use the power of our conscious intention to bring about any other desired change, for example to balance any radiation to prevent its harmful effects, or to protect our body from any other negative influence. If we were able to keep thinking about that one and only thought, it would manifest.

Research Professor Ilija Lakicevic has experimentally proven the true concept of how the cell, atom and particle work: rings of light, like doughnuts, that revolve around the central point of the omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent (Spirit, God, Source) who is the source of energy and from which the spinning rings of light borrow energy in order to move. When we connect to this intelligent and omnipotent infinite spirit, the Spirit point and verbally express a conscious intention, that intention manifests 100% because Spirit is omnipotent.

Professor Ilija Lakicevic discovered and developed the I-Change Conscious Creation Technology and the Lotus Conscious Chip, in which he needs three nano-layers to register his conscious intention. So when the conscious chip is added to a device- its conscious intent manifests continuously (24/7).

Embedded within the Lotus Conscious Chip is DIVINE PROTECTION AGAINST EVERYTHING, including protection against the effects of radiation, protection against thought poisoning, protection against all manner of outside attacks.

Benjamin Fulford #conspiracy #ufo #wingnut #racist stillnessinthestorm.com

That is why these murderers need to be removed from control of medical associations, telecommunications companies etc.

This is also true of China, where the communist party propaganda news is still pushing the fake pandemic, fraudulent PCR tests, vaccines etc. in order to turn that country into a giant animal farm.

We have personally confirmed that the CCP is secretly controlled at the top by non-Asian KM <Khazarian Mafia> bosses. That is why the CCP is pushing 5G, repressing truth about the 5G mass murder incident in Wuhan and using fraudulent PCR tests as an excuse for totalitarian control.

However, we understand the Chinese patriots are fighting to liberate their country from KM rule. The results of this battle should become clear at the once in 5 years meeting of the CCP top leadership later this month.

As a sign of this, it is clear that something very wrong is going on with President Xi Jinping. He has not left his home or met any world leader or even top Chinese leader for the past two years, according to several (Western) sources.
Our own Japanese military intelligence sources confirm the above reports’ claim that Xi Jinping is under house arrest. Our CIA sources, meanwhile, insist the real Xi was killed in early 2020 and his brother has been filling in for him.
“Sooner or later people will have to realize that most (not all) of the UFOs seen in our skies are the man-made work of the military-industrial-complex. In direct competition with the SSP. They’ve been working on electro-gravitic technologies since at least the 1950s,” a secret space force says.
I have asked my secret space program sources for a personal ride in a flying saucer. Let us see if they can produce the real deal and not just more videos.

Amitakh Stanford #crackpot #ufo #racist #wingnut #conspiracy bibliotecapleyades.net

In the late nineteenth century a document was released that is known as The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. In fact, The Protocols is not a new document. The original version of The Protocols came out of a meeting in Rome in 1492. The original document certainly involved the precursors of the Elders of Zion, most of whom were NOT of Hebrew blood, nor were they actually followers of the Jewish faith. In fact, most of the 1492 Elders were affiliated with the Catholic Church.
Aliens have planned world domination for a long, long time. For example, the Anunnaki planned to have the British and Catholics united under a single banner in their drive to achieve world domination. The British-Catholic plan for world domination was a long time in the making. It underwent trial-and-error testing during the reign of the Roman Empire.

The Reptilian plan was dangerously close to consummation and final establishment of the New World Order when the Light intervened and assisted in the American Revolution. Had the Light not intervened, the Reptilians would have succeeded in implementing their NWO in the nineteenth century.

Had the British-Catholic conquest succeeded, it would have given the Reptilians control of the world under the framework of the Reptilian Anunnaki Protocols of 1492. However, the American Revolution broke the relentless British colonization of the world and ultimately forced the British to give many of its other colonies some form of independence.
When the Reptilian 1492 Protocols failed, the Reptilians used an alternative plan to try to destroy America from within and re-assimilate it into the British Empire.

At the same time that the Reptilians tried to resuscitate the 1492 Protocols, a desperate alternative plan in which they solicited the aid of other alien groups, which included Vulturites, Greys, Masa-karas, Wagools etc. However, this is a show alliance. The Reptilians have no intention of sharing and being in alliance with other alien races.

Various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

“Hate crimes reach record high as offences against transgender people double”. Fake news?

( Omina_Sentenziosa )
Hate crimes = misgendering online for these people.

So yeah, I can believe they doubled, because lots of people are just sick and tired of playing pretend and are calling a spade a spade way more than just 2/3 years ago.

( no- )
The article says 41% of the attacks are violent in nature. Who committed those attacks? Most likely men. Who is gonna get blamed? Feminists.

( LilianH )
I looked up the stats and don't see how they got 41% violent from those. The stats were,

36% Public order offenses

9% violent with injury

14% violent with no injury

33% Stalking and harassment

3% Criminal damage / Arson

5% Other

By my calculation that is 23% violent at best.

I should also note that only 3% of "hate crimes" against trans resulted in a charge or summons (compared to 8% for race, 9% for sexual orientation, 9% for religion, and 2% for disability) which speaks to their lack of severity.

( ProxyMusic )
But "violent" as the gender identity crowd define the term means anything that precious TIPs say makes them feel "invalidated," slightly uncomfortable and not centered.

( SecondSkin )
And violent to them means being told no.

Lesbians saying they don’t do dick= hate crime to trans people.

( DollarstoDonuts )
I mean what constitutes violence in this context. They're calling police on social media comments one would say that's a disproportionate response to something not even a crime, but they probably note the comment down as "violent".

( WatcherattheGates )
So not actual crimes, then, just feelings hurt. I just wish women's feelings counted for something.

( hmimperialtortie )
Being offended = offences to these fuckers.

( llkit )
They don't seem to analyse the offender statistics, good to finally see a breakdown. I see they're not using a breakdown for trans, just a broader breakdown.

I can an increase happening and not just online. I've seen a lot of trans out and about nowadays. The Tim's do stick out like a sore thumb. Also they do tend to look for offence so will find it. But yep I can see more stuff being said at them, by idiot blokes.

Pity we can't report such things a women. The whole thing is ridiculous that it excludes women. Not that I'm a fan of it all overall.

JP/Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #magick #conspiracy exopolitics.org

JP, who currently serves with the US Army, recently led a covert mission of eight military personnel to an underground facility in Florida guarded by a strange race of insectoid looking custodians (aka Ant People). His team was taken to a massive underground garden where they saw a very large tree that absorbed copious amounts of water from an adjacent stream, and emitted a filtered flow of water that was highly rejuvenating.

JP’s description of the large tree with the rejuvenating waters could be compared to the mythical Tree of Life in religious texts, or the Fountain of Youth as described by Ponce De Leon. JP says that seeds from the rejuvenating tree were given to him by the custodians.of the underground garden/civilization, and taken back to his military command as a gift to humanity.

In this Exopolitics Today interview, JP discusses the mission he led, the TR-3B that took him to the underground Florida cavern, and the gifts given to surface humanity by the custodians (Ant People) guarding the underground garden/civilization he visited.

John Smith #racist #psycho #wingnut quora.com

Slaves were given meaning to their pathetic existence. They were given food, shelter, water. They were kept in cool climates. They were treated better than by tribes or muslims. Slaves were also more orderly, since they were not free to throw their shit at each other, like the monkeys that they are. Colonialism in general brought law and order to the subhuman monkeys, who were originally muslims (of course).

International Chrysotile Association #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #mammon chrysotileassociation.com

[From "Rotterdam Convention"]

On September 18th 2004, the Member States of the Rotterdam Convention refused, as was proposed, to include chrysotile in the Prior Informed Consent (PIC) procedure. Numerous countries, representing more than 3 billion people, expressed their views on this subject and stated that the Rotterdam Convention was not the appropriate vehicle to protect the health of workers involved in the commerce, transformation and use of chrysotile

This is a resounding failure for the European Union, Chile and others dedicated to the banning of chrysotile and leading the battle to force this fibre to join a list of environmentally dangerous pesticides and chemicals. Some of these special interest groups expressed their frustration at having lost the battle by accusing countries, such as Russia and Canada, of having prioritized the economic interests of a few to the detrimental health risk of many

These gratuitous insinuations should not make us lose sight of the fact that the primary objective of the countries and groups, which supported the inclusion of chrysotile in the Rotterdam Convention; it is the prohibition of the trade of chrysotile in order to benefit replacement fibres[…]
There is no scientific or medical reason to justify the classification of chrysotile fibre with pesticides and the most dangerous chemicals[…]The use of chrysotile does not pose an environmental problem[…]
Inclusion of chrysotile is inappropriate because it is widely recognized that chrysotile fibre can be used safely and responsibly. The safe use policy implemented by the Governments’ of Canada and of Quebec has proven to be effective[…]
Canada must not fall into the trap laid by the European Union and Chile. We are well aware that these countries are spearheading an aggressive international campaign against chrysotile, to ensure the lion’s share of a lucrative market[…]This is a trade war

JBSLAYER #god-complex #dunning-kruger blackpill.club

We incels have inherited the legacy of Jesus

I hate the church and Christianity, but Jesus was one of us

He died a virgin, was rejected by his own community, rebelled against Jews and the government. Taught societal rejects to "Turn the other cheek", cause there's no point in going ER. We should renounce this world and LDAR. Just give up. This world is a disloyal hoe

Successful, good looking, rich Christians should just die. They are the complete antithesis of Jesus

Matt Walsh & Various commenters #transphobia twitter.com

(Matt Walsh)
We’ve caught the Left off guard with our assault on gender ideology. They don’t understand what’s happening or why and they aren’t at all prepared to have this conversation. They’re scrambling. They’re defensive. They’re desperate. That’s why we’ll win.

The first resistance to gender ideology came from the feminist left. Many gay men and lesbians oppose it. Making this right vs left plays into the hands of the far left. This is about sanity and protecting children.

(Matt Walsh)
The Left by and large not only advocates for gender ideology but has made it a centerpiece of their cultural agenda. The feminist resisters are a tiny exception. I also don’t agree that they were first, though that argument becomes petty and pointless very quickly.

The biggest problem for the feminists is that for the most part they refuse to work with anyone on the right. They’ve isolated themselves and thus largely removed themselves from the fight.

Feminists' claim that women's voices were ignored by society at large was made starkly clear by the lack of attention that was given to feminists' concerns about gender ideology. Women on the left joined w women on the right, then both were ignored until the men spoke up.

I’ve been on the left for decades & I oppose gender identity ideology as strongly as you do. I’m happy to accept the blindness & responsibility of the left in relation to this but I’m in the UK & the embedding of this has happened under the watch of right of centre governments.

Marjorie Taylor Greene & Various commenters #wingnut gab.com

(Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene)
My new bill will protect children’s innocence. The left’s response? Try to get me killed.

This is just pumping up this jew turncoat mole to be Trumps running mate in 2024... She was the one pushing Q psyop and they matched her up to be AOCs rival right out of the gate..
Here they are planning it..
Just like every single aspect of politics in DC..all gameboarded scripts played out every day...
Carlson is a Jesuit Kabbalah jew just like Trump...and Desantis...
People are so stupid...

The left is evil at every turn.

@repmtg The left is trying to start a civil war for cover of their failed policies.

@repmtg Need a bill to sue the Vaccine companies.
Start paying attention to the number of healthy people who suddenly die and ask yourself why.
Do you have the courage ?

Marjorie Taylor Greene & Various commenters #wingnut gab.com

(Marjorie Taylor Greene)
It’s the middle of the day and my Communist Democrat opponent and his staff haven’t even showed up for work.


@RealMarjorieGreene You mean antiwhite.

@14W @RealMarjorieGreene no she means communist

@RealMarjorieGreene They don't transport children in the daylight. Or sniff each others do-do chutes during the day. Their nights are full.

Better watch out for a rigged election!
PLEASE have security cameras & disable their cheating hardware.

@RealMarjorieGreene The POTUS is an openly corrupt, Chinese-owned pedophile. An idiot who now has dementia.

Why would the commies bother pretending anymore? The US Dollar and economy are circling the toilet, as they planned.

@RealMarjorieGreene They’re not working to be elected. They plan on stealing because they think they’re entitled.

@RealMarjorieGreene Why show up to campaign,when they are simply going to steal it in the great wide open for us all to see and laugh at us as they swear in on the new porn channel terms and conditions?

@RealMarjorieGreene Typcal of current day Democrats. Freeloaders, philanderers, liars and cheats all in one breath. Useless bunch of weasels. And the RINO's are none better. Thank you Marjorie for fighting the good fight. I pray you bust the backs of these illegitimate congresspeople who have no clue as to what we are putting up with out in the cheap seats.

@RealMarjorieGreene yeah commies don't have to work. They just take their "fair" share because their existence entitles them to it

Matt Walsh #transphobia amazon.com

Is this even a question?

What is a woman?

But all of a sudden, way too many people don’t seem to know the answer. Is a woman a woman just by feeling or acting a particular way? Aren’t gender roles just a “social construct”? Can a woman be “trapped in a man’s body”? Does being a woman mean anything at all?

We used to think being a woman had something to do with biology, but the nation’s top experts keep assuring us that is definitely not the case. So Matt decided to do what no man (whatever that means) had done before. He sat down with the experts and asked them directly.

In What Is a Woman?, our hero:

• Discovers that no one—not doctors, therapists, psychiatrists, or politicians—can actually define the word “woman”

• Hilariously convinces a radical gender therapist that Matt is questioning his own gender identity

• Uncovers the shocking and horrifying roots of radical gender ideology

• Learns exactly how activists and ideologues are trying to brainwash our kids

• Reveals a strategy to defeat the collective insanity that has taken over our society

Join Matt on his often comical, yet deeply disturbing, journey as he answers the question generations before us never knew they needed to ask: What is a woman?

Patrick Bellringer via Anne Bellringer #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy fourwinds10.com

First, we are all extraterrestrials, that is, if we are souled beings! God created us in His spiritual image, which means He gave us a soul or God-Spirit. This God-Spirit is our God connection within our mind, for it is a part of God's Spirit. Our God-Spirit is that part of us which lives forever and which records all memory of all our past lifestreams. Our God Spirit is who we are! We put on a suit of clothes, our physical body, when we come into this life stream, and we take it off when we leave. Yes, we have had many past lifestreams and have come to our planet, Earth Shan, one last time to continue our third dimensional(3-D) schoolroom lessons of soul perfection. We have been on Earth Shan many times before this present lifestream and have returned by our free-will contract to continue with our soul growth lessons. We are, indeed, extraterrestrials! We are spiritual beings having a physical experience on Earth Shan.

There are three basic types of physical human entities on Earth Shan today: 1) the souled-being who has control of his freewill, 2) the robotoid, a souled being who has given his free-will over to Satan and the Dark Brotherhood, and 3) the clone, a replica of a physical human but with no soul or God-connection. The off-spring of two clones is known as an android, also with no soul. More than two-thirds of the "human beings" on Earth Shan today are clones! Oh yes, cloning has been going on for thousands of years on our planet! Most of the remaining one-third, who are souled-beings, have given their free-will over to the darkside and are totally controlled by Satan. They are a part of the "army" Satan is massing to conquer Esu Immanuel Sananda (Jesus Christ) and His Lighted Followers.

KatAnon/Juan O Savin #wingnut #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

The Election’s scheduled Nov 8th..
Bill Gates just said over the weekend
he believes the Election is going to be tested so severely
that it’s going to lead to Civil War in America..
From my perspective..
sometime before Election day it’s gonna get paused.
1. There’s the Biden EO from March 2021..
some of it is this new division of the Post Office..
& it’s non-functional..
2. Civil unrest..
3. A wind event..
4. An International Crisis related to nukes..
The Russians moved nuclear weapons into Belarus..
& deployed a Poseidon submarine..
5. Is Biden going to be removed from office
with the 25th amendment?..
If America has some switch that’s catastrophic..
both the President AND Vice-president gone
then you use that as an excuse to delay the election..

Harmonica #wingnut #fundie identitydixie.com

[From "Giorgia Meloni’s Victory"]

I was very pleased to see the results of the 2022 Italian elections that resulted in the Brothers of Italy[…]This is one of the greatest victories for the European Nationalist Right in decades. To make this even better, Meloni is a genuinely great candidate. She is not France’s Le Pen, someone I have supported despite several serious reservations, as I think France is in an emergency situation and she is the most realistic choice (the chances of Louis XX entering Paris to a mass of adoring crowds and restoring the House of Bourbon is negligible)

Meloni is a staunch nationalist, a Christian, pro-life, and understands that this is a fight for Europe as it has historically existed, not to preserve the Europe of 1945[…]
Meloni’s victory means things are about to get much worse, at least temporarily[…]We must turn to the Chinese Cultural Revolution[…]
Mao understood that the first generation raised in the aftermath of the Revolution had now reached adulthood and were, therefore, less attached to pre-Revolutionary Chinese society than the previous generations[…]
The reason this is important is because to the forces of globohomoism, Europe, at least Western Europe, represents what the Soviet Union did to Mao. There is a reason why the Left largely holds a bipolar view of Europe. Europe, as it was before 1945, is the fountain by which all the world’s evils flow. But Europe after 1945 is a paradise and a glimpse of the world without the Right, especially traditional Europeans[…]
The fact that it happened in Italy is even more troubling to them because Italy was a member of the Axis during World War II. They always knew that their methods had been less effective in Soviet-dominated Eastern Europe[…]
The Right has won a great victory in Italy[…]This victory also panics our enemies[…]Soon to crackdown even harder to make sure nothing like this happens again

Muhoozi Kainerugaba #wingnut politico.eu

Ugandan president apologizes for general son who offered 100 cows to marry Giorgia Meloni

Ugandan leader’s son had threatened to invade Kenya.

The president of Uganda, Yoweri Museveni, issued a statement Wednesday apologizing for social media posts from his son, an army general, who had threatened to invade neighboring Kenya.

The son, Muhoozi Kainerugaba, had also this week asked his more than 600,000 Twitter followers how many cows should be offered as a bride price for Giorgia Meloni, the likely next prime minister of Italy.

“Nkore cows. The most beautiful cows on earth,” Kainerugaba wrote, presumably referring to the Ankole cow breed native to Africa, adding that “in our culture you give a girl you like a cow.”

“I would give her 100 Nkore cows immediately! For being fearless and true!!” he wrote.

However, this apparent declaration of affection was followed by what appeared to be a threat: “If the Romans reject our cows that means we must capture Rome. That would take us days to do,” Kainerugaba — nicknamed the “tweeting general” — wrote.

On Tuesday, Museveni, an authoritarian leader who has held power since 1986, announced he was removing his son as commander of Uganda’s land forces but was also promoting him to a four-star general.

In Wednesday’s statement, the Ugandan president tried to calm tensions further. He criticized Kainerugaba for interfering “in the internal affairs of brother countries” but justified his promotion by saying that there are “other positive contributions the General has made” and calling him a “passionate Pan-Africanist.”

Kainerugaba’s comments on Meloni were not mentioned in Museveni’s statement.

Various Incels #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

BREAKING: 22 children and 12 adults killed after Thai normie goes ER at daycare center

later shooting dead his wife and child

Of course it was a normie. Another malfunctioning personality detector, I see.

"The shooter came in around lunch time and shot four or five officials at the childcare centre first," said Jidapa, adding that among them was a teacher who was eight months pregnant.

The gunman forced his way into a locked room where children were sleeping, Jidapa said. She said she thought he killed children there with a knife.

Videos posted on social media showed sheets covering what appeared to be the bodies of children lying in pools of blood.

Yikes, sweaty.


Why is it always ricecels with the high kill counts?

they are high IQ

(Inceldom Victim)
None cares about some subhuman country

brutal racepill tbhngl

Hey man, don't be sad, you have #StopAsianHate

I don't feel bad, let the whole world die, humans are trash anyways.

Why do they never go ER on all the racetraitor noodles and SEAmaxxers? Fucking cucks.

Why is it always ricecels with the high kill counts?

Despite what whitoids think ricemen have always been good soldiers.

Tbh. Should've went after the lady boys/sexpats

good riddance. it would be a lie if I said its not a kekfuel.

Why target the innocent, I don't care what anyone says but he should be skinned alive

foidsare drooling over you now teehee

Various Anons #dunning-kruger #racist archived.moe

RE: Slavs are always in defensive stances on this site

(Mexican Anon)
>some retards will always appear to undermine slavs
>irl slavs are the most successful europeans

i don't think all slavs are subhumans but don't get ahead of yourself
the only slavs that ever competed with the west are russians and the rest of you are irrelevant. i guess in the case of south slavs it can be excused by low populations and turkshit domination but poles are just pathetic considering how many people live there and their geographical position

(German Anon)
>poles are just pathetic considering how many people live there and their geographical position

just compare Prussia and Poland, same geography vastly different achievements

(Brazilian Anon)
Modern poles are dumb as a door, but a few poles in the past were smart, however they're all dead and their bloodlines have been wiped

You guys try to fit in the "white" category here
Stop that and you'll be more respected.

Westerners will always underestimate you people, its was crammed into their mentality since like, the 50s,if you wish, its more of a case of "You are not in our years-long friends group, no matter how hard you try to fit in, you will always be ostracised, degraded, etc". Such is the fate of us 2nd Worlders...

(Australian Anon)
>settled peoples proficient in agriculture
>soil in Ukraine is extremely fertile
>access to the Mediterranean ocean
>numerous trade routes

And yet Slavs never managed to do anything of note until Peter the Great.

They did not match the strength of settled societies living on much poorer soil, nor did they develop their cities, preferring to leave that to Greeks and Italians. One would think that if they lived on a steppe they would become nomads, but that didn't happen either, since they were subjugated many times rather than become one of them.

Slavic people entered Europe around the 6th century. Peter the great was born in the 17th century. There were no slavic empires or great states before the late middle-ages.


(UK Anon)
If you never existed literally nothing about world history would change at all. I fucking hate Eastern Europeans, and I'm glad your macho bullshit is getting humiliated on a world stage right now.

ProxyMusic #interphobia ovarit.com

RE: CAIS women

I have no problem considering persons with CAIS as though they were girls and women socially. Biologically, however, they are XY, SRY gene positive males with a DSD that occurs only in males. The sex development and health of females who have the same exact genetic mutations that cause CAIS in males are completely unaffected by those genetic anomalies. Because only male sex development is driven by and dependent on testosterone produced by the testes, and only males can have faulty male androgen receptors.

Also, socially doesn't mean medically. For the sake of people with CAIS's own health and wellbeing, it's crucial that their male sex, genetics and male-only DSD be acknowledged and kept front and center when it comes to matters like medical care, assessing their risks for developing certain diseases, anticipating how diseases will affect them, and treating the diseases and health conditions they develop. Their sex also needs to be taken into account when estimating their life spans for purposes of planning and budgeting for their old age and purchasing longterm care insurance.

their bodies are fully incapable of using testosterone from basically birth, meaning they have no functional male anatomy for basically their whole lives.

But persons with CAIS all develop and are born with testes that produce massive amounts of testosterone, usually in the high end of the normal male range, or exceeding the top end of the normal male range. At birth, CAIS testes also contain the gamete germ cells that in other males will later on develop into sperm. Some researchers today are predicting that with advances in assisted reproductive technologies, the time will come when persons with CAIS will be able to become biological parents.

How exactly do you figure that testes that pump out massive amounts of T and contain male gamete germ cells don't count as "functional male anatomy"?


Helgard Müller #fundie #wingnut #dunning-kruger amazon.com

President Donald J. Trump, The Son of Man - The Christ

During the presidency of President Donald Trump, it became evident to me that the prophecies about the Son of Man, as predicted by Jesus in the Bible were, to a significant extent, fulfilled at the hands of Mr Trump. The Bible speaks about two different Christs-or Messiahs. Jesus, the Son of God is the one Christ, whereas the Son of Man is the other. Jesus always referred to the Son of Man in the third person. The greatest distinction or significance between the Son of Man and the Son of God (the Lamb) is their respective positions at the throne of God. There are numerous differences between the Son of God and the Son of Man, but overall, people read these scriptures and they do not realize that the Son of God (the Lamb) stands in front of the throne of God, whereas the Son of Man, is positioned on the right hand of God. Jesus spoke about two different killings in the four gospels of the New Testament. People read these scriptures and are unaware that Jesus (the Son of God) predicted his own killing in the first person, as opposed to the several prophecies that He made in respects to the Son of Man who will be crucified. The New Testament speaks about "two Kings;" Jesus, the Son of God, is the "King of the Jews," whereas the Son of Man is the "King of Kings" who will be a world-ruler, and He will rule all the nations (the tribes) of the earth with a rod of iron. This book will explain in depth how "Donald John Trump's" full name literally means: "The Ruler of the World, graced by Yahweh (the LORD) and a descendant of a Drummer." Upon reading this book, the reader will be captivated when they realize how President Donald John Trump fulfilled most of the prophecies as the Son of Man. It speaks about End Time Prophecies and Biblical revelations regarding "President Donald J. Trump, the Son of Man. The Christ."

Various commenters #wingnut reddit.com

Well.. not sure how you argue with that.
I support killing potential babies that the mother does not consent to for any reason because it’s her choice to do so.

In the next sentence, until the baby can survive outside the body, it’s not a living being.

So which is it? Potential? Baby that just doesn’t matter? I mean, at least it’s consistent. They know what it is, they just think it should be able to die. Anytime, any reason 😎

there is no potential baby, the baby already exists.

Yeah but they don’t care, baby, potential baby, it doesn’t matter. Anytime. Any reason. Only thing we can do now is vote. It took months to find a consistent group of PCers who acknowledge it is human life but also just don’t care. Not sure if that’s a good thing or not but don’t know where to go from here on the argument because you can’t change a person with that viewpoint.

They want to rub their naughty bits together and not deal with the consequences; they'll rationalize their way through any argument you throw at them.

By his logic, any kid that can't survive in this world on his/her own should be killed. Guess what? No little kid can survive on their own without outside help.

Actually nobody can survive without outside help. Even if you are an adult you still need outside help. You need people to grow at create the food you buy so you don’t starve to death. You need doctors so you have help if you develop some medical condition that could possibly kill you. You need social interaction so you don’t go insane and kill yourself.

I gave up lol. They believe in 40 week abortions. They are firmly “you are not obligated to my body” and I just don’t think you can combat that at all outside of voting.

Well, 1-yr olds living outside the womb can’t support themselves either. Is it okay to kill them?

I don't care if a fetus is fully formed or not. A child is not even "fully formed". They are human beings. That's what matters. And I doubt these ppl believe in full bodily autonomy. They rarely do. Were they forcing masks and vaxxes on ppl for the last 2 year?

Christopher F. Rufo #transphobia #kinkshaming twitter.com

Radical gender activists are pushing "sadomasochism" in public schools and secretly transitioning other people's children without parental consent. And when they get caught, they say: "It's about inclusion."

That dodge isn't going to work anymore. Parents are waking up.

And if you dare take notice of what they're doing then you're a terrorist

Radical gender activists: "We're pushing sadomasochism in schools and irreversible surgeries for kids."

Libs: "Stunning and brave!"

Conservatives: "They're pushing sadomasochism in schools and irreversible surgeries for kids."

Libs: "Stochastic terrorism!"

Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

Republicans are mad they couldn’t cancel student debt for blacks only.

Wait till they find out they've already paid for all the jews in israel. They'll forget all about the niggers.

...And give free tuition to border jumpers.

@Halp Dump tried with his 500, 000, 000 Platinum plan for niggers.

@Halp Definitely. Republicucks are the REAL nigger-lovers.

@brextremist @Halp

@Halp One of the cornerstones of our society is that if a person takes on a debt, then they are responsible to pay it off in full. I object to any student loan forgiveness, we took out loans for my wife and paid them off in full. Race is not in this equation. We are all going to be saddled with their loans.

@BryanRocker @Halp Hilariously retarded, you're nigger food.

@BryanRocker @Halp

"Yall better pay them jews back for the money you borrowed that they created out of thin air!!!"

@BryanRocker @Halp One of the cornerstones of our society is giving handouts to niggers.

@BryanRocker @Halp Jew spotted.

Sure. I fucking worked hard my whole life because I couldn't afford college, so I went to work! Now I get to pay for the fucks who CHOSE to go??? I'll be charging more for my trade school expertise.

@GirlPlumber I seem to recall the Donald Trump cult and the Republican Party cheering on Trumps platinum plan for niggers. I watched in utter shock and amazement watching them support it and this was after niggers were given impunity from trump to terrorize whites. @Halp

They'll just have to settle for Israeli jews...

Various commenters #wingnut gab.com


spoilerCanceling ANY
student loan debt
is just paying off your
indoctrinated supporters
so they will continue their
support and vote for you
in the next election.
This is blatant Marxist
redistribution of wealth for
political purposes, nothing
more and nothing less.

@NotPatBlack They're bankrupting the economy of the world. You can look at it as the thief who's burning down the house to cover his crimes.

It's enough to make one actually want to CANCEL "Suffrage"; since typical female and minority voters have been SO SLOW on the uptake, they've actually sacrificed national security... with their ill advised choice of an easily verified traitor, for President.

@NancyKay @NotPatBlack

Repeal that evil idiotic 19th-amendment!!!!

The leftist democrats are communist robbers and murderers.

@NotPatBlack there are conservatives caught in the debt death trap that is American higher education, too. At least one.. I just need to file bankruptcy and move on with my life. Oh, wait. I can't.. Ever.

@rollnstone @NotPatBlack There are good arguments to be made against predatory involvement of government in education and lending.

The communists looking to enact this stuff aren't making those arguments. They're rewarding morons with gender studies degrees and the morons "teaching them" and running those schools. And they're punishing everyone doing real jobs with the inflation that comes along with money creation.

@NotPatBlack Those taking the money are just as corrupt and communist as those giving the money. Do you know any of them?

@cmon411 No, I don't associate with indoctrinated liberals

Boris Korchevnikov #elitist #fundie #crackpot #psycho #wingnut reddit.com

Russian propagandist Boris Korchevnikov burst into tears on live television because Russians are avoiding mobilization and do not want to die in a senseless war.

“What is our motherland if someone gives his life for it, but I don't love it enough [to sacrifice my life]? Is it worth giving life for? For the motherland and for me? How can I live on then?

If you cannot change your attitude towards the country in these circumstances, then it's over for you. You are nothing, you are zero. There is no reason to teach you patriotism or anything. You are dead inside. You are garbage. The God hates people like you, the God annihilates people like you and burns them. Don't be confused by my words. Read the Holy Bible. The God knows how to deal with this kind of people.”

Jesse Lee Peterson #racist #wingnut twitter.com

Jesse Lee Peterson: I always say I’m white on the inside, and black on the outside. God changed my heart from anger to love.

I no longer have that dark mentality of most, begging, blaming, and complaining about “racism.”

In the good old days in the country we were not taught to hate white people.
How’s [slavery] bad?

The Doob Slayer: You're asking how forcing somebody to live in bondage and do grueling work for literally nothing, is bad?

Is this a bit?

Jesse Lee Peterson: No, I’m asking: How’s slavery bad?

The Doob Slayer: The fuck do you want me to say?

Slavery is bad because it's bad to force people to work for nothing while forcing them to stay in that situation.

Why is this the hill you're dying on?

Jesse Lee Peterson: The slaves were paid. They were fed and housed. They were given Christianity. Many bought their freedom and became harsh masters themselves. Their descendants live in the greatest nation on this side of heaven. There’s a right orderly way to do things.

Various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Spoiled TIM brat doesn’t think Reddit is protrans enough. It’s “terrifying”

( Committing_Tervery )

Thank you transphobes. I hate being trans so much because of you.

That’s a self-made problem. It’s easy to fix. Stop being trans.

( Carrots90 )
What happens when these people face real adversity?

Not the ‘failure to adequately grovel and simp’

( hmimperialtortie )
They never do.

( Carrots90 )
How about when he catches mom lovingly and transphobically gazing at his old baby pictures?

How she refused to aemd them to that service where baby/childhood pics can be ‘correctly gendered’. Ie history erased so your picture of you at Tball at 3 is defaced and turned into a ballet studio

( Genevieve )
Not pro-trans enough?? The western world has bent over backwards for them and their chosen identities, but the fact that they don't have complete subservience makes every single space they choose to intrude on not "pro-trans enough".

Pathetic narcissist. GOOD. I'm humored that you feel "terrified" over web pages in a browser that you can just easily click the x on so you can leave the "scary" situation. Goodness, they're babies, aren't they?

( suupersami )
Women are thrown rape and death threats when they say they don't want to have sex with males, or when they push back against abuse, or when they say they want female only spaces due to male violence, or just for merely existing... but oh no this poor man is reading stuff he doesn't like. OH THE HUMANITY.

( Itzpapalotl )
Maybe if you fetishistic Male perverts stop appropriating womanhood, people would like you more?

Wear what you like and do what you like to your body but STOP calling yourselves women, entering female only spaces, pretending you have anything to do with womanhood, demanding everyone cater to your delusions and fantasies. Stop policing language and beliefs of others... you are male, human males are called MEN. You are and will always be men. Leave us alone.

At this point “transphobia” is not validating every absurd claim they make. People are sick of “be kind” because it’s never good enough.

( Carrots90 )
Exactly. And their insistence on self ID has caused a lot of the hate.

Is it a ‘phobia’ if they are actually violent, unstable, predators? Or is it just healthy fear at this point?

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