Lauren Chen #homophobia #transphobia #biphobia

BlazeTV host Lauren Chen condemned Pride Month on the latest episode of her online show, Pseudo-Intellectual Live. During an interview with fellow BlazeTV personality Auron MacIntyre, Chen said she wanted America to “be on the list of countries where it is not socially acceptable to signal support for pride”[…]
Referring to Pride Month as “Hell Month,” Chen complained that her birthday falls in June and that the pro-LGBTQ celebrations put “a damper on it.” But she said that “this year pride seems to be a little more subdued than it has been previously,” and asked MacIntyre why he believes that is

MacIntyre blamed backlash after last year’s mass shooting at a parochial elementary school in Nashville[…]
Chen pointed out that car manufacturer BMW once again used rainbow versions of its logo on social media, including X (formerly Twitter). She also claimed that when asked why its Middle Eastern social media accounts don’t do this, BMW responded that it’s not “culturally acceptable” in those countries

Chen called this admission “refreshing” and said she wanted this anti-LGBTQ attitude to expand to other countries, like the U.S

“But, so what I want for America, and for every other Western country, is I want America and Canada and the U.K. to be on the list of countries where it is not socially acceptable to signal support for pride,” Chen said

“That’s what I want for the future. I want it to be like, you know, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, America, Canada — these are places where we don’t want our brand associated with pride because we know the public will reject it,” she added. “Because that’s how — honestly that’s how sick of pride I am. And that is how depraved pride I think has always been”

Eric Kaufmann #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

Woke is not a fad but a cultural revolution—a movement that can only be stopped by a drastic intervention in our institutions and culture.

We in the West are in the third wave of cultural-left ideological enthusiasm. Each “Awokening” has crested, fallen a little, consolidated, then surged again to reach a higher level. The cumulative result is an elite creed which has produced a crime wave, a worsening education system, chaos at the border, and social division. Fired by a cultural socialism that puts equal results and emotional protection for minorities at the center of their moral universe, today’s young people are twice as intolerant of conservative speech as older generations. These young people will be the median voters and employees of tomorrow, leading and controlling the country. Woke cultural socialism is not the classical liberalism of the American Constitution, but a modern “majorities bad, minorities good” Left-liberalism. It is powered by a set of ‘liberal’ emotional attachments rather than liberal principles. These underpin a moral panic about whites and males combined with a starry-eyed patronizing approach to minorities.

Today’s woke extremism is not a repudiation of liberalism, but a perverse extension of it. Our only way out is to use elected, constitutional, government power to break the grip of wokeness in our institutions and schools, steering them toward neutrality and classical liberalism. To do so, the conservative and moderate majority must place culture front and center and spare no effort to win the battle of ideas. Nothing less than the future of our civilization depends on it.

MATT MARGOLIS #dunning-kruger #transphobia

The differences between biological males and biological females explode during puberty," he began. "Girls, during puberty, develop 14% smaller hearts. Their lungs are 12% smaller... You cannot debate that. It's just a biological fact. That helps boys take in oxygen and pump blood more efficiently than girls can. That gives boys a clear edge in endurance sports like swimming, for example, cycling, rowing..."

Kennedy still wasn't done explaining the differences between boys and girls.

Girls develop a wider pelvis. That decreases the amount of force their legs exert when they're lifting, when they're kicking, when they're pedaling. That's another relative disadvantage, vis-à-vis boys or men, when you compare female athletes to their male counterparts. Now boys, in contrast, develop broader shoulders—a biological fact, folks—that allows them to make space for more upper body muscle mass and gives them a decided advantage when competing against a girl. It's hard to think—I can't think of a sport in which a higher muscle-to-fat ratio isn't helpful. The average boy will grow five inches taller than the average girl. It's just a fact. Even when men and women are the same height men have higher levels of bone density, which helps them move more forcefully and to escape more injuries.

Now, Democrats have, in the past sixteen years or so, gone all in on the idea that the physical and biological differences between males and females are irrelevant to what someone 'identifies" as, yet, as Kennedy so succinctly explains, the moment you let a male play on a women's sport's team just because he "identifies" as a woman, he's got a built-in advantage, and will steal opportunities from his female counterparts.

Will Democrats ever admit this?

Understanderson #transphobia

Types of trans
One of the confusing things about trying to talk with people about trans is arriving at a shared understanding of what "trans" even means. The word is used to cover such a broad range of different issues. I sat and wrote it down, and will probably make a graphic of the list once I have it finalized (will share!).

Input? Suggestions? Thanks!


- Classic trans (what most people still think all TIMs are): gay men (HSTS) with internalized homophobia (and in some cases misogyny) who are more comfortable pretending to be women. More likely to get surgeries than other types.

- Straight men (AGP) who are sexually excited either just by wearing women’s clothing or by the idea of themselves as women. Usually need to be “validated” by real women to keep the boner going. More delusional about their appearance than HSTS. Comfortable misogynists.

- Sensitive (mostly) young men who find male stereotypes restrictive or don’t want to be part of the oppressor group. Don't understand women.

- Men and boys caught up in sissy porn, anime and gaming. Incel to trans pipeline. View women as "living on easy mode." Overt misogynists.

- Drag queens - can be gay or straight—put on the “woman” with the clothes, parade her before the crowd, and take her off again when they’re done. Love using misogynist slurs when dressed up as women. Generally contemptuous of women.

- Trenders and opportunists


- Stone butches - “Life is just simpler if people think I’m a man.”

- Young, gender non-conforming lesbians. Internalized homophobia and/or confusion about a supposed lesbian community that includes men in dresses that it's bigoted to reject.

- Straight girls and women with internalized misogyny. Want to be loved by men as equals, not fetishized as female stereotypes; want to be recognized for their abilities and accomplishments without first being judged on their fuckability; are completely alienated by the idea of women presented in porn and popular culture and see what their mothers and other older women have been through and want nothing to do with it.

- Trenders and opportunists

Kerry Cassidy #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy

In the beginning, the cabal/deep state/Luciferian/NWO had a plan to cement their takeover of the world which includes a transhuman agenda via AI as key to their success. The only real thing standing in their way was and is the United States of America. Everything we are seeing stems from this. Two things make up the current backbone of America: The Trump White Hats military and their supporters and loyal patriotic Americans with guns.

This is the fight we are engaged in. What the NWO crowd did not bargain on was that the Freedom of the US would also become a 'cause celeb' for the rest of the world. Countries and people who did not go along with the NWO plan but who knew they were already a captured operation became inspired and are supporting this fight. They sense even when they don't grasp the whole meaning of the totalitarian NWO agenda that America under Trump is the last bastion of freedom on the planet.
The one thing that will erode support for the Trump/white hats and the people coalition faster and more completely than anything else is SECRECY. What Christ consciousness and Christ (sometimes called the Krist) is all about is Truth. Without truth there is no sort of unity/love and survival of our species going forward.
What the fight for freedom and sovereignty on Planet Earth demands is open communication and truth. The greatest challenges will present themselves once a certain degree of victory is secure. And this involves our relations with other beings and worlds of all kinds out beyond the borders of this Planet including inner Earth/ extra dimensional and other realms. While divided the secret space program has had dominion over our relations with other races, species both on and insde Earth and in Space. Decisions and relations in the exo-political landscape have been withheld from the general body politic both here in the US and around the world. This will have to change.

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

The Light Forces are in the final stages of removing the dark Atlantean network. This network consisted of three concentric rings, the outer one made of bases in the Kuiper belt, the middle one of bases in the asteroid belt, and the inner one as a network of underwater bases throughout the planet.

After 26,000 years of existence, this dark network is finally about to be defeated. The outer ring is gone, the middle ring is gone, and from the inner ring only the main stronghold remains. After that is gone also, the Source and the Light forces will begin a very risky, complex and challenging process of disentangling the surface population from the Lurker:

When the inner ring of the dark Atlantean network collapsed a few weeks ago, the Aldebarans immediately created their own positive network of underwater bases and also a few surface outposts in complete alignment with their plan of supporting the Event which was formulated in 2023:
Aldebaras, Pleiadians and the Resistance formed a strong alliance that will work as a team in the Event operations.

After many months, the Pleiadians have contacted Russian military again, with the purpose of ending the war in Ukraine.

As a result of this, Putin made a peace offer:

Although his offer was rejected, it started an important energetic process through which peace can be manifested, when enough people see through the lies and manipulations of the military industrial complex:
Aldebarans have communicated that they will contact Chinese positive military if or when certain conditions are met. Plans have already been put into motion regarding this.

Operations have also started in various factions of the worldwide Agartha network to prepare for the contact with the surface. They have begun activating special energy portals at specific entry points into the Agartha network. Emerald meditation can help you to connect with Agartha:
Victory of the Light!

American Hypnotist #crackpot #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

Extensive research into history, language, occultism, and psychology has revealed the existence of an ancient cult that hails from the region of the world known today as Ukraine. More likely than not, this cult is in operation to this very day, and is behind the phenomenon that many call the Deep State.

It is almost certain that this cult is the original source of werewolf symbolism, and that they’ve managed to retain some degree of global influence over mankind for many thousands of years. They are known as the Koryos.

Now, the Koryos are not the only group that appears to have worldwide influence. I posit that the Trumps and Kennedys are royal descendants of another “elite” society that was once (and still is) globally influential—but unlike the Koryos, I believe this society to be of a benevolent character. It’s likely the case that this positive group gave us much of what we think of today as “Tartarian” architecture

One of my reasons for positing the existence of a second, globally-influential group is the fact that all the peoples of the world once spoke ancient German. Almost no one in the English-speaking world is aware of this fact, but it is nonetheless demonstrably true.
In our previous article, we discussed the Celtic/Druid royalty connection between Trump and the Kennedys; however, it should also be said that many researchers equate the Druids with the Illuminati. Now that we’ve discovered an important connection with the German language and Trump, I can’t help but be reminded of the fact that the Illuminati reportedly began in Bavaria—a part of Germany.
Knowing the origin of words and languages teaches you how the collective psyche morphed over the years—in an information war, knowing the origin of things confers a strategic advantage. Perhaps the “elite” are the elite simply because they’ve retained an information advantage over mankind going back to “the beginning” (whatever that might have been).

Lisa Oswald #magick #ufo #crackpot

Your soul's origin is where it all began.

It's where energy first showed up as the Big Bang of you. It’s when you chose a unique frequency to manifest in your form for all time. This Origination Moment of imploding energy contains the complete and total awareness of yourself along with infinity, not only in this lifetime but in all existences throughout creation.

The Pleiadians’ gift to humanity and all sentient Beings is the knowledge of this moment and how to experience it with the Ripple Point. This point is a beautiful light receptor site, a single vortex of energy in front of you where you can download soul information. It is instrumental in self-awakening because it’s the command post for your soul and how energy is distributed in the chakras’ vibrational system, thoughts, and feelings. It is also connected with soul purpose.

These do-it-yourself instructions for the Ripple Point come with eleven variations and many practical applications, so you can easily recall the important parts of your energy and integrate that wisdom into your personality, physical body, emotions, and joyous expression of uniqueness
The soul is at the top of your energy network, which includes the lightbody, your cord of purpose, your higher self, and your soul group if you have brought one with you. These channeled transmissions take you on a journey through this Earthly passage as you move through the stages of life and cross over to the next.

What happens with your first breath?
How does childhood impact our self-image?
What is the nature of the mind, our personality, and the purpose of emotions?
What should you do if you sense you have a large soul group?
Is there such a thing as a perfect marriage, and can I find my soul mate?
Do we have any choices when we cross over onto the Ladders of Life?
Is there any value in knowing our past lives?
Can we really step off the pages of the Akashic records and end the cycle of reincarnation?
What would your last lifetime be like?

James Gilliland #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy

We are moving very fast from Draconian law to Universal law. Everything is being amplified and accelerated. The action/reaction time concerning karma is becoming almost instantaneous. We are moving from a draconian predatory governed planet back into alignment with the original intent. The Earth was created to be an Eden. A place where all life can evolve to its highest potential.

The original intent was hijacked by lesser self-serving forces which created a different trajectory, timelines were hijacked by entities that care nothing for humanity and the Earth. Many know them as Satanic/Luciferian forces, demonic, serpent, reptilian and other malevolent ETs.

Just as there are darker forces there are lighter forces, Ascended Masters, Spiritually and Technologically advanced off worlders, some are ancient ancestors. The temple builders. Spiritually advanced Inner Earth beings and a host of others as well are all assisting in a major course correction. The human component would be known as the Secret Space Fleet, the White Hats within the military. If the globalist, the war and disease profiteers aligned with the malevolent forces fast tracking to WW3 are not stopped it will be yet another end of civilization having to start over as primitives. NATO and its corrupt politicians are doing everything to provoke WW3 with clandestine attacks, mercenaries, boots on the ground they are not admitting too and it looks like the latest air strikes by F16s did not come from Ukraine. After all they have to keep the bioweapon adrenochrome labs, child and sex trafficking going.
There is an armada of ships here now, more are coming. They are the benevolent forces here to put an end to tyranny, an end to the draconian law, the suppression of humanity for thousands of years. A new renaissance is coming. Miraculous healing technologies, fuel less energy, replicators, the end of war and disease is there for us. We will soon realize Star Trek and Star Wars were documentaries.

Charlie Kirk #fundie #homophobia #psycho

Charlie Kirk was discussing children’s YouTuber Ms. Rachel, who was targeted by rightwingers earlier this month because she acknowledged that June is Pride Month on social media[…]
“In Matthew 22, a religious teacher asks Jesus, ‘What’s the most important commandment?'” Ms. Rachel says in the video. “And Jesus says to love God and to love your neighbor as yourself”

“There’s no greater commandments than these, I believe it’s mentioned eight times, love your neighbor”

That made Kirk mad

“I mean, Satan has quoted scripture plenty,”[…]“You love somebody by telling the truth, not by confirming or affirming their sin”

“And it says, by the way Ms. Rachel, you might wanna crack open that Bible of yours, in a lesser referenced part of the same part of scripture is in Leviticus 18 is that thou shall… Lay with another man and be stoned to death,” Kirk continued

“Just sayin’,” he said, smiling as his co-hosts laughed. “So, Ms. Rachel, you quote Leviticus 19, love your neighbor as yourself, the chapter before affirms God’s perfect law when it comes to sexual matters”

He was referring to Leviticus 18:22, which says, “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination,” and Leviticus 20:13, which says, “If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them”[…]
In that same podcast episode, Kirk said that being gay is an “error” and compared homosexuality to alcoholism and drug addiction

“It’s very simple,” Kirk said. “So how do you love somebody? You love them so much to correct their error. So let’s just take the Pride conversation out because people think it’s an identification… It’s not, it’s sexual behavior”

“But if you meet an alcoholic or you meet a drug addict, do you affirm their struggle?” he continued. “No! You say, you’re better than this, let’s get you free from that, let’s get you free from that activity”

Alexander Lukashenko #racist

Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko made an antisemitic statement Saturday during his government meeting in which he hinted at a connection between Jews and theft.

He referred to a corruption case involving his former aide, the governor of the Vitebsk region and former Minister of Agriculture and Food Igor Brylo, as well as dozens of other people. "There are 36 people on the list. Sorry, I don't consider myself antisemitic, but more than half of them are Jewish. Do they have a special, privileged role, that they steal and do not think about their future? Do they have privileges? All peoples living in Belarus should be equal. Jews, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Russians and Poles," Lukashenko said.

His statement was broadcast on the state television channel Belarus 1, but the problematic quote was not included in the press release on the presidency's website.

This is not the first antisemitic statement by Lukashenko, who has been called "the last dictator in Europe." In 2007 he said that the Jews had turned the city of Bobruisk into a "pig sty" and that "this was founded as a Jewish city and you know how Jews treat the place they live in." In July 2021 he said that the "whole world bows" to the Jews after the Holocaust. In December 2023 he said: "Armenians are smart people. There is not even one Jew there."

Valentina Gomez #racist #wingnut

Reparations from slavery and black victimization is about to be shoved down our throats for the most wretched holiday in America," said Gomez in the video. "BLM raised millions. And what did they do for Black lives? It is outrageous to see people ask you for reparations, even though they never went through slavery. These ungrateful people should be celebrating because they were born in the greatest nation to ever exist.

Here's a tip; If you don't like America, kindly, get the f[uck] out.

Carol Dansereau #transphobia

Affirming Trans Identities is Harmful.
Don't do it. And don't teach children to do it either.

There’s a lot of pressure everywhere to affirm trans and nonbinary identities, including those declared by children. Affirmation is touted as kind, righteous, and even lifesaving. Many parents are committed to teaching their children to affirm, seeing it as an extension of the basic respect they want their young ones to show everyone.

But affirmation is not kind, respectful, righteous or lifesaving. It is not benign. In fact, it is extremely harmful to those who are affirmed, and those who do the affirming. This article discusses why, focusing on affirmation with respect to children.
Affirming children hurts them.

Those who promote the affirmation of children’s trans or nonbinary identities insist that doing so is essential for the mental health of those children. They may even argue that children might kill themselves in response to not being affirmed. These assertions are based in ideology, not science.


If not affirmed most children who reject their sex, come to accept it. In contrast, affirmation locks children into body rejection. It delivers vast numbers of children to unethical health professionals who implement invasive procedures without any credible evidentiary basis for doing so. By affirming children, you put them at risk of infertility, sexual dysfunction, and a range of other serious health problems, for no good reason.

To make matters worse, there is a good chance that the child you are affirming is among the most vulnerable of children. He or she is likely to be coping with one or more significant challenges, such as mental illness, a history of sexual abuse, and autism. He or she could also well be same-sex attracted and dealing with homophobia. By affirming trans or nonbinary identities you may well push these children towards so-called “gender affirmation medicine” and away from the help they need.

Affirmation bolsters the mystical and dangerous idea that some children are “born in the wrong body.” It ignores not only the specific challenges individual children may be facing, but also the fact that they’ve been subjected to aggressive indoctrination which promotes dissociation from the body.

Lincoln Brown #fundie #pratt #dunning-kruger

I recently reviewed the new film "God and Country." Briefly, my first takeaway from the film was that the threat of Christian nationalism was being intentionally overhyped in order to frighten the viewer. The idea is presented that there is a vast, well-funded, and powerful network of people who will seize the day after the election to create an America that is forever stuck in the racist, sexist, dystopian 1950s. My other takeaway? Watching the various vignettes and examples of what the filmmakers call Christian nationalism, interspersed with the commentary, one is left with the impression that anyone who is not a progressive is a suspect. I felt like I was being presented with two choices: Us or Them. There is no middle.

Christian nationalism has always been a part of the Left's talking points, and thus far, it has taken a back seat to MAGA Republicans and white supremacy. But it is about to be fused with them to become the third part of a triumvirate designed to further isolate those who do not see eye-to-eye with Left.

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia

Dear Son,

It has been seven months since I last saw you. You looked then just like I had at your age, but with darker hair. Now, after more than half a year of wrong-sex-hormones, you have changed.

Your personality is more assertive, you look to take better care of your appearance. Is that because it is a lie? Because you can no longer look presentable without caring about it? You are brash and confident, like you are imitating your mother's powerful personality in a vain attempt to be more like her.

And you are like her. Looking at you now, after so long, I suddenly see it. I suddenly realize why this visit has been so uncanny. You no longer look like me, your brother, or any other man you know. You look just like your mother. You could be her daughter, but you are not. You will never be, though you have been deceived into believing you can be.

I will be waiting eagerly for you to return to us, in sanity, even though you reject your mother's and my attempts to bring you back.

Adenso_1 #psycho #pratt #sexist

[ In response to a post called “ "leaving a pedo around small children is a-okay" “]
I mean, yeah, nice reductive argument you got there. Do you really think that someone attracted to kids has absolutely no control over themselves? Are you that brain dead? What if that person was born into the same society as you and had the same super "anti-pedo" mindset instilled into them? Clearly they'd see their attraction as gross, and thus never act on it, yet you're such a dumb fuck of a human being as to believe they still would? Are you even real? Like have you ever interacted with a human before? Have you only been constantly raped all your life and that's why you don't think anyone can control themselves? Fucking moron

Aero #transphobia #pratt #dunning-kruger

It became more common for minors to troon out in the latter half of the 2010s, as gross perverts online became more emboldened in grooming children to be confused about their sexuality or “gender identity.” Identifying as queer or trans became a fashion statement for many zoomers, similar to punk or goth, but with far more self-mutilation and chemical castration. It’s gotten to the point where it’s estimated that as much as 40% of zoomers identify as being LGBTQ. An obvious disaster for any future population growth, a sure sign of future societal collapse. And also a major self-own, as it casts reasonable doubt on the “born that way” meme.

Hunter Wallace #pratt

Occidental Dissent is listed as a “hate site.”

Can you think of a death or a murder though with a more hateful perp than this one?

Derek Chauvin had his knee on the neck of George Floyd because he was high on drugs and resisting arrest. Bionca Ellis stabbed a three-year-old White toddler to death and the media is silent about it. The coverage of George Floyd provoked months of violent riots during the 2020 election.

LordsFire #homophobia #fundie

We told you so.

'Gay marriage' was only the surface issue. The deeper matter was 'who gets to be the moral authority? Who gets to tell culture and society what is morally right and wrong?'

And now that sex pests have seized that authority, you get to see what happens when it's godless degenerates, rather than imperfect Christians, who set the rules.

There are a lot of agnostic and atheists over the last ten years who've had some serious regrets over working to force Christianity out of the cultural center of America and the West, at this point including Richard Dawkins, the writer of 'The God Delusion.'

People are starting to realize what a profound epithet 'godless heathen' really is.

Aiyen #elitist #wingnut

[In response to a climate protester pouring red powder on the US Constitution display case at the National Archives.]

Just keep them as permanent slaves. We don't want this style of protest to spread, and nipping it in the bud is the easiest way to stop it. Destroying value for the sake of destroying value, and with a bad cause to start with? Yeah, they're free labor now.

Mike The Health Ranger Adams #wingnut #conspiracy #quack #transphobia

Brighteon Broadcast News, June 19, 2024 – RE-EDUCATION CAMPS being constructed across the country to detain AMERICANS

- FEMA camps and government weaponization. (7:53)

- Whistleblower's allegations of child mutilation cover-up in a Texas hospital.

- Kansas AG sues #Pfizer over alleged fraud and #censorship collusion. (20:46)

- Holding pharmaceutical companies accountable for vaccine injuries and deaths. (25:58)

- Re-education camps for conservatives in the US. (30:49)

- USDA's alleged plans to exterminate cattle and farming communities as a food sabotage operation. (43:07)

- Mind control, fifth generation warfare, and technology manipulation. (56:33)

- Globalist agenda to control the population through technocracy. (1:07:59)

- Targeted individuals and mind control technology. (1:14:05)

- Manipulation of public opinion through media narratives and censorship. (1:22:37)

- 5G technology as a potential weapon system and the need for awareness and action to protect society. (1:38:34)

- AI, nanotechnology, and their potential dangers. (1:43:25)

Meg Benedicte #magick #ufo

On Thursday, June 20 we celebrate the annual Solstice, when the sun ‘stands still’ in zero point energy. It is the stillness between our past and our future. It is the longest day of light in the northern hemisphere and the ‘return of Light’ in the southern hemisphere. While the cosmic gateway is open, we will embrace the power of Light!
There is an increasing upswell of heart alignment occurring as we prepare for the rare 888 LionsGate on August 8th. Ruled by the Sun, Leo emphasizes the divine spark at the heart of our solar system…and within each one of us. There is a great shift occurring in the field, a growing swell of loving compassion as heart-centered living beings. This infusion of heart expansion is changing the world paradigm.
What no longer harmonizes with universal truth and order is dissolving.

We are approaching a tipping point in the human collective, as we spiral higher and higher. When we join together and stand in the zero point field of creation, our presence ignites the quantum possibilities to materialize our visions and intentions for the new paradigm.

We are the alchemists initiating new consciousness codes and templates for a higher dimensional world reality. This is our gift to Gaia and humanity. This is how we fulfill our soul mission.

Calling all New Earth Wayshowers, Light Beings and Alchemists from all around the world to gather on Thursday, June 20th for the Solstice Gateway Activations.

Let’s join AA Metatron in the alchemical zero point field of all creation and serve our Soul mission to ignite the new future timeline. We will perform both personal and planetary activations during the show. As we join in the galactic gateway, we have an opportunity to flood the field with love.

Laura Wood #fundie

[From “My Dad Is a “Toxic Narcissist””]

ADAM — I mean, the Adam — was not the ideal father

He messed things up for his children. Big time

He was maybe what is called in today’s parlance a “toxic narcissist.” He chose what suited him, rather than what suited others

He disrespected his own father in the one thing he had requested. In that moment, he said, “You don’t matter. I do.”

It was the ultimate expression of self-will — and ever since the world has suffered imperfect fathers and unhappy children

Only God, the perfect father, would have thought up the right response to this sad reality: God told us we can’t throw fathers away however much they make their children unhappy, displeased or annoyed

He didn’t say, “Honor your father and mother if they are perfect” or “Honor your father and mother if you like them” or “Honor your father and mother if it’s convenient and easy.”

He said, “Honor your father and mother.” Period[…]
One of the saddest things today is that so many people discard imperfect parents when they are old and their imperfections are more apparent than they were in their children’s childhoods. Psychologists are there to help. They cheer on alienation and estrangement. “You deserve to be with people who lift you up,” they say, “not people who make you down.” They applaud and encourage open rejection of a divine command

The common use of the word “toxic” to describe human beings, suggesting that the mere physical presence of these persons is poisonous, is extremely unkind and cruel. I believe its popularity has originated in the commercial interests of psychologists. How convenient and easy it is to be assured you can cut off people you find difficult! Who wouldn’t pay for that advice?

“Narcissist,” while expressing the sad fact that there are more disturbed and selfish people than ever, is so over-used it has become meaningless. Besides, isn’t it narcissistic to discard narcissists?

Paul Craig Roberts #wingnut #conspiracy

The Western media is a lie machine. Western governments live in a make-believe world of their own impunity. Consequently, the Western peoples lack awareness of the dangerous situation that Washington has created with Russia.

The so-called “peace conference” in Switzerland was a fraud. Russia was not included, so how was it a peace conference? It was a propaganda event to rally support around Washington’s puppet, Zelensky, whose term has expired and who is ruling illegitimately as a dictator. Many of the attendees refused to sign the statement.

Here is a true description of the situation. The West is acting in behalf of the war continuing and expanding. The puppet’s term has expired and Zelensky continues in office despite not being reelected. The Western trained and equipped Ukrainian military has been defeated. At any time Russia can increase the offensive and clear Ukrainian forces from the Russian populated areas that have been reincorporated into Russia. The West’s response to its lost war consists of two reckless and irresponsible actions. One is to send NATO troops, with the French being the opening wedge, to replace the depleted Ukrainian troops. The other is to further provoke the Kremlin by firing longer range missiles into Russia.
Putin’s intention after his deception by the West with the Minsk Agreement, was only to drive Ukrainian forces out of the Russian areas that have now been reincorporated into Russia. Apparently Putin did not realize the extent to which the West would involve itself and expand the war. Now that Putin faces an outbreak of a larger war, he clearly stated the conditions for ending the conflict. He said that Russian military action will cease when the remaining Ukrainian forces are withdrawn from the Russian populated areas that have been reunited with Russia and when Ukraine agrees that the country will not become a member of NATO or have foreign bases and missiles on its territory. These are reasonable and generous terms.

Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #magick #conspiracy

Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – June 8, 2024


A new pro-UFO disclosure organization has been created with former intel/mil officials playing a prominent role.
Jean Charles Moyen has found old audio tapes from 1988 and 1992 where he discusses his extraterrestrial contacts and paranormal experiences.
Rep Anna Luna made very interesting comments about Congressional efforts to learn about UAP-related events at Eglin AFB and the role of Men in Black to stymie the investigation.
Trailer – Ancient ET Gods Among Us Today – Exopolitical Implications
Coast to Coast AM interview discussing Ancient Egyptian connection to extraterrestrials and what I learned from my recent trip to Egypt
Fascinating information about Clipper Mission to Europa, history of Saturn, ET-Earth Alliance trade agreements, black goo, Anunnaki, etc., in this latest edition of Elena Danaan’s Star Nations News
Golden Pyramids, Ascension and Human Liberation: Interview with Scott Lemriel
Update on the Atlantic Overwatch Project by Ruezo Zanrico who is analyzing ship activity near where the Atlantic Space Ark lies underwater.
Billy Carson nails it in his interpretation of the Sumerian story of Adapa in his interview with Joe Rogan
The recruiting of children with special abilities by the mil-intel community has been happening for many decades.
JP Update 34 – Mission to Ancient Biodome with Extinct Plant Life
Japanese lawmakers have created their own UFO study group to discuss UAP sightings as possible national security threats.
William Cooper’s claims in lectures he gave in the early 1990s about US govt and alien treaties were ahead of the times and widely debunked by most UFO researchers.
The Calvine UFO photo showing a 100 foot long diamond-shaped craft viewed by two British chefs in 1990 is very clear and has only recently re-emerged.
Human trafficking is a huge source of revenue for the CIA-run black budget that funds DUMBs and SSPs

Daniel Estulin #wingnut #sexist #transphobia #homophobia #enbyphobia #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

And so it’s obvious, what we’re seeing right now the attack is directed against gender, as I said earlier. And so in the pre-modern times, gender was sacred. In other words, masculinity = closer to God, feminine = closer to the Earth. Modern put masculine and feminine on the same level. In other words, we’re equal. So postmodern affirms that equal rights cannot exist for men and women, male and female.

And in fact, again, we’re looking at the dialectic. Postmodern affirms that we have to eliminate gender because the existence of gender is already a pre-modern, a Patriarchal Model.

So according to them, the people behind all this pride, LGBT plus, plus, plus movements, gender has to be like a nation of individual choices, just like as human beings have the right to, for example, cross borders of different countries. People also have the right to change their sex. And not just once, but many, many, many, many times.

Again, I insist. This isn’t some wacky conspiracy theory. These people understand what they’re doing. We don’t understand, because we have no clue, because we’re being brainwashed into believing all this nonsense.
And everything that seemed absolutely unbreakable in the modern structure, that resulted from the process of liberation; from this transcendental verticality, all this, in turn in the Postmodern world is exposed to a deconstruction and change of meaning…And so, if the individual can represent a parliament of organs, then it is not an individual, it’s a “dividual”, not individual. In other words, the individual becomes a post-individual agglomerate.

So again, we’ve gone from humanity to trans-humanity. The next stage is post-humanity. We become a post-individual. And this has to do with the dispersion of personality…and so, instead of “me”, we have this Black Hole that makes itself known via this nebulosity, pulverization of these many different fragments.

terfology , Ava & Wrenn #transphobia

( terfology )
“You Can’t Define Woman Because of XYZ”
“You can’t define woman because _____”!

• “Some women don’t get periods!”

• “Some women are infertile!”

• [Insert other willfully ignorant excuses here]

Ignoring the fact that everyone — including the people making these arguments — are indeed aware of what is a woman and what is a man, its also a miracle that they only seem to misunderstand “the exception is not the rule” when it comes to women’s rights.

Let’s try applying that logic to other things as well, shall we?

Mammals are animals where the females breastfeed their young, among some other qualifications. According to TRA logic, women that can’t breastfeed are no longer mammals.

Humans are bipedal. According to TRA logic, people who have lost their legs or cannot use them are no longer humans.

Humans have two kidneys. If you get rid of one, I guess you’re no longer a person!

It’s almost like… TRAs are full of bullshit, and know exactly what a woman — er, sorry, I mean an “AFAB” — is!

Women who don’t have periods know they are women. Women who can’t get pregnant know they are women. The only women who need reassurance that they are women, aren’t women at all. They’re men.

(Feel free to add more examples in the comments if you want.)

( Ava )
Yeah, "TERFs" don't even claim that fertility is what makes you a woman.

Infertile women still have a female reproductive system. We can see that their bodies would produce viable eggs if not for whatever issue is inhibiting the process. Meanwhile TIMs are never considered "infertile" for not producing eggs, because we can see they have a male reproductive system organized around producing sperm.

Topics like menstruation and pregnancy are relevant to women's rights because only women can experience them, but that doesn't mean all women experience them. But as you said, TIMs are willfully ignorant. I'm sure they can understand this logic, they just think that playing word games will force people to accept them as women.

( Wrenn )
For people who claim to be so scientific, they really quickly forgot the basic premise of a subset.

Here are some to refresh the memory of any lurkers :


Not all women have a uterus. But all adults with a uterus are women.

Not all men are pornsick AGPs who cut off their penis. But all pornsick AGPs who cut off their penis are MEN!

Brotherofsteel5 #elitist #pratt

Like many others he doesn't realise that, the real combat is the globalists against the patriot.

The world of the merchant, the money, the seduction by a totaly free and unregulated capitalism, who just want destroy everything who could limit his power, and his domination, and those limits, those last barriers are

- The love of peoples for their countries, their land, their culture.

- Everything who is about religion, spirituality.

-The familly, the education and everything who imply morals values.

- But also the freedom of mind, of thinking.

And things like that NPC don't realise or don't understand it.

EditorialTeam #homophobia #fundie

The queer mafia never ceases to amaze me. One day they act civil the next they are completely unhinged. Queers, and tranies are nothing but deranged…but not at birth. This garbage happens thru gay clubs, parades, and even drag queen story hour. Parents are beginning to wake up to reality that these people need help badly. Sadly, they were the ones that got the government to cover for their bull shit. Can’t tell them their chosen lifestyle is wrong….its called hate speech. Hell, ANYTHING to say against they chosen life style choice is considered hate speech. Perhaps one day people will see this kind of lifestyle as a threat to their children and put a stop to it….like sending these people to see real doctors….not someone that will agree with their bad choices.

Conservapedia #crackpot

Spider-Man is a conservative Marvel superhero, created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko in 1962. The Spider-Man comics were considered groundbreaking from their inception in that the hero's alter-ego, the shy and conservative Peter Parker, often faced personal struggles more closely associated with everyday life than usual superhero fare. Notably, Parker has held a wide variety of jobs, depending on his status at the time, ranging from photographer to dishwasher to high-school science teacher. He is also notably humorous, unlike many superheroes, such as Batman. Some fans have called his ability to enrage enemies through endless taunting and sarcasm his "extra superpower".

Spider-Man is a religious Christian, known to pray during moments of great emotion—whether in desperation during a pitched battle or in quiet gratitude while lying in bed watching his wife sleep[1][2]. His Aunt May is also shown praying the Our Father in the original Spider-Man (2002) film. Many also point to Christian symbolism clearly used in the films, where he is depicted as a Jesus-like figure in multiple ways.[3]

IrissaIridium , WitchPlease & no- #transphobia

( IrissaIridium )
DAE notice the difference between lesbians' and transbians' responses to being excluded from dating pools?

Lesbians: *completely excluded from being with over 95% of women who are absolutely unwilling to date them*

Lesbians: "It sure does suck to have such a small dating pool! ☹️ I wish I could meet more compatible lesbians to date."

Transbians: *completely excluded from being with less than 1% of women who are absolutely unwilling to date them*

Transbians: "SUCK THE LADY DICK, DYKE! 💢👊💢 KILL ALL TERFS! DIE CIS SCUM! *slithers off to Preddit to post another sour grapes post about mean, ugly dykes/manifesto about lesbians unpacking their sexual biases and genital fetishes/payback rape fantasy against lesbians*"

Nothing says "I'm a man" quite like thinking you're entitled to sex and getting argumentative, aggressive and violent when you're told "no" by a tiny sliver of the population you'd like to have sex with.

(I know plenty of straight and bi women are unwilling to date TIMs too but my point is that lesbians are the only group TIMs have absolutely no hope of being with and they can't even handle the rejection of a tiny population of women without losing their shit).

( WitchPlease )
I find it very funny how they demand to bee seen as ~real lesbians~ and that lesbians date them, but they get upset that their "lesbian" spaces are filled with sausage. They barely pretend to believe the thing they demand everyone else to believe. They know they are men, they know others like them are men, but lesbians are not allowed to notice that.

( IrissaIridium )
I notice they don't go hard against other transbians who only want to be with real women. I've heard TRAs make some weak noises about "internalized transphobia" but it's nothing like the heavy bombing campaign against lesbians. I think their main objection to transbians saying "no T4T" is that those transbians are saying the quiet part out loud and if they're allowed to say that without repercussions, lesbians might get the idea that we are too.

( no- )
If they really believed trans identified men can be lesbians, they’d stop complaining about transphobic terfs who won’t suck dick and start dating each other.

Andrew Anglin #conspiracy #racist #homophobia #wingnut

[From “Report: Alex Jones Forced to Sell Infowars to Pay Sandy Hoaxsters”]

No one really knows what this means. In theory, Alex Jones will never be able to make money ever again, and will not be able to keep any of the money he has now

These people will hunt you, they will destroy you[…]
These trials were insane, where Alex was issued default judgements without even being able to present his case. The fact that they were not dismissed in the first place was unbelievable. It is a well known fact that it is virtually impossible for public figures to sue for defamation[…]
The argument was that these “families” of the “dead kids” were somehow not public figures, even though they were in public[…]demanding gun control

Iranian homosexual crime boss Oliver Darcy writes for CNN:

Right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones on Thursday moved to liquidate his personal assets, agreeing to demands from the families of Sandy Hook victims whom he owes more than $1.5 billion in damages over his lies about the 2012 school massacre

It’s not proved they were lies

None of this was ever dealt with in court

If Alex would have been able to present the facts of the event in court, the reasons why he had questions as to the veracity of the events[…], most people would have come to the conclusion that it was at least reasonable to be asking questions[…]
Even if he was making millions telling lies, he has a right to do that. It’s not illegal[…]
You might recognize the name “Avi Moshenberg” as a Chinese name

Most of the families of the supposed dead children were also Chinese communists

This was a big Chinese communistic conspiracy against Alex Jones, because he exposed them[…]
I will say again what I’ve said a billion times: when these people come down on you, your only choice is to flee the country[…]
Just for the record: no one died at Sandy Hook

Persimmon64 #transphobia

What do Munroe Bergdorf and Andrew Tate have in common? | The Spectator

Haven't read the article yet, but imo, TIMs and AIMs (alpha-identified males, as I'm now going to refer to them) are just two sides of the same sexist coin of misogyny two testicles of the same scrotum.

They view men and women, not as male and female people with their own individual feelings and personalities, but as stereotypical roles we all play. Everything for them is about image.

Woman = feminine/submissive

Man = masculine/dominant

Women exist to be used by and serve men.

Edit: "two testicles of the same scrotum" I'm using this all the time now. Brilliant.

cannibalspyre #racist #sexist

women & "feminists" who shut down discussions on how unregulated immigration of *males* from islamic countries *do* pose an additional threat to the safety and freedom of local women & girls are simply spineless.

this is not a "our males vs their males" comparison, which is unnecessary, considering all men harm all women around the world.

this is about opposing the import of potential rapists, which would only add to the existing population of them. they are men who disproportionately leave their women and children behind when immigrating to other countries.

women from islamic countries are aware of how men view the "western woman". we know about their rape fantasies. i will never prioritize my nationality or the comfort of foreign/familiar men over my loyalty to the protection of women & girls.

#radical feminism #radfem #radfem safe #ex muslim #immigration #anti islam #anti religion #.txt

Catherine Austin Fitts/Forbidden.News #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy

This is a great conversation between investment banker and Former HUD Assistant Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts and Australian freedom activist powerhouse, Maria Zeee, in which the former educates us about the pivotal role of the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) in the New World Order (aka Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Green New Deal, etc).

She explains how the CBDC is designed to be the central hub of the governance system of the One World Government.

The implementation of the CBDC, with the centralization of all currencies would spell the end of both national and individual sovereignty, worldwide. Furthermore, she says, "They seem clearly committed to depopulation."

Catherine says, "Ultimately, as this thing centralizes, they're gonna end up giving up control to Switzerland! It's quite remarkable!"
This is why they WANT us to see how corrupt our governments are and why they WANT us to topple our governments. This is why they WANT us to dismantle the police. This is why they WANT us to eliminate the US Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Geneva Convention and all of the pretenses of Human- and Civil Rights associated with the post-WWII West.

The Nazi elite allowed us to believe that such things were ironclad and that we, the plebs "beat" the Nazis and that we "won" WWII.

No. They let us believe we won, while the Nazi CIA destabilized the Third World and sent US soldiers into the meat grinders of Korea, Vietnam and the Middle East and now, all of the bad faith that they sowed has come home to roost.

Now, they have adopted the cloying language of "Equity" while they remain ever-intent on killing the vast majority of humans and on replacing the West's fledgling legacy of freedom with CBDCs and AI to control the handful of humans that they would permit to survive, to serve them in the techno-Medieval Utopia of their adrenochrome fever dreams.

Henry Makow PhD #sexist #wingnut #homophobia #racist #conspiracy

In other words, a good father affirms his daughter's innate femininity. But if he is absent, she compensates by becoming masculine. This of course undermines her future relationships with men.
Feminism is a self-perpetuating form of compensating for father-loss. Its goal is to "overthrow the patriarchy." The word originates in the Latin "pater" or father.

Feminism, like Communism, originates in the Masonic Jewish endeavour to overthrow God and the natural order and impose on mankind an all-encompassing dictatorship. Love, especially for a woman, is an act of faith. Feminism traumatizes young women with tales of how a woman is violently raped every 10 seconds. It teaches that all injustice is due to the "inequality" of the sexes and therefore heterosexuality itself must be eliminated.

Many feminists are lesbian and promote homosexuality. They have passed laws that deprive men of their children and property. Courts and police routinely discriminate against men.

Second-wave feminism is the greatest enemy of femininity. It is part of a larger occult plan to poison the well springs of love and permanently damage the human spiritual ecology. Society suffers from a sourness due to the loss of feminine love, charm, beauty, intelligence, modesty and grace.
In conclusion, a father's responsibility is to build his daughter's trust in men, and thus prepare her for a worthy man. This involves confirming her in her sexual identity, as a capable attractive partner for a future husband.

Males also suffer from father loss. But there is a father that we can know. I am talking about God. We are made in God's image and His image is in our soul. Man in Latin, "vir", has the same root as virtue. It's as simple as always doing the right thing.

In this context, the right thing for a man means creating a healthy happy family based on sound values and a wholesome vision of life.

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito #fundie #wingnut

Samuel Alito spoke candidly about the ideological battle between the left and the right — discussing the difficulty of living “peacefully” with ideological opponents in the face of “fundamental” differences that “can’t be compromised.” He endorsed what his interlocutor described as a necessary fight to “return our country to a place of godliness.” And Alito offered a blunt assessment of how America’s polarization will ultimately be resolved: “One side or the other is going to win”

Alito made these remarks in conversation at the Supreme Court Historical Society’s annual dinner on June 3[…]Comments were recorded by Lauren Windsor, a liberal documentary filmmaker. Windsor attended the dinner as a dues-paying member of the society under her real name, along with a colleague. She asked questions of the justice as though she were a religious conservative

The recording, which was provided exclusively to Rolling Stone, captures Windsor approaching Alito at the event and reminding him that they spoke at the same function the year before, when she asked him a question about political polarization. In the intervening year, she tells the justice, her views on the matter had changed. “I don’t know that we can negotiate with the left in the way that needs to happen for the polarization to end,” Windsor says. “I think that it’s a matter of, like, winning”

“I think you’re probably right,” Alito replies. “On one side or the other — one side or the other is going to win. I don’t know. I mean, there can be a way of working — a way of living together peacefully, but it’s difficult, you know, because there are differences on fundamental things that really can’t be compromised. They really can’t be compromised. So it’s not like you are going to split the difference”

Windsor goes on to tell Alito: “People in this country who believe in God have got to keep fighting for that — to return our country to a place of godliness”

“I agree with you. I agree with you,” replies Alito

TS-jm7jm #fundie #dunning-kruger

you do not realise a high mantle temperature, and low silica flowing rock is consistent with a young earth geology model, indeed rapid exposure of mantle material to ocean waters covering a globe is sufficient to lower the temperature, and further the continued presence of the masses detected just above the earths core by seismic tomography is even more consistent, as by the mantle temperature even as it is now, those masses should not exist if they were even a million years old, even a couple of 10s of thousands of years is an absurd lifetime for masses to retain their solidity at that depth and temperature,

Jormungandr #homophobia #transphobia

There are normal people who are gay/Bi/lesbian than straight, and then there are the, to use old cultural terminology, "mincing gays" which pretty much have become the face of the Rainbow Tumour. The latter are the ones who have gone mainstream.

And the "non-binary" folks I've seen? 90% of the time they're just ugly women, and 10% they're basically gay men in denial.

Unfortunately, when people think Rainbow Tumour, they don't think of the "normal but different orientation" people as a first thought; they automatically think of "fucking grooming weirdos" and "everything must be gay!" nutjobs.

Sadly enough, a lot of older gay men and women have said that if they'd have known what their campaigning would've resulted in thirty or forty years or so down the line, they'd have put down their picket signs and lived out their lives quietly somewhere. Even they're disgusted, and the fact that many want to retro-group back into just the LGB community than the LGBTQIA+Kitchen Sink community kinda says it all.

Ostroeuropa #sexist

Given the evidence here, unless you can find some proof that Apple has accounted for this in their hiring practices and expects higher qualifications from women for the same roles, it is a necessary consequence of the discrimination in the school system that the male employees of the same position are in fact more talented than the women, because the mens grades were downsized and the womens upsized before they were even hired.

The OECD education director even notes this. It's not just me saying it. It's merely a fact people who complain about the pay gap don't want to engage with and play the "Trick" I pointed out earlier of conflating;

"How dare you suggest women are less talented than men" with "How dare you suggest THESE women are less talented than THESE men". They are. We can demonstrate why. The attempt here and in the broader movement is to force the legal system to expand discrimination against men into the labour market.

Can you explain why you think women in these roles are equally talented to the men, given what we know about the education system?

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #ufo

Aliens might be living among us, according to a study by Harvard academics called ‘The cryptoterrestrial hypothesis: A case for scientific openness to a concealed earthly explanation for Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena’

Our article today, talking about something called ‘The Cryptoterrestrial Hypothesis’ which makes the case for space aliens living in the Earth, and/or possibly inside the Moon in an underground base is ‘wild and out there’ as far as this lost world is concerned, but your King James Bible knows all about it and has been talking about these things for the past 4,000 years.

“And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.” Job 1:7 (KJB)

Your King James Bible is the wildest Book yet written, and talks of things that continue to inspire Hollywood filmmakers, even though they’d never give the credit to God for the great story ideas. Job is the oldest book in human history, and in that first book we read about space aliens in the Third Heaven, called the sons of God, and we see the LORD having a conversation with the prince of Hell, Satan, who says he is going to and fro in the Earth. Hell just happens to be in the ‘heart of the earth’. So in 2024, when scientists staring talking about aliens living in the earth or in the moon, they are about 6,000 years late to the conversation.

Sasha Alex Lessin, PhD. #ufo #crackpot #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #ableist

On the planet NIBIRU, ALALU had seized the Throne and wed his daughter Princess DAMKINA to Prince ENKI. Damkina and Enki’s son, MARDUK, would succeed Alalu. But, 400,000 years ago, ANU overthrew Alalu to complete the mining of gold from the asteroids or Earth to convert to WHITE POWDER OF MONOATOMIC GOLD to float into Nibiru’s ionisphere and preserve its atmosphere. Alalu had fled to Earth, found gold and tried to regain the Nibiran Crown, but Anu defeated him and exiled him to die on MARS.

King Anu had sent his three annoying and quarrelsome kids–Enki, Princess NINMAH and ENLIL (Anu’s legal heir and the father of Ninmah’s son, NINURTA)–to Earth. Last Time, we accompanied Ninmah as she landed on Mars.
On Earth Anu had made ENLIL (Yahweh), now Commander of the goldmining expedition, obsessed with besting Enki (Adonai), who was now Chief of Goldmining and Science Operations.
Ninmah, their half-sister (and only half-sister on Earth). Nibiran law would count their lines royal only through boys they begat with Ninmah.

Enlil renewed his courtship of Ninmah. If he could get her pregnant again, and if she’d bare him another boy, he’d best Enki. He and Enki both wanted babies with Ninmah, their half-sister (and only half-sister on Earth). Nibiran law would count their lines royal only through boys they begat with Ninmah.
To this day, the adapted hybrid Nibirans we are remain trapped in a rivalry between Enki and Enlil over Ninmah. Nowadays the followers of Enki’s son Marduk (who came to be called Ra, Amen, Satan and perhaps Allah) battle with the followers of Enlil (who came to be called Yahweh, Jehovah or even, like Nannar or Marduk, “Allah).”

Time we dropped rivalry based on this ancient romance, pre-modern concepts of hierarchy, and the denigration of females that both Marduk and Enlil exhibit.

Vic Biorseth #wingnut #fundie #homophobia #racist #conspiracy

The whole underlying goal of all of the various Leftist, Marxist, Islamic, Hedonist, Globalist, New World Order movements all lumped together under what we call the Islamo-Commie-Homo movement is the elimination of all proper sense of identity and all proper sense of sovereignty, and the establishment of social chaos, world-(wide.

It's all one big Hegelian crisis-by-crisis setup for a Machiavellian criminal takeover. All these seemingly disparate and separate splinter-group movements and causes are actually linked and related.
The larger attack is on identity and sovereignty. Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, Jewish, individual citizen, family, neighbor, political ideology, race, sex, government and finally national identity and sovereignty.
That's what Cultural Marxism is all about; that's what Civil Jihad is all about; that's what Gay Pride is all about. That's what COMINTERN has always been about. That's what the UN, the EU, the WEF, the WHO, the ICC and the Davos Agenda are all about.
And with it a common-sense knowledge that here in America there is no such thing as any legitimate legal right to contracept, abort, sodomize, euthanize or sterilize anyone, nor is there any such thing as any legitimate special legal rights assigned to any race, ethnicity, sex or imaginary gender, nor is there any legitimate legal right to commit the sins of fornication, adultery, homosexuality, pornography or any sex outside of marriage between one man and one woman.
No matter what any declaration of human rights, or the UN, or anyone else, whether foreign or domestic, has to say about any of it, no matter what any "expert" falsely claims to be a natural law right,

If it isn't in our national constitution;
If it isn't in our state constitution;
If it isn't otherwise legitimately and legally (which is to say Constitutionally) codified into law,
It is not a legal right.

We Americans are sovereign here. No one else tells us what a right is.

Noel Joshua Hadley #crackpot #fundie #conspiracy

But now I believe I’m finally onto something. Any investigation into the mud flood theory will inevitably lead to the orphan asylum.

Whoa—Whoa—Whoa, you say. “Mud flood theory—again?”
Beginning in the 1840’s, a swelling influx of foundlings—children without one or both parents—were handed over to the State. Hundreds of thousands of children. The abandonment of babies became so commonplace that asylums were established in every major city. There were post office boxes where you could literally drop your child off. No questions asked.

This isn’t merely the tale of developing social welfare programs. Sure, the Orphan Train may have received a lot of press, but the narrative extends far beyond that little untold nugget of Americana. In the nineteenth-century, foundlings were relocated all over the world. Russia. Australia. Canada. Really, pick a continent. Any country. Children were sent there to repopulate in a post mud-flood world. And most of them still had a living parent.
See, we read about the first fallen women in the Book of Enoch. Divine-beings, which Hebrew Scripture calls the Watchers, took human wives and bore giant children with them. The disembodied spirits of those giants became the very demons whom Yahushua would cast out. The Watchers were sentenced to a prison term of seventy generations, by which time they were to be released upon the earth. I’ve done the math. Their probation likely occurred sometime in the mid or early 19th century—beginning of the end days. This appears to have caused a human reset, and may in fact coincide with a worldwide mud flood event. When I talk about reset, I am inciting what has already provably happened in the Soviet Union a hundred years ago. The architects of Communism successfully rewrote history for those whom they beguiled. In the decades to follow, her citizens inhabited what psychologists have coined a false-memory syndrome, not quite unlike the Mandela Effect today.

Tatsuya Ishida #conspiracy #racist

[From “May 16, 2024: Anti-Semitism Awareness Act”]


spoilerPanel 1: Squigley says that “They're making it illegal to say Jews run the world”, to which Slick replies “What?”
Panel 2: Slick asks “I have to take down my neon sign?”, along with a neon sign reading “Jews run the world”
Panel 3: Slick asks “And delete my website”, in front of a Geocities website whose title is
Panel 3: Slick asks “And cancel my daily skywriting?”, along with a sentence airwritten and reading “Jews run the world”

magnificentempress #racist #sexist

to confirm racism allegations: i actually think its okay for any woman to say no to any man, even if she says no because of her 'racism', because any woman can say no to any man for any reason

[several posts later]

thats like, just your opinion bro, and also somehow some women of color told me they understood perfectly what radberryterf meant and also agreed🤔unexplainable phenomenon really

and the original post was about men of color being rapists in the countries that were nice enough to grant them asylum 🧐but saying brown men rape women more often than white men in the said specific countries is raycayyyysm i gotcha

Anonymous, magnificentempress #racist #sexist

ok I do have a slightly bigger dislike to black and brown moids because of my lived experiences, but for my region at least, Russian men, for example had been a cause of terror for years in the past. My great grandmother talked about how they'd hide in stoves and fire places to just not get raped, fathers killing daughters for the same reason (it's unsettling now seeing how honor is above life regardless of how it was tarnished). All I'm saying is moids are moids, they all hurt the same regardless of color or ethnic background.

listen im not saying that some moids are naturally better despite what radblr thinks lol im just saying that in some places laws are enforced stricter and the general feminism discourse has been for longer, so to me it is kinda obvious that women in countries where there are laws against harassment, when there are female politicians etc will do slightly better than women in literal taliban

and trust me i know russian moids are capable of war crimes, like if the ongoing bloodbath has at least 1 good outcome so far it must be the reduction of the most criminogenic group (young moids). thanks nato 💋

but to me it is also tone-deaf to deny that yeah women in some places have a better life. again, not because some men are """better.""" they are just forced to tone down their male shittiness. idk if you saw my post about women in chechnya, just look it up. women from chechnya escape to russian cities and then to europe because they run from chechen moids. but dont they know that all men are equally bad?!?!?!?🧐🧐🧐

and also as redberryterf said (pls if you see it come back i miss you!!), be honest - would you rather walk a street at night in india or in sweden? :)

once again for those who cant read - i never said white moids are naturally better, but some countries are better at beating their moidness out of them early. and some countries actually foster it and exaggerate it. like the literal hamas that boasted about capturing female slaves bruh. are u gonna claim that again, the current russian ivans or swedish svens are just just as bad as moids who were raised among women covered in blankets and that cant even speak up without permission or some shit, and who literally capture female sex slaves. be serious pls

Paul Koppe #racist #conspiracy

A man initially facing 26 charges of mischief relating to posting antisemitic flyers across Ottawa in 2021 has been sentenced to 18 months house arrest followed by two years probation after pleading guilty to the willful promotion of hatred[…]
Koppe’s lawyer had previously asked for a conditional sentence, while members of the city’s Jewish community submitted a letter asking that he receive jail time[…]
In an agreed statement of facts, Koppe admitted to posting a large number of hateful flyers throughout Ottawa’s West End and the suburb of Barrhaven. Typically focusing on high pedestrian traffic areas like large department and grocery stores, posters affixed to lamp posts, mailboxes, trash bins, and more, blamed Jews for the African slave trade, the 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center, and invoked other antisemitic conspiracy theories

The court also heard how a search of Koppe’s home revealed a collection of Nazi memorabilia[…]
Koppe was 29-years-old when he was arrested on December 8, 2021. He had no criminal record except for a 2016 charge of driving under the influence of alcohol

According to statements from the defence, Koppe lost his job during the COVID-19 lockdowns and began spending long periods of time alone investigating conspiracy theories online

Statements by Koppe read in court claimed his beliefs “started with podcasts about conspiracy theories” during a period of intense despair and anxiety. Mired by feelings of mistrust towards the government, scientists, healthcare providers and media, this eventually led to the “Jewish conspiracy”

Since his arrest, Koppe has been engaged with a psychiatrist as well as the John Howard Society’s Project Reset

The court previously heard the opinion of Dr. Helen Ward, who testified that Koppe “no longer subscribes to any of the beliefs that were motivating him at the time of committing the offences”

ImNewHere & overanddone #transphobia

( ImNewHere )
I expect a fair few of you have also been through the sinking, often scary feeling of your female friends deserting you for being gender critical. How do you reconcile it and move on?

Yesterday I posted on instagram stories ‘I’m sick of this. It’s not hard to say woman’ under an article about women’s reproductive health that referred to ‘uterus owners’ and ‘people who get pregnant’ etc. That’s all I said. Within hours I’d had 3 separate girlfriends tell me I’m wrong because transmem aren’t women (nnng!!!), and 2 others flatly say I’m a bigot. A couple have unfollowed me. I’m talking people I’ve known since university.

I know reading this on the screen has a degree of anonymity and therefore it’s easy to say well that’s stupid, find new friends. But obviously it really really hurts too. And it’s really quite alarming to feel that you’re the only person who hasn’t fallen for this emperor’s new clothes lunacy. Most of my friends are the intelligent left-leaning types – like me!

Anyway, how do you mentally cope with it? I’ve been sick to my stomach all day. I’m confident that I’m right and I have a right to my own opinion, but it still doesn’t take away the feeling of “oh shoot, should I have done that?!”

( overanddone )
It's fear. They are afraid. Sad to say, I have many former friends like this. It was painful, but through the pain a few people poked their heads up and said me too. I treasure those people. They are true friends.

I circled the wagons with the few I could trust. And then...I am happy to say we spend time mocking the cult and figuring out ways to poke the beast. They are so easily mocked!

They know we are right. Who could argue with women's reproductive systems and how they affect our lives? Who could argue that a man should strip search a woman passenger in a TSA back room? Who can argue men in women's sports...prisons...hospitals...

We all could go on and on. Your friends know they have to tow the TRA line or be subjected to the same behavior you are receiving. They are scared. And they are not as strong as you are. They may also believe it's a right wing issue, that no one on the left is not enamored of the gender cult. This is so not true.

Find your few friends or family with whom you can be honest. Then have a right good gathering and mock the afflicted. My mother would not be proud that I just said that.

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