DavyMichael #sexist #fundie #kinkshaming instagram.com

A warning to younger men!!!!

‭Proverbs 5:3-9
For the lips of a forbidden woman drip honey, and her speech is smoother than oil, but in the end she is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword. Her feet go down to death; her steps follow the path to Sheol; she does not ponder the path of life; her ways wander, and she does not know it. And now, O sons, listen to me, and do not depart from the words of my mouth. Keep your way far from her, and do not go near the door of her house, lest you give your honor to others and your years to the merciless.

Stormer Editorial Board #racist #psycho #wingnut #conspiracy dailystormer.name

[From “Stormer Editorial Board Reiterates Support for One-State Solution in Palestine, Controlled by Hamas”]

Over ten years ago, the Daily Stormer endorsed a one-state solution in Palestine/”Israel”, fully controlled by Hamas

It is time again that the Stormer Editorial Board reiterate this position: the Daily Stormer officially backs a one-state solution to the Palestinian problem, wherein Hamas is installed as the governmental entity of the entire Palestinian territory

It will of course be the decision of the Hamas authorities what they do with the Jewish occupation population, but it is the opinion of the Stormer Editorial Board that the Jews be pushed into the sea

The Stormer also modestly requests that our team be allowed to build a statue of Adolf Hitler in Tel Aviv[…]
The Daily Stormer Editorial Board does not recognize any form of governmental authority in Palestine other than Hamas. That means that we also do not recognize the false authority of the shill Mahmoud Abbas and his fake government, which the Editorial Board recognizes as a Jew shill group designed to pacify the Palestinian people[…]
The Board would like to fully repeat its position that the Jews should be pushed into the sea, but that the Board will fully respect any decision that Hamas authorities choose to take in dealing with the filthy Jew occupiers

The Stormer Editorial Board once again wishes swift victory to Hamas in their battle against the Satanic Jew occupation force

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #quack bennettleeross.com

Raytheon employs your neighbor to drive a white van
With a cute little laser in the back
That controls the phase and amplitude of light waves

The lasers polarize with the meta materials in the new 6G
Which are tiny nano sensors landing on your skin
Communicating with the biosensors within you

Electrocuting you from the outside
And from the inside out simultaneously

Because of this bio digital convergence
We become human antennas and fully programmable cyborgs
We become less human and more robot

We are under full spectrum dominance
As meta materials rain down upon our head
For the purpose of techno enslavement

They can wirelessly get into your body and effect a change
With DNA encoded solid phase synthesis

They can order a drone update
A MQ9 Reaper will then hunt you down
And find you anywhere

Project Maven is AI Mosaic warfare
Using net centric node access and phased array optics
That rewrite the human genome and reprogram the cells

The theatrics in front of the curtain continue
Music sports and comedy are used to tranquilize the profane clueless American

Who watches the Steroid Bowl
And listens to Satanic music

But the Clown Show is not funny anymore!

Stephen Chua/Elena Danaan #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy supersoldiertalk.com

In memory of Stephen Chua (Oct 19, 1960 – March 06, 2021), who died from unknown causes one week after performing this interview. This ex-military worked at Area 51 and very bravely disclosed everything he managed to remember, even though they tried to wipe his memory. The disclosure in this interview goes beyond everything you’ve ever heard or read so far. He also fought to liberate children held by reptilians in giant caves in Malaysia and had very frightening face-to-faces. He shared as well his amazingly powerful message of hope and was begging everyone to RISE OUR VIBRATION…

17:00 Khmer Rouge experience
19:00 ETs used as assassins to end former Pakistan PM
21:00 Catching suspected ET assassin
31:00 Ciakahrrs in Japan wreaking havoc
41:00 1980s Area 51 experiences

This story began when, after corresponding by email about elements in Elena Daanan`s book on Area 51 that he was able to confirm,
Stephen contacted her one day with haste saying:
“I am ready to speak, this is the moment, please let’s do it as soon as possible.”
Following his request, she recorded this interview on Feb 26/2021 and she edited it with pictures,
he urged her 4 days later, on March 3/2021 to air it immediately, because he had blackouts and nose bleedings. Even though she tried to convince him to abandon the idea, he insisted strongly on airing this interview, saying
that it was time to make these things public. Stephen was saying that his memory was incomplete because it had been partially wiped, and he was working hard on trying to remember more.
She had even convinced him to undergo hypnosis, which sadly didn’t have the time to happen.

He was about to reveal more…
This is the legacy of a soldier to the world. May his sacrifice not be in vain and may “Stevie” be remembered for his endurance and courage, as the whistle-blower who collapsed the whole building. May his last and best sniper’s shot reach out far and wide.

Lisa Renee #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy #mammon energeticsynthesis.com

Ascension Timeline Rebellion
We are living through a great transition and ascension process, from a dark aeon to a new aeon.


1. ES Ascension Class – June 2023

Ascension Timeline Rebellion: We are living through a great transition and ascension process, from a dark aeon to a new aeon. Many of the themes that were seeded by dark forces tens of thousands of years ago, of human subjugation and enslavement are being reasserted in an attempt to maintain control. Yet, most of humanity is unable to connect the dots or consciously participate in collapsing this timeline, as we move toward a collective awakening. With the return of Solar Dragon level consciousness and the restoration of many of the Aeonic Couples in our system, our ground crew is strengthened in collaboration with Guardian Host. A tipping point has been reached and through a recent sequence of gridwork projects more detail is being uncovered about humanities true history, design and purpose, as well as those who have tried to harness, desecrate and enslave the various tribes within the angelic human race.

With the return of the 11th Tribe Atlantian Dragon Queen Merida, the Triple Solar Reisha that embodies the original Emerald Founder Records for the Celtic Arthurian Grail Lines, the timeline wars, clearings and spiritual body retrievals have been focused upon the cluster of timeline trigger events that were set into motion during the Ascension Timeline Rebellion approximately 22,000 years ago. (2:03:45 minutes)

2. ES Ascension Meditation – June 2023

Securing Triple Silver Cords and Daath Deliverance: In this meditation we will address corrections to Emerald-Amethyst Awakening to secure the Triple Silver Cords inside our sacral center, heart center and brain center, and extract any remain imprints of Daath System overlays.

To proceed with this meditation, it is suggested to ask your higher self if you are ready to continue with this energy clearing in the form of asking Yes or NO (38:36 minutes)

Kerry Cassidy #crackpot #wingnut #ufo #magick #conspiracy projectcamelotportal.com

ORCHESTRATION anybody? Juan O Savin has been telling people we would have a Cuban Missle crisis near death experience for a number of years. They think they need this so Trump and the military can take back our government from the Biden show ..for the people without engendering ‘civil war’. Of course Trump and the white hat military (including Space Force) are already in control…

Keeping in mind it’s the AI, Generals and whatever remote viewer/psychics they might have on the team that come up with these scenarios… Manipulate the masses in this case for a good purpose. But do the ends justify the means? I am not suggesting the White Hat Military is creating this event. But I am saying they know about it and will use it to their advantage which is what happens in war.

Strangely the Cuban Missile Crisis according to Captain Mark Richards was a Grey ET operation and was not at all what it appeared to be on the surface. Kennedy and Nixon were both well aware of this.
One possibility regarding the role of the Grey-regressive ET races (who are the drone-type Reptilian worker bees in essence…could involve something that the To the Stars Academy players revealed to the world that most people ignored is that contrary to the party line spread by fake democrat (primarily) light “workers” and people like Steven Greer is that the ETs have on occasion triggered missile silo sites to become active in an attempt to cause Russia and the U.S. to engage in a nuclear war that would decimate the population and allow the Reptilians and Grey ETs to complete their takeover plans for the Earth.
The placement of special weapons and tech on the island of Cuba in close proximity to the U.S. is only the tip of the iceberg related to a Grey-Reptilian agenda that is linked to the Anunnaki takeover plans aka the Lucierian Rebellion. This is the negative AI or Metatron agenda of the ETs who are working to counter the establishment of the Krist or Christ consciousness on Earth.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

“Gender-Affirming Care” Is Increasingly Being Recognized as Unscientific

( pennygadget )
Trans is the only mental/medical condition where the patient is allowed to diagnose themselves and decide which medications and surgeries they need. The doctors only exist to rubber stamp whatever they want. That's how you know the whole thing is bullshit

( Persimmon64 )
Trans is the only subculture fad that allows people to get cosmetic alterations and drugs given to them by doctors to enable them to get a certain aesthetic and the only subculture/fashion/fad that not only relies on fantasy, but forces others including the government and our laws, to play along

( SamanthaK )
Our paychecks too. Since gender affirming care is often paid for by the taxpayer.

( NastasyaFillipovna )
In the famous TV show House MD, its a running theme sorta that patiests lie, always. And House never took any patient for face value for what they were saying.

Wonder how they would've handled TiMs

( syntaxerror )
House frequently makes TRAs screech because of that episode where the patient of the week ended up being an XY male with androgen insensitivity syndrome (basically unresponsive to testosterone) making him appear to be completely female. The problem ended up being cancer on one of the patient’s undescended testicles.

House says the ultimate woman is a man and then says that he has cancer on his left testicle and the patient flips out and screams “I’m not a boy, I’m a girl!” It was revealed earlier in the episode that the girls father had sexually assaulted her (sex at her request, but she was supposed to be 15) and then House basically makes a comment about the dad being gay, now.

What I’m saying is, I can promise you House would not have put up with Trans bullshit for even a second. He was offensively blunt and cruel, and didn’t even mince words with a totally female presenting hermaphrodite because he had a Y chromosome

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Normal people being awoken to the crazy shit you people are saying/doing =/= “far right” trying to start a culture war

( Unicorn )
Nah buddy, people are just sick of being fed bullshit.

And transgenderism is basically a culture war. The entire concept of trans exists on gender—socially, culturally, constructed sex-based stereotypes. Your group has been a "massive culture war" since its inception.

( no- )
“Why do people hate us just for existing?” They ask. No one gave an f about transsexuals before they decided everyone had to pray to their gender god or lose their jobs and reputation. Transgenderism is a lie, a pseudoscientific but profitable fabrication. There’s only so much bullshit and censorship people can take before they get sick of it, especially when it’s causing as much damage as it is.

( ratherbecomes )
That's what gets me. They started the culture war, and when anyone gets involved against it, they accuse them of actually being the ones starting a war.

( OwnLyingEyes )
They think they have some kind of divine right to tear everything down and remake it to suit themselves and are outraged that other people think we have some kind of right to oppose them.

( Exempli_Gratia )
Shit, it's not even just opposition, it's anything short of absolute brainwashed obedience - they want to completely recreate reality and the way we perceive it and we're not even allowed to say, "no thank you, I think I'll stick with my current beliefs and worldview." We have to live in and completely accept and believe their reality or they'll throw a gigantic screaming shitfit.

I'm sick of being asked to submit to the tantrums of grown-ass adults. I refuse to do it any more

( Women1st )
That’s how you silence someone. Call them a racist, transphobe, Karen, whatever.

( pennygadget )
"I don't think kids in public schools should be forced to accept Jesus Christ as their lord and Savior. Its not fair to kids who don't believe in Christianity"


Tina Garrison #wingnut grrrgraphics.com


Cartoon published 06/13/2024

Road Trumper, the Democrats are after you!

Road Trumper, they think if they indict you, you’re through.

Those Democrats are really some crazy CLOWNS,

When will they learn that they never can mow Trump down!

Poor little Road Trumper never bothers anyone.

‘Making America Great Again’ is his idea of having fun!

Suffering Mother #transphobia #conspiracy pittparents.com

I feel all the anguish that comes from this terrible cult for all parents including myself. Never in a million years did I think my family would be affected by this nor did I even know anything about it until it slapped me in the face! Recently, I asked that Chat AI to comprise a letter to my trans son and it refused!!! This how deep this still goes. I cursed the app then deleted it. I saw a picture of my son he looks different but somehow the same. It was a strange feeling but I saw the little boy that I raised deep in his face and it gave me some solace. I dread the holidays now which used to be such a wonderful time as I’m sure every parent does. Please God help us and most of all stop this incredible nonsense that is hurting so many people!

Tatsuya Ishida #conspiracy #wingnut sinfest.xyz

Submitter’s note: This the 5th comic in the “Through the Rabbi Hole” series, riffing on the Disney version of Alice in Wonderland.


The scene suggests a path though a forest glade, though the background art is inconsistent between panels. Throughout, Year Person 2024, in the role of Alice, just stands around looking at the other characters.

Panel 1: Tweedle-Biden says “I love Israel”, Tweedle-Trump says “I love Israel more”

Panel 2: Tweedle-Biden says “I love Israel times infinity”, Tweedle-Trump says “I love Israel times infinity plus one”

Panel 3: Tweedle-RFK jr runs to catch up with the other two, saying “Hey wait up guys, I love Israel too”

Panel 4: Tweedle-RFK jr looks at 2024 and does a bodybuilder flex pose, saying “Oh hello, check out my guns”

Clif High #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #dunning-kruger substack.com

A few years from today, humanity, and Earth will be manifesting entirely different energies.

Now, we can conceptualize humanity as encountering new energies from space in the form of the increased emanations from galactic center, while being controlled by a clan that is desperate that these energies NOT be acknowledged, nor accepted, nor absorbed, nor integrated. These circumstances necessarily bring contention and conflict to humanity at very deep levels.

The ability of the Elohim worship cult (the ruling clan) to continue in their mindset and control is waning due to these energies. The contention arising from the Elohim worship cult’s attempts to retain control despite these new energies is itself further eroding their ability to control the rest of humanity.
A primary change will be the removal of the Elohim worship cult from power. Much of this will be accomplished by the HyperNovelty in which ALL ‘authority’ is removed from Humanity. As the Elohim worship cult only can exist within the construct of social authority, they are naturally in decline now, and will cease to be a meaningful force.

The ‘authority’ of ‘medicine’ is now dying very rapidly. Ergo, when the Elohim worship cult ‘medicine structure’ issues a warning of a new disease within their narradigm, it becomes yet another instance of a ‘jew yelling flu’, and not to be taken seriously by thinking people.
A few years from now, on the other side of the Time of Testing, on the other side of the Make-A-Way period, Humanity will be emerging into SciFi World.
In a few years time, we will be building out SciFi World. This will be surprisingly fast in its manifestation. This will be due to the shedding of the mental blockages of the ‘grit religion’ of the Elohim worship cult overlay on science. Due to the liberation of science from the grit paradigm, new discoveries will put us rapidly on the path to recovery and exploitation of new technology. The new technology will be combinatoric in its impact.

Wolverine (transcribed by Carpathia) #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon operationdisclosureofficial.com

Global Currency Reset Tues. 11 June 2024 Wolverine:

God has sent me on this journey and now I cry, for I have the official news: It has been confirmed that the release of funds for currency exchanges and historical assets began after 12 noon EST on Tues. 11 June.
Funds will become liquid after the 800 is released to you on Wed. 12 June.
The last of this is a banking formality. Everything is done. The wait is over. What has been said so many times by so many that is going to happen has now happened!
C’s losses have already begun with the 27 Asian elderly and rogue families. It has started first with the Elders who are the trigger for all exchanges and redemptions.
Once the closing process begins for Zimbabwe dollar and the Iraqi Dinar, which are part of the first currencies to cross the International Monetary Fund, and which revalues the currencies, all currencies will continue to close until all IMF SDR currencies are revalued.
Congratulations you have made it. This is real. It has started.
I also received a message from the director of the CIC, which is the actual foundation for Mauricio. Right now, he is currently with the President of Colombia, handing out the documents and everything to the president so the funds can be released – I am not sure if it is televised or not, but it is happening right now! I just received a photo shoot!
I am beyond words right now! I am really, really, emotional.
What we need now is for the Tier4B notifications to start coming through, which will be tomorrow Wed. 12 June.
It is a privilege to have known these people (Marucio’s Team) who have changed my life. Especially my wife…. (sorry guys it has been hard, Wolverine is choked with emotion at this point). God bless you all, and hopefully, I pray to God, that that Opera will be released to you. Take care, have a beautiful day. Wolverine (transcribed by Carpathia)

Patricia Cota-Robles #magick #ufo #crackpot voyages-of-light.com

Our Father-Mother God have given us a powerful activity of Light that has been building in momentum for several years with every Holy Breath we take. The Divine Intent of this Celestial assistance is to help our I AM Presence, our Silent Watcher and our Body Elemental to accelerate the Divine Alchemy taking place within our Earthly Bodies. Now that we have Ascended into the full embrace of our Grand Central Sun this opportunity has been exponentially amplified.

All we have to do to receive the full benefit of this Gift from On High is to allow our I AM Presence and our 5th-Dimensional Silent Watcher and Body Elemental to download these exquisite Crystalline Solar Light patterns into the Core of Purity in every electron of our physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies.
I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of every Son and Daughter of God embodied on Mother Earth. I AM One with my Father-Mother God, I AM One with the Solar Logos from Suns beyond Suns beyond Suns, I AM One with the entire Company of Heaven, and I AM One with all of the Beings of Light associated with the Elemental Kingdom and the Angelic Kingdom. I AM also One with every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of energy comprising Humanity’s Earthly Bodies and all of the spaces in between these atomic and subatomic particles and waves of energy.
My 5D Crystalline Physical Solar Light Body is composed of Crystalline Cells that are absorbing the Twelve 5D Crystalline Solar Aspects of Deity from the Infinite Universe and assimilating this Crystalline Light into the atoms and molecules that form each cell in my Physical Body. I AM my I AM Presence Inbreathing, absorbing, expanding and projecting the fullness of this Crystalline Light into my flesh vehicle. Every cell of my body is becoming a Crystalline Cell. This amazing influx of Light is generating unexplored levels of limitless Physical Perfection, Vibrant Health, Eternal Youth, Radiant Beauty and God’s Infinite Bliss.

Mike Stone #wingnut #racist #fundie #conspiracy henrymakow.com

No bigger flim-flam has ever been foisted on the American people than the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913 under Woodrow Wilson. It continues to be the scam-of-all-scams, flying under the nose of nearly every American for well over a hundred years.

A flim-flam of almost equal proportion was the taking of our country off the gold standard, first by Franklin Rosenfeld (his real name) in 1933, and again in 1971 by Richard Nixon; and the removal of our country's currency and coins off the silver standard, which happened in 1964, immediately after the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
These treasonous acts by Woodrow Wilson (the worst president of all time), Franklin Rosenfeld (the second worst president of all time), Lyndon Johnson (the third worst president of all time), Richard Nixon, and others are why our currency and coins today are essentially worthless. Sure, they can be exchanged for goods and services - as long as everyone else agrees to do the same - but there's nothing of value backing those bills in your wallet or the coins in your pocket.
When I tell people how to make gobs of money, they beg me for more information. When I tell them how to go to Heaven, I'm met with a fluoride stare. They're interested in the one, but not the other. And that's despite the former being of value only in this world, while the latter will literally take them to Heaven. Money is all they're interested in.
Keep that in mind as you navigate your way past the dopes, fools, and morons that make up American society. If those same people put as much effort into going to Heaven as they do into chasing get-rich-quick investment schemes, there would be a lot less stress in the world and a lot more souls in Heaven. You don't have to follow their example. You don't have to end up burning in hell as they inevitably will.

jamesradcylffe #racist #wingnut #conspiracy identitydixie.com

[From “The Indian Question”]

Why are Indians so predominant in leftist movements[…]? Many older conservatives perpetuate the myth that Indians are conservative, as well[…]With the possible exception of Vivek Ramaswamy, even all of the Indian activists on the “Right” are to the left of their White peers[…]
1. They are part of the Coalition of the Ascendant
If you listen to any late 20th century propaganda[…]you’ll hear no shortage of whining about how WASPy something is[…]
Everybody knows a good grift when they see one. The Indians have merely joined in with the blacks, Hispanics, East Asians, and the rest in an attempt to extort tax money from the White middle-class[…]
2. They come from a collectivist culture that operates on shame
In all Eastern cultures, being out-of-line with the group consensus is the easiest way to get yourself exiled[…]
If you see an Indian bending over backwards (this isn’t a yoga joke) to double down on the leftist perspective to the point of absurdity, realize it’s because she’s read the room[…]
3. They feel confident they can maintain dominance over the Coalition of the Ascendant once they obtain power
Indians, particularly the ones in the U.S., are no strangers to ruling over less intelligent, more violent classes. They refer to it as the caste system[…]
They feel confident that they can easily govern a United States composed primarily of blacks and Hispanics as well[…]They’ll no-doubt import their “untouchable” Dalit class[…]History’s on their side[…]
America would resemble India with a colder climate. Nobody wants to live in India[…]
Don’t believe my prognosis? Is it possible to walk down the street anywhere in Mumbai free from rape, robbery, or murder?[…]If you are walking in Bombay, as Mumbai was called during the British Raj, yes[…]
If you can believe[…]that India under Indian rule became unlivable, it shouldn’t be a stretch[…]to believe that America under Indian rule will become unlivable

DavyMichael #wingnut #sexist #conspiracy instagram.com



Weak, low status males love this COVID thing, because it allows them to LARP as heroes by simply wearing a mask, taking a shot, and harassing other people.

They can pretend to be strong, virtuous heroes, whilst being frail, fearful, flabby, pathetic cowards.

(submitter’s note: he has his gun holstered in his pants pointed at his dick)

Vox Day #wingnut #racist #transphobia voxday.net

[From “D-Day, 80 Years Later”]

It just lands a lot differently than it did even 20 years ago. What, exactly, are we supposed to be celebrating these days? Clown World didn’t even preserve democracy or the rule of law


spoilerPicture of a GI smoking a cigarette captioned with “Y'know, speaking German sounds a whole lot better than a transexual mulatto grandkid…”

But at least our grandfathers paid the price to bring them freedom…

German police search 70 homes of people who posted hateful comments online

Never mind

Samurai Kenji #psycho #sexist #dunning-kruger #pratt runescape.salmoneus.net

my mother was 13 when she gave birth to me and my dad was in his mid to late 20's i CHALLENGE AND DARE YOU to explain why she and her mother and her mother and her mother were all capable of having a succussful relationship with these "Hunters" and now live pretty fufilling lives without any real complaints about there childhood and why this girl can't.

My mother was brought up in a very American culture and had a child with a very American man. He may or may not have just been interested in getting some fresh good kitty! or he may have legitimately loved and cared for my mom none the less he eventually left her and she was forced to care for yours truly all by herself she was left a single mom to a "Pedophile" but within a couple years she got over it moved to the states got a university degree and is now living happily and even ocassionally meets with that pedophilic monster to have a cup of coffee with him when she visits Los Angeles.

Why are these 2 so different? infact the Man in this article is a bit younger then my dad is and is certainly much less mentally developed and my mom was no further ahead developmentally then any other girl her age. Yes 8 times out of 10 things go bad but that means 2 times out of 10 they go right it's a gamble and so long as they know the odds and have some guidance i feel a girl of 12 years of age has the right to decide whether she wants to have a sexual relationship with this man.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Very human problems in the field of gender medicine

( Calidris )
I'd never tell anyone else what they should think, and I definitely do understand where you're coming from.

But I disagree. I am going full on scorched earth and I will call these people what I think they are, evil. If you cannot call the doctors who cut healthy organs off of mentally ill people evil, what is even evil? Thinking you're doing a good thing is not an excuse, as a German I should know, all our Nazis did their crimes against humanity for "the greater good" after all.

( sylviasmushrooms )
I’m an American. I think a big part of the problem is that people literally DO forget that the nazis and their followers were human beings, doing monstrous things… not monsters, unconditionally evil beyond comprehension.

That framing makes it easy for other people in this era doing monstrous things to write it off, because it’s as if a weird sense of determinism is guiding people’s morals. “Only monsters could ever fall into dangerous and damaging ideologies built on hate. I’m not a monster, therefore my ideology with colorful flags is good. We aren’t coercing and suppressing dissenting thoughts and speech, we are defeating HATE, among other monsters, who therefore must be nazis.”

The evil inherent in this must be acknowledged, absolutely, but humans are the only species that just keeps falling for it so I think there’s a lot of truth in this piece.

( Persimmon64 )
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions."

We have countless movies and books and story arcs covering this very common theme, yet people are unable to recognize it when they are the ones commiting the atrocities.

( Spencer_Shayy )
I'm sure they also used the "greater good" excuse for lobotomies too. They sure as fuck use it for every goddamn war.

( elizamondegreen )
They're doing a terrible thing. That's not the same as doing a terrible thing with terrible intent... but of course very few people do terrible things with terrible intent. Most have to be persuaded by some idea -- however dangerous and deadly -- that they are doing some kind of good for someone (no matter the costs to others).

But where I suspect we agree is that their intentions don't diminish their culpability whatsoever.

FemmeEtal & Spencer_Shayy #transphobia ovarit.com

No, she’s not the “other mother” she is THE mother

( FemmeEtal )
The mommy fetish is probably the most disgusting for me. These men don’t feel maternal instinct, they never felt a stirring in their nonexistent wombs, lactated and fed an infant that came from them. They just have sick twisted desires and disorders about their own mothers and want to pervert the most innocent and pure thing, a child calling for their mother. It’s vile and infuriating.

( Spencer_Shayy )
This is so vile. I hate men.

Pale Dawn #homophobia forum.nationstates.net

I think the answer is the same for both sides of the coin. We work against those who do not maintain the social values and expectations that we want them too as you do. Pride and lust are not societal values that I want to see perpetuated and celebrated in public as positive virtues(example, example 2). We are all actively shaping the world constantly and I intend to do what I can to make it a better society than we have. The LGBTQ movement celebrates Pride and often portrays people's sexual orientations as equating to their identities. In this way I hold the lgbtq community in the same regard that i hold "players" male or female who are judged similarly for equating their vices to be their identities.

Other side of the coin you decry anyone who does not embrace and accept your equating of identity to sexual preferences.
No I don't accept or embrace that. That doesn't make my dislike for your values special or different than then others that are detracting from a well ordered and positive society.
Rejecting these things in public and shared spaces strengthens our society by embracing a society with positive values and holds people accountable for their actions. Vice is not virtuous.

Byl Holte #wingnut twitter.com

Black people, don’t cheer for this.

Donald J. Trump is Nelson Mandela.

Donald J. Trump is George Floyd.

Donald J. Trump is Trayvon Martin.

Donald J. Trump is Brianna Taylor.

Donald J. Trump is EVERY black person unjustly convicted under the democrat system of justice.

You’re cheering on his arrest, but the same system that targeted YOU targeted HIM.

Remember that, next time the democrats make you jump up and down about an officer kneeling on a black guys neck.
Last edited 8:47 AM · May 31, 2024 · 143.9K Views
679 Reposts 126 Quotes 3,796 Likes 59 Bookmarks

Tatsuya Ishida #racist #conspiracy sinfest.xyz

[From “June 7, 2024: Zionist Radfems”]


spoilerPanel 1: Monique is reading on her smartphone while wondering “Why are so many Radfems pro-Israel”, “All the big TERFs are Zionists” and “How? Why?”
Panel 2: A mustachied man wearing overalls and a red cap answers “Jews”, and Moniste says “What?”
Panel 3: The man says “Jews take over all movements”, “Get promoted in Jewish media” and “To push a Jewish agenda”
Panel 4: Monique says “That's ridiculous”, “Can't be true”, “…” and “Can it?”

Indian River County School Board #fundie #wingnut #god-complex news-journalonline.com

School officials in Florida have banned a book about book banning.

The Indian River County School Board voted to remove "Ban This Book" by Alan Gratz from its shelves in a meeting last month, overruling its own district book-review committee's decision to keep it.

The children's novel follows a fictional fourth grader who creates a secret banned books locker library after her school board pulled a multitude of titles off the shelves.

Indian River County School Board members said they disliked how it referenced other books that had been removed from schools and accused it of "teaching rebellion of school board authority," as described in the formal motion to oust it.

The book, which had been in two Indian River County elementary schools and a middle school, was challenged by Jennifer Pippin. She's the head of the area's local chapter of Moms for Liberty, a national conservative group that has become one of the loudest advocates for removing books they deem inappropriate.

SlowCollapse & pennygadget #transphobia ovarit.com

1 in 6 Hiring Managers have been told to stop hiring white men

( SlowCollapse )
Not gender-related you may say?

But consider this. There is one and only one way for a 'straight white male' to opt out of that lowest-of-the-low identity. Transition! - and that gets them directly to a triple oppression combo, trans/woman/lesbian, suddenly they're precious 'diverse individuals', in high demand by DEI-driven hiring.

Is the demonisation of the 'straight white male' a factor in the rise of trans identities? This isn't related to anger at men for their violence and mistreatment of women, it's about the weaponisation of intersectionality to create a common enemy of all 'oppressed groups', and lash out at it. It has been enabled by the redefinition of words, 'you can't be racist against whites or sexist against men', the same weaponisation of language that has empowered the trans movement.

( pennygadget )

Is the demonisation of the 'straight white male' a factor in the rise of trans identities?

I absolutely believe that it is. How can a White Man resist doing something simple to take himself from the bottom of the oppression stack to the top? Especially if he runs in leftist circles and it will benefit him in multiple avenues?

Distruzio #wingnut forum.nationstates.net

Not necessarily. It’s just that religious conservatives don’t have the power and influence that they used to have, and now that they can’t force their lifestyle choice on others, they get pissed off and bitchy

Indeed. They're beginning to understand that "live and let live" was a mistake. And it confuses them (that's the bitchiness you're noticing). Religious conservatives thought that if they accepted the new rules of a NeUtRaL arbiter for justice, everyone could profit. They failed to recognize the snake in the garden. That's one thing I genuinely like about the contemporary Left... they understand that you cannot stop wielding the power once you've grabbed it. A single exception, when made, becomes an exploit that can be broadened.

Marjorie Taylor Greene #wingnut #dunning-kruger #pratt theguardian.com

[Article Title: "Marjorie Taylor Greene compares Trump to Jesus at Las Vegas rally"]

“The Democrats and the fake news media want to constantly talk about ‘President Trump is a convicted felon’,” she told a crowd that waited in soaring early-summer temperatures. “Well, you want to know something? The man that I worship is also a convicted felon. And he was murdered on a Roman cross.”
It is not the first time Greene has drawn parallels between Trump and Christ – whom Christians consider to be the messiah and son of God – as well as other historical martyr figures.
“Trump is joining some of the most incredible people in history being arrested today. Nelson Mandela was arrested, served time in prison. Jesus was arrested and murdered by the Roman government,” she told the Right Side Broadcast Network.

“There have been many people throughout history that have been arrested and persecuted by radical, corrupt governments … I just can’t believe it’s happening, but I’ll always support him. He’s done nothing wrong.”

Tim Brown #quack #crackpot #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy beforeitsnews.com

I have produced several radio shows on chlorine dioxide with people who not only use it themselves, but have also recommended or administered it to others. I make no claims to be a doctor, nor am I offering medical advice (If you need medical advice, consult your doctor), but I do believe that people are entitled to information to come to their own conclusions about their health and how to maintain it. With that in mind, a brand new documentary has finally been produced on chlorine dioxide titled “The Universal Antidote.” This is because people are using this for all sorts of ailments and it’s merely pennies to acquire without a prescription.

For the record, since I discovered chlorine dioxide a little over a year ago, I have taken it both when feeling well and also as I felt like I was ill. I can attest to seeing pretty tremendous results personally from taking it when I sensed the oncoming of illness. I even shared it with my father who also saw a drastic improvement in less than a day.
The information contained in this documentary, which was just released yesterday, second only I believe to the Gospel of the Kingdom, has the very real potential, to not only change your life, the life of your loved ones and friends, saving countless lives, and alleviating needless death, pain, and the poverty that goes with them. It deals with a simple, but remarkable, all-natural chemical compound (CLO2 -Chlorine Dioxide) aka MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution. CLO2 is safe and extremely effective at treating a host of the most serious adverse health conditions known to man (influenza, staph, MRSA, Lyme, autism, Covid, Malaria, Typhus, HIV, & Yellow Fever, Cancer, etc.) and has been the object of relentless attacks by bigpharma and FDA censorship for a decade. This is a game-changer in humanity’s quest for natural health and medical freedom.

To those who discount the information as too good to be true, bear in mind, that the Gospel also sounds too good to be true.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

The end times 2SLGBTQIAAP++ Movement and agenda has its roots firmly planted in the pages of the Bible in what Jesus calls the Days of Lot.

Here in the closing days of Barack Obama’s third term, the seeds he has planted in our nation since 2008 have grown up into a massive tree that dwarfs the landscape with a disproportionate focus on what is now called the…(taking a deep breath) the 2SLGBTQIAAP++ Movement. According to the site Queer Events, that stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Two-Spirit, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Agender and Pansexual. But the one letter that does not show up on the list but is most definitely there is ‘C’ for children, because that seems to the main target of all their activities, the grooming and recruiting of children. Just ask Elmo.

“He beholdeth all high things: he is a king over all the children of pride.” Job 41:34 (KJB)

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, the Pride Movement started out in 1970 seeking tolerance for their lifestyle, and they soon got it. Next, they sought for acceptance and after a hard-fought battle they achieved that as well. For the third phase, dominance, they needed a president who could force their agenda through, and in 2008, Barack Obama was elected as Newsweek famously reported as the ‘first gay president’. It is from this point on that sexual orientation becomes the law of the land, with severe repercussions for anyone and everyone who stand against it. Remember the Christian baker? Careers and reputations were ruined as the behemoth, or more accurately, Levithan, that is the 2SLGBTQIAAP++ Movement roared into existence. On this episode, we show you just how dominant this movement has become, a movement that has its roots firmly planted in the Bible as the Days of Lot.

Commander Val Thor of Venus #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com


With several countries going back to lockdown for the Omicron variant, which is the Military code for the cleanup operation for the CP P*dophiles & Traitors.

We’ve entered the [C]los{Ing [Ajct: – initiating the EBS, Military Tribunals and Full Disclosure Of The Galactic Alliance. Sending out the 5:5 MIL OPS was a confirmation SIG in our primary objective – rescuing our children from tunnels & DUMBs.

As the remaining countries lockdown and reports of COVID-19 diagnosis’ continue, the news unlocks the map of events. Prepare to archive and be offline. SHUTDOWN. John F Kennedy Jr. 19th Vice President WWG1WGA

Peter B. Meyer #crackpot #conspiracy #racist finalwakeupcall.info

What if the ‘Great Flood’ took place only 150 years ago, and the world of the past was far more advanced culturally and technologically than it is today?

The Deep State cabal created a cataclysm and used it and the resulting chaos to seize power. Apparently, between 1865 and 1876, our ancient civilisation was destroyed by waves over 300 metres high that swept across much of the planet, washing away the inhabitants of Australia and depopulating vast areas.
The Straits of Gibraltar, the Pillars of Hercules, the star fortress of Tartaria, is here to defend and control an important passage for merchant ships from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic, v.v..

History and geology tell us nothing, but apparently there was a gradient between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, mechanically controlled by a system of locks to allow only one ship to pass at a time. The Deep State has dug secret tunnels. According to the official story, commissioned by the British admiralty.

Seawater entered the newly opened channels. The men in charge hid at the top of Mount Gibraltar, in a place called the Devil’s Tower. At the mouth of the strait they detonated bombs and broke the Rock of Gibraltar. The explosions were coordinated to create tsunamis in the North, Atlantic and Barents Seas.

This episode is known as the “Gibraltar Relief”. The tidal wave, 300 metres high, swept across Eurasia and especially the Americas. Billions of people, who had built the magnificent ancient civilisation of Tartaria, drowned.
The history of the most recent wars, which appears in more than five thousand Wikipedia pages, careful reading of biographies, examination of thousands of photographs and historical events, shows that these events certainly took place in the years 1860-1920, and that the Second World War served only as a cover for the final destruction of the Aryan-Tartar civilisation and the complete establishment of a new world power, the NWO, coordinated and led by a few corrupt Deep Staters.

Elvis Dunderhoff #homophobia #sexist #psycho dailystormer.name

[From “Taliban Publicly Flogging Sodomites, Sluts, Thieves”]

Unlike every other faggot government, the Taliban doesn’t play games

They don’t arrest you for a crime and then say “here, let me give you a quick blowjob before I release you back onto the streets to do even worse crimes”

The Taliban will crush you

The Guardian

The UN has condemned the public flogging of more than 60 people, including more than a dozen women, by the Taliban in northern Sari Pul province[…]
Taliban’s supreme court confirmed the public flogging of 63 people, including 14 women who had been accused of crimes including sodomy, theft and immoral relations. They were flogged at a sports stadium

Here is the basic fact: the Taliban is the basic model for every government on earth

Every government should send delegations to the Emirate of Afghanistan, and learn the ways of the Taliban, and then run their government like this

The Taliban is the only entity on earth that has figured out how to effectively run a government

John C. Wright #homophobia #forced-birth #kinkshaming #crackpot scifiwright.com

{from 2014}

And you did not retract your statement, where you defined masturbation, which is the act of discharging semen not in the act of sexual reproduction to include discharging semen in the act of sexual reproduction. This is like saying black is white or night is day. It is inexcusable. Before leaping up to make additional false accusations and saying additional arrant logical fallacies, please acknowledge your defeat on this point before moving on to the next.

The next point will be just as disappointing to you, however: the act of sexual reproduction is the act of sexual reproduction, otherwise known as coitus, whether or not the act culminates in reproducing the young. So, after saying black is white, you say white is not white.

The reason why sex should and must be defined as the reproductive act is that anything else is illogical, insane, and, frankly, unhealthy. Humans have allowed new venereal diseases to spread in the modern generation which were unknown in the ancient world, since the pursuit of perverse sexual pleasure, involving the abuse of sexual organs by thrusting them into orifices where nature never intended them to do, is unhealthy, and spreads disease.

To me, sex is sex and perversion is perversion. That is because a thing is what it is. I am not ignoring what you call other applications: to the contrary what I am doing is correctly identifying them as sexual perversions, that is, namely, an unnatural abuse or misuse of the sexual organs by those to whom the natural pleasures of the natural uses thereof are insufficiently stimulating.

To me, the sex act is the sexual reproductive act. Masturbation is not the sex act, it is self gratification by an abuse of those organs.

You see the problem you are having is that facts and logic are on my side. All you have is a dark, turgid, hysterical emotion based on a frantic denial of reality and a love of wrongdoing. I am not from the generation where everyone is given a participation trophy. You speak in ignorance. Your thoughts are not in order. You misuse common philosophical terms. Your behavior is a simple and neurotic trick of merely accusing me of your own shortcomings, and when that accusation is proved false, merely making the next, and the next, without once actually thinking about what you are saying.

Conservapedia #dunning-kruger conservapedia.com

(Conservapedia is cherry picking)
Science journal and science magazine quotes about atheism and mental processes

“A slew of cognitive traits predisposes us to faith.” - Pascal Boyer, in the British science journal Nature[81]

“Atheism is psychologically impossible because of the way humans think... They point to studies showing, for example, that even people who claim to be committed atheists tacitly hold religious beliefs, such as the existence of an immortal soul.” - Graham Lawton in the New Scientist science magazine [81]

(From the later source: https://web.archive.org/web/20160413003609/https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg22229670-600-losing-our-religion-your-guide-to-a-godless-future/ It doesn't say what Conservapedia claims it says)

Joel Davis and Elijah Schaffer #racist #conspiracy #wingnut #psycho angrywhitemen.org

Elijah Schaffer once again spoke with Australian Neo-Nazi Joel Davis[…]
Davis told Schaffer that he looked forward to visiting America so he can perform a Nazi salute[…]and purchase a gun. He also said that Americans need to own firearms[…]
“My girlfriend is an American,” he said. “And I say, when she’s in America, I’m like ‘Take your gun, like, in the car,’ you know? Because what if you pull up at a gas station and like some nigger walks over and tries — you know, like…”

Schaffer revealed that he owns guns for that same reason, saying, “I bought my guns to protect myself from Black people. And that’s not a hateful thing to say. It’s like my — well experience is I’ve been a victim of many crimes, okay, like in L.A., and they were all at the hands of Black people and one was Hispanic”

He also claimed to have advised his wife to “stay out of Black neighborhoods” and “avoid groups of Black people,” because “your chances of being involved in a serious violent crime … probably goes down near 100%”

Davis[…]said that “Americans need to be aware of” the “Indian problem, the pajeet question”[…]“the largest non-white ethnic group in Australia are Indians”

“And they’re able to, they’re not [gonna be] 2% of the population, they’re gonna keep growing and growing and growing like a virus, consuming all these tech companies”[…]
Schaffer asked Davis whether he is for or against Adolf Hitler[…]
Davis called himself “pro-Hitler,” and said that our current society, which opposes Nazism, “produces trannies, and infinity brown people, and women police officers that can’t do their job, and, like, a divorce rate over 50%, and the economy going to shit, and so on”

Davis openly longed for the years prior to World War II, when “every white country was racist,” and said what the Allied Forces “stood for was wrong”[…]
He also told Schaffer that Hitler “saw liberal democracy as weak and incapable of defending Western civilization against communism and against degeneracy”

Vox Day and Karl Denninger #racist #dunning-kruger #pratt voxday.net

[From “The Lethality of Low-IQ Demographics”]

Karl Denninger is not at all sanguine about the future of a United States that has lost an average 10 IQ points or more since 1965:

You need about a 115 IQ to build and maintain modern civilization

Examples? Too many to count. How about Flint’s water system?[…]
Why didn’t it poison kids for the previous 80 years?[…]
Is lead a great material for water feed pipes? Depends on when. Today, no. HDPE is better in all respects[…]
But 80 years ago it didn’t exist

Lead did. And it too can tolerate a modest amount of movement[…]It self-protects almost-immediately[…]
Now put an acidic water supply down it and that layer is destroyed with the lead leaching into the water

The 115+ IQ people who built and ran the water plant at Flint all those years knew this, and knew how to keep it safe[…]
Then Shaqueena, or her analog with a <115 IQ took over. And changed the water source. And, at the same time, didn’t check and make sure the chemical and pH balance remained correct because the intellectual firepower to do so was simply no longer there[…]
Would you use a lead service line today[…]? Of course not. But is it unsafe? Not as long as the people running the plant are of sufficient intelligence[…]

The same problem that is presently afflicting the USA is about to hit the UK and Europe as well. It’s not noticeable at first, because it doesn’t matter if your kebab sellers, taxi drivers, and other common immigrant occupations are filled by newcomers with lower IQs than the natives

But once the second and third generations start competing with the natives, and outcompeting them thanks to DEI initiatives and shameless ethnic nepotism, the lower-IQ effect hits with a vengeance[…]
Translation: US infrastructure is going to rapidly decline to the Mexican level. Northern European infrastructure is going to rapidly decline to the US level

Persimmon64 , Uber & RighteousIndignation #transphobia ovarit.com

( Persimmon64 )
New Year's Resolution
I'm done using their language. I'm done playing their games.

My New Year's resolution for 2024 is to stop it all and take my language back.

I'm not calling it "transition" "medical transition" or "social transition" ever again. It's pretending to be the opposite sex. It's cosmetic surgeries, synthetic hormones, and genital mutilation for the purpose of deceiving others into believing one is the opposite sex.

I'm never calling another person "trans." They're men who pretend to be women and women who pretend to be men. The only concession I can make is calling them "trans-identified" as that's what they are, people who call themselves "trans." Otherwise, "trans" is a nonexistent concept that I won't play lip service to any longer.

No more "gender dysphoria." I'm calling it how I see it in different individuals: abusive parents, sexual fetish, low self-esteem, self-consciousness, body dysmorphia, autism, internalized homophobia, internalized misogyny, and plain old sexual perversion and misogyny.

No more "gender." These are sexist stereotypes and expectations we're talking about here.

I would encourage everyone here to stop using their terms as well. The language we use shapes our perceptions of the world around us. I know it will be difficult, as I've become so used to seeing, hearing, and using these terms myself, but I've found the more I do it, the easier it gets.

Any other words or phrases I should eliminate from my vocabulary?

( Uber )
Inclusive. I don't use it but I fucking HATE it, like nails on a chalkboard.

It's not really about different races, religions, nationalities, and sexual orientations (unless they're homosexual males) coming together so much as made up identities, victim mentalities, and people who are severely mentally ill and refuse to take the logical steps towards getting well.

( RighteousIndignation )
inclusive to me is just 1984 doublespeak it means exclusionary, it means threatening and excluding those who do not hold the fascist line.

I wave two fingers at everyone who uses the term inclusive, these people and organizations are creepy AF, its the soft spoken through gritted teeth I hate it, Jeffery Marsh is a prime example of what I mean, he hisses comply or else through a fake smile and childish tone.

jimmygoddard #fundie web.archive.org

An article referring to how evil my little pony is.
The show is created by a young woman named Lauren Faust – if that names seems familiar to you it should be: According to legend, Faust was the name of the person who sold his soul to the devil in return for great wealth and power. It’s highly probable that Satan has chosen Ms Faust to be his modern-day emissary of evil. The signs are clear.
From what we can tell, the ponies do not seem to have any belief in God. There was not one single reference to Christianity, Jesus or the Holy Bible in any of the episodes we watched. There were countless references to paganism, the occult and black-magic. We are concerned that watching this show might encourage young girls to experiment with the dark arts. We advise any parents who suspect their child has seen this show to consult their pastor.

One of their replies to a user

Christianity is the opposite of paganism. Your favorite TV show is selling paganism to kids. You are preventing them from knowing the true GOD.

Dr. Schavi M. Ali #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack disclosurenews.it

It has been reported by various scientific organizations such as NASA (“National Aeronautics and Space Administration”) that our Sun has developed an enormous number of sunspots, and in just this month of June, 2024, thus far 200 have been registered.
They are attracting the energies of the PHOTON BELT which is an intense band or vortex of radiation that our galaxy is moving through and does so every 24,000 to 26,000 years.

There are twelve bands to the PHOTON BELT, and it requires about 2,000 years to journey through just one of them. It was in the year 2000 that scientists around the world noticed that our planet Earth was receiving increasing surges of LIGHT, and it is believed that this is when our galaxy began its most recent trek through the PHOTON BELT, thus beginning to traverse the first of its twelve individual vortices. Earth is attracting the electrified energy of this belt, and thus, it is magnifying the belt’s energetics.
It was in the year 2000 that astounding feats in technology began to increase, that “Planet X” (anciently known as “Nibiru”) came into Earth’s atmosphere, that the “Schumann Resonance” began to profoundly have upward spikes, that human DNA began to be carefully studied as certain changes in it were noted, that strange symptoms in the physical system began to be noticed (strange immune system changes, for example), that people began to report more vivid dreams that seemed to have direct messages, that young children were reporting psychic information, that natural healing practices began to be more accepted, and that the many arenas which constitute civilization: governmental, sociological, educational, religious, etc. began to be questioned more avidly as to their focus and concepts.

The PHOTON BELT, in terms of Spiritual Science, carries LIGHT CODES, and one of its major messages is that both planetary and galactic change is happening as it did many eons ago when our galaxy traversed through it.

Nick Huntley #crackpot #wingnut #magick #conspiracy amazon.com

Could CERN, the creator and birthplace of the World Wide Web, be involved and even be behind the most ultimate conspiracy in all of history with their science, symmetry, Satanism, paganism, and rituals? This book is designed as a brief introduction into how CERN is deeply and darkly connected to many world leaders, the Vatican, the Hollywood elites, the deep state, the Illuminati, and the New World Order. My book takes the reader on a journey through what is easily one of the most secretive organizations in all of times and is an accessible and very carefully structured introduction into how it all started, how everything was created with the big bang, almost fourteen billion years ago, and CERN's burning desire to recreate those conditions through physics and by colliding particles together at almost the speed of light and attempting to be like God almighty.

They have created the largest machine in the world and even discovered the god particle, the glue that holds the entire universe together. Why would they build their nuclear research facility upon the burial grounds of Apollyon the Destroyer? Could CERN be responsible for releasing the devil from the bottomless pit, from his prison, hell, as written in the Bible in Revelation 9?

Behind the scenes, CERN's insidious plans are to open up wormholes, Stargates, and portals to other dimensions, not to enter through, but more so to let something evil into our world. What or who they intend to welcome is known to have many names, such as the horned god, Abaddon, Apollyon, the Beast, Lucifer, Satan, or as many of us would know to be, the devil.

Will CERN share its dangerous dark matter with a government or military that is dead set on war, world domination, and destruction? Will CERN create a black hole that swallows the world, or will they release Satan and his legion of demons, locusts, and armies upon the world as the last days predict and approach?

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