Lila Rose #forced-birth #wingnut

Not people" in 1800 - African slaves

Deaths: 1.8M

"Not people" in 1915 - Armenians

Deaths: 1.5M

"Not people" in 1943 - Jews

Deaths: 6M

"Not people" in 1994- Tutsis

Deaths: 657K

"Not people" in 2025 - Preborn babies

Deaths: 63M in America alone

We must stop the dehumanization and genocide
6:01 AM · Dec 28, 2024 · 52.8K Views

Bulldozerivan #dunning-kruger #homophobia

If you follow the "logic" of the pro-LGBT mayor of East Lansing to its logical conclusion regarding his out-of-jurisdiction dictating to Country Mills Orchard, then a woman who says no to a man's sexual advance is guilty of "discrimination" for not giving consent. Not only is he off the hook for rape, but she should face financial penalties for the "trauma" inflicted on him by her saying no! PURE EVIL!

YesYourNigel, CupOfAbominations & Committing_Tervery #transphobia

( YesYourNigel )
Misogyny biting TIPs in the ass
I'm wondering what are some of the nice karma-rific instances of trans folks trying to gender-validate themselves with misogyny, and then get bit in the ass when it turns out that said misogyny can be used against them. Bonus points if they try to cover their ass from the unfortunate implications or accusations of bigotry by excusing it with dysphoria/transphobia (aka it's not actually misogynistic because I have more oppression points than you, there!).

Example: The archaic af idea of blue and pink brains being turned against trans people with the suggestion that their brains should then get scanned to check if they're trans. Cue trans people having an identity crisis.

Second example was seeing a TIF claim that she liked to quote misogynistic BS against women until she heard "penis envy" being used against women, because that meant that it was normal for women to want a penis, and that just makes her feel sooo dysphoric and invalidated as a not-like-other-girls. Who'd've thought that men having their heads up their asses and pushing their dick-worshipping everywhere might not give you a free pass just because you have he/him pronouns?

( CupOfAbominations )
Oooh, I love when they realize that their "transwomen are women therefore lesbians need to suck my girldick! Your genital preference is transphobic!" logic can be turned around and pushed onto them, too, so they'll twist themselves into a pretzel trying to justify their own ""genital preference"" with "ermmm ermmmm but I'M only attracted to cis girls because being with other trans women makes me dysphoric!!!" and it's very obvious they don't actually see other TIMs as women

( Committing_Tervery )
Well, one example I can think of is that TIPs’ misogyny (especially TIMs) peaks people daily. I peaked from seeing the lesbophobia on actuallesbians and haven’t looked back since! So they’re definitely hurting their own cause in that way. They peak more people than we ever could on our own.

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia #fundie

Of course, the cult masters swarm around their internet spaces and hail Trans-giving and Trans Santa as days of “love” and “empowerment” while they reinforce the irrational fears and artificial identities of these poor, oppressed souls. They sponsor dinners for deeply delusional human beings and urge them to “keep up the fight,” get tested for STDs, donate to LGBTQA++ charities and be vigilant while outdoors because everyone hates them and wants to kill them. They print and distribute sample letters to Trans Santa where boys ask for frilly dresses and girls ask for toy jackhammers that their transphobe parents will not gift them. They blasphemed Easter with that insane Day of Visibility (The fact checkers say, “oh but it does not always FALL on Easter.”). They have taken the Thanks out of Thanksgiving, the Christ out of Christmas and the trust and warm-heartedness out of family traditions. Holidays are all about their live human trans lab experimental subjects. They boast about their “cultural achievements.” The raw materials of outrage.

I am an absolute wreck inside. I will never get over that my son went from being a straight teenage heartthrob to full opposite sex pretender at age 30. After 13 years of self-imposed online hazing and activism, he finally undertook the full three-stage mutilation process, told us to bugger off, then pledged his full membership in the worst fraternity in hell.

lyamc #transphobia

All online social media will have exploitation, because anyplace that has the potential of exploitation will have exploitation because predators will seek out any opportunities they can get.

When there was MSN Messenger, IRC, and Forums, there was exploitation. Now, it’s on Reddit, on Instagram, on Facebook, and everywhere else. Doesn’t mean that there shouldn’t be a effort on preventing it.

However, what is different now is the politicization of child abuse so that when it’s a predator who claims they’re a woman, it’s considered fine. When it’s the trans-genital mutilation, it’s considered fine.

You and duby229 need to get your heads checked. If you’re on meds, maybe stop taking them because something has shut down your rational faculties.

Red Pill Poet #wingnut #conspiracy

atop the list of reasons for refusing the red
pill sits the following cluster of fears:
the fear of losing
our soothing carefully cultured worldview
our cherished illusions our treasured myths
should our sanctified paradigms
suffer the catastrophic shocks
of seismic psychic shifts

the fear of losing faith in our beliefs
belief in authority trust in our chiefs;
of losing the approval pride and prestige
we derive from our tribe;

of losing the luxury of blindly relying
on the autopilot of our hive-mind bias
and the facile validation it implicitly provides;

of losing the ability to guiltlessly choose
authorized lies over unsanctioned truths
and with it the potential to revel
in less-than-ethical careers;
of losing the herd-conferred comfort
of groupthink-bolstered safety in numbers
the searing fear of becoming
victims of shunning
cast out for simply succumbing
to the stunning confusion
that sure as the turning of tides would ensue
from learning the disturbing unsavoury truth

a visceral fear of being forced to accept
that in fact we've been thoroughly duped;
of finding ourselves compelled
to somehow muster the gumption
to acknowledge our folly in having embraced
misplaced loyalties and false assumptions

the primal fear of being stripped
of so much we identify with and to which
our senses of self self-worth and purpose
are inextricably linked;
and lastly
the ghastly dread of being swallowed whole
by the excruciating pain of shame
that racks our souls
as our smugly-unexamined self-satisfied lives
implode on inspection
their deceptions exposed
now naked as babes to our unshuttered eyes.

NastasyaFillipovna, TheKnitta & pennygadget #transphobia

“Puberty blockers are basic healthcare therefore GENOCIDEEEEE!”

( NastasyaFillipovna )
My dad ( totally GC btw ) says the Ts can't reproduce, so they have to recruit someone somehow. And they are pedos, because a normal adult wouldn't touch them even with a 10 foot pole.

They have to induct little children into their cult because once they are of age, nobody would buy into their ideology, unless they are AGP or fetishists

( TheKnitta )
Oh for the love of god, stfu about your pretend genocide, you victim tourist assholes. You’re grown adults whining that you can’t pressure kids into fucking their bodies up to prove you should be allowed to wank off in the women’s changing rooms. Take a good look at yourselves and find some shame.

Fucking ‘genocide’, when entire governments and media empires support these tossers. The gall of these pricks.

( pennygadget )
This language is deliberate. They cry "TRANS PEOPLE ARE BEING DENIED HEALTH CARE!!!" because they want people to think that TIPs are being prevented from getting vaccines and antibiotics in addition to not getting their blockers & hormones

Also, if not having easy access to medication is "genocide", than pretty much everyone who requires medication for a chronic condition is being genocided right now. I was genocided when my endocrinologist required a blood test before refilling my thyroid medication last week. My father is genocided every time he needs to pay for insulin. People who go bankrupt paying for cancer treatment are being genocided (honestly, i wouldn't blame those people for accusing the medical system of violence against them because medical debt is crushing)

The Old #crackpot #conspiracy

To produce energy to feed the entire world, our Previous Civilization would use the most economical, abundant and clean element in the world.

The water.

The steam of water.

We were the Cyber Steam Civilization.

Our Ancestors would use steam from water as fuel to power all cities, industries, turbines, machines, engines and means of transportation.

For this, they would build canals surrounding all cities and Star Fortresses with water.

For the same reason, they built cities with underground cisterns, floating palaces and water towers in railway stations.

To transport water, they would build aqueducts that False History would call “Roman”.

Today, the false science call the steam from water hydrogen and helium.

This highly advanced civilization was annihilated in the 20th century through biological-chemical warfare, plasma weapons, floods, and scheduled mass exterminations.

Suddenly the Earth was deserted by billions of people.

In order to hide the fact that cities were deserted – since all the inhabitants had been killed, – Parasites would create false images by adding cars on horseback, cheap actors and false electricity wires.

All the architecture and technology would then be stolen and Parasites would settle in the castles of our ancestors.

They would later falsify our past and create the current ignorant civilization.

After conquering the Earth, Parasites would fill some places with a layer of clay and sand to hide our state-of-the-art underground structures, now claiming it was a “mudflood”.
Parasites would also carpet bomb our Earth, creating 800,000 lakes in Siberia, 30,000 islands in Canada, annihilating African cities and covering them with mining waste to turn them into deserts.

You can see African artificial deserts with blackened rock remnants, or gnarled trees. Some craters would turn into lakes, such as lake Victoria.

There are fragments of huge explosions all over the world.

In these lands, nothing else can be born.

Medeea Greere #crackpot #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

In a post-truth world, where facts are stranger than fiction, the truth often discredits itself, becoming a “conspiracy theory”—and the mysterious disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 is a prime example. The official narrative just doesn’t add up. Why? Because the REAL TRUTH about MH370 is so explosive that it shakes the very foundations of global power.
Let’s get this straight—MH370 wasn’t just carrying passengers on a routine flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. On board that plane were 20 elite semiconductor scientists and engineers, transporting superconductivity microchips worth an estimated $800 billion each. Technology that could revolutionize antigravity propulsion systems, advanced military weapons, super AI, and even cloaking technology that could hide entire planets from detection.
The Deep State, led by figures like the Rothschilds, along with CIA, Mossad, and their globalist allies, wanted to move advanced superconductivity microchips to China. These weren’t your run-of-the-mill tech components; they were 1000x more advanced than RFID chips.
When Flight MH370 departed from Kuala Lumpur, most people thought it was just another commercial flight. But behind the scenes, U.S. Special Forces, disguised as civilians, were on board, ready to take action. These operatives were Iranian special ops soldiers working for U.S. white hat forces. Who would suspect them?
But the white hats had other plans. They knew that capturing these microchips would not only cripple the Deep State’s global operations but also expose their underground networks, and more importantly, it would lay the groundwork for a new military branch that would forever alter the battlefield—the United States Space Force.
Everything you’ve been told about MH370 by the mainstream media is a fabrication. The debris, the engine parts, the wild theories—it’s all designed to hide the truth. MH370 wasn’t just a military operation; it was the Hand of God in action.

Elena Danaan #ufo #magick #conspiracy

Please find below a list of the psychological operations engineered by the enemies of Mankind, meant to create division, confusion, distract you and hijack the activation of your own power.
GALACTIC FEDERATION OF LIGHT: Many of the New Age movement's infiltration organizations display the word "Light" as a bait. The word "Light" is the best bait to attract people in search of positive spiritual guidance. The "Galactic Federation of Light" is a Psy-Op that was created by the Orion Grays to infiltrate the Great Awakening of Humanity, with the purpose of hijacking the focus of people, distracting them from what is really going on and discrediting real existing extraterrestrial organizations such as the "Galactic Federation of Worlds."
ENKI= Benevolent Anunnaki geneticist who tried to prevent humanity from slavery. Enki is back, accompanying the Seeder Races, bringing hope and help to humanity.
ENLIL= Anunnaki military commander who worked at dark agendas with nefarious forces, in order to keep humans on Earth enslaved in ignorance, submission, fear and division.
THE ANCIENT EGYPTIAN GODS ARE THE ANUNNAKI PANTHEON. I am a field archeologist who worked 9 years in Egypt, with a degree in Ancient Egyptian religion, mythology and ritualistic magic. I am also an Extraterrestrial Contactee who has access to physical meetings and exchanges with key characters of the ancient Anunnaki pantheon.
GALACTIC ANTHROPOLOGY: Name of a website and of a Telegram group utilizing my personal name "Elena Danaan", and my intel, without my consent, in a cleverly weaved operation aimed at discrediting my work. Created by counterintelligence agent Joost Van Der Heuvel, also known as Wolken Zwemmer, professionally involved with the World Economic Forum, this website utilizes chosen sections of my publications and videos remixed, that it misleads the public into believing that my information lacks of consistency, and that I contradict myself

Emil Kirkegaard #crackpot #racist #elitist #pratt #conspiracy

[From “A hereditarian revolution, maybe”]

Back in February, Nathan Cofnas wrote an influential piece A Guide for the Hereditarian Revolution[…]
The Republicans have taken control of the presidency, senate, very probably the house, and they already had the supreme court. While Trump does occasionally post about intelligence, genetics, crime etc., he’s not an intellectual. However, the vice president elect[…]Vance reads books and blogs[…]There is a decent chance he knows the central facts of HBD (defined broadly as biological influences on human differences, whether these are sexes, sexual orientations, races, criminals[…]). To this we can add that Elon musk follows and engages with Crémieux, Wilfred Reilly, i/o, datahazard, Colin Wright, Hanania, as well as edge accounts iamyesyouareno and Defiant L’s. Given that Musk grew up in South Africa, he’s almost guaranteed to know about Black-White IQ gaps and crime rates. Given this, some of the Republican elites can probably be assumed to be at least HBD aware

Does this change anything? Hanania thinks most politics is top-down[…]Maybe for the first time in a while, some top US politicians are red pilled. This has happened before. Take this recording of a phone call between US Republican president Richard Nixon and his advisor Daniel Moynihan in 1971[…]

The 25-minute conversation begins with a discussion about an article called “IQ” that Richard Herrnstein had just published in The Atlantic and that Moynihan had sent to Nixon. This was a comprehensive, 18-page explanation of the heritability of intelligence[…]

Their policy of keeping it secret that they knew led to another 50+ years of race conflicts, affirmative action and a climate of lies[…]
•Something must be done about the egalitarian infestation in academia[…]
•Punish publicly funded universities that undermine science by firing or otherwise harassing dissident professors[…]
•Musk must make sure there are non-Woke AIs on the market

Bro. Eric Kalinowski #conspiracy #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #sexist #racist

We are headed into dark times now. We have an incoming demented perverted adulterous president who wants to sell America to the highest bidder, import Muslims and Hindus and Buddhists and other non-Christians to do our jobs, and send Christian Americans to the poor house to make a quick buck. Removing Christ from our country, our government, our schools, and replacing Him with Allah or Buddha or Vishnu or any other false gods that will result in the further decay of our society. This is all part of the Zionist plan to destroy America from within and to make a quick profit as evil men like Benjamin “evangelicals are useful idiots” Netanyahu and their puppets like Wicked Donny destroy our country with this globalist Zionist agenda.
Pastor Steven has been thoroughly exposing the brainwashing that’s been happening to our young people. These foreign shows from East Asia that have been turning our kids into brain dead God hating tools since the original “Pokemon” came onto our shores over twenty years ago. Many parents, even in IFB churches, are ignorant of the dangers that lie in these programs and Pastor Steven has been making sure we don’t let our kids be set up for failure before they turn eighteen! We thank the Lord every day for Pastor Steven’s thoughtful analysis on how entertainment is one of the biggest weapons of this globalist Zionist elite!
We need to pray to Christ our Lord to excise these Zionist demons of sodomy, transsexualism, feminism, anti-Americanism, cultural and moral relativism, and the root of all this evil, Zionism. Let’s not confuse this with racism, because the issue is not that people of different races are entering America but that they are introducing false gods and repugnant worldviews. We should welcome people of all races that accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and have an American worldview. The problem lies when we have public schools leading students in Islamic prayers or learning about Buddha instead of reading the Bible and praying to God who will actually hear your prayers. We need to have faith in Christ and pray that He purge us of all of this sick wickedness that’s become in this country and that He will tell the Zionists who killed Him where to stick it!

Donald Trump #wingnut #conspiracy #psycho #pratt #dunning-kruger

Merry Christmas to all, including to the wonderful soldiers of China, who are lovingly, but illegally, operating the Panama Canal (where we lost 38,000 people in its building 110 years ago), always making certain that the United States puts in Billions of Dollars in “repair” money, but will have absolutely nothing to say about “anything.” Also, to Governor Justin Trudeau of Canada, whose Citizens’ Taxes are far too high, but if Canada was to become our 51st State, their Taxes would be cut by more than 60%, their businesses would immediately double in size, and they would be militarily protected like no other Country anywhere in the World. Likewise, to the people of Greenland, which is needed by the United States for National Security purposes and, who want the U.S. to be there, and we will!… …Page 2: Merry Christmas to the Radical Left Lunatics, who are constantly trying to obstruct our Court System and our Elections, and are always going after the Great Citizens and Patriots of the United States but, in particular, their Political Opponent, ME. They know that their only chance of survival is getting pardons from a man who has absolutely no idea what he is doing. Also, to the 37 most violent criminals, who killed, raped, and plundered like virtually no one before them, but were just given, incredibly, a pardon by Sleepy Joe Biden. I refuse to wish a Merry Christmas to those lucky “souls” but, instead, will say, GO TO HELL! We had the Greatest Election in the History of our Country, a bright light is now shining over the U.S.A. and, in 26 days, we will, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Léon #wingnut #racist #psycho

[Translated from “Let the 95% of assholes die, but enjoy yourself!”] (July 8)

My friend Condor on Réseau-Libre described the situation perfectly in an article yesterday, but I think we need to be a little clearer. As I have been saying for years, the French have become a people of larvae and there are therefore 2 options: Either we take note and we decide to let it happen by simply protecting ourselves with our own, or we decide to put in tis place this herd of assholes with the only remaining methods that I'll let you imagine

The second method requires general, non-targeted attacks, based on the principle that 95% of victims are assholes and that it is therefore acceptable. Some have proposed this to me very concretely, I oppose it, not being a terrorist. Which does not prevent me from seeing with great pleasure the next “Bataclan” committed by those to whom the French give blowjobs :)

The first method is attractive, but I choose a variation: protect yourself and protect your loved ones BUT while regularly attacking not random targets among the 95% of assholes, but targets who assume their status as enemies. Condor talks about lawyers, journalists, community leaders and second-rate politicians, I agree without hesitation

We protect ourselves as a family, we have a seemingly orderly little life, we change sidewalks when faced with a herd of ragheads, and regularly we catch an enemy and neutralize him once and for all. With all the hatred he inspires in us. We slaughter him and leave him in plain sight so that he can serve as an example. A vengeance and an enormous pleasure

No need for firearms, although they are very easy to get in France. But a good kitchen knife, or even a crossbow, or even a pickaxe handle will do the job very well

Let the 95% of assholes die, but enjoy yourself! Happy hunting!

James Delingpole #crackpot #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy

My podcast guest I’m characteristically excited about this week is Nathan Reynolds. He is a scion of one of the dark, bloodline families that rule the world, his personality was fractured MK-Ultra-style by years of sexual abuse from early childhood, and he subsequently trained as one of the Cabal’s assassins. Or so he claims in our two-hour chat.
Now, Reynolds could have read this stuff in a book, I suppose. But to me, he sounded genuine. You’re welcome to disagree with my analysis but the onus is on you to give reasons. It’s not enough, as someone tried the other day – before deleting their comment – to suggest that there’s something prurient and clickbaity about talking to such characters, or James Delingpole used to be a discerning journalist but has lost the plot.

No, I talk to people like Nathan Reynolds because I’m on a mission to understand the true nature of our world. Most of those who set out to do this seriously and unflinchingly come to realise that this world, by God’s permission, according to the Scriptures, is the realm of satan. Once you understand this, the revelations of Cabal insiders like Reynolds become easier to comprehend.
You could accuse Reynolds of being a fantasist. But if you did, you’d have to explain away the dozens of other insider whistle-blowers all saying the same thing. Some are former Illuminati bagmen, some are ex-child-traffickers, some are Satanic Ritual Abuse survivors, some are satanic high priestesses. They can’t all be lying, can they?
“Ah, but they would have been killed by now. Such people would never be allowed to cross the Illuminati and live!” Yes, I encounter variations on this theme quite a bit. But is it actually true, any more?
That’s how the game works. It’s not that the information isn’t out there. Rather it’s that the people giving out this information have been so discredited, so marginalised that they will never reach an audience sizeable enough for them to make the slightest difference.

Richard Truesdell and Keith Lehmann #wingnut #racist #homophobia #enbyphobia #transphobia #conspiracy

Listen to any speech given by Democrats in 2024, and you’ll be bombarded by buzzwords, sloganeering, euphemisms, and phrases that provide a constant diversion from answering truthfully. During this election cycle, the language is changing so fast that we need this updated glossary of terms to understand exactly what they’re talking about.

Affordable Housing: Housing that is government subsidized to below-market value, ruining the value of compatible unsubsidized housing in the nearby area. So what? Ownership is oppressive and harmful to those who don’t have it. From each according to his abilities to each according to his needs. Marxism is so cool!
“Common Sense” Gun Control: Gun confiscation. There is nothing “sensible” about violating a citizen’s Second Amendment rights. It is like confiscating a person’s car because someone else used their car in the commission of a crime. This is a ploy by the government to disarm citizens as a way to exert maximum control over their lives. Don’t think it can’t happen here.
Diversity: Dividing people by their immutable qualities, such as race and gender, to create conflict within a society or system for the benefit of those in power. You see, “diversity” is our strength. Just ask those who are in charge.

Equity: Equal outcome of life’s experiences, no matter how much effort or ambition is applied. A chain is as strong as its weakest link; thus a society is as strong as the most incompetent, lazy, psychopathic weirdo among us.
Hate Speech: Any speech the left disagrees with.

Inclusion: The exclusion of heterosexual, white males from employment, opportunities for advancement, and participation in American society.

Non-binary: A person who can’t decide if they’re straight or gay. Spoiler: If you’re a guy and you like guys, or if you’re a gal and you like gals, gay it is. You’re welcome.
Path to Citizenship: Blanket amnesty.

Privilege: Something for White people to “check.” We keep “checking,” but we can’t find it.

JeanW #wingnut #fundie #transphobia #ufo #conspiracy

This is something I’ve been thinking about for years, but you rarely hear anyone say it. What you do hear is some gullible and brainwashed people “admitting” that it’s our (the People’s) fault… I call BS! Are we so brainwashed that we just automatically accept the blame for something we had nothing to do with and knew nothing about? Well YES, we apparently are that gullible!

Let me just blow that incredibly st*pid idea away… Stop for a moment and think about it…

When’s the last time you or anyone you know:

Cut down a rainforest or burned down millions of acres of land
Erected hundreds or thousands of windmills that are k*****g off flocks of migrating birds
Created a bioweapon to k**l millions of people
Ran a human t*********g operation for the pleasure of perverts and p********s
Stole elections from the rightfully chosen representatives
Poisoned the air with toxic chemicals and metals, worldwide, to k**l
Poisoned the water coming out of our tap, and our food crops
Carried off false flag events to cause mayhem using agent provocateurs
Added s*x, p**n and transgenderism to our public school system
Distorted, changed and lied about our real history
Distorted and lied about the truth of earth, humans and ETs
Distorted and lied about religion and who/what God is
Need I go on? I could do this for days! So, according to “TPTB” (The Powers That Be), I’m guilty, you’re guilty, we’re all guilty… everyone except THEM! … NO! I’m going to take a wild guess that you never did any of these things. I’m going to further guess you didn’t even understand how or why those things were happening.

So what exactly is it that We, the People, are actually guilty of? We are absolutely guilty of being gullible, trusting, and forgiving of individuals and corporations that don’t deserve forgiveness! Why is that? It’s because we’re good, caring, loving HUMAN beings. This is the simple truth… and deep down YOU KNOW IT!!!

MarthaMMC, Wsbfom01 & Lipsy #transphobia

Florida settles 'Don't Say Gay' bill lawsuit in deal Gov. Ron DeSantis claims is a 'major win' for his conservative agenda - as teachers are given new guidelines for discussing sexual orientation and gender ID in classrooms | Daily Mail Online

( MarthaMMC )
The reason this was even made a law was because schools & teachers were indoctrinating kids into an unproven, inaccurate, reality denying cult belief.

( Wsbfom01 )
This is the LGB suffering from the actions of the TQ+

( Lipsy )
Gotta love that forced teaming, huh. These ghouls know exactly what they're doing.
They're well aware that TQ+ initiatives have alws been unpopular (and are only becoming more so as pieces of damning information actually start to break through), so... absolutely every single time the lobby plays the oh-poor-me victim card, they mention ONLY the LGB part—i.e., the cause whose campaigners actually managed to eke out decades of successive teeny tiny victories in securing public goodwill and acceptance.
Of course they NEVER ever ever play that card for the TQ+ side, especially not when any legislation is passed to protect kids from harm. Why's that? They know all too well that the public will breathe a collective sigh of relief and say, "Good."

These complicit MSM headlines are doing the same thing, and it's really getting fucking old.
"Don't Say Gay"
...uhhuh. But you're not going to mention that the law is also—in fact, it's primarily—"Don't Say Trans", for DAMN good and damn urgent safeguarding reasons. It's not the LGB whose wraithlike skeleton hands are reaching out to grab younger and younger and younger kids.

(All of these various ways to lie and mislead have been carefully planned out right from the start, btw. See, for instance, points 6-7 on pages 19-20 of the infamous Dentons/Reuters project doc for TRAs, where the forced teaming technique is just put right out there almost like a formula.

"Trans rights" has alws been such an above-board, not at all sinister, totally genuine civil rights cause, hasn't it. 🤮 I hate these people so much.

John C. Wright #sexist

Well, I have had enough. In the last few years, Thor is a girl, Wolverine is a girl, Hawkeye is a girl, Vision is a girl, Hulk is a girl, Iron Man is a girl, The Question is a girl, M from James Bond is a girl and the Ancient One from Dr Strange is a girl.

These are not merely female sidekicks or variations, as when Batgirl or Supergirl dons a costume to help out an established male character. These are replacements for the male meant to erase the masculinity from the name brand. These are heroines meant to erase the hero, and shove him down the memory hole. They are to literature what politically correct Newspeak is to vocabulary: a false-to-facts symbol or emblem.

The replacement of male with female is meant to erase femininity. In point of fact, and no matter what anyone thinks or wishes, readers and viewers have a different emotional relationship to female characters as male. This does not mean, obviously, that females cannot be protagonists or cannot be leaders. It means mothers cannot be fathers and queens cannot be kings.

It means if you want a female Norse warrior goddess, go get Lady Sif or Valkyrie, and leave Thor alone. It means if you want female Time Lady from Gallifrey, go make a spin off show starring Romana or Susan or The Rani, and leave The Doctor alone.

Scorezeny #racist #homophobia

Part 1. Acute education. Not so many years ago, the immediate vicinity was devoid of vibrant undesirables. There may have been a smattering of creepy queers and generic weirdos but by and large, it was mostly cholo gangbangers and “hopefuls”- transplants mostly from the midwest, trying to break into “the industry”. Vivid Entertainment was Plan B for actresses with minimal talent. It came to a screeching halt with the writers’ strike. The rest of the nation called it a recession, or a bubble. The stage had been set, decline was in full swing following that slowdown. Quality of life laws began to be sloughed off, illegals were hired for more chores, the Prop 8 assault on morality began. A slope slippery with diarrhea and K-Y Jelly led to the election of obaphomet. When the bus is going over a cliff, you may as well get a chimp to drive it. An illegal foreigner to boot, married to a hesheboon.

Matt Margolis #transphobia

In a stunning victory for sanity and women’s sports, the Biden administration has officially withdrawn a controversial proposed rule that would have barred schools from prohibiting male athletes from competing on girls’ teams.

Despite this victory, now is not the time for complacency. We must stay vigilant against the transgender movement, which seeks to upend common sense and decency in its quest to redefine sex and gender according to a radical left-wing ideology that defies logic and reality.

George Lujack/Scripture Truth Ministries #fundie #racist #conspiracy

Is the Antimessiah (Antichrist) alive today in the year 2024? Scripture Truth Ministries believes that he is. Is the Antimessiah (Antichrist) Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Benjamin Netanyahu, Emmanuel Macron, or King Charles III of England, as some speculate? No.

Scripture Truth Ministries believes that the Antimessiah (Antichrist) was recently born, is a European Jew, and will reign for 7 years from 2055-2062.

This ministry believes that Satan has signaled the birth of the Antimessiah (Antichrist), just as God announced the birth of the Messiah (Christ) (Isaiah 9:6-7, Matthew 1:18-25). Satan is not God, but as the god of this world – a counterfeit god, he imitates some of God’s practices.
Scripture Truth Ministries believes that the Antimessiah (Antichrist) is probably the Rothschild baby boy born to Nicky Hilton Rothschild and James Rothschild in June of 2022, whose unique first name ‘Chasen’ had been withheld from the public for 22 months.

Chasen is a name meaning huntsman. Chasen sounds and spells similar to Chosen, and this baby may indeed be the chosen one.

Scripture Truth Ministries believes that the Rothschild baby boy is probably the Antimessiah (Antichrist), but not 100% sure. Israel owes its existence to the Rothschild family, and it’s very conceivable that Israel will accept a Rothschild as their Messiah. The Antimessiah (Antichrist) will be positively identified when he sits in the rebuilt temple of Israel and declares himself to be God.
Some may be disturbed that someone would speculate and post “innocent” baby pictures of who the Antimessiah (Antichrist) may be. After all, it can be emotionally reasoned that all babies are innocent. Yet we are called to watch for the signs, and this child may very well one day assume the role of the Antimessiah (Antichrist). Adolph Hitler, likewise, began his life as an innocent baby boy and afterward became the monster responsible for millions of deaths through the Holocaust and World War II.

Kabamur Taygeta #ufo #magick #conspiracy

It’s my feeling that the more spiritually awake you become, the less significance you put on ritualized holidays.
Intent always matters most. There’s nothing wrong with Christmas. For those who are seeking deeper truths, keep reading.

Many Christians are still unaware that the first “Christian” Emperor, Constantine, had more influence on Christian doctrine than Jesus.

Constatine decided which scriptures to keep and omit and decided which day to celebrate Jesus’s birth. The idea that blood rituals cleanse sins were his beliefs, not Jesus’s.

In 274 AD, the Roman Empire declared December 25 a holiday to celebrate the birth of the sun god, Sol Invictus.

Constantine worshiped Sol Invictus and used Jesus’s growing popularity to hide his own beliefs and push a pagan blood ritual to the masses.

The ‘sun god’ represents “Lucifer”, and the ‘storm god’ represents his father, “S***n”. These are 2 entities who pretended to be on opposite sides to trick humans, Oppisheklio and Pidkozox.

Worship of these gods was done with animal and human s********s. The act of ritualistic blood s*******e invites demonic possession. This is the origin of rituals involving the ‘son’ who is sacrificed to the ‘father’.

Constantine created statues in his own likeness because he was possessed by the sun god, Lucifer-Oppisheklio. Pleiadians call him Earth’s greatest deceiver.
According to Pleiadians, Jesus’s soul origin is the Pleiades and his name is SANANDA. He was born naturally as all other human ‘starseeds’.

His mother Mary’s soul origin is the Pleiades and her name is SHEEMOSA. His father Joseph’s soul origin is Arcturus and his soul name is OUPEA.

The actual date of Jesus’s birth is September 8.

When people saw stars moving in the sky (star of Bethlehem) they were seeing Galactic Federation crafts.

Many messengers have come. The more powerful the message the more it’s twisted. On Christmas, remember the teacher who taught that God is only found within us.

Tatsuya Ishida #racist #conspiracy #pratt

[From “December 21, 2024: Mount Olympus 68”]


spoilerPanel 1: a Jewish man wearing a yarmulke is sneaking near a well
Panel 2: the man is pouring poison in the well
Panel 3: the man is writing inscriptions on the wall
Panel 4: on the roof is written “For Gentiles Only” while on the lining is written “Not Kosher”

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia

This Christmas Eve your trans-identified child will be visited by the ghost of Jacob Marley, who wanders the Earth burdened with the heavy chains of health problems, childlessness, and missing body parts, all experienced during a lifetime of vulnerability and selfishness.


The third spirit, the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, shows your child a Christmas Day in the future. The silent ghost reveals scenes involving the death of a disliked individual whose funeral is attended by a local trans group only on the condition that lunch is provided. The local trans group steals your child’s possessions to sell them themselves. They show that the group cares nothing for your child and is busy going on to indoctrinate the next victim.

Kami K Kennedy #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia

This is a another D$666 "TRICK" TONIGHT. THIS is my avitar over this person's face, for confidentially issues, AN so KEK CAN SEE 🤑 what a real B???? 🧙‍♀️ she / HE ( The Tran~ man 👨 W#@re of The Great Awakening, truly IS!!) 👍 This is NOT MY KEK, BUT trying to protect thus guy. D$666 is probably f?????g this poor guy, HE begged me NOT TO SHAR HIS PIC, SO I COVERED HIS FACE !!! GITMO has The XMAS ONLY CURE FOR THESE PSYCHO FR33K$. Bye Bye Erica M Bur3$h. (cs) I know .....🎯🎯

Albert Yockey and Harold Connell #wingnut #psycho

(Albert Yockey)

(Harold Connell)

various commenters #transphobia

NY Post: Trump vows to stop 'transgender lunacy,' only recognize two genders

( StrawberryCough )
Just hope this doesn't go the way of his promise to "lock her up" and "drain the swamp". He's exactly the kind of man who broadcasts the fact that he is lying by moving his mouth.

( OwnLyingEyes )
Agreed. Time will tell. The only reason I put a little stock into the possibility he'll actually do something about this is he actually did act on this somewhat during his first term when it was less of a slam dunk in the political landscape at the time, and he knows it's an easy way to score a lot of points at very little personal expense now.

( pennygadget )
We'll see if he keeps this promise after people like the Pritzkers inevitably start kissing his ass and giving the GOP money in exchange for supporting "trans rights"

( movementandarts )
Has anyone seen the speech on this? It is the oddest thing. Trump says things like

"We are going to keep men out of women's sports"
"There are only two genders"
"We will not teach transgenderism in kids schools"

and he gets standing ovation.

Standing ovations and wild applause for stating the most basic of facts that 80% of people already agree with and was normal until around 2015. Strange times. Or maybe I am just old.

( Mizuna )
I'm glad that he correctly called it child sexual mutilation.

( DreamingofAppleTea )
Related question

If his policies do get enacted on day 1, would this prevent people from putting "X" gender markers or whatever other custom thing on their passports? My mother printed out the application forms yesterday and I saw all this stuff on there. Feels rather devious.

various commenters #transphobia

( DonnaMme )
Pink Turns Red
Pink Magazine published a brief article expressing their outrage that JK Rowling would dare to write "seemingly sarcaastically" about the rules of transgender grammar. There is a thread on Ovarit which includes what JK Rowling wrote and it is hilarious. But how dare CIS people crack a joke or smile. There is nothing funny about anything according to the article:

Broadcaster Narinder Kaur, who also appeared on the reality TV show Big Brother, wrote it was “sad” that Rowling “chose to pick on” an “already very demonised group of people”.

( realityismykink )

( crodish )
They are demonized for a reason and they can go fuck themselves.

JKR tweets "Birthing Person" as tongue in cheek and gets death threats to be skinned and flayed alive from a moid with a TRA flag in his handle. But she's the hateful one.

Fucking WAKE UP to the cannibalism within your ranks.

( pennygadget )

They are demonized for a reason and they can go fuck themselves.

THIS! Women have every reason to demonize these men. They have actively stripped away DECADES of women's rights activism and have allowed women to be raped in places like bathrooms and prisons. They have colonized and destroyed legacy women's organizations like Planned Parenthood and NARAL and NOW. They have taken Title IX from us.

And these men and their emotional support handmaidens have the fucking nerve to act as if THEY are the marginalized ones!? They can fuck right off!

( pennygadget )

Broadcaster Narinder Kaur, who also appeared on the reality TV show Big Brother, wrote it was “sad” that Rowling “chose to pick on” an “already very demonised group of people”.

Ah yes. The most oppressed group of people: whiney White men. 🤣

various commenters #transphobia

RE: Harris campaign advisor abandons Democrats: "I want to be a part of the team that says men are men and women are women"

( floral )
They really are chasing so many people away on a fringe issue that is losing popularity by the day. And they’ll cling to it and say things like they’d rather be with the people against Hitler than the majority supporting him like it’s the same thing. It’s not. I can never go right wing but god knows I am politically homeless now because I refuse to engage with that nonsense.

( DurableBook )

I can never go right wing but god knows I am politically homeless now because I refuse to engage with that nonsense.

I reject it because I can never go right wing. Transgenderism is right wing. It is conservative--it completely upholds the status quo and reflects existing sex roles and gender hierarchy--and demands completely free enterprise and a totally private ownership model in regards to anything trans related. FFS they literally refer to humans as "[body part] owners".

TRAs are socially conservative arch capitalists who openly advocate the suppression of free speech and the violent suppression of dissent, they are legit as far to the right as one can get.

( real_feminist )
Good for her for speaking up!

I don't appreciate that she is saying that she's being pushed 'right'. That feeds the false dichotomy. I really, really wish people would start acknowledging that the Democrats have lost their way and no longer represent the 'left'. That's the path that will peak people and make this end.

( pennygadget )
I get where you're coming from. But, for someone who wants to be politically active in American politics, I can understand why they would feel "pushed to the right" when all the mainstream left/democrat groups have told them to fuck off because they expressed a mildly offbeat opinion. Especially for someone like Lindy Li who's entire career is politics (so her only reliable career path is working for either the Democrats or Republicans)

And this is compounded by the fact that, as a general rule, conservative/republican spaces are far more tolerant and welcoming towards people who don't perfectly align with the popular conservative dogma. Whereas leftie spaces will call you a nazi if you put out a press release that says "transwoman" instead of "trans-woman".


John. C Wright #dunning-kruger

Let me emphasize that these are not cases where, for example, Robin grows up into Nightwing and someone else puts on Robin’s outfit to replace him, or where Blue Beetle takes up the costume and legacy of the original Blue Beetle.

Neither is any one of these a case where Superman has a cousin or Commissioner Gordon has a daughter who is a female version of a previously established character. That kind of thing happens in comics all the time, and no one cares or minds. Those things are meant to honor the previous character, or provide an interesting variation on a theme.

This is different.

This is like Muslims dynamiting the giant statues of Buddha in Afghanistan. It is the destruction of the icons and symbols of infidels.

This is blotting out the old character. Anyone who is white, straight, heroic or male is being replaced by someone who is not.

The Fantastic Four is gone. Iceman is now gay, despite sixty years of his previous history. America Chavez is a gay Latino from another dimension, not from Mexico or South America, so she is not actually Latino. She comes from a dimension where the humanoid species has only one sex and reproduces by parthenogenesis, so, technically speaking, she is not gay either.

Ms Marvel turned into female Captain Marvel, who blotted out male Captain Marvel, who was a turncoat Kree. The new Ms Marvel, who has nothing to do with the Kree, is an Inhuman Muslim girl from Jersey whose book contains nothing other than SJW propaganda and pro-Jihad crapola. She also is grotesque, since her superpower allows her to swell up in size, strength, and make her fists larger than balloon.

Oh, and, yes, they did indeed, as predicted, resurrect Captain America back from the dead. And then they made him into a Nazi. Hail, Hydra!

Basically, all the books now draw all their female characters to be flat chested and narrow hipped and square jawed. The menfolk, meanwhile, instead of being muscled like Greek Gods, are portrayed either as nice hence weak, ineffective, and effete, or as masculine, hence barbaric, ignorant, silly and evil.

Plots, writing, drama, and storytelling has been flushed away down the water closet with very few exceptions.

Tatoruzu #transphobia

So Lita's story is supposed to represent that of a trans child who "found a family" of adult strangers who accept and affirm Lita's new identity.

The real-world equivalent would be a transgender orphan child being picked up by a group of adults who affirm the trans child's identity.

But here's the thing. To me, and to a lot of other people, that's called grooming. To "affirm" the "gender identity" of a "trans" child is to sexualize a child.

Christos Avatar #ufo #magick #crackpot #conspiracy #mammon


The Multiverse Time Matrix Alien Races Diagram

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The Multiverse Time Matrix Alien Races Diagram is a Quick Study Reference Guide for learning information about our reality, including the 5 different Universes of Matter, the different levels of Consciousness and Spirit, the different levels of Khundalini energies, the different time periods, info about Adjacent Earths, Parallel Earth, Inner Earth, the Angelic Human lineage, the original 12 Starseed Tribes, the Indigo Holy Grail Tribes, the Anunnaki Races, the Reptilian Races, the many different hybrid extraterrestrial races and much more. This is a digital download, so you'll get instant access to your diagram.

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Snake Baker #sexist

[From “France: Guy Who Brought Dozens of Dudes to Bang His Unconscious Wife Gets Sentenced to 20 Years”]

It was never believable that this woman didn’t know this was happening


A French court found all 51 defendants guilty on Thursday in a drugging-and-rape case that horrified the world and transformed the victim, Gisele Pelicot, into a stirring symbol of courage and resilience

Pelicot’s ex-husband of 50 years, Dominique Pelicot, had pleaded guilty to drugging her repeatedly for almost a decade to rape her and to offer up her unconscious body for sex to dozens of strangers he had met online, while videoing the abuse

A decade[…]

Gisele, who is also 72, waived her right to anonymity during the trial and demanded that horrifying videos of the serial abuse, which were recorded by her former husband, should be seen in court, saying she hoped this would help other women speak up


She’s the sick one. Or at least more sick

This whole trial was a big sexual fetish thing for her, just like the weird gang bangs[…]

Pelicot acknowledged that he had put powerful tranquilizers into his wife’s food and coffee that put her to sleep for hours. Gisele said she was worried she was developing Alzheimer’s or had a brain tumour because of the memory gaps

This sort of thing shouldn’t be happening, but how did the woman not know?

This is really a case of something grotesque being so offensive to the public that they will just go along with doing anything to the individual

How did she not know?

Gisèle Pelicot slams 'macho' society that 'trivialises rape' in closing statement

Fun fact: there is nothing less macho than bringing over dudes to bang your woman while you watch

Wintery Knight #wingnut #fundie #dunning-kruger

Moral relativism is the view that moral values and moral duties do not exist in reality, but only exist as opinions in people’s minds. When you ask a moral relativist where the belief that stealing is wrong comes from, he may tell you that it is his opinion, or that it is the opinion of most people in his society. But he cannot tell you that stealing is wrong independent of what people think, because morality (on moral relativism) is just personal preference.

So what’s wrong with it?

I found this list of the seven flaws of moral relativism at the Salvo magazine web site.

Moral relativists can’t accuse others of wrongdoing.
Relativists can’t complain about the problem of evil.
Relativists can’t place blame or accept praise.
Relativists can’t make charges of unfairness or injustice.
Relativists can’t improve their morality.
Relativists can’t hold meaningful moral discussions.
Relativists can’t promote the obligation of tolerance.
I sometimes get flack from atheists who complain that I don’t let them make any moral statements without asking them first to ground morality on their worldview. And that’s because on atheism morality IS NOT rationally grounded, so they can’t answer. In an accidental universe, you can only describe people’s personal preferences or social customs, that vary by time and place. The answer is always going to be “it depends”. It depends on the person who is speaking because it’s a subjective claim, not an objective claim. There is no objective way we ought to behave.
Without a designer of the universe, the question of how we ought to act is decided by people in different times and different places. It’s arbitrary and variable, and therefore it doesn’t do the job of prescribing behavior authoritatively. It’s very important not to get involved in any serious endeavor with another person or persons if they don’t have a sense of right and wrong being absolute and fixed. A belief in objective moral values is a necessary pre-requisite for integrity.

Clif High #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy

'Twas the night b4 Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, just me with my hand on the mouse;
The front door was barred, I was strapped,
Because of too many heads, filled with fentanyl and crack.

I sat in my chair, staring at the screen,
The quiet of night grander , mostly unseen;
Hot decaf tea hydrating my thoughts,
Had just settled down from the day's shitposts and bots.

When through the open door there shone a strange light,
I stood from my chair to behold such a sight.
My hand went to my pistol as I ran, curious and keen,
As out from the mist, stepped a figure serene.

The moon light on the new-fallen snow,
Gave my red-dot sight reason to glow,
And what to my wondering eyes did appear,
But an alien form, bringing gifts none could peer.

He almost got shot, this lone visitor from space,
Carrying devices from some far-off place;
He entered the room, his purpose clear and tall,
To change our world, once and for all.

With careful movements, precise and quick,
He unpacked his gadgets, each one unique.
There in our living room, under the light,
He set up ZPT, ending our energy plight.

His form was sleek, his presence intense,
No jolliness here, just urgency immense;
He wore a suit that shimmered like stars,
And his eyes held the weight of many scars.

A bundle of tech was strapped to his back,
And he handled each item with a knack.
His face was stern as he worked on his task,
This was no time for pleasantries to bask.

He spoke not a word but went straight to his work,
Installing the ZPT, he did not shirk.
Pointing his device towards our old power grid,
He flipped a switch, and closed the energy lid.

Turning his head with a nod of his nose,
He showed me the screen, as the new energy flows.
With one last look, his message was clear,
This gift was crucial, his mission sincere.

He walked to the door, his job now complete,
Leaving behind power so sweet;
But I heard him transmit, as he faded from sight,
"Happy Christmas to Earth, and to all a clean light!"

Peter B. Meyer #crackpot #racist #ufo #magick #conspiracy

It is now well known that we live in a fake, manipulated 3D world where nothing is real. A look back into the true history of mankind on planet Earth tells us more and clearly shows how and where today’s mankind has landed. Assume that all of today’s history is a deception and look into the past to see what really happened.
Less than 500 years ago, Tartaria was the Goliath of technologically superior beings living on planet Earth. Our generations have been deliberately simplified by removing all but two strands of our DNA from our souls.
The organised “Great Mudflow” was responsible for wiping out brilliant architectures of imposing structures on our planet to bury them under a gigantic layer of mud, of which only remnants remained visible here and there.

The technological innovations used then are now phantoms on the horizon. Compare old buildings such as Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris or the Dom Tower in Utrecht with today’s kitschy glass, steel and concrete blocks. It clearly shows the evidence of the decline of our current culture and civilisation!

The territory of today’s Ukraine partially overlapped with the territory of Khazaria, the homeland of the Khazars or Khazar-nep-Jews, to which the Bauer branch, later called Rothschild, also belonged.

The Khazars are pure evil. Originally descended from the Anunnaki, they came from the planet Nibiru and landed in Summer, from where they migrated north. They have always been a strange race of thieves, cheats and murderers, characterised by extraordinary cruelty and sexual perversion. They were masters of deception.

Many people will be convinced when they read this version of our history, which will become popular and widespread in the 5D world, and eventually be studied and taught in schools, universities and scientific institutions. Already breakthroughs in astronomy, anthropology, archaeology and Egyptology are tending to support this and other theories based mainly on translations of Sumerian writings.

Cor Nexus Kalervo #dunning-kruger #wingnut

As a Finn I see our country as a free-market society with some advanced social helping systems. Our health system is working well, but needs some improvements, our school system is one of the best in the world, but not perfect. We are a capitalistic society with a heart, not a socialistic one, although we have too much bureaucracy. Socialism means catastrophe, but caring the poor is the natural thing to do.
Mass immigration, conservative islam and political correctness are real threats here, too, and our green and socialist parties have stupid blue-eyed idealism towards those issues, like left in USA, too.

Tim Sheets #fundie

New Apostolic Reformation “apostle” Tim Sheets, brother of pro-Trump “apostle” Dutch Sheets, appeared on ElijahStreams Thursday, where he described “prophetic downloads” that he said God has given him since the election. Donald Trump’s victory will usher in “the most supernatural era” ever and a “higher level of Christianity,” Sheets said, along with a “kingdom revival” and “billion-soul harvest”

Sheets said God told him that it’s time for a newly confident ekklesia—a term dominionists use to refer to the church as a governing body on Earth—to exercise a higher level of authority. He said the church now has a “prevailing anointing” and is “overwhelming hell’s effort on Earth”

“The Lord says, ‘The world will now see the paths of My Ekklesia extending into all of the earth,’” Sheets said. “’The direction she travels will show an aggressive resistance to Hell's advances in government and in cultures. The Ekklesia will now be presented as anointed for war, anointed for battle, anointed to reign, anointed to bring change, anointed to work for My harvest, anointed to reap the lost, anointed to prevail’”

“Hell is about to face a church it’s never faced before,” Sheets said, adding, “Our government, the nations’ governments, they’re about to face a church it’s never faced before”

Jean Charles Moyen and Melanie Charest/Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy

Jean Charles Moyen and Melanie Charest are extraterrestrial contactees who also served with a joint US-French secret space program based on a large mothership called the Solaris. In this Exopolitics Today interview, they describe their respective roles in rescuing children who were abducted and were being abused on other planets and moons in Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs) in our solar system.

Moyen and Charest describe how they rescued Corina Pataki after she had spent five years, from age 2 – 7, in a secret DUMB on Mars. Significantly, Pataki recognized Moyen and Charest when they met in Orlando, Florida, at the 2023 Galactic Spiritual Informers Connection conference, and recalled the dramatic rescue and how she was returned to the Black Sea location in Romania, where she was originally abducted at age 2.

Moyen next discusses an experience where he bilocated to a large cavern under the Nazca plains of Peru, where he discovered a large space ark at the bottom of a lake. Inside the ark, there was ancient technology and writing, which he did not recognize. In an attempt to corroborate his experience, he worked with Tony Rodrigues to set up a double-blind remote viewing experiment for the space ark. After several remote viewers felt they were being blocked, one of the remote viewers, Veronica, succeeded and was able to clearly see the target, where it was located, and some of its history. It was later recognized to be a space ark.

Moyen has previously described other space ark experiences and believes he has either teleported or bilocated to a total of six space arks located under Mt Fuji, Japan; the Bahamas (Atlantic Space Ark); the Giza Plateau, Egypt (under the Sphinx); Mauna Kea, Hawaii; Mt Kailash, Himalayas, and most recently Nazca, Peru.

Vic Biorseth #fundie #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy

At the real root of all American politics is the purely political question of whether God exists or not, and the Christian religion is true or not.

Christianity holds that,

All matter, all that exists, was made by God. [John 1:3]
All Existence, i.e., Reality, is of God.
Reality does not change.
Politics argues about whether,

Man or God makes, changes or controls matter and reality.
This reality is all there is, and there is no supernatural reality.
There are other supernatural gods or "powers" to contend with.
Reality "evolves" and can be controlled and directed by man.
The dichotomy faced by American Christians is that, in the Christian view, reality does not change, but politics never stop changing.
All ever-changing political parties eventually change to the point that they come to exist solely to compete for and achieve one-party rule over nations, and/or over the whole world.

The Democrat (Marxocrat) Party owns and operates virtually all of the

unconstitutionally created,
unconstitutionally existing and
unconstitutionally regulating
American "Soviets", or administering (i.e., governing) American federal bureaucracies. These Soviets, with their issuance and enforcement of unconstitutional federal "regulations" with full force of law behind them, rule the sovereign American states and the sovereign American citizens according to the political intentions of the Marxocrat Party, with the "bipartisan support" of the Republicrat Party.
President Trump would do well to establish a constitutional principle of Presidential Review by declaring

Political Parties to be unconstitutional, null and no part of the federal government, and,
Declaring the department of education to be unconstitutional, null, defunded, closed, and cut all federal spending to all colleges, universities and teaching institutions, and,
Going down the list of unconstitutional America Soviets and shutting them all down.

Wyatt Ciesielka #fundie #conspiracy

Most people dismiss the commercialism, the pagan influence, and the impossibility of a December 25 birth, and take comfort in slogans such as “Put Christ back in Christmas.” But how many professing Christians would feel comfortable celebrating Christmas if they understood that you cannot “put Christ back in Christmas” because Christmas is Satanic?

This is no new understanding—but the churches of the world hide or ignore this truth. The Catholic Encyclopedia reveals that “Christmas was not among the earliest festivals of the Church. Irenaeus and Tertullian omit it from their lists of feasts."
Many understand that before Christmas was the Roman Saturnalia, upon which Christmas is founded.
But the Saturnalia was simply an adaptation of something earlier—Persian Mithraism. In Mithraism, the mid-winter festivals began with worship of Zurvan, whose celebrations ended on December 24. The celebrations then transitioned to worship the reborn Zurvan as the newborn Mithras, born on December 25, who brought back the sun after the winter solstice (cf. M.J. Vermaseren, Mithras, the Secret God, 1963).
The pagan god Zurvan was depicted as a winged, part-human, part-lion figure. Thus, we see that Zurvan depicts angelic cherubim characteristics (2 Chronicles 3:13; Ezekiel 10:14). Further, Zurvan was typically accompanied by snakes wrapped around his legs, arms, or body (Franz Cumont, The Mysteries of Mithra, 1903, p. 93). Scripture reveals that Satan is a fallen cherub (Ezekiel 28:14–16), and is associated with the snake (Genesis 3:1–14; Revelation 20:2).

A righteous angel will not permit himself to be worshipped (Revelation 19:10; 22:9). And Revelation 9:20 warns that idolaters are actually worshipping demons. Clearly, the cherub who demands his worship at the winter solstice is no righteous angel. Whether calling himself Zurvan, Saturn, or another eponym, this deity is a proxy for none other than the fallen cherub called Satan.

Ken Ham #fundie

Charles Darwin is the man credited with popularizing in our time the idea of evolution. His legacy lives on today as his naturalistic (atheistic) ideas have permeated not only Western culture, but much of the rest of the world and much of the church.

But his legacy is not a good one. He popularized a philosophy that attacked (and was intended to destroy—but that can never happen, of course) the authority of the Word of God. Sadly, many churches adopted his ideas and reinterpreted the book of Genesis. This led to an undermining of the authority of God’s Word and generations doubting its truth and walking away from the Christian faith. Darwin’s legacy is a destructive, evil legacy, and it lives on not only in the secular culture and teaching but, sadly, also in many churches.

Darwin’s legacy in the church can be seen in the fact that he was buried in the floor of a church (Westminster Abbey in London) and honored by the church. This to me is a reminder that a man who popularized a philosophy to undermine the foundation of the church is honored by the church and buried in the foundation of the church!

So I challenge you: What legacy are you leaving behind? Are you leaving a legacy that will long outlive you and be felt in subsequent generations? Will your legacy impact your immediate family, local believers, unbelievers, or even the body of Christ around the world?
11:29 PM · Dec 20, 2024 · 4,694 Views

Monica Cole #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #conspiracy

Alerting All Parents! One Million Moms needs your help to make sure as many people as possible are aware of Universal Pictures pushing the LGBTQ agenda on families, particularly children, in the musical Wicked.

Of course, the musical contains a tremendous amount of witchcraft and sorcery, and that content prompts most parents to avoid taking their children to see Wicked. But the film also shows not-so-discrete crossdressing and men crushing on men, which parents may not expect.

Instead of an uplifting Broadway musical about friendship and family, talents and resources were used to create a dark movie that also pushes wokeness. Universal Pictures has traded its usual subtlety for intentionality.

Unfortunately, the film adapts the musical into a two-part movie, so there is more to come. The stars of the film Wicked: Part One have recently hinted that there will be more LGBTQ content in Wicked: Part Two, scheduled for release on November 21, 2025, just in time for next year’s holidays.

Four of the film’s main characters are openly queer or gay in real life, or at the minimum, these actors have spoken about their queer experiences. As such, the queer representation and visibility in Wicked: Part One were important to them.

Obviously, this part of the movie is a nod to inclusivity, along with a blatant attempt by Universal to normalize same-sex crushes.

Universal has now decided to be politically correct instead of providing family-friendly programming. But Universal should stick to family-friendly entertainment, particularly in children’s films, rather than pushing an agenda.

Please share this with your friends and family to make sure they are aware of the queer content in Wicked and not blindsided by it. As moms, we all want to know when Universal is attempting to desensitize our children by normalizing the LGBTQ lifestyle.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy

A luminous column was set ablaze
And emerged over our earth plane
Like a divine entity breathing life into the surrounding cosmos

It had a snake like spiral that wound its way upwards flaring out filamentary extremities
The spirals are now represented in the ribbons around the Christmas Tree and the rings around the Maypole

The splendor of the light was comparable to a sustained lightning strike
And its magnetism attracted the 7 planets causing them to gather in a linear conjunction

It brought a plasma storm of destruction and renewal simultaneously

In the 3rd Book of Enoch it says
His eyes are like brilliant sparks
His lashes are the splendor of lightning
And his face like a burning fire

The Lakota say
The Creator sang a song of upheaval
And sent down an enormous thunderbird with powerful thunderbolts

Mountains were toppled and forests were set ablaze
Flames leapt up into the sky in all directions
A great flood followed which consequently dried up and exposed the bones of its victims
In the last 150 years
Six auroras have been seen 20 degrees from the equator
And are like gently dancing curtains or quiescent reddish clouds

The Pueblo say that Sun Father sent lightning to make an opening in the heavens
He traversed open space and by electromagnetic attraction
Lifted up the serpent in the wilderness
Which is also referred to in John 3:14
Jesus sits with his disciples
Just like King Arthur sits with his knights at the round table

The planet representing the Son of God is drawn towards intersecting streamers
He becomes dim and is thought to have died on a cross

The religious see the emitted plasma as the blood of their god
They equate it with the ambrosia from the sky pillar
Which is the energetically charged manna

They say in ritualistic exaltations
Hocus Pocus Mon
Which translates as This is His Dead body

But Mars the Son of God is renewed and resurrected
And descends down the axis to save the world!

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