MariaTenebre #transphobia

That isn't grooming. Growing up into a sexual and sexualized adult is a part of life. If that is grooming, then by your own standard nature is the biggest groomer of all as nature turns children into sexualized adults. Boys grow into sexualized adult men; girls grow up to be sexualized adult women. Sexualized women and men should be role models for girls and boys as that is what an idealized mature adult looks like and that is what most women and men regardless of sexual orientation are attracted too. That isn't grooming unless you think that nature, puberty and sexual maturation is grooming which from a MAP's point of view I can see why you would argue that.

Plus, that isn't even the definition of grooming. Showing sexualized adults as the natural idealized role models for children is not grooming. A person using explicit sexual material on the pornographic end and manipulating a child for sexual and rape purposes is grooming. Showing a sexualized woman or man as the natural ideal for women and men aka the Venus and the Adonis is not grooming it is nature and the idea that being a mature sexualized and idealized adult is the ideal end for girls and boys as it always has been. Honestly the route people like you take of keeping people perpetual children is why the West is falling apart. Also Drag is about satire, parody and it does so in many cases by using highly sexualized humor, modes of dress etc. They dress to be outrageously sexual for humor and arousal. Many Drag Queens even admit they like to have sex with their adult male fans at these meetings. It is transvestite sexual humor. Now it can be made to be child friendly but much of what we no as Drag is highly sexualized male transvestite material that people do find arousing and that is the point.

Edwin Benson #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy

At least three arguments support placing the Ten Commandments in every Louisiana (and American) classroom.

The first is that the Ten Commandments are the basis of law and justice throughout Western Christian Culture. Our Lord and His followers in the early Church took them from their original context among the Children of Israel and made them universal (catholic). These are fundamental duties that all people owe to God and their neighbors. These are independent of social standing, political position or wealth. Yes, hierarchies exist and are vital to the proper functioning of society, but certain rules are so crucial that all must obey them.

Despite what some people may argue, every just statute currently on the books relates to one of God’s holy ordinances. Even in the most secular settings, human troubles usually arise from untruth, theft or unfaithfulness—or some combination thereof.
America’s schools, on the other hand, are too often gardens where chaos is the bumper crop. Sometimes, the disarray is deliberate, resulting from malformed educational theories that students learn by sorting through ambiguous ideas and situations. Sometimes, the pandemonium finds its basis in the free-for-all atmosphere that modern ideas of “tolerance” encourage. Of course, too many children carry the residue of disordered homes to school with them.

In such cases, a posted copy of the Ten Commandments is a beacon of order. Every item in a classroom helps teach children what society expects of them.
Such thinking inspires a third reason for displaying the Ten Commandments. Their presence drives the leftists crazy. Such a poster weakens the case for a “value-free” classroom. This element of schoolyard malpractice goes back to the ethos of “do your own thing” and “it is forbidden to forbid.” Too many teachers advocate disobedience to the “dominant culture” with an almost missionary zeal.

CodezVII #crackpot #wingnut #ufo #magick #conspiracy

TO PREVAIL >>>>>>>>>>
WE ARE NOT ALONE >>>>>>>>>>



David Barton #fundie #forced-birth #transphobia #homophobia #enbyphobia

David Barton will once again serve on the committee responsible for drafting the Republican platform ahead of the Republican National Convention[…]
Barton discussed the upcoming meeting of the platform committee with fellow committee member Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council[…]
“Biblically, that’s just not the way it works,” Barton said. “Scripture is really clear that righteousness exalts a nation … Jesus says, ‘Seek first the kingdom and his righteousness,’ and all this other stuff will get added to you. So one of the things, as Tony pointed out, that we’re really going to work on in the platform is the first twelve chapters of Genesis”

“If you take the first twelve chapters of Genesis, it starts with, ‘In the beginning, God’[…]God is central to everything in the story. So if you’re not acknowledging God, that’s a problem”[…]
“You start with the acknowledgement of God,” Barton continued.” Then as you go, it says that God created man. Well, God created life. So life is an important issue. That is a creation of God. You need to be protecting life; that includes unborn life[…]So that’s a big deal in the first twelve chapters of Genesis. And then it says, ‘And he made them male and female.’ So now we get gender involved in it. Four times it says that God made them male and female, so giving up on gender stuff, or Title IX and letting that go away”[…]
“Then Adam and Eve had children,” Barton asserted. “Now you’re into the family. So you want to protect the nuclear family, you want to protect the traditional family. And then as you continue on, you go through and you get to chapter twelve where …God makes a covenant with [Abraham] and says, ‘You’re going to become a nation, and whoever blesses that people, I’m going to bless and whoever doesn’t bless that people, I’m not going to bless.’ That’s Israel”

“So, when you look at the first twelve chapters of Genesis, you’ve got a pretty good grid there of the first things we’ve got to be looking for”

various commenters #transphobia

RE: TIM works at the coffee shop I frequent and now the whole vibe is ruined

( Pickles )
There is a TIM that works at a sandwich shop I used to frequent and had to quit going because his attempt at mimicking a woman's voice was so incredibly unnerving to me and he always worked the cash register. The voice and impression he put on was actually frightening to me. Minor inconvenience for sure, but I don't hear other demographics of people who need to quit going to establishments because they have employees who openly put on offensive impressions of them. It really is bullshit we have to put up with it.

( CupOfAbominations )
Oh yeah that'd put me over the edge; the fake voice they put on is even worse, esp when they do things like exaggerating vocal fry. "Thankfully" this guy doesn't even try to affect a female voice, but he's so loud and he's always talking I just can't take it anymore...

( overanddone )
I hear you. There is a TIM clerk in a store I frequent, and I try to avoid him.

BUT! His mere presence means I have to consider him whenever I am there. I can’t relax, have to watch where I am looking and control my face, so the experience of shopping there has become slightly tense and no longer comfortable.

Is there a suggestion box at your coffee shop? Can you prepare and slip in a comment that loud political talk is ruining the once-pleasant vibe?

( Radishe )
Just having a TIM working in a coffee shop (there seem to be a lot of them, I had one today) puts me on my guard because I'm concerned it could escalate over any thing. I am always polite, I don't "sir" them, I don't look at them much, just place my order, but it still makes it less comfortable in there. It would be worse if he started going on about politics like that.

I bet his coworkers can't stand him either but have to suffer in silence.

( Spencer_Shayy )

"because I'm concerned it could escalate over any thing."

Literally why I hate working with "transwomen" and hate going to businesses staffed with "transwomen". They're ticking time bombs waiting for any excuse to fly into a violent rage. I actually feel safer around men who aren't "transwomen".

Paul Craig Roberts #wingnut #conspiracy

Today is July 4 when we get our annual dose of patriotic propaganda that serves to wrap us in self-righteousness which enables Washington to conduct its wars. Washington has got away with it for a long time, but now has created and brought us into conflict with a powerful adversary.

According to reports, Russia responded to Washington’s cluster bomb attack on civilians in Crimea by informing Washington that the two countries are now at war. What it means, if anything, remains to be seen. It does not seem to have caused any consternation in Washington.

In actual fact hot war between Russia and Washington began in 2008 when Washington surprised Putin by sending a US trained and equipped Georgian army into South Ossetia. The American sponsored invasion resulted in the deaths of civilians and Russian peace keepers. It only took the Russian Army 5 days to defeat the American trained Georgian Army, so Washington did not have time to get more involved.

Putin was again surprised when Washington overthrew the Ukrainian government in 2014. Persecution and murder of Donbas Russians followed. Donbas asked to be reincorporated into Russia like Crimea, but Putin refused. Instead, Putin tried to keep Donbas in Ukraine with the Minsk Agreement. Ukraine and Donbas agreed and France and Germany agreed to enforce the agreement, but in fact the agreement was used to deceive Putin while the West built and equipped a large Ukrainian army to retake the self-declared Donbas republics. In February, 2022, Putin was forced by Washington to defend the Donbas Russians from being slaughtered like Israel is doing to the Palestinians. Now Putin is presented with US missiles targeting Russian civilians and with French troops in Ukraine.
Now 17 years later Putin acknowledges the fact that Washington and Russia are at war. The question is what is Putin going to do with his belated recognition of reality?

Steve Kim/The Supreme Beings #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

0. UFO? Soul? Purpose? Human? Farm?
1. Meet correct answers from our aliens.
2. Get enlightened to be a better person.
3. This book shall teach you everything.
4. It is about time to live in a new world.
5. He is, they are, and this book is real.
6. Aliens are coming out of their closet.

a. Earth = Alien Soul Farm
b. This Book = Their Book
c. We Are Theirs = Yes
d. We Are Slaves = No
e. They Are Friends = Yes
f. They Will Kill Us = No

Have you seen a book published practically by so-called aliens or extraterrestrials? I have. In fact, I hold one in my hand. You are invited to read all 24 chapters with about 58,000 words in 216 pages of this narrative nonfiction based on facts beyond truths.
This book goes far beyond whether UFOs are real or not. It shows us logically how to be a better person from instant enlightenment upon internalizing the whole big picture on how the universal life system works under earth-shattering core concepts.

Yes, this incredible extraterrestrial book is meticulously planned and designed by the supreme beings in charge of the current book project in order to induce mass instant enlightenment among virtually all the human beings on the Earth Soul Farm.

Over the age of Aquarius for the next 2,160 years, all the factual content in this unique extraterrestrial book shall provide a right guidance in terms of almost every aspect of diverse life experience given to the human beings on the Earth Soul Farm.

Whether we like it or not, a gigantic change in human consciousness will occur through dawnvolution solidly based on the new philosophy of dawnvolism. For reasons unknown to me, I am just being a conveyor of this extraterrestrial content. Yes, I have been contacted.

Going forward, my personal resolve is to gladly serve as a human consciousness coordinator duly appointed by extraterrestrials in 2017. I would perform whatever is required to publicize this extraordinary book designed to upgrade our humanity. Yes, we are not alone.

C.T. #racist

[From “Dugin & Pepe”]

Watching this interview comes to my mind: How was it possible to enter now into this geopolitical reality: Russia’s new alliance with the new powers of gooks and sand niggers? The sad answer is: because the Anglo-Americans sinned in such astronomical proportions not only in WW2 but in subsequent decades (continuing to defame Hitler and his murdered Reich), that now power is being transferred to non-Aryans!

Imagine the scenario that should have happened: Stalin would have been defeated by Hitler, the Master Plan East would now have eight decades of implementation, and the dragon China would never have been born![…]
In that parallel world, the generous German Reich would allow the US an Aryan empire with a Master Plan South (Latin America), as long as it didn’t conflict with the Eurasian Reich

Indeed, when the last whites are left on Earth before their total extinction, it will be time for great humility[…]
Incidentally, with a well-implemented Master Plan East, there would have been surviving Russians, as long as they resembled Dugin[…]That was clearly in Himmler’s selection plans, as we see in the picture on the left where he was looking at a Polish boy to see if he would be chosen to be raised as a pure Aryan

One thing Dugin said is very true: unlike Asia, the Muslim world and even North Korea, Europe is completely out of the story[…]Germany for example doesn’t have a single notable intellectual. Pepe and Dugin mentioned a handful of intellectuals in the rest of Europe[…]but no more than five

All this is a result not only of WW2 but of how Europeans internalised the Anglo-American anti-Nazi narrative[…]As Dugin and Pepe argue, there is even more anti-American rebelliousness in countries like Cuba and Venezuela, despite being populated by Untermenschen I would add, than in Europe. Precisely for this reason my site alludes to the darkest hour of the West…

Dr. Michael Salla/Jelaila Starr #ufo #magick #crackpot #conspiracy

In 1993, Jelaila Starr began communicating with a humanoid Lion-being called Devon who belongs to a Feline race that first established a presence in the Lyra constellation. She was told that the Felines were responsible for seeding the first humans in the Lyra and Vega systems, and later established a presence in the Sirian star system after a catastrophic war. The Felines have ever since acted as guides and mentors for human civilizations as they have colonized the Milky War galaxy with both great success and failures due to ongoing conflicts with Reptilian races who were also seeded in our galaxy.

According to Starr, the Reptilians were seeded by a bird-like race of beings called the Carians. She asserts that the Reptilians are important mirrors for Earth humanity as we are collectively involved in historical conflicts that stretch back millennia. Both the Felines and Carians are members of a Nibiruan Council that acts as proxies for a mysterious group of Ancient Elders. In her first Exopolitics Today interview, Starr describes the extraordinary circumstances that led to her first communications with Devon in 1993 and the discovery that she was a Walk-In. She also discusses important elements from the work of Zecharia Sitchin regarding the Anunnaki and Nibiru.

Judy Byington/White Hat Intel #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy

Restored Republic:

How about:

No Income Tax
No Tax on Wages
No Property Tax
No Inheritance Tax
No Sales Tax on Used Homes & Items
No Vehicle Registration Fee’s
No Licensing Fee’s
No Tax on Food and Pharmaceuticals
Dissolution of Federal Reserve Banks and IRS
How about returning the money stolen to Retiree’s from SSN
How about a 14-17% National Sales Tax on New Items Only
How about an increase in 61+ Retiree SSN Pmts up to $5,000.00 A MONTH
How about Restitution of Chattel Bonds to people abused by them
How about the Restoration of Common Law
How about the Restoration of the Titles of Nobility Amendment
The end to Admiralty-Civil-Equity Laws.

Does this all sound familiar?

Perhaps how about making an open declaration through mass media about the implementation of NESARA, signed by Bill Clinton, and bring about the Restoration of our Organic Constitution and Dissolution of the Corporate US Inc Constitution of 1871.
White Hat Intel:
The DEVOLUTION PLAN and secret military orders Trump signed has captured the MAINSTREAM MEDIA OPERATIONS AND CAPTURED MOST OF THE DEEP STATE OPERATIONS (Now they are being forced to continue a script).
Showing the public the final EVENTS that will lead to cancellation of the election due to corruption and democratic interference that will lead to MASSIVE revolt by U.S. citizens (This is why SCOTUS Released hundreds of J6 political prisoners and laws are being exposed that WILL protect future the future of the NEAR civil war events and political uprising and Protesters).
What’s next TRUMP House ARREST, then a STAGED assassination attempt. (He WILL survive… because the White Hats are preparing this moment for game theory operations).
Then TRUMP returns as President in 2025 and makes peace with Russia. China. North Korea ( this is what Trump gave COMMS on yesterday).
Not everything is as it seems. THE FOG OF WAR. THE PLAN TO SAVE THE WORLD

various commenters #transphobia

I’m going to be sick. Wtf did I just read?

( WitchPlease )
I highly doubt that any woman would allow her porn sick brother to feed toxic discharge to her kids. This is a disgusting fantasy.

( NastasyaFillipovna )
I highly doubt most women would even know what "Hormones" in what dosage to get to help with lactation. These TiMs don't get it, what is a natural process for women is a chemically induced freak thing to a male body, and when something similar is done to animals, it would be considered animal abuse.

( Uber )
No fucking way did this EVER happen. I can never imagine any situation where a woman would allow anyone else to breastfeed her child, certainly not a man. And I'm sorry, I thought we were calling it chestfeeding now? Or is that only reserved for the sex that naturally grows breasts?

There's no way in hell that even if this DID happen (which it did not), there would be any nutrients to speak of, unless we're considering unnatural synthetic chemicals nutrients, now? I can't keep up.

( CupOfAbominations )
I'm relieved that this is probably 99.9% fanfiction, but this is so gross to read. No sane mother would put her newborn's health at risk to validate her weirdo TIM brother's delusions. It's all about him, all about his "biology dysphoria" without any concern over what would be best for the baby! Surely a naturally lactating mother's milk would be the most nutritious thing for the baby than whatever gross milky discharge is coming from his nipples!

Kevin Downey Jr. #transphobia #fundie

SHOCKER! Biden's Cross-Dressing Dress Thief Scores Sweetheart Deal

DRAG-O-RAMA! Brinton is a member of a troupe of drag queens called
"Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence." You may remember them as the needy men in dresses who make hapless attempts to annoy Catholics by dressing as nuns. Brinton's drag name is "Sister Ray Dee O'active," though he is no longer employed by the federal government as the nuclear waste master-blaster. Another member of the same troupe, Clinton Monroe Ellis-Gilmore, was arrested for publicly "arm wrestling Mr. Richard," if you get my drift.

EchoChaos #fundie

[context: Do you want government mandated religion?]

1) What do you say/do/feel for minority religious people? I'm sure there are a significant number of devout people who find objection to any but the most mundane religious prayer/symbol/etc. Maybe consider a Catholic parent who's offended that that Ten Commandments imposed on schools is wrongly stated from the Catholic point of view.

A vote should be held on this. That's why we have school board elections, mayoral elections, etc. If you object to a Protestant being elected mayor, you're welcome to elect a Catholic. That's what "no religious test for office" should mean.

2) What do you do when Christian's differ in their faith? At least in my home town, the majority of Churches are super open to, and encourage the membership of gay people. But some churches disagree. Yet we probably need a state or national view on "Are these two particular people married".

A vote should be held on this as well, of course. That's why we have a democracy. We held votes on it, the American people agreed that marriage was only a man and a woman, it should have ended there with no issue.

P.S. There is one majority Muslim town in the US with 25,000 people who live in Hamtramck MI.

They should have been deported.

MIDDLE NATION #fundie #magick

consequences of your bad acts. you become the target 🎯 of Devils.

Why are there not more people talking about the real consequences of lying? The truth is more terrifying than you think. According to the Quran chapter 26: 221 and 222, there's a grave warning for liars: These verses tell us that evil creatures, known as shayateen, are drawn to those who lie. They whisper destructive ideas and deceit, spreading chaos in society. This isn't some superstitious talk, it's a stark reality. When you lie you, become a magnet for these dark Forces. They don't just visit, they infest, aiming to propagate more lies and confusion if you choose deceit.

Elizabeth Hummel #transphobia

I wonder, who are these awkward boys with their tiny breasts? Why do I now see them every time I go out, usually in low-level jobs they are barely performing? Have they been previously hiding, slowly cultivating their fabricated appearance, but are now emboldened to “come out” en masse? Is it that businesses are desperately trying to hire “queer folk” to meet their social justice quotas, even if these young people are mentally unstable?

Some see the gender cult as a mass delusion. Some see it as cultural indoctrination by powerful people who want to profit from normalizing gender ideology. Some see it as a mental illness. It’s all true, but it doesn’t matter when you are face to face with these lost boys. You can be angry at these boys for putting on “woman face” if you wish. I can understand that response because I am a woman, and these young men pretending to be women are not.

But anger is not what I feel. I feel only deep sadness and sorrow. Because I know who these boys are. They used to be healthy, happy children. They are young people who have been grievously harmed. They are the collateral damage of a culture gone very wrong. They are the boys of friends of mine. They are the boys of parents whose anguished stories I have read on PITT. Even the parents who would never read PITT and who “affirm” are conflicted. They too miss their sons, even as they lie to themselves and the world.

Behind every one of the lost boys, I see a grieving parent.

Ben Bartee #homophobia #conspiracy

They like to hubristically believe that they have achieved narrative hegemony, so it’s as perplexing as it is infuriating when a provincial outpost on the geopolitical scene has the gall to defy their programming.

The immorality of imposing the West’s gender ideology on countries like Uganda should not be glossed over. I have written previously about this phenomenon, which I have branded LGBTQ+++™ new-age neo-colonialism, because that’s exactly what it is.

While I don’t subscribe to the belief that gays should be imprisoned or executed ISIS-style just for being gay, it is nonetheless refreshing to see Uganda assert its national sovereignty so firmly, even against such immense international pressure from the degenerate UN, U.S. and European Union governments.

various commenters #transphobia

Maine pushes to become 'transgender safe haven' where minors can receive sex-change surgery and can't be returned to their parents - as outraged community leaders try to slow efforts | Daily Mail Online

( ProfTerfMom )
Rep. Katrina Smith (R-Palermo) said: 'The state should never place itself above a loving parent and irreparably destroy the reproductive health of a minor child.'

Why isn't this common sense???

It terrifies me that any adult believes it is ok to give minors drugs and surgery based on what is essentially a self-diagnosis. The implications (and complications) will affect these kids for the rest of their shortened lives.

( Spencer_Shayy )
Right? Many of these detransitioner stories are them deciding to be "trans" as kids or teenagers and regretting it in their 20s. These kids didn't even get to reach adulthood normally. They'll be mentally and physically fucked for life. "Gender affirming care" is so evil.

( RusticTroglodyte )

The 'Act to Safeguard Gender Affirming Health Care' would enable certain out-of-state teens to access hormone blockers or surgery without their parents' consent regardless of their own state's laws

Do they fucking hear themselves???

Aside from the permanent medical damage these kids will endure, the foster care system and orphanage (group home) system is rife with abuse. This is brilliant: take vulnerable children with low self esteem, remove them from their support systems and primary caregivers, and put them in the system hundreds or thousands of miles away.

Nothing could possibly go wrong with that. I'm sure none of these sexually confused children will be preyed upon

( OxyToxin )
So you want to trade a reputation for delicious blueberries and lobster for the title of pedophile Mecca? Jealous of California getting so much attention?

These people are deranged.

Rev. Joel Webbon #racist

On the latest episode of his Right Response Ministries show, Christian nationalist pastor Joel Webbon declared that he was celebrating White Boy Summer — a meme popularized by white supremacists. Webbon claimed that White Boy Summer is about celebrating “Anglo-Protestant culture,” which he called “the best culture”

“And so, with White Boy Summer, part of it — there’s a lot — but part of it is honoring the Western, Anglo-Protestant heritage,” Webbon declared while wearing a pair of Pit Viper sunglasses. “And the reality is this: There is a lot to honor”

The roots of White Boy Summer can be traced back to a music video of the same name by Chet Hanks[…]
Webbon claimed that “Anglo-Protestant culture” is “not only” a “particularly honorable culture,” but that it’s arguably “the best culture,” because “it is the one that for these last 500 to 1,500 years has most closely modeled the Christian worldview”

And he proclaimed that “Not only is it okay to be white, it is good to be white”[…]
But while Webbon acknowledged that White Boy Summer “may have started off with not the best intentions” — and was neither “nefarious” nor “righteous” — he claimed that “it has been sufficiently hijacked by the Christian Right,” meaning he is free to celebrate it

“And so in the same way that Charles Dickens, you know, he would say ‘Bob Cratchit, you know, well I say that this Christmas is merry and I wish you a merry [Christmas],’ I say that this White Boy Summer is a glorious and righteous White Boy Summer,” he said. “And I wish you to be happy and merry upon it”

Soul:Ask #crackpot #conspiracy #magick

The most significant falsehood perpetuated about humanity is the notion that the further back in time we go, the more ignorant and undeveloped people were. This myth is widely endorsed, with claims that during the Middle Ages, individuals at 30 were deemed very old.
You may come across some rather outlandish claims about the ancients, such as fears of dying in their sleep leading them to sleep sitting up, using urine to wash clothes, or employing a sponge on a stick for toilet purposes. These notions seem illogical, yet they are often presented as historical facts in educational settings.

In contrast, there is evidence of a decline from a once-great civilization that had an exquisite appreciation for beauty and constructed magnificent cities, palaces, roads, and aqueducts across the world. They employed advanced construction techniques and technologies that appear superior to ours, moving massive stone blocks and fitting them together without cement, creating structures that have endured for centuries. T

This civilization, as observed, was obliterated by a flood—nearly all the ancient edifices were buried under mudflows composed of mud and stones, necessitating excavation, even atop hills. Ancient streets lay hidden beneath a five-meter-thick layer of mud, replete with scoops, plinths, and bones. Excavations of such remnants continue in Turkey and Italy, and perhaps similar sites await discovery elsewhere if excavated correctly.
The term “elven civilization” is quite fitting; it encompasses not only the harmony and beauty of their architecture but also the fact that, as depicted in Tolkien’s books, this civilization was in decline. Many structures, such as the grand Baalbek, remain unfinished. There was a period when the elven civilization existed alongside us, the so-called human barbarians, and afterward, it was humans who inhabited these grand edifices, which were certainly not any kind of temples.

Cynthia #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy

Nothing grieves my heart more than that which is being done to children in this modern society. Children, helpless, defenseless children.
GOD puts children in families. It is a gift that comes with responsibility. Children come into this world completely dependent on the adults around them. There is NOTHING they can do for themselves. They cannot even let you know what they need or what is wrong. THAT is what makes them so vulnerable. EVIL PEOPLE can do UNSPEAKABLE things to them with no fear of repercussion because they KNOW that babies and small children cannot speak out what has been perpetrated upon them. They most often don’t even know or understand what has happened.

In THIS INSANE ASYLUM we call modern society, where everyone is demanding acceptance and inclusion and declaring that they are loving human beings, while they act like animals and even mutilate their bodies so they can look like animals as they spew their hatred for everyone and anyone who does not submit to their tyranny and confess support for their madmess, people are treating the precious gift of life as it were totally without value. They are ready to KILL anyone who angers them or does not agree with them. They are willing to murder their unborn children so they can continue to pursue their lusts. They rape men, women and/or children according to their lusts. They even sexually molest tiny babies. Now, they may be able to buy and sell babies/children legally with the blessings of the STATE. IT IS BEYOND MY COMPREHENSION!

YOU had better understand that GOD SEES ALL THINGS! If no one else loves those children, GOD DOES! MORE than any human heart or mind can comprehend. WOE, WOE, WOE to ANYONE who harms a little child. You may or may not see the repercussions in this world, but one day, you will stand before ALMIGHTY GOD.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸 #conspiracy #wingnut

Today, the Supreme Court issued a decisive verdict in FAVOR of Presidential Immunity.

This decision is a massive victory against the Democrats’ weaponized government. Democrats have been hellbent on weaponizing every facet of our government against Joe Biden’s leading political opponent and the people that support his movement.

While the 2020 election case against President Trump was just another of Joe Biden’s many political persecutions, the challenge presented by President Trump’s lawyers and affirmed by the Supreme Court provides necessary legal protections to every president, regardless of party.

If a president cannot work without the fear of being endlessly prosecuted for every action he takes after leaving office, he will never be able to exercise sound judgment and lead our nation.

President Trump executed his presidential duties following the 2020 election as any good president should have—not to overturn the results, but to ensure that an election riddled with fraud and irregularities wasn’t illegitimately certified.

Today’s ruling from the Supreme Court ends the insane 2020 election case against President Trump once and for all and is a great victory for the American people!
2:50 AM · Jul 2, 2024 · 183K Views
1,305 Reposts 70 Quotes 7,132 Likes 63 Bookmarks

Meg Benedicte #ufo #magick #conspiracy

On Wednesday, July 3rd the annual opening of the portal to star Sirius begins. This is the time of the year when the sun and Star Sirius rise on the horizon together in harmonious convergence. During the coming six weeks a continual stream of Sirian Blue Ray consciousness will uplift and enlighten humanity. It is a powerful time for accelerated evolutionary advancement, leading to the powerful 888 LionsGate Activations.

The Sirians are galactic ancestors who already transitioned into higher dimensional access through the Ascension process. Star Sirius is a prototype for the Ascended Gaia. The upcoming 77 gateway on July 7th opens a time differential to future Earth. The portal provides an interdimensional doorway to Gaia’s ascended timeline and earth chakra ascension crystal gates. We are the galactic Star Weavers of the ancient Zep Tepi era and the future New Earth golden age!

Star Sirius, also known as the Dog Star or Sirius A, is twice the size of our sun and brightest star in the night sky. The name ‘Sirius’ means glowing in Greek. While the Sirius Stargate is open from July 3 through Aug. 11, we see Star Sirius rising on the horizon with our Sun – the golden star next to blue star. The ancient Egyptians celebrated the Dog Days with the annual rising of the Nile River.
The 77 Gateway on Sunday, connects us to the magical days of ancient Sirian-Lemuria. According to the wisdom keepers, the ancient Sirian civilization of Lemuria spanned the western Pacific coast of America, from Mount Shasta all the way down to Hawaii, and over to Australia and India.

Join other Star Weavers and Light Bearers on Sunday, July 7th for the 77 Gateway Activations. We will include both personal and planetary activations. Connect to your ancient galactic Sirian lineage and ignite the new ascension timeline. The show is recorded for replay.

BlackCirce & westhead #transphobia

( BlackCirce )
The stereotypical heterosexual relationship is the AGP working a high powered and/or male dominated job while practicing his perversion in private for many years while his wife raises their children. Then he comes out dramatically as a woman and there is a photoshoot where he towers over his beleaguered wife in his size 15 high heels and clothes he stole out of her closet while she tries unsuccessfully to hide the 1000 yard stare she’s developed while trying to satisfy his gonzo porn inspired sexual desires and keep the secret of his disreputable behavior from family and friends.

Is that what he means?

( westhead )
10/10 perfect description of the AGP lifecycle. Only thing missing is the TIM gets appointed head of some DEI or Women in Tech task force due to being stunning and brave.

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia

In conclusion, online and offline gaming is almost definitely a major factor in the current transgender epidemic, especially games with a heavy "role-playing" element, or that allow kids to play as characters that do not match with their actual physical gender. The research is, however, not quite conclusive yet, and if we are to find cures for our captured children and ways to prevent others from falling to this cult, we must do more inquiry.

In the meantime, I highly recommend preventing any kids who have not yet been captured from playing such intoxicating games as Minecraft, Roblox, or any other such dangerous, ideologically captured media.

Unnamed French far-right activists #psycho #wingnut #homophobia #racist

Hours after Bardella’s National Rally (RN) party scored big in the European election this month, four men in Paris assaulted a teenager at whom they hurled homophobic and transphobic slurs

The four, who were found guilty and sentenced after the attack, told police they were RN party members and members of the violent far-right GUD group, the Paris prosecutor’s office said

While the interior ministry says it does not have consolidated numbers on such incidents, they offer a snapshot of what rights groups say are a rising number of assaults motivated by race, religion, homophobia, transphobia and political allegiance during campaigning for France’s snap election

The RN says it has no links to violent far-right and neo-Nazi groups. It did not reply to a request for comment about the spate of incidents since the European election[…]
“We’ll smash you, Bardella will win, and it starts now,” Green party activist Olivier Richard recounted the two young attackers as saying. They headbutted him in the face in Bordeaux as he carried pamphlets for the left-wing New Popular Front[…]
“They were sure they were going to win and could do what they wanted. This situation is terrifying”[…]
Political tensions have long intensified ahead of votes in France. But rights groups and activists say something has shifted this time, with violent individuals holding far-right sympathies seemingly feeling emboldened[…]
Michael Colborne, researcher for Bellingcat on transnational far-right networks, said that if the RN was to take power, young men could feel empowered to ‘take matters into their own hands’”[…]
Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin has warned of the potential for “extremely strong tensions”. He announced this week he had shut a number of far-right groups, including the GUD[…]
Reuters spoke with four activists and politicians with the NFP left-wing alliance who have been physically or verbally assaulted by RN supporters while campaigning ahead of the vote on Sunday

various commenters #transphobia

RE: Gender Critical v Terf

( VestalVirgin )
Eh, well, "terf" has always been a slur. I cannot begrudge it anyone if they don't want to use that as self-description.

(I don't use it, either, except jokingly. I consider myself a plain old feminist. If I need to clarify, I might add a "radical", but that's it.)

( CruelEnnui )
This so much. People seem to forget that not only is "terf" a slur used to silence women, it is also incorrect in the sense that radical feminists don't exclude trans people - only trans males.

( Unicorn )
Yes. Men are not part of radical feminism because it is a female movement. (They can be allies to radical feminism but not actually radical feminists.)

Transgender-identifying men ("transwomen") are not excluded because they are transgender-identifying, they are excluded because they are male. Radical feminism rejects the upholding of gender, which transgender ideology requires, especially in order to consider a "transwoman" a woman.

( syntaxerror )
Yep. TERFs are fine with accepting “trans men” into feminism, since they are, you know, women. It’s the TIMs they don’t want.

( Spencer_Shayy )
I don't call myself a feminist. It's become so androcentric that I'm embarrassed to be affiliated with it. I prefer "women's libber".

But I like her statement about the three groups because she's right, even if we call them something different. Too many GCers are trying to compromise with trans activists. Placating men is literally why feminism is in such a sorry state.

These people hate you for being female. Their whole ideology ("transgender") is the result of misogyny. They constantly wish us all raped and killed for not validating, supporting, or agreeing with them.

Why do you think making concessions and being diplomatic will change this? Has that EVER changed mens behavior towards women?

( syntaxerror )
I guess technically the TRAs would refer to me as a TERF but that term has long been watered down from its original meaning. They call right wing men TERFs now.

I am not a radical feminist. I am a feminist for sure, but as I’ve said here before I disagree with a few views that can be classified as “radfem” so I would refer to myself as GC if I was required to identify that type of political thinking. But idk I qualify as a TERF with the way the word has shifted so who knows at this point.

BlackCirce #transphobia

GC Purity Politics: A Threat to Unity? - by Noray

I don’t want to go line by line but I don’t know how useful the concept of purity politics is for women. Purity is bad for men and good for women, because women are already too accommodating to interests that conflict with our own.

Politics is about power and when it comes to the trans issue radical feminists are in the weakest position. That’s how we got routed to begin with and it makes sense for radical feminists to be wary of big-tentism because it didn’t serve us in the past. The religious right is in a better position to fight trans because they have more money and clout. “Terfs” are on the very outside of our natural ally group which are far leftists. Collaboration with the religious right is going to cost us something and them nothing. This doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be done, beggars can’t be choosers and all that. But it should be acknowledged.

It becomes increasingly difficult to defend GC movements as progressive or pro-woman when people hold increasing tolerance, or platform fascists on a regular basis.

Why does the charge of fascism always come from the left towards us? The “antifascist” left sends men to punch elderly lesbians and gays, sporting shirts that say “a million dead terfs” and shit like that. I hate men who are against abortion and think women’s proper role is in the home just as much as the next RF, but right now, they are not threatening to kill me, “antifascist” leftists are. Abortion is still legal in my state. But I can’t meet with other women and protest on behalf of lesbians. I can’t say women are adult human females or risk my job or even my life. Again I can’t stand conservative men and I’ve never considered them my friends or allies, but the handwringing about “gender critical fascism” turning away women who openly praise left wing men who write fantasies about raping and murdering lesbians and RFs as justified resistance is goofy. These are the same women who march on behalf of Hamas and Hizbollah… they clearly can handle a little diversity of opinion in the movement.


J. K. Rowling #transphobia

I asked a lefty straight man I know (this is irl) whether he was aware how many penised ‘lesbians’ are involved in the push to access female spaces. The subject made him incredibly uncomfortable. He simply didn’t want to hear it. I then asked him whether he knew what his straight male friends wanted from women in the bedroom, kink/sex wise. Horrified look: ‘no, of course I bloody don’t.’

I said to him that if you put 100 straight and bi women of our age and average sexual experience in a room together, they could write an authoritative compendium on straight male kink in an afternoon, from their own direct experience or that of women they know. I said I presumed he knew that a cross-dressing fetish is one of the most common paraphilias in heterosexual men and that this has been in the psychological literature since Freud.

I cannot overstate how little he wanted to talk about this, let alone acknowledge that any of it was real and happening. I don’t know whether it was the idea that women actually talk about what they meet in the bedroom that touched a nerve, or whether he found the whole subject ick, or didn’t like the suggestion that he was naive or poorly informed, but the impression given was that I was depraved to say such things aloud, and that he’d much prefer a seemly silence.

Boskov01 #homophobia #elitist #fundie

It's why I proudly display the hashtag #NotAnAlly in my profiles, because we were warned, loudly, repeatedly, what allowing gay marriage to become legal would lead to. The Slippery Slope was proven true. I defy anyone to prove me wrong. The argument was that they'd come for our children, and here we are, fighting tooth and nail to try and protect our kids from being mutilated or groomed by these sick bastards!

Yeah, you have the ones that just want to live their lives, but they do nothing to police and stop the pedophiles and child mutilators. When we started calling out the groomers that wanted to dance in front of kids, the groomers went and hid behind a pride flag, pointing at us and screaming "Homophobes!" rallying the rest of the alphabet mob against us.

And do I need to mention things like the Hogwarts Legacy controversy, where innocent people like Pikamee/Henya got bullied and harassed by the troons and their supporters? It's shit like that, that only turns more people against them.

But like I say, we were warned what would happen. And it's not like we had much choice once Obergfell came down from SCOTUS. God willing though, we'll get a SCOTUS one day in the future that'll overturn Obergfell so that then we can move to ban and outlaw the alphabets once again, to bring us back to sanity and decency again.

And history shows that day is likely to come sooner than some of us believe. Just like when the Roman Empire fell, the alphabet nonsense that was running rampant in their day, saw a hard snap back to morality and decency, sending the alphabets screaming back into the closet for nearly 2000 years. And America is tracking just like the Roman Empire is in its decline. It's only a matter of time.

However, I will say that it does feel like this year's pride month was more subdued and mellow by comparison to last year. I suspect the troons got such a huge backlash to their disgusting behavior that they toned it down to avoid the headlines highlighting their disgusting behavior. Plus it's an election year and they probably realize that their degeneracy is going to cost the Democrats votes. We'll see what happens next June. After all, troon acceptance has been in steady decline as of late. So hopefully the alphabet sickness will be coming to an end before we know it.

Noose #homophobia #pratt #ableist

Despite there indeed being several sources for faggotry, they nevertheless always come down to choice. Regardless of the origins of faggotry, it is in the end unified by its nature as degenerate behavior. You can thus equate it to a vice. Faggotry must be treated as a vice and not as a social group. Vices have to be overcome, or else you’re just a degenerate. That’s why by and large, regardless of the roots of faggotry, it becomes a choice of either indulging in it or denying it – so it is always a choice. Just like how one has a choice not to eat themselves into a hamplanet, but if they do so it betrays a weakness of character, weakness of will, lack of integrity and ultimately selfish and narcissistic behavior.

So what if you are “born that way“? Either get treatment or simply overcome it by sheer will-power. Psychological disorder? Same thing. Perversion? Fucking stop it. This ultimately comes down to the subject of one’s inherent inferiority and the test of Free Will.

If the choice was out of their hands (forced labor, slavery, forced exercising) the material change would follow, because all of that is merely material and subject to changeability. But as soon as you let them off that leash their weak spirit will surrender to material desires. What makes them inferior is their inherent nature, their weak spirit. That is what you are born with, everything else simply follows from there. There are those of strong will who succumb to degeneracy all the same, as it is hard to escape the decay of the world around us, but it is possible. It is easy to fall from grace and it is hard to climb back up, but for the inferior there are no options.

That is the Test of Free Will, which exists only for those who have strong spirit and strong will, they are given a choice: succumb or overcome.


C.A Skeet #homophobia #transphobia #fundie

Drag queens and drag shows are intentionally targeting children. Some of these drag queens have turned out to be registered sex offenders. But even if they weren't, nobody, neither gay nor straight, has made a convincing argument as to why drag queens or drag shows are appropriate for kindergarteners. Rather than make such an argument, drag shows simply use armed Antifa brownshirts to protect their exhibitions in child predation.

Is this what you're proud of?

You who are so brave in donning priests' and nuns' gear to mock Christians would never dream of doing so to Muslims, whose compatriots are doing far worse to gays today than the meanest Christians ever did to gays, at any time in the history of their religion. Your "pride" seems inversely proportionate to the reasonable expectation of violence derived from its expression. The less the threat from your "enemy," the more "pride" you rub their faces in. Nuns don't shoot up gay nightclubs in Florida or hang you from cranes in Tehran, so it's safe to make fun of them.

And you'll notice that Queers for Palestine does not have fellow travelers in Jihadists for Gays. Nor will it ever. This alliance of convenience ends one way and one way only.

Is this what you're proud of?

Women's sports face the challenge of mediocre male athletes who never would have blipped on anyone's radar but are now shattering women's records, stealing women's scholarships, and breaking women's bones. In the darker corners of all-gender safe spaces, they are raping teenage girls. This is all happening under the protection of the LGBTQ banner.

Is this what you're proud of?

Wait, what's that you say? You never intended for pedophiles, rapists, misogynists, and little punk totalitarians to hijack the gay rights movement? Guess what? They did exactly that.

You can argue (and I would agree with you) that these ne'er-do-wells have piggybacked you with their own selfish and perverse agendas. But your movement's leadership (with noble exceptions) has fully embraced them out of fear of social cancellation or a sincere and dogmatically fanatical delusion that the traditional nuclear family, free market capitalism, and Western civilization are existential threats that must be annihilated at all costs and that this justifies defending the worst excesses of misogynists and sexual predators. To make an omelet...

Earsel Bill #wingnut #sexist #transphobia #homophobia

Shew I get how this kind of humor isn’t productive, but at the same time the world really is too damn woke…I can tell just from playing games, and that’s a problem. Between the ugly ass women in Mortal Kombat, the changed dialogue in MARIO games, yes Mario games, and the….lets just say situation in SpiderMan 2…..ugh I’m so tired of the constant political mind set of both fuckin parties, liberals AND conservatives….like, omg I’d give just about anything if Obama and Trump BOTH were never a thing….mostly Trump, but seriously I’m tired of politics being so out of control that you can’t play a damn game without being reminded of it

BlackCirce , justanothernastywoman & syntaxerror #transphobia

Doctor is suspended for refusing to use transgender patient's preferred pronouns - during argument about danger of sex change drugs | Daily Mail Online

( BlackCirce )
This is why the “evil money hungry doctors vs innocent unsuspecting patients” narrative framing is inaccurate. The patients are demanding this treatment against the will of the physicians and doing the most to punish the doctors who say no.

( justanothernastywoman )
The surgeons who do SRS are definitely money-hungry and evil, especially the ones who perform elective surgeries on children, but you're right, the adults demanding these treatments aren't innocent. They're mentally disturbed and delusional.

It's absolutely sick that someone who spent hundreds of thousands of dollars training in school for 8+ years to be a doctor can be suspended for not affirming delusions. Should psychiatrists affirm the delusions of schizophrenia patients, too?

( syntaxerror )
I agree that most (if not all) surgeons in western societies, particularly America and the UK are being forced into this way of practicing medicine on threat of losing their livelihood they spent a decade to work towards and that they’re being told the science is “settled” on the affirmation model, despite what they’re witnessing. We should absolutely be more understanding to the average doctor. I think their hands are tied in a lot of cases, and the ones that do bravely speak out are being silenced and getting serious consequences.

That being said, the surgeons who agree to operate on healthy minors deserve to lose their license at a minimum. No one’s forcing them to do that. And honestly, even surgeons who operate on adults (who often have several mental illnesses) need to be heavily scrutinized as well.

Grazy Girl and Éric Zemmour #racist

An anti-migrant electro-dance song titled Je Partira Pas (I won’t leave) has taken French social media by storm, despite efforts to ban it

The track, credited to an artist named Grazy Girl, first aired on June 21 during the Fête de la Musique (Music Day) in France

The song quickly went viral on social media platform TikTok, amassing a large following and hitting 47,000 views in three days[…]
TikTok’s bans have not deterred users from re-uploading the track manually. Consequently, it has spread to other social media platforms such as X and YouTube

The SOS Racism organisation filed a complaint against the song on June 27 for “provocation to racial hatred”

Dominique Sopo, President of SOS Racism, highlighted that the lyrics specifically targeted people of Arab or Muslim origin, exemplified by terms including “djellaba” (kaftan) and “Fatma” (an Arabic girl’s name meaning “baby’s nurse”)

The organisation urged the platforms the song appears on to delete them and called on the relevant authorities to take immediate action to have the content removed from those that did not do so and to punish the authors

Right-wing supporters in France have fuelled the song’s popularity[…]
Prominent hard-right public figures have shared the song, labelling it “the hit of the summer”

French hard-right party Reconquête President Eric Zemmour posted a video of himself dancing to the track on X[…]
The anti-migrant anthem also features lyrics such as “good riddance – and don’t come back. As you come, you will leave!”

Michael Dargaville #ufo #moonbat #wingnut #conspiracy

My vision to help change the planet is to create a template for the perfect commune or intentional community.

Communes offer a solution as an oasis and sanctuary away from the multinational corporations who rule the planet and destroy nation sovereignty.

Communes offer genuine food security, free housing, free food, organic libertarian socialism, decentralised people’s democracy, natural medical care, beautiful organic foods and freedom.

My vision is the land is owned by governments (and the people collectively OWN the government) or public ownership so no land could be bought and sold. Alternatively options would be available where the land could be privately owned by a collective trust and this is indeed already happening widely around the world. Yet government owned or people owned or publicly owned commune land is based on the notion of pure libertarian socialism.
Many of those who know my journalism have read my stories about these benevolent human aliens/ETs called the Galactic Federation.

For 25 years I have been urging governments, countries and people to join the benevolent human Galactic Federation aliens who surround this planet in their spaceships.

Many advanced human alien/ET civilizations of the Galactic Federation across the galaxy use communes. COMMUNES ARE ABSOLUTELY USED EXTENSIVELY IN THESE CIVILIZATIONS.

The Galactic Federation want a world government based on sacred nation sovereignty and peace, somewhere near the borders of China and India, with China’s Sichuan being an ideal location.
The Galactic Federation saved Earth from negative reptilian reptoid alien destruction in 1999 and have been here ever since urging full alien official disclosure. We cannot join the federation until a world government is implemented based on nation sovereignty and this planet will be destroyed by these bad reptilian reptoid aliens if we don’t.

Peter B. Meyer #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy

No roads or airports, just plasma

Why were there no roads or airports in Tartaria and the Old World?

There are many Tartarian remains buried under the Mud Flood that are being discovered all over the world, but there is not a single concrete road or airport runway that could have been used to transport people and goods!

The reason there were no concrete roads, rail tracks and runways in the Old World was because people and goods were not transported by trains, cars or planes, but by a high-tech electric plasma portal.

Digging deeper down the rabbit hole, one might wonder what else we might stumble upon in terms of Old World high technology!

By the way, did you know that it is cheaper and easier to build a Plasma Portal machine than a car?

The good thing about travelling through Plasma Portal machines is that you get to your destination instantly, 100% safely and free of charge, instead of travelling by car, train, plane or otherwise!

Imagine how much environmental impact would have been avoided if we had Plasma Portal travel today.
On the other side of the ice wall of the North Pole, in the land of Hyperborea, people travel mainly by portals, among a few other high-tech means of transport, 100% safe and free.

Hyperborea beyond the Arctic Circle was the land of our great divine ancestors and is still on maps in the 16th century before it was invaded by the Deep State cabal.

The Church created a flawed theory of our solar system and blessed all wars and heinous crimes to kill the human spirit.
All this mentioned in this article and many others from the past is the true world. Whereas the world we live in today is superficial because it has been transformed into the most primitive way of life of the Stone Age

All aspects of life have been developed using advanced technology and manipulated to alter how we connect to our true Self through our DNA.

Clif High #crackpot #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy

We are at the very END of the Fiat Federal Reserve Note (a debt instrument) aka the 'dollar' system.

As this crashes further this year and next, the economy will shrink back to favor those people who actually produce goods, those people who are ‘makers’.

These makers are the core of any economic system. Ultimately ALL economic systems come back to the farmers, and ‘excess calories’ which is what provides the civilization, the ‘carry power’ to go another year without collapse.

Side note: thus the huge amount of energy put into trying to collapse our food system by the Elohim worship cult.

Ultimately, all power goes back to excess calories. If there is famine, and starvation, there is NO social order. There is NO effective power structure.
It is my premise here that, within the collapse of the FRN/Dollar, will emerge a great cleansing of the social order here in USA, as well as a re-balancing of the political power, with much of that power returning to the Makers/Doers of our society.
As we work our way back into known, and yet to be translated, ancient literature, we will come to understand the ‘economic’ model of the Elohim which, like ours to some extent, was built on excess calories and the ability to carry their civilization forward to the next year.

Unfortunately for humans, we ARE their excess calories.

The economic model practiced by the Elohim, at its core, evolved to that of locating new resources, exploiting those resources, and then moving on to locate more, new resources.

The Elohim had shifted their entire social order away from being their own makers/doers, over to exploiting the makers from other species. Their economic model is based on, and consists of, space slavery.
Means we have to discard all the grit based fake science though. Get prepared to do a total rebuild on your understanding of physics, and humans.

We are coming out of bondage! Freedom and the expanse of the Matterium await!

Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy

In a recent academic paper, Harvard University professors proposed the existence of cryptoterrestrials as a valid explanation for the origin of the UFO phenomenon. Rather than extraterrestrials arriving from distant exoplanets on superluminal spacecraft, the explanation for UFOs now shifts to cryptoterrestrials who are living under Earth’s surface and oceans. The authors speculate that cryptoterrestrials are survivors from very ancient civilizations that achieved a high-level of technological sophistication, before disappearing under the Earth’s surface during cataclysmic surface events.

There is abundant historical evidence pointing to the existence of crypoterrestrials and their interaction with surface humanity during cataclysmic events. Hopi legends tell of an underground race of Ant People helping native Americans to escape the transition and travel into different worlds, while similar accounts are found in various cultures. However, in the modern era, the emphasis has shifted to UAPs as an unknown national security threat. The US Congress, the military/intelligence community, and an increasing number of world officials go to great lengths to justify their interest in UAPs as an important national security concern.

Why the sudden shift in narrative to UFOs are a national security threat, and cryptoterrestrials are behind it? Why has the US Congress taken steps to reintroduce the military draft for men and women between the ages of18-26?

In his next webinar, Dr. Michael Salla presents a disturbing picture of how the Deep State is preparing a false flag alien event, not using extraterrestrials from distant worlds, but cryptoterrestrials from beneath Earth’s surface as the culprit. Most alarmingly, he will provide extensive data on the many thousands, if not millions, of cloned alien life forms already created in Deep Underground Military Bases which are likely to be used in staging a false flag cryptoterrestrial event.

Date: July 27, 2024

Cost: $35

SaLuSa of Sirius via Neva Gabriel #ufo #magick #conspiracy

The campaign to discredit many of you, Lightworkers, continues from those who still operate in the dark. And this, has greatly affected your emotions and your belief in yourselves and in your own potential. Certainly, your souls have already been prepared for such delicate clashes as these in recent times, especially in the last three months.

Don’t be frightened or emphasize disturbing feelings and thoughts, because they will stop as soon as possible. Remember the Christ who, in His temptations in the desert, was challenged in his faith. Take inspiration from Him and you will see how prepared you .

You have asked for help from the heavens, and it is being sent. By the end of this current month, you will perceive an aura of peace and harmony and everything returning to its rightful place. Trust that the work you have chosen to do is magnifying and the help you are receiving to fulfill, with honor, your pre-planned destinies will not be lacking.
Many portals have been closed in recent times and, in retaliation, those who worship black magic have turned against our allies on the surface: you. And they have prepared attacks against you. They know that they can no longer interfere with your free will, because time has stopped where there were such possibilities.
You may ask us why we haven’t descended as we’ve been announcing for some time. It’s important to emphasize that our descents are in stages and, right now, we are already in your low orbit and in full control of the non-confederate bases that previously existed there and were used as surface attack antennas. And we have done everything we can to help you on your great journey.
I am SaLuSa of Sirius, and as the Spokesperson for the Galactic Federation, and as I have said before, I reinforce our support for all of you. And we rejoice that this long-awaited event for the last 26,000 years is approaching.
Selatherin A-al Arjaten!

(In Sirian: Because Yes. We Are All ONE!)

Donald ♥ Ivanka Award

for the creepiest parent

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia

At 13 my daughter’s body had blossomed into something truly beautiful. She was perfectly proportioned, with lovely breasts and emerging curves that gave her body a classically balanced profile aligned to our western culture’s standard definition of an attractive female.


For reasons that are still not clear to me, at 19 she suddenly began the nightmare of disowning her own body. It started with binding, and then testosterone, and now at 23, her determination to get a double mastectomy. Looking back at those years before the nightmare began, I now realize I should have taken a path completely opposite than the one I did. I should have turned her into a fighter.

I should have given her the mission of protecting her sacred body. I would have told her that men, women, and even well-meaning people, even some so-called professionals and medical providers, might want to tamper with her body — some would want to touch it, and some would try to touch it without her permission. Some would ogle it, stare at it, some might try to penetrate it without her permission. Some would obsess about it, and others would try to convince her to alter its essential integrity with drugs, chemicals, hormones and removal of healthy body parts. I would have told her not to let anyone touch or tamper with her beautiful body without her permission.

Ken Ham #conspiracy #wingnut

When it comes to the Bible, we need to understand that it is primarily a book of history, spiritual, and moral matters. It’s God’s history book to us. In a way, we could say it’s God’s textbook of historical science. However, the Bible also deals with geology, biology, astronomy, and so on. And when it deals with these topics, we can trust it as it’s God’s Word. And unlike “science” textbooks in public schools, it never changes.

What we can do is use observational science to see if experiments and observations in the present confirm the history God reveals in geology, biology, archaeology, etc. And the Bible’s history is confirmed over and over again as we’ve shown in many articles on our websites, in our magazines, in presentations, and in books, etc.

Because the historical science (the “earthly things”) in the Bible is true, the moral and spiritual teachings based in that history are true. Christianity is based on real history, the history God recorded for us in his Word—the Bible. Evolution and millions of years are false history.
9:11 PM · Jun 29, 2024 · 5,053 Views
39 Reposts 190 Likes 4 Bookmarks

SfcMac #elitist

Union thugs have a habit of assaulting anyone who confronts their corruption. They harass businesses for the “crime” of backing the “wrong” political candidate, they show off their frothing hatred, racism, and bat-shit crazy behavior when they gather in mobs, and they’re teaching these methods in college.

That’s the way they operate. Intimidation, assault, arson, threats, and murder. Unions started out with an anarchist/socialist agenda, ended up with bed with the mafia, and went downhill from there. The leaders spend member’s dues to suit their own political agendas, and line their pockets. So much for looking out for the “working class”. And they wonder why their membership has plummeted.

Marine Le Pen #racist #conspiracy #wingnut

[See this quote]

The Envoyé Spécial report broadcast Thursday evening on France 2 continues to provoke reactions within the political class. This report, filmed in Montargis (Loiret), with a view to the legislative elections, highlighted a tense neighborhood situation involving supporters of the National Rally (RN)

In an interview published on Saturday June 22 in La Voix du Nord, Marine Le Pen, RN candidate in the 11th constituency of Pas-de-Calais, defended the comments made by a white couple of RN sympathizers towards their neighbor, a black caregiver, Divine Kinkela. The couple used the expression “go to the doghouse”, which Marine Le Pen does not consider racist. She criticizes the Envoyé Spécial report, calling the program "ultra-politicized on the far left" and criticizes the media for not reporting that Divine Kinkela is, according to her, a communist activist with pan-African supremacist beliefs

Marine Le Pen goes on to say that "the question is whether 'go to your niche' is not a popular expression of people who hate each other." She emphasizes that the interpretation of these remarks as being racist is linked to the skin color of the victim, which she finds scandalous. She concludes by accusing the report of leading public opinion to believe that the RN's coming to power would lead to racist behavior

The report shows Divine Kinkela, living in France for 30 years, suffering insults from her neighbors. The man of the couple accuses “the Mustapha, the whatever you want” of “not respecting the customs of France”. His companion, whose face is blurred, takes the caregiver to task by telling her: “We do what we want, we are at home. Go to the doghouse!"

Pierre-Nicolas Nups #racist

A far-Right election candidate in France is facing prosecution for unveiling an election poster reading: 'Let's give white children a future

The slogan is accompanied by an image of a blond-haired, blue-eyed boy, and is in support of Pierre-Nicolas Nups of the Parti de la France (Party of France)

Pascal Schneider, the mayor of Neuves-Maisons near Nancy and one of the biggest towns in the constituency, said: 'This poster is nothing more or less than a rag that sullies the city, the canton, the entire department

Mr Schneider said he had filed a legal complaint with public prosecutors, claiming the poster whips up racist hate

But Mr Nups, who is standing in the 5th constituency of the eastern Meurthe-et-Moselle department, said in retort: 'I approved this poster. It is neither sectarian nor exclusive

'On the contrary, it delivers a positive message, a message of hope for our youth, and nothing else. And if anyone sees anything else in it, it would be a malicious interpretation'[…]
The Parti de la France is an offshoot of the Front National, founded by supporters of Jean Marie Le Pen, but candidates such as Mr Schneider are not being endorsed by the RN

[Below is the poster depicting a blond white boy with the slogan “LEt’s give white whilcren a future”]

Timothy Alberino and Dr Michael Salla #crackpot #ufo #fundie #magick

Book of Enoch, Fallen Angels, ETs and Cryptoterrestrials

Timothy Alberino has provided an introduction and commentary in a newly released compendium to the three books of Enoch that has co-edited. Contrary to conventional archeological scholarship, he asserts that the first Book of Enoch (aka Ethiopian Book of Enoch) predates Sumerian cuneiform and Egyptian hieroglyphic texts. Alberino believes that Enoch 1 provides an accurate historical account of a pre-diluvial world that used advanced technologies before being overtaken by cataclysmic events associated with the Great Flood approximately 9600 years ago.

He claims that the Fallen Angels, aka Watchers, precipitated the Great Flood and events that led to their destruction along with other civilizations such as Atlantis, as discussed by Plato. Alberino believes that Book of Enoch references to the “Son of Man” refer to a future Messiah (Jesus of Nazareth) that would deliver humanity rather than an individual that has ascended to a higher state of consciousness through advanced training in Egyptian mystery schools and similar mystical traditions in other parts of the world. He points out that the Crypoterrestrial Hypothesis which has gained greater prominence over the last decade, may be related to Deep State plans to conduct a false flag UFO event using hybrid beings bred on Earth and in Deep Underground Military Bases rather than off-world alien visitors.

George Kavassilas and Dr Michael Salla #ufo #crackpot #magick #god-complex #conspiracy

Extraterrestrial Contact and the Fractal Nature of the Universal Heart Soul Essence

In 2003, George Kavassilas had a life-changing experience with a group of extraterrestrials from Sirius, Arcturus, and Lyra star systems, whom he deems his galactic family. He says that after being transported from a Sirian scout ship to a larger mothership with many races on board, he had an out-of-body experience where his consciousness went on a journey where he encountered the fractal nature of all reality. Kavassilas’ out of body experience propelled him into a new understanding of one’s soul essence as a fractal of a much larger universal consciousness. He believes that the human avatar body is unique insofar as we can experience the full fractal nature of our universe and the more expansive omniverse, while other extraterrestrials can only do so partially.

One year later, Kavassilas was abducted by an agency within the Pentagon responsible for tracking individuals who have had extraterrestrial contact or profound physical frequency charges. He says he met with former US President George H.W. Bush, and was tortured and experienced mind wipes. After his 2003 experience he accepted an ambassadorial position with what he called the Galactic Confederation of Light for a couple of years, but has since stopped working directly with any extraterrestrial organization.

Kavassilas asserts that while there are both positive and negative extraterrestrial organizations, they all to varying degrees ultimately promote an imperial project. This has led to him focusing his energies on helping individuals integrate the fractal nature of their heart soul essence with the universe. Nevertheless, he believes that individuals can benefit from positive extraterrestrial organizations, as he did, and encourages individuals to be open to all possibilities as we enter tumultuous End Times.

Anonymous Coward #86611836 #crackpot

The Matriarchal Age is now Favorable by Divine Edict

It is interchangeable in nature to the millennial reign that is governed by the Bride.

The Matriarch is not defined by biological gender but by principles of nature and order.

Think in terms of the laws of physics, the laws of nature and the laws of the land.

The Patriarchal Age ended in April and the Matriarch was by divine edict favored in June. The Matriarchal Age will be established at the time of the millennial reign or about.

The Patriarchal Age came to the end of its mathematical thought which produced binary code and its implements which required a lot of fast-food restaurants and waste to get the job done.

The millennial reign at a very fundamental level will be the very beginning of earth being a type 1 civilization.

Whatever is oxymoron to a type 1 civilization will not persist.

Welcome to the new era !

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