/* Process this file into a graph using `dot -Tsvg quote.gv > quote.svg`. */
digraph moomin_quote {
subgraph introduction {
introduction_wall_of_text [label="Jewish \"intellectuals\", fueled by their resentment towards Europe\nand Christianity, create the Frankfurt School with the intention\nof destroying Western culture to bring down Capitalism and create\na Marxist revolution\n((USEFUL IDIOTS))",shape=polygon,sides=4];
subgraph conspiracy {
weimar -> intellectuals [label="spawns"];
intellectuals -> frankfurt_school [label="create"];
communist_revolution -> soviet_union [label="creates"];
soviet_union -> frankfurt_school [label="finances"];
frankfurt_school -> social_science_faculties [label="takes over"];
soviet_union_wall_of_text [label="Soviet intelligence spent only 25% of its budget on espionage while 75%\nwent to subversion. They funded the Frankfurt School with the explicit\nintention of destroying and subverting Western culture.\n((GEOPOLITICAL THREAT))",shape=polygon,sides=4];
soviet_union_wall_of_text -> soviet_union [weight=100,style=invis];
social_science_faculties -> progressivism [label="model"];
progressivism -> traditions [label="attacks"];
traditions -> religion [label="such as"];
traditions -> family [label="such as"];
traditions -> nation [label="such as"];
traditions -> property [label="such as"];
property -> welfare_state [label="using"];
nation -> mass_immigration [label="using"];
family -> gender_roles [label="as in"];
family -> marriage [label="as in"];
religion -> chastity [label="as in"];
religion -> marriage [label="as in"];
marriage -> high_divorce_rates [label="causing"];
chastity -> single_parenthood [label="causing"];
single_parenthood -> broken_families [label="causing"];
broken_families -> crime [label="causing"];
high_divorce_rates -> broken_families [label="causing"];
gender_roles -> low_birth_rates [label="causing"];
low_birth_rates -> mass_immigration [label="being the excuse for"];
gender_roles -> cheap_labour;
welfare_state -> budget_deficit [label="causing"];
budget_deficit -> taking_debt [label="leading to"];
taking_debt -> international_banks [label="giving power to"];
international_banks -> corporations;
corporations -> mass_media [label="who control"];
mass_media -> progressivism [label="who push"];
budget_deficit -> printing_money [label="leading to"];
printing_money -> inflation [label="causing"];
budget_deficit -> raising_taxes [label="leading to"];
raising_taxes -> shrinking_middle_class [label="causing"];
budget_deficit -> social_security_crisis [label="causing"];
social_security_crisis -> mass_immigration [label="being the excuse for"];
mass_immigration -> affirmative_action [label="installing"];
welfare_state -> welfare_cliffs [label="causing"];
mass_immigration -> crime [label="increasing"];
mass_immigration -> cheap_labour;
cheap_labour -> corporations [label="giving wealth to"];
economics_wall_of_text [label="Conditions like dysgenics, poverty and lack of social cohesion\nreduce the ability of the population to revert the situation. It is a\nself-perpetuating system. The system is aided at all levels by political corruption and useful idiots.\n((LOGICAL RESULT OF CAPITALISM AS A GOAL INSTEAD OF\nCAPITALISM AS A TOOL))",shape=polygon,sides=4];
cheap_labour -> economics_wall_of_text [weight=100,style=invis];
taking_debt -> economics_wall_of_text [weight=100,style=invis];
social_science_faculties -> positivist_crisis [label="undergo"];
positivist_crisis -> scientific_method [label="replaces"];
scientific_method -> critical_theory [label="with"];
critical_theory -> relativism [label="aids"];
critical_theory -> political_correctness [label="spawns"];
political_correctness -> taboo_research [label="attacks"];
political_correctness -> newspeak [label="similar to"];
taboo_research -> biological_differences [label="such as"];
relativism -> empiricism [label="attacks"];
relativism -> common_sense [label="attacks"];
science_wall_of_text [label="Do not trust common sense and empiric evidence\n\"Intellectuals\" know better. They are \"scientists\" (even though\nthey have never followed - and attacked - the scientific method) after all!\n((USEFUL IDIOTS))",shape=polygon,sides=4];
biological_differences -> science_wall_of_text [weight=100,style=invis];
empiricism -> science_wall_of_text [weight=10,style=invis];
Transcriptionist Note
To avoid having to hand label every single node, I made all the nodes lowercase.
In the original chart, the nodes are title case, and only the edges are lowercase.
weimar [label="weimar republic"];
intellectuals [label="\"intellectuals\""];
frankfurt_school [label="frankfurt school"];
communist_revolution [label="communist revolution"];
soviet_union [label="soviet union"];
social_science_faculties [label="social science faculties"];
positivist_crisis [label="positivist crisis"];
single_parenthood [label="single parenthood"];
welfare_state [label="welfare state"];
mass_immigration [label="mass immigration"];
gender_roles [label="gender roles"];
high_divorce_rates [label="high divorce rates"];
broken_families [label="broken families"];
low_birth_rates [label="low birth rates"];
cheap_labour [label="cheap labour"];
scientific_method [label="scientific method"];
political_correctness [label="political correctness"];
taboo_research [label="taboo research"];
biological_differences [label="biological differences"];
common_sense [label="common sense"];
budget_deficit [label="budget deficit"];
taking_debt [label="taking debt"];
international_banks [label="international banks"];
mass_media [label="mass media"];
printing_money [label="printing money"];
raising_taxes [label="raising taxes"];
shrinking_middle_class [label="shrinking middle class"];
social_security_crisis [label="social security crisis"];
welfare_cliffs [label="welfare cliffs"];
affirmative_action [label="affirmative action"];
critical_theory [label="critical theory"];
progressivism [label=<<U>progressivism</U>>];
religion [label=<<B>religion</B>>];
family [label=<<B>family</B>>];
nation [label=<<B>nation</B>>];
property [label=<<B>property</B>>];
subgraph conclusion_preamble {
Transcriptionist Note
The last part of the chart, at the bottom, is the hardest.
It seems like the original author just sort of gave up on actually making it a graph, and just stuck their last few bullet points in
nodes at the bottom that weren't connected to anything.
keyword_stuffing [label="Military Spending... computers, internet, satellites, moon, global hegemony\nWelfare Spending... dysgenics, poverty, crime",shape=polygon,sides=4];
resulting_in_conclusion [label="RESULTING IN..................................................",shape=plaintext];
resulting_in_conclusion -> keyword_stuffing [weight=100,style=invis];
resulting_in_conclusion -> lacking_community_trust [style=invis];
resulting_in_conclusion -> poverty [style=invis];
resulting_in_conclusion -> dysgenics [style=invis];
lacking_community_trust [label="lacking community trust"];
subgraph conclusion {
conclusion [label="Democracy may be blamed but the real problem is the representative system. Had immigration been subjected\nto a democratic vote, it would have been halted in all Western nations decades ago. Even if such vote was carried out today, immigration would be halted.",shape=polygon,sides=4];
edge[ style = invis ];
introduction_wall_of_text -> weimar;
science_wall_of_text -> keyword_stuffing;
economics_wall_of_text -> resulting_in_conclusion;
mass_media -> { lacking_community_trust, poverty, dysgenics, keyword_stuffing};
lacking_community_trust -> conclusion;
resulting_in_conclusion -> conclusion;